Liferay 6.1.2-ce-ga3

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ClassedModel
com.liferay.counter.model This package defines the portal counter model interfaces, classes, and wrappers. 
com.liferay.portal.model This package defines the portal model interfaces, classes, utilities, wrappers, and annotated types. 
com.liferay.portal.model.impl This package defines the portal model implementation base classes. 
com.liferay.portal.repository.proxy This package defines the portal repository proxy beans. 

Uses of ClassedModel in com.liferay.counter.model

Subinterfaces of ClassedModel in com.liferay.counter.model
 interface Counter
          The extended model interface for the Counter service.
 interface CounterModel
          The base model interface for the Counter service.

Classes in com.liferay.counter.model that implement ClassedModel
 class CounterWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Counter.

Uses of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portal.kernel.lar

Methods in com.liferay.portal.kernel.lar with parameters of type ClassedModel
 void PortletDataContext.addClassedModel(Element element, String path, ClassedModel classedModel, String namespace)
 void PortletDataContext.addExpando(Element element, String path, ClassedModel classedModel)
 ServiceContext PortletDataContext.createServiceContext(Element element, ClassedModel classedModel, String namespace)
 ServiceContext PortletDataContext.createServiceContext(String path, ClassedModel classedModel, String namespace)
 void PortletDataContext.importClassedModel(ClassedModel classedModel, ClassedModel newClassedModel, String namespace)

Uses of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portal.kernel.repository.model

Subinterfaces of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portal.kernel.repository.model
 interface FileEntry
 interface FileVersion
 interface Folder
 interface RepositoryModel<T>

