Liferay 6.1.2-ce-ga3 | |||||||||
Class Summary | |
AccountBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the Account service. |
AccountCacheModel | The cache model class for representing Account in entity cache. |
AccountImpl | |
AccountModelImpl | The base model implementation for the Account service. |
AddressBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the Address service. |
AddressCacheModel | The cache model class for representing Address in entity cache. |
AddressImpl | |
AddressModelImpl | The base model implementation for the Address service. |
BaseModelImpl<T> | The base implementation for all model classes. |
BrowserTrackerBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the BrowserTracker service. |
BrowserTrackerCacheModel | The cache model class for representing BrowserTracker in entity cache. |
BrowserTrackerImpl | |
BrowserTrackerModelImpl | The base model implementation for the BrowserTracker service. |
ClassNameBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the ClassName service. |
ClassNameCacheModel | The cache model class for representing ClassName in entity cache. |
ClassNameImpl | |
ClassNameModelImpl | The base model implementation for the ClassName service. |
ClusterGroupBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the ClusterGroup service. |
ClusterGroupCacheModel | The cache model class for representing ClusterGroup in entity cache. |
ClusterGroupImpl | |
ClusterGroupModelImpl | The base model implementation for the ClusterGroup service. |
ColorSchemeImpl | |
CompanyBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the Company service. |
CompanyCacheModel | The cache model class for representing Company in entity cache. |
CompanyImpl | |
CompanyModelImpl | The base model implementation for the Company service. |
ContactBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the Contact service. |
ContactCacheModel | The cache model class for representing Contact in entity cache. |
ContactImpl | |
ContactModelImpl | The base model implementation for the Contact service. |
CountryBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the Country service. |
CountryCacheModel | The cache model class for representing Country in entity cache. |
CountryImpl | |
CountryModelImpl | The base model implementation for the Country service. |
DummyImpl | |
EmailAddressBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the EmailAddress service. |
EmailAddressCacheModel | The cache model class for representing EmailAddress in entity cache. |
EmailAddressImpl | |
EmailAddressModelImpl | The base model implementation for the EmailAddress service. |
EventDefinitionImpl | |
GroupBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the Group service. |
GroupCacheModel | The cache model class for representing Group in entity cache. |
GroupImpl | Represents either a site or a generic resource container. |
GroupModelImpl | The base model implementation for the Group service. |
ImageBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the Image service. |
ImageCacheModel | The cache model class for representing Image in entity cache. |
ImageImpl | |
ImageModelImpl | The base model implementation for the Image service. |
LayoutBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the Layout service. |
LayoutBranchBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the LayoutBranch service. |
LayoutBranchCacheModel | The cache model class for representing LayoutBranch in entity cache. |
LayoutBranchImpl | |
LayoutBranchModelImpl | The base model implementation for the LayoutBranch service. |
LayoutCacheModel | The cache model class for representing Layout in entity cache. |
LayoutImpl | |
LayoutModelImpl | The base model implementation for the Layout service. |
LayoutPrototypeBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the LayoutPrototype service. |
LayoutPrototypeCacheModel | The cache model class for representing LayoutPrototype in entity cache. |
LayoutPrototypeImpl | |
LayoutPrototypeModelImpl | The base model implementation for the LayoutPrototype service. |
LayoutRevisionBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the LayoutRevision service. |
LayoutRevisionCacheModel | The cache model class for representing LayoutRevision in entity cache. |
LayoutRevisionImpl | |
LayoutRevisionModelImpl | The base model implementation for the LayoutRevision service. |
LayoutSetBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the LayoutSet service. |
LayoutSetBranchBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the LayoutSetBranch service. |
LayoutSetBranchCacheModel | The cache model class for representing LayoutSetBranch in entity cache. |
LayoutSetBranchImpl | |
LayoutSetBranchModelImpl | The base model implementation for the LayoutSetBranch service. |
LayoutSetCacheModel | The cache model class for representing LayoutSet in entity cache. |
LayoutSetImpl | |
LayoutSetModelImpl | The base model implementation for the LayoutSet service. |
LayoutSetPrototypeBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the LayoutSetPrototype service. |
