001    /**
002     * Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved.
003     *
004     * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
005     * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
006     * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
007     * any later version.
008     *
009     * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
010     * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
011     * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
012     * details.
013     */
015    package com.liferay.portlet.shopping.model;
017    import aQute.bnd.annotation.ProviderType;
019    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.bean.AutoEscape;
020    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException;
021    import com.liferay.portal.model.BaseModel;
022    import com.liferay.portal.model.CacheModel;
023    import com.liferay.portal.model.GroupedModel;
024    import com.liferay.portal.service.ServiceContext;
026    import com.liferay.portlet.expando.model.ExpandoBridge;
028    import java.io.Serializable;
030    import java.util.Date;
032    /**
033     * The base model interface for the ShoppingOrder service. Represents a row in the "ShoppingOrder" database table, with each column mapped to a property of this class.
034     *
035     * <p>
036     * This interface and its corresponding implementation {@link com.liferay.portlet.shopping.model.impl.ShoppingOrderModelImpl} exist only as a container for the default property accessors generated by ServiceBuilder. Helper methods and all application logic should be put in {@link com.liferay.portlet.shopping.model.impl.ShoppingOrderImpl}.
037     * </p>
038     *
039     * @author Brian Wing Shun Chan
040     * @see ShoppingOrder
041     * @see com.liferay.portlet.shopping.model.impl.ShoppingOrderImpl
042     * @see com.liferay.portlet.shopping.model.impl.ShoppingOrderModelImpl
043     * @generated
044     */
045    @ProviderType
046    public interface ShoppingOrderModel extends BaseModel<ShoppingOrder>,
047            GroupedModel {
048            /*
049             * NOTE FOR DEVELOPERS:
050             *
051             * Never modify or reference this interface directly. All methods that expect a shopping order model instance should use the {@link ShoppingOrder} interface instead.
052             */
054            /**
055             * Returns the primary key of this shopping order.
056             *
057             * @return the primary key of this shopping order
058             */
059            public long getPrimaryKey();
061            /**
062             * Sets the primary key of this shopping order.
063             *
064             * @param primaryKey the primary key of this shopping order
065             */
066            public void setPrimaryKey(long primaryKey);
068            /**
069             * Returns the order ID of this shopping order.
070             *
071             * @return the order ID of this shopping order
072             */
073            public long getOrderId();
075            /**
076             * Sets the order ID of this shopping order.
077             *
078             * @param orderId the order ID of this shopping order
079             */
080            public void setOrderId(long orderId);
082            /**
083             * Returns the group ID of this shopping order.
084             *
085             * @return the group ID of this shopping order
086             */
087            @Override
088            public long getGroupId();
090            /**
091             * Sets the group ID of this shopping order.
092             *
093             * @param groupId the group ID of this shopping order
094             */
095            @Override
096            public void setGroupId(long groupId);
098            /**
099             * Returns the company ID of this shopping order.
100             *
101             * @return the company ID of this shopping order
102             */
103            @Override
104            public long getCompanyId();
106            /**
107             * Sets the company ID of this shopping order.
108             *
109             * @param companyId the company ID of this shopping order
110             */
111            @Override
112            public void setCompanyId(long companyId);
114            /**
115             * Returns the user ID of this shopping order.
116             *
117             * @return the user ID of this shopping order
118             */
119            @Override
120            public long getUserId();
122            /**
123             * Sets the user ID of this shopping order.
124             *
125             * @param userId the user ID of this shopping order
126             */
127            @Override
128            public void setUserId(long userId);
130            /**
131             * Returns the user uuid of this shopping order.
132             *
133             * @return the user uuid of this shopping order
134             * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
135             */
136            @Override
137            public String getUserUuid() throws SystemException;
139            /**
140             * Sets the user uuid of this shopping order.
141             *
142             * @param userUuid the user uuid of this shopping order
143             */
144            @Override
145            public void setUserUuid(String userUuid);
147            /**
148             * Returns the user name of this shopping order.