Uses of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portal.model

Subinterfaces of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portal.model
 interface Account
          The extended model interface for the Account service.
 interface AccountModel
          The base model interface for the Account service.
 interface Address
          The extended model interface for the Address service.
 interface AddressModel
          The base model interface for the Address service.
 interface BaseModel<T>
          The base interface for all model classes.
 interface BrowserTracker
          The extended model interface for the BrowserTracker service.
 interface BrowserTrackerModel
          The base model interface for the BrowserTracker service.
 interface ClassName
          The extended model interface for the ClassName service.
 interface ClassNameModel
          The base model interface for the ClassName service.
 interface ClusterGroup
          The extended model interface for the ClusterGroup service.
 interface ClusterGroupModel
          The base model interface for the ClusterGroup service.
 interface Company
          The extended model interface for the Company service.
 interface CompanyModel
          The base model interface for the Company service.
 interface Contact
          The extended model interface for the Contact service.
 interface ContactModel
          The base model interface for the Contact service.
 interface Country
          The extended model interface for the Country service.
 interface CountryModel
          The base model interface for the Country service.
 interface Dummy
 interface DummyModel
 interface EmailAddress
          The extended model interface for the EmailAddress service.
 interface EmailAddressModel
          The base model interface for the EmailAddress service.
 interface Group
          The extended model interface for the Group service.
 interface GroupModel
          The base model interface for the Group service.
 interface Image
          The extended model interface for the Image service.
 interface ImageModel
          The base model interface for the Image service.
 interface Layout
          The extended model interface for the Layout service.
 interface LayoutBranch
          The extended model interface for the LayoutBranch service.
 interface LayoutBranchModel
          The base model interface for the LayoutBranch service.
 interface LayoutModel
          The base model interface for the Layout service.
 interface LayoutPrototype
          The extended model interface for the LayoutPrototype service.
 interface LayoutPrototypeModel
          The base model interface for the LayoutPrototype service.
 interface LayoutRevision
          The extended model interface for the LayoutRevision service.
 interface LayoutRevisionModel
          The base model interface for the LayoutRevision service.
 interface LayoutSet
          The extended model interface for the LayoutSet service.
 interface LayoutSetBranch
          The extended model interface for the LayoutSetBranch service.
 interface LayoutSetBranchModel
          The base model interface for the LayoutSetBranch service.
 interface LayoutSetModel
          The base model interface for the LayoutSet service.
 interface LayoutSetPrototype
          The extended model interface for the LayoutSetPrototype service.
 interface LayoutSetPrototypeModel
          The base model interface for the LayoutSetPrototype service.
 interface ListType
          The extended model interface for the ListType service.
 interface ListTypeModel
          The base model interface for the ListType service.
 interface Lock
          The extended model interface for the Lock service.
 interface LockModel
          The base model interface for the Lock service.
 interface MembershipRequest
          The extended model interface for the MembershipRequest service.
 interface MembershipRequestModel
          The base model interface for the MembershipRequest service.
 interface Organization
          The extended model interface for the Organization service.
 interface OrganizationModel
          The base model interface for the Organization service.
 interface OrgGroupPermission
          The extended model interface for the OrgGroupPermission service.
 interface OrgGroupPermissionModel
          The base model interface for the OrgGroupPermission service.
 interface OrgGroupRole
          The extended model interface for the OrgGroupRole service.
 interface OrgGroupRoleModel
          The base model interface for the OrgGroupRole service.
 interface OrgLabor
          The extended model interface for the OrgLabor service.
 interface OrgLaborModel
          The base model interface for the OrgLabor service.
 interface PasswordPolicy
          The extended model interface for the PasswordPolicy service.
 interface PasswordPolicyModel
          The base model interface for the PasswordPolicy service.
 interface PasswordPolicyRel
          The extended model interface for the PasswordPolicyRel service.
 interface PasswordPolicyRelModel
          The base model interface for the PasswordPolicyRel service.
 interface PasswordTracker
          The extended model interface for the PasswordTracker service.
 interface PasswordTrackerModel
          The base model interface for the PasswordTracker service.
 interface Permission
          The extended model interface for the Permission service.
 interface PermissionModel
          The base model interface for the Permission service.
 interface Phone
          The extended model interface for the Phone service.
 interface PhoneModel
          The base model interface for the Phone service.
 interface PluginSetting
          The extended model interface for the PluginSetting service.
 interface PluginSettingModel
          The base model interface for the PluginSetting service.
 interface PortalPreferences
          The extended model interface for the PortalPreferences service.
 interface PortalPreferencesModel
          The base model interface for the PortalPreferences service.
 interface Portlet
          The extended model interface for the Portlet service.
 interface PortletItem
          The extended model interface for the PortletItem service.
 interface PortletItemModel
          The base model interface for the PortletItem service.
 interface PortletModel
          The base model interface for the Portlet service.
 interface PortletPreferences
          The extended model interface for the PortletPreferences service.
 interface PortletPreferencesModel
          The base model interface for the PortletPreferences service.
 interface Region
          The extended model interface for the Region service.
 interface RegionModel
          The base model interface for the Region service.
 interface Release
          The extended model interface for the Release service.
 interface ReleaseModel
          The base model interface for the Release service.
 interface Repository
          The extended model interface for the Repository service.
 interface RepositoryEntry
          The extended model interface for the RepositoryEntry service.
 interface RepositoryEntryModel
          The base model interface for the RepositoryEntry service.
 interface Resource
          The extended model interface for the Resource service.
 interface ResourceAction
          The extended model interface for the ResourceAction service.
 interface ResourceActionModel
          The base model interface for the ResourceAction service.
 interface ResourceBlock
          The extended model interface for the ResourceBlock service.
 interface ResourceBlockModel
          The base model interface for the ResourceBlock service.
 interface ResourceBlockPermission
          The extended model interface for the ResourceBlockPermission service.
 interface ResourceBlockPermissionModel
          The base model interface for the ResourceBlockPermission service.
 interface ResourceCode
          The extended model interface for the ResourceCode service.
 interface ResourceCodeModel
          The base model interface for the ResourceCode service.
 interface ResourceModel
          The base model interface for the Resource service.
 interface ResourcePermission
          The extended model interface for the ResourcePermission service.
 interface ResourcePermissionModel
          The base model interface for the ResourcePermission service.
 interface ResourceTypePermission
          The extended model interface for the ResourceTypePermission service.
 interface ResourceTypePermissionModel
          The base model interface for the ResourceTypePermission service.
 interface Role
          The extended model interface for the Role service.
 interface RoleModel
          The base model interface for the Role service.
 interface ServiceComponent
          The extended model interface for the ServiceComponent service.
 interface ServiceComponentModel
          The base model interface for the ServiceComponent service.
 interface Shard
          The extended model interface for the Shard service.
 interface ShardModel
          The base model interface for the Shard service.
 interface Subscription
          The extended model interface for the Subscription service.
 interface SubscriptionModel
          The base model interface for the Subscription service.
 interface Team
          The extended model interface for the Team service.
 interface TeamModel
          The base model interface for the Team service.
 interface Ticket
          The extended model interface for the Ticket service.
 interface TicketModel
          The base model interface for the Ticket service.
 interface User
          The extended model interface for the User service.
 interface UserGroup
          The extended model interface for the UserGroup service.
 interface UserGroupGroupRole
          The extended model interface for the UserGroupGroupRole service.
 interface UserGroupGroupRoleModel
          The base model interface for the UserGroupGroupRole service.
 interface UserGroupModel
          The base model interface for the UserGroup service.
 interface UserGroupRole
          The extended model interface for the UserGroupRole service.
 interface UserGroupRoleModel
          The base model interface for the UserGroupRole service.
 interface UserIdMapper
          The extended model interface for the UserIdMapper service.
 interface UserIdMapperModel
          The base model interface for the UserIdMapper service.
 interface UserModel
          The base model interface for the User service.
 interface UserNotificationEvent
          The extended model interface for the UserNotificationEvent service.
 interface UserNotificationEventModel
          The base model interface for the UserNotificationEvent service.
 interface UserTracker
          The extended model interface for the UserTracker service.
 interface UserTrackerModel
          The base model interface for the UserTracker service.
 interface UserTrackerPath
          The extended model interface for the UserTrackerPath service.
 interface UserTrackerPathModel
          The base model interface for the UserTrackerPath service.
 interface VirtualHost
          The extended model interface for the VirtualHost service.
 interface VirtualHostModel
          The base model interface for the VirtualHost service.
 interface WebDAVProps
          The extended model interface for the WebDAVProps service.
 interface WebDAVPropsModel
          The base model interface for the WebDAVProps service.
 interface Website
          The extended model interface for the Website service.
 interface WebsiteModel
          The base model interface for the Website service.
 interface WorkflowDefinitionLink
          The extended model interface for the WorkflowDefinitionLink service.
 interface WorkflowDefinitionLinkModel
          The base model interface for the WorkflowDefinitionLink service.
 interface WorkflowInstanceLink
          The extended model interface for the WorkflowInstanceLink service.
 interface WorkflowInstanceLinkModel
          The base model interface for the WorkflowInstanceLink service.

