Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5

Class PortletWrapper

  extended by com.liferay.portal.model.PortletWrapper
All Implemented Interfaces:
BaseModel<Portlet>, ClassedModel, ModelWrapper<Portlet>, PersistedModel, Portlet, PortletModel, Serializable, Cloneable, Comparable<Portlet>

public class PortletWrapper
extends Object
implements Portlet, ModelWrapper<Portlet>

This class is a wrapper for Portlet.

See Also:
Portlet, Serialized Form
ServiceBuilder generated this class. Modifications in this class will be overwritten the next time it is generated.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface com.liferay.portal.model.Portlet
Constructor Summary
PortletWrapper(Portlet portlet)
Method Summary
 void addProcessingEvent(QName processingEvent)
          Adds a supported processing event.
 void addPublicRenderParameter(PublicRenderParameter publicRenderParameter)
          Adds a supported public render parameter.
 void addPublishingEvent(QName publishingEvent)
          Adds a supported publishing event.
 void addSchedulerEntry(SchedulerEntry schedulerEntry)
          Adds a scheduler entry.
 Object clone()
          Creates a shallow clone of this model instance.
 int compareTo(Portlet portlet)
 boolean equals(Object obj)
          Checks whether this portlet is equal to the specified object.
 int getActionTimeout()
          Returns the action timeout of the portlet.
 boolean getActionURLRedirect()
          Returns true if an action URL for this portlet should cause an auto redirect.
 boolean getActive()
          Returns the active of this portlet.
 boolean getAddDefaultResource()
          Returns true if default resources for the portlet are added to a page.
 boolean getAjaxable()
          Returns true if the portlet can be displayed via Ajax.
 Set<String> getAllPortletModes()
          Returns a list of all portlet modes supported by the portlet.
 Set<String> getAllWindowStates()
          Returns a list of all window states supported by the portlet.
 List<String> getAssetRendererFactoryClasses()
          Returns the names of the classes that represent asset types associated with the portlet.
 List<AssetRendererFactory> getAssetRendererFactoryInstances()
          Returns the asset type instances of the portlet.
 List<String> getAtomCollectionAdapterClasses()
          Returns the names of the classes that represent atom collection adapters associated with the portlet.
 List<AtomCollectionAdapter<?>> getAtomCollectionAdapterInstances()
          Returns the atom collection adapter instances of the portlet.
 Set<String> getAutopropagatedParameters()
          Returns the names of the parameters that will be automatically propagated through the portlet.
 Portlet getClonedInstance(String portletId)
          Returns true if the portlet is found in a WAR file.
 long getCompanyId()
          Returns the company ID of this portlet.
 String getConfigurationActionClass()
          Returns the configuration action class of the portlet.
 ConfigurationAction getConfigurationActionInstance()
          Returns the configuration action instance of the portlet.
 String getContextName()
          Returns the servlet context name of the portlet.
 String getContextPath()
          Returns the servlet context path of the portlet.
 String getControlPanelEntryCategory()
          Returns the name of the category of the Control Panel where the portlet will be shown.
 String getControlPanelEntryClass()
          Returns the name of the class that will control when the portlet will be shown in the Control Panel.
 ControlPanelEntry getControlPanelEntryInstance()
          Returns an instance of the class that will control when the portlet will be shown in the Control Panel.
 double getControlPanelEntryWeight()
          Returns the relative weight of the portlet with respect to the other portlets in the same category of the Control Panel.
 String getCssClassWrapper()
          Returns the name of the CSS class that will be injected in the DIV that wraps this portlet.
 List<String> getCustomAttributesDisplayClasses()
          Returns the names of the classes that represent custom attribute displays associated with the portlet.
 List<CustomAttributesDisplay> getCustomAttributesDisplayInstances()
          Returns the custom attribute display instances of the portlet.
 String getDDMDisplayClass()
          Returns the name of the dynamic data mapping display class of the portlet.
 PluginSetting getDefaultPluginSetting()
          Get the default plugin settings of the portlet.
 String getDefaultPreferences()
          Returns the default preferences of the portlet.
 String getDisplayName()
          Returns the display name of the portlet.
 ExpandoBridge getExpandoBridge()
          Returns the expando bridge for this model instance.
 Integer getExpCache()
          Returns expiration cache of the portlet.
 String getFacebookIntegration()
          Returns the Facebook integration method of the portlet.
 List<String> getFooterPortalCss()
          Returns a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's footer relative to the portal's context path.
 List<String> getFooterPortalJavaScript()
          Returns a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's footer relative to the portal's context path.
 List<String> getFooterPortletCss()
          Returns a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's footer relative to the portlet's context path.
 List<String> getFooterPortletJavaScript()
          Returns a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's footer relative to the portlet's context path.
 String getFriendlyURLMapperClass()
          Returns the name of the friendly URL mapper class of the portlet.
 FriendlyURLMapper getFriendlyURLMapperInstance()
          Returns the friendly URL mapper instance of the portlet.
 String getFriendlyURLMapping()
          Returns the name of the friendly URL mapping of the portlet.
 String getFriendlyURLRoutes()
          Returns the class loader resource path to the friendly URL routes of the portlet.
 List<String> getHeaderPortalCss()
          Returns a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's header relative to the portal's context path.
 List<String> getHeaderPortalJavaScript()
          Returns a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's header relative to the portal's context path.
 List<String> getHeaderPortletCss()
          Returns a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's header relative to the portlet's context path.
 List<String> getHeaderPortletJavaScript()
          Returns a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's header relative to the portlet's context path.
 String getIcon()
          Returns the icon of the portlet.
 long getId()
          Returns the ID of this portlet.
 boolean getInclude()
          Returns true to include the portlet and make it available to be made active.
 List<String> getIndexerClasses()
          Returns the names of the classes that represent indexers associated with the portlet.
 List<Indexer> getIndexerInstances()
          Returns the indexer instances of the portlet.
 Map<String,String> getInitParams()
          Returns the init parameters of the portlet.
 boolean getInstanceable()
          Returns true if the portlet can be added multiple times to a layout.
 String getInstanceId()
          Returns the instance ID of the portlet.
 boolean getLayoutCacheable()
          Returns true to allow the portlet to be cached within the layout.
 boolean getMaximizeEdit()
          Returns true if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the user goes into the edit mode.
 boolean getMaximizeHelp()
          Returns true if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the user goes into the help mode.
 Map<String,Object> getModelAttributes()
 Class<?> getModelClass()
 String getModelClassName()
 String getOpenSearchClass()
          Returns the name of the open search class of the portlet.
 OpenSearch getOpenSearchInstance()
          Returns the indexer instance of the portlet.
 String getParentStrutsPath()
          Returns the parent struts path of the portlet.
 String getPermissionPropagatorClass()
          Returns the name of the permission propagator class of the portlet.
 PermissionPropagator getPermissionPropagatorInstance()
          Returns the permission propagator instance of the portlet.
 String getPluginId()
          Returns the plugin ID of the portlet.
 PluginPackage getPluginPackage()
          Returns this portlet's plugin package.
 String getPluginType()
          Returns the plugin type of the portlet.
 String getPollerProcessorClass()
          Returns the name of the poller processor class of the portlet.
 PollerProcessor getPollerProcessorInstance()
          Returns the poller processor instance of the portlet.
 String getPopMessageListenerClass()
          Returns the name of the POP message listener class of the portlet.
 MessageListener getPopMessageListenerInstance()
          Returns the POP message listener instance of the portlet.
 boolean getPopUpPrint()
          Returns true if the portlet goes into the pop up state when the user goes into the print mode.
 PortletApp getPortletApp()
          Returns this portlet's application.
 String getPortletClass()
          Returns the name of the portlet class of the portlet.
 String getPortletDataHandlerClass()
          Returns the name of the portlet data handler class of the portlet.
 PortletDataHandler getPortletDataHandlerInstance()
          Returns the portlet data handler instance of the portlet.
 Map<String,PortletFilter> getPortletFilters()
          Returns the filters of the portlet.
 String getPortletId()
          Returns the portlet ID of this portlet.
 PortletInfo getPortletInfo()
          Returns the portlet info of the portlet.
 String getPortletLayoutListenerClass()
          Returns the name of the portlet layout listener class of the portlet.
 PortletLayoutListener getPortletLayoutListenerInstance()
          Returns the portlet layout listener instance of the portlet.
 Map<String,Set<String>> getPortletModes()
          Returns the portlet modes of the portlet.
 String getPortletName()
          Returns the name of the portlet.
 String getPortletURLClass()
          Returns the name of the portlet URL class of the portlet.
 boolean getPreferencesCompanyWide()
          Returns true if preferences are shared across the entire company.
 boolean getPreferencesOwnedByGroup()
          Returns true if preferences are owned by the group when the portlet is shown in a group layout.
 boolean getPreferencesUniquePerLayout()
          Returns true if preferences are unique per layout.
 String getPreferencesValidator()
          Returns the name of the preferences validator class of the portlet.
 long getPrimaryKey()
          Returns the primary key of this portlet.
 Serializable getPrimaryKeyObj()
          Returns the primary key of this model instance.
 boolean getPrivateRequestAttributes()
          Returns true if the portlet does not share request attributes with the portal or portlets from another WAR.
 boolean getPrivateSessionAttributes()
          Returns true if the portlet does not share session attributes with the portal.
 QName getProcessingEvent(String uri, String localPart)
          Returns the supported processing event from a namespace URI and a local part.
 Set<QName> getProcessingEvents()
          Returns the supported processing events of the portlet.
 PublicRenderParameter getPublicRenderParameter(String identifier)
          Returns the supported public render parameter from an identifier.
 PublicRenderParameter getPublicRenderParameter(String uri, String localPart)
          Returns the supported public render parameter from a namespace URI and a local part.
 Set<PublicRenderParameter> getPublicRenderParameters()
          Returns the supported public render parameters of the portlet.
 Set<QName> getPublishingEvents()
          Returns the supported publishing events of the portlet.
 boolean getReady()
          Returns true if the portlet is ready to be used.
 boolean getRemoteable()
          Returns true if the portlet supports remoting.
 int getRenderTimeout()
          Returns the render timeout of the portlet.
 int getRenderWeight()
          Returns the render weight of the portlet.
 String getResourceBundle()
          Returns the resource bundle of the portlet.
 boolean getRestoreCurrentView()
          Returns true if the portlet restores to the current view from the maximized state.
 Map<String,String> getRoleMappers()
          Returns the role mappers of the portlet.
 String getRoles()
          Returns the roles of this portlet.
 String[] getRolesArray()
          Returns an array of required roles of the portlet.
 Portlet getRootPortlet()
          Returns the root portlet of this portlet instance.
 String getRootPortletId()
          Returns the root portlet ID of the portlet.
 List<SchedulerEntry> getSchedulerEntries()
          Returns the scheduler entries of the portlet.
 boolean getScopeable()
          Returns true if the portlet supports scoping of data.
 boolean getShowPortletAccessDenied()
          Returns true if users are shown that they do not have access to the portlet.
 boolean getShowPortletInactive()
          Returns true if users are shown that the portlet is inactive.
 List<String> getSocialActivityInterpreterClasses()
          Returns the names of the classes that represent social activity interpreters associated with the portlet.
 List<SocialActivityInterpreter> getSocialActivityInterpreterInstances()
          Returns the social activity interpreter instances of the portlet.
 String getSocialRequestInterpreterClass()
          Returns the name of the social request interpreter class of the portlet.
 SocialRequestInterpreter getSocialRequestInterpreterInstance()
          Returns the name of the social request interpreter instance of the portlet.
 List<String> getStagedModelDataHandlerClasses()
          Returns the names of the classes that represent staged model data handlers associated with the portlet.
 List<StagedModelDataHandler<?>> getStagedModelDataHandlerInstances()
          Returns the staged model data handler instances of the portlet.
 boolean getStatic()
          Returns true if the portlet is a static portlet that is cannot be moved.
 boolean getStaticEnd()
          Returns true if the portlet is a static portlet at the end of a list of portlets.
 String getStaticResourcePath()
          Returns the path for static resources served by this portlet.
 boolean getStaticStart()
          Returns true if the portlet is a static portlet at the start of a list of portlets.
 String getStrutsPath()
          Returns the struts path of the portlet.
 Set<String> getSupportedLocales()
          Returns the supported locales of the portlet.
 boolean getSystem()
          Returns true if the portlet is a system portlet that a user cannot manually add to their page.
 String getTemplateHandlerClass()
          Returns the name of the template handler class of the portlet.
 TemplateHandler getTemplateHandlerInstance()
          Returns the template handler instance of the portlet.
 long getTimestamp()
          Returns the timestamp of the portlet.
 List<String> getTrashHandlerClasses()
          Returns the names of the classes that represent trash handlers associated with the portlet.
 List<TrashHandler> getTrashHandlerInstances()
          Returns the trash handler instances of the portlet.
 boolean getUndeployedPortlet()
          Returns true if the portlet is an undeployed portlet.
 Set<String> getUnlinkedRoles()
          Returns the unlinked roles of the portlet.
 String getURLEncoderClass()
          Returns the name of the URL encoder class of the portlet.
 URLEncoder getURLEncoderInstance()
          Returns the URL encoder instance of the portlet.
 boolean getUseDefaultTemplate()
          Returns true if the portlet uses the default template.
 long getUserId()
          Returns the user ID of the portlet.
 String getUserNotificationDefinitions()
          Returns the class loader resource path to the use notification definitions of the portlet.
 List<String> getUserNotificationHandlerClasses()
          Returns the names of the classes that represent user notification handlers associated with the portlet.
 List<UserNotificationHandler> getUserNotificationHandlerInstances()
          Returns the user notification handler instances of the portlet.
 String getUserPrincipalStrategy()
          Returns the user principal strategy of the portlet.
 String getVirtualPath()
          Returns the virtual path of the portlet.
 String getWebDAVStorageClass()
          Returns the name of the WebDAV storage class of the portlet.
 WebDAVStorage getWebDAVStorageInstance()
          Returns the name of the WebDAV storage instance of the portlet.
 String getWebDAVStorageToken()
          Returns the name of the WebDAV storage token of the portlet.
 Map<String,Set<String>> getWindowStates()
          Returns the window states of the portlet.
 List<String> getWorkflowHandlerClasses()
          Returns the names of the classes that represent workflow handlers associated with the portlet.
 List<WorkflowHandler> getWorkflowHandlerInstances()
          Returns the workflow handler instances of the portlet.
 Portlet getWrappedModel()
 Portlet getWrappedPortlet()
          Deprecated. As of 6.1.0, replaced by getWrappedModel()
 String getXmlRpcMethodClass()
          Returns the name of the XML-RPC method class of the portlet.
 Method getXmlRpcMethodInstance()
          Returns the name of the XML-RPC method instance of the portlet.
 boolean hasAddPortletPermission(long userId)
          Returns true if the user has the permission to add the portlet to a layout.
 int hashCode()
 boolean hasMultipleMimeTypes()
          Returns true if the portlet supports more than one mime type.
 boolean hasPortletMode(String mimeType, PortletMode portletMode)
          Returns true if the portlet supports the specified mime type and portlet mode.
 boolean hasRoleWithName(String roleName)
          Returns true if the portlet has a role with the specified name.
 boolean hasWindowState(String mimeType, WindowState windowState)
          Returns true if the portlet supports the specified mime type and window state.
 boolean isActionURLRedirect()
          Returns true if an action URL for this portlet should cause an auto redirect.