LayoutSetPrototypeCacheModel | The cache model class for representing LayoutSetPrototype in entity cache. |
LayoutSetPrototypeImpl | |
LayoutSetPrototypeModelImpl | The base model implementation for the LayoutSetPrototype service. |
LayoutTemplateImpl | |
LayoutTypeImpl | |
LayoutTypePortletImpl | |
ListTypeBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the ListType service. |
ListTypeCacheModel | The cache model class for representing ListType in entity cache. |
ListTypeImpl | |
ListTypeModelImpl | The base model implementation for the ListType service. |
LockBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the Lock service. |
LockCacheModel | The cache model class for representing Lock in entity cache. |
LockImpl | |
LockModelImpl | The base model implementation for the Lock service. |
MembershipRequestBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the MembershipRequest service. |
MembershipRequestCacheModel | The cache model class for representing MembershipRequest in entity cache. |
MembershipRequestImpl | |
MembershipRequestModelImpl | The base model implementation for the MembershipRequest service. |
OrganizationBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the Organization service. |
OrganizationCacheModel | The cache model class for representing Organization in entity cache. |
OrganizationImpl | |
OrganizationModelImpl | The base model implementation for the Organization service. |
OrgGroupPermissionBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the OrgGroupPermission service. |
OrgGroupPermissionCacheModel | The cache model class for representing OrgGroupPermission in entity cache. |
OrgGroupPermissionImpl | |
OrgGroupPermissionModelImpl | The base model implementation for the OrgGroupPermission service. |
OrgGroupRoleBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the OrgGroupRole service. |
OrgGroupRoleCacheModel | The cache model class for representing OrgGroupRole in entity cache. |
OrgGroupRoleImpl | |
OrgGroupRoleModelImpl | The base model implementation for the OrgGroupRole service. |
OrgLaborBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the OrgLabor service. |
OrgLaborCacheModel | The cache model class for representing OrgLabor in entity cache. |
OrgLaborImpl | |
OrgLaborModelImpl | The base model implementation for the OrgLabor service. |
PasswordPolicyBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the PasswordPolicy service. |
PasswordPolicyCacheModel | The cache model class for representing PasswordPolicy in entity cache. |
PasswordPolicyImpl | |
PasswordPolicyModelImpl | The base model implementation for the PasswordPolicy service. |
PasswordPolicyRelBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the PasswordPolicyRel service. |
PasswordPolicyRelCacheModel | The cache model class for representing PasswordPolicyRel in entity cache. |
PasswordPolicyRelImpl | |
PasswordPolicyRelModelImpl | The base model implementation for the PasswordPolicyRel service. |
PasswordTrackerBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the PasswordTracker service. |
PasswordTrackerCacheModel | The cache model class for representing PasswordTracker in entity cache. |
PasswordTrackerImpl | |
PasswordTrackerModelImpl | The base model implementation for the PasswordTracker service. |
PermissionBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the Permission service. |
PermissionCacheModel | The cache model class for representing Permission in entity cache. |
PermissionImpl | Represents a permission to perform an action on a resource in permissions versions < 6. |
PermissionModelImpl | The base model implementation for the Permission service. |
PhoneBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the Phone service. |
PhoneCacheModel | The cache model class for representing Phone in entity cache. |
PhoneImpl | |
PhoneModelImpl | The base model implementation for the Phone service. |
PluginBaseImpl | |
PluginSettingBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the PluginSetting service. |
PluginSettingCacheModel | The cache model class for representing PluginSetting in entity cache. |
PluginSettingImpl | |
PluginSettingModelImpl | The base model implementation for the PluginSetting service. |
PortalPreferencesBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the PortalPreferences service. |
PortalPreferencesCacheModel | The cache model class for representing PortalPreferences in entity cache. |
PortalPreferencesImpl | |
PortalPreferencesModelImpl | The base model implementation for the PortalPreferences service. |
PortletAppImpl | |
PortletBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the Portlet service. |
PortletCacheModel | The cache model class for representing Portlet in entity cache. |
PortletFilterImpl | |
PortletImpl | |
PortletItemBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the PortletItem service. |
PortletItemCacheModel | The cache model class for representing PortletItem in entity cache. |
PortletItemImpl | |
PortletItemModelImpl | The base model implementation for the PortletItem service. |
