001    /**
002     * Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved.
003     *
004     * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
005     * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
006     * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
007     * any later version.
008     *
009     * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
010     * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
011     * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
012     * details.
013     */
015    package com.liferay.portal.kernel.portlet;
017    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.StringParser;
019    import java.util.Map;
020    import java.util.Set;
022    /**
023     * Represents a single friendly URL pattern and provides the ability to either
024     * parse a friendly URL path or generate a friendly URL from a parameter map.
025     *
026     * @author Connor McKay
027     * @author Brian Wing Shun Chan
028     * @see    Router
029     * @see    com.liferay.portlet.RouteImpl
030     * @see    com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.StringParser
031     */
032    public interface Route {
034            /**
035             * Adds a generated parameter to this route.
036             *
037             * <p>
038             * A generated parameter is never part of the URL, but is constructed from
039             * one or more "virtual parameters" using a pattern string. When a URL is
040             * parsed, the virtual parameters are populated from the URL, and the
041             * generated parameter is then built from its constituent virtual
042             * parameters.
043             * </p>
044             *
045             * <p>
046             * When a URL is generated, the opposite process occurs. The generated
047             * parameter must have its value passed in through the parameter map. This
048             * value is parsed using the pattern string, and the virtual parameters are
049             * populated and made available for use in the route pattern string. The
050             * value of the generated parameter will not be available in the route
051             * pattern; only the values of the virtual parameters may be used.
052             * </p>
053             *
054             * <p>
055             * The following is an example route definition that uses a generated
056             * parameter to remove the .jsp extension of the current page from the URL.
057             * </p>
058             *
059             * <pre>
060             * <code>
061             * &lt;route&gt;
062             *      &lt;pattern&gt;/{jspPageName}/{id:\d+}&lt;/pattern&gt;
063             *      &lt;generated-parameter name=&quot;jspPage&quot;&gt;{jspPageName}.jsp&lt;/generated-parameter&gt;
064             * &lt;/route&gt;
065             * </code>
066             * </pre>
067             *
068             * @param name the name of the generated parameter
069             * @param pattern the pattern string of the generated parameter
070             */
071            public void addGeneratedParameter(String name, String pattern);
073            /**
074             * Adds an ignored parameter to this route.
075             *
076             * <p>
077             * An ignored parameter never appears in the query string regardless of its
078             * value. Ignored parameters have no effect on the parsing of URLs.
079             * </p>
080             *
081             * @param name the name of the ignored parameter
082             */
083            public void addIgnoredParameter(String name);
085            /**
086             * Adds an implicit parameter to this route.
087             *
088             * <p>
089             * An implicit parameter applies in both stages of a route's lifecycle, URL
090             * parsing and URL generation. When a URL is parsed, the implicit parameters
091             * will be copied onto the parameter map. When a URL is generated from a
092             * parameter map, all the implicit parameters will be checked against the
093             * parameters in the map. If any do not match or are missing from the
094             * parameter map, this route will not be used for generating the URL.
095             * </p>
096             *
097             * <p>
098             * Implicit parameters are matched after all virtual parameters have been
099             * populated, and therefore should not match against the value of a
100             * generated parameter, as it will not be available.
101             * </p>
102             *
103             * <p>
104             * The most common use of implicit parameters is to specify a parameter that
105             * is included statically in the route pattern. For instance, if a custom
106             * route is specified for the JSP page "view_profile.jsp", the routes
107             * definition could look like the following:
108             * </p>
109             *
110             * <pre>
111             * <code>
112             * &lt;route&gt;
113             *      &lt;pattern&gt;/profile/view/{id:\d+}&lt;/pattern&gt;
114             *      &lt;implicit-parameter name=&quot;jspPage&quot;&gt;view_profile.jsp&lt;/implicit-parameter&gt;
115             * &lt;/route&gt;
116             * </code>
117             * </pre>
118             *
119             * <p>
120             * Since the jspPage is specified with a implicit-parameter, this route will
121             * only be used to generate URLs if the jspPage is set to
122             * "view_profile.jsp". Likewise, when a URL in this format is recognized,
123             * the jspPage will automatically be set to "view_profile.jsp".
124             * </p>
125             *
126             *
127             * @param name the name of the implicit parameter
128             * @param value the value of the implicit parameter
129             */
130            public void addImplicitParameter(String name, String value);
132            /**
133             * Adds an overridden parameter to this route.
134             *
135             * <p>
136             * An overridden parameter is one that should always be set to a certain
137             * value when a URL is parsed. Overridden parameters have no effect on the
138             * generating of URLs.
139             * </p>
140             *
141             * <p>
142             * If a implicit parameter and an overridden parameter share the same name,
143             * the overridden parameter value will take precedence when a URL is parsed.
144             * When a URL is generated the implicit parameter value will be checked
145             * against the parameter map as usual.
146             * </p>
147             *
148             * @param name the name of the overridden parameter
149             * @param value the value of the overridden parameter
150             */
151            public void addOverriddenParameter(String name, String value);
153            /**
154             * Gets the generated parameters for this route.
155             *
156             * @return the generated parameter names and string parsers
157             * @see    #addGeneratedParameter(String, String)
158             */
159            public Map<String, StringParser> getGeneratedParameters();
161            /**
162             * Gets the ignored parameters for this route.
163             *
164             * @return the ignored parameter names
165             * @see    #addIgnoredParameter(String)
166             */
167            public Set<String> getIgnoredParameters();
169            /**
170             * Gets the implicit parameters for this route.
171             *
172             * @return the implicit parameter names and values
173             * @see    #addImplicitParameter(String, String)
174             */
175            public Map<String, String> getImplicitParameters();
177            /**
178             * Gets the overridden parameters for this route.
179             *
180             * @return the overridden parameter names and values
181             * @see    #addOverriddenParameter(String, String)
182             */
183            public Map<String, String> getOverriddenParameters();
185            /**
186             * Generates a URL from the parameter map if this route is appropriate.
187             *
188             * <p>
189             * A route is appropriate if:
190             * </p>
191             *
192             * <ol>
193             * <li>
194             * The values given in <code>parameters</code> for the route's generated
195             * parameters match their patterns
196             * </li>
197             * <li>
198             * The route's implicit parameters all match <code>parameters</code>
199             * </li>
200             * <li>
201             * Every fragment in the route pattern has a matching value in
202             * <code>parameters</code>
203             * </li>
204             * </ol>
205             *
206             * @param  parameters the parameter map to build the URL from
207             * @return the URL path, or <code>null</code> if this route is not
208             *                 appropriate
209             */
210            public String parametersToUrl(Map<String, String> parameters);
212            /**
213             * Populates the parameter map with values parsed from the URL if this route
214             * matches.
215             *
216             * <p>
217             * Generated parameters will be built and added to <code>parameters</code>
218             * if possible. If the pattern for a virtual parameter in the generated
219             * parameter does not match its pattern in the route, that generated
220             * parameter may not be build.
221             * </p>
222             *
223             * <p>
224             * Virtual parameters will not be present in <code>parameters</code>.
225             * </p>
226             *
227             * @param  url the URL path to parse
228             * @param  parameters the parameter map to populate if this route matches
229             *                 the URL
230             * @return <code>true</code> if the route matches; <code>false</code>
231             *                 otherwise
232             */
233            public boolean urlToParameters(String url, Map<String, String> parameters);
235    }