Liferay 6.1.2-ce-ga3 | |||||||||
Interface Summary | |
AccountPersistence | The persistence interface for the account service. |
AddressPersistence | The persistence interface for the address service. |
BasePersistence<T extends BaseModel<T>> | The base interface for all ServiceBuilder persistence classes. |
BatchSession | Tracks database updates and flushes them from the session in batches. |
BrowserTrackerPersistence | The persistence interface for the browser tracker service. |
ClassNamePersistence | The persistence interface for the class name service. |
ClusterGroupPersistence | The persistence interface for the cluster group service. |
CompanyPersistence | The persistence interface for the company service. |
ContactPersistence | The persistence interface for the contact service. |
CountryPersistence | The persistence interface for the country service. |
EmailAddressPersistence | The persistence interface for the email address service. |
GroupFinder | |
GroupPersistence | The persistence interface for the group service. |
ImagePersistence | The persistence interface for the image service. |
LayoutBranchPersistence | The persistence interface for the layout branch service. |
LayoutFinder | |
LayoutPersistence | The persistence interface for the layout service. |
LayoutPrototypePersistence | The persistence interface for the layout prototype service. |
LayoutRevisionPersistence | The persistence interface for the layout revision service. |
LayoutSetBranchPersistence | The persistence interface for the layout set branch service. |
LayoutSetPersistence | The persistence interface for the layout set service. |
LayoutSetPrototypePersistence | The persistence interface for the layout set prototype service. |
ListTypePersistence | The persistence interface for the list type service. |
LockFinder | |
LockPersistence | The persistence interface for the lock service. |
MembershipRequestPersistence | The persistence interface for the membership request service. |
OrganizationFinder | |
OrganizationPersistence | The persistence interface for the organization service. |
OrgGroupPermissionFinder | |
OrgGroupPermissionPersistence | The persistence interface for the org group permission service. |
OrgGroupRolePersistence | The persistence interface for the org group role service. |
OrgLaborPersistence | The persistence interface for the org labor service. |
PasswordPolicyFinder | |
PasswordPolicyPersistence | The persistence interface for the password policy service. |
PasswordPolicyRelPersistence | The persistence interface for the password policy rel service. |
PasswordTrackerPersistence | The persistence interface for the password tracker service. |
PermissionFinder | |
PermissionPersistence | The persistence interface for the permission service. |
PhonePersistence | The persistence interface for the phone service. |
PluginSettingPersistence | The persistence interface for the plugin setting service. |
PortalPreferencesPersistence | The persistence interface for the portal preferences service. |
PortletItemPersistence | The persistence interface for the portlet item service. |
PortletPersistence | The persistence interface for the portlet service. |
PortletPreferencesFinder | |
PortletPreferencesPersistence | The persistence interface for the portlet preferences service. |
RegionPersistence | The persistence interface for the region service. |
ReleasePersistence | The persistence interface for the release service. |
RepositoryEntryPersistence | The persistence interface for the repository entry service. |
RepositoryPersistence | The persistence interface for the repository service. |
ResourceActionPersistence | The persistence interface for the resource action service. |
ResourceBlockFinder | |
ResourceBlockPermissionPersistence | The persistence interface for the resource block permission service. |
ResourceBlockPersistence | The persistence interface for the resource block service. |
ResourceCodePersistence | The persistence interface for the resource code service. |
ResourceFinder | |
ResourcePermissionFinder | |
ResourcePermissionPersistence | The persistence interface for the resource permission service. |
ResourcePersistence | The persistence interface for the resource service. |
ResourceTypePermissionFinder | |
ResourceTypePermissionPersistence | The persistence interface for the resource type permission service. |
RoleFinder | |
RolePersistence | The persistence interface for the role service. |
ServiceComponentPersistence | The persistence interface for the service component service. |
ShardPersistence | The persistence interface for the shard service. |
SubscriptionPersistence | The persistence interface for the subscription service. |
TeamFinder | |
TeamPersistence | The persistence interface for the team service. |
TicketPersistence | The persistence interface for the ticket service. |
UserFinder | |
UserGroupFinder | |
UserGroupGroupRolePersistence | The persistence interface for the user group group role service. |
UserGroupPersistence | The persistence interface for the user group service. |
UserGroupRoleFinder | |
UserGroupRolePersistence | The persistence interface for the user group role service. |