 boolean isActive()
          Returns true if this portlet is active.
 boolean isAddDefaultResource()
          Returns true if default resources for the portlet are added to a page.
 boolean isAjaxable()
          Returns true if the portlet can be displayed via Ajax.
 boolean isCachedModel()
          Returns true if this model instance was retrieved from the entity cache.
 boolean isEscapedModel()
          Returns true if this model instance is escaped.
 boolean isInclude()
          Returns true to include the portlet and make it available to be made active.
 boolean isInstanceable()
          Returns true if the portlet can be added multiple times to a layout.
 boolean isLayoutCacheable()
          Returns true to allow the portlet to be cached within the layout.
 boolean isMaximizeEdit()
          Returns true if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the user goes into the edit mode.
 boolean isMaximizeHelp()
          Returns true if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the user goes into the help mode.
 boolean isNew()
          Returns true if this model instance does not yet exist in the database.
 boolean isPopUpPrint()
          Returns true if the portlet goes into the pop up state when the user goes into the print mode.
 boolean isPreferencesCompanyWide()
          Returns true if preferences are shared across the entire company.
 boolean isPreferencesOwnedByGroup()
          Returns true if preferences are owned by the group when the portlet is shown in a group layout.
 boolean isPreferencesUniquePerLayout()
          Returns true if preferences are unique per layout.
 boolean isPrivateRequestAttributes()
          Returns true if the portlet does not share request attributes with the portal or portlets from another WAR.
 boolean isPrivateSessionAttributes()
          Returns true if the portlet does not share session attributes with the portal.
 boolean isReady()
          Returns true if the portlet is ready to be used.
 boolean isRemoteable()
          Returns true if the portlet supports remoting.
 boolean isRequiresNamespacedParameters()
          Returns true if the portlet will only process namespaced parameters.
 boolean isRestoreCurrentView()
          Returns true if the portlet restores to the current view from the maximized state.
 boolean isScopeable()
          Returns true if the portlet supports scoping of data.
 boolean isShowPortletAccessDenied()
          Returns true if users are shown that they do not have access to the portlet.
 boolean isShowPortletInactive()
          Returns true if users are shown that the portlet is inactive.
 boolean isStatic()
          Returns true if the portlet is a static portlet that is cannot be moved.
 boolean isStaticEnd()
          Returns true if the portlet is a static portlet at the end of a list of portlets.
 boolean isStaticStart()
          Returns true if the portlet is a static portlet at the start of a list of portlets.
 boolean isSystem()
          Returns true if the portlet is a system portlet that a user cannot manually add to their page.
 boolean isUndeployedPortlet()
          Returns true if the portlet is an undeployed portlet.
 boolean isUseDefaultTemplate()
          Returns true if the portlet uses the default template.
 void linkRoles()
          Link the role names set in portlet.xml with the Liferay roles set in liferay-portlet.xml.
 void persist()
          Updates this model instance in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
 void resetOriginalValues()
          Reset all original fields to current values.
 void setActionTimeout(int actionTimeout)
          Sets the action timeout of the portlet.
 void setActionURLRedirect(boolean actionURLRedirect)
          Set to true if an action URL for this portlet should cause an auto redirect.
 void setActive(boolean active)
          Sets whether this portlet is active.
 void setAddDefaultResource(boolean addDefaultResource)
          Set to true if default resources for the portlet are added to a page.
 void setAjaxable(boolean ajaxable)
          Set to true if the portlet can be displayed via Ajax.
 void setAssetRendererFactoryClasses(List<String> assetRendererFactoryClasses)
          Sets the names of the classes that represent asset types associated with the portlet.
 void setAtomCollectionAdapterClasses(List<String> atomCollectionAdapterClasses)
          Sets the names of the classes that represent atom collection adapters associated with the portlet.
 void setAutopropagatedParameters(Set<String> autopropagatedParameters)
          Sets the names of the parameters that will be automatically propagated through the portlet.
 void setCachedModel(boolean cachedModel)
          Sets whether this model instance was retrieved from the entity cache.
 void setCompanyId(long companyId)
          Sets the company ID of this portlet.
 void setConfigurationActionClass(String configurationActionClass)
          Sets the configuration action class of the portlet.
 void setControlPanelEntryCategory(String controlPanelEntryCategory)
          Set the name of the category of the Control Panel where the portlet will be shown.
 void setControlPanelEntryClass(String controlPanelEntryClass)
          Sets the name of the class that will control when the portlet will be shown in the Control Panel.
 void setControlPanelEntryWeight(double controlPanelEntryWeight)
          Sets the relative weight of the portlet with respect to the other portlets in the same category of the Control Panel.
 void setCssClassWrapper(String cssClassWrapper)
          Sets the name of the CSS class that will be injected in the DIV that wraps this portlet.
 void setCustomAttributesDisplayClasses(List<String> customAttributesDisplayClasses)
          Sets the names of the classes that represent custom attribute displays associated with the portlet.
 void setDDMDisplayClass(String ddmDisplayClass)
          Sets the name of the dynamic data mapping display class of the portlet.
 void setDefaultPluginSetting(PluginSetting pluginSetting)
          Sets the default plugin settings of the portlet.
 void setDefaultPreferences(String defaultPreferences)
          Sets the default preferences of the portlet.
 void setDisplayName(String displayName)
          Sets the display name of the portlet.
 void setExpandoBridgeAttributes(BaseModel<?> baseModel)
 void setExpandoBridgeAttributes(ExpandoBridge expandoBridge)
 void setExpandoBridgeAttributes(ServiceContext serviceContext)
          Sets the expando bridge attributes for this model instance to the attributes stored in the service context.
 void setExpCache(Integer expCache)
          Sets expiration cache of the portlet.
 void setFacebookIntegration(String facebookIntegration)
          Sets the Facebook integration method of the portlet.
 void setFooterPortalCss(List<String> footerPortalCss)
          Sets a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's footer relative to the portal's context path.
 void setFooterPortalJavaScript(List<String> footerPortalJavaScript)
          Sets a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's footer relative to the portal's context path.
 void setFooterPortletCss(List<String> footerPortletCss)
          Sets a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's footer relative to the portlet's context path.
 void setFooterPortletJavaScript(List<String> footerPortletJavaScript)
          Sets a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's footer relative to the portlet's context path.
 void setFriendlyURLMapperClass(String friendlyURLMapperClass)
          Sets the name of the friendly URL mapper class of the portlet.
 void setFriendlyURLMapping(String friendlyURLMapping)
          Sets the name of the friendly URL mapping of the portlet.
 void setFriendlyURLRoutes(String friendlyURLRoutes)
          Sets the class loader resource path to the friendly URL routes of the portlet.
 void setHeaderPortalCss(List<String> headerPortalCss)
          Sets a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's header relative to the portal's context path.
 void setHeaderPortalJavaScript(List<String> headerPortalJavaScript)
          Sets a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's header relative to the portal's context path.
 void setHeaderPortletCss(List<String> headerPortletCss)
          Sets a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's header relative to the portlet's context path.
 void setHeaderPortletJavaScript(List<String> headerPortletJavaScript)
          Sets a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's header relative to the portlet's context path.
 void setIcon(String icon)
          Sets the icon of the portlet.
 void setId(long id)
          Sets the ID of this portlet.
 void setInclude(boolean include)
          Set to true to include the portlet and make it available to be made active.
 void setIndexerClasses(List<String> indexerClasses)
          Sets the names of the classes that represent indexers associated with the portlet.
 void setInitParams(Map<String,String> initParams)
          Sets the init parameters of the portlet.
 void setInstanceable(boolean instanceable)
          Set to true if the portlet can be added multiple times to a layout.
 void setLayoutCacheable(boolean layoutCacheable)
          Set to true to allow the portlet to be cached within the layout.
 void setMaximizeEdit(boolean maximizeEdit)
          Set to true if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the user goes into the edit mode.
 void setMaximizeHelp(boolean maximizeHelp)
          Set to true if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the user goes into the help mode.
 void setModelAttributes(Map<String,Object> attributes)
 void setNew(boolean n)
          Sets whether this model instance does not yet exist in the database.
 void setOpenSearchClass(String openSearchClass)
          Sets the name of the open search class of the portlet.
 void setParentStrutsPath(String parentStrutsPath)
          Sets the parent struts path of the portlet.
 void setPermissionPropagatorClass(String permissionPropagatorClass)
          Sets the name of the permission propagator class of the portlet.
 void setPluginPackage(PluginPackage pluginPackage)
          Sets this portlet's plugin package.
 void setPollerProcessorClass(String pollerProcessorClass)
          Sets the name of the poller processor class of the portlet.
 void setPopMessageListenerClass(String popMessageListenerClass)
          Sets the name of the POP message listener class of the portlet.
 void setPopUpPrint(boolean popUpPrint)
          Set to true if the portlet goes into the pop up state when the user goes into the print mode.
 void setPortletApp(PortletApp portletApp)
          Sets this portlet's application.
 void setPortletClass(String portletClass)
          Sets the name of the portlet class of the portlet.
 void setPortletDataHandlerClass(String portletDataHandlerClass)
          Sets the name of the portlet data handler class of the portlet.
 void setPortletFilters(Map<String,PortletFilter> portletFilters)
          Sets the filters of the portlet.
 void setPortletId(String portletId)
          Sets the portlet ID of this portlet.
 void setPortletInfo(PortletInfo portletInfo)
          Sets the portlet info of the portlet.
 void setPortletLayoutListenerClass(String portletLayoutListenerClass)
          Sets the name of the portlet layout listener class of the portlet.
 void setPortletModes(Map<String,Set<String>> portletModes)
          Sets the portlet modes of the portlet.
 void setPortletName(String portletName)
          Sets the name of the portlet.
 void setPortletURLClass(String portletURLClass)
          Sets the name of the portlet URL class of the portlet.
 void setPreferencesCompanyWide(boolean preferencesCompanyWide)
          Set to true if preferences are shared across the entire company.
 void setPreferencesOwnedByGroup(boolean preferencesOwnedByGroup)
          Set to true if preferences are owned by the group when the portlet is shown in a group layout.
 void setPreferencesUniquePerLayout(boolean preferencesUniquePerLayout)
          Set to true if preferences are unique per layout.
 void setPreferencesValidator(String preferencesValidator)
          Sets the name of the preferences validator class of the portlet.
 void setPrimaryKey(long primaryKey)
          Sets the primary key of this portlet.
 void setPrimaryKeyObj(Serializable primaryKeyObj)
          Sets the primary key of this model instance.
 void setPrivateRequestAttributes(boolean privateRequestAttributes)
          Set to true if the portlet does not share request attributes with the portal or portlets from another WAR.
 void setPrivateSessionAttributes(boolean privateSessionAttributes)
          Set to true if the portlet does not share session attributes with the portal.
 void setProcessingEvents(Set<QName> processingEvents)
          Sets the supported processing events of the portlet.
 void setPublicRenderParameters(Set<PublicRenderParameter> publicRenderParameters)
          Sets the supported public render parameters of the portlet.
 void setPublishingEvents(Set<QName> publishingEvents)
          Sets the supported publishing events of the portlet.
 void setReady(boolean ready)
          Set to true if the portlet is ready to be used.
 void setRemoteable(boolean remoteable)
          Set to true if the portlet supports remoting
 void setRenderTimeout(int renderTimeout)
          Sets the render timeout of the portlet.
 void setRenderWeight(int renderWeight)
          Sets the render weight of the portlet.
 void setRequiresNamespacedParameters(boolean requiresNamespacedParameters)
          Set to true if the portlet will only process namespaced parameters.
 void setResourceBundle(String resourceBundle)
          Sets the resource bundle of the portlet.
 void setRestoreCurrentView(boolean restoreCurrentView)
          Set to true if the portlet restores to the current view from the maximized state.
 void setRoleMappers(Map<String,String> roleMappers)
          Sets the role mappers of the portlet.
 void setRoles(String roles)
          Sets the roles of this portlet.
 void setRolesArray(String[] rolesArray)
          Sets an array of required roles of the portlet.
 void setSchedulerEntries(List<SchedulerEntry> schedulerEntries)
          Sets the scheduler entries of the portlet.
 void setScopeable(boolean scopeable)
          Set to true if the portlet supports scoping of data.
 void setShowPortletAccessDenied(boolean showPortletAccessDenied)
          Set to true if users are shown that they do not have access to the portlet.
 void setShowPortletInactive(boolean showPortletInactive)
          Set to true if users are shown that the portlet is inactive.
 void setSocialActivityInterpreterClasses(List<String> socialActivityInterpreterClasses)
          Sets the names of the classes that represent social activity interpreters associated with the portlet.
 void setSocialRequestInterpreterClass(String socialRequestInterpreterClass)
          Sets the name of the social request interpreter class of the portlet.
 void setStagedModelDataHandlerClasses(List<String> stagedModelDataHandlerClasses)
          Sets the names of the classes that represent staged model data handlers associated with the portlet.
 void setStatic(boolean staticPortlet)
          Set to true if the portlet is a static portlet that is cannot be moved.
 void setStaticStart(boolean staticPortletStart)
          Set to true if the portlet is a static portlet at the start of a list of portlets.
 void setStrutsPath(String strutsPath)
          Sets the struts path of the portlet.
 void setSupportedLocales(Set<String> supportedLocales)
          Sets the supported locales of the portlet.
 void setSystem(boolean system)
          Set to true if the portlet is a system portlet that a user cannot manually add to their page.
 void setTemplateHandlerClass(String templateHandlerClass)
          Sets the name of the template handler class of the portlet.
 void setTimestamp(long timestamp)
          Sets the timestamp of the portlet.
 void setTrashHandlerClasses(List<String> trashHandlerClasses)
          Sets the names of the classes that represent trash handlers associated to the portlet.
 void setUndeployedPortlet(boolean undeployedPortlet)
          Set to true if the portlet is an undeployed portlet.
 void setUnlinkedRoles(Set<String> unlinkedRoles)
          Sets the unlinked roles of the portlet.
 void setURLEncoderClass(String urlEncoderClass)
          Sets the name of the URL encoder class of the portlet.
 void setUseDefaultTemplate(boolean useDefaultTemplate)
          Set to true if the portlet uses the default template.
 void setUserNotificationDefinitions(String userNotificationDefinitions)
          Sets the class loader resource path to the user notification definitions of the portlet.
 void setUserNotificationHandlerClasses(List<String> userNotificationHandlerClasses)
          Sets the names of the classes that represent user notification handlers associated with the portlet.
 void setUserPrincipalStrategy(String userPrincipalStrategy)
          Sets the user principal strategy of the portlet.
 void setVirtualPath(String virtualPath)
          Sets the virtual path of the portlet.
 void setWebDAVStorageClass(String webDAVStorageClass)
          Sets the name of the WebDAV storage class of the portlet.
 void setWebDAVStorageToken(String webDAVStorageToken)
          Sets the name of the WebDAV storage token of the portlet.
 void setWindowStates(Map<String,Set<String>> windowStates)
          Sets the window states of the portlet.
 void setWorkflowHandlerClasses(List<String> workflowHandlerClasses)
          Sets the names of the classes that represent workflow handlers associated to the portlet.
 void setXmlRpcMethodClass(String xmlRpcMethodClass)
          Sets the name of the XML-RPC method class of the portlet.
 CacheModel<Portlet> toCacheModel()
          Returns a cache model object for this entity used by entity cache.
 Portlet toEscapedModel()
          Returns a copy of this entity as an escaped model instance by wrapping it with an AutoEscapeBeanHandler.
 String toString()
 Portlet toUnescapedModel()
 String toXmlString()
          Returns the XML representation of this model instance.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PortletWrapper(Portlet portlet)
Method Detail


