Liferay 6.0.5

Package com.liferay.util.bridges.jsf.common

Class Summary
ActionOutcomes This class provides a set of string constants that describe typical outcomes from JSF actions.
FacesMessageUtil This class provides static convenience methods for creating FacesMessage objects from locale-specific values in the Liferay file, and adding them to the FacesContext either globally, or to individual components.
LanguageManagedBean This class serves as a bridge between the JSF Expression Language (EL) and Liferay's resource bundle.
SelectItemList This class provides a convenient way of building lists of JSF SelectItem objects, and convenience method for operating against them.
ThemeDisplayManagedBean This class is designed to be a convenient JSF managed bean that can be used to get portal related information (such as the user's time zone).

Liferay 6.0.5