001    /**
002     * Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved.
003     *
004     * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
005     * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
006     * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
007     * any later version.
008     *
009     * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
010     * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
011     * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
012     * details.
013     */
015    package com.liferay.portlet.shopping.service;
017    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.bean.PortalBeanLocatorUtil;
019    /**
020     * The utility for the shopping coupon local service. This utility wraps {@link com.liferay.portlet.shopping.service.impl.ShoppingCouponLocalServiceImpl} and is the primary access point for service operations in application layer code running on the local server.
021     *
022     * <p>
023     * Never modify this class directly. Add custom service methods to {@link com.liferay.portlet.shopping.service.impl.ShoppingCouponLocalServiceImpl} and rerun ServiceBuilder to regenerate this class.
024     * </p>
025     *
026     * <p>
027     * This is a local service. Methods of this service will not have security checks based on the propagated JAAS credentials because this service can only be accessed from within the same VM.
028     * </p>
029     *
030     * @author Brian Wing Shun Chan
031     * @see ShoppingCouponLocalService
032     * @see com.liferay.portlet.shopping.service.base.ShoppingCouponLocalServiceBaseImpl
033     * @see com.liferay.portlet.shopping.service.impl.ShoppingCouponLocalServiceImpl
034     * @generated
035     */
036    public class ShoppingCouponLocalServiceUtil {
037            /**
038            * Adds the shopping coupon to the database. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners.
039            *
040            * @param shoppingCoupon the shopping coupon to add
041            * @return the shopping coupon that was added
042            * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
043            */
044            public static com.liferay.portlet.shopping.model.ShoppingCoupon addShoppingCoupon(
045                    com.liferay.portlet.shopping.model.ShoppingCoupon shoppingCoupon)
046                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
047                    return getService().addShoppingCoupon(shoppingCoupon);
048            }
050            /**
051            * Creates a new shopping coupon with the primary key. Does not add the shopping coupon to the database.
052            *
053            * @param couponId the primary key for the new shopping coupon
054            * @return the new shopping coupon
055            */
056            public static com.liferay.portlet.shopping.model.ShoppingCoupon createShoppingCoupon(
057                    long couponId) {
058                    return getService().createShoppingCoupon(couponId);
059            }
061            /**
062            * Deletes the shopping coupon with the primary key from the database. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners.
063            *
064            * @param couponId the primary key of the shopping coupon to delete
065            * @throws PortalException if a shopping coupon with the primary key could not be found
066            * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
067            */
068            public static void deleteShoppingCoupon(long couponId)
069                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
070                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
071                    getService().deleteShoppingCoupon(couponId);
072            }
074            /**
075            * Deletes the shopping coupon from the database. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners.
076            *
077            * @param shoppingCoupon the shopping coupon to delete
078            * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
079            */
080            public static void deleteShoppingCoupon(
081                    com.liferay.portlet.shopping.model.ShoppingCoupon shoppingCoupon)
082                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
083                    getService().deleteShoppingCoupon(shoppingCoupon);
084            }
086            /**
087            * Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns the matching rows.
088            *
089            * @param dynamicQuery the dynamic query to search with
090            * @return the matching rows
091            * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
092            */
093            @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
094            public static java.util.List dynamicQuery(
095                    com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.DynamicQuery dynamicQuery)
096                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
097                    return getService().dynamicQuery(dynamicQuery);
098            }
100            /**
101            * Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns a range of the matching rows.
102            *
103            * <p>
104            * Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of <code>end - start</code> instances. <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, <code>0</code> refers to the first result in the set. Setting both <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> to {@link com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.QueryUtil#ALL_POS} will return the full result set.
105            * </p>
106            *
107            * @param dynamicQuery the dynamic query to search with
108            * @param start the lower bound of the range of model instances to return
109            * @param end the upper bound of the range of model instances to return (not inclusive)
110            * @return the range of matching rows
111            * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
112            */
113            @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
114            public static java.util.List dynamicQuery(
115                    com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.DynamicQuery dynamicQuery, int start,
116                    int end) throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
117                    return getService().dynamicQuery(dynamicQuery, start, end);
118            }
120            /**
121            * Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns an ordered range of the matching rows.
