
This document is intended as a reference guide for Liferay Portal 4.0. It is still a work in progress and currently at Release Candidate 1. Contributions are welcome. Please email to provide documents that you have written and would like to contribute back to the community. Topic suggestions are also welcome.

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Mailing List: Subscribe or Browse Please search through the mailing list first if you have an issue.

The mailing list contains a lot of information because we've been using it for many years. However, its threading is limited and does not allow you to continue a conversation that started a few months ago. We've switched to user forums so the community can have a better place to discuss their experiences with Liferay.

If you find a bug or have a new feature request, please post it on our tracker.

We also offer professional support services where your company can be assigned a Liferay developer that will ensure that your questions are answered promptly so that your project is never compromised. Purchased support always gets first priority. This business model allows us to build a company that can contribute a great portal to the open source community.

If your company uses Liferay, please consider purchasing support. Liferay has an extremely liberal license model (MIT, very similar to Apache and BSD), which means you can rebundle Liferay, rename it, and sell it under your name. We believe free means you can do whatever you want with it. Our only source of revenue is from professional support and consulting.