001    /**
002     * Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved.
003     *
004     * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
005     * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
006     * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
007     * any later version.
008     *
009     * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
010     * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
011     * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
012     * details.
013     */
015    package com.liferay.portal.service.base;
017    import com.liferay.counter.service.CounterLocalService;
019    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.bean.BeanReference;
020    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.bean.IdentifiableBean;
021    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.jdbc.SqlUpdate;
022    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.jdbc.SqlUpdateFactoryUtil;
023    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.DynamicQuery;
024    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.DynamicQueryFactoryUtil;
025    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException;
026    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException;
027    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.search.Indexable;
028    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.search.IndexableType;
029    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator;
030    import com.liferay.portal.model.Lock;
031    import com.liferay.portal.model.PersistedModel;
032    import com.liferay.portal.service.AccountLocalService;
033    import com.liferay.portal.service.AccountService;
034    import com.liferay.portal.service.AddressLocalService;
035    import com.liferay.portal.service.AddressService;
036    import com.liferay.portal.service.BaseLocalServiceImpl;
037    import com.liferay.portal.service.BrowserTrackerLocalService;
038    import com.liferay.portal.service.CMISRepositoryLocalService;
039    import com.liferay.portal.service.ClassNameLocalService;
040    import com.liferay.portal.service.ClassNameService;
041    import com.liferay.portal.service.ClusterGroupLocalService;
042    import com.liferay.portal.service.CompanyLocalService;
043    import com.liferay.portal.service.CompanyService;
044    import com.liferay.portal.service.ContactLocalService;
045    import com.liferay.portal.service.ContactService;
046    import com.liferay.portal.service.CountryService;
047    import com.liferay.portal.service.EmailAddressLocalService;
048    import com.liferay.portal.service.EmailAddressService;
049    import com.liferay.portal.service.GroupLocalService;
050    import com.liferay.portal.service.GroupService;
051    import com.liferay.portal.service.ImageLocalService;
052    import com.liferay.portal.service.ImageService;
053    import com.liferay.portal.service.LayoutBranchLocalService;
054    import com.liferay.portal.service.LayoutBranchService;
055    import com.liferay.portal.service.LayoutLocalService;
056    import com.liferay.portal.service.LayoutPrototypeLocalService;
057    import com.liferay.portal.service.LayoutPrototypeService;
058    import com.liferay.portal.service.LayoutRevisionLocalService;
059    import com.liferay.portal.service.LayoutRevisionService;
060    import com.liferay.portal.service.LayoutService;
061    import com.liferay.portal.service.LayoutSetBranchLocalService;
062    import com.liferay.portal.service.LayoutSetBranchService;
063    import com.liferay.portal.service.LayoutSetLocalService;
064    import com.liferay.portal.service.LayoutSetPrototypeLocalService;
065    import com.liferay.portal.service.LayoutSetPrototypeService;
066    import com.liferay.portal.service.LayoutSetService;
067    import com.liferay.portal.service.LayoutTemplateLocalService;
068    import com.liferay.portal.service.ListTypeService;
069    import com.liferay.portal.service.LockLocalService;
070    import com.liferay.portal.service.MembershipRequestLocalService;
071    import com.liferay.portal.service.MembershipRequestService;
072    import com.liferay.portal.service.OrgLaborLocalService;
073    import com.liferay.portal.service.OrgLaborService;
074    import com.liferay.portal.service.OrganizationLocalService;
075    import com.liferay.portal.service.OrganizationService;
076    import com.liferay.portal.service.PasswordPolicyLocalService;
077    import com.liferay.portal.service.PasswordPolicyRelLocalService;
078    import com.liferay.portal.service.PasswordPolicyService;
079    import com.liferay.portal.service.PasswordTrackerLocalService;
080    import com.liferay.portal.service.PermissionLocalService;
081    import com.liferay.portal.service.PermissionService;
082    import com.liferay.portal.service.PersistedModelLocalServiceRegistry;
083    import com.liferay.portal.service.PhoneLocalService;
084    import com.liferay.portal.service.PhoneService;
085    import com.liferay.portal.service.PluginSettingLocalService;
086    import com.liferay.portal.service.PluginSettingService;
087    import com.liferay.portal.service.PortalLocalService;
088    import com.liferay.portal.service.PortalPreferencesLocalService;
089    import com.liferay.portal.service.PortalService;
090    import com.liferay.portal.service.PortletItemLocalService;
091    import com.liferay.portal.service.PortletLocalService;
092    import com.liferay.portal.service.PortletPreferencesLocalService;
093    import com.liferay.portal.service.PortletPreferencesService;
094    import com.liferay.portal.service.PortletService;
095    import com.liferay.portal.service.QuartzLocalService;
096    import com.liferay.portal.service.RegionService;
097    import com.liferay.portal.service.ReleaseLocalService;
098    import com.liferay.portal.service.RepositoryEntryLocalService;
099    import com.liferay.portal.service.RepositoryLocalService;
100    import com.liferay.portal.service.RepositoryService;
101    import com.liferay.portal.service.ResourceActionLocalService;
102    import com.liferay.portal.service.ResourceBlockLocalService;
103    import com.liferay.portal.service.ResourceBlockPermissionLocalService;
104    import com.liferay.portal.service.ResourceBlockService;
105    import com.liferay.portal.service.ResourceCodeLocalService;
106    import com.liferay.portal.service.ResourceLocalService;
107    import com.liferay.portal.service.ResourcePermissionLocalService;
108    import com.liferay.portal.service.ResourcePermissionService;
109    import com.liferay.portal.service.ResourceService;
110    import com.liferay.portal.service.ResourceTypePermissionLocalService;
111    import com.liferay.portal.service.RoleLocalService;
112    import com.liferay.portal.service.RoleService;
113    import com.liferay.portal.service.ServiceComponentLocalService;
114    import com.liferay.portal.service.ShardLocalService;
115    import com.liferay.portal.service.SubscriptionLocalService;
116    import com.liferay.portal.service.TeamLocalService;
117    import com.liferay.portal.service.TeamService;
118    import com.liferay.portal.service.ThemeLocalService;
119    import com.liferay.portal.service.ThemeService;
120    import com.liferay.portal.service.TicketLocalService;
121    import com.liferay.portal.service.UserGroupGroupRoleLocalService;
122    import com.liferay.portal.service.UserGroupGroupRoleService;
123    import com.liferay.portal.service.UserGroupLocalService;
124    import com.liferay.portal.service.UserGroupRoleLocalService;
125    import com.liferay.portal.service.UserGroupRoleService;
126    import com.liferay.portal.service.UserGroupService;
127    import com.liferay.portal.service.UserIdMapperLocalService;
128    import com.liferay.portal.service.UserLocalService;
129    import com.liferay.portal.service.UserNotificationEventLocalService;
130    import com.liferay.portal.service.UserService;
131    import com.liferay.portal.service.UserTrackerLocalService;
132    import com.liferay.portal.service.UserTrackerPathLocalService;
133    import com.liferay.portal.service.VirtualHostLocalService;
134    import com.liferay.portal.service.WebDAVPropsLocalService;
135    import com.liferay.portal.service.WebsiteLocalService;
136    import com.liferay.portal.service.WebsiteService;
137    import com.liferay.portal.service.WorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService;
138    import com.liferay.portal.service.WorkflowInstanceLinkLocalService;
139    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.AccountPersistence;
140    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.AddressPersistence;
141    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.BrowserTrackerPersistence;
142    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.ClassNamePersistence;
143    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.ClusterGroupPersistence;
144    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.CompanyPersistence;
145    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.ContactPersistence;
146    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.CountryPersistence;
147    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.EmailAddressPersistence;
148    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.GroupFinder;
149    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.GroupPersistence;
150    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.ImagePersistence;
151    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.LayoutBranchPersistence;
152    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.LayoutFinder;
153    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.LayoutPersistence;
154    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.LayoutPrototypePersistence;
155    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.LayoutRevisionPersistence;
156    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.LayoutSetBranchPersistence;
157    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.LayoutSetPersistence;
158    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.LayoutSetPrototypePersistence;
159    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.ListTypePersistence;
160    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.LockFinder;
161    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.LockPersistence;
162    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.MembershipRequestPersistence;
163    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.OrgGroupPermissionFinder;
164    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.OrgGroupPermissionPersistence;
165    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.OrgGroupRolePersistence;
166    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.OrgLaborPersistence;
167    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.OrganizationFinder;
168    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.OrganizationPersistence;
169    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.PasswordPolicyFinder;
170    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.PasswordPolicyPersistence;
171    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.PasswordPolicyRelPersistence;
172    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.PasswordTrackerPersistence;
173    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.PermissionFinder;
174    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.PermissionPersistence;
175    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.PhonePersistence;
176    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.PluginSettingPersistence;
177    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.PortalPreferencesPersistence;
178    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.PortletItemPersistence;
179    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.PortletPersistence;
180    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.PortletPreferencesFinder;
181    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.PortletPreferencesPersistence;
182    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.RegionPersistence;
183    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.ReleasePersistence;
184    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.RepositoryEntryPersistence;
185    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.RepositoryPersistence;
186    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.ResourceActionPersistence;
187    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.ResourceBlockFinder;
188    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.ResourceBlockPermissionPersistence;
189    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.ResourceBlockPersistence;
190    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.ResourceCodePersistence;
191    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.ResourceFinder;
192    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.ResourcePermissionFinder;
193    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.ResourcePermissionPersistence;
194    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.ResourcePersistence;
195    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.ResourceTypePermissionFinder;
196    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.ResourceTypePermissionPersistence;
197    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.RoleFinder;
198    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.RolePersistence;
199    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.ServiceComponentPersistence;
200    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.ShardPersistence;
201    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.SubscriptionPersistence;
202    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.TeamFinder;
203    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.TeamPersistence;
204    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.TicketPersistence;
205    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.UserFinder;
206    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.UserGroupFinder;
207    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.UserGroupGroupRolePersistence;
208    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.UserGroupPersistence;
209    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.UserGroupRoleFinder;
210    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.UserGroupRolePersistence;
211    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.UserIdMapperPersistence;
212    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.UserNotificationEventPersistence;
213    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.UserPersistence;
214    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.UserTrackerPathPersistence;
215    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.UserTrackerPersistence;
216    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.VirtualHostPersistence;
217    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.WebDAVPropsPersistence;
218    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.WebsitePersistence;
219    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.WorkflowDefinitionLinkPersistence;
220    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.WorkflowInstanceLinkPersistence;
222    import java.io.Serializable;
224    import java.util.List;
226    import javax.sql.DataSource;
228    /**
229     * The base implementation of the lock local service.
230     *
231     * <p>
232     * This implementation exists only as a container for the default service methods generated by ServiceBuilder. All custom service methods should be put in {@link com.liferay.portal.service.impl.LockLocalServiceImpl}.
233     * </p>
234     *
235     * @author Brian Wing Shun Chan
236     * @see com.liferay.portal.service.impl.LockLocalServiceImpl
237     * @see com.liferay.portal.service.LockLocalServiceUtil
238     * @generated
239     */
240    public abstract class LockLocalServiceBaseImpl extends BaseLocalServiceImpl
241            implements LockLocalService, IdentifiableBean {
242            /*
243             * NOTE FOR DEVELOPERS:
244             *
245             * Never modify or reference this class directly. Always use {@link com.liferay.portal.service.LockLocalServiceUtil} to access the lock local service.
246             */
248            /**
249             * Adds the lock to the database. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners.
250             *
251             * @param lock the lock
252             * @return the lock that was added
253             * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
254             */
255            @Indexable(type = IndexableType.REINDEX)
256            public Lock addLock(Lock lock) throws SystemException {
257                    lock.setNew(true);
259                    return lockPersistence.update(lock, false);
260            }
262            /**
263             * Creates a new lock with the primary key. Does not add the lock to the database.
264             *
265             * @param lockId the primary key for the new lock
266             * @return the new lock
267             */
268            public Lock createLock(long lockId) {
269                    return lockPersistence.create(lockId);
270            }
272            /**
273             * Deletes the lock with the primary key from the database. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners.
274             *
275             * @param lockId the primary key of the lock
276             * @return the lock that was removed
277             * @throws PortalException if a lock with the primary key could not be found
278             * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
279             */
280            @Indexable(type = IndexableType.DELETE)
281            public Lock deleteLock(long lockId) throws PortalException, SystemException {
282                    return lockPersistence.remove(lockId);
283            }
285            /**
286             * Deletes the lock from the database. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners.
287             *
288             * @param lock the lock
289             * @return the lock that was removed
290             * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
291             */
292            @Indexable(type = IndexableType.DELETE)
293            public Lock deleteLock(Lock lock) throws SystemException {
294                    return lockPersistence.remove(lock);
295            }
297            public DynamicQuery dynamicQuery() {
298                    Class<?> clazz = getClass();
300                    return DynamicQueryFactoryUtil.forClass(Lock.class,
301                            clazz.getClassLoader());
302            }
304            /**
305             * Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns the matching rows.
306             *
307             * @param dynamicQuery the dynamic query
308             * @return the matching rows
309             * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
310             */
311            @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
312            public List dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery)
313                    throws SystemException {
314                    return lockPersistence.findWithDynamicQuery(dynamicQuery);
315            }
317            /**
318             * Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns a range of the matching rows.
319             *
320             * <p>
321             * Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of <code>end - start</code> instances. <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, <code>0</code> refers to the first result in the set. Setting both <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> to {@link com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.QueryUtil#ALL_POS} will return the full result set.
322             * </p>
323             *
324             * @param dynamicQuery the dynamic query
325             * @param start the lower bound of the range of model instances
326             * @param end the upper bound of the range of model instances (not inclusive)
327             * @return the range of matching rows
328             * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
329             */
330            @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
331            public List dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery, int start, int end)
332                    throws SystemException {
333                    return lockPersistence.findWithDynamicQuery(dynamicQuery, start, end);
334            }
336            /**
337             * Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns an ordered range of the matching rows.
338             *
339             * <p>
340             * Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of <code>end - start</code> instances. <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, <code>0</code> refers to the first result in the set. Setting both <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> to {@link com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.QueryUtil#ALL_POS} will return the full result set.
341             * </p>
342             *
343             * @param dynamicQuery the dynamic query
344             * @param start the lower bound of the range of model instances
345             * @param end the upper bound of the range of model instances (not inclusive)
346             * @param orderByComparator the comparator to order the results by (optionally <code>null</code>)
347             * @return the ordered range of matching rows
348             * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
349             */
350            @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
351            public List dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery, int start, int end,
352                    OrderByComparator orderByComparator) throws SystemException {
353                    return lockPersistence.findWithDynamicQuery(dynamicQuery, start, end,
354                            orderByComparator);
355            }
357            /**
358             * Returns the number of rows that match the dynamic query.
359             *
360             * @param dynamicQuery the dynamic query
361             * @return the number of rows that match the dynamic query
362             * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
363             */
364            public long dynamicQueryCount(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery)
365                    throws SystemException {
366                    return lockPersistence.countWithDynamicQuery(dynamicQuery);
367            }
369            public Lock fetchLock(long lockId) throws SystemException {
370                    return lockPersistence.fetchByPrimaryKey(lockId);
371            }
373            /**
374             * Returns the lock with the primary key.
375             *
376             * @param lockId the primary key of the lock
377             * @return the lock
378             * @throws PortalException if a lock with the primary key could not be found
379             * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
380             */
381            public Lock getLock(long lockId) throws PortalException, SystemException {
382                    return lockPersistence.findByPrimaryKey(lockId);
383            }
385            public PersistedModel getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj)
386                    throws PortalException, SystemException {
387                    return lockPersistence.findByPrimaryKey(primaryKeyObj);
388            }
390            /**
391             * Returns a range of all the locks.
392             *
393             * <p>
394             * Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of <code>end - start</code> instances. <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, <code>0</code> refers to the first result in the set. Setting both <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> to {@link com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.QueryUtil#ALL_POS} will return the full result set.
395             * </p>
396             *
397             * @param start the lower bound of the range of locks
398             * @param end the upper bound of the range of locks (not inclusive)
399             * @return the range of locks
400             * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
401             */
402            public List<Lock> getLocks(int start, int end) throws SystemException {
403                    return lockPersistence.findAll(start, end);
404            }
406            /**
407             * Returns the number of locks.
408             *
409             * @return the number of locks
410             * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
411             */
412            public int getLocksCount() throws SystemException {
413                    return lockPersistence.countAll();
414            }
416            /**
417             * Updates the lock in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners.
418             *
419             * @param lock the lock
420             * @return the lock that was updated
421             * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
422             */
423            @Indexable(type = IndexableType.REINDEX)
424            public Lock updateLock(Lock lock) throws SystemException {
425                    return updateLock(lock, true);
426            }
428            /**
429             * Updates the lock in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners.
430             *
431             * @param lock the lock
432             * @param merge whether to merge the lock with the current session. See {@link com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.BatchSession#update(com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Session, com.liferay.portal.model.BaseModel, boolean)} for an explanation.
433             * @return the lock that was updated
434             * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
435             */
436            @Indexable(type = IndexableType.REINDEX)
437            public Lock updateLock(Lock lock, boolean merge) throws SystemException {
438                    lock.setNew(false);
440                    return lockPersistence.update(lock, merge);
441            }
443            /**
444             * Returns the account local service.