Classes in com.liferay.portal.model that implement ClassedModel
 class AccountWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Account.
 class AddressWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Address.
 class BrowserTrackerWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for BrowserTracker.
 class ClassNameWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for ClassName.
 class ClusterGroupWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for ClusterGroup.
 class CompanyWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Company.
 class ContactWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Contact.
 class CountryWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Country.
 class EmailAddressWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for EmailAddress.
 class GroupWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Group.
 class ImageWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Image.
 class LayoutBranchWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for LayoutBranch.
 class LayoutPrototypeWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for LayoutPrototype.
 class LayoutRevisionWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for LayoutRevision.
 class LayoutSetBranchWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for LayoutSetBranch.
 class LayoutSetPrototypeWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for LayoutSetPrototype.
 class LayoutSetWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for LayoutSet.
 class LayoutWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Layout.
 class ListTypeWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for ListType.
 class LockWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Lock.
 class MembershipRequestWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for MembershipRequest.
 class OrganizationWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Organization.
 class OrgGroupPermissionWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for OrgGroupPermission.
 class OrgGroupRoleWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for OrgGroupRole.
 class OrgLaborWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for OrgLabor.
 class PasswordPolicyRelWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for PasswordPolicyRel.
 class PasswordPolicyWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for PasswordPolicy.
 class PasswordTrackerWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for PasswordTracker.
 class PermissionWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Permission.
 class PhoneWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Phone.
 class PluginSettingWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for PluginSetting.
 class PortalPreferencesWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for PortalPreferences.
 class PortletItemWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for PortletItem.
 class PortletPreferencesWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for PortletPreferences.
 class PortletWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Portlet.
 class RegionWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Region.
 class ReleaseWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Release.
 class RepositoryEntryWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for RepositoryEntry.
 class RepositoryWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Repository.
 class ResourceActionWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for ResourceAction.
 class ResourceBlockPermissionWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for ResourceBlockPermission.
 class ResourceBlockWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for ResourceBlock.
 class ResourceCodeWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for ResourceCode.
 class ResourcePermissionWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for ResourcePermission.
 class ResourceTypePermissionWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for ResourceTypePermission.
 class ResourceWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Resource.
 class RoleWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Role.
 class ServiceComponentWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for ServiceComponent.
 class ShardWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Shard.
 class SubscriptionWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Subscription.
 class TeamWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Team.
 class TicketWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Ticket.
 class UserGroupGroupRoleWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for UserGroupGroupRole.
 class UserGroupRoleWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for UserGroupRole.
 class UserGroupWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for UserGroup.
 class UserIdMapperWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for UserIdMapper.
 class UserNotificationEventWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for UserNotificationEvent.
 class UserTrackerPathWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for UserTrackerPath.
 class UserTrackerWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for UserTracker.
 class UserWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for User.
 class VirtualHostWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for VirtualHost.
 class WebDAVPropsWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for WebDAVProps.
 class WebsiteWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Website.
 class WorkflowDefinitionLinkWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for WorkflowDefinitionLink.
 class WorkflowInstanceLinkWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for WorkflowInstanceLink.

