Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5

Class DDMStructureLocalServiceUtil

  extended by com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatamapping.service.DDMStructureLocalServiceUtil

public class DDMStructureLocalServiceUtil
extends Object

Provides the local service utility for DDMStructure. This utility wraps com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatamapping.service.impl.DDMStructureLocalServiceImpl and is the primary access point for service operations in application layer code running on the local server. Methods of this service will not have security checks based on the propagated JAAS credentials because this service can only be accessed from within the same VM.

See Also:
DDMStructureLocalService, com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatamapping.service.base.DDMStructureLocalServiceBaseImpl, com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatamapping.service.impl.DDMStructureLocalServiceImpl

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static DDMStructure addDDMStructure(DDMStructure ddmStructure)
          Adds the d d m structure to the database.
static void addDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructure(long fileEntryTypeId, DDMStructure ddmStructure)
static void addDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructure(long fileEntryTypeId, long structureId)
static void addDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructures(long fileEntryTypeId, List<DDMStructure> DDMStructures)
static void addDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructures(long fileEntryTypeId, long[] structureIds)
static DDMStructure addStructure(long userId, long groupId, long parentStructureId, long classNameId, String structureKey, Map<Locale,String> nameMap, Map<Locale,String> descriptionMap, String xsd, String storageType, int type, ServiceContext serviceContext)
          Adds a structure referencing its parent structure.
static DDMStructure addStructure(long userId, long groupId, long classNameId, Map<Locale,String> nameMap, Map<Locale,String> descriptionMap, String xsd, ServiceContext serviceContext)
          Adds a structure referencing a default parent structure, using the portal property storage type and default structure type.
static DDMStructure addStructure(long userId, long groupId, String parentStructureKey, long classNameId, String structureKey, Map<Locale,String> nameMap, Map<Locale,String> descriptionMap, String xsd, String storageType, int type, ServiceContext serviceContext)
          Adds a structure referencing a default parent structure if the parent structure is not found.
static void addStructureResources(DDMStructure structure, boolean addGroupPermissions, boolean addGuestPermissions)
          Adds the resources to the structure.
static void addStructureResources(DDMStructure structure, String[] groupPermissions, String[] guestPermissions)
          Adds the model resources with the permissions to the structure.
static void clearDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructures(long fileEntryTypeId)
static DDMStructure copyStructure(long userId, long structureId, Map<Locale,String> nameMap, Map<Locale,String> descriptionMap, ServiceContext serviceContext)
          Copies a structure, creating a new structure with all the values extracted from the original one.
static DDMStructure copyStructure(long userId, long structureId, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static DDMStructure createDDMStructure(long structureId)
          Creates a new d d m structure with the primary key.
static DDMStructure deleteDDMStructure(DDMStructure ddmStructure)
          Deletes the d d m structure from the database.
static DDMStructure deleteDDMStructure(long structureId)
          Deletes the d d m structure with the primary key from the database.
static void deleteDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructure(long fileEntryTypeId, DDMStructure ddmStructure)
static void deleteDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructure(long fileEntryTypeId, long structureId)
static void deleteDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructures(long fileEntryTypeId, List<DDMStructure> DDMStructures)
static void deleteDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructures(long fileEntryTypeId, long[] structureIds)
static void deleteStructure(DDMStructure structure)
          Deletes the structure and its resources.
static void deleteStructure(long structureId)
          Deletes the structure and its resources.
static void deleteStructure(long groupId, long classNameId, String structureKey)
          Deletes the matching structure and its resources.
static void deleteStructures(long groupId)
          Deletes all the structures of the group.
static void deleteStructures(long groupId, long classNameId)
static DynamicQuery dynamicQuery()
static List dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery)
          Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns the matching rows.
static List dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery, int start, int end)
          Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns a range of the matching rows.
static List dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns an ordered range of the matching rows.
static long dynamicQueryCount(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery)
          Returns the number of rows that match the dynamic query.
static long dynamicQueryCount(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery, Projection projection)
          Returns the number of rows that match the dynamic query.
static DDMStructure fetchDDMStructure(long structureId)
static DDMStructure fetchDDMStructureByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid, long companyId)
          Returns the d d m structure with the matching UUID and company.
static DDMStructure fetchDDMStructureByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid, long groupId)
          Returns the d d m structure matching the UUID and group.
static DDMStructure fetchStructure(long structureId)
          Returns the structure with the ID.
static DDMStructure fetchStructure(long groupId, long classNameId, String structureKey)
          Returns the structure matching the class name ID, structure key, and group.
static DDMStructure fetchStructure(long groupId, long classNameId, String structureKey, boolean includeGlobalStructures)
          Returns the structure matching the class name ID, structure key, and group, optionally in the global scope.
static String getBeanIdentifier()
          Returns the Spring bean ID for this bean.
static List<DDMStructure> getClassStructures(long classNameId)
          Deprecated. As of 6.2.0, replaced by getClassStructures(long, long)
static List<DDMStructure> getClassStructures(long classNameId, int start, int end)
          Deprecated. As of 6.2.0, replaced by getClassStructures(long, long, int, int)
static List<DDMStructure> getClassStructures(long companyId, long classNameId)
          Returns all the structures matching the class name ID.
static List<DDMStructure> getClassStructures(long companyId, long classNameId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the structures matching the class name ID.
static List<DDMStructure> getClassStructures(long companyId, long classNameId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns all the structures matching the class name ID ordered by the comparator.
