The portal's authentication scheme uses JAAS (servlet security) to propogate the authenticated user principal across the servlet and EJB tiers. The portal is very flexible and allows you to integrate with any outside source through database or LDAP servers to provide single sign-on functionality to all of your portlets.
Authentication is configured in /portal-ejb/classes/
## ## Authentication Pipeline ## # # Input a list of comma delimited class names that implement # com.liferay.portal.auth.Authenticator. These classes will run before or # after the portal authentication begins. # # The Authenticator class defines the constant values that should be used # as return codes from the classes implementing the interface. If # authentication is successful, return SUCCESS; if the user exists but the # passwords do not match, return FAILURE; and if the user does not exist on # the system, return DNE. # # Constants in Authenticator: # public static final int SUCCESS = 1; # public static final int FAILURE = -1; # public static final int DNE = 0; # # In case you have several classes in the authentication pipeline, all of # them have to return SUCCESS if you want the user to be able to login. If # one of the authenticators returns FAILURE or DNE, the login fails. # # Under certain circumstances, you might want to keep the information in the # portal database in sync with an external database or an LDAP server. This # can easily be achieved by implementing a class via LDAPAuth that updates # the information stored in the portal user database whenever a user signs # in. # # Each portal instance can be configured at run time to either authenticate # based on user ids or email addresses. See the Admin portlet for more # information. # # Available authenticators are: # com.liferay.portal.auth.ADSAuth # com.liferay.portal.auth.LDAPAuth # auth.pipeline.pre=com.liferay.portal.auth.LDAPAuth # # ADSAuth (Microsoft Active Directory Server) #,dc=com # # Input a list of comma delimited class names that implement # com.liferay.portal.auth.AuthFailure. These classes will run when a user # has a failed login or when a user has reached the maximum number of # failed logins. # auth.failure=com.liferay.portal.auth.LoginFailure auth.max.failures=com.liferay.portal.auth.LoginMaxFailures auth.max.failures.limit=5 # # Set the following to true if users are allowed to have simultaneous logins # from different sessions. # auth.simultaneous.logins=true # # Set the following to true if users are forwarded to the last visited path # upon successful login. If set to false, users will be forwarded to their # default layout page. # # # Enter a list of paths that do not require authentication. # auth.public.path.0=/blogs/find_entry auth.public.path.1=/calendar/_iframe_events_public auth.public.path.2=/document_library/get_file_public auth.public.path.3=/document_library/get_file_version_public auth.public.path.4=/journal/get_template auth.public.path.5=/mail/update_receipt auth.public.path.6=/random_bible_verse/iframe_verse auth.public.path.7=/shopping/notify
Properties can be edited or overridden.
The LDAPAuth class provides a template to show how to integrate Liferay with an external LDAP repository. The source of this class gives more information on how it works.
The method authenticateByEmailAddress is called if the portal is authenticating users based on an email address and password combination.
The method authenticateByUserId is called if the portal is authenticating users based on an user ID and password combination.
If LDAPAuth is set to run at auth.pipeline.pre, then it will be called before the user is authenticated against the portal database.
If LDAPAuth is set to run at, then it will be called after the user is authenticated against the portal database.
LDAPAuth will first check to see if the given email address/user ID and password combination exists in the LDAP repository. If it does not, then authentication fails. If it exists, then the source will check to make sure the same LDAP user exists in the portal database. If the user does not exist, it will be created. This provides an easy way to ensure LDAP users exist in the portal database.