Uses of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portal.model.impl

Classes in com.liferay.portal.model.impl that implement ClassedModel
 class BaseModelImpl<T>
          The base implementation for all model classes.

Uses of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portal.repository.proxy

Classes in com.liferay.portal.repository.proxy that implement ClassedModel
 class FileEntryProxyBean
 class FileVersionProxyBean
 class FolderProxyBean

Uses of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.announcements.model

Subinterfaces of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.announcements.model
 interface AnnouncementsDelivery
          The extended model interface for the AnnouncementsDelivery service.
 interface AnnouncementsDeliveryModel
          The base model interface for the AnnouncementsDelivery service.
 interface AnnouncementsEntry
          The extended model interface for the AnnouncementsEntry service.
 interface AnnouncementsEntryModel
          The base model interface for the AnnouncementsEntry service.
 interface AnnouncementsFlag
          The extended model interface for the AnnouncementsFlag service.
 interface AnnouncementsFlagModel
          The base model interface for the AnnouncementsFlag service.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.announcements.model that implement ClassedModel
 class AnnouncementsDeliveryWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for AnnouncementsDelivery.
 class AnnouncementsEntryWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for AnnouncementsEntry.
 class AnnouncementsFlagWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for AnnouncementsFlag.

Uses of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.asset.model

Subinterfaces of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.asset.model
 interface AssetCategory
          The extended model interface for the AssetCategory service.
 interface AssetCategoryModel
          The base model interface for the AssetCategory service.
 interface AssetCategoryProperty
          The extended model interface for the AssetCategoryProperty service.
 interface AssetCategoryPropertyModel
          The base model interface for the AssetCategoryProperty service.
 interface AssetEntry
          The extended model interface for the AssetEntry service.
 interface AssetEntryModel
          The base model interface for the AssetEntry service.
 interface AssetLink
          The extended model interface for the AssetLink service.
 interface AssetLinkModel
          The base model interface for the AssetLink service.
 interface AssetTag
          The extended model interface for the AssetTag service.
 interface AssetTagModel
          The base model interface for the AssetTag service.
 interface AssetTagProperty
          The extended model interface for the AssetTagProperty service.
 interface AssetTagPropertyModel
          The base model interface for the AssetTagProperty service.
 interface AssetTagStats
          The extended model interface for the AssetTagStats service.
 interface AssetTagStatsModel
          The base model interface for the AssetTagStats service.
 interface AssetVocabulary
          The extended model interface for the AssetVocabulary service.
 interface AssetVocabularyModel
          The base model interface for the AssetVocabulary service.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.asset.model that implement ClassedModel
 class AssetCategoryPropertyWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for AssetCategoryProperty.
 class AssetCategoryWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for AssetCategory.
 class AssetEntryWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for AssetEntry.
 class AssetLinkWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for AssetLink.
 class AssetTagPropertyWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for AssetTagProperty.
 class AssetTagStatsWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for AssetTagStats.
 class AssetTagWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for AssetTag.
 class AssetVocabularyWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for AssetVocabulary.

