001    /**
002     * Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved.
003     *
004     * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
005     * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
006     * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
007     * any later version.
008     *
009     * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
010     * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
011     * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
012     * details.
013     */
015    package com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatamapping.model;
017    import aQute.bnd.annotation.ProviderType;
019    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.lar.StagedModelType;
020    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.Validator;
021    import com.liferay.portal.model.ModelWrapper;
023    import java.util.Date;
024    import java.util.HashMap;
025    import java.util.Map;
027    /**
028     * <p>
029     * This class is a wrapper for {@link DDMStructure}.
030     * </p>
031     *
032     * @author Brian Wing Shun Chan
033     * @see DDMStructure
034     * @generated
035     */
036    @ProviderType
037    public class DDMStructureWrapper implements DDMStructure,
038            ModelWrapper<DDMStructure> {
039            public DDMStructureWrapper(DDMStructure ddmStructure) {
040                    _ddmStructure = ddmStructure;
041            }
043            @Override
044            public Class<?> getModelClass() {
045                    return DDMStructure.class;
046            }
048            @Override
049            public String getModelClassName() {
050                    return DDMStructure.class.getName();
051            }
053            @Override
054            public Map<String, Object> getModelAttributes() {
055                    Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<String, Object>();
057                    attributes.put("uuid", getUuid());
058                    attributes.put("structureId", getStructureId());
059                    attributes.put("groupId", getGroupId());
060                    attributes.put("companyId", getCompanyId());
061                    attributes.put("userId", getUserId());
062                    attributes.put("userName", getUserName());
063                    attributes.put("createDate", getCreateDate());
064                    attributes.put("modifiedDate", getModifiedDate());
065                    attributes.put("parentStructureId", getParentStructureId());
066                    attributes.put("classNameId", getClassNameId());
067                    attributes.put("structureKey", getStructureKey());
068                    attributes.put("name", getName());
069                    attributes.put("description", getDescription());
070                    attributes.put("xsd", getXsd());
071                    attributes.put("storageType", getStorageType());
072                    attributes.put("type", getType());
074                    return attributes;
075            }
077            @Override
078            public void setModelAttributes(Map<String, Object> attributes) {
079                    String uuid = (String)attributes.get("uuid");
081                    if (uuid != null) {
082                            setUuid(uuid);
083                    }
085                    Long structureId = (Long)attributes.get("structureId");
087                    if (structureId != null) {
088                            setStructureId(structureId);
089                    }
091                    Long groupId = (Long)attributes.get("groupId");
093                    if (groupId != null) {
094                            setGroupId(groupId);
095                    }
097                    Long companyId = (Long)attributes.get("companyId");
099                    if (companyId != null) {
100                            setCompanyId(companyId);
101                    }
103                    Long userId = (Long)attributes.get("userId");
105                    if (userId != null) {
106                            setUserId(userId);
107                    }
109                    String userName = (String)attributes.get("userName");
111                    if (userName != null) {
112                            setUserName(userName);
113                    }
115                    Date createDate = (Date)attributes.get("createDate");
117                    if (createDate != null) {
118                            setCreateDate(createDate);
119                    }
121                    Date modifiedDate = (Date)attributes.get("modifiedDate");
123                    if (modifiedDate != null) {
124                            setModifiedDate(modifiedDate);
125                    }
127                    Long parentStructureId = (Long)attributes.get("parentStructureId");
129                    if (parentStructureId != null) {
130                            setParentStructureId(parentStructureId);
131                    }
133                    Long classNameId = (Long)attributes.get("classNameId");
135                    if (classNameId != null) {
136                            setClassNameId(classNameId);
137                    }
139                    String structureKey = (String)attributes.get("structureKey");
141                    if (structureKey != null) {
142                            setStructureKey(structureKey);
143                    }
145                    String name = (String)attributes.get("name");
147                    if (name != null) {
148                            setName(name);
149                    }
151                    String description = (String)attributes.get("description");
153                    if (description != null) {
154                            setDescription(description);
155                    }
157                    String xsd = (String)attributes.get("xsd");
159                    if (xsd != null) {
160                            setXsd(xsd);
161                    }
163                    String storageType = (String)attributes.get("storageType");
165                    if (storageType != null) {
166                            setStorageType(storageType);
167                    }
169                    Integer type = (Integer)attributes.get("type");
171                    if (type != null) {
172                            setType(type);
173                    }
174            }
176            /**
177            * Returns the primary key of this d d m structure.
