001    /**
002     * Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved.
003     *
004     * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
005     * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
006     * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
007     * any later version.
008     *
009     * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
010     * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
011     * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
012     * details.
013     */
015    package com.liferay.portal.upgrade.v6_2_0.util;
017    import java.sql.Types;
019    /**
020     * @author        Brian Wing Shun Chan
021     * @generated
022     */
023    public class LayoutRevisionTable {
025            public static final String TABLE_NAME = "LayoutRevision";
027            public static final Object[][] TABLE_COLUMNS = {
028                    {"layoutRevisionId", Types.BIGINT},
029                    {"groupId", Types.BIGINT},
030                    {"companyId", Types.BIGINT},
031                    {"userId", Types.BIGINT},
032                    {"userName", Types.VARCHAR},
033                    {"createDate", Types.TIMESTAMP},
034                    {"modifiedDate", Types.TIMESTAMP},
035                    {"layoutSetBranchId", Types.BIGINT},
036                    {"layoutBranchId", Types.BIGINT},
037                    {"parentLayoutRevisionId", Types.BIGINT},
038                    {"head", Types.BOOLEAN},
039                    {"major", Types.BOOLEAN},
040                    {"plid", Types.BIGINT},
041                    {"privateLayout", Types.BOOLEAN},
042                    {"name", Types.VARCHAR},
043                    {"title", Types.VARCHAR},
044                    {"description", Types.VARCHAR},
045                    {"keywords", Types.VARCHAR},
046                    {"robots", Types.VARCHAR},
047                    {"typeSettings", Types.CLOB},
048                    {"iconImage", Types.BOOLEAN},
049                    {"iconImageId", Types.BIGINT},
050                    {"themeId", Types.VARCHAR},
051                    {"colorSchemeId", Types.VARCHAR},
052                    {"wapThemeId", Types.VARCHAR},
053                    {"wapColorSchemeId", Types.VARCHAR},
054                    {"css", Types.CLOB},
055                    {"status", Types.INTEGER},
056                    {"statusByUserId", Types.BIGINT},
057                    {"statusByUserName", Types.VARCHAR},
058                    {"statusDate", Types.TIMESTAMP}
059            };
061            public static final String TABLE_SQL_CREATE = "create table LayoutRevision (layoutRevisionId LONG not null primary key,groupId LONG,companyId LONG,userId LONG,userName VARCHAR(75) null,createDate DATE null,modifiedDate DATE null,layoutSetBranchId LONG,layoutBranchId LONG,parentLayoutRevisionId LONG,head BOOLEAN,major BOOLEAN,plid LONG,privateLayout BOOLEAN,name STRING null,title STRING null,description STRING null,keywords STRING null,robots STRING null,typeSettings TEXT null,iconImage BOOLEAN,iconImageId LONG,themeId VARCHAR(75) null,colorSchemeId VARCHAR(75) null,wapThemeId VARCHAR(75) null,wapColorSchemeId VARCHAR(75) null,css TEXT null,status INTEGER,statusByUserId LONG,statusByUserName VARCHAR(75) null,statusDate DATE null)";
063            public static final String TABLE_SQL_DROP = "drop table LayoutRevision";
065            public static final String[] TABLE_SQL_ADD_INDEXES = {
066                    "create index IX_43E8286A on LayoutRevision (head, plid)",
067                    "create index IX_314B621A on LayoutRevision (layoutSetBranchId)",
068                    "create index IX_A9AC086E on LayoutRevision (layoutSetBranchId, head)",
069                    "create index IX_E10AC39 on LayoutRevision (layoutSetBranchId, head, plid)",
070                    "create index IX_13984800 on LayoutRevision (layoutSetBranchId, layoutBranchId, plid)",
071                    "create index IX_4A84AF43 on LayoutRevision (layoutSetBranchId, parentLayoutRevisionId, plid)",
072                    "create index IX_B7B914E5 on LayoutRevision (layoutSetBranchId, plid)",
073                    "create index IX_70DA9ECB on LayoutRevision (layoutSetBranchId, plid, status)",
074                    "create index IX_7FFAE700 on LayoutRevision (layoutSetBranchId, status)",
075                    "create index IX_9329C9D6 on LayoutRevision (plid)",
076                    "create index IX_8EC3D2BC on LayoutRevision (plid, status)"
077            };
079    }