Uses of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.blogs.model

Subinterfaces of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.blogs.model
 interface BlogsEntry
          The extended model interface for the BlogsEntry service.
 interface BlogsEntryModel
          The base model interface for the BlogsEntry service.
 interface BlogsStatsUser
          The extended model interface for the BlogsStatsUser service.
 interface BlogsStatsUserModel
          The base model interface for the BlogsStatsUser service.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.blogs.model that implement ClassedModel
 class BlogsEntryWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for BlogsEntry.
 class BlogsStatsUserWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for BlogsStatsUser.

Uses of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.bookmarks.model

Subinterfaces of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.bookmarks.model
 interface BookmarksEntry
          The extended model interface for the BookmarksEntry service.
 interface BookmarksEntryModel
          The base model interface for the BookmarksEntry service.
 interface BookmarksFolder
          The extended model interface for the BookmarksFolder service.
 interface BookmarksFolderModel
          The base model interface for the BookmarksFolder service.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.bookmarks.model that implement ClassedModel
 class BookmarksEntryWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for BookmarksEntry.
 class BookmarksFolderWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for BookmarksFolder.

Uses of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.calendar.model

Subinterfaces of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.calendar.model
 interface CalEvent
          The extended model interface for the CalEvent service.
 interface CalEventModel
          The base model interface for the CalEvent service.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.calendar.model that implement ClassedModel
 class CalEventWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for CalEvent.

Uses of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.model

Subinterfaces of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.model
 interface DLContent
          The extended model interface for the DLContent service.
 interface DLContentModel
          The base model interface for the DLContent service.
 interface DLFileEntry
          The extended model interface for the DLFileEntry service.
 interface DLFileEntryMetadata
          The extended model interface for the DLFileEntryMetadata service.
 interface DLFileEntryMetadataModel
          The base model interface for the DLFileEntryMetadata service.
 interface DLFileEntryModel
          The base model interface for the DLFileEntry service.
 interface DLFileEntryType
          The extended model interface for the DLFileEntryType service.
 interface DLFileEntryTypeModel
          The base model interface for the DLFileEntryType service.
 interface DLFileRank
          The extended model interface for the DLFileRank service.
 interface DLFileRankModel
          The base model interface for the DLFileRank service.
 interface DLFileShortcut
          The extended model interface for the DLFileShortcut service.
 interface DLFileShortcutModel
          The base model interface for the DLFileShortcut service.
 interface DLFileVersion
          The extended model interface for the DLFileVersion service.
 interface DLFileVersionModel
          The base model interface for the DLFileVersion service.
 interface DLFolder
          The extended model interface for the DLFolder service.
 interface DLFolderModel
          The base model interface for the DLFolder service.
 interface DLSync
          The extended model interface for the DLSync service.
 interface DLSyncModel
          The base model interface for the DLSync service.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.model that implement ClassedModel
 class DLContentWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for DLContent.
 class DLFileEntryMetadataWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for DLFileEntryMetadata.
 class DLFileEntryTypeWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for DLFileEntryType.
 class DLFileEntryWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for DLFileEntry.
 class DLFileRankWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for DLFileRank.
 class DLFileShortcutWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for DLFileShortcut.
 class DLFileVersionWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for DLFileVersion.
 class DLFolderWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for DLFolder.
 class DLSyncWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for DLSync.

Uses of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatalists.model

Subinterfaces of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatalists.model
 interface DDLRecord
          The extended model interface for the DDLRecord service.
 interface DDLRecordModel
          The base model interface for the DDLRecord service.
 interface DDLRecordSet
          The extended model interface for the DDLRecordSet service.
 interface DDLRecordSetModel
          The base model interface for the DDLRecordSet service.
 interface DDLRecordVersion
          The extended model interface for the DDLRecordVersion service.
 interface DDLRecordVersionModel
          The base model interface for the DDLRecordVersion service.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatalists.model that implement ClassedModel
 class DDLRecordSetWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for DDLRecordSet.
 class DDLRecordVersionWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for DDLRecordVersion.
 class DDLRecordWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for DDLRecord.