PortletModelImpl | The base model implementation for the Portlet service. |
PortletPreferencesBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the PortletPreferences service. |
PortletPreferencesCacheModel | The cache model class for representing PortletPreferences in entity cache. |
PortletPreferencesImpl | |
PortletPreferencesModelImpl | The base model implementation for the PortletPreferences service. |
PortletURLListenerImpl | |
PublicRenderParameterImpl | |
RegionBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the Region service. |
RegionCacheModel | The cache model class for representing Region in entity cache. |
RegionImpl | |
RegionModelImpl | The base model implementation for the Region service. |
ReleaseBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the Release service. |
ReleaseCacheModel | The cache model class for representing Release in entity cache. |
ReleaseImpl | |
ReleaseModelImpl | The base model implementation for the Release service. |
RepositoryBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the Repository service. |
RepositoryCacheModel | The cache model class for representing Repository in entity cache. |
RepositoryEntryBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the RepositoryEntry service. |
RepositoryEntryCacheModel | The cache model class for representing RepositoryEntry in entity cache. |
RepositoryEntryImpl | |
RepositoryEntryModelImpl | The base model implementation for the RepositoryEntry service. |
RepositoryImpl | |
RepositoryModelImpl | The base model implementation for the Repository service. |
ResourceActionBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the ResourceAction service. |
ResourceActionCacheModel | The cache model class for representing ResourceAction in entity cache. |
ResourceActionImpl | Maps actions on resources to the bitwise values stored in resource permissions. |
ResourceActionModelImpl | The base model implementation for the ResourceAction service. |
ResourceBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the Resource service. |
ResourceBlockBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the ResourceBlock service. |
ResourceBlockCacheModel | The cache model class for representing ResourceBlock in entity cache. |
ResourceBlockImpl | Represents a set of resources of one type that all share the same permissions. |
ResourceBlockModelImpl | The base model implementation for the ResourceBlock service. |
ResourceBlockPermissionBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the ResourceBlockPermission service. |
ResourceBlockPermissionCacheModel | The cache model class for representing ResourceBlockPermission in entity cache. |
ResourceBlockPermissionImpl | Stores the actions a role is permitted to perform on the resources in a resource block. |
ResourceBlockPermissionModelImpl | The base model implementation for the ResourceBlockPermission service. |
ResourceCacheModel | The cache model class for representing Resource in entity cache. |
ResourceCodeBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the ResourceCode service. |
ResourceCodeCacheModel | The cache model class for representing ResourceCode in entity cache. |
ResourceCodeImpl | |
ResourceCodeModelImpl | The base model implementation for the ResourceCode service. |
ResourceImpl | Represents a permissionable resource in permissions versions < 6. |
ResourceModelImpl | The base model implementation for the Resource service. |
ResourcePermissionBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the ResourcePermission service. |
ResourcePermissionCacheModel | The cache model class for representing ResourcePermission in entity cache. |
ResourcePermissionImpl | Stores the permissions assigned to roles under permissions version 6. |
ResourcePermissionModelImpl | The base model implementation for the ResourcePermission service. |
ResourceTypePermissionBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the ResourceTypePermission service. |
ResourceTypePermissionCacheModel | The cache model class for representing ResourceTypePermission in entity cache. |
ResourceTypePermissionImpl | Stores the actions a role has permission to perform on all resources of the type within the group/company. |
ResourceTypePermissionModelImpl | The base model implementation for the ResourceTypePermission service. |
RoleBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the Role service. |
RoleCacheModel | The cache model class for representing Role in entity cache. |
RoleImpl | |
RoleModelImpl | The base model implementation for the Role service. |
ServiceComponentBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the ServiceComponent service. |
ServiceComponentCacheModel | The cache model class for representing ServiceComponent in entity cache. |
ServiceComponentImpl | |
ServiceComponentModelImpl | The base model implementation for the ServiceComponent service. |
ShardBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the Shard service. |
ShardCacheModel | The cache model class for representing Shard in entity cache. |
