Liferay Portal 4 - Installation Guide

Joseph Shum

Alexander Chow

Jorge Ferrer

Release Candidate 1

Revision History
Revision Updated:Thursday, November 27th, 2006

Table of Contents

1. Installation options
2. Installing a Liferay Bundle
1. Quick installation
2. Database configuration
3. Mail configuration
3. Detailed installation procedure
1. Application Servers
1.1. Borland ES 6.5
1.2. Geronimo
1.3. GlassFish
1.4. JBoss+Jetty 4.0.2
1.5. JBoss+Tomcat 4.0.2
1.6. Jetty 5.1.4
1.7. JFox
1.8. JOnAS+Jetty 4.4.3
1.9. JOnAS+Tomcat 4.4.3
1.10. JRun 4 Updater 3
1.11. OracleAS 10.1.2
1.12. Orion 2.0.6
1.13. Pramati 4.1
1.14. Resin 3.0.14
1.15. RexIP 2.5
1.16. Sun JSAS 8.01
1.17. Tomcat 5.0.x/5.5.x
1.18. WebLogic 8.1 SP4
1.19. WebSphere
1.20. WebSphere 5.1
2. Databases
2.1. DB2
2.2. Firebird
2.3. Hypersonic
2.4. InterBase
2.5. JDataStore
2.6. MySQL
2.7. Oracle
2.8. PostgreSQL
2.9. SAP
2.10. SQL Server
3. Mail Servers
3.1. Washington IMAP+Sendmail
3.2. Cyrus IMAP+Postfix
3.3. Dovecot+Postfix
3.4. Microsoft Exchange
4. LDAP Integration
1. Installing Apache Directory Server
2. Installing LDAP Browser
3. Inputting User in LDAP Browser
4. Integration
5. Upgrade notes
1. Portlet and theme ids
6. Conclusion