445             *
446             * @return the account local service
447             */
448            public AccountLocalService getAccountLocalService() {
449                    return accountLocalService;
450            }
452            /**
453             * Sets the account local service.
454             *
455             * @param accountLocalService the account local service
456             */
457            public void setAccountLocalService(AccountLocalService accountLocalService) {
458                    this.accountLocalService = accountLocalService;
459            }
461            /**
462             * Returns the account remote service.
463             *
464             * @return the account remote service
465             */
466            public AccountService getAccountService() {
467                    return accountService;
468            }
470            /**
471             * Sets the account remote service.
472             *
473             * @param accountService the account remote service
474             */
475            public void setAccountService(AccountService accountService) {
476                    this.accountService = accountService;
477            }
479            /**
480             * Returns the account persistence.
481             *
482             * @return the account persistence
483             */
484            public AccountPersistence getAccountPersistence() {
485                    return accountPersistence;
486            }
488            /**
489             * Sets the account persistence.
490             *
491             * @param accountPersistence the account persistence
492             */
493            public void setAccountPersistence(AccountPersistence accountPersistence) {
494                    this.accountPersistence = accountPersistence;
495            }
497            /**
498             * Returns the address local service.
499             *
500             * @return the address local service
501             */
502            public AddressLocalService getAddressLocalService() {
503                    return addressLocalService;
504            }
506            /**
507             * Sets the address local service.
508             *
509             * @param addressLocalService the address local service
510             */
511            public void setAddressLocalService(AddressLocalService addressLocalService) {
512                    this.addressLocalService = addressLocalService;
513            }
515            /**
516             * Returns the address remote service.
517             *
518             * @return the address remote service
519             */
520            public AddressService getAddressService() {
521                    return addressService;
522            }
524            /**
525             * Sets the address remote service.
526             *
527             * @param addressService the address remote service
528             */
529            public void setAddressService(AddressService addressService) {
530                    this.addressService = addressService;
531            }
533            /**
534             * Returns the address persistence.
535             *
536             * @return the address persistence
537             */
538            public AddressPersistence getAddressPersistence() {
539                    return addressPersistence;
540            }
542            /**
543             * Sets the address persistence.
544             *
545             * @param addressPersistence the address persistence
546             */
547            public void setAddressPersistence(AddressPersistence addressPersistence) {
548                    this.addressPersistence = addressPersistence;
549            }
551            /**
552             * Returns the browser tracker local service.
553             *
554             * @return the browser tracker local service
555             */
556            public BrowserTrackerLocalService getBrowserTrackerLocalService() {
557                    return browserTrackerLocalService;
558            }
560            /**
561             * Sets the browser tracker local service.
562             *
563             * @param browserTrackerLocalService the browser tracker local service
564             */
565            public void setBrowserTrackerLocalService(
566                    BrowserTrackerLocalService browserTrackerLocalService) {
567                    this.browserTrackerLocalService = browserTrackerLocalService;
568            }
570            /**
571             * Returns the browser tracker persistence.
572             *
573             * @return the browser tracker persistence
574             */
575            public BrowserTrackerPersistence getBrowserTrackerPersistence() {
576                    return browserTrackerPersistence;
577            }
579            /**
580             * Sets the browser tracker persistence.
581             *
582             * @param browserTrackerPersistence the browser tracker persistence
583             */
584            public void setBrowserTrackerPersistence(
585                    BrowserTrackerPersistence browserTrackerPersistence) {
586                    this.browserTrackerPersistence = browserTrackerPersistence;
587            }
589            /**
590             * Returns the class name local service.
591             *
592             * @return the class name local service
593             */
594            public ClassNameLocalService getClassNameLocalService() {
595                    return classNameLocalService;
596            }
598            /**
599             * Sets the class name local service.
600             *
601             * @param classNameLocalService the class name local service
602             */
603            public void setClassNameLocalService(
604                    ClassNameLocalService classNameLocalService) {
605                    this.classNameLocalService = classNameLocalService;
606            }
608            /**
609             * Returns the class name remote service.
610             *
611             * @return the class name remote service
612             */
613            public ClassNameService getClassNameService() {
614                    return classNameService;
615            }
617            /**
618             * Sets the class name remote service.
619             *
620             * @param classNameService the class name remote service
621             */
622            public void setClassNameService(ClassNameService classNameService) {
623                    this.classNameService = classNameService;
624            }
626            /**
627             * Returns the class name persistence.
628             *
629             * @return the class name persistence
630             */
631            public ClassNamePersistence getClassNamePersistence() {
632                    return classNamePersistence;
633            }
635            /**
636             * Sets the class name persistence.
637             *
638             * @param classNamePersistence the class name persistence
639             */
640            public void setClassNamePersistence(
641                    ClassNamePersistence classNamePersistence) {
642                    this.classNamePersistence = classNamePersistence;
643            }
645            /**
646             * Returns the cluster group local service.
647             *
648             * @return the cluster group local service
649             */
650            public ClusterGroupLocalService getClusterGroupLocalService() {
651                    return clusterGroupLocalService;
652            }
654            /**
655             * Sets the cluster group local service.
656             *
657             * @param clusterGroupLocalService the cluster group local service
658             */
659            public void setClusterGroupLocalService(
660                    ClusterGroupLocalService clusterGroupLocalService) {
661                    this.clusterGroupLocalService = clusterGroupLocalService;
662            }
664            /**
665             * Returns the cluster group persistence.
666             *
667             * @return the cluster group persistence
668             */
669            public ClusterGroupPersistence getClusterGroupPersistence() {
670                    return clusterGroupPersistence;
671            }
673            /**
674             * Sets the cluster group persistence.
675             *
676             * @param clusterGroupPersistence the cluster group persistence
677             */
678            public void setClusterGroupPersistence(
679                    ClusterGroupPersistence clusterGroupPersistence) {
680                    this.clusterGroupPersistence = clusterGroupPersistence;
681            }
683            /**
684             * Returns the c m i s repository local service.
685             *
686             * @return the c m i s repository local service
687             */
688            public CMISRepositoryLocalService getCMISRepositoryLocalService() {
689                    return cmisRepositoryLocalService;
690            }
692            /**
693             * Sets the c m i s repository local service.
694             *
695             * @param cmisRepositoryLocalService the c m i s repository local service
696             */
697            public void setCMISRepositoryLocalService(
698                    CMISRepositoryLocalService cmisRepositoryLocalService) {
699                    this.cmisRepositoryLocalService = cmisRepositoryLocalService;
700            }
702            /**
703             * Returns the company local service.
704             *
705             * @return the company local service
706             */
707            public CompanyLocalService getCompanyLocalService() {
708                    return companyLocalService;
709            }
711            /**
712             * Sets the company local service.
713             *
714             * @param companyLocalService the company local service
715             */
716            public void setCompanyLocalService(CompanyLocalService companyLocalService) {
717                    this.companyLocalService = companyLocalService;
718            }
720            /**
721             * Returns the company remote service.
722             *
723             * @return the company remote service
724             */
725            public CompanyService getCompanyService() {
726                    return companyService;
727            }
729            /**
730             * Sets the company remote service.
731             *
732             * @param companyService the company remote service
733             */
734            public void setCompanyService(CompanyService companyService) {
735                    this.companyService = companyService;
736            }
738            /**
739             * Returns the company persistence.
740             *
741             * @return the company persistence
742             */
743            public CompanyPersistence getCompanyPersistence() {
744                    return companyPersistence;
745            }
747            /**
748             * Sets the company persistence.
749             *
750             * @param companyPersistence the company persistence
751             */
752            public void setCompanyPersistence(CompanyPersistence companyPersistence) {
753                    this.companyPersistence = companyPersistence;
754            }
756            /**
757             * Returns the contact local service.
758             *
759             * @return the contact local service
760             */
761            public ContactLocalService getContactLocalService() {
762                    return contactLocalService;
763            }
765            /**
766             * Sets the contact local service.
767             *
768             * @param contactLocalService the contact local service
769             */
770            public void setContactLocalService(ContactLocalService contactLocalService) {
771                    this.contactLocalService = contactLocalService;
772            }
774            /**
775             * Returns the contact remote service.
776             *
777             * @return the contact remote service
778             */
779            public ContactService getContactService() {
780                    return contactService;
781            }
783            /**
784             * Sets the contact remote service.
785             *
786             * @param contactService the contact remote service
787             */
788            public void setContactService(ContactService contactService) {
789                    this.contactService = contactService;
790            }
792            /**
793             * Returns the contact persistence.
794             *
795             * @return the contact persistence
796             */
797            public ContactPersistence getContactPersistence() {
798                    return contactPersistence;
799            }
801            /**
802             * Sets the contact persistence.
803             *
804             * @param contactPersistence the contact persistence
805             */
806            public void setContactPersistence(ContactPersistence contactPersistence) {
807                    this.contactPersistence = contactPersistence;
808            }
810            /**
811             * Returns the country remote service.
812             *
813             * @return the country remote service
814             */
815            public CountryService getCountryService() {
816                    return countryService;
817            }
819            /**
820             * Sets the country remote service.
821             *
822             * @param countryService the country remote service
823             */
824            public void setCountryService(CountryService countryService) {
825                    this.countryService = countryService;
826            }
828            /**
829             * Returns the country persistence.
830             *
831             * @return the country persistence
832             */
833            public CountryPersistence getCountryPersistence() {
834                    return countryPersistence;
835            }
837            /**
838             * Sets the country persistence.
839             *
840             * @param countryPersistence the country persistence
841             */
842            public void setCountryPersistence(CountryPersistence countryPersistence) {
843                    this.countryPersistence = countryPersistence;
844            }
846            /**
847             * Returns the email address local service.
848             *
849             * @return the email address local service
850             */
851            public EmailAddressLocalService getEmailAddressLocalService() {
852                    return emailAddressLocalService;
853            }
855            /**
856             * Sets the email address local service.
857             *
858             * @param emailAddressLocalService the email address local service
859             */
860            public void setEmailAddressLocalService(
861                    EmailAddressLocalService emailAddressLocalService) {
862                    this.emailAddressLocalService = emailAddressLocalService;
863            }
865            /**
866             * Returns the email address remote service.
867             *
868             * @return the email address remote service
869             */
870            public EmailAddressService getEmailAddressService() {
871                    return emailAddressService;
872            }
874            /**
875             * Sets the email address remote service.
876             *
877             * @param emailAddressService the email address remote service
878             */
879            public void setEmailAddressService(EmailAddressService emailAddressService) {
880                    this.emailAddressService = emailAddressService;
881            }
883            /**
884             * Returns the email address persistence.
885             *
886             * @return the email address persistence
887             */
888            public EmailAddressPersistence getEmailAddressPersistence() {
889                    return emailAddressPersistence;
890            }
892            /**
893             * Sets the email address persistence.
894             *
895             * @param emailAddressPersistence the email address persistence
896             */
897            public void setEmailAddressPersistence(
898                    EmailAddressPersistence emailAddressPersistence) {
899                    this.emailAddressPersistence = emailAddressPersistence;
900            }
902            /**
903             * Returns the group local service.
904             *
905             * @return the group local service
906             */
907            public GroupLocalService getGroupLocalService() {
908                    return groupLocalService;
909            }
911            /**
912             * Sets the group local service.
913             *
914             * @param groupLocalService the group local service
915             */
916            public void setGroupLocalService(GroupLocalService groupLocalService) {
917                    this.groupLocalService = groupLocalService;
918            }
920            /**
921             * Returns the group remote service.
922             *
923             * @return the group remote service
924             */
925            public GroupService getGroupService() {
926                    return groupService;
927            }
929            /**
930             * Sets the group remote service.
931             *
932             * @param groupService the group remote service
933             */
934            public void setGroupService(GroupService groupService) {
935                    this.groupService = groupService;
936            }
938            /**
939             * Returns the group persistence.
940             *
941             * @return the group persistence
942             */
943            public GroupPersistence getGroupPersistence() {
944                    return groupPersistence;
945            }
947            /**
948             * Sets the group persistence.
949             *
950             * @param groupPersistence the group persistence
951             */
952            public void setGroupPersistence(GroupPersistence groupPersistence) {
953                    this.groupPersistence = groupPersistence;
954            }
956            /**
957             * Returns the group finder.
958             *
959             * @return the group finder
960             */
961            public GroupFinder getGroupFinder() {
962                    return groupFinder;
963            }
965            /**
966             * Sets the group finder.
967             *
968             * @param groupFinder the group finder
969             */
970            public void setGroupFinder(GroupFinder groupFinder) {
971                    this.groupFinder = groupFinder;
972            }
974            /**
975             * Returns the image local service.
976             *
977             * @return the image local service
978             */
979            public ImageLocalService getImageLocalService() {
980                    return imageLocalService;
981            }
983            /**
984             * Sets the image local service.
985             *
986             * @param imageLocalService the image local service
987             */
988            public void setImageLocalService(ImageLocalService imageLocalService) {
989                    this.imageLocalService = imageLocalService;
990            }
992            /**
993             * Returns the image remote service.
994             *
995             * @return the image remote service
996             */
997            public ImageService getImageService() {
998                    return imageService;
999            }
1001            /**
1002             * Sets the image remote service.
1003             *
1004             * @param imageService the image remote service
1005             */
1006            public void setImageService(ImageService imageService) {
1007                    this.imageService = imageService;
1008            }
1010            /**
1011             * Returns the image persistence.
1012             *
1013             * @return the image persistence
1014             */
1015            public ImagePersistence getImagePersistence() {
1016                    return imagePersistence;
1017            }
1019            /**
1020             * Sets the image persistence.
1021             *
1022             * @param imagePersistence the image persistence
1023             */
1024            public void setImagePersistence(ImagePersistence imagePersistence) {
1025                    this.imagePersistence = imagePersistence;
1026            }
1028            /**
1029             * Returns the layout local service.
1030             *
1031             * @return the layout local service
1032             */
1033            public LayoutLocalService getLayoutLocalService() {
1034                    return layoutLocalService;
1035            }
1037            /**
1038             * Sets the layout local service.
1039             *
1040             * @param layoutLocalService the layout local service
1041             */
1042            public void setLayoutLocalService(LayoutLocalService layoutLocalService) {
1043                    this.layoutLocalService = layoutLocalService;
1044            }
1046            /**
1047             * Returns the layout remote service.
1048             *
1049             * @return the layout remote service
1050             */
1051            public LayoutService getLayoutService() {
1052                    return layoutService;
1053            }
1055            /**
1056             * Sets the layout remote service.
1057             *
1058             * @param layoutService the layout remote service
1059             */
1060            public void setLayoutService(LayoutService layoutService) {
1061                    this.layoutService = layoutService;
1062            }
1064            /**
1065             * Returns the layout persistence.
1066             *
1067             * @return the layout persistence
1068             */
1069            public LayoutPersistence getLayoutPersistence() {
1070                    return layoutPersistence;
1071            }
1073            /**
1074             * Sets the layout persistence.
1075             *
1076             * @param layoutPersistence the layout persistence
1077             */
1078            public void setLayoutPersistence(LayoutPersistence layoutPersistence) {
1079                    this.layoutPersistence = layoutPersistence;
1080            }
1082            /**
1083             * Returns the layout finder.
1084             *
1085             * @return the layout finder
1086             */
1087            public LayoutFinder getLayoutFinder() {
1088                    return layoutFinder;
1089            }
1091            /**
1092             * Sets the layout finder.
1093             *
1094             * @param layoutFinder the layout finder
1095             */
1096            public void setLayoutFinder(LayoutFinder layoutFinder) {
1097                    this.layoutFinder = layoutFinder;
1098            }
1100            /**
1101             * Returns the layout branch local service.
1102             *
1103             * @return the layout branch local service
1104             */
1105            public LayoutBranchLocalService getLayoutBranchLocalService() {
1106                    return layoutBranchLocalService;
1107            }
1109            /**
1110             * Sets the layout branch local service.
1111             *
1112             * @param layoutBranchLocalService the layout branch local service
1113             */
1114            public void setLayoutBranchLocalService(
1115                    LayoutBranchLocalService layoutBranchLocalService) {
1116                    this.layoutBranchLocalService = layoutBranchLocalService;
1117            }
1119            /**
1120             * Returns the layout branch remote service.
1121             *
1122             * @return the layout branch remote service
1123             */
1124            public LayoutBranchService getLayoutBranchService() {
1125                    return layoutBranchService;
1126            }
1128            /**
1129             * Sets the layout branch remote service.
1130             *
1131             * @param layoutBranchService the layout branch remote service
1132             */
1133            public void setLayoutBranchService(LayoutBranchService layoutBranchService) {
1134                    this.layoutBranchService = layoutBranchService;
1135            }
1137            /**
1138             * Returns the layout branch persistence.
1139             *
1140             * @return the layout branch persistence
1141             */
1142            public LayoutBranchPersistence getLayoutBranchPersistence() {
1143                    return layoutBranchPersistence;
1144            }
1146            /**
1147             * Sets the layout branch persistence.
1148             *
1149             * @param layoutBranchPersistence the layout branch persistence
1150             */
1151            public void setLayoutBranchPersistence(
1152                    LayoutBranchPersistence layoutBranchPersistence) {
1153                    this.layoutBranchPersistence = layoutBranchPersistence;
1154            }
1156            /**
1157             * Returns the layout prototype local service.
