Source: layout-content-page-editor-web/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/js/store/

 * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
 * details.

import {Config} from 'metal-state';

import {
} from '../utils/constants';
import {setIn} from '../utils/';
import {getEmptyLayoutData} from '../utils/';

const LayoutDataShape = Config.shapeOf({
	nextColumnId: Config.number(),
	nextRowId: Config.number(),
	structure: Config.arrayOf(
			columns: Config.arrayOf(
					columnId: Config.string(),
					fragmentEntryLinkIds: Config.arrayOf(Config.string()),
					size: Config.string().value('')
			rowId: Config.string(),
			type: Config.oneOf(Object.values(FRAGMENTS_EDITOR_ROW_TYPES)).value(

 * Initial state
 * @review
 * @type {object}

	 * Id of the active item
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	activeItemId: Config.string().value(''),

	 * Type of the active item
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	activeItemType: Config.string().value(''),

	 * URL for adding a comment to a FragmentEntryLink
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	addFragmentEntryLinkCommentURL: Config.string().value(''),

	 * URL for associating fragment entries to the underlying model.
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	addFragmentEntryLinkURL: Config.string().value(''),

	 * URL for associating portlets to the underlying model.
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	addPortletURL: Config.string().value(''),

	 * URL for adding structured content
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	addStructuredContentURL: Config.string().value(''),

	 * List of asset browser links that can be used
	 * for selecting an asset
	 * @default []
	 * @review
	 * @type {object[]}
	assetBrowserLinks: Config.arrayOf(
			href: Config.string(),
			typeName: Config.string()

	availableAssets: Config.arrayOf(
			availableTemplates: Config.arrayOf(
					key: Config.string(),
					label: Config.string()
			className: Config.string(),
			classNameId: Config.string(),
			href: Config.string(),
			name: Config.string()

	 * Object of available languages.
	 * @default {}
	 * @review
	 * @type {object}
	availableLanguages: Config.objectOf(
			languageId: Config.string(),
			languageLabel: Config.string()

	 * List of available segments
	 * @default []
	 * @review
	 * @type {object[]}
	availableSegmentsEntries: Config.objectOf(
			name: Config.string().required(),
			segmentsEntryId: Config.string().required()

	 * List of available segments
	 * @default []
	 * @review
	 * @type {object[]}
	availableSegmentsExperiences: Config.objectOf(
			active: Config.bool(),
			name: Config.string(),
			priority: Config.number(),
			segmentsEntryId: Config.string(),
			segmentsExperienceId: Config.string()

	 * Class name id used for storing changes.
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	classNameId: Config.string().value(''),

	 * Class primary key used for storing changes.
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	classPK: Config.string().value(''),

	 * Flag indicating if the content creation is enabled
	 * @default false
	 * @review
	 * @type {boolean}
	contentCreationEnabled: Config.bool().value(false),

	 * Flag indicating if the Create Content dialog should be shown
	 * @default false
	 * @review
	 * @type {boolean}
	createContentDialogVisible: Config.bool().value(false),

	 * Default configurations for AlloyEditor instances.
	 * @default {}
	 * @instance
	 * @review
	 * @type {object}
	defaultEditorConfigurations: Config.object().value({}),

	 * Default language id.
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	defaultLanguageId: Config.string().value(''),

	 * Default segment id.
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	defaultSegmentsEntryId: Config.string().value(''),

	 * Default experience id.
	 * @default undefined
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	defaultSegmentsExperienceId: Config.string().value(undefined),

	 * URL for removing fragment entries of the underlying model.
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	deleteFragmentEntryLinkURL: Config.string().value(''),

	 * URL for removing a segmentsExperience and it's associated
	 * fragmentEntryLinks.
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	deleteSegmentsExperienceURL: Config.string().value(''),

	 * URL to redirect after discard draft action.
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {!string}
	discardDraftRedirectURL: Config.string().value(''),

	 * URL to discard draft changes and return to the latest published version.
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {!string}
	discardDraftURL: Config.string().value(''),

	 * Border of the target item where another item is being dragged to
	 * @default null
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	dropTargetBorder: Config.oneOf(

	 * Id of the element where a fragment is being dragged over
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	dropTargetItemId: Config.string().value(''),