static List<DDMStructure> getClassStructures(long classNameId, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Deprecated. As of 6.2.0, replaced by getClassStructures(long, long, OrderByComparator)
static DDMStructure getDDMStructure(long structureId)
          Returns the d d m structure with the primary key.
static DDMStructure getDDMStructureByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid, long companyId)
          Returns the d d m structure with the matching UUID and company.
static DDMStructure getDDMStructureByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid, long groupId)
          Returns the d d m structure matching the UUID and group.
static List<DDMStructure> getDDMStructures(int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the d d m structures.
static int getDDMStructuresCount()
          Returns the number of d d m structures.
static List<DDMStructure> getDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructures(long fileEntryTypeId)
static List<DDMStructure> getDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructures(long fileEntryTypeId, int start, int end)
static List<DDMStructure> getDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructures(long fileEntryTypeId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
static int getDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructuresCount(long fileEntryTypeId)
static List<DDMStructure> getDLFileEntryTypeStructures(long dlFileEntryTypeId)
          Returns all the structures for the document library file entry type.
static PersistedModel getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj)
static DDMStructureLocalService getService()
static DDMStructure getStructure(long structureId)
          Returns the structure with the ID.
static DDMStructure getStructure(long groupId, long classNameId, String structureKey)
          Returns the structure matching the class name ID, structure key, and group.
static DDMStructure getStructure(long groupId, long classNameId, String structureKey, boolean includeGlobalStructures)
          Returns the structure matching the class name ID, structure key, and group, optionally in the global scope.
static List<DDMStructure> getStructure(long groupId, String name, String description)
          Returns all the structures matching the group, name, and description.
static List<DDMStructure> getStructureEntries()
          Deprecated. As of 6.2.0, replaced by getStructures()
static List<DDMStructure> getStructureEntries(long groupId)
          Deprecated. As of 6.2.0, replaced by getStructures(long)
static List<DDMStructure> getStructureEntries(long groupId, int start, int end)
          Deprecated. As of 6.2.0, replaced by getStructures(long, int, int)
static List<DDMStructure> getStructures()
          Returns all the structures present in the system.
static List<DDMStructure> getStructures(long groupId)
          Returns all the structures present in the group.
static List<DDMStructure> getStructures(long[] groupIds)
          Returns all the structures belonging to the groups.
static List<DDMStructure> getStructures(long[] groupIds, long classNameId)
          Returns all the structures matching the class name ID and belonging to the groups.
static List<DDMStructure> getStructures(long[] groupIds, long classNameId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the structures matching the class name ID and belonging to the groups.
static List<DDMStructure> getStructures(long groupId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the structures belonging to the group.
static List<DDMStructure> getStructures(long groupId, long classNameId)
          Returns all the structures matching class name ID and group.
static List<DDMStructure> getStructures(long groupId, long classNameId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the structures that match the class name ID and group.
static List<DDMStructure> getStructures(long groupId, long classNameId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the structures matching the class name ID and group.
static List<DDMStructure> getStructures(long groupId, String name, String description)
static int getStructuresCount(long groupId)
          Returns the number of structures belonging to the group.
static int getStructuresCount(long[] groupIds, long classNameId)
          Returns the number of structures matching the class name ID and belonging to the groups.
static int getStructuresCount(long groupId, long classNameId)
          Returns the number of structures matching the class name ID and group.
static boolean hasDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructure(long fileEntryTypeId, long structureId)
static boolean hasDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructures(long fileEntryTypeId)
static List<DDMStructure> search(long companyId, long[] groupIds, long[] classNameIds, String keywords, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the structures matching the groups and class name IDs, and matching the keywords in the structure names and descriptions.
static List<DDMStructure> search(long companyId, long[] groupIds, long[] classNameIds, String name, String description, String storageType, int type, boolean andOperator, int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the structures matching the groups, class name IDs, name keyword, description keyword, storage type, and type.
static int searchCount(long companyId, long[] groupIds, long[] classNameIds, String keywords)
          Returns the number of structures matching the groups and class name IDs, and matching the keywords in the structure names and descriptions.
static int searchCount(long companyId, long[] groupIds, long[] classNameIds, String name, String description, String storageType, int type, boolean andOperator)
          Returns the number of structures matching the groups, class name IDs, name keyword, description keyword, storage type, and type
static void setBeanIdentifier(String beanIdentifier)
          Sets the Spring bean ID for this bean.
static void setDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructures(long fileEntryTypeId, long[] structureIds)
 void setService(DDMStructureLocalService service)
          Deprecated. As of 6.2.0
static DDMStructure updateDDMStructure(DDMStructure ddmStructure)
          Updates the d d m structure in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
static DDMStructure updateStructure(long groupId, long parentStructureId, long classNameId, String structureKey, Map<Locale,String> nameMap, Map<Locale,String> descriptionMap, String xsd, ServiceContext serviceContext)
          Updates the structure matching the class name ID, structure key, and group, replacing its old parent structure, name map, description map, and XSD with new ones.
static DDMStructure updateStructure(long structureId, long parentStructureId, Map<Locale,String> nameMap, Map<Locale,String> descriptionMap, String xsd, ServiceContext serviceContext)
          Updates the structure matching the structure ID, replacing its old parent structure, name map, description map, and XSD with new ones.
static DDMStructure updateXSD(long structureId, String xsd, ServiceContext serviceContext)
          Updates the structure matching the structure ID, replacing its XSD with a new one.
static void updateXSDFieldMetadata(long structureId, String fieldName, String metadataEntryName, String metadataEntryValue, ServiceContext serviceContext)
          Deprecated. As of 6.2.0, with no direct replacement
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DDMStructureLocalServiceUtil()
Method Detail