1158             *
1159             * @return the layout prototype local service
1160             */
1161            public LayoutPrototypeLocalService getLayoutPrototypeLocalService() {
1162                    return layoutPrototypeLocalService;
1163            }
1165            /**
1166             * Sets the layout prototype local service.
1167             *
1168             * @param layoutPrototypeLocalService the layout prototype local service
1169             */
1170            public void setLayoutPrototypeLocalService(
1171                    LayoutPrototypeLocalService layoutPrototypeLocalService) {
1172                    this.layoutPrototypeLocalService = layoutPrototypeLocalService;
1173            }
1175            /**
1176             * Returns the layout prototype remote service.
1177             *
1178             * @return the layout prototype remote service
1179             */
1180            public LayoutPrototypeService getLayoutPrototypeService() {
1181                    return layoutPrototypeService;
1182            }
1184            /**
1185             * Sets the layout prototype remote service.
1186             *
1187             * @param layoutPrototypeService the layout prototype remote service
1188             */
1189            public void setLayoutPrototypeService(
1190                    LayoutPrototypeService layoutPrototypeService) {
1191                    this.layoutPrototypeService = layoutPrototypeService;
1192            }
1194            /**
1195             * Returns the layout prototype persistence.
1196             *
1197             * @return the layout prototype persistence
1198             */
1199            public LayoutPrototypePersistence getLayoutPrototypePersistence() {
1200                    return layoutPrototypePersistence;
1201            }
1203            /**
1204             * Sets the layout prototype persistence.
1205             *
1206             * @param layoutPrototypePersistence the layout prototype persistence
1207             */
1208            public void setLayoutPrototypePersistence(
1209                    LayoutPrototypePersistence layoutPrototypePersistence) {
1210                    this.layoutPrototypePersistence = layoutPrototypePersistence;
1211            }
1213            /**
1214             * Returns the layout revision local service.
1215             *
1216             * @return the layout revision local service
1217             */
1218            public LayoutRevisionLocalService getLayoutRevisionLocalService() {
1219                    return layoutRevisionLocalService;
1220            }
1222            /**
1223             * Sets the layout revision local service.
1224             *
1225             * @param layoutRevisionLocalService the layout revision local service
1226             */
1227            public void setLayoutRevisionLocalService(
1228                    LayoutRevisionLocalService layoutRevisionLocalService) {
1229                    this.layoutRevisionLocalService = layoutRevisionLocalService;
1230            }
1232            /**
1233             * Returns the layout revision remote service.
1234             *
1235             * @return the layout revision remote service
1236             */
1237            public LayoutRevisionService getLayoutRevisionService() {
1238                    return layoutRevisionService;
1239            }
1241            /**
1242             * Sets the layout revision remote service.
1243             *
1244             * @param layoutRevisionService the layout revision remote service
1245             */
1246            public void setLayoutRevisionService(
1247                    LayoutRevisionService layoutRevisionService) {
1248                    this.layoutRevisionService = layoutRevisionService;
1249            }
1251            /**
1252             * Returns the layout revision persistence.
1253             *
1254             * @return the layout revision persistence
1255             */
1256            public LayoutRevisionPersistence getLayoutRevisionPersistence() {
1257                    return layoutRevisionPersistence;
1258            }
1260            /**
1261             * Sets the layout revision persistence.
1262             *
1263             * @param layoutRevisionPersistence the layout revision persistence
1264             */
1265            public void setLayoutRevisionPersistence(
1266                    LayoutRevisionPersistence layoutRevisionPersistence) {
1267                    this.layoutRevisionPersistence = layoutRevisionPersistence;
1268            }
1270            /**
1271             * Returns the layout set local service.
1272             *
1273             * @return the layout set local service
1274             */
1275            public LayoutSetLocalService getLayoutSetLocalService() {
1276                    return layoutSetLocalService;
1277            }
1279            /**
1280             * Sets the layout set local service.
1281             *
1282             * @param layoutSetLocalService the layout set local service
1283             */
1284            public void setLayoutSetLocalService(
1285                    LayoutSetLocalService layoutSetLocalService) {
1286                    this.layoutSetLocalService = layoutSetLocalService;
1287            }
1289            /**
1290             * Returns the layout set remote service.
1291             *
1292             * @return the layout set remote service
1293             */
1294            public LayoutSetService getLayoutSetService() {
1295                    return layoutSetService;
1296            }
1298            /**
1299             * Sets the layout set remote service.
1300             *
1301             * @param layoutSetService the layout set remote service
1302             */
1303            public void setLayoutSetService(LayoutSetService layoutSetService) {
1304                    this.layoutSetService = layoutSetService;
1305            }
1307            /**
1308             * Returns the layout set persistence.
1309             *
1310             * @return the layout set persistence
1311             */
1312            public LayoutSetPersistence getLayoutSetPersistence() {
1313                    return layoutSetPersistence;
1314            }
1316            /**
1317             * Sets the layout set persistence.
1318             *
1319             * @param layoutSetPersistence the layout set persistence
1320             */
1321            public void setLayoutSetPersistence(
1322                    LayoutSetPersistence layoutSetPersistence) {
1323                    this.layoutSetPersistence = layoutSetPersistence;
1324            }
1326            /**
1327             * Returns the layout set branch local service.
1328             *
1329             * @return the layout set branch local service
1330             */
1331            public LayoutSetBranchLocalService getLayoutSetBranchLocalService() {
1332                    return layoutSetBranchLocalService;
1333            }
1335            /**
1336             * Sets the layout set branch local service.
1337             *
1338             * @param layoutSetBranchLocalService the layout set branch local service
1339             */
1340            public void setLayoutSetBranchLocalService(
1341                    LayoutSetBranchLocalService layoutSetBranchLocalService) {
1342                    this.layoutSetBranchLocalService = layoutSetBranchLocalService;
1343            }
1345            /**
1346             * Returns the layout set branch remote service.
1347             *
1348             * @return the layout set branch remote service
1349             */
1350            public LayoutSetBranchService getLayoutSetBranchService() {
1351                    return layoutSetBranchService;
1352            }
1354            /**
1355             * Sets the layout set branch remote service.
1356             *
1357             * @param layoutSetBranchService the layout set branch remote service
1358             */
1359            public void setLayoutSetBranchService(
1360                    LayoutSetBranchService layoutSetBranchService) {
1361                    this.layoutSetBranchService = layoutSetBranchService;
1362            }
1364            /**
1365             * Returns the layout set branch persistence.
1366             *
1367             * @return the layout set branch persistence
1368             */
1369            public LayoutSetBranchPersistence getLayoutSetBranchPersistence() {
1370                    return layoutSetBranchPersistence;
1371            }
1373            /**
1374             * Sets the layout set branch persistence.
1375             *
1376             * @param layoutSetBranchPersistence the layout set branch persistence
1377             */
1378            public void setLayoutSetBranchPersistence(
1379                    LayoutSetBranchPersistence layoutSetBranchPersistence) {
1380                    this.layoutSetBranchPersistence = layoutSetBranchPersistence;
1381            }
1383            /**
1384             * Returns the layout set prototype local service.
1385             *
1386             * @return the layout set prototype local service
1387             */
1388            public LayoutSetPrototypeLocalService getLayoutSetPrototypeLocalService() {
1389                    return layoutSetPrototypeLocalService;
1390            }
1392            /**
1393             * Sets the layout set prototype local service.
1394             *
1395             * @param layoutSetPrototypeLocalService the layout set prototype local service
1396             */
1397            public void setLayoutSetPrototypeLocalService(
1398                    LayoutSetPrototypeLocalService layoutSetPrototypeLocalService) {
1399                    this.layoutSetPrototypeLocalService = layoutSetPrototypeLocalService;
1400            }
1402            /**
1403             * Returns the layout set prototype remote service.
1404             *
1405             * @return the layout set prototype remote service
1406             */
1407            public LayoutSetPrototypeService getLayoutSetPrototypeService() {
1408                    return layoutSetPrototypeService;
1409            }
1411            /**
1412             * Sets the layout set prototype remote service.
1413             *
1414             * @param layoutSetPrototypeService the layout set prototype remote service
1415             */
1416            public void setLayoutSetPrototypeService(
1417                    LayoutSetPrototypeService layoutSetPrototypeService) {
1418                    this.layoutSetPrototypeService = layoutSetPrototypeService;
1419            }
1421            /**
1422             * Returns the layout set prototype persistence.
1423             *
1424             * @return the layout set prototype persistence
1425             */
1426            public LayoutSetPrototypePersistence getLayoutSetPrototypePersistence() {
1427                    return layoutSetPrototypePersistence;
1428            }
1430            /**
1431             * Sets the layout set prototype persistence.
1432             *
1433             * @param layoutSetPrototypePersistence the layout set prototype persistence
1434             */
1435            public void setLayoutSetPrototypePersistence(
1436                    LayoutSetPrototypePersistence layoutSetPrototypePersistence) {
1437                    this.layoutSetPrototypePersistence = layoutSetPrototypePersistence;
1438            }
1440            /**
1441             * Returns the layout template local service.
1442             *
1443             * @return the layout template local service
1444             */
1445            public LayoutTemplateLocalService getLayoutTemplateLocalService() {
1446                    return layoutTemplateLocalService;
1447            }
1449            /**
1450             * Sets the layout template local service.
1451             *
1452             * @param layoutTemplateLocalService the layout template local service
1453             */
1454            public void setLayoutTemplateLocalService(
1455                    LayoutTemplateLocalService layoutTemplateLocalService) {
1456                    this.layoutTemplateLocalService = layoutTemplateLocalService;
1457            }
1459            /**
1460             * Returns the list type remote service.
1461             *
1462             * @return the list type remote service
1463             */
1464            public ListTypeService getListTypeService() {
1465                    return listTypeService;
1466            }
1468            /**
1469             * Sets the list type remote service.
1470             *
1471             * @param listTypeService the list type remote service
1472             */
1473            public void setListTypeService(ListTypeService listTypeService) {
1474                    this.listTypeService = listTypeService;
1475            }
1477            /**
1478             * Returns the list type persistence.
1479             *
1480             * @return the list type persistence
1481             */
1482            public ListTypePersistence getListTypePersistence() {
1483                    return listTypePersistence;
1484            }
1486            /**
1487             * Sets the list type persistence.
1488             *
1489             * @param listTypePersistence the list type persistence
1490             */
1491            public void setListTypePersistence(ListTypePersistence listTypePersistence) {
1492                    this.listTypePersistence = listTypePersistence;
1493            }
1495            /**
1496             * Returns the lock local service.
1497             *
1498             * @return the lock local service
1499             */
1500            public LockLocalService getLockLocalService() {
1501                    return lockLocalService;
1502            }
1504            /**
1505             * Sets the lock local service.
1506             *
1507             * @param lockLocalService the lock local service
1508             */
1509            public void setLockLocalService(LockLocalService lockLocalService) {
1510                    this.lockLocalService = lockLocalService;
1511            }
1513            /**
1514             * Returns the lock persistence.
1515             *
1516             * @return the lock persistence
1517             */
1518            public LockPersistence getLockPersistence() {
1519                    return lockPersistence;
1520            }
1522            /**
1523             * Sets the lock persistence.
1524             *
1525             * @param lockPersistence the lock persistence
1526             */
1527            public void setLockPersistence(LockPersistence lockPersistence) {
1528                    this.lockPersistence = lockPersistence;
1529            }
1531            /**
1532             * Returns the lock finder.
1533             *
1534             * @return the lock finder
1535             */
1536            public LockFinder getLockFinder() {
1537                    return lockFinder;
1538            }
1540            /**
1541             * Sets the lock finder.
1542             *
1543             * @param lockFinder the lock finder
1544             */
1545            public void setLockFinder(LockFinder lockFinder) {
1546                    this.lockFinder = lockFinder;
1547            }
1549            /**
1550             * Returns the membership request local service.
1551             *
1552             * @return the membership request local service
1553             */
1554            public MembershipRequestLocalService getMembershipRequestLocalService() {
1555                    return membershipRequestLocalService;
1556            }
1558            /**
1559             * Sets the membership request local service.
1560             *
1561             * @param membershipRequestLocalService the membership request local service
1562             */
1563            public void setMembershipRequestLocalService(
1564                    MembershipRequestLocalService membershipRequestLocalService) {
1565                    this.membershipRequestLocalService = membershipRequestLocalService;
1566            }
1568            /**
1569             * Returns the membership request remote service.
1570             *
1571             * @return the membership request remote service
1572             */
1573            public MembershipRequestService getMembershipRequestService() {
1574                    return membershipRequestService;
1575            }
1577            /**
1578             * Sets the membership request remote service.
1579             *
1580             * @param membershipRequestService the membership request remote service
1581             */
1582            public void setMembershipRequestService(
1583                    MembershipRequestService membershipRequestService) {
1584                    this.membershipRequestService = membershipRequestService;
1585            }
1587            /**
1588             * Returns the membership request persistence.
1589             *
1590             * @return the membership request persistence
1591             */
1592            public MembershipRequestPersistence getMembershipRequestPersistence() {
1593                    return membershipRequestPersistence;
1594            }
1596            /**
1597             * Sets the membership request persistence.
1598             *
1599             * @param membershipRequestPersistence the membership request persistence
1600             */
1601            public void setMembershipRequestPersistence(
1602                    MembershipRequestPersistence membershipRequestPersistence) {
1603                    this.membershipRequestPersistence = membershipRequestPersistence;
1604            }
1606            /**
1607             * Returns the organization local service.
1608             *
1609             * @return the organization local service
1610             */
1611            public OrganizationLocalService getOrganizationLocalService() {
1612                    return organizationLocalService;
1613            }
1615            /**
1616             * Sets the organization local service.
1617             *
1618             * @param organizationLocalService the organization local service
1619             */
1620            public void setOrganizationLocalService(
1621                    OrganizationLocalService organizationLocalService) {
1622                    this.organizationLocalService = organizationLocalService;
1623            }
1625            /**
1626             * Returns the organization remote service.
1627             *
1628             * @return the organization remote service
1629             */
1630            public OrganizationService getOrganizationService() {
1631                    return organizationService;
1632            }
1634            /**
1635             * Sets the organization remote service.
1636             *
1637             * @param organizationService the organization remote service
1638             */
1639            public void setOrganizationService(OrganizationService organizationService) {
1640                    this.organizationService = organizationService;
1641            }
1643            /**
1644             * Returns the organization persistence.
1645             *
1646             * @return the organization persistence
1647             */
1648            public OrganizationPersistence getOrganizationPersistence() {
1649                    return organizationPersistence;
1650            }
1652            /**
1653             * Sets the organization persistence.
1654             *
1655             * @param organizationPersistence the organization persistence
1656             */
1657            public void setOrganizationPersistence(
1658                    OrganizationPersistence organizationPersistence) {
1659                    this.organizationPersistence = organizationPersistence;
1660            }
1662            /**
1663             * Returns the organization finder.
1664             *
1665             * @return the organization finder
1666             */
1667            public OrganizationFinder getOrganizationFinder() {
1668                    return organizationFinder;
1669            }
1671            /**
1672             * Sets the organization finder.
1673             *
1674             * @param organizationFinder the organization finder
1675             */
1676            public void setOrganizationFinder(OrganizationFinder organizationFinder) {
1677                    this.organizationFinder = organizationFinder;
1678            }
1680            /**
1681             * Returns the org group permission persistence.
1682             *
1683             * @return the org group permission persistence
1684             */
1685            public OrgGroupPermissionPersistence getOrgGroupPermissionPersistence() {
1686                    return orgGroupPermissionPersistence;
1687            }
1689            /**
1690             * Sets the org group permission persistence.
1691             *
1692             * @param orgGroupPermissionPersistence the org group permission persistence
1693             */
1694            public void setOrgGroupPermissionPersistence(
1695                    OrgGroupPermissionPersistence orgGroupPermissionPersistence) {
1696                    this.orgGroupPermissionPersistence = orgGroupPermissionPersistence;
1697            }
1699            /**
1700             * Returns the org group permission finder.
1701             *
1702             * @return the org group permission finder
1703             */
1704            public OrgGroupPermissionFinder getOrgGroupPermissionFinder() {
1705                    return orgGroupPermissionFinder;
1706            }
1708            /**
1709             * Sets the org group permission finder.
1710             *
1711             * @param orgGroupPermissionFinder the org group permission finder
1712             */
1713            public void setOrgGroupPermissionFinder(
1714                    OrgGroupPermissionFinder orgGroupPermissionFinder) {
1715                    this.orgGroupPermissionFinder = orgGroupPermissionFinder;
1716            }
1718            /**
1719             * Returns the org group role persistence.
1720             *
1721             * @return the org group role persistence
1722             */
1723            public OrgGroupRolePersistence getOrgGroupRolePersistence() {
1724                    return orgGroupRolePersistence;
1725            }
1727            /**
1728             * Sets the org group role persistence.
1729             *
1730             * @param orgGroupRolePersistence the org group role persistence
1731             */
1732            public void setOrgGroupRolePersistence(
1733                    OrgGroupRolePersistence orgGroupRolePersistence) {
1734                    this.orgGroupRolePersistence = orgGroupRolePersistence;
1735            }
1737            /**
1738             * Returns the org labor local service.
1739             *
1740             * @return the org labor local service
1741             */
1742            public OrgLaborLocalService getOrgLaborLocalService() {
1743                    return orgLaborLocalService;
1744            }
1746            /**
1747             * Sets the org labor local service.