178            *
179            * @return the primary key of this d d m structure
180            */
181            @Override
182            public long getPrimaryKey() {
183                    return _ddmStructure.getPrimaryKey();
184            }
186            /**
187            * Sets the primary key of this d d m structure.
188            *
189            * @param primaryKey the primary key of this d d m structure
190            */
191            @Override
192            public void setPrimaryKey(long primaryKey) {
193                    _ddmStructure.setPrimaryKey(primaryKey);
194            }
196            /**
197            * Returns the uuid of this d d m structure.
198            *
199            * @return the uuid of this d d m structure
200            */
201            @Override
202            public java.lang.String getUuid() {
203                    return _ddmStructure.getUuid();
204            }
206            /**
207            * Sets the uuid of this d d m structure.
208            *
209            * @param uuid the uuid of this d d m structure
210            */
211            @Override
212            public void setUuid(java.lang.String uuid) {
213                    _ddmStructure.setUuid(uuid);
214            }
216            /**
217            * Returns the structure ID of this d d m structure.
218            *
219            * @return the structure ID of this d d m structure
220            */
221            @Override
222            public long getStructureId() {
223                    return _ddmStructure.getStructureId();
224            }
226            /**
227            * Sets the structure ID of this d d m structure.
228            *
229            * @param structureId the structure ID of this d d m structure
230            */
231            @Override
232            public void setStructureId(long structureId) {
233                    _ddmStructure.setStructureId(structureId);
234            }
236            /**
237            * Returns the group ID of this d d m structure.
238            *
239            * @return the group ID of this d d m structure
240            */
241            @Override
242            public long getGroupId() {
243                    return _ddmStructure.getGroupId();
244            }
246            /**
247            * Sets the group ID of this d d m structure.
248            *
249            * @param groupId the group ID of this d d m structure
250            */
251            @Override
252            public void setGroupId(long groupId) {
253                    _ddmStructure.setGroupId(groupId);
254            }
256            /**
257            * Returns the company ID of this d d m structure.
258            *
259            * @return the company ID of this d d m structure
260            */
261            @Override
262            public long getCompanyId() {
263                    return _ddmStructure.getCompanyId();
264            }
266            /**
267            * Sets the company ID of this d d m structure.
268            *
269            * @param companyId the company ID of this d d m structure
270            */
271            @Override
272            public void setCompanyId(long companyId) {
273                    _ddmStructure.setCompanyId(companyId);
274            }
276            /**
277            * Returns the user ID of this d d m structure.
278            *
279            * @return the user ID of this d d m structure
280            */
281            @Override
282            public long getUserId() {
283                    return _ddmStructure.getUserId();
284            }
286            /**
287            * Sets the user ID of this d d m structure.
288            *
289            * @param userId the user ID of this d d m structure
290            */
291            @Override
292            public void setUserId(long userId) {
293                    _ddmStructure.setUserId(userId);
294            }
296            /**
297            * Returns the user uuid of this d d m structure.
298            *
299            * @return the user uuid of this d d m structure
300            * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
301            */
302            @Override
303            public java.lang.String getUserUuid()
304                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
305                    return _ddmStructure.getUserUuid();
306            }
308            /**
309            * Sets the user uuid of this d d m structure.
310            *
311            * @param userUuid the user uuid of this d d m structure
312            */
313            @Override
314            public void setUserUuid(java.lang.String userUuid) {
315                    _ddmStructure.setUserUuid(userUuid);
316            }
318            /**
319            * Returns the user name of this d d m structure.
320            *
321            * @return the user name of this d d m structure
322            */
323            @Override
324            public java.lang.String getUserName() {
325                    return _ddmStructure.getUserName();
326            }
328            /**
329            * Sets the user name of this d d m structure.
330            *
331            * @param userName the user name of this d d m structure
332            */
333            @Override
334            public void setUserName(java.lang.String userName) {
335                    _ddmStructure.setUserName(userName);
336            }
338            /**
339            * Returns the create date of this d d m structure.
340            *
341            * @return the create date of this d d m structure
342            */
343            @Override
344            public java.util.Date getCreateDate() {
345                    return _ddmStructure.getCreateDate();
346            }
348            /**
349            * Sets the create date of this d d m structure.