public Class<?> getModelClass()
Specified by:
getModelClass in interface ClassedModel


public String getModelClassName()
Specified by:
getModelClassName in interface ClassedModel


public Map<String,Object> getModelAttributes()
Specified by:
getModelAttributes in interface BaseModel<Portlet>


public void setModelAttributes(Map<String,Object> attributes)
Specified by:
setModelAttributes in interface BaseModel<Portlet>


public long getPrimaryKey()
Returns the primary key of this portlet.

Specified by:
getPrimaryKey in interface PortletModel
the primary key of this portlet


public void setPrimaryKey(long primaryKey)
Sets the primary key of this portlet.

Specified by:
setPrimaryKey in interface PortletModel
primaryKey - the primary key of this portlet


public long getId()
Returns the ID of this portlet.

Specified by:
getId in interface PortletModel
the ID of this portlet


public void setId(long id)
Sets the ID of this portlet.

Specified by:
setId in interface PortletModel
id - the ID of this portlet


public long getCompanyId()
Returns the company ID of this portlet.

Specified by:
getCompanyId in interface PortletModel
the company ID of this portlet


public void setCompanyId(long companyId)
Sets the company ID of this portlet.

Specified by:
setCompanyId in interface PortletModel
companyId - the company ID of this portlet


public String getPortletId()
Returns the portlet ID of this portlet.

Specified by:
getPortletId in interface PortletModel
the portlet ID of this portlet


public void setPortletId(String portletId)
Sets the portlet ID of this portlet.

Specified by:
setPortletId in interface PortletModel
portletId - the portlet ID of this portlet


public String getRoles()
Returns the roles of this portlet.

Specified by:
getRoles in interface PortletModel
the roles of this portlet


public void setRoles(String roles)
Sets the roles of this portlet.

Specified by:
setRoles in interface PortletModel
roles - the roles of this portlet


public boolean getActive()
Returns the active of this portlet.

Specified by:
getActive in interface PortletModel
the active of this portlet


public boolean isActive()
Returns true if this portlet is active.

Specified by:
isActive in interface PortletModel
true if this portlet is active; false otherwise


public void setActive(boolean active)
Sets whether this portlet is active.

Specified by:
setActive in interface PortletModel
active - the active of this portlet


public boolean isNew()
Description copied from interface: BaseModel
Returns true if this model instance does not yet exist in the database.

Specified by:
isNew in interface BaseModel<Portlet>
Specified by:
isNew in interface PortletModel
true if this model instance does not yet exist in the database; false otherwise


public void setNew(boolean n)
Description copied from interface: BaseModel
Sets whether this model instance does not yet exist in the database.

Specified by:
setNew in interface BaseModel<Portlet>
Specified by:
setNew in interface PortletModel
n - whether this model instance does not yet exist in the database


public boolean isCachedModel()
Description copied from interface: BaseModel
Returns true if this model instance was retrieved from the entity cache.

Specified by:
isCachedModel in interface BaseModel<Portlet>
Specified by:
isCachedModel in interface PortletModel
true if this model instance was retrieved from the entity cache; false otherwise
See Also:


public void setCachedModel(boolean cachedModel)
Description copied from interface: BaseModel
Sets whether this model instance was retrieved from the entity cache.

Specified by:
setCachedModel in interface BaseModel<Portlet>
Specified by:
setCachedModel in interface PortletModel
cachedModel - whether this model instance was retrieved from the entity cache
See Also:


public boolean isEscapedModel()
Description copied from interface: BaseModel
Returns true if this model instance is escaped.

Specified by:
isEscapedModel in interface BaseModel<Portlet>
Specified by:
isEscapedModel in interface PortletModel
true if this model instance is escaped; false otherwise


public Serializable getPrimaryKeyObj()
Description copied from interface: BaseModel
Returns the primary key of this model instance.

Specified by:
getPrimaryKeyObj in interface BaseModel<Portlet>
Specified by:
getPrimaryKeyObj in interface ClassedModel
Specified by:
getPrimaryKeyObj in interface PortletModel
the primary key of this model instance


public void setPrimaryKeyObj(Serializable primaryKeyObj)
Description copied from interface: BaseModel
Sets the primary key of this model instance.

Specified by:
setPrimaryKeyObj in interface BaseModel<Portlet>
Specified by:
setPrimaryKeyObj in interface ClassedModel
Specified by:
setPrimaryKeyObj in interface PortletModel
primaryKeyObj - the primary key of this model instance


public ExpandoBridge getExpandoBridge()
Description copied from interface: BaseModel
Returns the expando bridge for this model instance.

