Chapter 9. Content Management System

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1. Document Management
1.2. Publishing
2. Document Management Portlets
2.1. Document Library
2.1.1. Adding a Document
2.1.2. Referencing a Document
2.2. Image Gallery
2.2.1. Adding an Image
2.2.2. Referencing an Image
2.2.3. Viewing Image Slideshow
3. Journal Portlet
3.1. Definitions
3.2. Structures
3.2.1. Structure Creation
3.2.2. Editing Structures
3.2.3. Structure Deletion
3.3. Templates
3.3.1. Template Creation
3.3.2. Editing Templates
3.3.3. Template Deletion
3.4. Articles
3.4.1. Article Creation
3.4.2. Editing Articles
3.4.3. Article Deletion
4. Journal Display Portlets
4.1. Journal Articles Portlet
4.2. Journal Content Portlet
5. Other CMS Features
5.1. Breadcrumb Portlet
5.2. Navigation Portlet
5.3. Associating Navigation Links with Articles and URLs
5.4. Layout Design Templates

This chapter will give an in depth tutorial of the CMS (Content Management System) within Liferay portal. The intended audience of this document is for users who determine the content that is displayed and published on their portal. Distinct roles for specific users are provided in the introduction.