350            *
351            * @param createDate the create date of this d d m structure
352            */
353            @Override
354            public void setCreateDate(java.util.Date createDate) {
355                    _ddmStructure.setCreateDate(createDate);
356            }
358            /**
359            * Returns the modified date of this d d m structure.
360            *
361            * @return the modified date of this d d m structure
362            */
363            @Override
364            public java.util.Date getModifiedDate() {
365                    return _ddmStructure.getModifiedDate();
366            }
368            /**
369            * Sets the modified date of this d d m structure.
370            *
371            * @param modifiedDate the modified date of this d d m structure
372            */
373            @Override
374            public void setModifiedDate(java.util.Date modifiedDate) {
375                    _ddmStructure.setModifiedDate(modifiedDate);
376            }
378            /**
379            * Returns the parent structure ID of this d d m structure.
380            *
381            * @return the parent structure ID of this d d m structure
382            */
383            @Override
384            public long getParentStructureId() {
385                    return _ddmStructure.getParentStructureId();
386            }
388            /**
389            * Sets the parent structure ID of this d d m structure.
390            *
391            * @param parentStructureId the parent structure ID of this d d m structure
392            */
393            @Override
394            public void setParentStructureId(long parentStructureId) {
395                    _ddmStructure.setParentStructureId(parentStructureId);
396            }
398            /**
399            * Returns the fully qualified class name of this d d m structure.
400            *
401            * @return the fully qualified class name of this d d m structure
402            */
403            @Override
404            public java.lang.String getClassName() {
405                    return _ddmStructure.getClassName();
406            }
408            @Override
409            public void setClassName(java.lang.String className) {
410                    _ddmStructure.setClassName(className);
411            }
413            /**
414            * Returns the class name ID of this d d m structure.
415            *
416            * @return the class name ID of this d d m structure
417            */
418            @Override
419            public long getClassNameId() {
420                    return _ddmStructure.getClassNameId();
421            }
423            /**
424            * Sets the class name ID of this d d m structure.
425            *
426            * @param classNameId the class name ID of this d d m structure
427            */
428            @Override
429            public void setClassNameId(long classNameId) {
430                    _ddmStructure.setClassNameId(classNameId);
431            }
433            /**
434            * Returns the structure key of this d d m structure.
435            *
436            * @return the structure key of this d d m structure
437            */
438            @Override
439            public java.lang.String getStructureKey() {
440                    return _ddmStructure.getStructureKey();
441            }
443            /**
444            * Sets the structure key of this d d m structure.
445            *
446            * @param structureKey the structure key of this d d m structure
447            */
448            @Override
449            public void setStructureKey(java.lang.String structureKey) {
450                    _ddmStructure.setStructureKey(structureKey);
451            }
453            /**
454            * Returns the name of this d d m structure.
455            *
456            * @return the name of this d d m structure
457            */
458            @Override
459            public java.lang.String getName() {
460                    return _ddmStructure.getName();
461            }
463            /**
464            * Returns the localized name of this d d m structure in the language. Uses the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
465            *
466            * @param locale the locale of the language
467            * @return the localized name of this d d m structure
468            */
469            @Override
470            public java.lang.String getName(java.util.Locale locale) {
471                    return _ddmStructure.getName(locale);
472            }
474            /**
475            * Returns the localized name of this d d m structure in the language, optionally using the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
476            *
477            * @param locale the local of the language
478            * @param useDefault whether to use the default language if no localization exists for the requested language
479            * @return the localized name of this d d m structure. If <code>useDefault</code> is <code>false</code> and no localization exists for the requested language, an empty string will be returned.
480            */
481            @Override
482            public java.lang.String getName(java.util.Locale locale, boolean useDefault) {
483                    return _ddmStructure.getName(locale, useDefault);
484            }
486            /**
487            * Returns the localized name of this d d m structure in the language. Uses the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
488            *
489            * @param languageId the ID of the language
490            * @return the localized name of this d d m structure
491            */
492            @Override
493            public java.lang.String getName(java.lang.String languageId) {
494                    return _ddmStructure.getName(languageId);
495            }
497            /**
498            * Returns the localized name of this d d m structure in the language, optionally using the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
499            *
500            * @param languageId the ID of the language
501            * @param useDefault whether to use the default language if no localization exists for the requested language
502            * @return the localized name of this d d m structure
503            */
504            @Override
505            public java.lang.String getName(java.lang.String languageId,
506                    boolean useDefault) {
507                    return _ddmStructure.getName(languageId, useDefault);
508            }
510            @Override
511            public java.lang.String getNameCurrentLanguageId() {
512                    return _ddmStructure.getNameCurrentLanguageId();
513            }
515            @Override
516            public java.lang.String getNameCurrentValue() {
517                    return _ddmStructure.getNameCurrentValue();
518            }
520            /**
521            * Returns a map of the locales and localized names of this d d m structure.