149             *
150             * @return the user name of this shopping order
151             */
152            @AutoEscape
153            @Override
154            public String getUserName();
156            /**
157             * Sets the user name of this shopping order.
158             *
159             * @param userName the user name of this shopping order
160             */
161            @Override
162            public void setUserName(String userName);
164            /**
165             * Returns the create date of this shopping order.
166             *
167             * @return the create date of this shopping order
168             */
169            @Override
170            public Date getCreateDate();
172            /**
173             * Sets the create date of this shopping order.
174             *
175             * @param createDate the create date of this shopping order
176             */
177            @Override
178            public void setCreateDate(Date createDate);
180            /**
181             * Returns the modified date of this shopping order.
182             *
183             * @return the modified date of this shopping order
184             */
185            @Override
186            public Date getModifiedDate();
188            /**
189             * Sets the modified date of this shopping order.
190             *
191             * @param modifiedDate the modified date of this shopping order
192             */
193            @Override
194            public void setModifiedDate(Date modifiedDate);
196            /**
197             * Returns the number of this shopping order.
198             *
199             * @return the number of this shopping order
200             */
201            @AutoEscape
202            public String getNumber();
204            /**
205             * Sets the number of this shopping order.
206             *
207             * @param number the number of this shopping order
208             */
209            public void setNumber(String number);
211            /**
212             * Returns the tax of this shopping order.
213             *
214             * @return the tax of this shopping order
215             */
216            public double getTax();
218            /**
219             * Sets the tax of this shopping order.
220             *
221             * @param tax the tax of this shopping order
222             */
223            public void setTax(double tax);
225            /**
226             * Returns the shipping of this shopping order.
227             *
228             * @return the shipping of this shopping order
229             */
230            public double getShipping();
232            /**
233             * Sets the shipping of this shopping order.
234             *
235             * @param shipping the shipping of this shopping order
236             */
237            public void setShipping(double shipping);
239            /**
240             * Returns the alt shipping of this shopping order.
241             *
242             * @return the alt shipping of this shopping order
243             */
244            @AutoEscape
245            public String getAltShipping();
247            /**
248             * Sets the alt shipping of this shopping order.
249             *
250             * @param altShipping the alt shipping of this shopping order
251             */
252            public void setAltShipping(String altShipping);
254            /**
255             * Returns the requires shipping of this shopping order.
256             *
257             * @return the requires shipping of this shopping order
258             */
259            public boolean getRequiresShipping();
261            /**
262             * Returns <code>true</code> if this shopping order is requires shipping.
263             *
264             * @return <code>true</code> if this shopping order is requires shipping; <code>false</code> otherwise
265             */
266            public boolean isRequiresShipping();
268            /**
269             * Sets whether this shopping order is requires shipping.
270             *
271             * @param requiresShipping the requires shipping of this shopping order
272             */
273            public void setRequiresShipping(boolean requiresShipping);
275            /**
276             * Returns the insure of this shopping order.
277             *
278             * @return the insure of this shopping order
279             */
280            public boolean getInsure();
282            /**
283             * Returns <code>true</code> if this shopping order is insure.
284             *
285             * @return <code>true</code> if this shopping order is insure; <code>false</code> otherwise
286             */
287            public boolean isInsure();
289            /**
290             * Sets whether this shopping order is insure.
291             *
292             * @param insure the insure of this shopping order
293             */
294            public void setInsure(boolean insure);
296            /**
297             * Returns the insurance of this shopping order.
298             *
299             * @return the insurance of this shopping order
300             */
301            public double getInsurance();
303            /**
304             * Sets the insurance of this shopping order.
305             *
306             * @param insurance the insurance of this shopping order
307             */
308            public void setInsurance(double insurance);
310            /**
311             * Returns the coupon codes of this shopping order.
