1   /**
2    * Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved.
3    *
4    * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
5    * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
6    * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
7    * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
8    * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
9    * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
10   *
11   * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
12   * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
13   *
20   * SOFTWARE.
21   */
23  package com.liferay.portal.model.impl;
25  import com.liferay.portal.kernel.job.Scheduler;
26  import com.liferay.portal.kernel.log.Log;
27  import com.liferay.portal.kernel.log.LogFactoryUtil;
28  import com.liferay.portal.kernel.plugin.PluginPackage;
29  import com.liferay.portal.kernel.pop.MessageListener;
30  import com.liferay.portal.kernel.portlet.ConfigurationAction;
31  import com.liferay.portal.kernel.portlet.FriendlyURLMapper;
32  import com.liferay.portal.kernel.portlet.PortletBag;
33  import com.liferay.portal.kernel.portlet.PortletBagPool;
34  import com.liferay.portal.kernel.portlet.PortletLayoutListener;
35  import com.liferay.portal.kernel.search.Indexer;
36  import com.liferay.portal.kernel.search.OpenSearch;
37  import com.liferay.portal.kernel.servlet.URLEncoder;
38  import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.ContentTypes;
39  import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.InstancePool;
40  import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.StringPool;
41  import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.StringUtil;
42  import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.Validator;
43  import com.liferay.portal.kernel.xml.QName;
44  import com.liferay.portal.lar.PortletDataHandler;
45  import com.liferay.portal.model.Plugin;
46  import com.liferay.portal.model.PluginSetting;
47  import com.liferay.portal.model.Portlet;
48  import com.liferay.portal.model.PortletApp;
49  import com.liferay.portal.model.PortletConstants;
50  import com.liferay.portal.model.PortletFilter;
51  import com.liferay.portal.model.PortletInfo;
52  import com.liferay.portal.model.PublicRenderParameter;
53  import com.liferay.portal.model.RoleConstants;
54  import com.liferay.portal.model.User;
55  import com.liferay.portal.service.RoleLocalServiceUtil;
56  import com.liferay.portal.service.UserLocalServiceUtil;
57  import com.liferay.portal.util.PortalUtil;
58  import com.liferay.portal.util.PropsValues;
59  import com.liferay.portal.webdav.WebDAVStorage;
60  import com.liferay.portlet.ControlPanelEntry;
61  import com.liferay.portlet.PortletBagImpl;
62  import com.liferay.portlet.PortletQNameUtil;
63  import com.liferay.portlet.social.model.SocialActivityInterpreter;
64  import com.liferay.portlet.social.model.SocialRequestInterpreter;
66  import java.util.ArrayList;
67  import java.util.Arrays;
68  import java.util.HashMap;
69  import java.util.HashSet;
70  import java.util.Hashtable;
71  import java.util.Iterator;
72  import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
73  import java.util.List;
74  import java.util.Map;
75  import java.util.Set;
76  import java.util.TreeSet;
78  import javax.portlet.PortletMode;
80  /**
81   * <a href="PortletImpl.java.html"><b><i>View Source</i></b></a>
82   *
83   * @author Brian Wing Shun Chan
84   *
85   */
86  public class PortletImpl extends PortletModelImpl implements Portlet {
88      /**
89       * Constructs a portlet with no parameters.
90       */
91      public PortletImpl() {
92      }
94      /**
95       * Constructs a portlet with the specified parameters.
96       */
97      public PortletImpl(long companyId, String portletId) {
98          setCompanyId(companyId);
99          setPortletId(portletId);
100         setStrutsPath(portletId);
101         setActive(true);
102         _headerPortalCss = new ArrayList<String>();
103         _headerPortletCss = new ArrayList<String>();
104         _headerPortalJavaScript = new ArrayList<String>();
105         _headerPortletJavaScript = new ArrayList<String>();
106         _footerPortalCss = new ArrayList<String>();
107         _footerPortletCss = new ArrayList<String>();
108         _footerPortalJavaScript = new ArrayList<String>();
109         _footerPortletJavaScript = new ArrayList<String>();
110         _unlinkedRoles = new HashSet<String>();
111         _roleMappers = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
112         _initParams = new HashMap<String, String>();
113         _portletModes = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
114         _supportedLocales = new HashSet<String>();
115         _portletFilters = new LinkedHashMap<String, PortletFilter>();
116         _processingEvents = new HashSet<QName>();
117         _publishingEvents = new HashSet<QName>();
118         _publicRenderParameters = new HashSet<PublicRenderParameter>();
119     }
121     /**
122      * Constructs a portlet with the specified parameters.
123      */
124     public PortletImpl(
125         String portletId, PluginPackage pluginPackage,
126         PluginSetting pluginSetting, long companyId, long timestamp,
127         String icon, String virtualPath, String strutsPath, String portletName,
128         String displayName, String portletClass,
129         String configurationActionClass, String indexerClass,
130         String openSearchClass, String schedulerClass, String portletURLClass,
131         String friendlyURLMapperClass, String urlEncoderClass,
132         String portletDataHandlerClass, String portletLayoutListenerClass,
133         String popMessageListenerClass, String socialActivityInterpreterClass,
134         String socialRequestInterpreterClass, String webDAVStorageToken,
135         String webDAVStorageClass, String controlPanelEntryCategory,
136         double controlPanelEntryWeight, String controlPanelClass,
137         String defaultPreferences, String preferencesValidator,
138         boolean preferencesCompanyWide, boolean preferencesUniquePerLayout,
139         boolean preferencesOwnedByGroup, boolean useDefaultTemplate,
140         boolean showPortletAccessDenied, boolean showPortletInactive,
141         boolean actionURLRedirect, boolean restoreCurrentView,
142         boolean maximizeEdit, boolean maximizeHelp, boolean popUpPrint,
143         boolean layoutCacheable, boolean instanceable, boolean scopeable,
144         String userPrincipalStrategy, boolean privateRequestAttributes,
145         boolean privateSessionAttributes, int renderWeight, boolean ajaxable,
146         List<String> headerPortalCss, List<String> headerPortletCss,
147         List<String> headerPortalJavaScript,
148         List<String> headerPortletJavaScript, List<String> footerPortalCss,
149         List<String> footerPortletCss, List<String> footerPortalJavaScript,
150         List<String> footerPortletJavaScript, String cssClassWrapper,
151         String facebookIntegration, boolean addDefaultResource, String roles,
