001    /**
002     * Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved.
003     *
004     * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
005     * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
006     * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
007     * any later version.
008     *
009     * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
010     * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
011     * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
012     * details.
013     */
015    package com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatamapping.model;
017    import aQute.bnd.annotation.ProviderType;
019    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.lar.StagedModelType;
020    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.Validator;
021    import com.liferay.portal.model.ModelWrapper;
023    import java.util.Date;
024    import java.util.HashMap;
025    import java.util.Map;
027    /**
028     * <p>
029     * This class is a wrapper for {@link DDMTemplate}.
030     * </p>
031     *
032     * @author Brian Wing Shun Chan
033     * @see DDMTemplate
034     * @generated
035     */
036    @ProviderType
037    public class DDMTemplateWrapper implements DDMTemplate,
038            ModelWrapper<DDMTemplate> {
039            public DDMTemplateWrapper(DDMTemplate ddmTemplate) {
040                    _ddmTemplate = ddmTemplate;
041            }
043            @Override
044            public Class<?> getModelClass() {
045                    return DDMTemplate.class;
046            }
048            @Override
049            public String getModelClassName() {
050                    return DDMTemplate.class.getName();
051            }
053            @Override
054            public Map<String, Object> getModelAttributes() {
055                    Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<String, Object>();
057                    attributes.put("uuid", getUuid());
058                    attributes.put("templateId", getTemplateId());
059                    attributes.put("groupId", getGroupId());
060                    attributes.put("companyId", getCompanyId());
061                    attributes.put("userId", getUserId());
062                    attributes.put("userName", getUserName());
063                    attributes.put("createDate", getCreateDate());
064                    attributes.put("modifiedDate", getModifiedDate());
065                    attributes.put("classNameId", getClassNameId());
066                    attributes.put("classPK", getClassPK());
067                    attributes.put("templateKey", getTemplateKey());
068                    attributes.put("name", getName());
069                    attributes.put("description", getDescription());
070                    attributes.put("type", getType());
071                    attributes.put("mode", getMode());
072                    attributes.put("language", getLanguage());
073                    attributes.put("script", getScript());
074                    attributes.put("cacheable", getCacheable());
075                    attributes.put("smallImage", getSmallImage());
076                    attributes.put("smallImageId", getSmallImageId());
077                    attributes.put("smallImageURL", getSmallImageURL());
079                    return attributes;
080            }
082            @Override
083            public void setModelAttributes(Map<String, Object> attributes) {
084                    String uuid = (String)attributes.get("uuid");
086                    if (uuid != null) {
087                            setUuid(uuid);
088                    }
090                    Long templateId = (Long)attributes.get("templateId");
092                    if (templateId != null) {
093                            setTemplateId(templateId);
094                    }
096                    Long groupId = (Long)attributes.get("groupId");
098                    if (groupId != null) {
099                            setGroupId(groupId);
100                    }
102                    Long companyId = (Long)attributes.get("companyId");
104                    if (companyId != null) {
105                            setCompanyId(companyId);
106                    }
108                    Long userId = (Long)attributes.get("userId");
110                    if (userId != null) {
111                            setUserId(userId);
112                    }
114                    String userName = (String)attributes.get("userName");
116                    if (userName != null) {
117                            setUserName(userName);
118                    }
120                    Date createDate = (Date)attributes.get("createDate");
122                    if (createDate != null) {
123                            setCreateDate(createDate);
124                    }
126                    Date modifiedDate = (Date)attributes.get("modifiedDate");
128                    if (modifiedDate != null) {
129                            setModifiedDate(modifiedDate);
130                    }
132                    Long classNameId = (Long)attributes.get("classNameId");
134                    if (classNameId != null) {
135                            setClassNameId(classNameId);
136                    }
138                    Long classPK = (Long)attributes.get("classPK");
140                    if (classPK != null) {
141                            setClassPK(classPK);
142                    }
144                    String templateKey = (String)attributes.get("templateKey");