522            *
523            * @return the locales and localized names of this d d m structure
524            */
525            @Override
526            public java.util.Map<java.util.Locale, java.lang.String> getNameMap() {
527                    return _ddmStructure.getNameMap();
528            }
530            /**
531            * Sets the name of this d d m structure.
532            *
533            * @param name the name of this d d m structure
534            */
535            @Override
536            public void setName(java.lang.String name) {
537                    _ddmStructure.setName(name);
538            }
540            /**
541            * Sets the localized name of this d d m structure in the language.
542            *
543            * @param name the localized name of this d d m structure
544            * @param locale the locale of the language
545            */
546            @Override
547            public void setName(java.lang.String name, java.util.Locale locale) {
548                    _ddmStructure.setName(name, locale);
549            }
551            /**
552            * Sets the localized name of this d d m structure in the language, and sets the default locale.
553            *
554            * @param name the localized name of this d d m structure
555            * @param locale the locale of the language
556            * @param defaultLocale the default locale
557            */
558            @Override
559            public void setName(java.lang.String name, java.util.Locale locale,
560                    java.util.Locale defaultLocale) {
561                    _ddmStructure.setName(name, locale, defaultLocale);
562            }
564            @Override
565            public void setNameCurrentLanguageId(java.lang.String languageId) {
566                    _ddmStructure.setNameCurrentLanguageId(languageId);
567            }
569            /**
570            * Sets the localized names of this d d m structure from the map of locales and localized names.
571            *
572            * @param nameMap the locales and localized names of this d d m structure
573            */
574            @Override
575            public void setNameMap(
576                    java.util.Map<java.util.Locale, java.lang.String> nameMap) {
577                    _ddmStructure.setNameMap(nameMap);
578            }
580            /**
581            * Sets the localized names of this d d m structure from the map of locales and localized names, and sets the default locale.
582            *
583            * @param nameMap the locales and localized names of this d d m structure
584            * @param defaultLocale the default locale
585            */
586            @Override
587            public void setNameMap(
588                    java.util.Map<java.util.Locale, java.lang.String> nameMap,
589                    java.util.Locale defaultLocale) {
590                    _ddmStructure.setNameMap(nameMap, defaultLocale);
591            }
593            /**
594            * Returns the description of this d d m structure.
595            *
596            * @return the description of this d d m structure
597            */
598            @Override
599            public java.lang.String getDescription() {
600                    return _ddmStructure.getDescription();
601            }
603            /**
604            * Returns the localized description of this d d m structure in the language. Uses the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
605            *
606            * @param locale the locale of the language
607            * @return the localized description of this d d m structure
608            */
609            @Override
610            public java.lang.String getDescription(java.util.Locale locale) {
611                    return _ddmStructure.getDescription(locale);
612            }
614            /**
615            * Returns the localized description of this d d m structure in the language, optionally using the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
616            *
617            * @param locale the local of the language
618            * @param useDefault whether to use the default language if no localization exists for the requested language
619            * @return the localized description of this d d m structure. If <code>useDefault</code> is <code>false</code> and no localization exists for the requested language, an empty string will be returned.