152         Set<String> unlinkedRoles, Map<String, String> roleMappers,
153         boolean system, boolean active, boolean include,
154         Map<String, String> initParams, Integer expCache,
155         Map<String, Set<String>> portletModes, Set<String> supportedLocales,
156         String resourceBundle, PortletInfo portletInfo,
157         Map<String, PortletFilter> portletFilters, Set<QName> processingEvents,
158         Set<QName> publishingEvents,
159         Set<PublicRenderParameter> publicRenderParameters, boolean remote,
160         String remoteConsumerId, String remoteProducerEntityId,
161         String remotePortletHandle, String remotePortletId,
162         PortletApp portletApp) {
164         setPortletId(portletId);
165         _pluginPackage = pluginPackage;
166         _defaultPluginSetting = pluginSetting;
167         setCompanyId(companyId);
168         _timestamp = timestamp;
169         _icon = icon;
170         _virtualPath = virtualPath;
171         _strutsPath = strutsPath;
172         _portletName = portletName;
173         _displayName = displayName;
174         _portletClass = portletClass;
175         _configurationActionClass = configurationActionClass;
176         _indexerClass = indexerClass;
177         _openSearchClass = openSearchClass;
178         _schedulerClass = schedulerClass;
179         _portletURLClass = portletURLClass;
180         _friendlyURLMapperClass = friendlyURLMapperClass;
181         _urlEncoderClass = urlEncoderClass;
182         _portletDataHandlerClass = portletDataHandlerClass;
183         _portletLayoutListenerClass = portletLayoutListenerClass;
184         _popMessageListenerClass = popMessageListenerClass;
185         _socialActivityInterpreterClass = socialActivityInterpreterClass;
186         _socialRequestInterpreterClass = socialRequestInterpreterClass;
187         _webDAVStorageToken = webDAVStorageToken;
188         _webDAVStorageClass = webDAVStorageClass;
189         _controlPanelEntryCategory = controlPanelEntryCategory;
190         _controlPanelEntryWeight = controlPanelEntryWeight;
191         _controlPanelEntryClass = controlPanelClass;
192         _defaultPreferences = defaultPreferences;
193         _preferencesValidator = preferencesValidator;
194         _preferencesCompanyWide = preferencesCompanyWide;
195         _preferencesUniquePerLayout = preferencesUniquePerLayout;
196         _preferencesOwnedByGroup = preferencesOwnedByGroup;
197         _useDefaultTemplate = useDefaultTemplate;
198         _showPortletAccessDenied = showPortletAccessDenied;
199         _showPortletInactive = showPortletInactive;
200         _actionURLRedirect = actionURLRedirect;
201         _restoreCurrentView = restoreCurrentView;
202         _maximizeEdit = maximizeEdit;
203         _maximizeHelp = maximizeHelp;
204         _popUpPrint = popUpPrint;
205         _layoutCacheable = layoutCacheable;
206         _instanceable = instanceable;
207         _scopeable = scopeable;
208         _userPrincipalStrategy = userPrincipalStrategy;
209         _privateRequestAttributes = privateRequestAttributes;
210         _privateSessionAttributes = privateSessionAttributes;
211         _renderWeight = renderWeight;
212         _ajaxable = ajaxable;
213         _headerPortalCss = headerPortalCss;
214         _headerPortletCss = headerPortletCss;
215         _headerPortalJavaScript = headerPortalJavaScript;
216         _headerPortletJavaScript = headerPortletJavaScript;
217         _footerPortalCss = footerPortalCss;
218         _footerPortletCss = footerPortletCss;
219         _footerPortalJavaScript = footerPortalJavaScript;
220         _footerPortletJavaScript = footerPortletJavaScript;
221         _cssClassWrapper = cssClassWrapper;
222         _facebookIntegration = facebookIntegration;
223         _scopeable = scopeable;
224         _addDefaultResource = addDefaultResource;
225         setRoles(roles);
226         _unlinkedRoles = unlinkedRoles;
227         _roleMappers = roleMappers;
228         _system = system;
229         setActive(active);
230         _include = include;
231         _initParams = initParams;
232         _expCache = expCache;
233         _portletModes = portletModes;
234         _supportedLocales = supportedLocales;
235         _resourceBundle = resourceBundle;
236         _portletInfo = portletInfo;
237         _portletFilters = portletFilters;
238         setProcessingEvents(processingEvents);
239         setPublishingEvents(publishingEvents);
240         setPublicRenderParameters(publicRenderParameters);
241         _remote = remote;
242         _remoteConsumerId = remoteConsumerId;
243         _remoteProducerEntityId = remoteProducerEntityId;
244         _remotePortletHandle = remotePortletHandle;
245         _remotePortletId = remotePortletId;
246         _portletApp = portletApp;
248         if (_instanceable) {
249             _clonedInstances = new Hashtable<String, Portlet>();
250         }
251     }
253     /**
254      * Gets the root portlet id of the portlet.
255      *
256      * @return      the root portlet id of the portlet
257      */
258     public String getRootPortletId() {
259         return PortletConstants.getRootPortletId(getPortletId());
260     }
262     /**
263      * Gets the instance id of the portlet.
264      *
265      * @return      the instance id of the portlet
266      */
267     public String getInstanceId() {
268         return PortletConstants.getInstanceId(getPortletId());
269     }
271     /**
272      * Gets the plugin id of the portlet.
273      *
274      * @return      the plugin id of the portlet
275      */
276     public String getPluginId() {
277         return getRootPortletId();
278     }
280     /**
281      * Gets the plugin type of the portlet.
282      *
283      * @return      the plugin type of the portlet
284      */
285     public String getPluginType() {
286         return Plugin.TYPE_PORTLET;
287     }
289     /**
290      * Get the package to which the portlet belongs to.
291      *
292      * @return      the plugin package of the portlet
293      */
294     public PluginPackage getPluginPackage() {
295         return _pluginPackage;
296     }
298     /**
299      * Sets the plugin package this portlet belongs to.
300      *
301      * @param       pluginPackage the plugin package
302      */
303     public void setPluginPackage(PluginPackage pluginPackage) {
304         _pluginPackage = pluginPackage;
305     }
307     /**
308      * Get the default plugin settings of the portlet.
309      *
310      * @return      the plugin settings
311      */
312     public PluginSetting getDefaultPluginSetting() {
313         return _defaultPluginSetting;
314     }
316     /**
317      * Sets the default plugin settings of the portlet.
318      *
319      * @param       pluginSetting the plugin setting
320      */
321     public void setDefaultPluginSetting(PluginSetting pluginSetting) {
322         _defaultPluginSetting = pluginSetting;
323     }
325     /**
326      * Gets the timestamp of the portlet.