	 * Type of the element where a fragment is being dragged over
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	dropTargetItemType: Config.string().value(''),

	 * URL for duplicating a FragmentEntryLink
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	duplicateFragmentEntryLinkURL: Config.string().value(''),

	 * URL for editing a comment to a FragmentEntryLink
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	editFragmentEntryLinkCommentURL: Config.string().value(''),

	 * URL for updating a distinct fragment entries of the editor.
	 * @default ''
	 * @instance
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	editFragmentEntryLinkURL: Config.string().value(''),

	 * Available elements that can be dragged inside the existing Page Template,
	 * organized by fragment categories.
	 * @default []
	 * @review
	 * @type {Array<{
	 *   fragmentCollectionId: !string,
	 *   fragmentEntries: Array<{
	 *     fragmentEntryKey: !string,
	 *     imagePreviewURL: string,
	 *     groupId: string,
	 *     name: !string
	 *   }>,
	 *   name: !string
	 * }>}
	elements: Config.arrayOf(
			fragmentCollectionId: Config.string().required(),
			fragmentEntries: Config.arrayOf(
					fragmentEntryKey: Config.string().required(),
					groupId: Config.string().value(''),
					imagePreviewURL: Config.string(),
					name: Config.string().required()
			name: Config.string().required()

	 * List of fragment instances being used.
	 * @default {}
	 * @review
	 * @type {object}
	fragmentEntryLinks: Config.objectOf(
			config: Config.object().value({}),
			configuration: Config.object().value({}),
			content: Config.any().value(''),
			editableValues: Config.shapeOf({
						classNameId: Config.string().value(''),
						classPK: Config.string().value(''),
						defaultValue: Config.string().required(),
						fieldId: Config.string().value(''),
						mappedField: Config.string().value('')
			fragmentEntryId: Config.oneOfType([
			fragmentEntryKey: Config.string().required(),
			fragmentEntryLinkId: Config.string().required(),
			name: Config.string().required(),
			portletId: Config.string().value('')

	 * URL for getting an asset field value
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	getAssetFieldValueURL: Config.string().value(''),

	 * Get asset mapping fields url
	 * @default undefined
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	getAssetMappingFieldsURL: Config.string().value(''),

	 * URL for obtaining the content structure mapping fields
	 * created.
	 * @default '''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	getContentStructureMappingFieldsURL: Config.string().value(''),

	 * URL for obtaining the content structures
	 * created.
	 * @default '''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	getContentStructuresURL: Config.string().value(''),

	 * Get portlets used in a particular experience
	 * @default undefined
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	getExperienceUsedPortletsURL: Config.string().value(''),

	 * URL for obtaining the asset types for which info display pages can be
	 * created.
	 * @default '''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	getInfoClassTypesURL: Config.string().value(''),

	 * URL for obtaining the asset types for which info display pages can be
	 * created.
	 * @default '''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	getInfoDisplayContributorsURL: Config.string().value(''),

	 * Get page content url
	 * @default undefined
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	getPageContentsURL: Config.string().value(''),

	 * Id of the last element that was hovered
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	hoveredItemId: Config.string().value(''),

	 * Type of the last element that was hovered
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	hoveredItemType: Config.string().value(''),

	 * Image selector url
	 * @default undefined
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	imageSelectorURL: Config.string().value(''),

	 * Currently selected language id.
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	languageId: Config.string().value(''),

	 * Last date when the autosave has been executed.
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	lastSaveDate: Config.string().value(''),

	 * Data associated to the layout
	 * @default {structure: []}
	 * @review
	 * @type {{structure: Array}}
	layoutData: LayoutDataShape.value(getEmptyLayoutData()),

	 * List of layoutData related to segmentsExperiences
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {!Array}
	layoutDataList: Config.arrayOf(
			layoutData: LayoutDataShape.required(),
			segmentsExperienceId: Config.string().required()

	 * Current layout look&feel url
	 * @default undefined
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	lookAndFeelURL: Config.string().value(''),

	 * @default []
	 * @review
	 * @type {object[]}
	mappedAssetEntries: Config.array().value([]),

	 * URL for getting the list of mapping fields
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	mappingFieldsURL: Config.string().value(''),