ShardImpl | |
ShardModelImpl | The base model implementation for the Shard service. |
SubscriptionBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the Subscription service. |
SubscriptionCacheModel | The cache model class for representing Subscription in entity cache. |
SubscriptionImpl | |
SubscriptionModelImpl | The base model implementation for the Subscription service. |
TeamBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the Team service. |
TeamCacheModel | The cache model class for representing Team in entity cache. |
TeamImpl | |
TeamModelImpl | The base model implementation for the Team service. |
ThemeImpl | |
ThemeSettingImpl | |
TicketBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the Ticket service. |
TicketCacheModel | The cache model class for representing Ticket in entity cache. |
TicketImpl | |
TicketModelImpl | The base model implementation for the Ticket service. |
UserBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the User service. |
UserCacheModel | The cache model class for representing User in entity cache. |
UserGroupBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the UserGroup service. |
UserGroupCacheModel | The cache model class for representing UserGroup in entity cache. |
UserGroupGroupRoleBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the UserGroupGroupRole service. |
UserGroupGroupRoleCacheModel | The cache model class for representing UserGroupGroupRole in entity cache. |
UserGroupGroupRoleImpl | |
UserGroupGroupRoleModelImpl | The base model implementation for the UserGroupGroupRole service. |
UserGroupImpl | |
UserGroupModelImpl | The base model implementation for the UserGroup service. |
UserGroupRoleBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the UserGroupRole service. |
UserGroupRoleCacheModel | The cache model class for representing UserGroupRole in entity cache. |
UserGroupRoleImpl | |
UserGroupRoleModelImpl | The base model implementation for the UserGroupRole service. |
UserIdMapperBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the UserIdMapper service. |
UserIdMapperCacheModel | The cache model class for representing UserIdMapper in entity cache. |
UserIdMapperImpl | |
UserIdMapperModelImpl | The base model implementation for the UserIdMapper service. |
UserImpl | |
UserModelImpl | The base model implementation for the User service. |
UserNotificationEventBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the UserNotificationEvent service. |
UserNotificationEventCacheModel | The cache model class for representing UserNotificationEvent in entity cache. |
UserNotificationEventImpl | |
UserNotificationEventModelImpl | The base model implementation for the UserNotificationEvent service. |
UserTrackerBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the UserTracker service. |
UserTrackerCacheModel | The cache model class for representing UserTracker in entity cache. |
UserTrackerImpl | |
UserTrackerModelImpl | The base model implementation for the UserTracker service. |
UserTrackerPathBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the UserTrackerPath service. |
UserTrackerPathCacheModel | The cache model class for representing UserTrackerPath in entity cache. |
UserTrackerPathImpl | |
UserTrackerPathModelImpl | The base model implementation for the UserTrackerPath service. |
VirtualHostBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the VirtualHost service. |
VirtualHostCacheModel | The cache model class for representing VirtualHost in entity cache. |
VirtualHostImpl | |
VirtualHostModelImpl | The base model implementation for the VirtualHost service. |
VirtualLayout | |
WebDAVPropsBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the WebDAVProps service. |
WebDAVPropsCacheModel | The cache model class for representing WebDAVProps in entity cache. |
WebDAVPropsImpl | |
WebDAVPropsModelImpl | The base model implementation for the WebDAVProps service. |
WebsiteBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the Website service. |
WebsiteCacheModel | The cache model class for representing Website in entity cache. |
WebsiteImpl | |
WebsiteModelImpl | The base model implementation for the Website service. |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the WorkflowDefinitionLink service. |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkCacheModel | The cache model class for representing WorkflowDefinitionLink in entity cache. |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkImpl | |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkModelImpl | The base model implementation for the WorkflowDefinitionLink service. |
WorkflowInstanceLinkBaseImpl | The extended model base implementation for the WorkflowInstanceLink service. |
WorkflowInstanceLinkCacheModel | The cache model class for representing WorkflowInstanceLink in entity cache. |
WorkflowInstanceLinkImpl | |
WorkflowInstanceLinkModelImpl | The base model implementation for the WorkflowInstanceLink service. |
This package defines the portal model implementation base classes.
Liferay 6.1.2-ce-ga3 | |||||||||