620            */
621            @Override
622            public java.lang.String getDescription(java.util.Locale locale,
623                    boolean useDefault) {
624                    return _ddmStructure.getDescription(locale, useDefault);
625            }
627            /**
628            * Returns the localized description of this d d m structure in the language. Uses the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
629            *
630            * @param languageId the ID of the language
631            * @return the localized description of this d d m structure
632            */
633            @Override
634            public java.lang.String getDescription(java.lang.String languageId) {
635                    return _ddmStructure.getDescription(languageId);
636            }
638            /**
639            * Returns the localized description of this d d m structure in the language, optionally using the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
640            *
641            * @param languageId the ID of the language
642            * @param useDefault whether to use the default language if no localization exists for the requested language
643            * @return the localized description of this d d m structure
644            */
645            @Override
646            public java.lang.String getDescription(java.lang.String languageId,
647                    boolean useDefault) {
648                    return _ddmStructure.getDescription(languageId, useDefault);
649            }
651            @Override
652            public java.lang.String getDescriptionCurrentLanguageId() {
653                    return _ddmStructure.getDescriptionCurrentLanguageId();
654            }
656            @Override
657            public java.lang.String getDescriptionCurrentValue() {
658                    return _ddmStructure.getDescriptionCurrentValue();
659            }
661            /**
662            * Returns a map of the locales and localized descriptions of this d d m structure.
663            *
664            * @return the locales and localized descriptions of this d d m structure
665            */
666            @Override
667            public java.util.Map<java.util.Locale, java.lang.String> getDescriptionMap() {
668                    return _ddmStructure.getDescriptionMap();
669            }
671            /**
672            * Sets the description of this d d m structure.
673            *
674            * @param description the description of this d d m structure
675            */
676            @Override
677            public void setDescription(java.lang.String description) {
678                    _ddmStructure.setDescription(description);
679            }
681            /**
682            * Sets the localized description of this d d m structure in the language.
683            *
684            * @param description the localized description of this d d m structure
685            * @param locale the locale of the language
686            */
687            @Override
688            public void setDescription(java.lang.String description,
689                    java.util.Locale locale) {
690                    _ddmStructure.setDescription(description, locale);
691            }
693            /**
694            * Sets the localized description of this d d m structure in the language, and sets the default locale.
695            *
696            * @param description the localized description of this d d m structure
697            * @param locale the locale of the language
698            * @param defaultLocale the default locale
699            */
700            @Override
701            public void setDescription(java.lang.String description,
702                    java.util.Locale locale, java.util.Locale defaultLocale) {
703                    _ddmStructure.setDescription(description, locale, defaultLocale);
704            }
706            @Override
707            public void setDescriptionCurrentLanguageId(java.lang.String languageId) {
708                    _ddmStructure.setDescriptionCurrentLanguageId(languageId);
709            }
711            /**
712            * Sets the localized descriptions of this d d m structure from the map of locales and localized descriptions.
713            *
714            * @param descriptionMap the locales and localized descriptions of this d d m structure
715            */
716            @Override
717            public void setDescriptionMap(
718                    java.util.Map<java.util.Locale, java.lang.String> descriptionMap) {
719                    _ddmStructure.setDescriptionMap(descriptionMap);
720            }
722            /**
723            * Sets the localized descriptions of this d d m structure from the map of locales and localized descriptions, and sets the default locale.
724            *
725            * @param descriptionMap the locales and localized descriptions of this d d m structure
726            * @param defaultLocale the default locale
727            */
728            @Override
729            public void setDescriptionMap(
730                    java.util.Map<java.util.Locale, java.lang.String> descriptionMap,
731                    java.util.Locale defaultLocale) {
732                    _ddmStructure.setDescriptionMap(descriptionMap, defaultLocale);
733            }
735            /**
736            * Returns the xsd of this d d m structure.
737            *
738            * @return the xsd of this d d m structure
739            */
740            @Override
741            public java.lang.String getXsd() {
742                    return _ddmStructure.getXsd();
743            }
745            /**
746            * Sets the xsd of this d d m structure.
747            *
748            * @param xsd the xsd of this d d m structure
749            */
750            @Override
751            public void setXsd(java.lang.String xsd) {
752                    _ddmStructure.setXsd(xsd);
753            }
755            /**
756            * Returns the storage type of this d d m structure.
757            *
758            * @return the storage type of this d d m structure
759            */
760            @Override
761            public java.lang.String getStorageType() {
762                    return _ddmStructure.getStorageType();
763            }
765            /**
766            * Sets the storage type of this d d m structure.
767            *
768            * @param storageType the storage type of this d d m structure
769            */
770            @Override
771            public void setStorageType(java.lang.String storageType) {
772                    _ddmStructure.setStorageType(storageType);
773            }
775            /**
776            * Returns the type of this d d m structure.