1748             *
1749             * @param orgLaborLocalService the org labor local service
1750             */
1751            public void setOrgLaborLocalService(
1752                    OrgLaborLocalService orgLaborLocalService) {
1753                    this.orgLaborLocalService = orgLaborLocalService;
1754            }
1756            /**
1757             * Returns the org labor remote service.
1758             *
1759             * @return the org labor remote service
1760             */
1761            public OrgLaborService getOrgLaborService() {
1762                    return orgLaborService;
1763            }
1765            /**
1766             * Sets the org labor remote service.
1767             *
1768             * @param orgLaborService the org labor remote service
1769             */
1770            public void setOrgLaborService(OrgLaborService orgLaborService) {
1771                    this.orgLaborService = orgLaborService;
1772            }
1774            /**
1775             * Returns the org labor persistence.
1776             *
1777             * @return the org labor persistence
1778             */
1779            public OrgLaborPersistence getOrgLaborPersistence() {
1780                    return orgLaborPersistence;
1781            }
1783            /**
1784             * Sets the org labor persistence.
1785             *
1786             * @param orgLaborPersistence the org labor persistence
1787             */
1788            public void setOrgLaborPersistence(OrgLaborPersistence orgLaborPersistence) {
1789                    this.orgLaborPersistence = orgLaborPersistence;
1790            }
1792            /**
1793             * Returns the password policy local service.
1794             *
1795             * @return the password policy local service
1796             */
1797            public PasswordPolicyLocalService getPasswordPolicyLocalService() {
1798                    return passwordPolicyLocalService;
1799            }
1801            /**
1802             * Sets the password policy local service.
1803             *
1804             * @param passwordPolicyLocalService the password policy local service
1805             */
1806            public void setPasswordPolicyLocalService(
1807                    PasswordPolicyLocalService passwordPolicyLocalService) {
1808                    this.passwordPolicyLocalService = passwordPolicyLocalService;
1809            }
1811            /**
1812             * Returns the password policy remote service.
1813             *
1814             * @return the password policy remote service
1815             */
1816            public PasswordPolicyService getPasswordPolicyService() {
1817                    return passwordPolicyService;
1818            }
1820            /**
1821             * Sets the password policy remote service.
1822             *
1823             * @param passwordPolicyService the password policy remote service
1824             */
1825            public void setPasswordPolicyService(
1826                    PasswordPolicyService passwordPolicyService) {
1827                    this.passwordPolicyService = passwordPolicyService;
1828            }
1830            /**
1831             * Returns the password policy persistence.
1832             *
1833             * @return the password policy persistence
1834             */
1835            public PasswordPolicyPersistence getPasswordPolicyPersistence() {
1836                    return passwordPolicyPersistence;
1837            }
1839            /**
1840             * Sets the password policy persistence.
1841             *
1842             * @param passwordPolicyPersistence the password policy persistence
1843             */
1844            public void setPasswordPolicyPersistence(
1845                    PasswordPolicyPersistence passwordPolicyPersistence) {
1846                    this.passwordPolicyPersistence = passwordPolicyPersistence;
1847            }
1849            /**
1850             * Returns the password policy finder.
1851             *
1852             * @return the password policy finder
1853             */
1854            public PasswordPolicyFinder getPasswordPolicyFinder() {
1855                    return passwordPolicyFinder;
1856            }
1858            /**
1859             * Sets the password policy finder.
1860             *
1861             * @param passwordPolicyFinder the password policy finder
1862             */
1863            public void setPasswordPolicyFinder(
1864                    PasswordPolicyFinder passwordPolicyFinder) {
1865                    this.passwordPolicyFinder = passwordPolicyFinder;
1866            }
1868            /**
1869             * Returns the password policy rel local service.
1870             *
1871             * @return the password policy rel local service
1872             */
1873            public PasswordPolicyRelLocalService getPasswordPolicyRelLocalService() {
1874                    return passwordPolicyRelLocalService;
1875            }
1877            /**
1878             * Sets the password policy rel local service.
1879             *
1880             * @param passwordPolicyRelLocalService the password policy rel local service
1881             */
1882            public void setPasswordPolicyRelLocalService(
1883                    PasswordPolicyRelLocalService passwordPolicyRelLocalService) {
1884                    this.passwordPolicyRelLocalService = passwordPolicyRelLocalService;
1885            }
1887            /**
1888             * Returns the password policy rel persistence.
1889             *
1890             * @return the password policy rel persistence
1891             */
1892            public PasswordPolicyRelPersistence getPasswordPolicyRelPersistence() {
1893                    return passwordPolicyRelPersistence;
1894            }
1896            /**
1897             * Sets the password policy rel persistence.
1898             *
1899             * @param passwordPolicyRelPersistence the password policy rel persistence
1900             */
1901            public void setPasswordPolicyRelPersistence(
1902                    PasswordPolicyRelPersistence passwordPolicyRelPersistence) {
1903                    this.passwordPolicyRelPersistence = passwordPolicyRelPersistence;
1904            }
1906            /**
1907             * Returns the password tracker local service.
1908             *
1909             * @return the password tracker local service
1910             */
1911            public PasswordTrackerLocalService getPasswordTrackerLocalService() {
1912                    return passwordTrackerLocalService;
1913            }
1915            /**
1916             * Sets the password tracker local service.
1917             *
1918             * @param passwordTrackerLocalService the password tracker local service
1919             */
1920            public void setPasswordTrackerLocalService(
1921                    PasswordTrackerLocalService passwordTrackerLocalService) {
1922                    this.passwordTrackerLocalService = passwordTrackerLocalService;
1923            }
1925            /**
1926             * Returns the password tracker persistence.
1927             *
1928             * @return the password tracker persistence
1929             */
1930            public PasswordTrackerPersistence getPasswordTrackerPersistence() {
1931                    return passwordTrackerPersistence;
1932            }
1934            /**
1935             * Sets the password tracker persistence.
1936             *
1937             * @param passwordTrackerPersistence the password tracker persistence
1938             */
1939            public void setPasswordTrackerPersistence(
1940                    PasswordTrackerPersistence passwordTrackerPersistence) {
1941                    this.passwordTrackerPersistence = passwordTrackerPersistence;
1942            }
1944            /**
1945             * Returns the permission local service.
1946             *
1947             * @return the permission local service
1948             */
1949            public PermissionLocalService getPermissionLocalService() {
1950                    return permissionLocalService;
1951            }
1953            /**
1954             * Sets the permission local service.
1955             *
1956             * @param permissionLocalService the permission local service
1957             */
1958            public void setPermissionLocalService(
1959                    PermissionLocalService permissionLocalService) {
1960                    this.permissionLocalService = permissionLocalService;
1961            }
1963            /**
1964             * Returns the permission remote service.
1965             *
1966             * @return the permission remote service
1967             */
1968            public PermissionService getPermissionService() {
1969                    return permissionService;
1970            }
1972            /**
1973             * Sets the permission remote service.
1974             *
1975             * @param permissionService the permission remote service
1976             */
1977            public void setPermissionService(PermissionService permissionService) {
1978                    this.permissionService = permissionService;
1979            }
1981            /**
1982             * Returns the permission persistence.
1983             *
1984             * @return the permission persistence
1985             */
1986            public PermissionPersistence getPermissionPersistence() {
1987                    return permissionPersistence;
1988            }
1990            /**
1991             * Sets the permission persistence.
1992             *
1993             * @param permissionPersistence the permission persistence
1994             */
1995            public void setPermissionPersistence(
1996                    PermissionPersistence permissionPersistence) {
1997                    this.permissionPersistence = permissionPersistence;
1998            }
2000            /**
2001             * Returns the permission finder.
2002             *
2003             * @return the permission finder
2004             */
2005            public PermissionFinder getPermissionFinder() {
2006                    return permissionFinder;
2007            }
2009            /**
2010             * Sets the permission finder.
2011             *
2012             * @param permissionFinder the permission finder
2013             */
2014            public void setPermissionFinder(PermissionFinder permissionFinder) {
2015                    this.permissionFinder = permissionFinder;
2016            }
2018            /**
2019             * Returns the phone local service.
2020             *
2021             * @return the phone local service
2022             */
2023            public PhoneLocalService getPhoneLocalService() {
2024                    return phoneLocalService;
2025            }
2027            /**
2028             * Sets the phone local service.
2029             *
2030             * @param phoneLocalService the phone local service
2031             */
2032            public void setPhoneLocalService(PhoneLocalService phoneLocalService) {
2033                    this.phoneLocalService = phoneLocalService;
2034            }
2036            /**
2037             * Returns the phone remote service.
2038             *
2039             * @return the phone remote service
2040             */
2041            public PhoneService getPhoneService() {
2042                    return phoneService;
2043            }
2045            /**
2046             * Sets the phone remote service.
2047             *
2048             * @param phoneService the phone remote service
2049             */
2050            public void setPhoneService(PhoneService phoneService) {
2051                    this.phoneService = phoneService;
2052            }
2054            /**
2055             * Returns the phone persistence.
2056             *
2057             * @return the phone persistence
2058             */
2059            public PhonePersistence getPhonePersistence() {
2060                    return phonePersistence;
2061            }
2063            /**
2064             * Sets the phone persistence.
2065             *
2066             * @param phonePersistence the phone persistence
2067             */
2068            public void setPhonePersistence(PhonePersistence phonePersistence) {
2069                    this.phonePersistence = phonePersistence;
2070            }
2072            /**
2073             * Returns the plugin setting local service.
2074             *
2075             * @return the plugin setting local service
2076             */
2077            public PluginSettingLocalService getPluginSettingLocalService() {
2078                    return pluginSettingLocalService;
2079            }
2081            /**
2082             * Sets the plugin setting local service.
2083             *
2084             * @param pluginSettingLocalService the plugin setting local service
2085             */
2086            public void setPluginSettingLocalService(
2087                    PluginSettingLocalService pluginSettingLocalService) {
2088                    this.pluginSettingLocalService = pluginSettingLocalService;
2089            }
2091            /**
2092             * Returns the plugin setting remote service.
2093             *
2094             * @return the plugin setting remote service
2095             */
2096            public PluginSettingService getPluginSettingService() {
2097                    return pluginSettingService;
2098            }
2100            /**
2101             * Sets the plugin setting remote service.
2102             *
2103             * @param pluginSettingService the plugin setting remote service
2104             */
2105            public void setPluginSettingService(
2106                    PluginSettingService pluginSettingService) {
2107                    this.pluginSettingService = pluginSettingService;
2108            }
2110            /**
2111             * Returns the plugin setting persistence.
2112             *
2113             * @return the plugin setting persistence
2114             */
2115            public PluginSettingPersistence getPluginSettingPersistence() {
2116                    return pluginSettingPersistence;
2117            }
2119            /**
2120             * Sets the plugin setting persistence.
2121             *
2122             * @param pluginSettingPersistence the plugin setting persistence
2123             */
2124            public void setPluginSettingPersistence(
2125                    PluginSettingPersistence pluginSettingPersistence) {
2126                    this.pluginSettingPersistence = pluginSettingPersistence;
2127            }
2129            /**
2130             * Returns the portal local service.
2131             *
2132             * @return the portal local service
2133             */
2134            public PortalLocalService getPortalLocalService() {
2135                    return portalLocalService;
2136            }
2138            /**
2139             * Sets the portal local service.
2140             *
2141             * @param portalLocalService the portal local service
2142             */
2143            public void setPortalLocalService(PortalLocalService portalLocalService) {
2144                    this.portalLocalService = portalLocalService;
2145            }
2147            /**
2148             * Returns the portal remote service.
2149             *
2150             * @return the portal remote service
2151             */
2152            public PortalService getPortalService() {
2153                    return portalService;
2154            }
2156            /**
2157             * Sets the portal remote service.
2158             *
2159             * @param portalService the portal remote service
2160             */
2161            public void setPortalService(PortalService portalService) {
2162                    this.portalService = portalService;
2163            }
2165            /**
2166             * Returns the portal preferences local service.
2167             *
2168             * @return the portal preferences local service
2169             */
2170            public PortalPreferencesLocalService getPortalPreferencesLocalService() {
2171                    return portalPreferencesLocalService;
2172            }
2174            /**
2175             * Sets the portal preferences local service.
2176             *
2177             * @param portalPreferencesLocalService the portal preferences local service
2178             */
2179            public void setPortalPreferencesLocalService(
2180                    PortalPreferencesLocalService portalPreferencesLocalService) {
2181                    this.portalPreferencesLocalService = portalPreferencesLocalService;
2182            }
2184            /**
2185             * Returns the portal preferences persistence.
2186             *
2187             * @return the portal preferences persistence
2188             */
2189            public PortalPreferencesPersistence getPortalPreferencesPersistence() {
2190                    return portalPreferencesPersistence;
2191            }
2193            /**
2194             * Sets the portal preferences persistence.
2195             *
2196             * @param portalPreferencesPersistence the portal preferences persistence
2197             */
2198            public void setPortalPreferencesPersistence(
2199                    PortalPreferencesPersistence portalPreferencesPersistence) {
2200                    this.portalPreferencesPersistence = portalPreferencesPersistence;
2201            }
2203            /**
2204             * Returns the portlet local service.
2205             *
2206             * @return the portlet local service
2207             */
2208            public PortletLocalService getPortletLocalService() {
2209                    return portletLocalService;
2210            }
2212            /**
2213             * Sets the portlet local service.
2214             *
2215             * @param portletLocalService the portlet local service
2216             */
2217            public void setPortletLocalService(PortletLocalService portletLocalService) {
2218                    this.portletLocalService = portletLocalService;
2219            }
2221            /**
2222             * Returns the portlet remote service.
2223             *
2224             * @return the portlet remote service
2225             */
2226            public PortletService getPortletService() {
2227                    return portletService;
2228            }
2230            /**
2231             * Sets the portlet remote service.
2232             *
2233             * @param portletService the portlet remote service
2234             */
2235            public void setPortletService(PortletService portletService) {
2236                    this.portletService = portletService;
2237            }
2239            /**
2240             * Returns the portlet persistence.
2241             *
2242             * @return the portlet persistence
2243             */
2244            public PortletPersistence getPortletPersistence() {
2245                    return portletPersistence;
2246            }
2248            /**
2249             * Sets the portlet persistence.
2250             *
2251             * @param portletPersistence the portlet persistence
2252             */
2253            public void setPortletPersistence(PortletPersistence portletPersistence) {
2254                    this.portletPersistence = portletPersistence;
2255            }
2257            /**
2258             * Returns the portlet item local service.
2259             *
2260             * @return the portlet item local service
2261             */
2262            public PortletItemLocalService getPortletItemLocalService() {
2263                    return portletItemLocalService;
2264            }
2266            /**
2267             * Sets the portlet item local service.
2268             *
2269             * @param portletItemLocalService the portlet item local service
2270             */
2271            public void setPortletItemLocalService(
2272                    PortletItemLocalService portletItemLocalService) {
2273                    this.portletItemLocalService = portletItemLocalService;
2274            }
2276            /**
2277             * Returns the portlet item persistence.
2278             *
2279             * @return the portlet item persistence
2280             */
2281            public PortletItemPersistence getPortletItemPersistence() {
2282                    return portletItemPersistence;
2283            }
2285            /**
2286             * Sets the portlet item persistence.
2287             *
2288             * @param portletItemPersistence the portlet item persistence
2289             */
2290            public void setPortletItemPersistence(
2291                    PortletItemPersistence portletItemPersistence) {
2292                    this.portletItemPersistence = portletItemPersistence;
2293            }
2295            /**
2296             * Returns the portlet preferences local service.
2297             *
2298             * @return the portlet preferences local service
2299             */
2300            public PortletPreferencesLocalService getPortletPreferencesLocalService() {
2301                    return portletPreferencesLocalService;
2302            }
2304            /**
2305             * Sets the portlet preferences local service.
2306             *
2307             * @param portletPreferencesLocalService the portlet preferences local service
2308             */
2309            public void setPortletPreferencesLocalService(
2310                    PortletPreferencesLocalService portletPreferencesLocalService) {
2311                    this.portletPreferencesLocalService = portletPreferencesLocalService;
2312            }
2314            /**
2315             * Returns the portlet preferences remote service.
2316             *
2317             * @return the portlet preferences remote service
2318             */
2319            public PortletPreferencesService getPortletPreferencesService() {
2320                    return portletPreferencesService;
2321            }
2323            /**
2324             * Sets the portlet preferences remote service.
2325             *
2326             * @param portletPreferencesService the portlet preferences remote service
2327             */
2328            public void setPortletPreferencesService(
2329                    PortletPreferencesService portletPreferencesService) {
2330                    this.portletPreferencesService = portletPreferencesService;
2331            }
2333            /**
2334             * Returns the portlet preferences persistence.
2335             *
2336             * @return the portlet preferences persistence
2337             */
2338            public PortletPreferencesPersistence getPortletPreferencesPersistence() {
2339                    return portletPreferencesPersistence;
2340            }
2342            /**
2343             * Sets the portlet preferences persistence.
2344             *
2345             * @param portletPreferencesPersistence the portlet preferences persistence
2346             */
2347            public void setPortletPreferencesPersistence(
2348                    PortletPreferencesPersistence portletPreferencesPersistence) {
2349                    this.portletPreferencesPersistence = portletPreferencesPersistence;
2350            }
2352            /**
2353             * Returns the portlet preferences finder.