312             *
313             * @return the coupon codes of this shopping order
314             */
315            @AutoEscape
316            public String getCouponCodes();
318            /**
319             * Sets the coupon codes of this shopping order.
320             *
321             * @param couponCodes the coupon codes of this shopping order
322             */
323            public void setCouponCodes(String couponCodes);
325            /**
326             * Returns the coupon discount of this shopping order.
327             *
328             * @return the coupon discount of this shopping order
329             */
330            public double getCouponDiscount();
332            /**
333             * Sets the coupon discount of this shopping order.
334             *
335             * @param couponDiscount the coupon discount of this shopping order
336             */
337            public void setCouponDiscount(double couponDiscount);
339            /**
340             * Returns the billing first name of this shopping order.
341             *
342             * @return the billing first name of this shopping order
343             */
344            @AutoEscape
345            public String getBillingFirstName();
347            /**
348             * Sets the billing first name of this shopping order.
349             *
350             * @param billingFirstName the billing first name of this shopping order
351             */
352            public void setBillingFirstName(String billingFirstName);
354            /**
355             * Returns the billing last name of this shopping order.
356             *
357             * @return the billing last name of this shopping order
358             */
359            @AutoEscape
360            public String getBillingLastName();
362            /**
363             * Sets the billing last name of this shopping order.
364             *
365             * @param billingLastName the billing last name of this shopping order
366             */
367            public void setBillingLastName(String billingLastName);
369            /**
370             * Returns the billing email address of this shopping order.
371             *
372             * @return the billing email address of this shopping order
373             */
374            @AutoEscape
375            public String getBillingEmailAddress();
377            /**
378             * Sets the billing email address of this shopping order.
379             *
380             * @param billingEmailAddress the billing email address of this shopping order
381             */
382            public void setBillingEmailAddress(String billingEmailAddress);
384            /**
385             * Returns the billing company of this shopping order.
386             *
387             * @return the billing company of this shopping order
388             */
389            @AutoEscape
390            public String getBillingCompany();
392            /**
393             * Sets the billing company of this shopping order.
394             *
395             * @param billingCompany the billing company of this shopping order
396             */
397            public void setBillingCompany(String billingCompany);
399            /**
400             * Returns the billing street of this shopping order.
401             *
402             * @return the billing street of this shopping order
403             */
404            @AutoEscape
405            public String getBillingStreet();
407            /**
408             * Sets the billing street of this shopping order.
409             *
410             * @param billingStreet the billing street of this shopping order
411             */
412            public void setBillingStreet(String billingStreet);
414            /**
415             * Returns the billing city of this shopping order.
416             *
417             * @return the billing city of this shopping order
418             */
419            @AutoEscape
420            public String getBillingCity();
422            /**
423             * Sets the billing city of this shopping order.
424             *
425             * @param billingCity the billing city of this shopping order
426             */
427            public void setBillingCity(String billingCity);
429            /**
430             * Returns the billing state of this shopping order.
431             *
432             * @return the billing state of this shopping order
433             */
434            @AutoEscape
435            public String getBillingState();
437            /**
438             * Sets the billing state of this shopping order.
439             *
440             * @param billingState the billing state of this shopping order
441             */
442            public void setBillingState(String billingState);
444            /**
445             * Returns the billing zip of this shopping order.
446             *
447             * @return the billing zip of this shopping order
448             */
449            @AutoEscape
450            public String getBillingZip();
452            /**
453             * Sets the billing zip of this shopping order.
454             *
455             * @param billingZip the billing zip of this shopping order
456             */
457            public void setBillingZip(String billingZip);
459            /**
460             * Returns the billing country of this shopping order.
461             *
462             * @return the billing country of this shopping order
463             */
464            @AutoEscape
465            public String getBillingCountry();
467            /**
468             * Sets the billing country of this shopping order.
469             *
470             * @param billingCountry the billing country of this shopping order
471             */
472            public void setBillingCountry(String billingCountry);
474            /**
475             * Returns the billing phone of this shopping order.