public static DDMStructure addDDMStructure(DDMStructure ddmStructure)
                                    throws SystemException
Adds the d d m structure to the database. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners.

ddmStructure - the d d m structure
the d d m structure that was added
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static DDMStructure createDDMStructure(long structureId)
Creates a new d d m structure with the primary key. Does not add the d d m structure to the database.

structureId - the primary key for the new d d m structure
the new d d m structure


public static DDMStructure deleteDDMStructure(long structureId)
                                       throws PortalException,
Deletes the d d m structure with the primary key from the database. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners.

structureId - the primary key of the d d m structure
the d d m structure that was removed
PortalException - if a d d m structure with the primary key could not be found
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static DDMStructure deleteDDMStructure(DDMStructure ddmStructure)
                                       throws SystemException
Deletes the d d m structure from the database. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners.

ddmStructure - the d d m structure
the d d m structure that was removed
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static DynamicQuery dynamicQuery()


public static List dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery)
                         throws SystemException
Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns the matching rows.

dynamicQuery - the dynamic query
the matching rows
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static List dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery,
                                int start,
                                int end)
                         throws SystemException
Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns a range of the matching rows.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from DDMStructureModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

dynamicQuery - the dynamic query
start - the lower bound of the range of model instances
end - the upper bound of the range of model instances (not inclusive)
the range of matching rows
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static List dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery,
                                int start,
                                int end,
                                OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
                         throws SystemException
Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns an ordered range of the matching rows.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from DDMStructureModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

dynamicQuery - the dynamic query
start - the lower bound of the range of model instances
end - the upper bound of the range of model instances (not inclusive)
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the results by (optionally null)
the ordered range of matching rows
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static long dynamicQueryCount(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery)
                              throws SystemException
Returns the number of rows that match the dynamic query.

dynamicQuery - the dynamic query
the number of rows that match the dynamic query
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static long dynamicQueryCount(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery,
                                     Projection projection)
                              throws SystemException
Returns the number of rows that match the dynamic query.

dynamicQuery - the dynamic query
projection - the projection to apply to the query
the number of rows that match the dynamic query
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static DDMStructure fetchDDMStructure(long structureId)
                                      throws SystemException


public static DDMStructure fetchDDMStructureByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
                                                               long companyId)
                                                        throws SystemException
Returns the d d m structure with the matching UUID and company.

uuid - the d d m structure's UUID
companyId - the primary key of the company
the matching d d m structure, or null if a matching d d m structure could not be found
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static DDMStructure fetchDDMStructureByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
                                                             long groupId)
                                                      throws SystemException
Returns the d d m structure matching the UUID and group.

uuid - the d d m structure's UUID
groupId - the primary key of the group
the matching d d m structure, or null if a matching d d m structure could not be found
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static DDMStructure getDDMStructure(long structureId)
                                    throws PortalException,
Returns the d d m structure with the primary key.