327      *
328      * @return      the timestamp of the portlet
329      */
330     public long getTimestamp() {
331         return _timestamp;
332     }
334     /**
335      * Sets the timestamp of the portlet.
336      *
337      * @param       timestamp the timestamp of the portlet
338      */
339     public void setTimestamp(long timestamp) {
340         _timestamp = timestamp;
341     }
343     /**
344      * Gets the icon of the portlet.
345      *
346      * @return      the icon of the portlet
347      */
348     public String getIcon() {
349         return _icon;
350     }
352     /**
353      * Sets the icon of the portlet.
354      *
355      * @param       icon the icon of the portlet
356      */
357     public void setIcon(String icon) {
358         _icon = icon;
359     }
361     /**
362      * Gets the virtual path of the portlet.
363      *
364      * @return      the virtual path of the portlet
365      */
366     public String getVirtualPath() {
367         return _virtualPath;
368     }
370     /**
371      * Sets the virtual path of the portlet.
372      *
373      * @param       virtualPath the virtual path of the portlet
374      */
375     public void setVirtualPath(String virtualPath) {
376         if (_portletApp.isWARFile() && Validator.isNull(virtualPath)) {
377             virtualPath = PropsValues.PORTLET_VIRTUAL_PATH;
378         }
380         _virtualPath = virtualPath;
381     }
383     /**
384      * Gets the struts path of the portlet.
385      *
386      * @return      the struts path of the portlet
387      */
388     public String getStrutsPath() {
389         return _strutsPath;
390     }
392     /**
393      * Sets the struts path of the portlet.
394      *
395      * @param       strutsPath the struts path of the portlet
396      */
397     public void setStrutsPath(String strutsPath) {
398         _strutsPath = strutsPath;
399     }
401     /**
402      * Gets the name of the portlet.
403      *
404      * @return      the display name of the portlet
405      */
406     public String getPortletName() {
407         return _portletName;
408     }
410     /**
411      * Sets the name of the portlet.
412      *
413      * @param       portletName the name of the portlet
414      */
415     public void setPortletName(String portletName) {
416         _portletName = portletName;
417     }
419     /**
420      * Gets the display name of the portlet.
421      *
422      * @return      the display name of the portlet
423      */
424     public String getDisplayName() {
425         return _displayName;
426     }
428     /**
429      * Sets the display name of the portlet.
430      *
431      * @param       displayName the display name of the portlet
432      */
433     public void setDisplayName(String displayName) {
434         _displayName = displayName;
435     }
437     /**
438      * Gets the name of the portlet class of the portlet.
439      *
440      * @return      the name of the portlet class of the portlet
441      */
442     public String getPortletClass() {
443         return _portletClass;
444     }
446     /**
447      * Sets the name of the portlet class of the portlet.
448      *
449      * @param       portletClass the name of the portlet class of the portlet
450      */
451     public void setPortletClass(String portletClass) {
452         _portletClass = portletClass;
453     }
455     /**
456      * Gets the configuration action class of the portlet.
457      *
458      * @return      the configuration action class of the portlet
459      */
460     public String getConfigurationActionClass() {
461         return _configurationActionClass;
462     }
464     /**
465      * Sets the configuration action class of the portlet.
466      *
467      * @param       configurationActionClass the configuration action class of
468      *              the portlet
469      */
470     public void setConfigurationActionClass(String configurationActionClass) {
471         _configurationActionClass = configurationActionClass;
472     }
474     /**
475      * Gets the configuration action instance of the portlet.
476      *
477      * @return      the configuration action instance of the portlet
478      */
479     public ConfigurationAction getConfigurationActionInstance() {
480         if (Validator.isNull(getConfigurationActionClass())) {
481             return null;
482         }
484         if (_portletApp.isWARFile()) {
485             PortletBag portletBag = PortletBagPool.get(getRootPortletId());
487             return portletBag.getConfigurationActionInstance();
488         }
490         return (ConfigurationAction)InstancePool.get(
491             getConfigurationActionClass());
492     }
494     /**
495      * Gets the name of the indexer class of the portlet.
496      *
497      * @return      the name of the indexer class of the portlet
498      */
499     public String getIndexerClass() {
500         return _indexerClass;
501     }
503     /**
504      * Sets the name of the indexer class of the portlet.
505      *
506      * @param       indexerClass the name of the indexer class of the portlet
507      */
508     public void setIndexerClass(String indexerClass) {
509         _indexerClass = indexerClass;
510     }
512     /**
513      * Gets the indexer instance of the portlet.
514      *
515      * @return      the indexer instance of the portlet
516      */
517     public Indexer getIndexerInstance() {
518         if (Validator.isNull(getIndexerClass())) {
519             return null;
520         }
522         if (_portletApp.isWARFile()) {
523             PortletBag portletBag = PortletBagPool.get(getRootPortletId());
525             return portletBag.getIndexerInstance();
526         }
528         return (Indexer)InstancePool.get(getIndexerClass());
529     }
531     /**
532      * Gets the name of the open search class of the portlet.
533      *
534      * @return      the name of the open search class of the portlet
535      */
536     public String getOpenSearchClass() {
537         return _openSearchClass;
538     }
540     /**
541      * Sets the name of the open search class of the portlet.
542      *
543      * @param       openSearchClass the name of the open search class of the
544      *              portlet
545      */
546     public void setOpenSearchClass(String openSearchClass) {
547         _openSearchClass = openSearchClass;
548     }
550     /**
551      * Gets the indexer instance of the portlet.
552      *
553      * @return      the indexer instance of the portlet
554      */
555     public OpenSearch getOpenSearchInstance() {
556         if (Validator.isNull(getOpenSearchClass())) {
557             return null;
558         }
560         if (_portletApp.isWARFile()) {
561             PortletBag portletBag = PortletBagPool.get(getRootPortletId());
563             return portletBag.getOpenSearchInstance();
564         }
566         return (OpenSearch)InstancePool.get(getOpenSearchClass());
567     }
569     /**
570      * Gets the name of the scheduler class of the portlet.
571      *
572      * @return      the name of the scheduler class of the portlet
573      */
574     public String getSchedulerClass() {
575         return _schedulerClass;
576     }
578     /**
579      * Sets the name of the scheduler class of the portlet.
580      *
581      * @param       schedulerClass the name of the scheduler class of the
582      *              portlet
583      */
584     public void setSchedulerClass(String schedulerClass) {
585         _schedulerClass = schedulerClass;
586     }
588     /**
589      * Gets the scheduler instance of the portlet.