Specified by:
getExpandoBridge in interface BaseModel<Portlet>
Specified by:
getExpandoBridge in interface ClassedModel
Specified by:
getExpandoBridge in interface PortletModel
the expando bridge for this model instance


public void setExpandoBridgeAttributes(BaseModel<?> baseModel)
Specified by:
setExpandoBridgeAttributes in interface BaseModel<Portlet>
Specified by:
setExpandoBridgeAttributes in interface PortletModel


public void setExpandoBridgeAttributes(ExpandoBridge expandoBridge)
Specified by:
setExpandoBridgeAttributes in interface BaseModel<Portlet>
Specified by:
setExpandoBridgeAttributes in interface PortletModel


public void setExpandoBridgeAttributes(ServiceContext serviceContext)
Description copied from interface: BaseModel
Sets the expando bridge attributes for this model instance to the attributes stored in the service context.

Specified by:
setExpandoBridgeAttributes in interface BaseModel<Portlet>
Specified by:
setExpandoBridgeAttributes in interface PortletModel
serviceContext - the service context to be applied
See Also:
ServiceContext.getExpandoBridgeAttributes( )


public Object clone()
Description copied from interface: BaseModel
Creates a shallow clone of this model instance.

Specified by:
clone in interface BaseModel<Portlet>
Specified by:
clone in interface PortletModel
clone in class Object
the shallow clone of this model instance


public int compareTo(Portlet portlet)
Specified by:
compareTo in interface PortletModel
Specified by:
compareTo in interface Comparable<Portlet>


public int hashCode()
Specified by:
hashCode in interface PortletModel
hashCode in class Object


public CacheModel<Portlet> toCacheModel()
Description copied from interface: BaseModel
Returns a cache model object for this entity used by entity cache.

Specified by:
toCacheModel in interface BaseModel<Portlet>
Specified by:
toCacheModel in interface PortletModel
the cache model object


public Portlet toEscapedModel()
Description copied from interface: BaseModel
Returns a copy of this entity as an escaped model instance by wrapping it with an AutoEscapeBeanHandler.

Specified by:
toEscapedModel in interface BaseModel<Portlet>
Specified by:
toEscapedModel in interface PortletModel
the escaped model instance
See Also:


public Portlet toUnescapedModel()
Specified by:
toUnescapedModel in interface BaseModel<Portlet>
Specified by:
toUnescapedModel in interface PortletModel


public String toString()
Specified by:
toString in interface PortletModel
toString in class Object


public String toXmlString()
Description copied from interface: BaseModel
Returns the XML representation of this model instance.

Specified by:
toXmlString in interface BaseModel<Portlet>
Specified by:
toXmlString in interface PortletModel
the XML representation of this model instance


public void persist()
             throws SystemException
Description copied from interface: PersistedModel
Updates this model instance in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners.

Specified by:
persist in interface PersistedModel
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public void addProcessingEvent(QName processingEvent)
Adds a supported processing event.

Specified by:
addProcessingEvent in interface Portlet


public void addPublicRenderParameter(PublicRenderParameter publicRenderParameter)
Adds a supported public render parameter.

Specified by:
addPublicRenderParameter in interface Portlet
publicRenderParameter - a supported public render parameter


public void addPublishingEvent(QName publishingEvent)
Adds a supported publishing event.

Specified by:
addPublishingEvent in interface Portlet


public void addSchedulerEntry(SchedulerEntry schedulerEntry)
Adds a scheduler entry.

Specified by:
addSchedulerEntry in interface Portlet


public int getActionTimeout()
Returns the action timeout of the portlet.

Specified by:
getActionTimeout in interface Portlet
the action timeout of the portlet


public boolean getActionURLRedirect()
Returns true if an action URL for this portlet should cause an auto redirect.

Specified by:
getActionURLRedirect in interface Portlet
true if an action URL for this portlet should cause an auto redirect


public boolean getAddDefaultResource()
Returns true if default resources for the portlet are added to a page.

Specified by:
getAddDefaultResource in interface Portlet
true if default resources for the portlet are added to a page


public boolean getAjaxable()
Returns true if the portlet can be displayed via Ajax.

Specified by:
getAjaxable in interface Portlet
true if the portlet can be displayed via Ajax


public Set<String> getAllPortletModes()
Returns a list of all portlet modes supported by the portlet.

Specified by:
getAllPortletModes in interface Portlet
a list of all portlet modes supported by the portlet


public Set<String> getAllWindowStates()
Returns a list of all window states supported by the portlet.

Specified by:
getAllWindowStates in interface Portlet
a list of all window states supported by the portlet


public List<String> getAssetRendererFactoryClasses()
Returns the names of the classes that represent asset types associated with the portlet.

Specified by:
getAssetRendererFactoryClasses in interface Portlet
the names of the classes that represent asset types associated with the portlet


public List<AssetRendererFactory> getAssetRendererFactoryInstances()
Returns the asset type instances of the portlet.

Specified by:
getAssetRendererFactoryInstances in interface Portlet
the asset type instances of the portlet


public List<String> getAtomCollectionAdapterClasses()
Returns the names of the classes that represent atom collection adapters associated with the portlet.

Specified by:
getAtomCollectionAdapterClasses in interface Portlet
the names of the classes that represent atom collection adapters associated with the portlet


public List<AtomCollectionAdapter<?>> getAtomCollectionAdapterInstances()
Returns the atom collection adapter instances of the portlet.

Specified by:
getAtomCollectionAdapterInstances in interface Portlet
the atom collection adapter instances of the portlet


public Set<String> getAutopropagatedParameters()
Returns the names of the parameters that will be automatically propagated through the portlet.

Specified by:
getAutopropagatedParameters in interface Portlet
the names of the parameters that will be automatically propagated through the portlet


public Portlet getClonedInstance(String portletId)
Returns true if the portlet is found in a WAR file.

Specified by:
getClonedInstance in interface Portlet
portletId - the cloned instance portlet ID
a cloned instance of the portlet


public String getConfigurationActionClass()
Returns the configuration action class of the portlet.

Specified by:
getConfigurationActionClass in interface Portlet
the configuration action class of the portlet


public ConfigurationAction getConfigurationActionInstance()
Returns the configuration action instance of the portlet.

Specified by:
getConfigurationActionInstance in interface Portlet
the configuration action instance of the portlet


public String getContextName()
Returns the servlet context name of the portlet.

Specified by:
getContextName in interface Portlet
the servlet context name of the portlet


public String getContextPath()
Returns the servlet context path of the portlet.

Specified by:
getContextPath in interface Portlet
the servlet context path of the portlet


public String getControlPanelEntryCategory()
Returns the name of the category of the Control Panel where the portlet will be shown.

Specified by:
getControlPanelEntryCategory in interface Portlet
the name of the category of the Control Panel where the portlet will be shown


public String getControlPanelEntryClass()
Returns the name of the class that will control when the portlet will be shown in the Control Panel.

Specified by:
getControlPanelEntryClass in interface Portlet
the name of the class that will control when the portlet will be shown in the Control Panel


public ControlPanelEntry getControlPanelEntryInstance()
Returns an instance of the class that will control when the portlet will be shown in the Control Panel.

Specified by:
getControlPanelEntryInstance in interface Portlet
the instance of the class that will control when the portlet will be shown in the Control Panel


public double getControlPanelEntryWeight()
Returns the relative weight of the portlet with respect to the other portlets in the same category of the Control Panel.

Specified by:
getControlPanelEntryWeight in interface Portlet
the relative weight of the portlet with respect to the other portlets in the same category of the Control Panel


public String getCssClassWrapper()
Returns the name of the CSS class that will be injected in the DIV that wraps this portlet.

Specified by:
getCssClassWrapper in interface Portlet
the name of the CSS class that will be injected in the DIV that wraps this portlet


public List<String> getCustomAttributesDisplayClasses()
Returns the names of the classes that represent custom attribute displays associated with the portlet.

Specified by:
getCustomAttributesDisplayClasses in interface Portlet
the names of the classes that represent asset types associated with the portlet


public List<CustomAttributesDisplay> getCustomAttributesDisplayInstances()
Returns the custom attribute display instances of the portlet.

Specified by:
getCustomAttributesDisplayInstances in interface Portlet
the custom attribute display instances of the portlet


public String getDDMDisplayClass()
Returns the name of the dynamic data mapping display class of the portlet.

Specified by:
getDDMDisplayClass in interface Portlet
the name of the dynamic data mapping display class of the portlet


public PluginSetting getDefaultPluginSetting()
Get the default plugin settings of the portlet.

Specified by:
getDefaultPluginSetting in interface Portlet
the plugin settings


public String getDefaultPreferences()
Returns the default preferences of the portlet.

Specified by:
getDefaultPreferences in interface Portlet
the default preferences of the portlet


public String getDisplayName()
Returns the display name of the portlet.

Specified by:
getDisplayName in interface Portlet
the display name of the portlet


public Integer getExpCache()
Returns expiration cache of the portlet.

Specified by:
getExpCache in interface Portlet
expiration cache of the portlet


public String getFacebookIntegration()
Returns the Facebook integration method of the portlet.

Specified by:
getFacebookIntegration in interface Portlet
the Facebook integration method of the portlet


public List<String> getFooterPortalCss()
Returns a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's footer relative to the portal's context path.

Specified by:
getFooterPortalCss in interface Portlet
a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's footer relative to the portal's context path


public List<String> getFooterPortalJavaScript()
Returns a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's footer relative to the portal's context path.

Specified by:
getFooterPortalJavaScript in interface Portlet
a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's footer relative to the portal's context path


public List<String> getFooterPortletCss()
Returns a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's footer relative to the portlet's context path.

Specified by:
getFooterPortletCss in interface Portlet
a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's footer relative to the portlet's context path


public List<String> getFooterPortletJavaScript()
Returns a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's footer relative to the portlet's context path.

Specified by:
getFooterPortletJavaScript in interface Portlet
a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's footer relative to the portlet's context path


public String getFriendlyURLMapperClass()
Returns the name of the friendly URL mapper class of the portlet.

Specified by:
getFriendlyURLMapperClass in interface Portlet
the name of the friendly URL mapper class of the portlet


public FriendlyURLMapper getFriendlyURLMapperInstance()
Returns the friendly URL mapper instance of the portlet.

Specified by:
getFriendlyURLMapperInstance in interface Portlet
the friendly URL mapper instance of the portlet


public String getFriendlyURLMapping()
Returns the name of the friendly URL mapping of the portlet.

Specified by:
getFriendlyURLMapping in interface Portlet
the name of the friendly URL mapping of the portlet


public String getFriendlyURLRoutes()
Returns the class loader resource path to the friendly URL routes of the portlet.

Specified by:
getFriendlyURLRoutes in interface Portlet
the class loader resource path to the friendly URL routes of the portlet


public List<String> getHeaderPortalCss()
Returns a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's header relative to the portal's context path.

Specified by:
getHeaderPortalCss in interface Portlet
a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's header relative to the portal's context path


public List<String> getHeaderPortalJavaScript()
Returns a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's header relative to the portal's context path.

Specified by:
getHeaderPortalJavaScript in interface Portlet
a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's header relative to the portal's context path


public List<String> getHeaderPortletCss()
Returns a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's header relative to the portlet's context path.

Specified by:
getHeaderPortletCss in interface Portlet
a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's header relative to the portlet's context path


public List<String> getHeaderPortletJavaScript()
Returns a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's header relative to the portlet's context path.

Specified by:
getHeaderPortletJavaScript in interface Portlet
a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's header relative to the portlet's context path


public String getIcon()
Returns the icon of the portlet.

Specified by:
getIcon in interface Portlet
the icon of the portlet


public boolean getInclude()
Returns true to include the portlet and make it available to be made active.

Specified by:
getInclude in interface Portlet
true to include the portlet and make it available to be made active


public List<String> getIndexerClasses()
Returns the names of the classes that represent indexers associated with the portlet.

Specified by:
getIndexerClasses in interface Portlet
the names of the classes that represent indexers associated with the portlet


public List<Indexer> getIndexerInstances()
Returns the indexer instances of the portlet.

Specified by:
getIndexerInstances in interface Portlet
the indexer instances of the portlet


public Map<String,String> getInitParams()
Returns the init parameters of the portlet.