structureId - the primary key of the d d m structure
the d d m structure
PortalException - if a d d m structure with the primary key could not be found
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static PersistedModel getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj)
                                        throws PortalException,


public static DDMStructure getDDMStructureByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
                                                             long companyId)
                                                      throws PortalException,
Returns the d d m structure with the matching UUID and company.

uuid - the d d m structure's UUID
companyId - the primary key of the company
the matching d d m structure
PortalException - if a matching d d m structure could not be found
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static DDMStructure getDDMStructureByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
                                                           long groupId)
                                                    throws PortalException,
Returns the d d m structure matching the UUID and group.

uuid - the d d m structure's UUID
groupId - the primary key of the group
the matching d d m structure
PortalException - if a matching d d m structure could not be found
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static List<DDMStructure> getDDMStructures(int start,
                                                  int end)
                                           throws SystemException
Returns a range of all the d d m structures.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from DDMStructureModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

start - the lower bound of the range of d d m structures
end - the upper bound of the range of d d m structures (not inclusive)
the range of d d m structures
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static int getDDMStructuresCount()
                                 throws SystemException
Returns the number of d d m structures.

the number of d d m structures
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static DDMStructure updateDDMStructure(DDMStructure ddmStructure)
                                       throws SystemException
Updates the d d m structure in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners.

ddmStructure - the d d m structure
the d d m structure that was updated
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static void addDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructure(long fileEntryTypeId,
                                                  long structureId)
                                           throws SystemException
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static void addDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructure(long fileEntryTypeId,
                                                  DDMStructure ddmStructure)
                                           throws SystemException
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static void addDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructures(long fileEntryTypeId,
                                                   long[] structureIds)
                                            throws SystemException
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static void addDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructures(long fileEntryTypeId,
                                                   List<DDMStructure> DDMStructures)
                                            throws SystemException
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static void clearDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructures(long fileEntryTypeId)
                                              throws SystemException
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static void deleteDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructure(long fileEntryTypeId,
                                                     long structureId)
                                              throws SystemException
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static void deleteDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructure(long fileEntryTypeId,
                                                     DDMStructure ddmStructure)
                                              throws SystemException
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static void deleteDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructures(long fileEntryTypeId,
                                                      long[] structureIds)
                                               throws SystemException
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static void deleteDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructures(long fileEntryTypeId,
                                                      List<DDMStructure> DDMStructures)
                                               throws SystemException
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static List<DDMStructure> getDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructures(long fileEntryTypeId)
                                                          throws SystemException
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static List<DDMStructure> getDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructures(long fileEntryTypeId,
                                                                 int start,
                                                                 int end)
                                                          throws SystemException
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static List<DDMStructure> getDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructures(long fileEntryTypeId,
                                                                 int start,
                                                                 int end,
                                                                 OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
                                                          throws SystemException
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static int getDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructuresCount(long fileEntryTypeId)
                                                throws SystemException
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static boolean hasDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructure(long fileEntryTypeId,
                                                     long structureId)
                                              throws SystemException
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static boolean hasDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructures(long fileEntryTypeId)
                                               throws SystemException
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static void setDLFileEntryTypeDDMStructures(long fileEntryTypeId,
                                                   long[] structureIds)
                                            throws SystemException
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static String getBeanIdentifier()
Returns the Spring bean ID for this bean.

the Spring bean ID for this bean


public static void setBeanIdentifier(String beanIdentifier)
Sets the Spring bean ID for this bean.

beanIdentifier - the Spring bean ID for this bean


public static DDMStructure addStructure(long userId,
                                        long groupId,
                                        long parentStructureId,
                                        long classNameId,
                                        String structureKey,
                                        Map<Locale,String> nameMap,
                                        Map<Locale,String> descriptionMap,
                                        String xsd,
                                        String storageType,
                                        int type,
                                        ServiceContext serviceContext)
                                 throws PortalException,
Adds a structure referencing its parent structure.

userId - the primary key of the structure's creator/owner
groupId - the primary key of the group
parentStructureId - the primary key of the parent structure (optionally DDMStructureConstants.DEFAULT_PARENT_STRUCTURE_ID)
classNameId - the primary key of the class name for the structure's related model
structureKey - the unique string identifying the structure (optionally null)
nameMap - the structure's locales and localized names
descriptionMap - the structure's locales and localized descriptions
xsd - the structure's XML schema definition
storageType - the structure's storage type. It can be "xml" or "expando". For more information, see StorageType.
type - the structure's type. For more information, see DDMStructureConstants.
serviceContext - the service context to be applied. Can set the UUID, creation date, modification date, guest permissions, and group permissions for the structure.
the structure
PortalException - if a user with the primary key could not be found, if the XSD was not well-formed, or if a portal exception occurred
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static DDMStructure addStructure(long userId,
                                        long groupId,
                                        long classNameId,
                                        Map<Locale,String> nameMap,
                                        Map<Locale,String> descriptionMap,
                                        String xsd,
                                        ServiceContext serviceContext)
                                 throws PortalException,
Adds a structure referencing a default parent structure, using the portal property storage type and default structure type.