590      *
591      * @return      the scheduler instance of the portlet
592      */
593     public Scheduler getSchedulerInstance() {
594         if (Validator.isNull(getSchedulerClass())) {
595             return null;
596         }
598         if (_portletApp.isWARFile()) {
599             PortletBag portletBag = PortletBagPool.get(getRootPortletId());
601             return portletBag.getSchedulerInstance();
602         }
604         return (Scheduler)InstancePool.get(getSchedulerClass());
605     }
607     /**
608      * Gets the name of the portlet URL class of the portlet.
609      *
610      * @return      the name of the portlet URL class of the portlet
611      */
612     public String getPortletURLClass() {
613         return _portletURLClass;
614     }
616     /**
617      * Sets the name of the portlet URL class of the portlet.
618      *
619      * @param       portletURLClass the name of the portlet URL class of the
620      *              portlet
621      */
622     public void setPortletURLClass(String portletURLClass) {
623         _portletURLClass = portletURLClass;
624     }
626     /**
627      * Gets the name of the friendly URL mapper class of the portlet.
628      *
629      * @return      the name of the friendly URL mapper class of the portlet
630      */
631     public String getFriendlyURLMapperClass() {
632         return _friendlyURLMapperClass;
633     }
635     /**
636      * Sets the name of the friendly URL mapper class of the portlet.
637      *
638      * @param       friendlyURLMapperClass the name of the friendly URL plugin
639      *              class of the portlet
640      */
641     public void setFriendlyURLMapperClass(String friendlyURLMapperClass) {
642         _friendlyURLMapperClass = friendlyURLMapperClass;
643     }
645     /**
646      * Gets the friendly URL mapper instance of the portlet.
647      *
648      * @return      the friendly URL mapper instance of the portlet
649      */
650     public FriendlyURLMapper getFriendlyURLMapperInstance() {
651         if (Validator.isNull(getFriendlyURLMapperClass())) {
652             return null;
653         }
655         if (_portletApp.isWARFile()) {
656             PortletBag portletBag = PortletBagPool.get(getRootPortletId());
658             return portletBag.getFriendlyURLMapperInstance();
659         }
661         return (FriendlyURLMapper)InstancePool.get(getFriendlyURLMapperClass());
662     }
664     /**
665      * Gets the name of the URL encoder class of the portlet.
666      *
667      * @return      the name of the URL encoder class of the portlet
668      */
669     public String getURLEncoderClass() {
670         return _urlEncoderClass;
671     }
673     /**
674      * Sets the name of the URL encoder class of the portlet.
675      *
676      * @param       urlEncoderClass the name of the URL encoder class of the
677      *              portlet
678      */
679     public void setURLEncoderClass(String urlEncoderClass) {
680         _urlEncoderClass = urlEncoderClass;
681     }
683     /**
684      * Gets the URL encoder instance of the portlet.
685      *
686      * @return      the URL encoder instance of the portlet
687      */
688     public URLEncoder getURLEncoderInstance() {
689         if (Validator.isNull(getURLEncoderClass())) {
690             return null;
691         }
693         if (_portletApp.isWARFile()) {
694             PortletBag portletBag = PortletBagPool.get(getRootPortletId());
696             return portletBag.getURLEncoderInstance();
697         }
699         return (URLEncoder)InstancePool.get(getURLEncoderClass());
700     }
702     /**
703      * Gets the name of the portlet data handler class of the portlet.
704      *
705      * @return      the name of the portlet data handler class of the portlet
706      */
707     public String getPortletDataHandlerClass() {
708         return _portletDataHandlerClass;
709     }
711     /**
712      * Sets the name of the portlet data handler class of the portlet.
713      *
714      * @param       portletDataHandlerClass the name of portlet data handler
715      *              class of the portlet
716      */
717     public void setPortletDataHandlerClass(String portletDataHandlerClass) {
718         _portletDataHandlerClass = portletDataHandlerClass;
719     }
721     /**
722      * Gets the portlet data handler instance of the portlet.
723      *
724      * @return      the portlet data handler instance of the portlet
725      */
726     public PortletDataHandler getPortletDataHandlerInstance() {
727         if (Validator.isNull(getPortletDataHandlerClass())) {
728             return null;
729         }
731         if (_portletApp.isWARFile()) {
732             PortletBagImpl portletBagImpl = (PortletBagImpl)PortletBagPool.get(
733                 getRootPortletId());
735             return portletBagImpl.getPortletDataHandlerInstance();
736         }
738         return (PortletDataHandler)InstancePool.get(
739             getPortletDataHandlerClass());
740     }
742     /**
743      * Gets the portlet layout listener of the portlet.
744      *
745      * @return      the name of the portlet layout listener class of the portlet
746      */
747     public PortletLayoutListener getPortletLayoutListener() {
748         if (Validator.isNull(getPortletLayoutListenerClass())) {
749             return null;
750         }
752         return (PortletLayoutListener)InstancePool.get(
753             getPortletLayoutListenerClass());
754     }
756     /**
757      * Gets the name of the portlet layout listener class of the portlet.
758      *
759      * @return      the name of the portlet layout listener class of the portlet
760      */
761     public String getPortletLayoutListenerClass() {
762         return _portletLayoutListenerClass;
763     }
765     /**
766      * Sets the name of the portlet layout listener class of the portlet.
767      *
768      * @param       portletLayoutListenerClass the name of the portlet layout
769      *              listener class of the portlet
770      */
771     public void setPortletLayoutListenerClass(
772         String portletLayoutListenerClass) {
774         _portletLayoutListenerClass = portletLayoutListenerClass;
775     }
777     /**
778      * Gets the name of the POP message listener class of the portlet.
779      *
780      * @return      the name of the POP message listener class of the portlet
781      */
782     public String getPopMessageListenerClass() {
783         return _popMessageListenerClass;
784     }
786     /**
787      * Sets the name of the POP message listener class of the portlet.
788      *
789      * @param       popMessageListenerClass the name of the POP message listener
790      *              class of the portlet
791      */
792     public void setPopMessageListenerClass(String popMessageListenerClass) {
793         _popMessageListenerClass = popMessageListenerClass;
794     }
796     /**
797      * Gets the POP message listener instance of the portlet.
798      *
799      * @return      the POP message listener instance of the portlet
800      */
801     public MessageListener getPopMessageListenerInstance() {
802         if (Validator.isNull(getPopMessageListenerClass())) {
803             return null;
804         }
806         if (_portletApp.isWARFile()) {
807             PortletBag portletBag = PortletBagPool.get(getRootPortletId());
809             return portletBag.getPopMessageListenerInstance();
810         }
812         return (MessageListener)InstancePool.get(getPopMessageListenerClass());
813     }
815     /**
816      * Gets the name of the social activity interpreter class of the portlet.