Specified by:
getInitParams in interface Portlet
init parameters of the portlet


public boolean getInstanceable()
Returns true if the portlet can be added multiple times to a layout.

Specified by:
getInstanceable in interface Portlet
true if the portlet can be added multiple times to a layout


public String getInstanceId()
Returns the instance ID of the portlet.

Specified by:
getInstanceId in interface Portlet
the instance ID of the portlet


public boolean getLayoutCacheable()
Returns true to allow the portlet to be cached within the layout.

Specified by:
getLayoutCacheable in interface Portlet
true if the portlet can be cached within the layout


public boolean getMaximizeEdit()
Returns true if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the user goes into the edit mode.

Specified by:
getMaximizeEdit in interface Portlet
true if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the user goes into the edit mode


public boolean getMaximizeHelp()
Returns true if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the user goes into the help mode.

Specified by:
getMaximizeHelp in interface Portlet
true if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the user goes into the help mode


public String getOpenSearchClass()
Returns the name of the open search class of the portlet.

Specified by:
getOpenSearchClass in interface Portlet
the name of the open search class of the portlet


public OpenSearch getOpenSearchInstance()
Returns the indexer instance of the portlet.

Specified by:
getOpenSearchInstance in interface Portlet
the indexer instance of the portlet


public String getParentStrutsPath()
Returns the parent struts path of the portlet.

Specified by:
getParentStrutsPath in interface Portlet
the parent struts path of the portlet.


public String getPermissionPropagatorClass()
Returns the name of the permission propagator class of the portlet.

Specified by:
getPermissionPropagatorClass in interface Portlet
the name of the permission propagator class of the portlet


public PermissionPropagator getPermissionPropagatorInstance()
Returns the permission propagator instance of the portlet.

Specified by:
getPermissionPropagatorInstance in interface Portlet
the permission propagator instance of the portlet


public String getPluginId()
Returns the plugin ID of the portlet.

Specified by:
getPluginId in interface Portlet
the plugin ID of the portlet


public PluginPackage getPluginPackage()
Returns this portlet's plugin package.

Specified by:
getPluginPackage in interface Portlet
this portlet's plugin package


public String getPluginType()
Returns the plugin type of the portlet.

Specified by:
getPluginType in interface Portlet
the plugin type of the portlet


public String getPollerProcessorClass()
Returns the name of the poller processor class of the portlet.

Specified by:
getPollerProcessorClass in interface Portlet
the name of the poller processor class of the portlet


public PollerProcessor getPollerProcessorInstance()
Returns the poller processor instance of the portlet.

Specified by:
getPollerProcessorInstance in interface Portlet
the poller processor instance of the portlet


public String getPopMessageListenerClass()
Returns the name of the POP message listener class of the portlet.

Specified by:
getPopMessageListenerClass in interface Portlet
the name of the POP message listener class of the portlet


public MessageListener getPopMessageListenerInstance()
Returns the POP message listener instance of the portlet.

Specified by:
getPopMessageListenerInstance in interface Portlet
the POP message listener instance of the portlet


public boolean getPopUpPrint()
Returns true if the portlet goes into the pop up state when the user goes into the print mode.

Specified by:
getPopUpPrint in interface Portlet
true if the portlet goes into the pop up state when the user goes into the print mode


public PortletApp getPortletApp()
Returns this portlet's application.

Specified by:
getPortletApp in interface Portlet
this portlet's application


public String getPortletClass()
Returns the name of the portlet class of the portlet.

Specified by:
getPortletClass in interface Portlet
the name of the portlet class of the portlet


public String getPortletDataHandlerClass()
Returns the name of the portlet data handler class of the portlet.

Specified by:
getPortletDataHandlerClass in interface Portlet
the name of the portlet data handler class of the portlet


public PortletDataHandler getPortletDataHandlerInstance()
Returns the portlet data handler instance of the portlet.

Specified by:
getPortletDataHandlerInstance in interface Portlet
the portlet data handler instance of the portlet


public Map<String,PortletFilter> getPortletFilters()
Returns the filters of the portlet.

Specified by:
getPortletFilters in interface Portlet
filters of the portlet


public PortletInfo getPortletInfo()
Returns the portlet info of the portlet.

Specified by:
getPortletInfo in interface Portlet
portlet info of the portlet


public String getPortletLayoutListenerClass()
Returns the name of the portlet layout listener class of the portlet.

Specified by:
getPortletLayoutListenerClass in interface Portlet
the name of the portlet layout listener class of the portlet


public PortletLayoutListener getPortletLayoutListenerInstance()
Returns the portlet layout listener instance of the portlet.

Specified by:
getPortletLayoutListenerInstance in interface Portlet
the portlet layout listener instance of the portlet


public Map<String,Set<String>> getPortletModes()
Returns the portlet modes of the portlet.

Specified by:
getPortletModes in interface Portlet
portlet modes of the portlet


public String getPortletName()
Returns the name of the portlet.

Specified by:
getPortletName in interface Portlet
the display name of the portlet


public String getPortletURLClass()
Returns the name of the portlet URL class of the portlet.

Specified by:
getPortletURLClass in interface Portlet
the name of the portlet URL class of the portlet


public boolean getPreferencesCompanyWide()
Returns true if preferences are shared across the entire company.

Specified by:
getPreferencesCompanyWide in interface Portlet
true if preferences are shared across the entire company


public boolean getPreferencesOwnedByGroup()
Returns true if preferences are owned by the group when the portlet is shown in a group layout. Returns false if preferences are owned by the user at all times.

Specified by:
getPreferencesOwnedByGroup in interface Portlet
true if preferences are owned by the group when the portlet is shown in a group layout; false if preferences are owned by the user at all times.


public boolean getPreferencesUniquePerLayout()
Returns true if preferences are unique per layout.

Specified by:
getPreferencesUniquePerLayout in interface Portlet
true if preferences are unique per layout


public String getPreferencesValidator()
Returns the name of the preferences validator class of the portlet.

Specified by:
getPreferencesValidator in interface Portlet
the name of the preferences validator class of the portlet


public boolean getPrivateRequestAttributes()
Returns true if the portlet does not share request attributes with the portal or portlets from another WAR.

Specified by:
getPrivateRequestAttributes in interface Portlet
true if the portlet does not share request attributes with the portal or portlets from another WAR


public boolean getPrivateSessionAttributes()
Returns true if the portlet does not share session attributes with the portal.

Specified by:
getPrivateSessionAttributes in interface Portlet
true if the portlet does not share session attributes with the portal


public QName getProcessingEvent(String uri,
                                String localPart)
Returns the supported processing event from a namespace URI and a local part.

Specified by:
getProcessingEvent in interface Portlet
uri - the namespace URI
localPart - the local part
the supported processing event from a namespace URI and a local part


public Set<QName> getProcessingEvents()
Returns the supported processing events of the portlet.

Specified by:
getProcessingEvents in interface Portlet
supported processing events of the portlet


public PublicRenderParameter getPublicRenderParameter(String identifier)
Returns the supported public render parameter from an identifier.

Specified by:
getPublicRenderParameter in interface Portlet
identifier - the identifier
the supported public render parameter from an identifier


public PublicRenderParameter getPublicRenderParameter(String uri,
                                                      String localPart)
Returns the supported public render parameter from a namespace URI and a local part.

Specified by:
getPublicRenderParameter in interface Portlet
uri - the namespace URI
localPart - the local part
the supported public render parameter from a namespace URI and a local part


public Set<PublicRenderParameter> getPublicRenderParameters()
Returns the supported public render parameters of the portlet.

Specified by:
getPublicRenderParameters in interface Portlet
the supported public render parameters of the portlet


public Set<QName> getPublishingEvents()
Returns the supported publishing events of the portlet.

Specified by:
getPublishingEvents in interface Portlet
supported publishing events of the portlet


public boolean getReady()
Returns true if the portlet is ready to be used.

Specified by:
getReady in interface Portlet
true if the portlet is ready to be used


public boolean getRemoteable()
Returns true if the portlet supports remoting.

Specified by:
getRemoteable in interface Portlet
true if the portlet supports remoting


public int getRenderTimeout()
Returns the render timeout of the portlet.

Specified by:
getRenderTimeout in interface Portlet
the render timeout of the portlet


public int getRenderWeight()
Returns the render weight of the portlet.

Specified by:
getRenderWeight in interface Portlet
the render weight of the portlet


public String getResourceBundle()
Returns the resource bundle of the portlet.

Specified by:
getResourceBundle in interface Portlet
resource bundle of the portlet


public boolean getRestoreCurrentView()
Returns true if the portlet restores to the current view from the maximized state.

Specified by:
getRestoreCurrentView in interface Portlet
true if the portlet restores to the current view from the maximized state


public Map<String,String> getRoleMappers()
Returns the role mappers of the portlet.

Specified by:
getRoleMappers in interface Portlet
role mappers of the portlet


public String[] getRolesArray()
Returns an array of required roles of the portlet.

Specified by:
getRolesArray in interface Portlet
an array of required roles of the portlet


public Portlet getRootPortlet()
Returns the root portlet of this portlet instance.

Specified by:
getRootPortlet in interface Portlet
the root portlet of this portlet instance


public String getRootPortletId()
Returns the root portlet ID of the portlet.

Specified by:
getRootPortletId in interface Portlet
the root portlet ID of the portlet


public List<SchedulerEntry> getSchedulerEntries()
Returns the scheduler entries of the portlet.

Specified by:
getSchedulerEntries in interface Portlet
the scheduler entries of the portlet


public boolean getScopeable()
Returns true if the portlet supports scoping of data.

Specified by:
getScopeable in interface Portlet
true if the portlet supports scoping of data


public boolean getShowPortletAccessDenied()
Returns true if users are shown that they do not have access to the portlet.

Specified by:
getShowPortletAccessDenied in interface Portlet
true if users are shown that they do not have access to the portlet


public boolean getShowPortletInactive()
Returns true if users are shown that the portlet is inactive.

Specified by:
getShowPortletInactive in interface Portlet
true if users are shown that the portlet is inactive


public List<String> getSocialActivityInterpreterClasses()
Returns the names of the classes that represent social activity interpreters associated with the portlet.

Specified by:
getSocialActivityInterpreterClasses in interface Portlet
the names of the classes that represent social activity interpreters associated with the portlet


public List<SocialActivityInterpreter> getSocialActivityInterpreterInstances()
Returns the social activity interpreter instances of the portlet.

Specified by:
getSocialActivityInterpreterInstances in interface Portlet
the social activity interpreter instances of the portlet


public String getSocialRequestInterpreterClass()
Returns the name of the social request interpreter class of the portlet.

Specified by:
getSocialRequestInterpreterClass in interface Portlet
the name of the social request interpreter class of the portlet


public SocialRequestInterpreter getSocialRequestInterpreterInstance()
Returns the name of the social request interpreter instance of the portlet.

Specified by:
getSocialRequestInterpreterInstance in interface Portlet
the name of the social request interpreter instance of the portlet


public List<String> getStagedModelDataHandlerClasses()
Returns the names of the classes that represent staged model data handlers associated with the portlet.

Specified by:
getStagedModelDataHandlerClasses in interface Portlet
the names of the classes that represent staged model data handlers associated with the portlet


public List<StagedModelDataHandler<?>> getStagedModelDataHandlerInstances()
Returns the staged model data handler instances of the portlet.

Specified by:
getStagedModelDataHandlerInstances in interface Portlet
the staged model data handler instances of the portlet


public boolean getStatic()
Returns true if the portlet is a static portlet that is cannot be moved.

Specified by:
getStatic in interface Portlet
true if the portlet is a static portlet that is cannot be moved


public boolean getStaticEnd()
Returns true if the portlet is a static portlet at the end of a list of portlets.

Specified by:
getStaticEnd in interface Portlet
true if the portlet is a static portlet at the end of a list of portlets


public String getStaticResourcePath()
Returns the path for static resources served by this portlet.