476             *
477             * @return the billing phone of this shopping order
478             */
479            @AutoEscape
480            public String getBillingPhone();
482            /**
483             * Sets the billing phone of this shopping order.
484             *
485             * @param billingPhone the billing phone of this shopping order
486             */
487            public void setBillingPhone(String billingPhone);
489            /**
490             * Returns the ship to billing of this shopping order.
491             *
492             * @return the ship to billing of this shopping order
493             */
494            public boolean getShipToBilling();
496            /**
497             * Returns <code>true</code> if this shopping order is ship to billing.
498             *
499             * @return <code>true</code> if this shopping order is ship to billing; <code>false</code> otherwise
500             */
501            public boolean isShipToBilling();
503            /**
504             * Sets whether this shopping order is ship to billing.
505             *
506             * @param shipToBilling the ship to billing of this shopping order
507             */
508            public void setShipToBilling(boolean shipToBilling);
510            /**
511             * Returns the shipping first name of this shopping order.
512             *
513             * @return the shipping first name of this shopping order
514             */
515            @AutoEscape
516            public String getShippingFirstName();
518            /**
519             * Sets the shipping first name of this shopping order.
520             *
521             * @param shippingFirstName the shipping first name of this shopping order
522             */
523            public void setShippingFirstName(String shippingFirstName);
525            /**
526             * Returns the shipping last name of this shopping order.
527             *
528             * @return the shipping last name of this shopping order
529             */
530            @AutoEscape
531            public String getShippingLastName();
533            /**
534             * Sets the shipping last name of this shopping order.
535             *
536             * @param shippingLastName the shipping last name of this shopping order
537             */
538            public void setShippingLastName(String shippingLastName);
540            /**
541             * Returns the shipping email address of this shopping order.
542             *
543             * @return the shipping email address of this shopping order
544             */
545            @AutoEscape
546            public String getShippingEmailAddress();
548            /**
549             * Sets the shipping email address of this shopping order.
550             *
551             * @param shippingEmailAddress the shipping email address of this shopping order
552             */
553            public void setShippingEmailAddress(String shippingEmailAddress);
555            /**
556             * Returns the shipping company of this shopping order.
557             *
558             * @return the shipping company of this shopping order
559             */
560            @AutoEscape
561            public String getShippingCompany();
563            /**
564             * Sets the shipping company of this shopping order.
565             *
566             * @param shippingCompany the shipping company of this shopping order
567             */
568            public void setShippingCompany(String shippingCompany);
570            /**
571             * Returns the shipping street of this shopping order.
572             *
573             * @return the shipping street of this shopping order
574             */
575            @AutoEscape
576            public String getShippingStreet();
578            /**
579             * Sets the shipping street of this shopping order.
580             *
581             * @param shippingStreet the shipping street of this shopping order
582             */
583            public void setShippingStreet(String shippingStreet);
585            /**
586             * Returns the shipping city of this shopping order.
587             *
588             * @return the shipping city of this shopping order
589             */
590            @AutoEscape
591            public String getShippingCity();
593            /**
594             * Sets the shipping city of this shopping order.
595             *
596             * @param shippingCity the shipping city of this shopping order
597             */
598            public void setShippingCity(String shippingCity);
600            /**
601             * Returns the shipping state of this shopping order.
602             *
603             * @return the shipping state of this shopping order
604             */
605            @AutoEscape
606            public String getShippingState();
608            /**
609             * Sets the shipping state of this shopping order.
610             *
611             * @param shippingState the shipping state of this shopping order
612             */
613            public void setShippingState(String shippingState);
615            /**
616             * Returns the shipping zip of this shopping order.
617             *
618             * @return the shipping zip of this shopping order
619             */
620            @AutoEscape
621            public String getShippingZip();
623            /**
624             * Sets the shipping zip of this shopping order.