817      *
818      * @return      the name of the social activity interpreter class of the
819      *              portlet
820      */
821     public String getSocialActivityInterpreterClass() {
822         return _socialActivityInterpreterClass;
823     }
825     /**
826      * Sets the name of the social activity interpreter class of the portlet.
827      *
828      * @param       socialActivityInterpreterClass the name of the activity
829      *              interpreter class of the portlet
830      */
831     public void setSocialActivityInterpreterClass(
832         String socialActivityInterpreterClass) {
834         _socialActivityInterpreterClass = socialActivityInterpreterClass;
835     }
837     /**
838      * Gets the name of the social activity interpreter instance of the portlet.
839      *
840      * @return      the name of the social activity interpreter instance of the
841      *              portlet
842      */
843     public SocialActivityInterpreter getSocialActivityInterpreterInstance() {
844         if (Validator.isNull(getSocialActivityInterpreterClass())) {
845             return null;
846         }
848         if (_portletApp.isWARFile()) {
849             PortletBagImpl portletBagImpl = (PortletBagImpl)PortletBagPool.get(
850                 getRootPortletId());
852             return portletBagImpl.getSocialActivityInterpreterInstance();
853         }
855         return (SocialActivityInterpreter)InstancePool.get(
856             getSocialActivityInterpreterClass());
857     }
859     /**
860      * Gets the name of the social request interpreter class of the portlet.
861      *
862      * @return      the name of the social request interpreter class of the
863      *              portlet
864      */
865     public String getSocialRequestInterpreterClass() {
866         return _socialRequestInterpreterClass;
867     }
869     /**
870      * Sets the name of the social request interpreter class of the portlet.
871      *
872      * @param       socialRequestInterpreterClass the name of the request
873      *              interpreter class of the portlet
874      */
875     public void setSocialRequestInterpreterClass(
876         String socialRequestInterpreterClass) {
878         _socialRequestInterpreterClass = socialRequestInterpreterClass;
879     }
881     /**
882      * Gets the name of the social request interpreter instance of the portlet.
883      *
884      * @return      the name of the social request interpreter instance of the
885      *              portlet
886      */
887     public SocialRequestInterpreter getSocialRequestInterpreterInstance() {
888         if (Validator.isNull(getSocialRequestInterpreterClass())) {
889             return null;
890         }
892         if (_portletApp.isWARFile()) {
893             PortletBagImpl portletBagImpl = (PortletBagImpl)PortletBagPool.get(
894                 getRootPortletId());
896             return portletBagImpl.getSocialRequestInterpreterInstance();
897         }
899         return (SocialRequestInterpreter)InstancePool.get(
900             getSocialRequestInterpreterClass());
901     }
903     /**
904      * Gets the name of the WebDAV storage token of the portlet.
905      *
906      * @return      the name of the WebDAV storage token of the portlet
907      */
908     public String getWebDAVStorageToken() {
909         return _webDAVStorageToken;
910     }
912     /**
913      * Sets the name of the WebDAV storage token of the portlet.
914      *
915      * @param       webDAVStorageToken the name of the WebDAV storage token of
916      *              the portlet
917      */
918     public void setWebDAVStorageToken(String webDAVStorageToken) {
919         _webDAVStorageToken = webDAVStorageToken;
920     }
922     /**
923      * Gets the name of the WebDAV storage class of the portlet.
924      *
925      * @return      the name of the WebDAV storage class of the portlet
926      */
927     public String getWebDAVStorageClass() {
928         return _webDAVStorageClass;
929     }
931     /**
932      * Sets the name of the WebDAV storage class of the portlet.
933      *
934      * @param       webDAVStorageClass the name of the WebDAV storage class of
935      *              the portlet
936      */
937     public void setWebDAVStorageClass(String webDAVStorageClass) {
938         _webDAVStorageClass = webDAVStorageClass;
939     }
941     /**
942      * Gets the name of the WebDAV storage instance of the portlet.
943      *
944      * @return      the name of the WebDAV storage instance of the portlet
945      */
946     public WebDAVStorage getWebDAVStorageInstance() {
947         if (Validator.isNull(getWebDAVStorageClass())) {
948             return null;
949         }
951         if (_portletApp.isWARFile()) {
952             PortletBagImpl portletBagImpl = (PortletBagImpl)PortletBagPool.get(
953                 getRootPortletId());
955             return portletBagImpl.getWebDAVStorageInstance();
956         }
958         return (WebDAVStorage)InstancePool.get(
959             getWebDAVStorageClass());
960     }
962     /**
963      * Gets the name of the category of the Control Panel where the portlet
964      * will be shown.
965      *
966      * @return      the name of of the category of the Control Panel where the
967      *              portlet will be shown
968      */
969     public String getControlPanelEntryCategory() {
970         return _controlPanelEntryCategory;
971     }
973     /**
974      * Set the name of the category of the Control Panel where the portlet will
975      * be shown.
976      *
977      * @param       controlPanelEntryCategory the name of the category of the
978      *              Control Panel where the portlet will be shown
979      */
980     public void setControlPanelEntryCategory(String controlPanelEntryCategory) {
981         _controlPanelEntryCategory = controlPanelEntryCategory;
982     }
984     /**
985      * Gets the relative weight of the portlet with respect to the other
986      * portlets in the same category of the Control Panel.
987      *
988      * @return      the relative weight of the portlet with respect to the
989      *              other portlets in the same category of the Control Panel
990      */
991     public double getControlPanelEntryWeight() {
992         return _controlPanelEntryWeight;
993     }
995     /**
996      * Sets the relative weight of the portlet with respect to the other
997      * portlets in the same category of the Control Panel.
998      *
999      * @param       controlPanelEntryWeight the relative weight of the portlet
1000     *              with respect to the other portlets in the same category of
1001     *              the Control Panel
1002     */
1003    public void setControlPanelEntryWeight(double controlPanelEntryWeight) {
1004        _controlPanelEntryWeight = controlPanelEntryWeight;
1005    }
1007    /**
1008     * Gets the name of the class that will control when the portlet will be
1009     * shown in the Control Panel.
1010     *
1011     * @return      the name of the class that will control when the portlet
1012     *              will be shown in the Control Panel
1013     */
1014    public String getControlPanelEntryClass() {
1015        return _controlPanelEntryClass;
1016    }
1018    /**
1019     * Sets the name of the class that will control when the portlet will be
1020     * shown in the Control Panel.