146                    if (templateKey != null) {
147                            setTemplateKey(templateKey);
148                    }
150                    String name = (String)attributes.get("name");
152                    if (name != null) {
153                            setName(name);
154                    }
156                    String description = (String)attributes.get("description");
158                    if (description != null) {
159                            setDescription(description);
160                    }
162                    String type = (String)attributes.get("type");
164                    if (type != null) {
165                            setType(type);
166                    }
168                    String mode = (String)attributes.get("mode");
170                    if (mode != null) {
171                            setMode(mode);
172                    }
174                    String language = (String)attributes.get("language");
176                    if (language != null) {
177                            setLanguage(language);
178                    }
180                    String script = (String)attributes.get("script");
182                    if (script != null) {
183                            setScript(script);
184                    }
186                    Boolean cacheable = (Boolean)attributes.get("cacheable");
188                    if (cacheable != null) {
189                            setCacheable(cacheable);
190                    }
192                    Boolean smallImage = (Boolean)attributes.get("smallImage");
194                    if (smallImage != null) {
195                            setSmallImage(smallImage);
196                    }
198                    Long smallImageId = (Long)attributes.get("smallImageId");
200                    if (smallImageId != null) {
201                            setSmallImageId(smallImageId);
202                    }
204                    String smallImageURL = (String)attributes.get("smallImageURL");
206                    if (smallImageURL != null) {
207                            setSmallImageURL(smallImageURL);
208                    }
209            }
211            /**
212            * Returns the primary key of this d d m template.
213            *
214            * @return the primary key of this d d m template
215            */
216            @Override
217            public long getPrimaryKey() {
218                    return _ddmTemplate.getPrimaryKey();
219            }
221            /**
222            * Sets the primary key of this d d m template.
223            *
224            * @param primaryKey the primary key of this d d m template
225            */
226            @Override
227            public void setPrimaryKey(long primaryKey) {
228                    _ddmTemplate.setPrimaryKey(primaryKey);
229            }
231            /**
232            * Returns the uuid of this d d m template.
233            *
234            * @return the uuid of this d d m template
235            */
236            @Override
237            public java.lang.String getUuid() {
238                    return _ddmTemplate.getUuid();
239            }
241            /**
242            * Sets the uuid of this d d m template.
243            *
244            * @param uuid the uuid of this d d m template
245            */
246            @Override
247            public void setUuid(java.lang.String uuid) {
248                    _ddmTemplate.setUuid(uuid);
249            }
251            /**
252            * Returns the template ID of this d d m template.
253            *
254            * @return the template ID of this d d m template
255            */
256            @Override
257            public long getTemplateId() {
258                    return _ddmTemplate.getTemplateId();
259            }
261            /**
262            * Sets the template ID of this d d m template.
263            *
264            * @param templateId the template ID of this d d m template
265            */
266            @Override
267            public void setTemplateId(long templateId) {
268                    _ddmTemplate.setTemplateId(templateId);
269            }
271            /**
272            * Returns the group ID of this d d m template.
273            *
274            * @return the group ID of this d d m template
275            */
276            @Override
277            public long getGroupId() {
278                    return _ddmTemplate.getGroupId();
279            }
281            /**
282            * Sets the group ID of this d d m template.
283            *
284            * @param groupId the group ID of this d d m template
285            */
286            @Override
287            public void setGroupId(long groupId) {
288                    _ddmTemplate.setGroupId(groupId);
289            }
291            /**
292            * Returns the company ID of this d d m template.
293            *
294            * @return the company ID of this d d m template
295            */
296            @Override
297            public long getCompanyId() {
298                    return _ddmTemplate.getCompanyId();
299            }
301            /**
302            * Sets the company ID of this d d m template.
303            *
304            * @param companyId the company ID of this d d m template
305            */
306            @Override
307            public void setCompanyId(long companyId) {
308                    _ddmTemplate.setCompanyId(companyId);
309            }
311            /**
312            * Returns the user ID of this d d m template.