122            *
123            * <p>
124            * Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of <code>end - start</code> instances. <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, <code>0</code> refers to the first result in the set. Setting both <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> to {@link com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.QueryUtil#ALL_POS} will return the full result set.
125            * </p>
126            *
127            * @param dynamicQuery the dynamic query to search with
128            * @param start the lower bound of the range of model instances to return
129            * @param end the upper bound of the range of model instances to return (not inclusive)
130            * @param orderByComparator the comparator to order the results by
131            * @return the ordered range of matching rows
132            * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
133            */
134            @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
135            public static java.util.List dynamicQuery(
136                    com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.DynamicQuery dynamicQuery, int start,
137                    int end,
138                    com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
139                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
140                    return getService()
141                                       .dynamicQuery(dynamicQuery, start, end, orderByComparator);
142            }
144            /**
145            * Counts the number of rows that match the dynamic query.
146            *
147            * @param dynamicQuery the dynamic query to search with
148            * @return the number of rows that match the dynamic query
149            * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
150            */
151            public static long dynamicQueryCount(
152                    com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.DynamicQuery dynamicQuery)
153                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
154                    return getService().dynamicQueryCount(dynamicQuery);
155            }
157            /**
158            * Gets the shopping coupon with the primary key.
159            *
160            * @param couponId the primary key of the shopping coupon to get
161            * @return the shopping coupon
162            * @throws PortalException if a shopping coupon with the primary key could not be found
163            * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
164            */
165            public static com.liferay.portlet.shopping.model.ShoppingCoupon getShoppingCoupon(
166                    long couponId)
167                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
168                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
169                    return getService().getShoppingCoupon(couponId);
170            }
172            /**
173            * Gets a range of all the shopping coupons.
174            *
175            * <p>
176            * Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of <code>end - start</code> instances. <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, <code>0</code> refers to the first result in the set. Setting both <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> to {@link com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.QueryUtil#ALL_POS} will return the full result set.
177            * </p>
178            *
179            * @param start the lower bound of the range of shopping coupons to return
180            * @param end the upper bound of the range of shopping coupons to return (not inclusive)
181            * @return the range of shopping coupons
182            * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
183            */
184            public static java.util.List<com.liferay.portlet.shopping.model.ShoppingCoupon> getShoppingCoupons(
185                    int start, int end)
186                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
187                    return getService().getShoppingCoupons(start, end);
188            }
190            /**
191            * Gets the number of shopping coupons.
192            *
193            * @return the number of shopping coupons
194            * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
195            */
196            public static int getShoppingCouponsCount()
197                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
198                    return getService().getShoppingCouponsCount();
199            }
201            /**
202            * Updates the shopping coupon in the database. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners.
203            *
204            * @param shoppingCoupon the shopping coupon to update
205            * @return the shopping coupon that was updated
206            * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
207            */
208            public static com.liferay.portlet.shopping.model.ShoppingCoupon updateShoppingCoupon(
209                    com.liferay.portlet.shopping.model.ShoppingCoupon shoppingCoupon)
210                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
211                    return getService().updateShoppingCoupon(shoppingCoupon);
212            }
214            /**
215            * Updates the shopping coupon in the database. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners.
216            *
217            * @param shoppingCoupon the shopping coupon to update
218            * @param merge whether to merge the shopping coupon with the current session. See {@link com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.BatchSession#update(com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Session, com.liferay.portal.model.BaseModel, boolean)} for an explanation.