userId - the primary key of the structure's creator/owner
groupId - the primary key of the group
classNameId - the primary key of the class name for the structure's related model
nameMap - the structure's locales and localized names
descriptionMap - the structure's locales and localized descriptions
xsd - the structure's XML schema definition
serviceContext - the service context to be applied. Can set the UUID, creation date, modification date, guest permissions, and group permissions for the structure.
the structure
PortalException - if a user with the primary key could not be found, if the XSD was not well-formed, or if a portal exception occurred
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static DDMStructure addStructure(long userId,
                                        long groupId,
                                        String parentStructureKey,
                                        long classNameId,
                                        String structureKey,
                                        Map<Locale,String> nameMap,
                                        Map<Locale,String> descriptionMap,
                                        String xsd,
                                        String storageType,
                                        int type,
                                        ServiceContext serviceContext)
                                 throws PortalException,
Adds a structure referencing a default parent structure if the parent structure is not found.

userId - the primary key of the structure's creator/owner
groupId - the primary key of the group
parentStructureKey - the unique string identifying the parent structure (optionally null)
classNameId - the primary key of the class name for the structure's related model
structureKey - the unique string identifying the structure (optionally null)
nameMap - the structure's locales and localized names
descriptionMap - the structure's locales and localized descriptions
xsd - the structure's XML schema definition
storageType - the structure's storage type. It can be "xml" or "expando". For more information, see StorageType.
type - the structure's type. For more information, see DDMStructureConstants.
serviceContext - the service context to be applied. Can set the UUID, creation date, modification date, guest permissions and group permissions for the structure.
the structure
PortalException - if a user with the primary key could not be found, if the XSD was not well-formed, or if a portal exception occurred
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static void addStructureResources(DDMStructure structure,
                                         boolean addGroupPermissions,
                                         boolean addGuestPermissions)
                                  throws PortalException,
Adds the resources to the structure.

structure - the structure to add resources to
addGroupPermissions - whether to add group permissions
addGuestPermissions - whether to add guest permissions
PortalException - if a portal exception occurred
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static void addStructureResources(DDMStructure structure,
                                         String[] groupPermissions,
                                         String[] guestPermissions)
                                  throws PortalException,
Adds the model resources with the permissions to the structure.

structure - the structure to add resources to
groupPermissions - the group permissions to be added
guestPermissions - the guest permissions to be added
PortalException - if a portal exception occurred
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static DDMStructure copyStructure(long userId,
                                         long structureId,
                                         Map<Locale,String> nameMap,
                                         Map<Locale,String> descriptionMap,
                                         ServiceContext serviceContext)
                                  throws PortalException,
Copies a structure, creating a new structure with all the values extracted from the original one. The new structure supports a new name and description.

userId - the primary key of the structure's creator/owner
structureId - the primary key of the structure to be copied
nameMap - the new structure's locales and localized names
descriptionMap - the new structure's locales and localized descriptions
serviceContext - the service context to be applied. Can set the UUID, creation date, modification date, guest permissions, and group permissions for the structure.
the new structure
PortalException - if a portal exception occurred
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static DDMStructure copyStructure(long userId,
                                         long structureId,
                                         ServiceContext serviceContext)
                                  throws PortalException,


public static void deleteStructure(DDMStructure structure)
                            throws PortalException,
Deletes the structure and its resources.

Before deleting the structure, this method verifies whether the structure is required by another entity. If it is needed, an exception is thrown.

structure - the structure to be deleted
PortalException - if a portal exception occurred
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static void deleteStructure(long structureId)
                            throws PortalException,
Deletes the structure and its resources.

Before deleting the structure, the system verifies whether the structure is required by another entity. If it is needed, an exception is thrown.

structureId - the primary key of the structure to be deleted
PortalException - if a portal exception occurred
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static void deleteStructure(long groupId,
                                   long classNameId,
                                   String structureKey)
                            throws PortalException,
Deletes the matching structure and its resources.

Before deleting the structure, the system verifies whether the structure is required by another entity. If it is needed, an exception is thrown.

groupId - the primary key of the group
classNameId - the primary key of the class name for the structure's related model
structureKey - the unique string identifying the structure
PortalException - if a portal exception occurred
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static void deleteStructures(long groupId)
                             throws PortalException,
Deletes all the structures of the group.

