* Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
import 'clay-alert';
import 'clay-button';
import 'clay-select';
import 'clay-sticker';
import {PortletBase} from 'frontend-js-web';
import Soy from 'metal-soy';
import {Config} from 'metal-state';
import templates from './ManageCollaborators.soy';
* Handles actions to delete or change permissions of the
* collaborators for a file entry.
class ManageCollaborators extends PortletBase {
* @inheritDoc
attached() {
this._deleteSharingEntryIds = [];
this._sharingEntryIdsAndPermissions = {};
this._sharingEntryIdsAndExpirationDate = {};
this._sharingEntryIdsAndShareables = {};
let tomorrow = new Date();
tomorrow = tomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 1);
this._tomorrowDate = new Date(tomorrow).toISOString().split('T')[0];
* Checks if the date is after today.
* @param {String} expirationDate
* @protected
* @return {Bool} returns true if the expiration date
* is after today, false in other case.
_checkExpirationDate(expirationDate) {
const date = new Date(expirationDate);
return date >= new Date(this._tomorrowDate);
* Closes the dialog.
* @protected
_closeDialog() {
const collaboratorsDialog = Liferay.Util.getWindow(this._dialogId);
if (collaboratorsDialog && collaboratorsDialog.hide) {
_convertToPair(sharingEntryObject) {
const keys = Object.keys(sharingEntryObject);
const result = [];
keys.forEach(key => {
result.push(key + ',' + sharingEntryObject[key]);
return result;
* Looks if there is a collaborator with an invalid
* expiration date.
* @return {Boolean} If a collaborator has an invalid expiration date
_findExpirationDateError() {
const collaborator = this.collaborators.find(
collaborator =>
collaborator.sharingEntryExpirationDateError === true
this.expirationDateError = collaborator != null;
return this.expirationDateError;
* Finds a collaborator by his id
* @param {String} collaboratorId The id of a collaborator
* @return {Object} Collaborator
_getCollaborator(collaboratorId) {
const collaboratorIdNumber = Number(collaboratorId);
const collaborator = this.collaborators.find(
collaborator => collaborator.userId === collaboratorIdNumber
return collaborator;
* Closes the dialog.
* @protected
_handleCancelButtonClick() {
* Gets the new permission key for the selected
* collaborator.
* @param {Event} event
* @protected
_handleChangePermission(event) {
const sharingEntryId = event.target.getAttribute('name');
const sharingEntryPermissionKey = event.target.value;
] = sharingEntryPermissionKey;
* Gets the selected expiration date.
* @param {Event} event
* @protected
_handleBlurExpirationDate(event) {
const collaboratorId = event.target.dataset.collaboratorId;
const sharingEntryExpirationDate = event.target.value;
const sharingEntryId = event.target.dataset.sharingentryId;
const collaborator = this._getCollaborator(collaboratorId);
const dateError = !this._checkExpirationDate(
collaborator.sharingEntryExpirationDateError = dateError;
if (!dateError) {
collaborator.sharingEntryExpirationDateTooltip = this._getTooltipDate(
] = sharingEntryExpirationDate;
this.collaborators = this.collaborators;
setTimeout(() => this._findExpirationDateError(), 0);
* Get shareable permissions
* @param {Event} event
* @protected
_handleChangeShareable(event) {
const target = event.delegateTarget;
const collaboratorId = target.dataset.collaboratorId;
const shareable = target.checked;
const sharingEntryId = target.dataset.sharingentryId;
const collaborator = this._getCollaborator(collaboratorId);
if (collaborator) {
collaborator.sharingEntryShareable = shareable;
this.collaborators = this.collaborators;
this._sharingEntryIdsAndShareables[sharingEntryId] = shareable;
* Deletes the collaborator.