2354             *
2355             * @return the portlet preferences finder
2356             */
2357            public PortletPreferencesFinder getPortletPreferencesFinder() {
2358                    return portletPreferencesFinder;
2359            }
2361            /**
2362             * Sets the portlet preferences finder.
2363             *
2364             * @param portletPreferencesFinder the portlet preferences finder
2365             */
2366            public void setPortletPreferencesFinder(
2367                    PortletPreferencesFinder portletPreferencesFinder) {
2368                    this.portletPreferencesFinder = portletPreferencesFinder;
2369            }
2371            /**
2372             * Returns the quartz local service.
2373             *
2374             * @return the quartz local service
2375             */
2376            public QuartzLocalService getQuartzLocalService() {
2377                    return quartzLocalService;
2378            }
2380            /**
2381             * Sets the quartz local service.
2382             *
2383             * @param quartzLocalService the quartz local service
2384             */
2385            public void setQuartzLocalService(QuartzLocalService quartzLocalService) {
2386                    this.quartzLocalService = quartzLocalService;
2387            }
2389            /**
2390             * Returns the region remote service.
2391             *
2392             * @return the region remote service
2393             */
2394            public RegionService getRegionService() {
2395                    return regionService;
2396            }
2398            /**
2399             * Sets the region remote service.
2400             *
2401             * @param regionService the region remote service
2402             */
2403            public void setRegionService(RegionService regionService) {
2404                    this.regionService = regionService;
2405            }
2407            /**
2408             * Returns the region persistence.
2409             *
2410             * @return the region persistence
2411             */
2412            public RegionPersistence getRegionPersistence() {
2413                    return regionPersistence;
2414            }
2416            /**
2417             * Sets the region persistence.
2418             *
2419             * @param regionPersistence the region persistence
2420             */
2421            public void setRegionPersistence(RegionPersistence regionPersistence) {
2422                    this.regionPersistence = regionPersistence;
2423            }
2425            /**
2426             * Returns the release local service.
2427             *
2428             * @return the release local service
2429             */
2430            public ReleaseLocalService getReleaseLocalService() {
2431                    return releaseLocalService;
2432            }
2434            /**
2435             * Sets the release local service.
2436             *
2437             * @param releaseLocalService the release local service
2438             */
2439            public void setReleaseLocalService(ReleaseLocalService releaseLocalService) {
2440                    this.releaseLocalService = releaseLocalService;
2441            }
2443            /**
2444             * Returns the release persistence.
2445             *
2446             * @return the release persistence
2447             */
2448            public ReleasePersistence getReleasePersistence() {
2449                    return releasePersistence;
2450            }
2452            /**
2453             * Sets the release persistence.
2454             *
2455             * @param releasePersistence the release persistence
2456             */
2457            public void setReleasePersistence(ReleasePersistence releasePersistence) {
2458                    this.releasePersistence = releasePersistence;
2459            }
2461            /**
2462             * Returns the repository local service.
2463             *
2464             * @return the repository local service
2465             */
2466            public RepositoryLocalService getRepositoryLocalService() {
2467                    return repositoryLocalService;
2468            }
2470            /**
2471             * Sets the repository local service.
2472             *
2473             * @param repositoryLocalService the repository local service
2474             */
2475            public void setRepositoryLocalService(
2476                    RepositoryLocalService repositoryLocalService) {
2477                    this.repositoryLocalService = repositoryLocalService;
2478            }
2480            /**
2481             * Returns the repository remote service.
2482             *
2483             * @return the repository remote service
2484             */
2485            public RepositoryService getRepositoryService() {
2486                    return repositoryService;
2487            }
2489            /**
2490             * Sets the repository remote service.
2491             *
2492             * @param repositoryService the repository remote service
2493             */
2494            public void setRepositoryService(RepositoryService repositoryService) {
2495                    this.repositoryService = repositoryService;
2496            }
2498            /**
2499             * Returns the repository persistence.
2500             *
2501             * @return the repository persistence
2502             */
2503            public RepositoryPersistence getRepositoryPersistence() {
2504                    return repositoryPersistence;
2505            }
2507            /**
2508             * Sets the repository persistence.
2509             *
2510             * @param repositoryPersistence the repository persistence
2511             */
2512            public void setRepositoryPersistence(
2513                    RepositoryPersistence repositoryPersistence) {
2514                    this.repositoryPersistence = repositoryPersistence;
2515            }
2517            /**
2518             * Returns the repository entry local service.
2519             *
2520             * @return the repository entry local service
2521             */
2522            public RepositoryEntryLocalService getRepositoryEntryLocalService() {
2523                    return repositoryEntryLocalService;
2524            }
2526            /**
2527             * Sets the repository entry local service.
2528             *
2529             * @param repositoryEntryLocalService the repository entry local service
2530             */
2531            public void setRepositoryEntryLocalService(
2532                    RepositoryEntryLocalService repositoryEntryLocalService) {
2533                    this.repositoryEntryLocalService = repositoryEntryLocalService;
2534            }
2536            /**
2537             * Returns the repository entry persistence.
2538             *
2539             * @return the repository entry persistence
2540             */
2541            public RepositoryEntryPersistence getRepositoryEntryPersistence() {
2542                    return repositoryEntryPersistence;
2543            }
2545            /**
2546             * Sets the repository entry persistence.
2547             *
2548             * @param repositoryEntryPersistence the repository entry persistence
2549             */
2550            public void setRepositoryEntryPersistence(
2551                    RepositoryEntryPersistence repositoryEntryPersistence) {
2552                    this.repositoryEntryPersistence = repositoryEntryPersistence;
2553            }
2555            /**
2556             * Returns the resource local service.
2557             *
2558             * @return the resource local service
2559             */
2560            public ResourceLocalService getResourceLocalService() {
2561                    return resourceLocalService;
2562            }
2564            /**
2565             * Sets the resource local service.
2566             *
2567             * @param resourceLocalService the resource local service
2568             */
2569            public void setResourceLocalService(
2570                    ResourceLocalService resourceLocalService) {
2571                    this.resourceLocalService = resourceLocalService;
2572            }
2574            /**
2575             * Returns the resource remote service.
2576             *
2577             * @return the resource remote service
2578             */
2579            public ResourceService getResourceService() {
2580                    return resourceService;
2581            }
2583            /**
2584             * Sets the resource remote service.
2585             *
2586             * @param resourceService the resource remote service
2587             */
2588            public void setResourceService(ResourceService resourceService) {
2589                    this.resourceService = resourceService;
2590            }
2592            /**
2593             * Returns the resource persistence.
2594             *
2595             * @return the resource persistence
2596             */
2597            public ResourcePersistence getResourcePersistence() {
2598                    return resourcePersistence;
2599            }
2601            /**
2602             * Sets the resource persistence.
2603             *
2604             * @param resourcePersistence the resource persistence
2605             */
2606            public void setResourcePersistence(ResourcePersistence resourcePersistence) {
2607                    this.resourcePersistence = resourcePersistence;
2608            }
2610            /**
2611             * Returns the resource finder.
2612             *
2613             * @return the resource finder
2614             */
2615            public ResourceFinder getResourceFinder() {
2616                    return resourceFinder;
2617            }
2619            /**
2620             * Sets the resource finder.
2621             *
2622             * @param resourceFinder the resource finder
2623             */
2624            public void setResourceFinder(ResourceFinder resourceFinder) {
2625                    this.resourceFinder = resourceFinder;
2626            }
2628            /**
2629             * Returns the resource action local service.
2630             *
2631             * @return the resource action local service
2632             */
2633            public ResourceActionLocalService getResourceActionLocalService() {
2634                    return resourceActionLocalService;
2635            }
2637            /**
2638             * Sets the resource action local service.
2639             *
2640             * @param resourceActionLocalService the resource action local service
2641             */
2642            public void setResourceActionLocalService(
2643                    ResourceActionLocalService resourceActionLocalService) {
2644                    this.resourceActionLocalService = resourceActionLocalService;
2645            }
2647            /**
2648             * Returns the resource action persistence.
2649             *
2650             * @return the resource action persistence
2651             */
2652            public ResourceActionPersistence getResourceActionPersistence() {
2653                    return resourceActionPersistence;
2654            }
2656            /**
2657             * Sets the resource action persistence.
2658             *
2659             * @param resourceActionPersistence the resource action persistence
2660             */
2661            public void setResourceActionPersistence(
2662                    ResourceActionPersistence resourceActionPersistence) {
2663                    this.resourceActionPersistence = resourceActionPersistence;
2664            }
2666            /**
2667             * Returns the resource block local service.
2668             *
2669             * @return the resource block local service
2670             */
2671            public ResourceBlockLocalService getResourceBlockLocalService() {
2672                    return resourceBlockLocalService;
2673            }
2675            /**
2676             * Sets the resource block local service.
2677             *
2678             * @param resourceBlockLocalService the resource block local service
2679             */
2680            public void setResourceBlockLocalService(
2681                    ResourceBlockLocalService resourceBlockLocalService) {
2682                    this.resourceBlockLocalService = resourceBlockLocalService;
2683            }
2685            /**
2686             * Returns the resource block remote service.
2687             *
2688             * @return the resource block remote service
2689             */
2690            public ResourceBlockService getResourceBlockService() {
2691                    return resourceBlockService;
2692            }
2694            /**
2695             * Sets the resource block remote service.
2696             *
2697             * @param resourceBlockService the resource block remote service
2698             */
2699            public void setResourceBlockService(
2700                    ResourceBlockService resourceBlockService) {
2701                    this.resourceBlockService = resourceBlockService;
2702            }
2704            /**
2705             * Returns the resource block persistence.
2706             *
2707             * @return the resource block persistence
2708             */
2709            public ResourceBlockPersistence getResourceBlockPersistence() {
2710                    return resourceBlockPersistence;
2711            }
2713            /**
2714             * Sets the resource block persistence.
2715             *
2716             * @param resourceBlockPersistence the resource block persistence
2717             */
2718            public void setResourceBlockPersistence(
2719                    ResourceBlockPersistence resourceBlockPersistence) {
2720                    this.resourceBlockPersistence = resourceBlockPersistence;
2721            }
2723            /**
2724             * Returns the resource block finder.
2725             *
2726             * @return the resource block finder
2727             */
2728            public ResourceBlockFinder getResourceBlockFinder() {
2729                    return resourceBlockFinder;
2730            }
2732            /**
2733             * Sets the resource block finder.
2734             *
2735             * @param resourceBlockFinder the resource block finder
2736             */
2737            public void setResourceBlockFinder(ResourceBlockFinder resourceBlockFinder) {
2738                    this.resourceBlockFinder = resourceBlockFinder;
2739            }
2741            /**
2742             * Returns the resource block permission local service.
2743             *
2744             * @return the resource block permission local service
2745             */
2746            public ResourceBlockPermissionLocalService getResourceBlockPermissionLocalService() {
2747                    return resourceBlockPermissionLocalService;
2748            }
2750            /**
2751             * Sets the resource block permission local service.
2752             *
2753             * @param resourceBlockPermissionLocalService the resource block permission local service
2754             */
2755            public void setResourceBlockPermissionLocalService(
2756                    ResourceBlockPermissionLocalService resourceBlockPermissionLocalService) {
2757                    this.resourceBlockPermissionLocalService = resourceBlockPermissionLocalService;
2758            }
2760            /**
2761             * Returns the resource block permission persistence.
2762             *
2763             * @return the resource block permission persistence
2764             */
2765            public ResourceBlockPermissionPersistence getResourceBlockPermissionPersistence() {
2766                    return resourceBlockPermissionPersistence;
2767            }
2769            /**
2770             * Sets the resource block permission persistence.
2771             *
2772             * @param resourceBlockPermissionPersistence the resource block permission persistence
2773             */
2774            public void setResourceBlockPermissionPersistence(
2775                    ResourceBlockPermissionPersistence resourceBlockPermissionPersistence) {
2776                    this.resourceBlockPermissionPersistence = resourceBlockPermissionPersistence;
2777            }
2779            /**
2780             * Returns the resource code local service.
2781             *
2782             * @return the resource code local service
2783             */
2784            public ResourceCodeLocalService getResourceCodeLocalService() {
2785                    return resourceCodeLocalService;
2786            }
2788            /**
2789             * Sets the resource code local service.
2790             *
2791             * @param resourceCodeLocalService the resource code local service
2792             */
2793            public void setResourceCodeLocalService(
2794                    ResourceCodeLocalService resourceCodeLocalService) {
2795                    this.resourceCodeLocalService = resourceCodeLocalService;
2796            }
2798            /**
2799             * Returns the resource code persistence.
2800             *
2801             * @return the resource code persistence
2802             */
2803            public ResourceCodePersistence getResourceCodePersistence() {
2804                    return resourceCodePersistence;
2805            }
2807            /**
2808             * Sets the resource code persistence.
2809             *
2810             * @param resourceCodePersistence the resource code persistence
2811             */
2812            public void setResourceCodePersistence(
2813                    ResourceCodePersistence resourceCodePersistence) {
2814                    this.resourceCodePersistence = resourceCodePersistence;
2815            }
2817            /**
2818             * Returns the resource permission local service.
2819             *
2820             * @return the resource permission local service
2821             */
2822            public ResourcePermissionLocalService getResourcePermissionLocalService() {
2823                    return resourcePermissionLocalService;
2824            }
2826            /**
2827             * Sets the resource permission local service.
2828             *
2829             * @param resourcePermissionLocalService the resource permission local service
2830             */
2831            public void setResourcePermissionLocalService(
2832                    ResourcePermissionLocalService resourcePermissionLocalService) {
2833                    this.resourcePermissionLocalService = resourcePermissionLocalService;
2834            }
2836            /**
2837             * Returns the resource permission remote service.
2838             *
2839             * @return the resource permission remote service
2840             */
2841            public ResourcePermissionService getResourcePermissionService() {
2842                    return resourcePermissionService;
2843            }
2845            /**
2846             * Sets the resource permission remote service.
2847             *
2848             * @param resourcePermissionService the resource permission remote service
2849             */
2850            public void setResourcePermissionService(
2851                    ResourcePermissionService resourcePermissionService) {
2852                    this.resourcePermissionService = resourcePermissionService;
2853            }
2855            /**
2856             * Returns the resource permission persistence.
2857             *
2858             * @return the resource permission persistence
2859             */
2860            public ResourcePermissionPersistence getResourcePermissionPersistence() {
2861                    return resourcePermissionPersistence;
2862            }
2864            /**
2865             * Sets the resource permission persistence.
2866             *
2867             * @param resourcePermissionPersistence the resource permission persistence
2868             */
2869            public void setResourcePermissionPersistence(
2870                    ResourcePermissionPersistence resourcePermissionPersistence) {
2871                    this.resourcePermissionPersistence = resourcePermissionPersistence;
2872            }
2874            /**
2875             * Returns the resource permission finder.
2876             *
2877             * @return the resource permission finder
2878             */
2879            public ResourcePermissionFinder getResourcePermissionFinder() {
2880                    return resourcePermissionFinder;
2881            }
2883            /**
2884             * Sets the resource permission finder.
2885             *
2886             * @param resourcePermissionFinder the resource permission finder
2887             */
2888            public void setResourcePermissionFinder(
2889                    ResourcePermissionFinder resourcePermissionFinder) {
2890                    this.resourcePermissionFinder = resourcePermissionFinder;
2891            }
2893            /**
2894             * Returns the resource type permission local service.
2895             *
2896             * @return the resource type permission local service
2897             */
2898            public ResourceTypePermissionLocalService getResourceTypePermissionLocalService() {
2899                    return resourceTypePermissionLocalService;
2900            }
2902            /**
2903             * Sets the resource type permission local service.
2904             *
2905             * @param resourceTypePermissionLocalService the resource type permission local service
2906             */
2907            public void setResourceTypePermissionLocalService(
2908                    ResourceTypePermissionLocalService resourceTypePermissionLocalService) {
2909                    this.resourceTypePermissionLocalService = resourceTypePermissionLocalService;
2910            }
2912            /**
2913             * Returns the resource type permission persistence.
2914             *
2915             * @return the resource type permission persistence
2916             */
2917            public ResourceTypePermissionPersistence getResourceTypePermissionPersistence() {
2918                    return resourceTypePermissionPersistence;
2919            }
2921            /**
2922             * Sets the resource type permission persistence.
2923             *
2924             * @param resourceTypePermissionPersistence the resource type permission persistence
2925             */
2926            public void setResourceTypePermissionPersistence(
2927                    ResourceTypePermissionPersistence resourceTypePermissionPersistence) {
2928                    this.resourceTypePermissionPersistence = resourceTypePermissionPersistence;
2929            }
2931            /**
2932             * Returns the resource type permission finder.
2933             *
2934             * @return the resource type permission finder
2935             */
2936            public ResourceTypePermissionFinder getResourceTypePermissionFinder() {
2937                    return resourceTypePermissionFinder;
2938            }
2940            /**
2941             * Sets the resource type permission finder.
2942             *
2943             * @param resourceTypePermissionFinder the resource type permission finder
2944             */
2945            public void setResourceTypePermissionFinder(
2946                    ResourceTypePermissionFinder resourceTypePermissionFinder) {
2947                    this.resourceTypePermissionFinder = resourceTypePermissionFinder;
2948            }
2950            /**
2951             * Returns the role local service.
2952             *
2953             * @return the role local service
2954             */
2955            public RoleLocalService getRoleLocalService() {
2956                    return roleLocalService;
2957            }
2959            /**
2960             * Sets the role local service.