Before deleting the structures, the system verifies whether each structure is required by another entity. If any of the structures are needed, an exception is thrown.

groupId - the primary key of the group
PortalException - if a portal exception occurred
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static void deleteStructures(long groupId,
                                    long classNameId)
                             throws PortalException,


public static DDMStructure fetchStructure(long structureId)
                                   throws SystemException
Returns the structure with the ID.

structureId - the primary key of the structure
the structure with the structure ID, or null if a matching structure could not be found
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static DDMStructure fetchStructure(long groupId,
                                          long classNameId,
                                          String structureKey)
                                   throws SystemException
Returns the structure matching the class name ID, structure key, and group.

groupId - the primary key of the group
classNameId - the primary key of the class name for the structure's related model
structureKey - the unique string identifying the structure
the matching structure, or null if a matching structure could not be found
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static DDMStructure fetchStructure(long groupId,
                                          long classNameId,
                                          String structureKey,
                                          boolean includeGlobalStructures)
                                   throws PortalException,
Returns the structure matching the class name ID, structure key, and group, optionally in the global scope.

This method first searches in the group. If the structure is still not found and includeGlobalStructures is set to true, this method searches the global group.

groupId - the primary key of the group
classNameId - the primary key of the class name for the structure's related model
structureKey - the unique string identifying the structure
includeGlobalStructures - whether to include the global scope in the search
the matching structure, or null if a matching structure could not be found
PortalException - if a portal exception occurred
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static List<DDMStructure> getClassStructures(long classNameId)
                                             throws SystemException
Deprecated. As of 6.2.0, replaced by getClassStructures(long, long)



public static List<DDMStructure> getClassStructures(long classNameId,
                                                    int start,
                                                    int end)
                                             throws SystemException
Deprecated. As of 6.2.0, replaced by getClassStructures(long, long, int, int)



public static List<DDMStructure> getClassStructures(long companyId,
                                                    long classNameId)
                                             throws SystemException
Returns all the structures matching the class name ID.

companyId - the primary key of the structure's company
classNameId - the primary key of the class name for the structure's related model
the structures matching the class name ID
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static List<DDMStructure> getClassStructures(long companyId,
                                                    long classNameId,
                                                    int start,
                                                    int end)
                                             throws SystemException
Returns a range of all the structures matching the class name ID.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set.

companyId - the primary key of the structure's company
classNameId - the primary key of the class name for the structure's related model
start - the lower bound of the range of structures to return
end - the upper bound of the range of structures to return (not inclusive)
the range of matching structures
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static List<DDMStructure> getClassStructures(long companyId,
                                                    long classNameId,
                                                    OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
                                             throws SystemException
Returns all the structures matching the class name ID ordered by the comparator.

companyId - the primary key of the structure's company
classNameId - the primary key of the class name for the structure's related model
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the structures (optionally null)
the matching structures ordered by the comparator
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static List<DDMStructure> getClassStructures(long classNameId,
                                                    OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
                                             throws SystemException
Deprecated. As of 6.2.0, replaced by getClassStructures(long, long, OrderByComparator)



public static List<DDMStructure> getDLFileEntryTypeStructures(long dlFileEntryTypeId)
                                                       throws SystemException
Returns all the structures for the document library file entry type.

dlFileEntryTypeId - the primary key of the document library file entry type
the structures for the document library file entry type
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static DDMStructure getStructure(long structureId)
                                 throws PortalException,
Returns the structure with the ID.

structureId - the primary key of the structure
the structure with the ID
PortalException - if a structure with the ID could not be found
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static DDMStructure getStructure(long groupId,
                                        long classNameId,
                                        String structureKey)
                                 throws PortalException,
Returns the structure matching the class name ID, structure key, and group.

groupId - the primary key of the structure's group
classNameId - the primary key of the class name for the structure's related model
structureKey - the unique string identifying the structure
the matching structure
PortalException - if a matching structure could not be found
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static DDMStructure getStructure(long groupId,
                                        long classNameId,
                                        String structureKey,
                                        boolean includeGlobalStructures)
                                 throws PortalException,
Returns the structure matching the class name ID, structure key, and group, optionally in the global scope.

This method first searches in the group. If the structure is still not found and includeGlobalStructures is set to true, this method searches the global group.

groupId - the primary key of the structure's group
classNameId - the primary key of the class name for the structure's related model
structureKey - the unique string identifying the structure
includeGlobalStructures - whether to include the global scope in the search
the matching structure
PortalException - if a matching structure could not be found
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static List<DDMStructure> getStructure(long groupId,
                                              String name,
                                              String description)
                                       throws SystemException
Returns all the structures matching the group, name, and description.