Uses of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatamapping.model

Subinterfaces of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatamapping.model
 interface DDMContent
          The extended model interface for the DDMContent service.
 interface DDMContentModel
          The base model interface for the DDMContent service.
 interface DDMStorageLink
          The extended model interface for the DDMStorageLink service.
 interface DDMStorageLinkModel
          The base model interface for the DDMStorageLink service.
 interface DDMStructure
          The extended model interface for the DDMStructure service.
 interface DDMStructureLink
          The extended model interface for the DDMStructureLink service.
 interface DDMStructureLinkModel
          The base model interface for the DDMStructureLink service.
 interface DDMStructureModel
          The base model interface for the DDMStructure service.
 interface DDMTemplate
          The extended model interface for the DDMTemplate service.
 interface DDMTemplateModel
          The base model interface for the DDMTemplate service.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatamapping.model that implement ClassedModel
 class DDMContentWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for DDMContent.
 class DDMStorageLinkWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for DDMStorageLink.
 class DDMStructureLinkWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for DDMStructureLink.
 class DDMStructureWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for DDMStructure.
 class DDMTemplateWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for DDMTemplate.

Uses of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.expando.model

Subinterfaces of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.expando.model
 interface ExpandoColumn
          The extended model interface for the ExpandoColumn service.
 interface ExpandoColumnModel
          The base model interface for the ExpandoColumn service.
 interface ExpandoRow
          The extended model interface for the ExpandoRow service.
 interface ExpandoRowModel
          The base model interface for the ExpandoRow service.
 interface ExpandoTable
          The extended model interface for the ExpandoTable service.
 interface ExpandoTableModel
          The base model interface for the ExpandoTable service.
 interface ExpandoValue
          The extended model interface for the ExpandoValue service.
 interface ExpandoValueModel
          The base model interface for the ExpandoValue service.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.expando.model that implement ClassedModel
 class ExpandoColumnWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for ExpandoColumn.
 class ExpandoRowWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for ExpandoRow.
 class ExpandoTableWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for ExpandoTable.
 class ExpandoValueWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for ExpandoValue.

Uses of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.journal.model

Subinterfaces of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.journal.model
 interface JournalArticle
          The extended model interface for the JournalArticle service.
 interface JournalArticleImage
          The extended model interface for the JournalArticleImage service.
 interface JournalArticleImageModel
          The base model interface for the JournalArticleImage service.
 interface JournalArticleModel
          The base model interface for the JournalArticle service.
 interface JournalArticleResource
          The extended model interface for the JournalArticleResource service.
 interface JournalArticleResourceModel
          The base model interface for the JournalArticleResource service.
 interface JournalContentSearch
          The extended model interface for the JournalContentSearch service.
 interface JournalContentSearchModel
          The base model interface for the JournalContentSearch service.
 interface JournalFeed
          The extended model interface for the JournalFeed service.
 interface JournalFeedModel
          The base model interface for the JournalFeed service.
 interface JournalStructure
          The extended model interface for the JournalStructure service.
 interface JournalStructureModel
          The base model interface for the JournalStructure service.
 interface JournalTemplate
          The extended model interface for the JournalTemplate service.
 interface JournalTemplateModel
          The base model interface for the JournalTemplate service.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.journal.model that implement ClassedModel
 class JournalArticleImageWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for JournalArticleImage.
 class JournalArticleResourceWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for JournalArticleResource.
 class JournalArticleWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for JournalArticle.
 class JournalContentSearchWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for JournalContentSearch.
 class JournalFeedWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for JournalFeed.
 class JournalStructureWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for JournalStructure.
 class JournalTemplateWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for JournalTemplate.

Uses of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.messageboards.model

Subinterfaces of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.messageboards.model
 interface MBBan
          The extended model interface for the MBBan service.
 interface MBBanModel
          The base model interface for the MBBan service.
 interface MBCategory
          The extended model interface for the MBCategory service.
 interface MBCategoryModel
          The base model interface for the MBCategory service.
 interface MBDiscussion
          The extended model interface for the MBDiscussion service.
 interface MBDiscussionModel
          The base model interface for the MBDiscussion service.
 interface MBMailingList
          The extended model interface for the MBMailingList service.
 interface MBMailingListModel
          The base model interface for the MBMailingList service.
 interface MBMessage
          The extended model interface for the MBMessage service.
 interface MBMessageModel
          The base model interface for the MBMessage service.
 interface MBStatsUser
          The extended model interface for the MBStatsUser service.
 interface MBStatsUserModel
          The base model interface for the MBStatsUser service.
 interface MBThread
          The extended model interface for the MBThread service.
 interface MBThreadFlag
          The extended model interface for the MBThreadFlag service.
 interface MBThreadFlagModel
          The base model interface for the MBThreadFlag service.
 interface MBThreadModel
          The base model interface for the MBThread service.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.messageboards.model that implement ClassedModel
 class MBBanWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for MBBan.
 class MBCategoryWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for MBCategory.
 class MBDiscussionWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for MBDiscussion.
 class MBMailingListWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for MBMailingList.
 class MBMessageWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for MBMessage.
 class MBStatsUserWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for MBStatsUser.
 class MBThreadFlagWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for MBThreadFlag.
 class MBThreadWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for MBThread.