2961             *
2962             * @param roleLocalService the role local service
2963             */
2964            public void setRoleLocalService(RoleLocalService roleLocalService) {
2965                    this.roleLocalService = roleLocalService;
2966            }
2968            /**
2969             * Returns the role remote service.
2970             *
2971             * @return the role remote service
2972             */
2973            public RoleService getRoleService() {
2974                    return roleService;
2975            }
2977            /**
2978             * Sets the role remote service.
2979             *
2980             * @param roleService the role remote service
2981             */
2982            public void setRoleService(RoleService roleService) {
2983                    this.roleService = roleService;
2984            }
2986            /**
2987             * Returns the role persistence.
2988             *
2989             * @return the role persistence
2990             */
2991            public RolePersistence getRolePersistence() {
2992                    return rolePersistence;
2993            }
2995            /**
2996             * Sets the role persistence.
2997             *
2998             * @param rolePersistence the role persistence
2999             */
3000            public void setRolePersistence(RolePersistence rolePersistence) {
3001                    this.rolePersistence = rolePersistence;
3002            }
3004            /**
3005             * Returns the role finder.
3006             *
3007             * @return the role finder
3008             */
3009            public RoleFinder getRoleFinder() {
3010                    return roleFinder;
3011            }
3013            /**
3014             * Sets the role finder.
3015             *
3016             * @param roleFinder the role finder
3017             */
3018            public void setRoleFinder(RoleFinder roleFinder) {
3019                    this.roleFinder = roleFinder;
3020            }
3022            /**
3023             * Returns the service component local service.
3024             *
3025             * @return the service component local service
3026             */
3027            public ServiceComponentLocalService getServiceComponentLocalService() {
3028                    return serviceComponentLocalService;
3029            }
3031            /**
3032             * Sets the service component local service.
3033             *
3034             * @param serviceComponentLocalService the service component local service
3035             */
3036            public void setServiceComponentLocalService(
3037                    ServiceComponentLocalService serviceComponentLocalService) {
3038                    this.serviceComponentLocalService = serviceComponentLocalService;
3039            }
3041            /**
3042             * Returns the service component persistence.
3043             *
3044             * @return the service component persistence
3045             */
3046            public ServiceComponentPersistence getServiceComponentPersistence() {
3047                    return serviceComponentPersistence;
3048            }
3050            /**
3051             * Sets the service component persistence.
3052             *
3053             * @param serviceComponentPersistence the service component persistence
3054             */
3055            public void setServiceComponentPersistence(
3056                    ServiceComponentPersistence serviceComponentPersistence) {
3057                    this.serviceComponentPersistence = serviceComponentPersistence;
3058            }
3060            /**
3061             * Returns the shard local service.
3062             *
3063             * @return the shard local service
3064             */
3065            public ShardLocalService getShardLocalService() {
3066                    return shardLocalService;
3067            }
3069            /**
3070             * Sets the shard local service.
3071             *
3072             * @param shardLocalService the shard local service
3073             */
3074            public void setShardLocalService(ShardLocalService shardLocalService) {
3075                    this.shardLocalService = shardLocalService;
3076            }
3078            /**
3079             * Returns the shard persistence.
3080             *
3081             * @return the shard persistence
3082             */
3083            public ShardPersistence getShardPersistence() {
3084                    return shardPersistence;
3085            }
3087            /**
3088             * Sets the shard persistence.
3089             *
3090             * @param shardPersistence the shard persistence
3091             */
3092            public void setShardPersistence(ShardPersistence shardPersistence) {
3093                    this.shardPersistence = shardPersistence;
3094            }
3096            /**
3097             * Returns the subscription local service.
3098             *
3099             * @return the subscription local service
3100             */
3101            public SubscriptionLocalService getSubscriptionLocalService() {
3102                    return subscriptionLocalService;
3103            }
3105            /**
3106             * Sets the subscription local service.
3107             *
3108             * @param subscriptionLocalService the subscription local service
3109             */
3110            public void setSubscriptionLocalService(
3111                    SubscriptionLocalService subscriptionLocalService) {
3112                    this.subscriptionLocalService = subscriptionLocalService;
3113            }
3115            /**
3116             * Returns the subscription persistence.
3117             *
3118             * @return the subscription persistence
3119             */
3120            public SubscriptionPersistence getSubscriptionPersistence() {
3121                    return subscriptionPersistence;
3122            }
3124            /**
3125             * Sets the subscription persistence.
3126             *
3127             * @param subscriptionPersistence the subscription persistence
3128             */
3129            public void setSubscriptionPersistence(
3130                    SubscriptionPersistence subscriptionPersistence) {
3131                    this.subscriptionPersistence = subscriptionPersistence;
3132            }
3134            /**
3135             * Returns the team local service.
3136             *
3137             * @return the team local service
3138             */
3139            public TeamLocalService getTeamLocalService() {
3140                    return teamLocalService;
3141            }
3143            /**
3144             * Sets the team local service.
3145             *
3146             * @param teamLocalService the team local service
3147             */
3148            public void setTeamLocalService(TeamLocalService teamLocalService) {
3149                    this.teamLocalService = teamLocalService;
3150            }
3152            /**
3153             * Returns the team remote service.
3154             *
3155             * @return the team remote service
3156             */
3157            public TeamService getTeamService() {
3158                    return teamService;
3159            }
3161            /**
3162             * Sets the team remote service.
3163             *
3164             * @param teamService the team remote service
3165             */
3166            public void setTeamService(TeamService teamService) {
3167                    this.teamService = teamService;
3168            }
3170            /**
3171             * Returns the team persistence.
3172             *
3173             * @return the team persistence
3174             */
3175            public TeamPersistence getTeamPersistence() {
3176                    return teamPersistence;
3177            }
3179            /**
3180             * Sets the team persistence.
3181             *
3182             * @param teamPersistence the team persistence
3183             */
3184            public void setTeamPersistence(TeamPersistence teamPersistence) {
3185                    this.teamPersistence = teamPersistence;
3186            }
3188            /**
3189             * Returns the team finder.
3190             *
3191             * @return the team finder
3192             */
3193            public TeamFinder getTeamFinder() {
3194                    return teamFinder;
3195            }
3197            /**
3198             * Sets the team finder.
3199             *
3200             * @param teamFinder the team finder
3201             */
3202            public void setTeamFinder(TeamFinder teamFinder) {
3203                    this.teamFinder = teamFinder;
3204            }
3206            /**
3207             * Returns the theme local service.
3208             *
3209             * @return the theme local service
3210             */
3211            public ThemeLocalService getThemeLocalService() {
3212                    return themeLocalService;
3213            }
3215            /**
3216             * Sets the theme local service.
3217             *
3218             * @param themeLocalService the theme local service
3219             */
3220            public void setThemeLocalService(ThemeLocalService themeLocalService) {
3221                    this.themeLocalService = themeLocalService;
3222            }
3224            /**
3225             * Returns the theme remote service.
3226             *
3227             * @return the theme remote service
3228             */
3229            public ThemeService getThemeService() {
3230                    return themeService;
3231            }
3233            /**
3234             * Sets the theme remote service.
3235             *
3236             * @param themeService the theme remote service
3237             */
3238            public void setThemeService(ThemeService themeService) {
3239                    this.themeService = themeService;
3240            }
3242            /**
3243             * Returns the ticket local service.
3244             *
3245             * @return the ticket local service
3246             */
3247            public TicketLocalService getTicketLocalService() {
3248                    return ticketLocalService;
3249            }
3251            /**
3252             * Sets the ticket local service.
3253             *
3254             * @param ticketLocalService the ticket local service
3255             */
3256            public void setTicketLocalService(TicketLocalService ticketLocalService) {
3257                    this.ticketLocalService = ticketLocalService;
3258            }
3260            /**
3261             * Returns the ticket persistence.
3262             *
3263             * @return the ticket persistence
3264             */
3265            public TicketPersistence getTicketPersistence() {
3266                    return ticketPersistence;
3267            }
3269            /**
3270             * Sets the ticket persistence.
3271             *
3272             * @param ticketPersistence the ticket persistence
3273             */
3274            public void setTicketPersistence(TicketPersistence ticketPersistence) {
3275                    this.ticketPersistence = ticketPersistence;
3276            }
3278            /**
3279             * Returns the user local service.
3280             *
3281             * @return the user local service
3282             */
3283            public UserLocalService getUserLocalService() {
3284                    return userLocalService;
3285            }
3287            /**
3288             * Sets the user local service.
3289             *
3290             * @param userLocalService the user local service
3291             */
3292            public void setUserLocalService(UserLocalService userLocalService) {
3293                    this.userLocalService = userLocalService;
3294            }
3296            /**
3297             * Returns the user remote service.
3298             *
3299             * @return the user remote service
3300             */
3301            public UserService getUserService() {
3302                    return userService;
3303            }
3305            /**
3306             * Sets the user remote service.
3307             *
3308             * @param userService the user remote service
3309             */
3310            public void setUserService(UserService userService) {
3311                    this.userService = userService;
3312            }
3314            /**
3315             * Returns the user persistence.
3316             *
3317             * @return the user persistence
3318             */
3319            public UserPersistence getUserPersistence() {
3320                    return userPersistence;
3321            }
3323            /**
3324             * Sets the user persistence.
3325             *
3326             * @param userPersistence the user persistence
3327             */
3328            public void setUserPersistence(UserPersistence userPersistence) {
3329                    this.userPersistence = userPersistence;
3330            }
3332            /**
3333             * Returns the user finder.
3334             *
3335             * @return the user finder
3336             */
3337            public UserFinder getUserFinder() {
3338                    return userFinder;
3339            }
3341            /**
3342             * Sets the user finder.
3343             *
3344             * @param userFinder the user finder
3345             */
3346            public void setUserFinder(UserFinder userFinder) {
3347                    this.userFinder = userFinder;
3348            }
3350            /**
3351             * Returns the user group local service.
3352             *
3353             * @return the user group local service
3354             */
3355            public UserGroupLocalService getUserGroupLocalService() {
3356                    return userGroupLocalService;
3357            }
3359            /**
3360             * Sets the user group local service.
3361             *
3362             * @param userGroupLocalService the user group local service
3363             */
3364            public void setUserGroupLocalService(
3365                    UserGroupLocalService userGroupLocalService) {
3366                    this.userGroupLocalService = userGroupLocalService;
3367            }
3369            /**
3370             * Returns the user group remote service.
3371             *
3372             * @return the user group remote service
3373             */
3374            public UserGroupService getUserGroupService() {
3375                    return userGroupService;
3376            }
3378            /**
3379             * Sets the user group remote service.
3380             *
3381             * @param userGroupService the user group remote service
3382             */
3383            public void setUserGroupService(UserGroupService userGroupService) {
3384                    this.userGroupService = userGroupService;
3385            }
3387            /**
3388             * Returns the user group persistence.
3389             *
3390             * @return the user group persistence
3391             */
3392            public UserGroupPersistence getUserGroupPersistence() {
3393                    return userGroupPersistence;
3394            }
3396            /**
3397             * Sets the user group persistence.
3398             *
3399             * @param userGroupPersistence the user group persistence
3400             */
3401            public void setUserGroupPersistence(
3402                    UserGroupPersistence userGroupPersistence) {
3403                    this.userGroupPersistence = userGroupPersistence;
3404            }
3406            /**
3407             * Returns the user group finder.
3408             *
3409             * @return the user group finder
3410             */
3411            public UserGroupFinder getUserGroupFinder() {
3412                    return userGroupFinder;
3413            }
3415            /**
3416             * Sets the user group finder.
3417             *
3418             * @param userGroupFinder the user group finder
3419             */
3420            public void setUserGroupFinder(UserGroupFinder userGroupFinder) {
3421                    this.userGroupFinder = userGroupFinder;
3422            }
3424            /**
3425             * Returns the user group group role local service.
3426             *
3427             * @return the user group group role local service
3428             */
3429            public UserGroupGroupRoleLocalService getUserGroupGroupRoleLocalService() {
3430                    return userGroupGroupRoleLocalService;
3431            }
3433            /**
3434             * Sets the user group group role local service.
3435             *
3436             * @param userGroupGroupRoleLocalService the user group group role local service
3437             */
3438            public void setUserGroupGroupRoleLocalService(
3439                    UserGroupGroupRoleLocalService userGroupGroupRoleLocalService) {
3440                    this.userGroupGroupRoleLocalService = userGroupGroupRoleLocalService;
3441            }
3443            /**
3444             * Returns the user group group role remote service.
3445             *
3446             * @return the user group group role remote service
3447             */
3448            public UserGroupGroupRoleService getUserGroupGroupRoleService() {
3449                    return userGroupGroupRoleService;
3450            }
3452            /**
3453             * Sets the user group group role remote service.
3454             *
3455             * @param userGroupGroupRoleService the user group group role remote service
3456             */
3457            public void setUserGroupGroupRoleService(
3458                    UserGroupGroupRoleService userGroupGroupRoleService) {
3459                    this.userGroupGroupRoleService = userGroupGroupRoleService;
3460            }
3462            /**
3463             * Returns the user group group role persistence.
3464             *
3465             * @return the user group group role persistence
3466             */
3467            public UserGroupGroupRolePersistence getUserGroupGroupRolePersistence() {
3468                    return userGroupGroupRolePersistence;
3469            }
3471            /**
3472             * Sets the user group group role persistence.
3473             *
3474             * @param userGroupGroupRolePersistence the user group group role persistence
3475             */
3476            public void setUserGroupGroupRolePersistence(
3477                    UserGroupGroupRolePersistence userGroupGroupRolePersistence) {
3478                    this.userGroupGroupRolePersistence = userGroupGroupRolePersistence;
3479            }
3481            /**
3482             * Returns the user group role local service.
3483             *
3484             * @return the user group role local service
3485             */
3486            public UserGroupRoleLocalService getUserGroupRoleLocalService() {
3487                    return userGroupRoleLocalService;
3488            }
3490            /**
3491             * Sets the user group role local service.
3492             *
3493             * @param userGroupRoleLocalService the user group role local service
3494             */
3495            public void setUserGroupRoleLocalService(
3496                    UserGroupRoleLocalService userGroupRoleLocalService) {
3497                    this.userGroupRoleLocalService = userGroupRoleLocalService;
3498            }
3500            /**
3501             * Returns the user group role remote service.
3502             *
3503             * @return the user group role remote service
3504             */
3505            public UserGroupRoleService getUserGroupRoleService() {
3506                    return userGroupRoleService;
3507            }
3509            /**
3510             * Sets the user group role remote service.
3511             *
3512             * @param userGroupRoleService the user group role remote service
3513             */
3514            public void setUserGroupRoleService(
3515                    UserGroupRoleService userGroupRoleService) {
3516                    this.userGroupRoleService = userGroupRoleService;
3517            }
3519            /**
3520             * Returns the user group role persistence.
3521             *
3522             * @return the user group role persistence
3523             */
3524            public UserGroupRolePersistence getUserGroupRolePersistence() {
3525                    return userGroupRolePersistence;
3526            }
3528            /**
3529             * Sets the user group role persistence.
3530             *
3531             * @param userGroupRolePersistence the user group role persistence
3532             */
3533            public void setUserGroupRolePersistence(
3534                    UserGroupRolePersistence userGroupRolePersistence) {
3535                    this.userGroupRolePersistence = userGroupRolePersistence;
3536            }
3538            /**
3539             * Returns the user group role finder.
3540             *
3541             * @return the user group role finder
3542             */
3543            public UserGroupRoleFinder getUserGroupRoleFinder() {
3544                    return userGroupRoleFinder;
3545            }
3547            /**
3548             * Sets the user group role finder.
3549             *
3550             * @param userGroupRoleFinder the user group role finder
3551             */
3552            public void setUserGroupRoleFinder(UserGroupRoleFinder userGroupRoleFinder) {
3553                    this.userGroupRoleFinder = userGroupRoleFinder;
3554            }
3556            /**
3557             * Returns the user ID mapper local service.
3558             *
3559             * @return the user ID mapper local service
3560             */
3561            public UserIdMapperLocalService getUserIdMapperLocalService() {
3562                    return userIdMapperLocalService;
3563            }
3565            /**
3566             * Sets the user ID mapper local service.
3567             *
3568             * @param userIdMapperLocalService the user ID mapper local service
3569             */
3570            public void setUserIdMapperLocalService(
3571                    UserIdMapperLocalService userIdMapperLocalService) {
3572                    this.userIdMapperLocalService = userIdMapperLocalService;
3573            }
3575            /**
3576             * Returns the user ID mapper persistence.
3577             *
3578             * @return the user ID mapper persistence
3579             */
3580            public UserIdMapperPersistence getUserIdMapperPersistence() {
3581                    return userIdMapperPersistence;
3582            }
3584            /**
3585             * Sets the user ID mapper persistence.
3586             *
3587             * @param userIdMapperPersistence the user ID mapper persistence
3588             */
3589            public void setUserIdMapperPersistence(
3590                    UserIdMapperPersistence userIdMapperPersistence) {
3591                    this.userIdMapperPersistence = userIdMapperPersistence;
3592            }
3594            /**
3595             * Returns the user notification event local service.
3596             *
3597             * @return the user notification event local service
3598             */
3599            public UserNotificationEventLocalService getUserNotificationEventLocalService() {
3600                    return userNotificationEventLocalService;
3601            }
3603            /**
3604             * Sets the user notification event local service.