625             *
626             * @param shippingZip the shipping zip of this shopping order
627             */
628            public void setShippingZip(String shippingZip);
630            /**
631             * Returns the shipping country of this shopping order.
632             *
633             * @return the shipping country of this shopping order
634             */
635            @AutoEscape
636            public String getShippingCountry();
638            /**
639             * Sets the shipping country of this shopping order.
640             *
641             * @param shippingCountry the shipping country of this shopping order
642             */
643            public void setShippingCountry(String shippingCountry);
645            /**
646             * Returns the shipping phone of this shopping order.
647             *
648             * @return the shipping phone of this shopping order
649             */
650            @AutoEscape
651            public String getShippingPhone();
653            /**
654             * Sets the shipping phone of this shopping order.
655             *
656             * @param shippingPhone the shipping phone of this shopping order
657             */
658            public void setShippingPhone(String shippingPhone);
660            /**
661             * Returns the cc name of this shopping order.
662             *
663             * @return the cc name of this shopping order
664             */
665            @AutoEscape
666            public String getCcName();
668            /**
669             * Sets the cc name of this shopping order.
670             *
671             * @param ccName the cc name of this shopping order
672             */
673            public void setCcName(String ccName);
675            /**
676             * Returns the cc type of this shopping order.
677             *
678             * @return the cc type of this shopping order
679             */
680            @AutoEscape
681            public String getCcType();
683            /**
684             * Sets the cc type of this shopping order.
685             *
686             * @param ccType the cc type of this shopping order
687             */
688            public void setCcType(String ccType);
690            /**
691             * Returns the cc number of this shopping order.
692             *
693             * @return the cc number of this shopping order
694             */
695            @AutoEscape
696            public String getCcNumber();
698            /**
699             * Sets the cc number of this shopping order.
700             *
701             * @param ccNumber the cc number of this shopping order
702             */
703            public void setCcNumber(String ccNumber);
705            /**
706             * Returns the cc exp month of this shopping order.
707             *
708             * @return the cc exp month of this shopping order
709             */
710            public int getCcExpMonth();
712            /**
713             * Sets the cc exp month of this shopping order.
714             *
715             * @param ccExpMonth the cc exp month of this shopping order
716             */
717            public void setCcExpMonth(int ccExpMonth);
719            /**
720             * Returns the cc exp year of this shopping order.
721             *
722             * @return the cc exp year of this shopping order
723             */
724            public int getCcExpYear();
726            /**
727             * Sets the cc exp year of this shopping order.
728             *
729             * @param ccExpYear the cc exp year of this shopping order
730             */
731            public void setCcExpYear(int ccExpYear);
733            /**
734             * Returns the cc ver number of this shopping order.
735             *
736             * @return the cc ver number of this shopping order
737             */
738            @AutoEscape
739            public String getCcVerNumber();
741            /**
742             * Sets the cc ver number of this shopping order.
743             *
744             * @param ccVerNumber the cc ver number of this shopping order
745             */
746            public void setCcVerNumber(String ccVerNumber);
748            /**
749             * Returns the comments of this shopping order.
750             *
751             * @return the comments of this shopping order
752             */
753            @AutoEscape
754            public String getComments();
756            /**
757             * Sets the comments of this shopping order.
758             *
759             * @param comments the comments of this shopping order
760             */
761            public void setComments(String comments);
763            /**
764             * Returns the pp txn ID of this shopping order.
765             *
766             * @return the pp txn ID of this shopping order
767             */
768            @AutoEscape
769            public String getPpTxnId();
771            /**
772             * Sets the pp txn ID of this shopping order.
773             *
774             * @param ppTxnId the pp txn ID of this shopping order
775             */
776            public void setPpTxnId(String ppTxnId);
778            /**
779             * Returns the pp payment status of this shopping order.
780             *
781             * @return the pp payment status of this shopping order
782             */
783            @AutoEscape
784            public String getPpPaymentStatus();
786            /**
787             * Sets the pp payment status of this shopping order.
