001    /**
002     * Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved.
003     *
004     * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
005     * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
006     * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
007     * any later version.
008     *
009     * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
010     * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
011     * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
012     * details.
013     */
015    package com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.model;
017    import aQute.bnd.annotation.ProviderType;
019    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.bean.AutoEscape;
020    import com.liferay.portal.model.BaseModel;
021    import com.liferay.portal.model.CacheModel;
022    import com.liferay.portal.service.ServiceContext;
024    import com.liferay.portlet.expando.model.ExpandoBridge;
026    import java.io.Serializable;
028    /**
029     * The base model interface for the DLFileEntryMetadata service. Represents a row in the "DLFileEntryMetadata" database table, with each column mapped to a property of this class.
030     *
031     * <p>
032     * This interface and its corresponding implementation {@link com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.model.impl.DLFileEntryMetadataModelImpl} exist only as a container for the default property accessors generated by ServiceBuilder. Helper methods and all application logic should be put in {@link com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.model.impl.DLFileEntryMetadataImpl}.
033     * </p>
034     *
035     * @author Brian Wing Shun Chan
036     * @see DLFileEntryMetadata
037     * @see com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.model.impl.DLFileEntryMetadataImpl
038     * @see com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.model.impl.DLFileEntryMetadataModelImpl
039     * @generated
040     */
041    @ProviderType
042    public interface DLFileEntryMetadataModel extends BaseModel<DLFileEntryMetadata> {
043            /*
044             * NOTE FOR DEVELOPERS:
045             *
046             * Never modify or reference this interface directly. All methods that expect a document library file entry metadata model instance should use the {@link DLFileEntryMetadata} interface instead.
047             */
049            /**
050             * Returns the primary key of this document library file entry metadata.
051             *
052             * @return the primary key of this document library file entry metadata
053             */
054            public long getPrimaryKey();
056            /**
057             * Sets the primary key of this document library file entry metadata.
058             *
059             * @param primaryKey the primary key of this document library file entry metadata
060             */
061            public void setPrimaryKey(long primaryKey);
063            /**
064             * Returns the uuid of this document library file entry metadata.
065             *
066             * @return the uuid of this document library file entry metadata
067             */
068            @AutoEscape
069            public String getUuid();
071            /**
072             * Sets the uuid of this document library file entry metadata.
073             *
074             * @param uuid the uuid of this document library file entry metadata
075             */
076            public void setUuid(String uuid);
078            /**
079             * Returns the file entry metadata ID of this document library file entry metadata.
080             *
081             * @return the file entry metadata ID of this document library file entry metadata
082             */
083            public long getFileEntryMetadataId();
085            /**
086             * Sets the file entry metadata ID of this document library file entry metadata.
087             *
088             * @param fileEntryMetadataId the file entry metadata ID of this document library file entry metadata
089             */
090            public void setFileEntryMetadataId(long fileEntryMetadataId);
092            /**
093             * Returns the d d m storage ID of this document library file entry metadata.
094             *
095             * @return the d d m storage ID of this document library file entry metadata
096             */
097            public long getDDMStorageId();
099            /**
100             * Sets the d d m storage ID of this document library file entry metadata.
101             *
102             * @param DDMStorageId the d d m storage ID of this document library file entry metadata
103             */
104            public void setDDMStorageId(long DDMStorageId);
106            /**
107             * Returns the d d m structure ID of this document library file entry metadata.
108             *
109             * @return the d d m structure ID of this document library file entry metadata
110             */
111            public long getDDMStructureId();
113            /**
114             * Sets the d d m structure ID of this document library file entry metadata.
115             *
116             * @param DDMStructureId the d d m structure ID of this document library file entry metadata
117             */
118            public void setDDMStructureId(long DDMStructureId);
120            /**
121             * Returns the file entry type ID of this document library file entry metadata.
122             *
123             * @return the file entry type ID of this document library file entry metadata
124             */
125            public long getFileEntryTypeId();
127            /**
128             * Sets the file entry type ID of this document library file entry metadata.
129             *
130             * @param fileEntryTypeId the file entry type ID of this document library file entry metadata
131             */
132            public void setFileEntryTypeId(long fileEntryTypeId);
134            /**
135             * Returns the file entry ID of this document library file entry metadata.
136             *
137             * @return the file entry ID of this document library file entry metadata
138             */
139            public long getFileEntryId();
141            /**
142             * Sets the file entry ID of this document library file entry metadata.
143             *
144             * @param fileEntryId the file entry ID of this document library file entry metadata
145             */
146            public void setFileEntryId(long fileEntryId);
148            /**
149             * Returns the file version ID of this document library file entry metadata.
150             *
151             * @return the file version ID of this document library file entry metadata
152             */
153            public long getFileVersionId();
155            /**
156             * Sets the file version ID of this document library file entry metadata.
157             *
158             * @param fileVersionId the file version ID of this document library file entry metadata
159             */
160            public void setFileVersionId(long fileVersionId);
162            @Override
163            public boolean isNew();
165            @Override
166            public void setNew(boolean n);
168            @Override
169            public boolean isCachedModel();
171            @Override
172            public void setCachedModel(boolean cachedModel);
174            @Override
175            public boolean isEscapedModel();
177            @Override
178            public Serializable getPrimaryKeyObj();
180            @Override
181            public void setPrimaryKeyObj(Serializable primaryKeyObj);
183            @Override
184            public ExpandoBridge getExpandoBridge();
186            @Override
187            public void setExpandoBridgeAttributes(BaseModel<?> baseModel);
189            @Override
190            public void setExpandoBridgeAttributes(ExpandoBridge expandoBridge);
192            @Override
193            public void setExpandoBridgeAttributes(ServiceContext serviceContext);
195            @Override
196            public Object clone();
198            @Override
199            public int compareTo(DLFileEntryMetadata dlFileEntryMetadata);
201            @Override
202            public int hashCode();
204            @Override
205            public CacheModel<DLFileEntryMetadata> toCacheModel();
207            @Override
208            public DLFileEntryMetadata toEscapedModel();
210            @Override
211            public DLFileEntryMetadata toUnescapedModel();
213            @Override
214            public String toString();
216            @Override
217            public String toXmlString();
218    }