1021     *
1022     * @param       controlPanelEntryClass the name of the class that will
1023     *              control when the portlet will be shown in the Control Panel
1024     */
1025    public void setControlPanelEntryClass(String controlPanelEntryClass) {
1026        _controlPanelEntryClass = controlPanelEntryClass;
1027    }
1029    /**
1030     * Gets an instance of the class that will control when the portlet will be
1031     * shown in the Control Panel
1032     *
1033     * @return      the instance of the class that will control when the portlet
1034     *              will be shown in the Control Panel
1035     */
1036    public ControlPanelEntry getControlPanelEntryInstance() {
1037        if (Validator.isNull(getControlPanelEntryClass())) {
1038            return null;
1039        }
1041        if (_portletApp.isWARFile()) {
1042            PortletBagImpl portletBagImpl = (PortletBagImpl)PortletBagPool.get(
1043                getRootPortletId());
1045            return portletBagImpl.getControlPanelEntryInstance();
1046        }
1048        return (ControlPanelEntry)InstancePool.get(getControlPanelEntryClass());
1049    }
1051    /**
1052     * Gets the default preferences of the portlet.
1053     *
1054     * @return      the default preferences of the portlet
1055     */
1056    public String getDefaultPreferences() {
1057        if (Validator.isNull(_defaultPreferences)) {
1058            return PortletConstants.DEFAULT_PREFERENCES;
1059        }
1060        else {
1061            return _defaultPreferences;
1062        }
1063    }
1065    /**
1066     * Sets the default preferences of the portlet.
1067     *
1068     * @param       defaultPreferences the default preferences of the portlet
1069     */
1070    public void setDefaultPreferences(String defaultPreferences) {
1071        _defaultPreferences = defaultPreferences;
1072    }
1074    /**
1075     * Gets the name of the preferences validator class of the portlet.
1076     *
1077     * @return      the name of the preferences validator class of the portlet
1078     */
1079    public String getPreferencesValidator() {
1080        return _preferencesValidator;
1081    }
1083    /**
1084     * Sets the name of the preferences validator class of the portlet.
1085     *
1086     * @param       preferencesValidator the name of the preferences validator
1087     *              class of the portlet
1088     */
1089    public void setPreferencesValidator(String preferencesValidator) {
1090        if (preferencesValidator != null) {
1092            // Trim this because XDoclet generates preferences validators with
1093            // extra white spaces
1095            _preferencesValidator = preferencesValidator.trim();
1096        }
1097        else {
1098            _preferencesValidator = null;
1099        }
1100    }
1102    /**
1103     * Returns true if preferences are shared across the entire company.
1104     *
1105     * @return      true if preferences are shared across the entire company
1106     */
1107    public boolean getPreferencesCompanyWide() {
1108        return _preferencesCompanyWide;
1109    }
1111    /**
1112     * Returns true if preferences are shared across the entire company.
1113     *
1114     * @return      true if preferences are shared across the entire company
1115     */
1116    public boolean isPreferencesCompanyWide() {
1117        return _preferencesCompanyWide;
1118    }
1120    /**
1121     * Set to true if preferences are shared across the entire company.
1122     *
1123     * @param       preferencesCompanyWide boolean value for whether preferences
1124     *              are shared across the entire company
1125     */
1126    public void setPreferencesCompanyWide(boolean preferencesCompanyWide) {
1127        _preferencesCompanyWide = preferencesCompanyWide;
1128    }
1130    /**
1131     * Returns true if preferences are unique per layout.
1132     *
1133     * @return      true if preferences are unique per layout
1134     */
1135    public boolean getPreferencesUniquePerLayout() {
1136        return _preferencesUniquePerLayout;
1137    }
1139    /**
1140     * Returns true if preferences are unique per layout.
1141     *
1142     * @return      true if preferences are unique per layout
1143     */
1144    public boolean isPreferencesUniquePerLayout() {
1145        return _preferencesUniquePerLayout;
1146    }
1148    /**
1149     * Set to true if preferences are unique per layout.
1150     *
1151     * @param       preferencesUniquePerLayout boolean value for whether
1152     *              preferences are unique per layout
1153     */
1154    public void setPreferencesUniquePerLayout(
1155        boolean preferencesUniquePerLayout) {
1157        _preferencesUniquePerLayout = preferencesUniquePerLayout;
1158    }
1160    /**
1161     * Returns true if preferences are owned by the group when the portlet is
1162     * shown in a group layout. Returns false if preferences are owned by the
1163     * user at all times.
1164     *
1165     * @return      true if preferences are owned by the group when the portlet
1166     *              is shown in a group layout; false if preferences are owned
1167     *              by the user at all times.
1168     */
1169    public boolean getPreferencesOwnedByGroup() {
1170        return _preferencesOwnedByGroup;
1171    }
1173    /**
1174     * Returns true if preferences are owned by the group when the portlet is
1175     * shown in a group layout. Returns false if preferences are owned by the
1176     * user at all times.
1177     *
1178     * @return      true if preferences are owned by the group when the portlet
1179     *              is shown in a group layout; false if preferences are owned
1180     *              by the user at all times.
1181     */
1182    public boolean isPreferencesOwnedByGroup() {
1183        return _preferencesOwnedByGroup;
1184    }
1186    /**
1187     * Set to true if preferences are owned by the group when the portlet is
1188     * shown in a group layout. Set to false if preferences are owned by the
1189     * user at all times.
1190     *
1191     * @param       preferencesOwnedByGroup boolean value for whether
1192     *              preferences are owned by the group when the portlet is shown
1193     *              in a group layout or preferences are owned by the user at
1194     *              all times
1195     */
1196    public void setPreferencesOwnedByGroup(boolean preferencesOwnedByGroup) {
1197        _preferencesOwnedByGroup = preferencesOwnedByGroup;
1198    }
1200    /**
1201     * Returns true if the portlet uses the default template.
1202     *
1203     * @return      true if the portlet uses the default template
1204     */
1205    public boolean getUseDefaultTemplate() {
1206        return _useDefaultTemplate;
1207    }
1209    /**
1210     * Returns true if the portlet uses the default template.
1211     *
1212     * @return      true if the portlet uses the default template
1213     */
1214    public boolean isUseDefaultTemplate() {
1215        return _useDefaultTemplate;
1216    }
1218    /**
1219     * Set to true if the portlet uses the default template.
1220     *
1221     * @param       useDefaultTemplate boolean value for whether the portlet
1222     *              uses the default template
1223     */
1224    public void setUseDefaultTemplate(boolean useDefaultTemplate) {
1225        _useDefaultTemplate = useDefaultTemplate;
1226    }
1228    /**
1229     * Returns true if users are shown that they do not have access to the
1230     * portlet.