3605             *
3606             * @param userNotificationEventLocalService the user notification event local service
3607             */
3608            public void setUserNotificationEventLocalService(
3609                    UserNotificationEventLocalService userNotificationEventLocalService) {
3610                    this.userNotificationEventLocalService = userNotificationEventLocalService;
3611            }
3613            /**
3614             * Returns the user notification event persistence.
3615             *
3616             * @return the user notification event persistence
3617             */
3618            public UserNotificationEventPersistence getUserNotificationEventPersistence() {
3619                    return userNotificationEventPersistence;
3620            }
3622            /**
3623             * Sets the user notification event persistence.
3624             *
3625             * @param userNotificationEventPersistence the user notification event persistence
3626             */
3627            public void setUserNotificationEventPersistence(
3628                    UserNotificationEventPersistence userNotificationEventPersistence) {
3629                    this.userNotificationEventPersistence = userNotificationEventPersistence;
3630            }
3632            /**
3633             * Returns the user tracker local service.
3634             *
3635             * @return the user tracker local service
3636             */
3637            public UserTrackerLocalService getUserTrackerLocalService() {
3638                    return userTrackerLocalService;
3639            }
3641            /**
3642             * Sets the user tracker local service.
3643             *
3644             * @param userTrackerLocalService the user tracker local service
3645             */
3646            public void setUserTrackerLocalService(
3647                    UserTrackerLocalService userTrackerLocalService) {
3648                    this.userTrackerLocalService = userTrackerLocalService;
3649            }
3651            /**
3652             * Returns the user tracker persistence.
3653             *
3654             * @return the user tracker persistence
3655             */
3656            public UserTrackerPersistence getUserTrackerPersistence() {
3657                    return userTrackerPersistence;
3658            }
3660            /**
3661             * Sets the user tracker persistence.
3662             *
3663             * @param userTrackerPersistence the user tracker persistence
3664             */
3665            public void setUserTrackerPersistence(
3666                    UserTrackerPersistence userTrackerPersistence) {
3667                    this.userTrackerPersistence = userTrackerPersistence;
3668            }
3670            /**
3671             * Returns the user tracker path local service.
3672             *
3673             * @return the user tracker path local service
3674             */
3675            public UserTrackerPathLocalService getUserTrackerPathLocalService() {
3676                    return userTrackerPathLocalService;
3677            }
3679            /**
3680             * Sets the user tracker path local service.
3681             *
3682             * @param userTrackerPathLocalService the user tracker path local service
3683             */
3684            public void setUserTrackerPathLocalService(
3685                    UserTrackerPathLocalService userTrackerPathLocalService) {
3686                    this.userTrackerPathLocalService = userTrackerPathLocalService;
3687            }
3689            /**
3690             * Returns the user tracker path persistence.
3691             *
3692             * @return the user tracker path persistence
3693             */
3694            public UserTrackerPathPersistence getUserTrackerPathPersistence() {
3695                    return userTrackerPathPersistence;
3696            }
3698            /**
3699             * Sets the user tracker path persistence.
3700             *
3701             * @param userTrackerPathPersistence the user tracker path persistence
3702             */
3703            public void setUserTrackerPathPersistence(
3704                    UserTrackerPathPersistence userTrackerPathPersistence) {
3705                    this.userTrackerPathPersistence = userTrackerPathPersistence;
3706            }
3708            /**
3709             * Returns the virtual host local service.
3710             *
3711             * @return the virtual host local service
3712             */
3713            public VirtualHostLocalService getVirtualHostLocalService() {
3714                    return virtualHostLocalService;
3715            }
3717            /**
3718             * Sets the virtual host local service.
3719             *
3720             * @param virtualHostLocalService the virtual host local service
3721             */
3722            public void setVirtualHostLocalService(
3723                    VirtualHostLocalService virtualHostLocalService) {
3724                    this.virtualHostLocalService = virtualHostLocalService;
3725            }
3727            /**
3728             * Returns the virtual host persistence.
3729             *
3730             * @return the virtual host persistence
3731             */
3732            public VirtualHostPersistence getVirtualHostPersistence() {
3733                    return virtualHostPersistence;
3734            }
3736            /**
3737             * Sets the virtual host persistence.
3738             *
3739             * @param virtualHostPersistence the virtual host persistence
3740             */
3741            public void setVirtualHostPersistence(
3742                    VirtualHostPersistence virtualHostPersistence) {
3743                    this.virtualHostPersistence = virtualHostPersistence;
3744            }
3746            /**
3747             * Returns the web d a v props local service.
3748             *
3749             * @return the web d a v props local service
3750             */
3751            public WebDAVPropsLocalService getWebDAVPropsLocalService() {
3752                    return webDAVPropsLocalService;
3753            }
3755            /**
3756             * Sets the web d a v props local service.
3757             *
3758             * @param webDAVPropsLocalService the web d a v props local service
3759             */
3760            public void setWebDAVPropsLocalService(
3761                    WebDAVPropsLocalService webDAVPropsLocalService) {
3762                    this.webDAVPropsLocalService = webDAVPropsLocalService;
3763            }
3765            /**
3766             * Returns the web d a v props persistence.
3767             *
3768             * @return the web d a v props persistence
3769             */
3770            public WebDAVPropsPersistence getWebDAVPropsPersistence() {
3771                    return webDAVPropsPersistence;
3772            }
3774            /**
3775             * Sets the web d a v props persistence.
3776             *
3777             * @param webDAVPropsPersistence the web d a v props persistence
3778             */
3779            public void setWebDAVPropsPersistence(
3780                    WebDAVPropsPersistence webDAVPropsPersistence) {
3781                    this.webDAVPropsPersistence = webDAVPropsPersistence;
3782            }
3784            /**
3785             * Returns the website local service.
3786             *
3787             * @return the website local service
3788             */
3789            public WebsiteLocalService getWebsiteLocalService() {
3790                    return websiteLocalService;
3791            }
3793            /**
3794             * Sets the website local service.
3795             *
3796             * @param websiteLocalService the website local service
3797             */
3798            public void setWebsiteLocalService(WebsiteLocalService websiteLocalService) {
3799                    this.websiteLocalService = websiteLocalService;
3800            }
3802            /**
3803             * Returns the website remote service.
3804             *
3805             * @return the website remote service
3806             */
3807            public WebsiteService getWebsiteService() {
3808                    return websiteService;
3809            }
3811            /**
3812             * Sets the website remote service.
3813             *
3814             * @param websiteService the website remote service
3815             */
3816            public void setWebsiteService(WebsiteService websiteService) {
3817                    this.websiteService = websiteService;
3818            }
3820            /**
3821             * Returns the website persistence.
3822             *
3823             * @return the website persistence
3824             */
3825            public WebsitePersistence getWebsitePersistence() {
3826                    return websitePersistence;
3827            }
3829            /**
3830             * Sets the website persistence.
3831             *
3832             * @param websitePersistence the website persistence
3833             */
3834            public void setWebsitePersistence(WebsitePersistence websitePersistence) {
3835                    this.websitePersistence = websitePersistence;
3836            }
3838            /**
3839             * Returns the workflow definition link local service.
3840             *
3841             * @return the workflow definition link local service
3842             */
3843            public WorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService getWorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService() {
3844                    return workflowDefinitionLinkLocalService;
3845            }
3847            /**
3848             * Sets the workflow definition link local service.
3849             *
3850             * @param workflowDefinitionLinkLocalService the workflow definition link local service
3851             */
3852            public void setWorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService(
3853                    WorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService workflowDefinitionLinkLocalService) {
3854                    this.workflowDefinitionLinkLocalService = workflowDefinitionLinkLocalService;
3855            }
3857            /**
3858             * Returns the workflow definition link persistence.
3859             *
3860             * @return the workflow definition link persistence
3861             */
3862            public WorkflowDefinitionLinkPersistence getWorkflowDefinitionLinkPersistence() {
3863                    return workflowDefinitionLinkPersistence;
3864            }
3866            /**
3867             * Sets the workflow definition link persistence.
3868             *
3869             * @param workflowDefinitionLinkPersistence the workflow definition link persistence
3870             */
3871            public void setWorkflowDefinitionLinkPersistence(
3872                    WorkflowDefinitionLinkPersistence workflowDefinitionLinkPersistence) {
3873                    this.workflowDefinitionLinkPersistence = workflowDefinitionLinkPersistence;
3874            }
3876            /**
3877             * Returns the workflow instance link local service.
3878             *
3879             * @return the workflow instance link local service
3880             */
3881            public WorkflowInstanceLinkLocalService getWorkflowInstanceLinkLocalService() {
3882                    return workflowInstanceLinkLocalService;
3883            }
3885            /**
3886             * Sets the workflow instance link local service.
3887             *
3888             * @param workflowInstanceLinkLocalService the workflow instance link local service
3889             */
3890            public void setWorkflowInstanceLinkLocalService(
3891                    WorkflowInstanceLinkLocalService workflowInstanceLinkLocalService) {
3892                    this.workflowInstanceLinkLocalService = workflowInstanceLinkLocalService;
3893            }
3895            /**
3896             * Returns the workflow instance link persistence.
3897             *
3898             * @return the workflow instance link persistence
3899             */
3900            public WorkflowInstanceLinkPersistence getWorkflowInstanceLinkPersistence() {
3901                    return workflowInstanceLinkPersistence;
3902            }
3904            /**
3905             * Sets the workflow instance link persistence.
3906             *
3907             * @param workflowInstanceLinkPersistence the workflow instance link persistence
3908             */
3909            public void setWorkflowInstanceLinkPersistence(
3910                    WorkflowInstanceLinkPersistence workflowInstanceLinkPersistence) {
3911                    this.workflowInstanceLinkPersistence = workflowInstanceLinkPersistence;
3912            }
3914            /**
3915             * Returns the counter local service.
3916             *
3917             * @return the counter local service
3918             */
3919            public CounterLocalService getCounterLocalService() {
3920                    return counterLocalService;
3921            }
3923            /**
3924             * Sets the counter local service.
3925             *
3926             * @param counterLocalService the counter local service
3927             */
3928            public void setCounterLocalService(CounterLocalService counterLocalService) {
3929                    this.counterLocalService = counterLocalService;
3930            }
3932            public void afterPropertiesSet() {
3933                    persistedModelLocalServiceRegistry.register("com.liferay.portal.model.Lock",
3934                            lockLocalService);
3935            }
3937            public void destroy() {
3938                    persistedModelLocalServiceRegistry.unregister(
3939                            "com.liferay.portal.model.Lock");
3940            }
3942            /**
3943             * Returns the Spring bean ID for this bean.
3944             *
3945             * @return the Spring bean ID for this bean
3946             */
3947            public String getBeanIdentifier() {
3948                    return _beanIdentifier;
3949            }
3951            /**
3952             * Sets the Spring bean ID for this bean.
3953             *
3954             * @param beanIdentifier the Spring bean ID for this bean
3955             */
3956            public void setBeanIdentifier(String beanIdentifier) {
3957                    _beanIdentifier = beanIdentifier;
3958            }
3960            protected Class<?> getModelClass() {
3961                    return Lock.class;
3962            }
3964            protected String getModelClassName() {
3965                    return Lock.class.getName();
3966            }
3968            /**
3969             * Performs an SQL query.
3970             *
3971             * @param sql the sql query
3972             */
3973            protected void runSQL(String sql) throws SystemException {
3974                    try {
3975                            DataSource dataSource = lockPersistence.getDataSource();
3977                            SqlUpdate sqlUpdate = SqlUpdateFactoryUtil.getSqlUpdate(dataSource,
3978                                            sql, new int[0]);
3980                            sqlUpdate.update();
3981                    }
3982                    catch (Exception e) {
3983                            throw new SystemException(e);
3984                    }
3985            }
3987            @BeanReference(type = AccountLocalService.class)
3988            protected AccountLocalService accountLocalService;
3989            @BeanReference(type = AccountService.class)
3990            protected AccountService accountService;
3991            @BeanReference(type = AccountPersistence.class)
3992            protected AccountPersistence accountPersistence;
3993            @BeanReference(type = AddressLocalService.class)
3994            protected AddressLocalService addressLocalService;
3995            @BeanReference(type = AddressService.class)
3996            protected AddressService addressService;
3997            @BeanReference(type = AddressPersistence.class)
3998            protected AddressPersistence addressPersistence;
3999            @BeanReference(type = BrowserTrackerLocalService.class)
4000            protected BrowserTrackerLocalService browserTrackerLocalService;
4001            @BeanReference(type = BrowserTrackerPersistence.class)
4002            protected BrowserTrackerPersistence browserTrackerPersistence;
4003            @BeanReference(type = ClassNameLocalService.class)
4004            protected ClassNameLocalService classNameLocalService;
4005            @BeanReference(type = ClassNameService.class)
4006            protected ClassNameService classNameService;
4007            @BeanReference(type = ClassNamePersistence.class)
4008            protected ClassNamePersistence classNamePersistence;
4009            @BeanReference(type = ClusterGroupLocalService.class)
4010            protected ClusterGroupLocalService clusterGroupLocalService;
4011            @BeanReference(type = ClusterGroupPersistence.class)
4012            protected ClusterGroupPersistence clusterGroupPersistence;
4013            @BeanReference(type = CMISRepositoryLocalService.class)
4014            protected CMISRepositoryLocalService cmisRepositoryLocalService;
4015            @BeanReference(type = CompanyLocalService.class)
4016            protected CompanyLocalService companyLocalService;
4017            @BeanReference(type = CompanyService.class)
4018            protected CompanyService companyService;
4019            @BeanReference(type = CompanyPersistence.class)
4020            protected CompanyPersistence companyPersistence;
4021            @BeanReference(type = ContactLocalService.class)
4022            protected ContactLocalService contactLocalService;
4023            @BeanReference(type = ContactService.class)
4024            protected ContactService contactService;
4025            @BeanReference(type = ContactPersistence.class)
4026            protected ContactPersistence contactPersistence;
4027            @BeanReference(type = CountryService.class)
4028            protected CountryService countryService;
4029            @BeanReference(type = CountryPersistence.class)
4030            protected CountryPersistence countryPersistence;
4031            @BeanReference(type = EmailAddressLocalService.class)
4032            protected EmailAddressLocalService emailAddressLocalService;
4033            @BeanReference(type = EmailAddressService.class)
4034            protected EmailAddressService emailAddressService;
4035            @BeanReference(type = EmailAddressPersistence.class)
4036            protected EmailAddressPersistence emailAddressPersistence;
4037            @BeanReference(type = GroupLocalService.class)
4038            protected GroupLocalService groupLocalService;
4039            @BeanReference(type = GroupService.class)
4040            protected GroupService groupService;
4041            @BeanReference(type = GroupPersistence.class)
4042            protected GroupPersistence groupPersistence;
4043            @BeanReference(type = GroupFinder.class)
4044            protected GroupFinder groupFinder;
4045            @BeanReference(type = ImageLocalService.class)
4046            protected ImageLocalService imageLocalService;
4047            @BeanReference(type = ImageService.class)
4048            protected ImageService imageService;
4049            @BeanReference(type = ImagePersistence.class)
4050            protected ImagePersistence imagePersistence;
4051            @BeanReference(type = LayoutLocalService.class)
4052            protected LayoutLocalService layoutLocalService;
4053            @BeanReference(type = LayoutService.class)
4054            protected LayoutService layoutService;
4055            @BeanReference(type = LayoutPersistence.class)
4056            protected LayoutPersistence layoutPersistence;
4057            @BeanReference(type = LayoutFinder.class)
4058            protected LayoutFinder layoutFinder;
4059            @BeanReference(type = LayoutBranchLocalService.class)
4060            protected LayoutBranchLocalService layoutBranchLocalService;
4061            @BeanReference(type = LayoutBranchService.class)
4062            protected LayoutBranchService layoutBranchService;
4063            @BeanReference(type = LayoutBranchPersistence.class)
4064            protected LayoutBranchPersistence layoutBranchPersistence;
4065            @BeanReference(type = LayoutPrototypeLocalService.class)
4066            protected LayoutPrototypeLocalService layoutPrototypeLocalService;
4067            @BeanReference(type = LayoutPrototypeService.class)
4068            protected LayoutPrototypeService layoutPrototypeService;