UserIdMapperPersistence | The persistence interface for the user ID mapper service. |
UserNotificationEventPersistence | The persistence interface for the user notification event service. |
UserPersistence | The persistence interface for the user service. |
UserTrackerPathPersistence | The persistence interface for the user tracker path service. |
UserTrackerPersistence | The persistence interface for the user tracker service. |
VirtualHostPersistence | The persistence interface for the virtual host service. |
WebDAVPropsPersistence | The persistence interface for the web d a v props service. |
WebsitePersistence | The persistence interface for the website service. |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkPersistence | The persistence interface for the workflow definition link service. |
WorkflowInstanceLinkPersistence | The persistence interface for the workflow instance link service. |
Class Summary | |
AccountActionableDynamicQuery | |
AccountPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the account service. |
AccountUtil | The persistence utility for the account service. |
AddressActionableDynamicQuery | |
AddressPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the address service. |
AddressPersistenceImpl2 | |
AddressUtil | The persistence utility for the address service. |
BatchSessionImpl | |
BatchSessionUtil | |
BrowserTrackerActionableDynamicQuery | |
BrowserTrackerPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the browser tracker service. |
BrowserTrackerUtil | The persistence utility for the browser tracker service. |
ClassNameActionableDynamicQuery | |
ClassNamePersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the class name service. |
ClassNameUtil | The persistence utility for the class name service. |
ClusterGroupActionableDynamicQuery | |
ClusterGroupPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the cluster group service. |
ClusterGroupUtil | The persistence utility for the cluster group service. |
CompanyActionableDynamicQuery | |
CompanyPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the company service. |
CompanyUtil | The persistence utility for the company service. |
ContactActionableDynamicQuery | |
ContactPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the contact service. |
ContactUtil | The persistence utility for the contact service. |
CountryPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the country service. |
CountryUtil | The persistence utility for the country service. |
EmailAddressActionableDynamicQuery | |
EmailAddressPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the email address service. |
EmailAddressUtil | The persistence utility for the email address service. |
GroupActionableDynamicQuery | |
GroupFinderImpl | |
GroupFinderUtil | |
GroupPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the group service. |
GroupUtil | The persistence utility for the group service. |
ImageActionableDynamicQuery | |
ImagePersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the image service. |
ImageUtil | The persistence utility for the image service. |
LayoutActionableDynamicQuery | |
LayoutBranchActionableDynamicQuery | |
LayoutBranchPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the layout branch service. |
LayoutBranchUtil | The persistence utility for the layout branch service. |
LayoutFinderImpl | |
LayoutFinderUtil | |
LayoutPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the layout service. |
LayoutPrototypeActionableDynamicQuery | |
LayoutPrototypePersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the layout prototype service. |
LayoutPrototypeUtil | The persistence utility for the layout prototype service. |
LayoutRevisionActionableDynamicQuery | |
LayoutRevisionPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the layout revision service. |
LayoutRevisionUtil | The persistence utility for the layout revision service. |
LayoutSetActionableDynamicQuery | |
LayoutSetBranchActionableDynamicQuery | |
LayoutSetBranchPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the layout set branch service. |
LayoutSetBranchUtil | The persistence utility for the layout set branch service. |
LayoutSetPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the layout set service. |
LayoutSetPrototypeActionableDynamicQuery | |
LayoutSetPrototypePersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the layout set prototype service. |
LayoutSetPrototypeUtil | The persistence utility for the layout set prototype service. |
LayoutSetUtil | The persistence utility for the layout set service. |
LayoutUtil | The persistence utility for the layout service. |
ListTypePersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the list type service. |
ListTypeUtil | The persistence utility for the list type service. |
LockActionableDynamicQuery | |
LockFinderImpl | |
LockFinderUtil | |
LockPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the lock service. |
LockUtil | The persistence utility for the lock service. |
MembershipRequestActionableDynamicQuery | |
MembershipRequestPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the membership request service. |