219            * @return the shopping coupon that was updated
220            * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
221            */
222            public static com.liferay.portlet.shopping.model.ShoppingCoupon updateShoppingCoupon(
223                    com.liferay.portlet.shopping.model.ShoppingCoupon shoppingCoupon,
224                    boolean merge)
225                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
226                    return getService().updateShoppingCoupon(shoppingCoupon, merge);
227            }
229            public static com.liferay.portlet.shopping.model.ShoppingCoupon addCoupon(
230                    long userId, java.lang.String code, boolean autoCode,
231                    java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description,
232                    int startDateMonth, int startDateDay, int startDateYear,
233                    int startDateHour, int startDateMinute, int endDateMonth,
234                    int endDateDay, int endDateYear, int endDateHour, int endDateMinute,
235                    boolean neverExpire, boolean active, java.lang.String limitCategories,
236                    java.lang.String limitSkus, double minOrder, double discount,
237                    java.lang.String discountType,
238                    com.liferay.portal.service.ServiceContext serviceContext)
239                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
240                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
241                    return getService()
242                                       .addCoupon(userId, code, autoCode, name, description,
243                            startDateMonth, startDateDay, startDateYear, startDateHour,
244                            startDateMinute, endDateMonth, endDateDay, endDateYear,
245                            endDateHour, endDateMinute, neverExpire, active, limitCategories,
246                            limitSkus, minOrder, discount, discountType, serviceContext);
247            }
249            public static void deleteCoupon(long couponId)
250                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
251                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
252                    getService().deleteCoupon(couponId);
253            }
255            public static void deleteCoupons(long groupId)
256                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
257                    getService().deleteCoupons(groupId);
258            }
260            public static com.liferay.portlet.shopping.model.ShoppingCoupon getCoupon(
261                    long couponId)
262                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
263                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
264                    return getService().getCoupon(couponId);
265            }
267            public static com.liferay.portlet.shopping.model.ShoppingCoupon getCoupon(
268                    java.lang.String code)
269                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
270                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
271                    return getService().getCoupon(code);
272            }
274            public static java.util.List<com.liferay.portlet.shopping.model.ShoppingCoupon> search(
275                    long groupId, long companyId, java.lang.String code, boolean active,
276                    java.lang.String discountType, boolean andOperator, int start, int end)
277                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
278                    return getService()
279                                       .search(groupId, companyId, code, active, discountType,
280                            andOperator, start, end);
281            }
283            public static int searchCount(long groupId, long companyId,
284                    java.lang.String code, boolean active, java.lang.String discountType,
285                    boolean andOperator)
286                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
287                    return getService()
288                                       .searchCount(groupId, companyId, code, active, discountType,
289                            andOperator);
290            }
292            public static com.liferay.portlet.shopping.model.ShoppingCoupon updateCoupon(
293                    long userId, long couponId, java.lang.String name,
294                    java.lang.String description, int startDateMonth, int startDateDay,
295                    int startDateYear, int startDateHour, int startDateMinute,
296                    int endDateMonth, int endDateDay, int endDateYear, int endDateHour,
297                    int endDateMinute, boolean neverExpire, boolean active,
298                    java.lang.String limitCategories, java.lang.String limitSkus,
299                    double minOrder, double discount, java.lang.String discountType,
300                    com.liferay.portal.service.ServiceContext serviceContext)
301                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
302                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
303                    return getService()
304                                       .updateCoupon(userId, couponId, name, description,
305                            startDateMonth, startDateDay, startDateYear, startDateHour,
306                            startDateMinute, endDateMonth, endDateDay, endDateYear,
307                            endDateHour, endDateMinute, neverExpire, active, limitCategories,
308                            limitSkus, minOrder, discount, discountType, serviceContext);
309            }
311            public static ShoppingCouponLocalService getService() {
312                    if (_service == null) {
313                            _service = (ShoppingCouponLocalService)PortalBeanLocatorUtil.locate(ShoppingCouponLocalService.class.getName());
314                    }
316                    return _service;
317            }
319            public void setService(ShoppingCouponLocalService service) {
320                    _service = service;
321            }
323            private static ShoppingCouponLocalService _service;
324    }