313            *
314            * @return the user ID of this d d m template
315            */
316            @Override
317            public long getUserId() {
318                    return _ddmTemplate.getUserId();
319            }
321            /**
322            * Sets the user ID of this d d m template.
323            *
324            * @param userId the user ID of this d d m template
325            */
326            @Override
327            public void setUserId(long userId) {
328                    _ddmTemplate.setUserId(userId);
329            }
331            /**
332            * Returns the user uuid of this d d m template.
333            *
334            * @return the user uuid of this d d m template
335            * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
336            */
337            @Override
338            public java.lang.String getUserUuid()
339                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
340                    return _ddmTemplate.getUserUuid();
341            }
343            /**
344            * Sets the user uuid of this d d m template.
345            *
346            * @param userUuid the user uuid of this d d m template
347            */
348            @Override
349            public void setUserUuid(java.lang.String userUuid) {
350                    _ddmTemplate.setUserUuid(userUuid);
351            }
353            /**
354            * Returns the user name of this d d m template.
355            *
356            * @return the user name of this d d m template
357            */
358            @Override
359            public java.lang.String getUserName() {
360                    return _ddmTemplate.getUserName();
361            }
363            /**
364            * Sets the user name of this d d m template.
365            *
366            * @param userName the user name of this d d m template
367            */
368            @Override
369            public void setUserName(java.lang.String userName) {
370                    _ddmTemplate.setUserName(userName);
371            }
373            /**
374            * Returns the create date of this d d m template.
375            *
376            * @return the create date of this d d m template
377            */
378            @Override
379            public java.util.Date getCreateDate() {
380                    return _ddmTemplate.getCreateDate();
381            }
383            /**
384            * Sets the create date of this d d m template.
385            *
386            * @param createDate the create date of this d d m template
387            */
388            @Override
389            public void setCreateDate(java.util.Date createDate) {
390                    _ddmTemplate.setCreateDate(createDate);
391            }
393            /**
394            * Returns the modified date of this d d m template.
395            *
396            * @return the modified date of this d d m template
397            */
398            @Override
399            public java.util.Date getModifiedDate() {
400                    return _ddmTemplate.getModifiedDate();
401            }
403            /**
404            * Sets the modified date of this d d m template.
405            *
406            * @param modifiedDate the modified date of this d d m template
407            */
408            @Override
409            public void setModifiedDate(java.util.Date modifiedDate) {
410                    _ddmTemplate.setModifiedDate(modifiedDate);
411            }
413            /**
414            * Returns the fully qualified class name of this d d m template.
415            *
416            * @return the fully qualified class name of this d d m template
417            */
418            @Override
419            public java.lang.String getClassName() {
420                    return _ddmTemplate.getClassName();
421            }
423            @Override
424            public void setClassName(java.lang.String className) {
425                    _ddmTemplate.setClassName(className);
426            }
428            /**
429            * Returns the class name ID of this d d m template.
430            *
431            * @return the class name ID of this d d m template
432            */
433            @Override
434            public long getClassNameId() {
435                    return _ddmTemplate.getClassNameId();
436            }
438            /**
439            * Sets the class name ID of this d d m template.
440            *
441            * @param classNameId the class name ID of this d d m template
442            */
443            @Override
444            public void setClassNameId(long classNameId) {
445                    _ddmTemplate.setClassNameId(classNameId);
446            }
448            /**
449            * Returns the class p k of this d d m template.
450            *
451            * @return the class p k of this d d m template
452            */
453            @Override
454            public long getClassPK() {
455                    return _ddmTemplate.getClassPK();
456            }
458            /**
459            * Sets the class p k of this d d m template.
460            *
461            * @param classPK the class p k of this d d m template
462            */
463            @Override
464            public void setClassPK(long classPK) {
465                    _ddmTemplate.setClassPK(classPK);
466            }
468            /**
469            * Returns the template key of this d d m template.
470            *
471            * @return the template key of this d d m template
472            */
473            @Override
474            public java.lang.String getTemplateKey() {
475                    return _ddmTemplate.getTemplateKey();
476            }
478            /**
479            * Sets the template key of this d d m template.