4069            @BeanReference(type = LayoutPrototypePersistence.class)
4070            protected LayoutPrototypePersistence layoutPrototypePersistence;
4071            @BeanReference(type = LayoutRevisionLocalService.class)
4072            protected LayoutRevisionLocalService layoutRevisionLocalService;
4073            @BeanReference(type = LayoutRevisionService.class)
4074            protected LayoutRevisionService layoutRevisionService;
4075            @BeanReference(type = LayoutRevisionPersistence.class)
4076            protected LayoutRevisionPersistence layoutRevisionPersistence;
4077            @BeanReference(type = LayoutSetLocalService.class)
4078            protected LayoutSetLocalService layoutSetLocalService;
4079            @BeanReference(type = LayoutSetService.class)
4080            protected LayoutSetService layoutSetService;
4081            @BeanReference(type = LayoutSetPersistence.class)
4082            protected LayoutSetPersistence layoutSetPersistence;
4083            @BeanReference(type = LayoutSetBranchLocalService.class)
4084            protected LayoutSetBranchLocalService layoutSetBranchLocalService;
4085            @BeanReference(type = LayoutSetBranchService.class)
4086            protected LayoutSetBranchService layoutSetBranchService;
4087            @BeanReference(type = LayoutSetBranchPersistence.class)
4088            protected LayoutSetBranchPersistence layoutSetBranchPersistence;
4089            @BeanReference(type = LayoutSetPrototypeLocalService.class)
4090            protected LayoutSetPrototypeLocalService layoutSetPrototypeLocalService;
4091            @BeanReference(type = LayoutSetPrototypeService.class)
4092            protected LayoutSetPrototypeService layoutSetPrototypeService;
4093            @BeanReference(type = LayoutSetPrototypePersistence.class)
4094            protected LayoutSetPrototypePersistence layoutSetPrototypePersistence;
4095            @BeanReference(type = LayoutTemplateLocalService.class)
4096            protected LayoutTemplateLocalService layoutTemplateLocalService;
4097            @BeanReference(type = ListTypeService.class)
4098            protected ListTypeService listTypeService;
4099            @BeanReference(type = ListTypePersistence.class)
4100            protected ListTypePersistence listTypePersistence;
4101            @BeanReference(type = LockLocalService.class)
4102            protected LockLocalService lockLocalService;
4103            @BeanReference(type = LockPersistence.class)
4104            protected LockPersistence lockPersistence;
4105            @BeanReference(type = LockFinder.class)
4106            protected LockFinder lockFinder;
4107            @BeanReference(type = MembershipRequestLocalService.class)
4108            protected MembershipRequestLocalService membershipRequestLocalService;
4109            @BeanReference(type = MembershipRequestService.class)
4110            protected MembershipRequestService membershipRequestService;
4111            @BeanReference(type = MembershipRequestPersistence.class)
4112            protected MembershipRequestPersistence membershipRequestPersistence;
4113            @BeanReference(type = OrganizationLocalService.class)
4114            protected OrganizationLocalService organizationLocalService;
4115            @BeanReference(type = OrganizationService.class)
4116            protected OrganizationService organizationService;
4117            @BeanReference(type = OrganizationPersistence.class)
4118            protected OrganizationPersistence organizationPersistence;
4119            @BeanReference(type = OrganizationFinder.class)
4120            protected OrganizationFinder organizationFinder;
4121            @BeanReference(type = OrgGroupPermissionPersistence.class)
4122            protected OrgGroupPermissionPersistence orgGroupPermissionPersistence;
4123            @BeanReference(type = OrgGroupPermissionFinder.class)
4124            protected OrgGroupPermissionFinder orgGroupPermissionFinder;
4125            @BeanReference(type = OrgGroupRolePersistence.class)
4126            protected OrgGroupRolePersistence orgGroupRolePersistence;
4127            @BeanReference(type = OrgLaborLocalService.class)
4128            protected OrgLaborLocalService orgLaborLocalService;
4129            @BeanReference(type = OrgLaborService.class)
4130            protected OrgLaborService orgLaborService;
4131            @BeanReference(type = OrgLaborPersistence.class)
4132            protected OrgLaborPersistence orgLaborPersistence;
4133            @BeanReference(type = PasswordPolicyLocalService.class)
4134            protected PasswordPolicyLocalService passwordPolicyLocalService;
4135            @BeanReference(type = PasswordPolicyService.class)
4136            protected PasswordPolicyService passwordPolicyService;
4137            @BeanReference(type = PasswordPolicyPersistence.class)
4138            protected PasswordPolicyPersistence passwordPolicyPersistence;
4139            @BeanReference(type = PasswordPolicyFinder.class)
4140            protected PasswordPolicyFinder passwordPolicyFinder;
4141            @BeanReference(type = PasswordPolicyRelLocalService.class)
4142            protected PasswordPolicyRelLocalService passwordPolicyRelLocalService;
4143            @BeanReference(type = PasswordPolicyRelPersistence.class)
4144            protected PasswordPolicyRelPersistence passwordPolicyRelPersistence;
4145            @BeanReference(type = PasswordTrackerLocalService.class)
4146            protected PasswordTrackerLocalService passwordTrackerLocalService;
4147            @BeanReference(type = PasswordTrackerPersistence.class)
4148            protected PasswordTrackerPersistence passwordTrackerPersistence;
4149            @BeanReference(type = PermissionLocalService.class)
4150            protected PermissionLocalService permissionLocalService;
4151            @BeanReference(type = PermissionService.class)
4152            protected PermissionService permissionService;
4153            @BeanReference(type = PermissionPersistence.class)
4154            protected PermissionPersistence permissionPersistence;
4155            @BeanReference(type = PermissionFinder.class)
4156            protected PermissionFinder permissionFinder;
4157            @BeanReference(type = PhoneLocalService.class)
4158            protected PhoneLocalService phoneLocalService;
4159            @BeanReference(type = PhoneService.class)
4160            protected PhoneService phoneService;
4161            @BeanReference(type = PhonePersistence.class)
4162            protected PhonePersistence phonePersistence;
4163            @BeanReference(type = PluginSettingLocalService.class)
4164            protected PluginSettingLocalService pluginSettingLocalService;
4165            @BeanReference(type = PluginSettingService.class)
4166            protected PluginSettingService pluginSettingService;
4167            @BeanReference(type = PluginSettingPersistence.class)
4168            protected PluginSettingPersistence pluginSettingPersistence;
4169            @BeanReference(type = PortalLocalService.class)
4170            protected PortalLocalService portalLocalService;
4171            @BeanReference(type = PortalService.class)
4172            protected PortalService portalService;
4173            @BeanReference(type = PortalPreferencesLocalService.class)
4174            protected PortalPreferencesLocalService portalPreferencesLocalService;
4175            @BeanReference(type = PortalPreferencesPersistence.class)
4176            protected PortalPreferencesPersistence portalPreferencesPersistence;
4177            @BeanReference(type = PortletLocalService.class)
4178            protected PortletLocalService portletLocalService;
4179            @BeanReference(type = PortletService.class)
4180            protected PortletService portletService;
4181            @BeanReference(type = PortletPersistence.class)
4182            protected PortletPersistence portletPersistence;
4183            @BeanReference(type = PortletItemLocalService.class)
4184            protected PortletItemLocalService portletItemLocalService;
4185            @BeanReference(type = PortletItemPersistence.class)
4186            protected PortletItemPersistence portletItemPersistence;
4187            @BeanReference(type = PortletPreferencesLocalService.class)
4188            protected PortletPreferencesLocalService portletPreferencesLocalService;
4189            @BeanReference(type = PortletPreferencesService.class)
4190            protected PortletPreferencesService portletPreferencesService;
4191            @BeanReference(type = PortletPreferencesPersistence.class)
4192            protected PortletPreferencesPersistence portletPreferencesPersistence;
4193            @BeanReference(type = PortletPreferencesFinder.class)
4194            protected PortletPreferencesFinder portletPreferencesFinder;
4195            @BeanReference(type = QuartzLocalService.class)
4196            protected QuartzLocalService quartzLocalService;
4197            @BeanReference(type = RegionService.class)
4198            protected RegionService regionService;
4199            @BeanReference(type = RegionPersistence.class)
4200            protected RegionPersistence regionPersistence;
4201            @BeanReference(type = ReleaseLocalService.class)
4202            protected ReleaseLocalService releaseLocalService;
4203            @BeanReference(type = ReleasePersistence.class)
4204            protected ReleasePersistence releasePersistence;
4205            @BeanReference(type = RepositoryLocalService.class)
4206            protected RepositoryLocalService repositoryLocalService;
4207            @BeanReference(type = RepositoryService.class)
4208            protected RepositoryService repositoryService;
4209            @BeanReference(type = RepositoryPersistence.class)
4210            protected RepositoryPersistence repositoryPersistence;
4211            @BeanReference(type = RepositoryEntryLocalService.class)
4212            protected RepositoryEntryLocalService repositoryEntryLocalService;
4213            @BeanReference(type = RepositoryEntryPersistence.class)
4214            protected RepositoryEntryPersistence repositoryEntryPersistence;
4215            @BeanReference(type = ResourceLocalService.class)
4216            protected ResourceLocalService resourceLocalService;
4217            @BeanReference(type = ResourceService.class)
4218            protected ResourceService resourceService;
4219            @BeanReference(type = ResourcePersistence.class)
4220            protected ResourcePersistence resourcePersistence;
4221            @BeanReference(type = ResourceFinder.class)
4222            protected ResourceFinder resourceFinder;
4223            @BeanReference(type = ResourceActionLocalService.class)
4224            protected ResourceActionLocalService resourceActionLocalService;
4225            @BeanReference(type = ResourceActionPersistence.class)
4226            protected ResourceActionPersistence resourceActionPersistence;
4227            @BeanReference(type = ResourceBlockLocalService.class)
4228            protected ResourceBlockLocalService resourceBlockLocalService;
4229            @BeanReference(type = ResourceBlockService.class)
4230            protected ResourceBlockService resourceBlockService;
4231            @BeanReference(type = ResourceBlockPersistence.class)
4232            protected ResourceBlockPersistence resourceBlockPersistence;
4233            @BeanReference(type = ResourceBlockFinder.class)
4234            protected ResourceBlockFinder resourceBlockFinder;
4235            @BeanReference(type = ResourceBlockPermissionLocalService.class)
4236            protected ResourceBlockPermissionLocalService resourceBlockPermissionLocalService;
4237            @BeanReference(type = ResourceBlockPermissionPersistence.class)
4238            protected ResourceBlockPermissionPersistence resourceBlockPermissionPersistence;
4239            @BeanReference(type = ResourceCodeLocalService.class)
4240            protected ResourceCodeLocalService resourceCodeLocalService;
4241            @BeanReference(type = ResourceCodePersistence.class)
4242            protected ResourceCodePersistence resourceCodePersistence;
4243            @BeanReference(type = ResourcePermissionLocalService.class)
4244            protected ResourcePermissionLocalService resourcePermissionLocalService;
4245            @BeanReference(type = ResourcePermissionService.class)
4246            protected ResourcePermissionService resourcePermissionService;
4247            @BeanReference(type = ResourcePermissionPersistence.class)
4248            protected ResourcePermissionPersistence resourcePermissionPersistence;
4249            @BeanReference(type = ResourcePermissionFinder.class)
4250            protected ResourcePermissionFinder resourcePermissionFinder;
4251            @BeanReference(type = ResourceTypePermissionLocalService.class)
4252            protected ResourceTypePermissionLocalService resourceTypePermissionLocalService;
4253            @BeanReference(type = ResourceTypePermissionPersistence.class)
4254            protected ResourceTypePermissionPersistence resourceTypePermissionPersistence;
4255            @BeanReference(type = ResourceTypePermissionFinder.class)
4256            protected ResourceTypePermissionFinder resourceTypePermissionFinder;
4257            @BeanReference(type = RoleLocalService.class)
4258            protected RoleLocalService roleLocalService;
4259            @BeanReference(type = RoleService.class)
4260            protected RoleService roleService;
4261            @BeanReference(type = RolePersistence.class)
4262            protected RolePersistence rolePersistence;
4263            @BeanReference(type = RoleFinder.class)
4264            protected RoleFinder roleFinder;
4265            @BeanReference(type = ServiceComponentLocalService.class)
4266            protected ServiceComponentLocalService serviceComponentLocalService;
4267            @BeanReference(type = ServiceComponentPersistence.class)
4268            protected ServiceComponentPersistence serviceComponentPersistence;
4269            @BeanReference(type = ShardLocalService.class)
4270            protected ShardLocalService shardLocalService;
4271            @BeanReference(type = ShardPersistence.class)
4272            protected ShardPersistence shardPersistence;
4273            @BeanReference(type = SubscriptionLocalService.class)
4274            protected SubscriptionLocalService subscriptionLocalService;
4275            @BeanReference(type = SubscriptionPersistence.class)
4276            protected SubscriptionPersistence subscriptionPersistence;
4277            @BeanReference(type = TeamLocalService.class)
4278            protected TeamLocalService teamLocalService;
4279            @BeanReference(type = TeamService.class)
4280            protected TeamService teamService;
4281            @BeanReference(type = TeamPersistence.class)
4282            protected TeamPersistence teamPersistence;
4283            @BeanReference(type = TeamFinder.class)
4284            protected TeamFinder teamFinder;
4285            @BeanReference(type = ThemeLocalService.class)
4286            protected ThemeLocalService themeLocalService;
4287            @BeanReference(type = ThemeService.class)
4288            protected ThemeService themeService;
4289            @BeanReference(type = TicketLocalService.class)
4290            protected TicketLocalService ticketLocalService;
4291            @BeanReference(type = TicketPersistence.class)
4292            protected TicketPersistence ticketPersistence;
4293            @BeanReference(type = UserLocalService.class)
4294            protected UserLocalService userLocalService;
4295            @BeanReference(type = UserService.class)
4296            protected UserService userService;
4297            @BeanReference(type = UserPersistence.class)
4298            protected UserPersistence userPersistence;
4299            @BeanReference(type = UserFinder.class)
4300            protected UserFinder userFinder;
4301            @BeanReference(type = UserGroupLocalService.class)
4302            protected UserGroupLocalService userGroupLocalService;
4303            @BeanReference(type = UserGroupService.class)
4304            protected UserGroupService userGroupService;
4305            @BeanReference(type = UserGroupPersistence.class)
4306            protected UserGroupPersistence userGroupPersistence;
4307            @BeanReference(type = UserGroupFinder.class)
4308            protected UserGroupFinder userGroupFinder;
4309            @BeanReference(type = UserGroupGroupRoleLocalService.class)
4310            protected UserGroupGroupRoleLocalService userGroupGroupRoleLocalService;
4311            @BeanReference(type = UserGroupGroupRoleService.class)
4312            protected UserGroupGroupRoleService userGroupGroupRoleService;
4313            @BeanReference(type = UserGroupGroupRolePersistence.class)
4314            protected UserGroupGroupRolePersistence userGroupGroupRolePersistence;
4315            @BeanReference(type = UserGroupRoleLocalService.class)
4316            protected UserGroupRoleLocalService userGroupRoleLocalService;
4317            @BeanReference(type = UserGroupRoleService.class)
4318            protected UserGroupRoleService userGroupRoleService;
4319            @BeanReference(type = UserGroupRolePersistence.class)
4320            protected UserGroupRolePersistence userGroupRolePersistence;
4321            @BeanReference(type = UserGroupRoleFinder.class)
4322            protected UserGroupRoleFinder userGroupRoleFinder;
4323            @BeanReference(type = UserIdMapperLocalService.class)
4324            protected UserIdMapperLocalService userIdMapperLocalService;
4325            @BeanReference(type = UserIdMapperPersistence.class)
4326            protected UserIdMapperPersistence userIdMapperPersistence;
4327            @BeanReference(type = UserNotificationEventLocalService.class)
4328            protected UserNotificationEventLocalService userNotificationEventLocalService;
4329            @BeanReference(type = UserNotificationEventPersistence.class)
4330            protected UserNotificationEventPersistence userNotificationEventPersistence;
4331            @BeanReference(type = UserTrackerLocalService.class)
4332            protected UserTrackerLocalService userTrackerLocalService;
4333            @BeanReference(type = UserTrackerPersistence.class)
4334            protected UserTrackerPersistence userTrackerPersistence;
4335            @BeanReference(type = UserTrackerPathLocalService.class)
4336            protected UserTrackerPathLocalService userTrackerPathLocalService;
4337            @BeanReference(type = UserTrackerPathPersistence.class)
4338            protected UserTrackerPathPersistence userTrackerPathPersistence;
4339            @BeanReference(type = VirtualHostLocalService.class)
4340            protected VirtualHostLocalService virtualHostLocalService;
4341            @BeanReference(type = VirtualHostPersistence.class)
4342            protected VirtualHostPersistence virtualHostPersistence;
4343            @BeanReference(type = WebDAVPropsLocalService.class)
4344            protected WebDAVPropsLocalService webDAVPropsLocalService;
4345            @BeanReference(type = WebDAVPropsPersistence.class)
4346            protected WebDAVPropsPersistence webDAVPropsPersistence;
4347            @BeanReference(type = WebsiteLocalService.class)
4348            protected WebsiteLocalService websiteLocalService;
4349            @BeanReference(type = WebsiteService.class)
4350            protected WebsiteService websiteService;
4351            @BeanReference(type = WebsitePersistence.class)
4352            protected WebsitePersistence websitePersistence;
4353            @BeanReference(type = WorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService.class)
4354            protected WorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService workflowDefinitionLinkLocalService;
4355            @BeanReference(type = WorkflowDefinitionLinkPersistence.class)
4356            protected WorkflowDefinitionLinkPersistence workflowDefinitionLinkPersistence;
4357            @BeanReference(type = WorkflowInstanceLinkLocalService.class)
4358            protected WorkflowInstanceLinkLocalService workflowInstanceLinkLocalService;
4359            @BeanReference(type = WorkflowInstanceLinkPersistence.class)
4360            protected WorkflowInstanceLinkPersistence workflowInstanceLinkPersistence;
4361            @BeanReference(type = CounterLocalService.class)
4362            protected CounterLocalService counterLocalService;
4363            @BeanReference(type = PersistedModelLocalServiceRegistry.class)
4364            protected PersistedModelLocalServiceRegistry persistedModelLocalServiceRegistry;
4365            private String _beanIdentifier;
4366    }