Specified by:
getStaticResourcePath in interface Portlet
the path for static resources served by this portlet


public boolean getStaticStart()
Returns true if the portlet is a static portlet at the start of a list of portlets.

Specified by:
getStaticStart in interface Portlet
true if the portlet is a static portlet at the start of a list of portlets


public String getStrutsPath()
Returns the struts path of the portlet.

Specified by:
getStrutsPath in interface Portlet
the struts path of the portlet


public Set<String> getSupportedLocales()
Returns the supported locales of the portlet.

Specified by:
getSupportedLocales in interface Portlet
supported locales of the portlet


public boolean getSystem()
Returns true if the portlet is a system portlet that a user cannot manually add to their page.

Specified by:
getSystem in interface Portlet
true if the portlet is a system portlet that a user cannot manually add to their page


public String getTemplateHandlerClass()
Returns the name of the template handler class of the portlet.

Specified by:
getTemplateHandlerClass in interface Portlet
the name of the template handler class of the portlet


public TemplateHandler getTemplateHandlerInstance()
Returns the template handler instance of the portlet.

Specified by:
getTemplateHandlerInstance in interface Portlet
the template handler instance of the portlet


public long getTimestamp()
Returns the timestamp of the portlet.

Specified by:
getTimestamp in interface Portlet
the timestamp of the portlet


public List<String> getTrashHandlerClasses()
Returns the names of the classes that represent trash handlers associated with the portlet.

Specified by:
getTrashHandlerClasses in interface Portlet
the names of the classes that represent trash handlers associated with the portlet


public List<TrashHandler> getTrashHandlerInstances()
Returns the trash handler instances of the portlet.

Specified by:
getTrashHandlerInstances in interface Portlet
the trash handler instances of the portlet


public boolean getUndeployedPortlet()
Returns true if the portlet is an undeployed portlet.

Specified by:
getUndeployedPortlet in interface Portlet
true if the portlet is a placeholder of an undeployed portlet


public Set<String> getUnlinkedRoles()
Returns the unlinked roles of the portlet.

Specified by:
getUnlinkedRoles in interface Portlet
unlinked roles of the portlet


public String getURLEncoderClass()
Returns the name of the URL encoder class of the portlet.

Specified by:
getURLEncoderClass in interface Portlet
the name of the URL encoder class of the portlet


public URLEncoder getURLEncoderInstance()
Returns the URL encoder instance of the portlet.

Specified by:
getURLEncoderInstance in interface Portlet
the URL encoder instance of the portlet


public boolean getUseDefaultTemplate()
Returns true if the portlet uses the default template.

Specified by:
getUseDefaultTemplate in interface Portlet
true if the portlet uses the default template


public long getUserId()
Returns the user ID of the portlet. This only applies when the portlet is added by a user in a customizable layout.

Specified by:
getUserId in interface Portlet
the user ID of the portlet


public String getUserNotificationDefinitions()
Returns the class loader resource path to the use notification definitions of the portlet.

Specified by:
getUserNotificationDefinitions in interface Portlet
the class loader resource path to the use notification definitions of the portlet


public List<String> getUserNotificationHandlerClasses()
Returns the names of the classes that represent user notification handlers associated with the portlet.

Specified by:
getUserNotificationHandlerClasses in interface Portlet
the names of the classes that represent user notification handlers associated with the portlet


public List<UserNotificationHandler> getUserNotificationHandlerInstances()
Returns the user notification handler instances of the portlet.

Specified by:
getUserNotificationHandlerInstances in interface Portlet
the user notification handler instances of the portlet


public String getUserPrincipalStrategy()
Returns the user principal strategy of the portlet.

Specified by:
getUserPrincipalStrategy in interface Portlet
the user principal strategy of the portlet


public String getVirtualPath()
Returns the virtual path of the portlet.

Specified by:
getVirtualPath in interface Portlet
the virtual path of the portlet


public String getWebDAVStorageClass()
Returns the name of the WebDAV storage class of the portlet.

Specified by:
getWebDAVStorageClass in interface Portlet
the name of the WebDAV storage class of the portlet


public WebDAVStorage getWebDAVStorageInstance()
Returns the name of the WebDAV storage instance of the portlet.

Specified by:
getWebDAVStorageInstance in interface Portlet
the name of the WebDAV storage instance of the portlet


public String getWebDAVStorageToken()
Returns the name of the WebDAV storage token of the portlet.

Specified by:
getWebDAVStorageToken in interface Portlet
the name of the WebDAV storage token of the portlet


public Map<String,Set<String>> getWindowStates()
Returns the window states of the portlet.

Specified by:
getWindowStates in interface Portlet
window states of the portlet


public List<String> getWorkflowHandlerClasses()
Returns the names of the classes that represent workflow handlers associated with the portlet.

Specified by:
getWorkflowHandlerClasses in interface Portlet
the names of the classes that represent workflow handlers associated with the portlet


public List<WorkflowHandler> getWorkflowHandlerInstances()
Returns the workflow handler instances of the portlet.

Specified by:
getWorkflowHandlerInstances in interface Portlet
the workflow handler instances of the portlet


public String getXmlRpcMethodClass()
Returns the name of the XML-RPC method class of the portlet.

Specified by:
getXmlRpcMethodClass in interface Portlet
the name of the XML-RPC method class of the portlet


public Method getXmlRpcMethodInstance()
Returns the name of the XML-RPC method instance of the portlet.

Specified by:
getXmlRpcMethodInstance in interface Portlet
the name of the XML-RPC method instance of the portlet


public boolean hasAddPortletPermission(long userId)
Returns true if the user has the permission to add the portlet to a layout.

Specified by:
hasAddPortletPermission in interface Portlet
userId - the primary key of the user
true if the user has the permission to add the portlet to a layout


public boolean hasMultipleMimeTypes()
Returns true if the portlet supports more than one mime type.

Specified by:
hasMultipleMimeTypes in interface Portlet
true if the portlet supports more than one mime type


public boolean hasPortletMode(String mimeType,
                              PortletMode portletMode)
Returns true if the portlet supports the specified mime type and portlet mode.

Specified by:
hasPortletMode in interface Portlet
mimeType - the mime type
portletMode - the portlet mode
true if the portlet supports the specified mime type and portlet mode


public boolean hasRoleWithName(String roleName)
Returns true if the portlet has a role with the specified name.

Specified by:
hasRoleWithName in interface Portlet
roleName - the role name
true if the portlet has a role with the specified name


public boolean hasWindowState(String mimeType,
                              WindowState windowState)
Returns true if the portlet supports the specified mime type and window state.

Specified by:
hasWindowState in interface Portlet
mimeType - the mime type
windowState - the window state
true if the portlet supports the specified mime type and window state


public boolean isActionURLRedirect()
Returns true if an action URL for this portlet should cause an auto redirect.

Specified by:
isActionURLRedirect in interface Portlet
true if an action URL for this portlet should cause an auto redirect


public boolean isAddDefaultResource()
Returns true if default resources for the portlet are added to a page.

Specified by:
isAddDefaultResource in interface Portlet
true if default resources for the portlet are added to a page


public boolean isAjaxable()
Returns true if the portlet can be displayed via Ajax.

Specified by:
isAjaxable in interface Portlet
true if the portlet can be displayed via Ajax


public boolean isInclude()
Returns true to include the portlet and make it available to be made active.

Specified by:
isInclude in interface Portlet
true to include the portlet and make it available to be made active


public boolean isInstanceable()
Returns true if the portlet can be added multiple times to a layout.

Specified by:
isInstanceable in interface Portlet
true if the portlet can be added multiple times to a layout


public boolean isLayoutCacheable()
Returns true to allow the portlet to be cached within the layout.

Specified by:
isLayoutCacheable in interface Portlet
true if the portlet can be cached within the layout


public boolean isMaximizeEdit()
Returns true if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the user goes into the edit mode.

Specified by:
isMaximizeEdit in interface Portlet
true if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the user goes into the edit mode


public boolean isMaximizeHelp()
Returns true if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the user goes into the help mode.

Specified by:
isMaximizeHelp in interface Portlet
true if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the user goes into the help mode


public boolean isPopUpPrint()
Returns true if the portlet goes into the pop up state when the user goes into the print mode.

Specified by:
isPopUpPrint in interface Portlet
true if the portlet goes into the pop up state when the user goes into the print mode


public boolean isPreferencesCompanyWide()
Returns true if preferences are shared across the entire company.

Specified by:
isPreferencesCompanyWide in interface Portlet
true if preferences are shared across the entire company


public boolean isPreferencesOwnedByGroup()
Returns true if preferences are owned by the group when the portlet is shown in a group layout. Returns false if preferences are owned by the user at all times.

Specified by:
isPreferencesOwnedByGroup in interface Portlet
true if preferences are owned by the group when the portlet is shown in a group layout; false if preferences are owned by the user at all times.


public boolean isPreferencesUniquePerLayout()
Returns true if preferences are unique per layout.

Specified by:
isPreferencesUniquePerLayout in interface Portlet
true if preferences are unique per layout


public boolean isPrivateRequestAttributes()
Returns true if the portlet does not share request attributes with the portal or portlets from another WAR.

Specified by:
isPrivateRequestAttributes in interface Portlet
true if the portlet does not share request attributes with the portal or portlets from another WAR


public boolean isPrivateSessionAttributes()
Returns true if the portlet does not share session attributes with the portal.

Specified by:
isPrivateSessionAttributes in interface Portlet
true if the portlet does not share session attributes with the portal


public boolean isReady()
Returns true if the portlet is ready to be used.

Specified by:
isReady in interface Portlet
true if the portlet is ready to be used


public boolean isRemoteable()
Returns true if the portlet supports remoting.

Specified by:
isRemoteable in interface Portlet
true if the portlet supports remoting


public boolean isRequiresNamespacedParameters()
Returns true if the portlet will only process namespaced parameters.

Specified by:
isRequiresNamespacedParameters in interface Portlet
true if the portlet will only process namespaced parameters


public boolean isRestoreCurrentView()
Returns true if the portlet restores to the current view from the maximized state.

Specified by:
isRestoreCurrentView in interface Portlet
true if the portlet restores to the current view from the maximized state


public boolean isScopeable()
Returns true if the portlet supports scoping of data.

Specified by:
isScopeable in interface Portlet
true if the portlet supports scoping of data


public boolean isShowPortletAccessDenied()
Returns true if users are shown that they do not have access to the portlet.

Specified by:
isShowPortletAccessDenied in interface Portlet
true if users are shown that they do not have access to the portlet


public boolean isShowPortletInactive()
Returns true if users are shown that the portlet is inactive.

Specified by:
isShowPortletInactive in interface Portlet
true if users are shown that the portlet is inactive


public boolean isStatic()
Returns true if the portlet is a static portlet that is cannot be moved.

Specified by:
isStatic in interface Portlet
true if the portlet is a static portlet that is cannot be moved


public boolean isStaticEnd()
Returns true if the portlet is a static portlet at the end of a list of portlets.

Specified by:
isStaticEnd in interface Portlet
true if the portlet is a static portlet at the end of a list of portlets


public boolean isStaticStart()
Returns true if the portlet is a static portlet at the start of a list of portlets.

Specified by:
isStaticStart in interface Portlet
true if the portlet is a static portlet at the start of a list of portlets


public boolean isSystem()
Returns true if the portlet is a system portlet that a user cannot manually add to their page.

Specified by:
isSystem in interface Portlet
true if the portlet is a system portlet that a user cannot manually add to their page


public boolean isUndeployedPortlet()
Returns true if the portlet is an undeployed portlet.

Specified by:
isUndeployedPortlet in interface Portlet
true if the portlet is a placeholder of an undeployed portlet


public boolean isUseDefaultTemplate()
Returns true if the portlet uses the default template.

Specified by:
isUseDefaultTemplate in interface Portlet
true if the portlet uses the default template


public void linkRoles()
Link the role names set in portlet.xml with the Liferay roles set in liferay-portlet.xml.

Specified by:
linkRoles in interface Portlet


public void setActionTimeout(int actionTimeout)
Sets the action timeout of the portlet.

Specified by:
setActionTimeout in interface Portlet
actionTimeout - the action timeout of the portlet


public void setActionURLRedirect(boolean actionURLRedirect)
Set to true if an action URL for this portlet should cause an auto redirect.

Specified by:
setActionURLRedirect in interface Portlet
actionURLRedirect - boolean value for whether an action URL for this portlet should cause an auto redirect


public void setAddDefaultResource(boolean addDefaultResource)
Set to true if default resources for the portlet are added to a page.

Specified by:
setAddDefaultResource in interface Portlet
addDefaultResource - boolean value for whether or not default resources for the portlet are added to a page


public void setAjaxable(boolean ajaxable)
Set to true if the portlet can be displayed via Ajax.

Specified by:
setAjaxable in interface Portlet
ajaxable - boolean value for whether the portlet can be displayed via Ajax


public void setAssetRendererFactoryClasses(List<String> assetRendererFactoryClasses)
Sets the names of the classes that represent asset types associated with the portlet.

Specified by:
setAssetRendererFactoryClasses in interface Portlet
assetRendererFactoryClasses - the names of the classes that represent asset types associated with the portlet


public void setAtomCollectionAdapterClasses(List<String> atomCollectionAdapterClasses)
Sets the names of the classes that represent atom collection adapters associated with the portlet.

Specified by:
setAtomCollectionAdapterClasses in interface Portlet
atomCollectionAdapterClasses - the names of the classes that represent atom collection adapters associated with the portlet


public void setAutopropagatedParameters(Set<String> autopropagatedParameters)
Sets the names of the parameters that will be automatically propagated through the portlet.

Specified by:
setAutopropagatedParameters in interface Portlet
autopropagatedParameters - the names of the parameters that will be automatically propagated through the portlet


public void setConfigurationActionClass(String configurationActionClass)
Sets the configuration action class of the portlet.

Specified by:
setConfigurationActionClass in interface Portlet
configurationActionClass - the configuration action class of the portlet


public void setControlPanelEntryCategory(String controlPanelEntryCategory)
Set the name of the category of the Control Panel where the portlet will be shown.

Specified by:
setControlPanelEntryCategory in interface Portlet
controlPanelEntryCategory - the name of the category of the Control Panel where the portlet will be shown


public void setControlPanelEntryClass(String controlPanelEntryClass)
Sets the name of the class that will control when the portlet will be shown in the Control Panel.

Specified by:
setControlPanelEntryClass in interface Portlet
controlPanelEntryClass - the name of the class that will control when the portlet will be shown in the Control Panel


public void setControlPanelEntryWeight(double controlPanelEntryWeight)
Sets the relative weight of the portlet with respect to the other portlets in the same category of the Control Panel.

Specified by:
setControlPanelEntryWeight in interface Portlet
controlPanelEntryWeight - the relative weight of the portlet with respect to the other portlets in the same category of the Control Panel


public void setCssClassWrapper(String cssClassWrapper)
Sets the name of the CSS class that will be injected in the DIV that wraps this portlet.

Specified by:
setCssClassWrapper in interface Portlet
cssClassWrapper - the name of the CSS class that will be injected in the DIV that wraps this portlet


public void setCustomAttributesDisplayClasses(List<String> customAttributesDisplayClasses)
Sets the names of the classes that represent custom attribute displays associated with the portlet.

Specified by:
setCustomAttributesDisplayClasses in interface Portlet
customAttributesDisplayClasses - the names of the classes that represent custom attribute displays associated with the portlet


public void setDDMDisplayClass(String ddmDisplayClass)
Sets the name of the dynamic data mapping display class of the portlet.

Specified by:
setDDMDisplayClass in interface Portlet
ddmDisplayClass - the name of dynamic data mapping display class of the portlet


public void setDefaultPluginSetting(PluginSetting pluginSetting)
Sets the default plugin settings of the portlet.

Specified by:
setDefaultPluginSetting in interface Portlet
pluginSetting - the plugin setting


public void setDefaultPreferences(String defaultPreferences)
Sets the default preferences of the portlet.

Specified by:
setDefaultPreferences in interface Portlet
defaultPreferences - the default preferences of the portlet


public void setDisplayName(String displayName)
Sets the display name of the portlet.

Specified by:
setDisplayName in interface Portlet
displayName - the display name of the portlet


public void setExpCache(Integer expCache)
Sets expiration cache of the portlet.

Specified by:
setExpCache in interface Portlet
expCache - expiration cache of the portlet


public void setFacebookIntegration(String facebookIntegration)
Sets the Facebook integration method of the portlet.

Specified by:
setFacebookIntegration in interface Portlet
facebookIntegration - the Facebook integration method of the portlet


public void setFooterPortalCss(List<String> footerPortalCss)
Sets a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's footer relative to the portal's context path.

Specified by:
setFooterPortalCss in interface Portlet
footerPortalCss - a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's footer relative to the portal's context path


public void setFooterPortalJavaScript(List<String> footerPortalJavaScript)
Sets a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's footer relative to the portal's context path.

Specified by:
setFooterPortalJavaScript in interface Portlet
footerPortalJavaScript - a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's footer relative to the portal's context path


public void setFooterPortletCss(List<String> footerPortletCss)
Sets a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's footer relative to the portlet's context path.

Specified by:
setFooterPortletCss in interface Portlet
footerPortletCss - a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's footer relative to the portlet's context path


public void setFooterPortletJavaScript(List<String> footerPortletJavaScript)
Sets a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's footer relative to the portlet's context path.

Specified by:
setFooterPortletJavaScript in interface Portlet
footerPortletJavaScript - a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's footer relative to the portlet's context path


public void setFriendlyURLMapperClass(String friendlyURLMapperClass)
Sets the name of the friendly URL mapper class of the portlet.

Specified by:
setFriendlyURLMapperClass in interface Portlet
friendlyURLMapperClass - the name of the friendly URL mapper class of the portlet


public void setFriendlyURLMapping(String friendlyURLMapping)
Sets the name of the friendly URL mapping of the portlet.

Specified by:
setFriendlyURLMapping in interface Portlet
friendlyURLMapping - the name of the friendly URL mapping of the portlet


public void setFriendlyURLRoutes(String friendlyURLRoutes)
Sets the class loader resource path to the friendly URL routes of the portlet.

Specified by:
setFriendlyURLRoutes in interface Portlet
friendlyURLRoutes - the class loader resource path to the friendly URL routes of the portlet


public void setHeaderPortalCss(List<String> headerPortalCss)
Sets a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's header relative to the portal's context path.

Specified by:
setHeaderPortalCss in interface Portlet
headerPortalCss - a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's header relative to the portal's context path


public void setHeaderPortalJavaScript(List<String> headerPortalJavaScript)
Sets a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's header relative to the portal's context path.

Specified by:
setHeaderPortalJavaScript in interface Portlet
headerPortalJavaScript - a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's header relative to the portal's context path


public void setHeaderPortletCss(List<String> headerPortletCss)
Sets a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's header relative to the portlet's context path.

Specified by:
setHeaderPortletCss in interface Portlet
headerPortletCss - a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's header relative to the portlet's context path


public void setHeaderPortletJavaScript(List<String> headerPortletJavaScript)
Sets a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's header relative to the portlet's context path.

Specified by:
setHeaderPortletJavaScript in interface Portlet
headerPortletJavaScript - a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's header relative to the portlet's context path


public void setIcon(String icon)
Sets the icon of the portlet.

Specified by:
setIcon in interface Portlet
icon - the icon of the portlet


public void setInclude(boolean include)
Set to true to include the portlet and make it available to be made active.

Specified by:
setInclude in interface Portlet
include - boolean value for whether to include the portlet and make it available to be made active


public void setIndexerClasses(List<String> indexerClasses)
Sets the names of the classes that represent indexers associated with the portlet.

Specified by:
setIndexerClasses in interface Portlet
indexerClasses - the names of the classes that represent indexers associated with the portlet


public void setInitParams(Map<String,String> initParams)
Sets the init parameters of the portlet.

Specified by:
setInitParams in interface Portlet
initParams - the init parameters of the portlet


public void setInstanceable(boolean instanceable)
Set to true if the portlet can be added multiple times to a layout.

Specified by:
setInstanceable in interface Portlet
instanceable - boolean value for whether the portlet can be added multiple times to a layout


public void setLayoutCacheable(boolean layoutCacheable)
Set to true to allow the portlet to be cached within the layout.

Specified by:
setLayoutCacheable in interface Portlet
layoutCacheable - boolean value for whether the portlet can be cached within the layout


public void setMaximizeEdit(boolean maximizeEdit)
Set to true if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the user goes into the edit mode.

Specified by:
setMaximizeEdit in interface Portlet
maximizeEdit - boolean value for whether the portlet goes into the maximized state when the user goes into the edit mode


public void setMaximizeHelp(boolean maximizeHelp)
Set to true if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the user goes into the help mode.

Specified by:
setMaximizeHelp in interface Portlet
maximizeHelp - boolean value for whether the portlet goes into the maximized state when the user goes into the help mode


public void setOpenSearchClass(String openSearchClass)
Sets the name of the open search class of the portlet.

Specified by:
setOpenSearchClass in interface Portlet
openSearchClass - the name of the open search class of the portlet


public void setParentStrutsPath(String parentStrutsPath)
Sets the parent struts path of the portlet.

Specified by:
setParentStrutsPath in interface Portlet
parentStrutsPath - the parent struts path of the portlet


public void setPermissionPropagatorClass(String permissionPropagatorClass)
Sets the name of the permission propagator class of the portlet.

Specified by:
setPermissionPropagatorClass in interface Portlet


public void setPluginPackage(PluginPackage pluginPackage)
Sets this portlet's plugin package.

Specified by:
setPluginPackage in interface Portlet
pluginPackage - this portlet's plugin package


public void setPollerProcessorClass(String pollerProcessorClass)
Sets the name of the poller processor class of the portlet.

Specified by:
setPollerProcessorClass in interface Portlet
pollerProcessorClass - the name of the poller processor class of the portlet


public void setPopMessageListenerClass(String popMessageListenerClass)
Sets the name of the POP message listener class of the portlet.

Specified by:
setPopMessageListenerClass in interface Portlet
popMessageListenerClass - the name of the POP message listener class of the portlet


public void setPopUpPrint(boolean popUpPrint)
Set to true if the portlet goes into the pop up state when the user goes into the print mode.

Specified by:
setPopUpPrint in interface Portlet
popUpPrint - boolean value for whether the portlet goes into the pop up state when the user goes into the print mode


public void setPortletApp(PortletApp portletApp)
Sets this portlet's application.

Specified by:
setPortletApp in interface Portlet
portletApp - this portlet's application


public void setPortletClass(String portletClass)
Sets the name of the portlet class of the portlet.

Specified by:
setPortletClass in interface Portlet
portletClass - the name of the portlet class of the portlet


public void setPortletDataHandlerClass(String portletDataHandlerClass)
Sets the name of the portlet data handler class of the portlet.

Specified by:
setPortletDataHandlerClass in interface Portlet
portletDataHandlerClass - the name of portlet data handler class of the portlet


public void setPortletFilters(Map<String,PortletFilter> portletFilters)
Sets the filters of the portlet.

Specified by:
setPortletFilters in interface Portlet
portletFilters - the filters of the portlet


public void setPortletInfo(PortletInfo portletInfo)
Sets the portlet info of the portlet.

Specified by:
setPortletInfo in interface Portlet
portletInfo - the portlet info of the portlet


public void setPortletLayoutListenerClass(String portletLayoutListenerClass)
Sets the name of the portlet layout listener class of the portlet.

Specified by:
setPortletLayoutListenerClass in interface Portlet
portletLayoutListenerClass - the name of the portlet layout listener class of the portlet


public void setPortletModes(Map<String,Set<String>> portletModes)
Sets the portlet modes of the portlet.