Uses of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.mobiledevicerules.model

Subinterfaces of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.mobiledevicerules.model
 interface MDRAction
          The extended model interface for the MDRAction service.
 interface MDRActionModel
          The base model interface for the MDRAction service.
 interface MDRRule
          The extended model interface for the MDRRule service.
 interface MDRRuleGroup
          The extended model interface for the MDRRuleGroup service.
 interface MDRRuleGroupInstance
          The extended model interface for the MDRRuleGroupInstance service.
 interface MDRRuleGroupInstanceModel
          The base model interface for the MDRRuleGroupInstance service.
 interface MDRRuleGroupModel
          The base model interface for the MDRRuleGroup service.
 interface MDRRuleModel
          The base model interface for the MDRRule service.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.mobiledevicerules.model that implement ClassedModel
 class MDRActionWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for MDRAction.
 class MDRRuleGroupInstanceWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for MDRRuleGroupInstance.
 class MDRRuleGroupWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for MDRRuleGroup.
 class MDRRuleWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for MDRRule.

Uses of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.polls.model

Subinterfaces of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.polls.model
 interface PollsChoice
          The extended model interface for the PollsChoice service.
 interface PollsChoiceModel
          The base model interface for the PollsChoice service.
 interface PollsQuestion
          The extended model interface for the PollsQuestion service.
 interface PollsQuestionModel
          The base model interface for the PollsQuestion service.
 interface PollsVote
          The extended model interface for the PollsVote service.
 interface PollsVoteModel
          The base model interface for the PollsVote service.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.polls.model that implement ClassedModel
 class PollsChoiceWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for PollsChoice.
 class PollsQuestionWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for PollsQuestion.
 class PollsVoteWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for PollsVote.

Uses of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.ratings.model

Subinterfaces of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.ratings.model
 interface RatingsEntry
          The extended model interface for the RatingsEntry service.
 interface RatingsEntryModel
          The base model interface for the RatingsEntry service.
 interface RatingsStats
          The extended model interface for the RatingsStats service.
 interface RatingsStatsModel
          The base model interface for the RatingsStats service.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.ratings.model that implement ClassedModel
 class RatingsEntryWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for RatingsEntry.
 class RatingsStatsWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for RatingsStats.

Uses of ClassedModel in

Subinterfaces of ClassedModel in
 interface ShoppingCart
          The extended model interface for the ShoppingCart service.
 interface ShoppingCartModel
          The base model interface for the ShoppingCart service.
 interface ShoppingCategory
          The extended model interface for the ShoppingCategory service.
 interface ShoppingCategoryModel
          The base model interface for the ShoppingCategory service.
 interface ShoppingCoupon
          The extended model interface for the ShoppingCoupon service.
 interface ShoppingCouponModel
          The base model interface for the ShoppingCoupon service.
 interface ShoppingItem
          The extended model interface for the ShoppingItem service.
 interface ShoppingItemField
          The extended model interface for the ShoppingItemField service.
 interface ShoppingItemFieldModel
          The base model interface for the ShoppingItemField service.
 interface ShoppingItemModel
          The base model interface for the ShoppingItem service.
 interface ShoppingItemPrice
          The extended model interface for the ShoppingItemPrice service.
 interface ShoppingItemPriceModel
          The base model interface for the ShoppingItemPrice service.
 interface ShoppingOrder
          The extended model interface for the ShoppingOrder service.
 interface ShoppingOrderItem
          The extended model interface for the ShoppingOrderItem service.
 interface ShoppingOrderItemModel
          The base model interface for the ShoppingOrderItem service.
 interface ShoppingOrderModel
          The base model interface for the ShoppingOrder service.