MembershipRequestUtil | The persistence utility for the membership request service. |
OrganizationActionableDynamicQuery | |
OrganizationFinderImpl | |
OrganizationFinderUtil | |
OrganizationPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the organization service. |
OrganizationUtil | The persistence utility for the organization service. |
OrgGroupPermissionFinderImpl | |
OrgGroupPermissionFinderUtil | |
OrgGroupPermissionPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the org group permission service. |
OrgGroupPermissionPK | |
OrgGroupPermissionUtil | The persistence utility for the org group permission service. |
OrgGroupRolePersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the org group role service. |
OrgGroupRolePK | |
OrgGroupRoleUtil | The persistence utility for the org group role service. |
OrgLaborActionableDynamicQuery | |
OrgLaborPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the org labor service. |
OrgLaborUtil | The persistence utility for the org labor service. |
PasswordPolicyActionableDynamicQuery | |
PasswordPolicyFinderImpl | |
PasswordPolicyFinderUtil | |
PasswordPolicyPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the password policy service. |
PasswordPolicyRelActionableDynamicQuery | |
PasswordPolicyRelPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the password policy rel service. |
PasswordPolicyRelUtil | The persistence utility for the password policy rel service. |
PasswordPolicyUtil | The persistence utility for the password policy service. |
PasswordTrackerActionableDynamicQuery | |
PasswordTrackerPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the password tracker service. |
PasswordTrackerUtil | The persistence utility for the password tracker service. |
PermissionActionableDynamicQuery | |
PermissionFinderImpl | |
PermissionFinderUtil | |
PermissionPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the permission service. |
PermissionUtil | The persistence utility for the permission service. |
PhoneActionableDynamicQuery | |
PhonePersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the phone service. |
PhoneUtil | The persistence utility for the phone service. |
PluginSettingActionableDynamicQuery | |
PluginSettingPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the plugin setting service. |
PluginSettingUtil | The persistence utility for the plugin setting service. |
PortalPreferencesActionableDynamicQuery | |
PortalPreferencesPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the portal preferences service. |
PortalPreferencesUtil | The persistence utility for the portal preferences service. |
PortletActionableDynamicQuery | |
PortletItemActionableDynamicQuery | |
PortletItemPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the portlet item service. |
PortletItemUtil | The persistence utility for the portlet item service. |
PortletPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the portlet service. |
PortletPreferencesActionableDynamicQuery | |
PortletPreferencesFinderImpl | |
PortletPreferencesFinderUtil | |
PortletPreferencesPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the portlet preferences service. |
PortletPreferencesUtil | The persistence utility for the portlet preferences service. |
PortletUtil | The persistence utility for the portlet service. |
RegionPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the region service. |
RegionUtil | The persistence utility for the region service. |
ReleaseActionableDynamicQuery | |
ReleasePersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the release service. |
ReleaseUtil | The persistence utility for the release service. |
RepositoryActionableDynamicQuery | |
RepositoryEntryActionableDynamicQuery | |
RepositoryEntryPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the repository entry service. |
RepositoryEntryUtil | The persistence utility for the repository entry service. |
RepositoryPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the repository service. |
RepositoryUtil | The persistence utility for the repository service. |
ResourceActionableDynamicQuery | |
ResourceActionActionableDynamicQuery | |
ResourceActionPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the resource action service. |
ResourceActionUtil | The persistence utility for the resource action service. |
ResourceBlockActionableDynamicQuery | |
ResourceBlockFinderImpl | |
ResourceBlockFinderUtil | |
ResourceBlockPermissionActionableDynamicQuery | |
ResourceBlockPermissionPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the resource block permission service. |
ResourceBlockPermissionUtil | The persistence utility for the resource block permission service. |
ResourceBlockPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the resource block service. |
ResourceBlockUtil | The persistence utility for the resource block service. |
ResourceCodeActionableDynamicQuery | |
ResourceCodePersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the resource code service. |
ResourceCodeUtil | The persistence utility for the resource code service. |
ResourceFinderImpl | |
ResourceFinderUtil | |
ResourcePermissionActionableDynamicQuery | |
ResourcePermissionFinderImpl | |
ResourcePermissionFinderUtil | |
ResourcePermissionPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the resource permission service. |
ResourcePermissionUtil | The persistence utility for the resource permission service. |
ResourcePersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the resource service. |
ResourceTypePermissionActionableDynamicQuery | |
ResourceTypePermissionFinderImpl | |
ResourceTypePermissionFinderUtil | |
ResourceTypePermissionPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the resource type permission service. |
ResourceTypePermissionUtil | The persistence utility for the resource type permission service. |
ResourceUtil | The persistence utility for the resource service. |
RoleActionableDynamicQuery | |
RoleFinderImpl | |
RoleFinderUtil | |
RolePersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the role service. |
RoleUtil | The persistence utility for the role service. |
ServiceComponentActionableDynamicQuery | |
ServiceComponentPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the service component service. |
ServiceComponentUtil | The persistence utility for the service component service. |
ShardActionableDynamicQuery | |
ShardPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the shard service. |
ShardUtil | The persistence utility for the shard service. |
SubscriptionActionableDynamicQuery | |
SubscriptionPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the subscription service. |
SubscriptionUtil | The persistence utility for the subscription service. |
TeamActionableDynamicQuery | |
TeamFinderImpl | |
TeamFinderUtil | |
TeamPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the team service. |
TeamUtil | The persistence utility for the team service. |
TicketActionableDynamicQuery | |
TicketPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the ticket service. |
TicketUtil | The persistence utility for the ticket service. |
UserActionableDynamicQuery | |
UserFinderImpl | |
UserFinderUtil | |
UserGroupActionableDynamicQuery | |
UserGroupFinderImpl | |
UserGroupFinderUtil | |
UserGroupGroupRoleActionableDynamicQuery | |
UserGroupGroupRolePersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the user group group role service. |
UserGroupGroupRolePK | |
UserGroupGroupRoleUtil | The persistence utility for the user group group role service. |
UserGroupPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the user group service. |
UserGroupRoleActionableDynamicQuery | |
UserGroupRoleFinderImpl | |
UserGroupRoleFinderUtil | |
UserGroupRolePersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the user group role service. |
UserGroupRolePK | |
UserGroupRoleUtil | The persistence utility for the user group role service. |
UserGroupUtil | The persistence utility for the user group service. |
UserIdMapperActionableDynamicQuery | |
UserIdMapperPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the user ID mapper service. |
UserIdMapperUtil | The persistence utility for the user ID mapper service. |
UserNotificationEventActionableDynamicQuery | |
UserNotificationEventPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the user notification event service. |
UserNotificationEventUtil | The persistence utility for the user notification event service. |
UserPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the user service. |
UserTrackerActionableDynamicQuery | |
UserTrackerPathActionableDynamicQuery | |
UserTrackerPathPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the user tracker path service. |
UserTrackerPathUtil | The persistence utility for the user tracker path service. |
UserTrackerPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the user tracker service. |
UserTrackerUtil | The persistence utility for the user tracker service. |
UserUtil | The persistence utility for the user service. |
VirtualHostActionableDynamicQuery | |
VirtualHostPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the virtual host service. |
VirtualHostUtil | The persistence utility for the virtual host service. |
WebDAVPropsActionableDynamicQuery | |
WebDAVPropsPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the web d a v props service. |
WebDAVPropsUtil | The persistence utility for the web d a v props service. |
WebsiteActionableDynamicQuery | |
WebsitePersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the website service. |
WebsiteUtil | The persistence utility for the website service. |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkActionableDynamicQuery | |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the workflow definition link service. |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkUtil | The persistence utility for the workflow definition link service. |
WorkflowInstanceLinkActionableDynamicQuery | |
WorkflowInstanceLinkPersistenceImpl | The persistence implementation for the workflow instance link service. |
WorkflowInstanceLinkUtil | The persistence utility for the workflow instance link service. |
This package defines the portal service persistence interfaces, classes, and utilities. Finder interfaces and classes are included.
Some of the most significant classes that you may need to use are:
Liferay 6.1.2-ce-ga3 | |||||||||