788             *
789             * @param ppPaymentStatus the pp payment status of this shopping order
790             */
791            public void setPpPaymentStatus(String ppPaymentStatus);
793            /**
794             * Returns the pp payment gross of this shopping order.
795             *
796             * @return the pp payment gross of this shopping order
797             */
798            public double getPpPaymentGross();
800            /**
801             * Sets the pp payment gross of this shopping order.
802             *
803             * @param ppPaymentGross the pp payment gross of this shopping order
804             */
805            public void setPpPaymentGross(double ppPaymentGross);
807            /**
808             * Returns the pp receiver email of this shopping order.
809             *
810             * @return the pp receiver email of this shopping order
811             */
812            @AutoEscape
813            public String getPpReceiverEmail();
815            /**
816             * Sets the pp receiver email of this shopping order.
817             *
818             * @param ppReceiverEmail the pp receiver email of this shopping order
819             */
820            public void setPpReceiverEmail(String ppReceiverEmail);
822            /**
823             * Returns the pp payer email of this shopping order.
824             *
825             * @return the pp payer email of this shopping order
826             */
827            @AutoEscape
828            public String getPpPayerEmail();
830            /**
831             * Sets the pp payer email of this shopping order.
832             *
833             * @param ppPayerEmail the pp payer email of this shopping order
834             */
835            public void setPpPayerEmail(String ppPayerEmail);
837            /**
838             * Returns the send order email of this shopping order.
839             *
840             * @return the send order email of this shopping order
841             */
842            public boolean getSendOrderEmail();
844            /**
845             * Returns <code>true</code> if this shopping order is send order email.
846             *
847             * @return <code>true</code> if this shopping order is send order email; <code>false</code> otherwise
848             */
849            public boolean isSendOrderEmail();
851            /**
852             * Sets whether this shopping order is send order email.
853             *
854             * @param sendOrderEmail the send order email of this shopping order
855             */
856            public void setSendOrderEmail(boolean sendOrderEmail);
858            /**
859             * Returns the send shipping email of this shopping order.
860             *
861             * @return the send shipping email of this shopping order
862             */
863            public boolean getSendShippingEmail();
865            /**
866             * Returns <code>true</code> if this shopping order is send shipping email.
867             *
868             * @return <code>true</code> if this shopping order is send shipping email; <code>false</code> otherwise
869             */
870            public boolean isSendShippingEmail();
872            /**
873             * Sets whether this shopping order is send shipping email.
874             *
875             * @param sendShippingEmail the send shipping email of this shopping order
876             */
877            public void setSendShippingEmail(boolean sendShippingEmail);
879            @Override
880            public boolean isNew();
882            @Override
883            public void setNew(boolean n);
885            @Override
886            public boolean isCachedModel();
888            @Override
889            public void setCachedModel(boolean cachedModel);
891            @Override
892            public boolean isEscapedModel();
894            @Override
895            public Serializable getPrimaryKeyObj();
897            @Override
898            public void setPrimaryKeyObj(Serializable primaryKeyObj);
900            @Override
901            public ExpandoBridge getExpandoBridge();
903            @Override
904            public void setExpandoBridgeAttributes(BaseModel<?> baseModel);
906            @Override
907            public void setExpandoBridgeAttributes(ExpandoBridge expandoBridge);
909            @Override
910            public void setExpandoBridgeAttributes(ServiceContext serviceContext);
912            @Override
913            public Object clone();
915            @Override
916            public int compareTo(ShoppingOrder shoppingOrder);
918            @Override
919            public int hashCode();
921            @Override
922            public CacheModel<ShoppingOrder> toCacheModel();
924            @Override
925            public ShoppingOrder toEscapedModel();
927            @Override
928            public ShoppingOrder toUnescapedModel();
930            @Override
931            public String toString();
933            @Override
934            public String toXmlString();
935    }