* @param {Event} event
* @protected
_handleDeleteCollaborator(event) {
const target = event.delegateTarget;
const collaboratorId = Number(target.dataset.collaboratorId);
const sharingEntryId = target.dataset.sharingentryId;
this.collaborators = this.collaborators.filter(
collaborator => collaborator.userId != collaboratorId
* Enable and disable the expiration date field
* @param {Event} event
* @protected
_handleEnableDisableExpirationDate(event) {
const target = event.delegateTarget;
const collaboratorId = target.dataset.collaboratorId;
const enabled = target.checked;
const collaborator = this._getCollaborator(collaboratorId);
if (collaborator) {
const sharingEntryExpirationDate = enabled
? this._tomorrowDate
: '';
collaborator.enabledExpirationDate = enabled;
if (!enabled) {
collaborator.sharingEntryExpirationDateError = false;
collaborator.sharingEntryExpirationDate = sharingEntryExpirationDate;
collaborator.sharingEntryExpirationDateTooltip = this._getTooltipDate(
] = sharingEntryExpirationDate;
this.collaborators = this.collaborators;
* Expand configuration for sharing permissions and expiration
* @param {Event} event
* @protected
_handleExpandCollaborator(event) {
const invalidElements = 'select,option,button';
if (
invalidElements.indexOf(event.target.nodeName.toLowerCase()) == -1
) {
this.expandedCollaboratorId =
* Sends a request to the server to update permissions
* or delete collaborators.
* @protected
_handleSaveButtonClick() {
if (this._findExpirationDateError()) {
this.fetch(this.actionUrl, {
deleteSharingEntryIds: this._deleteSharingEntryIds,
sharingEntryIdActionIdPairs: this._convertToPair(
sharingEntryIdExpirationDatePairs: this._convertToPair(
sharingEntryIdShareablePairs: this._convertToPair(
.then(response => {
this.submitting = false;
const jsonResponse = response.json();
return response.ok
? jsonResponse
: jsonResponse.then(json => {
const error = new Error(
json.errorMessage || response.statusText
throw Object.assign(error, {response});
.then(json => {
this._loadingResponse = false;
.catch(error => {
this._loadingResponse = false;
this._showNotification(error.message, true);
this._loadingResponse = true;
* Get the formatted date that has to be shown
* in the tooltip.
* @param {Date} expirationDate [description]
* @return {String} [description]
_getTooltipDate(expirationDate) {
return Liferay.Util.sub(
new Date(expirationDate).toLocaleDateString(
* Cleans the error.
* @protected
_removeExpirationDateError() {
this.expirationDateError = false;
* Show notification in the opener and closes dialog
* after is rendered
* @param {string} message message for notification
* @param {boolean} error Flag indicating if is an error or not
* @private
* @review
_showNotification(message, error) {
const parentOpenToast = Liferay.Util.getOpener().Liferay.Util.openToast;
const openToastParams = {
events: {
attached: this._closeDialog.bind(this)
if (error) {
openToastParams.title = Liferay.Language.get('error');
openToastParams.type = 'danger';
* State definition.
* @ignore
* @static
* @type {!Object}
ManageCollaborators.STATE = {
* Uri to send the manage collaborators fetch request.
* @instance
* @memberof ManageCollaborators
* @type {String}
actionUrl: Config.string().required(),
* List of collaborators
* @type {Array.<Object>}
collaborators: Config.arrayOf(
fullName: Config.string(),
sharingEntryExpirationDate: Config.string(),
sharingEntryExpirationDateTooltip: Config.string(),
sharingEntryId: Config.string(),
sharingEntryPermissionDisplaySelectOptions: Config.arrayOf(
label: Config.string(),
selected: Config.bool(),
value: Config.string()
sharingEntryShareable: Config.bool(),
userId: Config.number()
* Id of the dialog
* @type {String}
dialogId: Config.string().required,
* Id of the expanded collaborator
* @memberof ManageCollaborators
* @type {String}
expandedCollaboratorId: Config.string(),
* Path to images.
* @instance
* @memberof ManageCollaborators
* @type {String}
spritemap: Config.string().required()
// Register component
Soy.register(ManageCollaborators, templates);
export default ManageCollaborators;