777            *
778            * @return the type of this d d m structure
779            */
780            @Override
781            public int getType() {
782                    return _ddmStructure.getType();
783            }
785            /**
786            * Sets the type of this d d m structure.
787            *
788            * @param type the type of this d d m structure
789            */
790            @Override
791            public void setType(int type) {
792                    _ddmStructure.setType(type);
793            }
795            @Override
796            public boolean isNew() {
797                    return _ddmStructure.isNew();
798            }
800            @Override
801            public void setNew(boolean n) {
802                    _ddmStructure.setNew(n);
803            }
805            @Override
806            public boolean isCachedModel() {
807                    return _ddmStructure.isCachedModel();
808            }
810            @Override
811            public void setCachedModel(boolean cachedModel) {
812                    _ddmStructure.setCachedModel(cachedModel);
813            }
815            @Override
816            public boolean isEscapedModel() {
817                    return _ddmStructure.isEscapedModel();
818            }
820            @Override
821            public java.io.Serializable getPrimaryKeyObj() {
822                    return _ddmStructure.getPrimaryKeyObj();
823            }
825            @Override
826            public void setPrimaryKeyObj(java.io.Serializable primaryKeyObj) {
827                    _ddmStructure.setPrimaryKeyObj(primaryKeyObj);
828            }
830            @Override
831            public com.liferay.portlet.expando.model.ExpandoBridge getExpandoBridge() {
832                    return _ddmStructure.getExpandoBridge();
833            }
835            @Override
836            public void setExpandoBridgeAttributes(
837                    com.liferay.portal.model.BaseModel<?> baseModel) {
838                    _ddmStructure.setExpandoBridgeAttributes(baseModel);
839            }
841            @Override
842            public void setExpandoBridgeAttributes(
843                    com.liferay.portlet.expando.model.ExpandoBridge expandoBridge) {
844                    _ddmStructure.setExpandoBridgeAttributes(expandoBridge);
845            }
847            @Override
848            public void setExpandoBridgeAttributes(
849                    com.liferay.portal.service.ServiceContext serviceContext) {
850                    _ddmStructure.setExpandoBridgeAttributes(serviceContext);
851            }
853            @Override
854            public java.lang.String[] getAvailableLanguageIds() {
855                    return _ddmStructure.getAvailableLanguageIds();
856            }
858            @Override
859            public java.lang.String getDefaultLanguageId() {
860                    return _ddmStructure.getDefaultLanguageId();
861            }
863            @Override
864            public void prepareLocalizedFieldsForImport()
865                    throws com.liferay.portal.LocaleException {
866                    _ddmStructure.prepareLocalizedFieldsForImport();
867            }
869            @Override
870            public void prepareLocalizedFieldsForImport(
871                    java.util.Locale defaultImportLocale)
872                    throws com.liferay.portal.LocaleException {
873                    _ddmStructure.prepareLocalizedFieldsForImport(defaultImportLocale);
874            }
876            @Override
877            public java.lang.Object clone() {
878                    return new DDMStructureWrapper((DDMStructure)_ddmStructure.clone());
879            }
881            @Override
882            public int compareTo(
883                    com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatamapping.model.DDMStructure ddmStructure) {
884                    return _ddmStructure.compareTo(ddmStructure);
885            }
887            @Override
888            public int hashCode() {
889                    return _ddmStructure.hashCode();
890            }
892            @Override
893            public com.liferay.portal.model.CacheModel<com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatamapping.model.DDMStructure> toCacheModel() {
894                    return _ddmStructure.toCacheModel();
895            }
897            @Override
898            public com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatamapping.model.DDMStructure toEscapedModel() {
899                    return new DDMStructureWrapper(_ddmStructure.toEscapedModel());
900            }
902            @Override
903            public com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatamapping.model.DDMStructure toUnescapedModel() {
904                    return new DDMStructureWrapper(_ddmStructure.toUnescapedModel());
905            }
907            @Override
908            public java.lang.String toString() {
909                    return _ddmStructure.toString();
910            }
912            @Override
913            public java.lang.String toXmlString() {
914                    return _ddmStructure.toXmlString();
915            }
917            @Override
918            public void persist()
919                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
920                    _ddmStructure.persist();
921            }
923            @Override
924            public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getChildrenFieldNames(
925                    java.lang.String fieldName)
926                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
927                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
928                    return _ddmStructure.getChildrenFieldNames(fieldName);
929            }
931            @Override
932            public java.lang.String getCompleteXsd()
933                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
934                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
935                    return _ddmStructure.getCompleteXsd();
936            }
938            @Override
939            public com.liferay.portal.kernel.xml.Document getDocument() {
940                    return _ddmStructure.getDocument();
941            }
943            @Override
944            public java.lang.String getFieldDataType(java.lang.String fieldName)
945                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
946                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
947                    return _ddmStructure.getFieldDataType(fieldName);
948            }
950            @Override
951            public java.lang.String getFieldLabel(java.lang.String fieldName,
952                    java.util.Locale locale)
953                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
954                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
955                    return _ddmStructure.getFieldLabel(fieldName, locale);
956            }
958            @Override
959            public java.lang.String getFieldLabel(java.lang.String fieldName,
960                    java.lang.String locale)
961                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
962                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
963                    return _ddmStructure.getFieldLabel(fieldName, locale);
964            }
966            @Override
967            public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getFieldNames()
968                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