Classes in that implement ClassedModel
 class ShoppingCartWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for ShoppingCart.
 class ShoppingCategoryWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for ShoppingCategory.
 class ShoppingCouponWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for ShoppingCoupon.
 class ShoppingItemFieldWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for ShoppingItemField.
 class ShoppingItemPriceWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for ShoppingItemPrice.
 class ShoppingItemWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for ShoppingItem.
 class ShoppingOrderItemWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for ShoppingOrderItem.
 class ShoppingOrderWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for ShoppingOrder.

Uses of ClassedModel in

Subinterfaces of ClassedModel in
 interface SocialActivity
          The extended model interface for the SocialActivity service.
 interface SocialActivityAchievement
          The extended model interface for the SocialActivityAchievement service.
 interface SocialActivityAchievementModel
          The base model interface for the SocialActivityAchievement service.
 interface SocialActivityCounter
          The extended model interface for the SocialActivityCounter service.
 interface SocialActivityCounterModel
          The base model interface for the SocialActivityCounter service.
 interface SocialActivityLimit
          The extended model interface for the SocialActivityLimit service.
 interface SocialActivityLimitModel
          The base model interface for the SocialActivityLimit service.
 interface SocialActivityModel
          The base model interface for the SocialActivity service.
 interface SocialActivitySetting
          The extended model interface for the SocialActivitySetting service.
 interface SocialActivitySettingModel
          The base model interface for the SocialActivitySetting service.
 interface SocialRelation
          The extended model interface for the SocialRelation service.
 interface SocialRelationModel
          The base model interface for the SocialRelation service.
 interface SocialRequest
          The extended model interface for the SocialRequest service.
 interface SocialRequestModel
          The base model interface for the SocialRequest service.

Classes in that implement ClassedModel
 class SocialActivityAchievementWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for SocialActivityAchievement.
 class SocialActivityCounterWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for SocialActivityCounter.
 class SocialActivityLimitWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for SocialActivityLimit.
 class SocialActivitySettingWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for SocialActivitySetting.
 class SocialActivityWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for SocialActivity.
 class SocialRelationWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for SocialRelation.
 class SocialRequestWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for SocialRequest.

Uses of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.softwarecatalog.model

Subinterfaces of ClassedModel in com.liferay.portlet.softwarecatalog.model
 interface SCFrameworkVersion
          The extended model interface for the SCFrameworkVersion service.
 interface SCFrameworkVersionModel
          The base model interface for the SCFrameworkVersion service.
 interface SCLicense
          The extended model interface for the SCLicense service.
 interface SCLicenseModel
          The base model interface for the SCLicense service.
 interface SCProductEntry
          The extended model interface for the SCProductEntry service.
 interface SCProductEntryModel
          The base model interface for the SCProductEntry service.
 interface SCProductScreenshot
          The extended model interface for the SCProductScreenshot service.
 interface SCProductScreenshotModel
          The base model interface for the SCProductScreenshot service.
 interface SCProductVersion
          The extended model interface for the SCProductVersion service.
 interface SCProductVersionModel
          The base model interface for the SCProductVersion service.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.softwarecatalog.model that implement ClassedModel
 class SCFrameworkVersionWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for SCFrameworkVersion.
 class SCLicenseWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for SCLicense.
 class SCProductEntryWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for SCProductEntry.
 class SCProductScreenshotWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for SCProductScreenshot.
 class SCProductVersionWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for SCProductVersion.

Uses of ClassedModel in

Subinterfaces of ClassedModel in
 interface WikiNode
          The extended model interface for the WikiNode service.
 interface WikiNodeModel
          The base model interface for the WikiNode service.
 interface WikiPage
          The extended model interface for the WikiPage service.
 interface WikiPageModel
          The base model interface for the WikiPage service.
 interface WikiPageResource
          The extended model interface for the WikiPageResource service.
 interface WikiPageResourceModel
          The base model interface for the WikiPageResource service.

Classes in that implement ClassedModel
 class WikiNodeWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for WikiNode.
 class WikiPageResourceWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for WikiPageResource.
 class WikiPageWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for WikiPage.

Liferay 6.1.2-ce-ga3