Chapter 1. Upgrading Themes

Table of Contents

1. Upgrading themes to Liferay Portal 4.0.0
1.1. Why Hot-Deployable Themes must use Velocity Templates:
1.2. Should I use Velocity or JSP?
1.3. Upgrading Themes from 3.6.1 to 4.0.0 - Velocity
1.4. Upgrading Themes from 3.6.1 to 4.0.0 - JSP

1. Upgrading themes to Liferay Portal 4.0.0

One of the biggest changes for themes in Liferay Portal 4.0.0 is that hot-deployable themes must now use Velocity templates. The following outlines why this change was necessary:

1.1. Why Hot-Deployable Themes must use Velocity Templates:

Up until Liferay Portal 4.0.0RC2, Liferay used to place its JARs in the shared class loader. The benefit of this was that all web applications could access Liferay's classes since they were in the shared class loader. The drawback was that JARs in the shared class loader would automatically override JARs in other web applications. So if a web application required Hibernate 2.0 and Liferay required Hibernate 3.0, this would cause conflicts because the JARs in the shared class loader would override the JARs in the web application.

Starting from Liferay Portal 4.0.0 final, Liferay no longer places its JARs in the shared class loader. This allows Liferay to work with web applications that require different versions of Struts, Hibernate, etc. without any changes to the code. This also means that hot-deployable themes cannot access Liferay's classes because they are not in the shared class loader.

Here's a more concrete example with Tomcat as the servlet container:

Tomcat's shared class loader is here: tomcat/common/lib/ext. Instead of placing its JARs in the shared class loader, Liferay now puts them here: tomcat/liferay/WEB-INF/lib. Web applications in tomcat/webapps cannot access Liferay's classes because they are no longer in tomcat/common/lib/ext.

If your theme is named *.war, it is a web application. For example, ant-themes-4.0.0.war is a web application. These themes are also called hot-deployable themes since you can deploy them at runtime. Themes that have a .war extension must use Velocity templates because they cannot access Liferay's classes.

1.2. Should I use Velocity or JSP?

Use Velocity for cleaner code and better maintainability. We converted all of our community themes to use Velocity. These themes are a great way to learn how to build your own themes using Velocity. Also see for a list of tags that are available to you.

Use JSP for flexibility or if you do not have time to learn Velocity. If you want to create themes using JSP, you will need to create them in ext/ext-web/docroot/html/themes. See portal/portal-web/docroot/html/themes for examples on how to create JSP themes.

Note: All themes developed in ext/themes or themes that have a .war extension cannot access Liferay's classes because of the new class loader. These themes must be developed using Velocty templates. On the other hand, JSP themes must be developed in ext/ext-web/docroot/html/themes. These themes must be developed here because they need to access Liferay's classes.

1.3. Upgrading Themes from 3.6.1 to 4.0.0 - Velocity

Convert your theme to Velocity. See our community themes for examples on how to create themes using Velocity templates.

1.4. Upgrading Themes from 3.6.1 to 4.0.0 - JSP

Port your theme to the ext/ext-web/docroot/html/themes directory. If you do not know how to create an extension environment, read this section first:

The following guidelines will help you to port your theme to Liferay Portal 4.0.0.

  1. If you developed your theme as a *.war file or if you developed your theme in ext/themes, deploy your theme to your server. Then copy the resulting theme directory to ext/ext-web/docroot/html/themes. Skip this step if your theme is already located in ext/ext-web/docroot/html/themes.

    Example: If your theme is ant-themes-4.0.0.war, deploy this theme to your server. If you are using Tomcat, the theme will be deployed to tomcat/webapps. Copy the resulting "ant-themes-4.0.0" directory and all of its contents to ext/ext-web/docroot/html/themes

    When you are finished the directory structure should look like this: ext/ext-web/docroot/html/themes/ant-themes-4.0.0. If your "ant-themes-4.0.0" directory is empty you have not deployed the theme correctly.

  2. Convert the JSPs:

    <liferay:include flush=”true”<liferay-util:include Remove "flush" attribute
    getResTotalgetResolution Only use this method in css.jsp
    tilesSubNavThis variable was removed
  3. Convert icons in portlet_top.jsp to <liferay-portlet> taglib icons:

    <liferay-portlet:icon-configuration /> 
    <liferay-portlet:icon-edit /> 
    <liferay-portlet:icon-edit-guest /> 
    <liferay-portlet:icon-help /> 
    <liferay-portlet:icon-print /> 
    <liferay-portlet:icon-minimize /> 
    <liferay-portlet:icon-maximize /> 
    <liferay-portlet:icon-close />
  4. Convert hrefs in top.jsp to use themeDisplay getter methods

  5. Convert “Communities” to “My Places”

    <div id="layout-my-places"> 
       <liferay-portlet:runtime portletName="<%= PortletKeys.MY_PLACES %>" /> 
  6. Images

    • Liferay convention is to put all custom images into images/custom

    • Copy default images from Classic theme.

  7. CSS Styles

    • Remove any styles with “n1” or “w1” in the name

    • Add the following styles:

      portal-add-content layout-column_column-? layout-column-highlight portlet-dragging-placeholder layout-my-places

    • Change the following styles:
