001    /**
002     * Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved.
003     *
004     * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
005     * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
006     * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
007     * any later version.
008     *
009     * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
010     * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
011     * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
012     * details.
013     */
015    package com.liferay.portlet.social.service.base;
017    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.bean.BeanReference;
018    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.bean.IdentifiableBean;
019    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.jdbc.SqlUpdate;
020    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.jdbc.SqlUpdateFactoryUtil;
021    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.DynamicQuery;
022    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.DynamicQueryFactoryUtil;
023    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Projection;
024    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException;
025    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException;
026    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.search.Indexable;
027    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.search.IndexableType;
028    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator;
029    import com.liferay.portal.model.PersistedModel;
030    import com.liferay.portal.service.BaseLocalServiceImpl;
031    import com.liferay.portal.service.PersistedModelLocalServiceRegistry;
032    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.GroupFinder;
033    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.GroupPersistence;
034    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.UserFinder;
035    import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.UserPersistence;
037    import com.liferay.portlet.social.model.SocialActivityAchievement;
038    import com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivityAchievementLocalService;
039    import com.liferay.portlet.social.service.persistence.SocialActivityAchievementPersistence;
040    import com.liferay.portlet.social.service.persistence.SocialActivityCounterFinder;
041    import com.liferay.portlet.social.service.persistence.SocialActivityCounterPersistence;
042    import com.liferay.portlet.social.service.persistence.SocialActivityFinder;
043    import com.liferay.portlet.social.service.persistence.SocialActivityLimitPersistence;
044    import com.liferay.portlet.social.service.persistence.SocialActivityPersistence;
045    import com.liferay.portlet.social.service.persistence.SocialActivitySetFinder;
046    import com.liferay.portlet.social.service.persistence.SocialActivitySetPersistence;
047    import com.liferay.portlet.social.service.persistence.SocialActivitySettingPersistence;
048    import com.liferay.portlet.social.service.persistence.SocialRelationPersistence;
049    import com.liferay.portlet.social.service.persistence.SocialRequestPersistence;
051    import java.io.Serializable;
053    import java.util.List;
055    import javax.sql.DataSource;
057    /**
058     * Provides the base implementation for the social activity achievement local service.
059     *
060     * <p>
061     * This implementation exists only as a container for the default service methods generated by ServiceBuilder. All custom service methods should be put in {@link com.liferay.portlet.social.service.impl.SocialActivityAchievementLocalServiceImpl}.
062     * </p>
063     *
064     * @author Brian Wing Shun Chan
065     * @see com.liferay.portlet.social.service.impl.SocialActivityAchievementLocalServiceImpl
066     * @see com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivityAchievementLocalServiceUtil
067     * @generated
068     */
069    public abstract class SocialActivityAchievementLocalServiceBaseImpl
070            extends BaseLocalServiceImpl
071            implements SocialActivityAchievementLocalService, IdentifiableBean {
072            /*
073             * NOTE FOR DEVELOPERS:
074             *
075             * Never modify or reference this class directly. Always use {@link com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivityAchievementLocalServiceUtil} to access the social activity achievement local service.
076             */
078            /**
079             * Adds the social activity achievement to the database. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners.
080             *
081             * @param socialActivityAchievement the social activity achievement
082             * @return the social activity achievement that was added
083             * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
084             */
085            @Indexable(type = IndexableType.REINDEX)
086            @Override
087            public SocialActivityAchievement addSocialActivityAchievement(
088                    SocialActivityAchievement socialActivityAchievement)
089                    throws SystemException {
090                    socialActivityAchievement.setNew(true);
092                    return socialActivityAchievementPersistence.update(socialActivityAchievement);
093            }
095            /**
096             * Creates a new social activity achievement with the primary key. Does not add the social activity achievement to the database.
097             *
098             * @param activityAchievementId the primary key for the new social activity achievement
099             * @return the new social activity achievement
100             */
101            @Override
102            public SocialActivityAchievement createSocialActivityAchievement(
103                    long activityAchievementId) {
104                    return socialActivityAchievementPersistence.create(activityAchievementId);
105            }
107            /**
108             * Deletes the social activity achievement with the primary key from the database. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners.
109             *
110             * @param activityAchievementId the primary key of the social activity achievement
111             * @return the social activity achievement that was removed
112             * @throws PortalException if a social activity achievement with the primary key could not be found
113             * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
114             */
115            @Indexable(type = IndexableType.DELETE)
116            @Override
117            public SocialActivityAchievement deleteSocialActivityAchievement(
118                    long activityAchievementId) throws PortalException, SystemException {
119                    return socialActivityAchievementPersistence.remove(activityAchievementId);
120            }
122            /**
123             * Deletes the social activity achievement from the database. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners.
124             *
125             * @param socialActivityAchievement the social activity achievement
126             * @return the social activity achievement that was removed
127             * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
128             */
129            @Indexable(type = IndexableType.DELETE)
130            @Override
131            public SocialActivityAchievement deleteSocialActivityAchievement(
132                    SocialActivityAchievement socialActivityAchievement)
133                    throws SystemException {
134                    return socialActivityAchievementPersistence.remove(socialActivityAchievement);
135            }
137            @Override
138            public DynamicQuery dynamicQuery() {
139                    Class<?> clazz = getClass();
141                    return DynamicQueryFactoryUtil.forClass(SocialActivityAchievement.class,
142                            clazz.getClassLoader());
143            }
145            /**
146             * Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns the matching rows.
147             *
148             * @param dynamicQuery the dynamic query
149             * @return the matching rows
150             * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
151             */
152            @Override
153            @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
154            public List dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery)
155                    throws SystemException {
156                    return socialActivityAchievementPersistence.findWithDynamicQuery(dynamicQuery);
157            }
159            /**
160             * Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns a range of the matching rows.
161             *
162             * <p>
163             * Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of <code>end - start</code> instances. <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, <code>0</code> refers to the first result in the set. Setting both <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> to {@link com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.QueryUtil#ALL_POS} will return the full result set. If <code>orderByComparator</code> is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If <code>orderByComparator</code> is absent and pagination is required (<code>start</code> and <code>end</code> are not {@link com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.QueryUtil#ALL_POS}), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from {@link com.liferay.portlet.social.model.impl.SocialActivityAchievementModelImpl}. If both <code>orderByComparator</code> and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.
164             * </p>
165             *
166             * @param dynamicQuery the dynamic query
167             * @param start the lower bound of the range of model instances
168             * @param end the upper bound of the range of model instances (not inclusive)
169             * @return the range of matching rows
170             * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
171             */
172            @Override
173            @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
174            public List dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery, int start, int end)
175                    throws SystemException {
176                    return socialActivityAchievementPersistence.findWithDynamicQuery(dynamicQuery,
177                            start, end);
178            }
180            /**
181             * Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns an ordered range of the matching rows.
182             *
183             * <p>
184             * Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of <code>end - start</code> instances. <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, <code>0</code> refers to the first result in the set. Setting both <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> to {@link com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.QueryUtil#ALL_POS} will return the full result set. If <code>orderByComparator</code> is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If <code>orderByComparator</code> is absent and pagination is required (<code>start</code> and <code>end</code> are not {@link com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.QueryUtil#ALL_POS}), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from {@link com.liferay.portlet.social.model.impl.SocialActivityAchievementModelImpl}. If both <code>orderByComparator</code> and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.
185             * </p>
186             *
187             * @param dynamicQuery the dynamic query
188             * @param start the lower bound of the range of model instances
189             * @param end the upper bound of the range of model instances (not inclusive)
190             * @param orderByComparator the comparator to order the results by (optionally <code>null</code>)
191             * @return the ordered range of matching rows
192             * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
193             */
194            @Override
195            @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
196            public List dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery, int start, int end,
197                    OrderByComparator orderByComparator) throws SystemException {
198                    return socialActivityAchievementPersistence.findWithDynamicQuery(dynamicQuery,
199                            start, end, orderByComparator);
200            }
202            /**
203             * Returns the number of rows that match the dynamic query.
204             *
205             * @param dynamicQuery the dynamic query
206             * @return the number of rows that match the dynamic query
207             * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
208             */
209            @Override
210            public long dynamicQueryCount(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery)
211                    throws SystemException {
212                    return socialActivityAchievementPersistence.countWithDynamicQuery(dynamicQuery);
213            }
215            /**
216             * Returns the number of rows that match the dynamic query.
217             *
218             * @param dynamicQuery the dynamic query
219             * @param projection the projection to apply to the query
220             * @return the number of rows that match the dynamic query
221             * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
222             */
223            @Override
224            public long dynamicQueryCount(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery,
225                    Projection projection) throws SystemException {
226                    return socialActivityAchievementPersistence.countWithDynamicQuery(dynamicQuery,
227                            projection);
228            }
230            @Override
231            public SocialActivityAchievement fetchSocialActivityAchievement(
232                    long activityAchievementId) throws SystemException {
233                    return socialActivityAchievementPersistence.fetchByPrimaryKey(activityAchievementId);
234            }
236            /**
237             * Returns the social activity achievement with the primary key.
238             *
239             * @param activityAchievementId the primary key of the social activity achievement
240             * @return the social activity achievement
241             * @throws PortalException if a social activity achievement with the primary key could not be found
242             * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
243             */
244            @Override
245            public SocialActivityAchievement getSocialActivityAchievement(
246                    long activityAchievementId) throws PortalException, SystemException {
247                    return socialActivityAchievementPersistence.findByPrimaryKey(activityAchievementId);
248            }
250            @Override
251            public PersistedModel getPersistedModel(Serializable primaryKeyObj)
252                    throws PortalException, SystemException {
253                    return socialActivityAchievementPersistence.findByPrimaryKey(primaryKeyObj);
254            }
256            /**
257             * Returns a range of all the social activity achievements.
258             *
259             * <p>
260             * Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of <code>end - start</code> instances. <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, <code>0</code> refers to the first result in the set. Setting both <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> to {@link com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.QueryUtil#ALL_POS} will return the full result set. If <code>orderByComparator</code> is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If <code>orderByComparator</code> is absent and pagination is required (<code>start</code> and <code>end</code> are not {@link com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.QueryUtil#ALL_POS}), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from {@link com.liferay.portlet.social.model.impl.SocialActivityAchievementModelImpl}. If both <code>orderByComparator</code> and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.
261             * </p>
262             *
263             * @param start the lower bound of the range of social activity achievements
264             * @param end the upper bound of the range of social activity achievements (not inclusive)
265             * @return the range of social activity achievements
266             * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
267             */
268            @Override
269            public List<SocialActivityAchievement> getSocialActivityAchievements(
270                    int start, int end) throws SystemException {
271                    return socialActivityAchievementPersistence.findAll(start, end);
272            }
274            /**
275             * Returns the number of social activity achievements.
276             *
277             * @return the number of social activity achievements
278             * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
279             */
280            @Override
281            public int getSocialActivityAchievementsCount() throws SystemException {
282                    return socialActivityAchievementPersistence.countAll();
283            }
285            /**
286             * Updates the social activity achievement in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners.
287             *
288             * @param socialActivityAchievement the social activity achievement
289             * @return the social activity achievement that was updated
290             * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
291             */
292            @Indexable(type = IndexableType.REINDEX)
293            @Override
294            public SocialActivityAchievement updateSocialActivityAchievement(
295                    SocialActivityAchievement socialActivityAchievement)
296                    throws SystemException {
297                    return socialActivityAchievementPersistence.update(socialActivityAchievement);
298            }
300            /**
301             * Returns the social activity local service.
302             *
303             * @return the social activity local service
304             */
305            public com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivityLocalService getSocialActivityLocalService() {
306                    return socialActivityLocalService;
307            }
309            /**
310             * Sets the social activity local service.
311             *
312             * @param socialActivityLocalService the social activity local service
313             */
314            public void setSocialActivityLocalService(
315                    com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivityLocalService socialActivityLocalService) {
316                    this.socialActivityLocalService = socialActivityLocalService;
317            }
319            /**
320             * Returns the social activity remote service.
321             *
322             * @return the social activity remote service
323             */
324            public com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivityService getSocialActivityService() {
325                    return socialActivityService;
326            }
328            /**
329             * Sets the social activity remote service.
330             *
331             * @param socialActivityService the social activity remote service
332             */
333            public void setSocialActivityService(
334                    com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivityService socialActivityService) {
335                    this.socialActivityService = socialActivityService;
336            }
338            /**
339             * Returns the social activity persistence.
340             *
341             * @return the social activity persistence
342             */
343            public SocialActivityPersistence getSocialActivityPersistence() {
344                    return socialActivityPersistence;
345            }
347            /**
348             * Sets the social activity persistence.
349             *
350             * @param socialActivityPersistence the social activity persistence
351             */
352            public void setSocialActivityPersistence(
353                    SocialActivityPersistence socialActivityPersistence) {
354                    this.socialActivityPersistence = socialActivityPersistence;
355            }
357            /**
358             * Returns the social activity finder.
359             *
360             * @return the social activity finder
361             */
362            public SocialActivityFinder getSocialActivityFinder() {
363                    return socialActivityFinder;
364            }
366            /**
367             * Sets the social activity finder.
368             *
369             * @param socialActivityFinder the social activity finder
370             */
371            public void setSocialActivityFinder(
372                    SocialActivityFinder socialActivityFinder) {
373                    this.socialActivityFinder = socialActivityFinder;
374            }
376            /**
377             * Returns the social activity achievement local service.
378             *
379             * @return the social activity achievement local service
380             */
381            public com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivityAchievementLocalService getSocialActivityAchievementLocalService() {
382                    return socialActivityAchievementLocalService;
383            }
385            /**
386             * Sets the social activity achievement local service.
387             *
388             * @param socialActivityAchievementLocalService the social activity achievement local service
389             */
390            public void setSocialActivityAchievementLocalService(
391                    com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivityAchievementLocalService socialActivityAchievementLocalService) {
392                    this.socialActivityAchievementLocalService = socialActivityAchievementLocalService;
393            }
395            /**
396             * Returns the social activity achievement persistence.
397             *
398             * @return the social activity achievement persistence
399             */
400            public SocialActivityAchievementPersistence getSocialActivityAchievementPersistence() {
401                    return socialActivityAchievementPersistence;
402            }
404            /**
405             * Sets the social activity achievement persistence.
406             *
407             * @param socialActivityAchievementPersistence the social activity achievement persistence
408             */
409            public void setSocialActivityAchievementPersistence(
410                    SocialActivityAchievementPersistence socialActivityAchievementPersistence) {
411                    this.socialActivityAchievementPersistence = socialActivityAchievementPersistence;
412            }
414            /**
415             * Returns the social activity counter local service.
416             *
417             * @return the social activity counter local service
418             */
419            public com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivityCounterLocalService getSocialActivityCounterLocalService() {
420                    return socialActivityCounterLocalService;
421            }
423            /**
424             * Sets the social activity counter local service.
425             *
426             * @param socialActivityCounterLocalService the social activity counter local service
427             */
428            public void setSocialActivityCounterLocalService(
429                    com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivityCounterLocalService socialActivityCounterLocalService) {
430                    this.socialActivityCounterLocalService = socialActivityCounterLocalService;
431            }
433            /**
434             * Returns the social activity counter persistence.
435             *
436             * @return the social activity counter persistence
437             */
438            public SocialActivityCounterPersistence getSocialActivityCounterPersistence() {
439                    return socialActivityCounterPersistence;
440            }
442            /**
443             * Sets the social activity counter persistence.
444             *
445             * @param socialActivityCounterPersistence the social activity counter persistence
446             */
447            public void setSocialActivityCounterPersistence(
448                    SocialActivityCounterPersistence socialActivityCounterPersistence) {
449                    this.socialActivityCounterPersistence = socialActivityCounterPersistence;
450            }
452            /**
453             * Returns the social activity counter finder.
454             *
455             * @return the social activity counter finder
456             */
457            public SocialActivityCounterFinder getSocialActivityCounterFinder() {
458                    return socialActivityCounterFinder;
459            }
461            /**
462             * Sets the social activity counter finder.
463             *
464             * @param socialActivityCounterFinder the social activity counter finder
465             */
466            public void setSocialActivityCounterFinder(
467                    SocialActivityCounterFinder socialActivityCounterFinder) {
468                    this.socialActivityCounterFinder = socialActivityCounterFinder;
469            }
471            /**
472             * Returns the social activity interpreter local service.
473             *
474             * @return the social activity interpreter local service
475             */
476            public com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivityInterpreterLocalService getSocialActivityInterpreterLocalService() {
477                    return socialActivityInterpreterLocalService;
478            }
480            /**
481             * Sets the social activity interpreter local service.
482             *
483             * @param socialActivityInterpreterLocalService the social activity interpreter local service
484             */
485            public void setSocialActivityInterpreterLocalService(
486                    com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivityInterpreterLocalService socialActivityInterpreterLocalService) {
487                    this.socialActivityInterpreterLocalService = socialActivityInterpreterLocalService;
488            }
490            /**
491             * Returns the social activity limit local service.
492             *
493             * @return the social activity limit local service
494             */
495            public com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivityLimitLocalService getSocialActivityLimitLocalService() {
496                    return socialActivityLimitLocalService;
497            }
499            /**
500             * Sets the social activity limit local service.
501             *
502             * @param socialActivityLimitLocalService the social activity limit local service
503             */
504            public void setSocialActivityLimitLocalService(
505                    com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivityLimitLocalService socialActivityLimitLocalService) {
506                    this.socialActivityLimitLocalService = socialActivityLimitLocalService;
507            }
509            /**
510             * Returns the social activity limit persistence.
511             *
512             * @return the social activity limit persistence
513             */
514            public SocialActivityLimitPersistence getSocialActivityLimitPersistence() {
515                    return socialActivityLimitPersistence;
516            }
518            /**
519             * Sets the social activity limit persistence.
520             *
521             * @param socialActivityLimitPersistence the social activity limit persistence
522             */
523            public void setSocialActivityLimitPersistence(
524                    SocialActivityLimitPersistence socialActivityLimitPersistence) {
525                    this.socialActivityLimitPersistence = socialActivityLimitPersistence;
526            }
528            /**
529             * Returns the social activity set local service.
530             *
531             * @return the social activity set local service
532             */
533            public com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivitySetLocalService getSocialActivitySetLocalService() {
534                    return socialActivitySetLocalService;
535            }
537            /**
538             * Sets the social activity set local service.
539             *
540             * @param socialActivitySetLocalService the social activity set local service
541             */
542            public void setSocialActivitySetLocalService(
543                    com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivitySetLocalService socialActivitySetLocalService) {
544                    this.socialActivitySetLocalService = socialActivitySetLocalService;
545            }
547            /**
548             * Returns the social activity set persistence.
549             *
550             * @return the social activity set persistence
551             */
552            public SocialActivitySetPersistence getSocialActivitySetPersistence() {
553                    return socialActivitySetPersistence;
554            }
556            /**
557             * Sets the social activity set persistence.
558             *
559             * @param socialActivitySetPersistence the social activity set persistence
560             */
561            public void setSocialActivitySetPersistence(
562                    SocialActivitySetPersistence socialActivitySetPersistence) {
563                    this.socialActivitySetPersistence = socialActivitySetPersistence;
564            }
566            /**
567             * Returns the social activity set finder.
568             *
569             * @return the social activity set finder
570             */
571            public SocialActivitySetFinder getSocialActivitySetFinder() {
572                    return socialActivitySetFinder;
573            }
575            /**
576             * Sets the social activity set finder.
577             *
578             * @param socialActivitySetFinder the social activity set finder
579             */
580            public void setSocialActivitySetFinder(
581                    SocialActivitySetFinder socialActivitySetFinder) {
582                    this.socialActivitySetFinder = socialActivitySetFinder;
583            }
585            /**
586             * Returns the social activity setting local service.
587             *
588             * @return the social activity setting local service
589             */
590            public com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivitySettingLocalService getSocialActivitySettingLocalService() {
591                    return socialActivitySettingLocalService;
592            }
594            /**
595             * Sets the social activity setting local service.
596             *
597             * @param socialActivitySettingLocalService the social activity setting local service
598             */
599            public void setSocialActivitySettingLocalService(
600                    com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivitySettingLocalService socialActivitySettingLocalService) {
601                    this.socialActivitySettingLocalService = socialActivitySettingLocalService;
602            }
604            /**
605             * Returns the social activity setting remote service.
606             *
607             * @return the social activity setting remote service
608             */
609            public com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivitySettingService getSocialActivitySettingService() {
610                    return socialActivitySettingService;
611            }
613            /**
614             * Sets the social activity setting remote service.
615             *
616             * @param socialActivitySettingService the social activity setting remote service
617             */
618            public void setSocialActivitySettingService(
619                    com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivitySettingService socialActivitySettingService) {
620                    this.socialActivitySettingService = socialActivitySettingService;
621            }
623            /**
624             * Returns the social activity setting persistence.
625             *
626             * @return the social activity setting persistence
627             */
628            public SocialActivitySettingPersistence getSocialActivitySettingPersistence() {
629                    return socialActivitySettingPersistence;
630            }
632            /**
633             * Sets the social activity setting persistence.
634             *
635             * @param socialActivitySettingPersistence the social activity setting persistence
636             */
637            public void setSocialActivitySettingPersistence(
638                    SocialActivitySettingPersistence socialActivitySettingPersistence) {
639                    this.socialActivitySettingPersistence = socialActivitySettingPersistence;
640            }
642            /**
643             * Returns the social relation local service.
644             *
645             * @return the social relation local service
646             */
647            public com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialRelationLocalService getSocialRelationLocalService() {
648                    return socialRelationLocalService;
649            }
651            /**
652             * Sets the social relation local service.
653             *
654             * @param socialRelationLocalService the social relation local service
655             */
656            public void setSocialRelationLocalService(
657                    com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialRelationLocalService socialRelationLocalService) {
658                    this.socialRelationLocalService = socialRelationLocalService;
659            }
661            /**
662             * Returns the social relation persistence.
663             *
664             * @return the social relation persistence
665             */
666            public SocialRelationPersistence getSocialRelationPersistence() {
667                    return socialRelationPersistence;
668            }
670            /**
671             * Sets the social relation persistence.
672             *
673             * @param socialRelationPersistence the social relation persistence
674             */
675            public void setSocialRelationPersistence(
676                    SocialRelationPersistence socialRelationPersistence) {
677                    this.socialRelationPersistence = socialRelationPersistence;
678            }
680            /**
681             * Returns the social request local service.
682             *
683             * @return the social request local service
684             */
685            public com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialRequestLocalService getSocialRequestLocalService() {
686                    return socialRequestLocalService;
687            }
689            /**
690             * Sets the social request local service.
691             *
692             * @param socialRequestLocalService the social request local service
693             */
694            public void setSocialRequestLocalService(
695                    com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialRequestLocalService socialRequestLocalService) {
696                    this.socialRequestLocalService = socialRequestLocalService;
697            }
699            /**
700             * Returns the social request remote service.
701             *
702             * @return the social request remote service
703             */
704            public com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialRequestService getSocialRequestService() {
705                    return socialRequestService;
706            }
708            /**
709             * Sets the social request remote service.
710             *
711             * @param socialRequestService the social request remote service
712             */
713            public void setSocialRequestService(
714                    com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialRequestService socialRequestService) {
715                    this.socialRequestService = socialRequestService;
716            }
718            /**
719             * Returns the social request persistence.
720             *
721             * @return the social request persistence
722             */
723            public SocialRequestPersistence getSocialRequestPersistence() {
724                    return socialRequestPersistence;
725            }
727            /**
728             * Sets the social request persistence.
729             *
730             * @param socialRequestPersistence the social request persistence
731             */
732            public void setSocialRequestPersistence(
733                    SocialRequestPersistence socialRequestPersistence) {
734                    this.socialRequestPersistence = socialRequestPersistence;
735            }
737            /**
738             * Returns the social request interpreter local service.
739             *
740             * @return the social request interpreter local service
741             */
742            public com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialRequestInterpreterLocalService getSocialRequestInterpreterLocalService() {
743                    return socialRequestInterpreterLocalService;
744            }
746            /**
747             * Sets the social request interpreter local service.
748             *
749             * @param socialRequestInterpreterLocalService the social request interpreter local service
750             */
751            public void setSocialRequestInterpreterLocalService(
752                    com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialRequestInterpreterLocalService socialRequestInterpreterLocalService) {
753                    this.socialRequestInterpreterLocalService = socialRequestInterpreterLocalService;
754            }
756            /**
757             * Returns the counter local service.
758             *
759             * @return the counter local service
760             */
761            public com.liferay.counter.service.CounterLocalService getCounterLocalService() {
762                    return counterLocalService;
763            }
765            /**
766             * Sets the counter local service.
767             *
768             * @param counterLocalService the counter local service
769             */
770            public void setCounterLocalService(
771                    com.liferay.counter.service.CounterLocalService counterLocalService) {
772                    this.counterLocalService = counterLocalService;
773            }
775            /**
776             * Returns the group local service.
777             *
778             * @return the group local service
779             */
780            public com.liferay.portal.service.GroupLocalService getGroupLocalService() {
781                    return groupLocalService;
782            }
784            /**
785             * Sets the group local service.
786             *
787             * @param groupLocalService the group local service
788             */
789            public void setGroupLocalService(
790                    com.liferay.portal.service.GroupLocalService groupLocalService) {
791                    this.groupLocalService = groupLocalService;
792            }
794            /**
795             * Returns the group remote service.
796             *
797             * @return the group remote service
798             */
799            public com.liferay.portal.service.GroupService getGroupService() {
800                    return groupService;
801            }
803            /**
804             * Sets the group remote service.
805             *
806             * @param groupService the group remote service
807             */
808            public void setGroupService(
809                    com.liferay.portal.service.GroupService groupService) {
810                    this.groupService = groupService;
811            }
813            /**
814             * Returns the group persistence.
815             *
816             * @return the group persistence
817             */
818            public GroupPersistence getGroupPersistence() {
819                    return groupPersistence;
820            }
822            /**
823             * Sets the group persistence.
824             *
825             * @param groupPersistence the group persistence
826             */
827            public void setGroupPersistence(GroupPersistence groupPersistence) {
828                    this.groupPersistence = groupPersistence;
829            }
831            /**
832             * Returns the group finder.
833             *
834             * @return the group finder
835             */
836            public GroupFinder getGroupFinder() {
837                    return groupFinder;
838            }
840            /**
841             * Sets the group finder.
842             *
843             * @param groupFinder the group finder
844             */
845            public void setGroupFinder(GroupFinder groupFinder) {
846                    this.groupFinder = groupFinder;
847            }
849            /**
850             * Returns the resource local service.
851             *
852             * @return the resource local service
853             */
854            public com.liferay.portal.service.ResourceLocalService getResourceLocalService() {
855                    return resourceLocalService;
856            }
858            /**
859             * Sets the resource local service.
860             *
861             * @param resourceLocalService the resource local service
862             */
863            public void setResourceLocalService(
864                    com.liferay.portal.service.ResourceLocalService resourceLocalService) {
865                    this.resourceLocalService = resourceLocalService;
866            }
868            /**
869             * Returns the user local service.
870             *
871             * @return the user local service
872             */
873            public com.liferay.portal.service.UserLocalService getUserLocalService() {
874                    return userLocalService;
875            }
877            /**
878             * Sets the user local service.
879             *
880             * @param userLocalService the user local service
881             */
882            public void setUserLocalService(
883                    com.liferay.portal.service.UserLocalService userLocalService) {
884                    this.userLocalService = userLocalService;
885            }
887            /**
888             * Returns the user remote service.
889             *
890             * @return the user remote service
891             */
892            public com.liferay.portal.service.UserService getUserService() {
893                    return userService;
894            }
896            /**
897             * Sets the user remote service.
898             *
899             * @param userService the user remote service
900             */
901            public void setUserService(
902                    com.liferay.portal.service.UserService userService) {
903                    this.userService = userService;
904            }
906            /**
907             * Returns the user persistence.
908             *
909             * @return the user persistence
910             */
911            public UserPersistence getUserPersistence() {
912                    return userPersistence;
913            }
915            /**
916             * Sets the user persistence.
917             *
918             * @param userPersistence the user persistence
919             */
920            public void setUserPersistence(UserPersistence userPersistence) {
921                    this.userPersistence = userPersistence;
922            }
924            /**
925             * Returns the user finder.
926             *
927             * @return the user finder
928             */
929            public UserFinder getUserFinder() {
930                    return userFinder;
931            }
933            /**
934             * Sets the user finder.
935             *
936             * @param userFinder the user finder
937             */
938            public void setUserFinder(UserFinder userFinder) {
939                    this.userFinder = userFinder;
940            }
942            public void afterPropertiesSet() {
943                    persistedModelLocalServiceRegistry.register("com.liferay.portlet.social.model.SocialActivityAchievement",
944                            socialActivityAchievementLocalService);
945            }
947            public void destroy() {
948                    persistedModelLocalServiceRegistry.unregister(
949                            "com.liferay.portlet.social.model.SocialActivityAchievement");
950            }
952            /**
953             * Returns the Spring bean ID for this bean.
954             *
955             * @return the Spring bean ID for this bean
956             */
957            @Override
958            public String getBeanIdentifier() {
959                    return _beanIdentifier;
960            }
962            /**
963             * Sets the Spring bean ID for this bean.
964             *
965             * @param beanIdentifier the Spring bean ID for this bean
966             */
967            @Override
968            public void setBeanIdentifier(String beanIdentifier) {
969                    _beanIdentifier = beanIdentifier;
970            }
972            protected Class<?> getModelClass() {
973                    return SocialActivityAchievement.class;
974            }
976            protected String getModelClassName() {
977                    return SocialActivityAchievement.class.getName();
978            }
980            /**
981             * Performs an SQL query.
982             *
983             * @param sql the sql query
984             */
985            protected void runSQL(String sql) throws SystemException {
986                    try {
987                            DataSource dataSource = socialActivityAchievementPersistence.getDataSource();
989                            SqlUpdate sqlUpdate = SqlUpdateFactoryUtil.getSqlUpdate(dataSource,
990                                            sql, new int[0]);
992                            sqlUpdate.update();
993                    }
994                    catch (Exception e) {
995                            throw new SystemException(e);
996                    }
997            }
999            @BeanReference(type = com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivityLocalService.class)
1000            protected com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivityLocalService socialActivityLocalService;
1001            @BeanReference(type = com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivityService.class)
1002            protected com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivityService socialActivityService;
1003            @BeanReference(type = SocialActivityPersistence.class)
1004            protected SocialActivityPersistence socialActivityPersistence;
1005            @BeanReference(type = SocialActivityFinder.class)
1006            protected SocialActivityFinder socialActivityFinder;
1007            @BeanReference(type = com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivityAchievementLocalService.class)
1008            protected com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivityAchievementLocalService socialActivityAchievementLocalService;
1009            @BeanReference(type = SocialActivityAchievementPersistence.class)
1010            protected SocialActivityAchievementPersistence socialActivityAchievementPersistence;
1011            @BeanReference(type = com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivityCounterLocalService.class)
1012            protected com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivityCounterLocalService socialActivityCounterLocalService;
1013            @BeanReference(type = SocialActivityCounterPersistence.class)
1014            protected SocialActivityCounterPersistence socialActivityCounterPersistence;
1015            @BeanReference(type = SocialActivityCounterFinder.class)
1016            protected SocialActivityCounterFinder socialActivityCounterFinder;
1017            @BeanReference(type = com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivityInterpreterLocalService.class)
1018            protected com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivityInterpreterLocalService socialActivityInterpreterLocalService;
1019            @BeanReference(type = com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivityLimitLocalService.class)
1020            protected com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivityLimitLocalService socialActivityLimitLocalService;
1021            @BeanReference(type = SocialActivityLimitPersistence.class)
1022            protected SocialActivityLimitPersistence socialActivityLimitPersistence;
1023            @BeanReference(type = com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivitySetLocalService.class)
1024            protected com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivitySetLocalService socialActivitySetLocalService;
1025            @BeanReference(type = SocialActivitySetPersistence.class)
1026            protected SocialActivitySetPersistence socialActivitySetPersistence;
1027            @BeanReference(type = SocialActivitySetFinder.class)
1028            protected SocialActivitySetFinder socialActivitySetFinder;
1029            @BeanReference(type = com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivitySettingLocalService.class)
1030            protected com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivitySettingLocalService socialActivitySettingLocalService;
1031            @BeanReference(type = com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivitySettingService.class)
1032            protected com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialActivitySettingService socialActivitySettingService;
1033            @BeanReference(type = SocialActivitySettingPersistence.class)
1034            protected SocialActivitySettingPersistence socialActivitySettingPersistence;
1035            @BeanReference(type = com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialRelationLocalService.class)
1036            protected com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialRelationLocalService socialRelationLocalService;
1037            @BeanReference(type = SocialRelationPersistence.class)
1038            protected SocialRelationPersistence socialRelationPersistence;
1039            @BeanReference(type = com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialRequestLocalService.class)
1040            protected com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialRequestLocalService socialRequestLocalService;
1041            @BeanReference(type = com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialRequestService.class)
1042            protected com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialRequestService socialRequestService;
1043            @BeanReference(type = SocialRequestPersistence.class)
1044            protected SocialRequestPersistence socialRequestPersistence;
1045            @BeanReference(type = com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialRequestInterpreterLocalService.class)
1046            protected com.liferay.portlet.social.service.SocialRequestInterpreterLocalService socialRequestInterpreterLocalService;
1047            @BeanReference(type = com.liferay.counter.service.CounterLocalService.class)
1048            protected com.liferay.counter.service.CounterLocalService counterLocalService;
1049            @BeanReference(type = com.liferay.portal.service.GroupLocalService.class)
1050            protected com.liferay.portal.service.GroupLocalService groupLocalService;
1051            @BeanReference(type = com.liferay.portal.service.GroupService.class)
1052            protected com.liferay.portal.service.GroupService groupService;
1053            @BeanReference(type = GroupPersistence.class)
1054            protected GroupPersistence groupPersistence;
1055            @BeanReference(type = GroupFinder.class)
1056            protected GroupFinder groupFinder;
1057            @BeanReference(type = com.liferay.portal.service.ResourceLocalService.class)
1058            protected com.liferay.portal.service.ResourceLocalService resourceLocalService;
1059            @BeanReference(type = com.liferay.portal.service.UserLocalService.class)
1060            protected com.liferay.portal.service.UserLocalService userLocalService;
1061            @BeanReference(type = com.liferay.portal.service.UserService.class)
1062            protected com.liferay.portal.service.UserService userService;
1063            @BeanReference(type = UserPersistence.class)
1064            protected UserPersistence userPersistence;
1065            @BeanReference(type = UserFinder.class)
1066            protected UserFinder userFinder;
1067            @BeanReference(type = PersistedModelLocalServiceRegistry.class)
1068            protected PersistedModelLocalServiceRegistry persistedModelLocalServiceRegistry;
1069            private String _beanIdentifier;
1070    }