969                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
970                    return _ddmStructure.getFieldNames();
971            }
973            @Override
974            public java.lang.String getFieldProperty(java.lang.String fieldName,
975                    java.lang.String property)
976                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
977                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
978                    return _ddmStructure.getFieldProperty(fieldName, property);
979            }
981            @Override
982            public java.lang.String getFieldProperty(java.lang.String fieldName,
983                    java.lang.String property, java.lang.String locale)
984                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
985                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
986                    return _ddmStructure.getFieldProperty(fieldName, property, locale);
987            }
989            @Override
990            public boolean getFieldRepeatable(java.lang.String fieldName)
991                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
992                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
993                    return _ddmStructure.getFieldRepeatable(fieldName);
994            }
996            @Override
997            public boolean getFieldRequired(java.lang.String fieldName)
998                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
999                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
1000                    return _ddmStructure.getFieldRequired(fieldName);
1001            }
1003            @Override
1004            public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> getFields(
1005                    java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.String attributeName,
1006                    java.lang.String attributeValue) {
1007                    return _ddmStructure.getFields(fieldName, attributeName, attributeValue);
1008            }
1010            @Override
1011            public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> getFields(
1012                    java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.String attributeName,
1013                    java.lang.String attributeValue, java.lang.String locale) {
1014                    return _ddmStructure.getFields(fieldName, attributeName,
1015                            attributeValue, locale);
1016            }
1018            @Override
1019            public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>> getFieldsMap()
1020                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
1021                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
1022                    return _ddmStructure.getFieldsMap();
1023            }
1025            @Override
1026            public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>> getFieldsMap(
1027                    boolean includeTransientFields)
1028                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
1029                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
1030                    return _ddmStructure.getFieldsMap(includeTransientFields);
1031            }
1033            @Override
1034            public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>> getFieldsMap(
1035                    java.lang.String locale)
1036                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
1037                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
1038                    return _ddmStructure.getFieldsMap(locale);
1039            }
1041            @Override
1042            public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>> getFieldsMap(
1043                    java.lang.String locale, boolean includeTransientFields)
1044                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
1045                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
1046                    return _ddmStructure.getFieldsMap(locale, includeTransientFields);
1047            }
1049            @Override
1050            public java.lang.String getFieldTip(java.lang.String fieldName,
1051                    java.util.Locale locale)
1052                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
1053                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
1054                    return _ddmStructure.getFieldTip(fieldName, locale);
1055            }
1057            @Override
1058            public java.lang.String getFieldTip(java.lang.String fieldName,
1059                    java.lang.String locale)
1060                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
1061                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
1062                    return _ddmStructure.getFieldTip(fieldName, locale);
1063            }
1065            @Override
1066            public java.lang.String getFieldType(java.lang.String fieldName)
1067                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
1068                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
1069                    return _ddmStructure.getFieldType(fieldName);
1070            }
1072            @Override
1073            public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>>> getLocalizedFieldsMap() {
1074                    return _ddmStructure.getLocalizedFieldsMap();
1075            }
1077            @Override
1078            public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>>> getLocalizedPersistentFieldsMap() {
1079                    return _ddmStructure.getLocalizedPersistentFieldsMap();
1080            }
1082            @Override
1083            public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>>> getLocalizedTransientFieldsMap() {
1084                    return _ddmStructure.getLocalizedTransientFieldsMap();
1085            }
1087            @Override
1088            public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>> getPersistentFieldsMap(
1089                    java.lang.String locale)
1090                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
1091                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
1092                    return _ddmStructure.getPersistentFieldsMap(locale);
1093            }
1095            @Override
1096            public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getRootFieldNames()
1097                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
1098                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
1099                    return _ddmStructure.getRootFieldNames();
1100            }
1102            @Override
1103            public java.util.List<com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatamapping.model.DDMTemplate> getTemplates()
1104                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
1105                    return _ddmStructure.getTemplates();
1106            }
1108            @Override
1109            public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>> getTransientFieldsMap(
1110                    java.lang.String locale)
1111                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
1112                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
1113                    return _ddmStructure.getTransientFieldsMap(locale);
1114            }
1116            /**
1117            * Returns the WebDAV URL to access the structure.