Specified by:
setPortletModes in interface Portlet
portletModes - the portlet modes of the portlet


public void setPortletName(String portletName)
Sets the name of the portlet.

Specified by:
setPortletName in interface Portlet
portletName - the name of the portlet


public void setPortletURLClass(String portletURLClass)
Sets the name of the portlet URL class of the portlet.

Specified by:
setPortletURLClass in interface Portlet
portletURLClass - the name of the portlet URL class of the portlet


public void setPreferencesCompanyWide(boolean preferencesCompanyWide)
Set to true if preferences are shared across the entire company.

Specified by:
setPreferencesCompanyWide in interface Portlet
preferencesCompanyWide - boolean value for whether preferences are shared across the entire company


public void setPreferencesOwnedByGroup(boolean preferencesOwnedByGroup)
Set to true if preferences are owned by the group when the portlet is shown in a group layout. Set to false if preferences are owned by the user at all times.

Specified by:
setPreferencesOwnedByGroup in interface Portlet
preferencesOwnedByGroup - boolean value for whether preferences are owned by the group when the portlet is shown in a group layout or preferences are owned by the user at all times


public void setPreferencesUniquePerLayout(boolean preferencesUniquePerLayout)
Set to true if preferences are unique per layout.

Specified by:
setPreferencesUniquePerLayout in interface Portlet
preferencesUniquePerLayout - boolean value for whether preferences are unique per layout


public void setPreferencesValidator(String preferencesValidator)
Sets the name of the preferences validator class of the portlet.

Specified by:
setPreferencesValidator in interface Portlet
preferencesValidator - the name of the preferences validator class of the portlet


public void setPrivateRequestAttributes(boolean privateRequestAttributes)
Set to true if the portlet does not share request attributes with the portal or portlets from another WAR.

Specified by:
setPrivateRequestAttributes in interface Portlet
privateRequestAttributes - boolean value for whether the portlet shares request attributes with the portal or portlets from another WAR


public void setPrivateSessionAttributes(boolean privateSessionAttributes)
Set to true if the portlet does not share session attributes with the portal.

Specified by:
setPrivateSessionAttributes in interface Portlet
privateSessionAttributes - boolean value for whether the portlet shares session attributes with the portal


public void setProcessingEvents(Set<QName> processingEvents)
Sets the supported processing events of the portlet.

Specified by:
setProcessingEvents in interface Portlet
processingEvents - the supported processing events of the portlet


public void setPublicRenderParameters(Set<PublicRenderParameter> publicRenderParameters)
Sets the supported public render parameters of the portlet.

Specified by:
setPublicRenderParameters in interface Portlet
publicRenderParameters - the supported public render parameters of the portlet


public void setPublishingEvents(Set<QName> publishingEvents)
Sets the supported publishing events of the portlet.

Specified by:
setPublishingEvents in interface Portlet
publishingEvents - the supported publishing events of the portlet


public void setReady(boolean ready)
Set to true if the portlet is ready to be used.

Specified by:
setReady in interface Portlet
ready - whether the portlet is ready to be used


public void setRemoteable(boolean remoteable)
Set to true if the portlet supports remoting

Specified by:
setRemoteable in interface Portlet
remoteable - boolean value for whether or not the the portlet supports remoting


public void setRenderTimeout(int renderTimeout)
Sets the render timeout of the portlet.

Specified by:
setRenderTimeout in interface Portlet
renderTimeout - the render timeout of the portlet


public void setRenderWeight(int renderWeight)
Sets the render weight of the portlet.

Specified by:
setRenderWeight in interface Portlet
renderWeight - int value for the render weight of the portlet


public void setRequiresNamespacedParameters(boolean requiresNamespacedParameters)
Set to true if the portlet will only process namespaced parameters.

Specified by:
setRequiresNamespacedParameters in interface Portlet
requiresNamespacedParameters - boolean value for whether the portlet will only process namespaced parameters


public void setResourceBundle(String resourceBundle)
Sets the resource bundle of the portlet.

Specified by:
setResourceBundle in interface Portlet
resourceBundle - the resource bundle of the portlet


public void setRestoreCurrentView(boolean restoreCurrentView)
Set to true if the portlet restores to the current view from the maximized state.

Specified by:
setRestoreCurrentView in interface Portlet
restoreCurrentView - boolean value for whether the portlet restores to the current view from the maximized state


public void setRoleMappers(Map<String,String> roleMappers)
Sets the role mappers of the portlet.

Specified by:
setRoleMappers in interface Portlet
roleMappers - the role mappers of the portlet


public void setRolesArray(String[] rolesArray)
Sets an array of required roles of the portlet.

Specified by:
setRolesArray in interface Portlet
rolesArray - an array of required roles of the portlet


public void setSchedulerEntries(List<SchedulerEntry> schedulerEntries)
Sets the scheduler entries of the portlet.

Specified by:
setSchedulerEntries in interface Portlet
schedulerEntries - the scheduler entries of the portlet


public void setScopeable(boolean scopeable)
Set to true if the portlet supports scoping of data.

Specified by:
setScopeable in interface Portlet
scopeable - boolean value for whether or not the the portlet supports scoping of data


public void setShowPortletAccessDenied(boolean showPortletAccessDenied)
Set to true if users are shown that they do not have access to the portlet.

Specified by:
setShowPortletAccessDenied in interface Portlet
showPortletAccessDenied - boolean value for whether users are shown that they do not have access to the portlet


public void setShowPortletInactive(boolean showPortletInactive)
Set to true if users are shown that the portlet is inactive.

Specified by:
setShowPortletInactive in interface Portlet
showPortletInactive - boolean value for whether users are shown that the portlet is inactive


public void setSocialActivityInterpreterClasses(List<String> socialActivityInterpreterClasses)
Sets the names of the classes that represent social activity interpreters associated with the portlet.

Specified by:
setSocialActivityInterpreterClasses in interface Portlet
socialActivityInterpreterClasses - the names of the classes that represent social activity interpreters associated with the portlet


public void setSocialRequestInterpreterClass(String socialRequestInterpreterClass)
Sets the name of the social request interpreter class of the portlet.

Specified by:
setSocialRequestInterpreterClass in interface Portlet
socialRequestInterpreterClass - the name of the request interpreter class of the portlet


public void setStagedModelDataHandlerClasses(List<String> stagedModelDataHandlerClasses)
Sets the names of the classes that represent staged model data handlers associated with the portlet.

Specified by:
setStagedModelDataHandlerClasses in interface Portlet
stagedModelDataHandlerClasses - the names of the classes that represent staged model data handlers associated with the portlet


public void setStatic(boolean staticPortlet)
Set to true if the portlet is a static portlet that is cannot be moved.

Specified by:
setStatic in interface Portlet
staticPortlet - boolean value for whether the portlet is a static portlet that cannot be moved


public void setStaticStart(boolean staticPortletStart)
Set to true if the portlet is a static portlet at the start of a list of portlets.

Specified by:
setStaticStart in interface Portlet
staticPortletStart - boolean value for whether the portlet is a static portlet at the start of a list of portlets


public void setStrutsPath(String strutsPath)
Sets the struts path of the portlet.

Specified by:
setStrutsPath in interface Portlet
strutsPath - the struts path of the portlet


public void setSupportedLocales(Set<String> supportedLocales)
Sets the supported locales of the portlet.

Specified by:
setSupportedLocales in interface Portlet
supportedLocales - the supported locales of the portlet


public void setSystem(boolean system)
Set to true if the portlet is a system portlet that a user cannot manually add to their page.

Specified by:
setSystem in interface Portlet
system - boolean value for whether the portlet is a system portlet that a user cannot manually add to their page


public void setTemplateHandlerClass(String templateHandlerClass)
Sets the name of the template handler class of the portlet.

Specified by:
setTemplateHandlerClass in interface Portlet
templateHandlerClass - the name of template handler class of the portlet


public void setTimestamp(long timestamp)
Sets the timestamp of the portlet.

Specified by:
setTimestamp in interface Portlet
timestamp - the timestamp of the portlet


public void setTrashHandlerClasses(List<String> trashHandlerClasses)
Sets the names of the classes that represent trash handlers associated to the portlet.

Specified by:
setTrashHandlerClasses in interface Portlet
trashHandlerClasses - the names of the classes that represent trash handlers associated with the portlet


public void setUndeployedPortlet(boolean undeployedPortlet)
Set to true if the portlet is an undeployed portlet.

Specified by:
setUndeployedPortlet in interface Portlet
undeployedPortlet - boolean value for whether the portlet is an undeployed portlet


public void setUnlinkedRoles(Set<String> unlinkedRoles)
Sets the unlinked roles of the portlet.

Specified by:
setUnlinkedRoles in interface Portlet
unlinkedRoles - the unlinked roles of the portlet


public void setURLEncoderClass(String urlEncoderClass)
Sets the name of the URL encoder class of the portlet.

Specified by:
setURLEncoderClass in interface Portlet
urlEncoderClass - the name of the URL encoder class of the portlet


public void setUseDefaultTemplate(boolean useDefaultTemplate)
Set to true if the portlet uses the default template.

Specified by:
setUseDefaultTemplate in interface Portlet
useDefaultTemplate - boolean value for whether the portlet uses the default template


public void setUserNotificationDefinitions(String userNotificationDefinitions)
Sets the class loader resource path to the user notification definitions of the portlet.

Specified by:
setUserNotificationDefinitions in interface Portlet
userNotificationDefinitions - the class loader resource path to the user notification definitions of the portlet


public void setUserNotificationHandlerClasses(List<String> userNotificationHandlerClasses)
Sets the names of the classes that represent user notification handlers associated with the portlet.

Specified by:
setUserNotificationHandlerClasses in interface Portlet
userNotificationHandlerClasses - the names of the classes that represent user notification handlers associated with the portlet


public void setUserPrincipalStrategy(String userPrincipalStrategy)
Sets the user principal strategy of the portlet.

Specified by:
setUserPrincipalStrategy in interface Portlet
userPrincipalStrategy - the user principal strategy of the portlet


public void setVirtualPath(String virtualPath)
Sets the virtual path of the portlet.

Specified by:
setVirtualPath in interface Portlet
virtualPath - the virtual path of the portlet


public void setWebDAVStorageClass(String webDAVStorageClass)
Sets the name of the WebDAV storage class of the portlet.

Specified by:
setWebDAVStorageClass in interface Portlet
webDAVStorageClass - the name of the WebDAV storage class of the portlet


public void setWebDAVStorageToken(String webDAVStorageToken)
Sets the name of the WebDAV storage token of the portlet.

Specified by:
setWebDAVStorageToken in interface Portlet
webDAVStorageToken - the name of the WebDAV storage token of the portlet


public void setWindowStates(Map<String,Set<String>> windowStates)
Sets the window states of the portlet.

Specified by:
setWindowStates in interface Portlet
windowStates - the window states of the portlet


public void setWorkflowHandlerClasses(List<String> workflowHandlerClasses)
Sets the names of the classes that represent workflow handlers associated to the portlet.

Specified by:
setWorkflowHandlerClasses in interface Portlet
workflowHandlerClasses - the names of the classes that represent workflow handlers associated with the portlet


public void setXmlRpcMethodClass(String xmlRpcMethodClass)
Sets the name of the XML-RPC method class of the portlet.

Specified by:
setXmlRpcMethodClass in interface Portlet
xmlRpcMethodClass - the name of the XML-RPC method class of the portlet


public boolean equals(Object obj)
Description copied from interface: Portlet
Checks whether this portlet is equal to the specified object.

Specified by:
equals in interface Portlet
equals in class Object
obj - the object to compare this portlet against
true if the portlet is equal to the specified object


public Portlet getWrappedPortlet()
Deprecated. As of 6.1.0, replaced by getWrappedModel()


public Portlet getWrappedModel()
Specified by:
getWrappedModel in interface ModelWrapper<Portlet>


public void resetOriginalValues()
Description copied from interface: BaseModel
Reset all original fields to current values.

Specified by:
resetOriginalValues in interface BaseModel<Portlet>

Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5