groupId - the primary key of the structure's group
name - the structure's name
description - the structure's description
the matching structures
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static List<DDMStructure> getStructureEntries()
                                              throws SystemException
Deprecated. As of 6.2.0, replaced by getStructures()



public static List<DDMStructure> getStructureEntries(long groupId)
                                              throws SystemException
Deprecated. As of 6.2.0, replaced by getStructures(long)



public static List<DDMStructure> getStructureEntries(long groupId,
                                                     int start,
                                                     int end)
                                              throws SystemException
Deprecated. As of 6.2.0, replaced by getStructures(long, int, int)



public static List<DDMStructure> getStructures()
                                        throws SystemException
Returns all the structures present in the system.

the structures present in the system
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static List<DDMStructure> getStructures(long groupId)
                                        throws SystemException
Returns all the structures present in the group.

groupId - the primary key of the group
the structures present in the group
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static List<DDMStructure> getStructures(long groupId,
                                               int start,
                                               int end)
                                        throws SystemException
Returns a range of all the structures belonging to the group.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set.

groupId - the primary key of the group
start - the lower bound of the range of structures to return
end - the upper bound of the range of structures to return (not inclusive)
the range of matching structures
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static List<DDMStructure> getStructures(long groupId,
                                               long classNameId)
                                        throws SystemException
Returns all the structures matching class name ID and group.

groupId - the primary key of the group
classNameId - the primary key of the class name for the structure's related model
the matching structures
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static List<DDMStructure> getStructures(long groupId,
                                               long classNameId,
                                               int start,
                                               int end)
                                        throws SystemException
Returns a range of all the structures that match the class name ID and group.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set.

groupId - the primary key of the group
classNameId - the primary key of the class name for the structure's related model
start - the lower bound of the range of structures to return
end - the upper bound of the range of structures to return (not inclusive)
the range of matching structures
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static List<DDMStructure> getStructures(long groupId,
                                               long classNameId,
                                               int start,
                                               int end,
                                               OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
                                        throws SystemException
Returns an ordered range of all the structures matching the class name ID and group.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set.

groupId - the primary key of the group
classNameId - the primary key of the class name for the structure's related model
start - the lower bound of the range of structures to return
end - the upper bound of the range of structures to return (not inclusive)
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the structures (optionally null)
the range of matching structures ordered by the comparator
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static List<DDMStructure> getStructures(long groupId,
                                               String name,
                                               String description)
                                        throws SystemException


public static List<DDMStructure> getStructures(long[] groupIds)
                                        throws SystemException
Returns all the structures belonging to the groups.

groupIds - the primary keys of the groups
the structures belonging to the groups
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static List<DDMStructure> getStructures(long[] groupIds,
                                               long classNameId)
                                        throws SystemException
Returns all the structures matching the class name ID and belonging to the groups.

groupIds - the primary keys of the groups
classNameId - the primary key of the class name for the structure's related model
the matching structures
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static List<DDMStructure> getStructures(long[] groupIds,
                                               long classNameId,
                                               int start,
                                               int end)
                                        throws SystemException
Returns a range of all the structures matching the class name ID and belonging to the groups.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set.

groupIds - the primary keys of the groups
classNameId - the primary key of the class name for the structure's related model
start - the lower bound of the range of structures to return
end - the upper bound of the range of structures to return (not inclusive)
the range of matching structures
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static int getStructuresCount(long groupId)
                              throws SystemException
Returns the number of structures belonging to the group.

groupId - the primary key of the group
the number of structures belonging to the group
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static int getStructuresCount(long groupId,
                                     long classNameId)
                              throws SystemException
Returns the number of structures matching the class name ID and group.

groupId - the primary key of the group
classNameId - the primary key of the class name for the structure's related model
the number of matching structures
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static int getStructuresCount(long[] groupIds,
                                     long classNameId)
                              throws SystemException
Returns the number of structures matching the class name ID and belonging to the groups.

groupIds - the primary keys of the groups
classNameId - the primary key of the class name for the structure's related model
the number of matching structures
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static List<DDMStructure> search(long companyId,
                                        long[] groupIds,
                                        long[] classNameIds,
                                        String keywords,
                                        int start,
                                        int end,
                                        OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
                                 throws SystemException
Returns an ordered range of all the structures matching the groups and class name IDs, and matching the keywords in the structure names and descriptions.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set.

companyId - the primary key of the structure's company
groupIds - the primary keys of the groups
classNameIds - the primary keys of the class names of the models the structures are related to
keywords - the keywords (space separated), which may occur in the structure's name or description (optionally null)
start - the lower bound of the range of structures to return
end - the upper bound of the range of structures to return (not inclusive)
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the structures (optionally null)
the range of matching structures ordered by the comparator
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static List<DDMStructure> search(long companyId,
                                        long[] groupIds,
                                        long[] classNameIds,
                                        String name,
                                        String description,
                                        String storageType,
                                        int type,
                                        boolean andOperator,
                                        int start,
                                        int end,
                                        OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
                                 throws SystemException
Returns an ordered range of all the structures matching the groups, class name IDs, name keyword, description keyword, storage type, and type.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set.