480            *
481            * @param templateKey the template key of this d d m template
482            */
483            @Override
484            public void setTemplateKey(java.lang.String templateKey) {
485                    _ddmTemplate.setTemplateKey(templateKey);
486            }
488            /**
489            * Returns the name of this d d m template.
490            *
491            * @return the name of this d d m template
492            */
493            @Override
494            public java.lang.String getName() {
495                    return _ddmTemplate.getName();
496            }
498            /**
499            * Returns the localized name of this d d m template in the language. Uses the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
500            *
501            * @param locale the locale of the language
502            * @return the localized name of this d d m template
503            */
504            @Override
505            public java.lang.String getName(java.util.Locale locale) {
506                    return _ddmTemplate.getName(locale);
507            }
509            /**
510            * Returns the localized name of this d d m template in the language, optionally using the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
511            *
512            * @param locale the local of the language
513            * @param useDefault whether to use the default language if no localization exists for the requested language
514            * @return the localized name of this d d m template. If <code>useDefault</code> is <code>false</code> and no localization exists for the requested language, an empty string will be returned.
515            */
516            @Override
517            public java.lang.String getName(java.util.Locale locale, boolean useDefault) {
518                    return _ddmTemplate.getName(locale, useDefault);
519            }
521            /**
522            * Returns the localized name of this d d m template in the language. Uses the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
523            *
524            * @param languageId the ID of the language
525            * @return the localized name of this d d m template
526            */
527            @Override
528            public java.lang.String getName(java.lang.String languageId) {
529                    return _ddmTemplate.getName(languageId);
530            }
532            /**
533            * Returns the localized name of this d d m template in the language, optionally using the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
534            *
535            * @param languageId the ID of the language
536            * @param useDefault whether to use the default language if no localization exists for the requested language
537            * @return the localized name of this d d m template
538            */
539            @Override
540            public java.lang.String getName(java.lang.String languageId,
541                    boolean useDefault) {
542                    return _ddmTemplate.getName(languageId, useDefault);
543            }
545            @Override
546            public java.lang.String getNameCurrentLanguageId() {
547                    return _ddmTemplate.getNameCurrentLanguageId();
548            }
550            @Override
551            public java.lang.String getNameCurrentValue() {
552                    return _ddmTemplate.getNameCurrentValue();
553            }
555            /**
556            * Returns a map of the locales and localized names of this d d m template.
557            *
558            * @return the locales and localized names of this d d m template
559            */
560            @Override
561            public java.util.Map<java.util.Locale, java.lang.String> getNameMap() {
562                    return _ddmTemplate.getNameMap();
563            }
565            /**
566            * Sets the name of this d d m template.
567            *
568            * @param name the name of this d d m template
569            */
570            @Override
571            public void setName(java.lang.String name) {
572                    _ddmTemplate.setName(name);
573            }
575            /**
576            * Sets the localized name of this d d m template in the language.
577            *
578            * @param name the localized name of this d d m template
579            * @param locale the locale of the language
580            */
581            @Override
582            public void setName(java.lang.String name, java.util.Locale locale) {
583                    _ddmTemplate.setName(name, locale);
584            }
586            /**
587            * Sets the localized name of this d d m template in the language, and sets the default locale.
588            *
589            * @param name the localized name of this d d m template
590            * @param locale the locale of the language
591            * @param defaultLocale the default locale
592            */
593            @Override
594            public void setName(java.lang.String name, java.util.Locale locale,
595                    java.util.Locale defaultLocale) {
596                    _ddmTemplate.setName(name, locale, defaultLocale);
597            }
599            @Override
600            public void setNameCurrentLanguageId(java.lang.String languageId) {
601                    _ddmTemplate.setNameCurrentLanguageId(languageId);
602            }
604            /**
605            * Sets the localized names of this d d m template from the map of locales and localized names.
