Chapter 2. Community Administration

Table of Contents

1. Overview
2. Communities Portlet
2.1. How to view, search, add, edit, and delete communities
2.1.1. Viewing Communities
2.1.2. Searching Communities
2.1.3. Adding Communities
2.1.4. Editing Communities
2.1.5. Deleting Communities
2.2. How to view, add, edit, permission, delete, manage look and feel for, and import/export pages for a community
2.2.1. Viewing Pages
2.2.2. Adding Pages
2.2.3. Editing Pages
2.2.4. Permission Pages
2.2.5. Deleting Pages
2.2.6. Manage Look and Feel for Pages
2.2.7. Import/Export Pages
2.3. How to assign users to a community
2.3.1. Assigning Users Directly to a Community
2.3.2. Assigning Users Indirectly to a Community
2.4. How to join and leave an open community
2.4.1. Joining an Open Community
2.4.2. Leaving an Open Community
2.5. How to control permissions in a community
3. Page Settings link

This chapter will provide a reference for administering communities within Liferay Portal 4.0. It will include a discussion of how to create and manage communities, as well as how to create and manage the pages and users within a community. For a discussion of how to administer permissions for a community, please see Chapter 3.