companyId - the primary key of the structure's company
groupIds - the primary keys of the groups
classNameIds - the primary keys of the class names of the models the structures are related to
name - the name keywords
description - the description keywords
storageType - the structure's storage type. It can be "xml" or "expando". For more information, see StorageType.
type - the structure's type. For more information, see DDMStructureConstants.
andOperator - whether every field must match its keywords, or just one field
start - the lower bound of the range of structures to return
end - the upper bound of the range of structures to return (not inclusive)
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the structures (optionally null)
the range of matching structures ordered by the comparator
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static int searchCount(long companyId,
                              long[] groupIds,
                              long[] classNameIds,
                              String keywords)
                       throws SystemException
Returns the number of structures matching the groups and class name IDs, and matching the keywords in the structure names and descriptions.

companyId - the primary key of the structure's company
groupIds - the primary keys of the groups
classNameIds - the primary keys of the class names of the models the structures are related to
keywords - the keywords (space separated), which may occur in the structure's name or description (optionally null)
the number of matching structures
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static int searchCount(long companyId,
                              long[] groupIds,
                              long[] classNameIds,
                              String name,
                              String description,
                              String storageType,
                              int type,
                              boolean andOperator)
                       throws SystemException
Returns the number of structures matching the groups, class name IDs, name keyword, description keyword, storage type, and type

companyId - the primary key of the structure's company
groupIds - the primary keys of the groups
classNameIds - the primary keys of the class names of the models the structure's are related to
name - the name keywords
description - the description keywords
storageType - the structure's storage type. It can be "xml" or "expando". For more information, see StorageType.
type - the structure's type. For more information, see DDMStructureConstants.
andOperator - whether every field must match its keywords, or just one field
the number of matching structures
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static DDMStructure updateStructure(long groupId,
                                           long parentStructureId,
                                           long classNameId,
                                           String structureKey,
                                           Map<Locale,String> nameMap,
                                           Map<Locale,String> descriptionMap,
                                           String xsd,
                                           ServiceContext serviceContext)
                                    throws PortalException,
Updates the structure matching the class name ID, structure key, and group, replacing its old parent structure, name map, description map, and XSD with new ones.

groupId - the primary key of the group
parentStructureId - the primary key of the new parent structure
classNameId - the primary key of the class name for the structure's related model
structureKey - the unique string identifying the structure
nameMap - the structure's new locales and localized names
descriptionMap - the structure's new locales and localized description
xsd - the structure's new XML schema definition
serviceContext - the service context to be applied. Can set the structure's modification date.
the updated structure
PortalException - if a matching structure could not be found, if the XSD was not well-formed, or if a portal exception occurred
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static DDMStructure updateStructure(long structureId,
                                           long parentStructureId,
                                           Map<Locale,String> nameMap,
                                           Map<Locale,String> descriptionMap,
                                           String xsd,
                                           ServiceContext serviceContext)
                                    throws PortalException,
Updates the structure matching the structure ID, replacing its old parent structure, name map, description map, and XSD with new ones.

structureId - the primary key of the structure
parentStructureId - the primary key of the new parent structure
nameMap - the structure's new locales and localized names
descriptionMap - the structure's new locales and localized descriptions
xsd - the structure's new XML schema definition
serviceContext - the service context to be applied. Can set the structure's modification date.
the updated structure
PortalException - if a matching structure could not be found, if the XSD was not well-formed, or if a portal exception occurred
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static DDMStructure updateXSD(long structureId,
                                     String xsd,
                                     ServiceContext serviceContext)
                              throws PortalException,
Updates the structure matching the structure ID, replacing its XSD with a new one.

structureId - the primary key of the structure
xsd - the structure's new XML schema definition
serviceContext - the service context to be applied. Can set the structure's modification date.
the updated structure
PortalException - if a matching structure could not be found, if the XSD was not well-formed, or if a portal exception occurred
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static void updateXSDFieldMetadata(long structureId,
                                          String fieldName,
                                          String metadataEntryName,
                                          String metadataEntryValue,
                                          ServiceContext serviceContext)
                                   throws PortalException,
Deprecated. As of 6.2.0, with no direct replacement

Updates the structure matching the structure ID, replacing the metadata entry of the named field.

structureId - the primary key of the structure
fieldName - the name of the field whose metadata to update
metadataEntryName - the metadata entry's name
metadataEntryValue - the metadata entry's value
serviceContext - the service context to be applied. Can set the structure's modification date.
PortalException - if a matching structure could not be found, if the XSD was not well-formed, or if a portal exception occurred
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public static DDMStructureLocalService getService()


public void setService(DDMStructureLocalService service)
Deprecated. As of 6.2.0

Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5