1118            *
1119            * @param themeDisplay the theme display needed to build the URL. It can
1120            set HTTPS access, the server name, the server port, the path
1121            context, and the scope group.
1122            * @param webDAVToken the WebDAV token for the URL
1123            * @return the WebDAV URL
1124            */
1125            @Override
1126            public java.lang.String getWebDavURL(
1127                    com.liferay.portal.theme.ThemeDisplay themeDisplay,
1128                    java.lang.String webDAVToken) {
1129                    return _ddmStructure.getWebDavURL(themeDisplay, webDAVToken);
1130            }
1132            @Override
1133            public boolean hasField(java.lang.String fieldName)
1134                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
1135                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
1136                    return _ddmStructure.hasField(fieldName);
1137            }
1139            @Override
1140            public boolean isFieldPrivate(java.lang.String fieldName)
1141                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
1142                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
1143                    return _ddmStructure.isFieldPrivate(fieldName);
1144            }
1146            @Override
1147            public boolean isFieldRepeatable(java.lang.String fieldName)
1148                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
1149                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
1150                    return _ddmStructure.isFieldRepeatable(fieldName);
1151            }
1153            @Override
1154            public boolean isFieldTransient(java.lang.String fieldName)
1155                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
1156                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
1157                    return _ddmStructure.isFieldTransient(fieldName);
1158            }
1160            @Override
1161            public void setDocument(com.liferay.portal.kernel.xml.Document document) {
1162                    _ddmStructure.setDocument(document);
1163            }
1165            @Override
1166            public void setLocalizedFieldsMap(
1167                    java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>>> localizedFieldsMap) {
1168                    _ddmStructure.setLocalizedFieldsMap(localizedFieldsMap);
1169            }
1171            @Override
1172            public void setLocalizedPersistentFieldsMap(
1173                    java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>>> localizedPersistentFieldsMap) {
1174                    _ddmStructure.setLocalizedPersistentFieldsMap(localizedPersistentFieldsMap);
1175            }
1177            @Override
1178            public void setLocalizedTransientFieldsMap(
1179                    java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>>> localizedTransientFieldsMap) {
1180                    _ddmStructure.setLocalizedTransientFieldsMap(localizedTransientFieldsMap);
1181            }
1183            @Override
1184            public boolean equals(Object obj) {
1185                    if (this == obj) {
1186                            return true;
1187                    }
1189                    if (!(obj instanceof DDMStructureWrapper)) {
1190                            return false;
1191                    }
1193                    DDMStructureWrapper ddmStructureWrapper = (DDMStructureWrapper)obj;
1195                    if (Validator.equals(_ddmStructure, ddmStructureWrapper._ddmStructure)) {
1196                            return true;
1197                    }
1199                    return false;
1200            }
1202            @Override
1203            public StagedModelType getStagedModelType() {
1204                    return _ddmStructure.getStagedModelType();
1205            }
1207            /**
1208             * @deprecated As of 6.1.0, replaced by {@link #getWrappedModel}
1209             */
1210            public DDMStructure getWrappedDDMStructure() {
1211                    return _ddmStructure;
1212            }
1214            @Override
1215            public DDMStructure getWrappedModel() {
1216                    return _ddmStructure;
1217            }
1219            @Override
1220            public void resetOriginalValues() {
1221                    _ddmStructure.resetOriginalValues();
1222            }
1224            private DDMStructure _ddmStructure;
1225    }