606            *
607            * @param nameMap the locales and localized names of this d d m template
608            */
609            @Override
610            public void setNameMap(
611                    java.util.Map<java.util.Locale, java.lang.String> nameMap) {
612                    _ddmTemplate.setNameMap(nameMap);
613            }
615            /**
616            * Sets the localized names of this d d m template from the map of locales and localized names, and sets the default locale.
617            *
618            * @param nameMap the locales and localized names of this d d m template
619            * @param defaultLocale the default locale
620            */
621            @Override
622            public void setNameMap(
623                    java.util.Map<java.util.Locale, java.lang.String> nameMap,
624                    java.util.Locale defaultLocale) {
625                    _ddmTemplate.setNameMap(nameMap, defaultLocale);
626            }
628            /**
629            * Returns the description of this d d m template.
630            *
631            * @return the description of this d d m template
632            */
633            @Override
634            public java.lang.String getDescription() {
635                    return _ddmTemplate.getDescription();
636            }
638            /**
639            * Returns the localized description of this d d m template in the language. Uses the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
640            *
641            * @param locale the locale of the language
642            * @return the localized description of this d d m template
643            */
644            @Override
645            public java.lang.String getDescription(java.util.Locale locale) {
646                    return _ddmTemplate.getDescription(locale);
647            }
649            /**
650            * Returns the localized description of this d d m template in the language, optionally using the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
651            *
652            * @param locale the local of the language
653            * @param useDefault whether to use the default language if no localization exists for the requested language
654            * @return the localized description of this d d m template. If <code>useDefault</code> is <code>false</code> and no localization exists for the requested language, an empty string will be returned.
655            */
656            @Override
657            public java.lang.String getDescription(java.util.Locale locale,
658                    boolean useDefault) {
659                    return _ddmTemplate.getDescription(locale, useDefault);
660            }
662            /**
663            * Returns the localized description of this d d m template in the language. Uses the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
664            *
665            * @param languageId the ID of the language
666            * @return the localized description of this d d m template
667            */
668            @Override
669            public java.lang.String getDescription(java.lang.String languageId) {
670                    return _ddmTemplate.getDescription(languageId);
671            }
673            /**
674            * Returns the localized description of this d d m template in the language, optionally using the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
675            *
676            * @param languageId the ID of the language
677            * @param useDefault whether to use the default language if no localization exists for the requested language
678            * @return the localized description of this d d m template
679            */
680            @Override
681            public java.lang.String getDescription(java.lang.String languageId,
682                    boolean useDefault) {
683                    return _ddmTemplate.getDescription(languageId, useDefault);
684            }
686            @Override
687            public java.lang.String getDescriptionCurrentLanguageId() {
688                    return _ddmTemplate.getDescriptionCurrentLanguageId();
689            }
691            @Override
692            public java.lang.String getDescriptionCurrentValue() {
693                    return _ddmTemplate.getDescriptionCurrentValue();
694            }
696            /**
697            * Returns a map of the locales and localized descriptions of this d d m template.
698            *
699            * @return the locales and localized descriptions of this d d m template
700            */
701            @Override
702            public java.util.Map<java.util.Locale, java.lang.String> getDescriptionMap() {
703                    return _ddmTemplate.getDescriptionMap();
704            }
706            /**
707            * Sets the description of this d d m template.
708            *
709            * @param description the description of this d d m template
710            */
711            @Override
712            public void setDescription(java.lang.String description) {
713                    _ddmTemplate.setDescription(description);
714            }
716            /**
717            * Sets the localized description of this d d m template in the language.
718            *
719            * @param description the localized description of this d d m template
720            * @param locale the locale of the language
721            */
722            @Override
723            public void setDescription(java.lang.String description,
724                    java.util.Locale locale) {
725                    _ddmTemplate.setDescription(description, locale);
726            }
728            /**
729            * Sets the localized description of this d d m template in the language, and sets the default locale.