	 * @default []
	 * @review
	 * @type {Array<{name: string, status: { label: string, style: string }, title: string, usagesCount: number}>}
	pageContents: Config.arrayOf(
			name: Config.string(),
			status: Config.shapeOf({
				label: Config.string(),
				style: Config.string()
			title: Config.string(),
			usagesCount: Config.number()

	 * Portlet namespace needed for prefixing form inputs
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	portletNamespace: Config.string().value(''),

	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {!string}
	publishURL: Config.string().value(''),

	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {!string}
	redirectURL: Config.string().value(''),

	 * URL for getting a fragment content.
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	renderFragmentEntryURL: Config.string().value(''),

	 * When true, it indicates that are changes pending to save.
	 * @default false
	 * @review
	 * @type {boolean}
	savingChanges: Config.bool().value(false),

	 * Available sections that can be dragged inside the existing Page Template,
	 * organized by fragment categories.
	 * @default []
	 * @review
	 * @type {Array<{
	 *   fragmentCollectionId: !string,
	 *   fragmentEntries: Array<{
	 *     fragmentEntryKey: !string,
	 *     imagePreviewURL: string,
	 *     groupId: string,
	 *     name: !string
	 *   }>,
	 *   name: !string
	 * }>}
	sections: Config.arrayOf(
			fragmentCollectionId: Config.string().required(),
			fragmentEntries: Config.arrayOf(
					fragmentEntryKey: Config.string().required(),
					groupId: Config.string().value(''),
					imagePreviewURL: Config.string(),
					name: Config.string().required()
			name: Config.string().required()

	 * The active segmentsExperience
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	segmentsExperienceId: Config.string().value(),

	 * Selected items
	 * @default []
	 * @review
	 * @type {Array<string>}
	selectedItems: Config.arrayOf(
			itemId: Config.string(),
			itemType: Config.string()

	 * Selected mapping type label
	 * @default {}
	 * @review
	 * @type {{
	 *   subtype: {
	 *   	id: !string,
	 *   	label: !string
	 *   },
	 *   type: {
	 *   	id: !string,
	 *   	label: !string
	 *   }
	 * }}
	selectedMappingTypes: Config.shapeOf({
		subtype: Config.shapeOf({
			id: Config.string().required(),
			label: Config.string().required()
		type: Config.shapeOf({
			id: Config.string().required(),
			label: Config.string().required()

	 * Selected sidebar panel ID to be shown (null or empty)
	 * when sidebar is hidden.
	 * @default 'sections'
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	selectedSidebarPanelId: Config.string().value('sections'),

	 * Flag indicating if resolved comments should be shown
	 * @default false
	 * @review
	 * @type {boolean}
	showResolvedComments: Config.bool().value(false),

	 * List of sidebar panels
	 * @default []
	 * @review
	 * @type {object[]}
	sidebarPanels: Config.arrayOf(
			icon: Config.string(),
			label: Config.string(),
			sidebarPanelId: Config.string()

	 * Path of the available icons.
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	spritemap: Config.string().value(''),

	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {!string}
	status: Config.string().value(''),

	 * @default []
	 * @review
	 * @type {Array}
	themeColorsCssClasses: Config.arrayOf(Config.string()).value([]),

	 * URL for updating layout data.
	 * @default ''
	 * @review
	 * @type {string}
	updateLayoutPageTemplateDataURL: Config.string().value(''),

	 * Available widgets that can be dragged inside the existing Page Template,
	 * organized by categories.
	 * @default []
	 * @review
	 * @type {Array<{
	 *   categories: Array,
	 *   path: !string,
	 *   portlets: Array<{
	 *     instanceable: !boolean,
	 *     portletId: string,
	 *     title: !string,
	 *     used: !boolean
	 *   }>,
	 * 	 title: !string
	 * }>}
	widgets: Config.arrayOf(
			categories: Config.array(),
			path: Config.string().required(),
			portlets: Config.arrayOf(
					instanceable: Config.bool().required(),
					portletId: Config.string().required(),
					title: Config.string().required(),
					used: Config.bool().required()
			title: Config.string().required()

 * Initial default state
 * @review
 * @type {object}
const DEFAULT_INITIAL_STATE = Object.keys(INITIAL_STATE).reduce(
	(defaultInitialState, key) =>
		setIn(defaultInitialState, [key], INITIAL_STATE[key].config.value),

export default INITIAL_STATE;