1231     *
1232     * @return      true if users are shown that they do not have access to the
1233     *              portlet
1234     */
1235    public boolean getShowPortletAccessDenied() {
1236        return _showPortletAccessDenied;
1237    }
1239    /**
1240     * Returns true if users are shown that they do not have access to the
1241     * portlet.
1242     *
1243     * @return      true if users are shown that they do not have access to the
1244     *              portlet
1245     */
1246    public boolean isShowPortletAccessDenied() {
1247        return _showPortletAccessDenied;
1248    }
1250    /**
1251     * Set to true if users are shown that they do not have access to the
1252     * portlet.
1253     *
1254     * @param       showPortletAccessDenied boolean value for whether users are
1255     *              shown that they do not have access to the portlet
1256     */
1257    public void setShowPortletAccessDenied(boolean showPortletAccessDenied) {
1258        _showPortletAccessDenied = showPortletAccessDenied;
1259    }
1261    /**
1262     * Returns true if users are shown that the portlet is inactive.
1263     *
1264     * @return      true if users are shown that the portlet is inactive
1265     */
1266    public boolean getShowPortletInactive() {
1267        return _showPortletInactive;
1268    }
1270    /**
1271     * Returns true if users are shown that the portlet is inactive.
1272     *
1273     * @return      true if users are shown that the portlet is inactive
1274     */
1275    public boolean isShowPortletInactive() {
1276        return _showPortletInactive;
1277    }
1279    /**
1280     * Set to true if users are shown that the portlet is inactive.
1281     *
1282     * @param       showPortletInactive boolean value for whether users are
1283     *              shown that the portlet is inactive
1284     */
1285    public void setShowPortletInactive(boolean showPortletInactive) {
1286        _showPortletInactive = showPortletInactive;
1287    }
1289    /**
1290     * Returns true if an action URL for this portlet should cause an auto
1291     * redirect.
1292     *
1293     * @return      true if an action URL for this portlet should cause an auto
1294     *              redirect
1295     */
1296    public boolean getActionURLRedirect() {
1297        return _actionURLRedirect;
1298    }
1300    /**
1301     * Returns true if an action URL for this portlet should cause an auto
1302     * redirect.
1303     *
1304     * @return      true if an action URL for this portlet should cause an auto
1305     *              redirect
1306     */
1307    public boolean isActionURLRedirect() {
1308        return _actionURLRedirect;
1309    }
1311    /**
1312     * Set to true if an action URL for this portlet should cause an auto
1313     * redirect.
1314     *
1315     * @param       actionURLRedirect boolean value for whether an action URL
1316     *              for this portlet should cause an auto redirect
1317     */
1318    public void setActionURLRedirect(boolean actionURLRedirect) {
1319        _actionURLRedirect = actionURLRedirect;
1320    }
1322    /**
1323     * Returns true if the portlet restores to the current view from the
1324     * maximized state.
1325     *
1326     * @return      true if the portlet restores to the current view from the
1327     *              maximized state
1328     */
1329    public boolean getRestoreCurrentView() {
1330        return _restoreCurrentView;
1331    }
1333    /**
1334     * Returns true if the portlet restores to the current view from the
1335     * maximized state.
1336     *
1337     * @return      true if the portlet restores to the current view from the
1338     *              maximized state
1339     */
1340    public boolean isRestoreCurrentView() {
1341        return _restoreCurrentView;
1342    }
1344    /**
1345     * Set to true if the portlet restores to the current view from the
1346     * maximized state.
1347     *
1348     * @param       restoreCurrentView boolean value for whether the portlet
1349     *              restores to the current view from the maximized state
1350     */
1351    public void setRestoreCurrentView(boolean restoreCurrentView) {
1352        _restoreCurrentView = restoreCurrentView;
1353    }
1355    /**
1356     * Returns true if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the user
1357     * goes into the edit mode.
1358     *
1359     * @return      true if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the
1360     *              user goes into the edit mode
1361     */
1362    public boolean getMaximizeEdit() {
1363        return _maximizeEdit;
1364    }
1366    /**
1367     * Returns true if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the user
1368     * goes into the edit mode.
1369     *
1370     * @return      true if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the
1371     *              user goes into the edit mode
1372     */
1373    public boolean isMaximizeEdit() {
1374        return _maximizeEdit;
1375    }
1377    /**
1378     * Set to true if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the user
1379     * goes into the edit mode.
1380     *
1381     * @param       maximizeEdit boolean value for whether the portlet goes into
1382     *              the maximized state when the user goes into the edit mode
1383     */
1384    public void setMaximizeEdit(boolean maximizeEdit) {
1385        _maximizeEdit = maximizeEdit;
1386    }
1388    /**
1389     * Returns true if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the user
1390     * goes into the help mode.
1391     *
1392     * @return      true if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the
1393     *              user goes into the help mode
1394     */
1395    public boolean getMaximizeHelp() {
1396        return _maximizeHelp;
1397    }
1399    /**
1400     * Returns true if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the user
1401     * goes into the help mode.
1402     *
1403     * @return      true if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the
1404     *              user goes into the help mode
1405     */
1406    public boolean isMaximizeHelp() {
1407        return _maximizeHelp;
1408    }
1410    /**
1411     * Set to true if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the user
1412     * goes into the help mode.
1413     *
1414     * @param       maximizeHelp boolean value for whether the portlet goes into
1415     *              the maximized state when the user goes into the help mode
1416     */
1417    public void setMaximizeHelp(boolean maximizeHelp) {
1418        _maximizeHelp = maximizeHelp;
1419    }
1421    /**
1422     * Returns true if the portlet goes into the pop up state when the user goes
1423     * into the print mode.
1424     *
1425     * @return      true if the portlet goes into the pop up state when the user
1426     *              goes into the print mode
1427     */
1428    public boolean getPopUpPrint() {
1429        return _popUpPrint;
1430    }
1432    /**
1433     * Returns true if the portlet goes into the pop up state when the user goes
1434     * into the print mode.
1435     *
1436     * @return      true if the portlet goes into the pop up state when the user
1437     *              goes into the print mode
1438     */
1439    public boolean isPopUpPrint() {
1440        return _popUpPrint;
1441    }
1443    /**
1444     * Set to true if the portlet goes into the pop up state when the user goes
1445     * into the print mode.