730            *
731            * @param description the localized description of this d d m template
732            * @param locale the locale of the language
733            * @param defaultLocale the default locale
734            */
735            @Override
736            public void setDescription(java.lang.String description,
737                    java.util.Locale locale, java.util.Locale defaultLocale) {
738                    _ddmTemplate.setDescription(description, locale, defaultLocale);
739            }
741            @Override
742            public void setDescriptionCurrentLanguageId(java.lang.String languageId) {
743                    _ddmTemplate.setDescriptionCurrentLanguageId(languageId);
744            }
746            /**
747            * Sets the localized descriptions of this d d m template from the map of locales and localized descriptions.
748            *
749            * @param descriptionMap the locales and localized descriptions of this d d m template
750            */
751            @Override
752            public void setDescriptionMap(
753                    java.util.Map<java.util.Locale, java.lang.String> descriptionMap) {
754                    _ddmTemplate.setDescriptionMap(descriptionMap);
755            }
757            /**
758            * Sets the localized descriptions of this d d m template from the map of locales and localized descriptions, and sets the default locale.
759            *
760            * @param descriptionMap the locales and localized descriptions of this d d m template
761            * @param defaultLocale the default locale
762            */
763            @Override
764            public void setDescriptionMap(
765                    java.util.Map<java.util.Locale, java.lang.String> descriptionMap,
766                    java.util.Locale defaultLocale) {
767                    _ddmTemplate.setDescriptionMap(descriptionMap, defaultLocale);
768            }
770            /**
771            * Returns the type of this d d m template.
772            *
773            * @return the type of this d d m template
774            */
775            @Override
776            public java.lang.String getType() {
777                    return _ddmTemplate.getType();
778            }
780            /**
781            * Sets the type of this d d m template.
782            *
783            * @param type the type of this d d m template
784            */
785            @Override
786            public void setType(java.lang.String type) {
787                    _ddmTemplate.setType(type);
788            }
790            /**
791            * Returns the mode of this d d m template.
792            *
793            * @return the mode of this d d m template
794            */
795            @Override
796            public java.lang.String getMode() {
797                    return _ddmTemplate.getMode();
798            }
800            /**
801            * Sets the mode of this d d m template.
802            *
803            * @param mode the mode of this d d m template
804            */
805            @Override
806            public void setMode(java.lang.String mode) {
807                    _ddmTemplate.setMode(mode);
808            }
810            /**
811            * Returns the language of this d d m template.
812            *
813            * @return the language of this d d m template
814            */
815            @Override
816            public java.lang.String getLanguage() {
817                    return _ddmTemplate.getLanguage();
818            }
820            /**
821            * Sets the language of this d d m template.
822            *
823            * @param language the language of this d d m template
824            */
825            @Override
826            public void setLanguage(java.lang.String language) {
827                    _ddmTemplate.setLanguage(language);
828            }
830            /**
831            * Returns the script of this d d m template.
832            *
833            * @return the script of this d d m template
834            */
835            @Override
836            public java.lang.String getScript() {
837                    return _ddmTemplate.getScript();
838            }
840            /**
841            * Sets the script of this d d m template.
842            *
843            * @param script the script of this d d m template
844            */
845            @Override
846            public void setScript(java.lang.String script) {
847                    _ddmTemplate.setScript(script);
848            }
850            /**
851            * Returns the cacheable of this d d m template.
852            *
853            * @return the cacheable of this d d m template
854            */
855            @Override
856            public boolean getCacheable() {
857                    return _ddmTemplate.getCacheable();
858            }
860            /**
861            * Returns <code>true</code> if this d d m template is cacheable.
862            *
863            * @return <code>true</code> if this d d m template is cacheable; <code>false</code> otherwise
864            */
865            @Override
866            public boolean isCacheable() {
867                    return _ddmTemplate.isCacheable();
868            }
870            /**
871            * Sets whether this d d m template is cacheable.
872            *
873            * @param cacheable the cacheable of this d d m template
874            */
875            @Override
876            public void setCacheable(boolean cacheable) {
877                    _ddmTemplate.setCacheable(cacheable);
878            }
880            /**
881            * Returns the small image of this d d m template.
882            *
883            * @return the small image of this d d m template
884            */
885            @Override
886            public boolean getSmallImage() {
887                    return _ddmTemplate.getSmallImage();
888            }
890            /**
891            * Returns <code>true</code> if this d d m template is small image.
892            *
893            * @return <code>true</code> if this d d m template is small image; <code>false</code> otherwise
894            */
895            @Override
896            public boolean isSmallImage() {
897                    return _ddmTemplate.isSmallImage();
898            }
900            /**
901            * Sets whether this d d m template is small image.
902            *
903            * @param smallImage the small image of this d d m template
904            */
905            @Override
906            public void setSmallImage(boolean smallImage) {
907                    _ddmTemplate.setSmallImage(smallImage);
908            }
910            /**
911            * Returns the small image ID of this d d m template.
912            *
913            * @return the small image ID of this d d m template
914            */
915            @Override
916            public long getSmallImageId() {
917                    return _ddmTemplate.getSmallImageId();
918            }
920            /**
921            * Sets the small image ID of this d d m template.
922            *
923            * @param smallImageId the small image ID of this d d m template
924            */
925            @Override
926            public void setSmallImageId(long smallImageId) {
927                    _ddmTemplate.setSmallImageId(smallImageId);
928            }
930            /**
931            * Returns the small image u r l of this d d m template.
932            *
933            * @return the small image u r l of this d d m template
934            */
935            @Override
936            public java.lang.String getSmallImageURL() {
937                    return _ddmTemplate.getSmallImageURL();
938            }
940            /**
941            * Sets the small image u r l of this d d m template.
942            *
943            * @param smallImageURL the small image u r l of this d d m template
944            */
945            @Override
946            public void setSmallImageURL(java.lang.String smallImageURL) {
947                    _ddmTemplate.setSmallImageURL(smallImageURL);
948            }
950            @Override
951            public boolean isNew() {
952                    return _ddmTemplate.isNew();
953            }
955            @Override
956            public void setNew(boolean n) {
957                    _ddmTemplate.setNew(n);
958            }
960            @Override
961            public boolean isCachedModel() {
962                    return _ddmTemplate.isCachedModel();
963            }
965            @Override
966            public void setCachedModel(boolean cachedModel) {
967                    _ddmTemplate.setCachedModel(cachedModel);
968            }
970            @Override
971            public boolean isEscapedModel() {
972                    return _ddmTemplate.isEscapedModel();
973            }
975            @Override
976            public java.io.Serializable getPrimaryKeyObj() {
977                    return _ddmTemplate.getPrimaryKeyObj();
978            }
980            @Override
981            public void setPrimaryKeyObj(java.io.Serializable primaryKeyObj) {
982                    _ddmTemplate.setPrimaryKeyObj(primaryKeyObj);
983            }
985            @Override
986            public com.liferay.portlet.expando.model.ExpandoBridge getExpandoBridge() {
987                    return _ddmTemplate.getExpandoBridge();
988            }
990            @Override
991            public void setExpandoBridgeAttributes(
992                    com.liferay.portal.model.BaseModel<?> baseModel) {
993                    _ddmTemplate.setExpandoBridgeAttributes(baseModel);
994            }
996            @Override
997            public void setExpandoBridgeAttributes(
998                    com.liferay.portlet.expando.model.ExpandoBridge expandoBridge) {
999                    _ddmTemplate.setExpandoBridgeAttributes(expandoBridge);
1000            }
1002            @Override
1003            public void setExpandoBridgeAttributes(
1004                    com.liferay.portal.service.ServiceContext serviceContext) {
1005                    _ddmTemplate.setExpandoBridgeAttributes(serviceContext);
1006            }
1008            @Override
1009            public java.lang.String[] getAvailableLanguageIds() {
1010                    return _ddmTemplate.getAvailableLanguageIds();
1011            }
1013            @Override
1014            public java.lang.String getDefaultLanguageId() {
1015                    return _ddmTemplate.getDefaultLanguageId();
1016            }
1018            @Override
1019            public void prepareLocalizedFieldsForImport()
1020                    throws com.liferay.portal.LocaleException {
1021                    _ddmTemplate.prepareLocalizedFieldsForImport();
1022            }
1024            @Override
1025            public void prepareLocalizedFieldsForImport(
1026                    java.util.Locale defaultImportLocale)
1027                    throws com.liferay.portal.LocaleException {
1028                    _ddmTemplate.prepareLocalizedFieldsForImport(defaultImportLocale);
1029            }
1031            @Override
1032            public java.lang.Object clone() {
1033                    return new DDMTemplateWrapper((DDMTemplate)_ddmTemplate.clone());
1034            }
1036            @Override
1037            public int compareTo(
1038                    com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatamapping.model.DDMTemplate ddmTemplate) {
1039                    return _ddmTemplate.compareTo(ddmTemplate);
1040            }
1042            @Override
1043            public int hashCode() {
1044                    return _ddmTemplate.hashCode();
1045            }
1047            @Override
1048            public com.liferay.portal.model.CacheModel<com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatamapping.model.DDMTemplate> toCacheModel() {
1049                    return _ddmTemplate.toCacheModel();
1050            }
1052            @Override
1053            public com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatamapping.model.DDMTemplate toEscapedModel() {
1054                    return new DDMTemplateWrapper(_ddmTemplate.toEscapedModel());
1055            }
1057            @Override
1058            public com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatamapping.model.DDMTemplate toUnescapedModel() {
1059                    return new DDMTemplateWrapper(_ddmTemplate.toUnescapedModel());
1060            }
1062            @Override
1063            public java.lang.String toString() {
1064                    return _ddmTemplate.toString();
1065            }
1067            @Override
1068            public java.lang.String toXmlString() {
1069                    return _ddmTemplate.toXmlString();
1070            }
1072            @Override
1073            public void persist()
1074                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
1075                    _ddmTemplate.persist();
1076            }
1078            @Override
1079            public java.lang.String getSmallImageType()
1080                    throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException,
1081                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException {
1082                    return _ddmTemplate.getSmallImageType();
1083            }
1085            /**
1086            * Returns the WebDAV URL to access the template.
1087            *
1088            * @param themeDisplay the theme display needed to build the URL. It can
1089            set HTTPS access, the server name, the server port, the path
1090            context, and the scope group.
1091            * @param webDAVToken the WebDAV token for the URL
1092            * @return the WebDAV URL
1093            */
1094            @Override
1095            public java.lang.String getWebDavURL(
1096                    com.liferay.portal.theme.ThemeDisplay themeDisplay,
1097                    java.lang.String webDAVToken) {
1098                    return _ddmTemplate.getWebDavURL(themeDisplay, webDAVToken);
1099            }
1101            @Override
1102            public void setSmallImageType(java.lang.String smallImageType) {
1103                    _ddmTemplate.setSmallImageType(smallImageType);
1104            }
1106            @Override
1107            public boolean equals(Object obj) {
1108                    if (this == obj) {
1109                            return true;
1110                    }
1112                    if (!(obj instanceof DDMTemplateWrapper)) {
1113                            return false;
1114                    }
1116                    DDMTemplateWrapper ddmTemplateWrapper = (DDMTemplateWrapper)obj;
1118                    if (Validator.equals(_ddmTemplate, ddmTemplateWrapper._ddmTemplate)) {
1119                            return true;
1120                    }
1122                    return false;
1123            }
1125            @Override
1126            public StagedModelType getStagedModelType() {
1127                    return _ddmTemplate.getStagedModelType();
1128            }
1130            /**
1131             * @deprecated As of 6.1.0, replaced by {@link #getWrappedModel}
1132             */
1133            public DDMTemplate getWrappedDDMTemplate() {
1134                    return _ddmTemplate;
1135            }
1137            @Override
1138            public DDMTemplate getWrappedModel() {
1139                    return _ddmTemplate;
1140            }
1142            @Override
1143            public void resetOriginalValues() {
1144                    _ddmTemplate.resetOriginalValues();
1145            }
1147            private DDMTemplate _ddmTemplate;
1148    }