1446     *
1447     * @param       popUpPrint boolean value for whether the portlet goes into
1448     *              the pop up state when the user goes into the print mode
1449     */
1450    public void setPopUpPrint(boolean popUpPrint) {
1451        _popUpPrint = popUpPrint;
1452    }
1454    /**
1455     * Returns true to allow the portlet to be cached within the layout.
1456     *
1457     * @return      true if the portlet can be cached within the layout
1458     */
1459    public boolean getLayoutCacheable() {
1460        return _layoutCacheable;
1461    }
1463    /**
1464     * Returns true to allow the portlet to be cached within the layout.
1465     *
1466     * @return      true if the portlet can be cached within the layout
1467     */
1468    public boolean isLayoutCacheable() {
1469        return _layoutCacheable;
1470    }
1472    /**
1473     * Set to true to allow the portlet to be cached within the layout.
1474     *
1475     * @param   layoutCacheable boolean value for whether the portlet can be
1476     *          cached within the layout
1477     */
1478    public void setLayoutCacheable(boolean layoutCacheable) {
1479        _layoutCacheable = layoutCacheable;
1480    }
1482    /**
1483     * Returns true if the portlet can be added multiple times to a layout.
1484     *
1485     * @return      true if the portlet can be added multiple times to a layout
1486     */
1487    public boolean getInstanceable() {
1488        return _instanceable;
1489    }
1491    /**
1492     * Returns true if the portlet can be added multiple times to a layout.
1493     *
1494     * @return      true if the portlet can be added multiple times to a layout
1495     */
1496    public boolean isInstanceable() {
1497        return _instanceable;
1498    }
1500    /**
1501     * Set to true if the portlet can be added multiple times to a layout.
1502     *
1503     * @param       instanceable boolean value for whether the portlet can be
1504     *              added multiple times to a layout
1505     */
1506    public void setInstanceable(boolean instanceable) {
1507        _instanceable = instanceable;
1508    }
1510    /**
1511     * Returns true if the portlet supports scoping of data.
1512     *
1513     * @return      true if the portlet supports scoping of data
1514     */
1515    public boolean getScopeable() {
1516        return _scopeable;
1517    }
1519    /**
1520     * Returns true if the portlet supports scoping of data.
1521     *
1522     * @return      true if the portlet supports scoping of data
1523     */
1524    public boolean isScopeable() {
1525        return _scopeable;
1526    }
1528    /**
1529     * Set to true if the portlet supports scoping of data.
1530     *
1531     * @param       scopeable boolean value for whether or not the the portlet
1532     *              supports scoping of data
1533     */
1534    public void setScopeable(boolean scopeable) {
1535        _scopeable = scopeable;
1536    }
1538    /**
1539     * Gets the user principal strategy of the portlet.
1540     *
1541     * @return      the user principal strategy of the portlet
1542     */
1543    public String getUserPrincipalStrategy() {
1544        return _userPrincipalStrategy;
1545    }
1547    /**
1548     * Sets the user principal strategy of the portlet.
1549     *
1550     * @param       userPrincipalStrategy the user principal strategy of the
1551     *              portlet
1552     */
1553    public void setUserPrincipalStrategy(String userPrincipalStrategy) {
1554        if (Validator.isNotNull(userPrincipalStrategy)) {
1555            _userPrincipalStrategy = userPrincipalStrategy;
1556        }
1557    }
1559    /**
1560     * Returns true if the portlet does not share request attributes with the
1561     * portal or portlets from another WAR.
1562     *
1563     * @return      true if the portlet does not share request attributes with
1564     *              the portal or portlets from another WAR
1565     */
1566    public boolean getPrivateRequestAttributes() {
1567        return _privateRequestAttributes;
1568    }
1570    /**
1571     * Returns true if the portlet does not share request attributes with the
1572     * portal or portlets from another WAR.
1573     *
1574     * @return      true if the portlet does not share request attributes with
1575     *              the portal or portlets from another WAR
1576     */
1577    public boolean isPrivateRequestAttributes() {
1578        return _privateRequestAttributes;
1579    }
1581    /**
1582     * Set to true if the portlet does not share request attributes with the
1583     * portal or portlets from another WAR.
1584     *
1585     * @param       privateRequestAttributes boolean value for whether the
1586     *              portlet shares request attributes with the portal or
1587     *              portlets from another WAR
1588     */
1589    public void setPrivateRequestAttributes(boolean privateRequestAttributes) {
1590        _privateRequestAttributes = privateRequestAttributes;
1591    }
1593    /**
1594     * Returns true if the portlet does not share session attributes with the
1595     * portal.
1596     *
1597     * @return      true if the portlet does not share session attributes with
1598     *              the portal
1599     */
1600    public boolean getPrivateSessionAttributes() {
1601        return _privateSessionAttributes;
1602    }
1604    /**
1605     * Returns true if the portlet does not share session attributes with the
1606     * portal.
1607     *
1608     * @return      true if the portlet does not share session attributes with
1609     *              the portal
1610     */
1611    public boolean isPrivateSessionAttributes() {
1612        return _privateSessionAttributes;
1613    }
1615    /**
1616     * Set to true if the portlet does not share session attributes with the
1617     * portal.
1618     *
1619     * @param       privateSessionAttributes boolean value for whether the
1620     *              portlet shares session attributes with the portal
1621     */
1622    public void setPrivateSessionAttributes(boolean privateSessionAttributes) {
1623        _privateSessionAttributes = privateSessionAttributes;
1624    }
1626    /**
1627     * Returns the render weight of the portlet.
1628     *
1629     * @return      the render weight of the portlet
1630     */
1631    public int getRenderWeight() {
1632        return _renderWeight;
1633    }
1635    /**
1636     * Sets the render weight of the portlet.
1637     *
1638     * @param       renderWeight int value for the render weight of the portlet
1639     */
1640    public void setRenderWeight(int renderWeight) {
1641        _renderWeight = renderWeight;
1642    }
1644    /**
1645     * Returns true if the portlet can be displayed via Ajax.
1646     *
1647     * @return      true if the portlet can be displayed via Ajax
1648     */
1649    public boolean getAjaxable() {
1650        return _ajaxable;
1651    }
1653    /**
1654     * Returns true if the portlet can be displayed via Ajax.
1655     *
1656     * @return      true if the portlet can be displayed via Ajax
1657     */
1658    public boolean isAjaxable() {
1659        return _ajaxable;
1660    }
1662    /**
1663     * Set to true if the portlet can be displayed via Ajax.
1664     *
1665     * @param       ajaxable boolean value for whether the portlet can be
1666     *              displayed via Ajax
1667     */
1668    public void setAjaxable(boolean ajaxable) {
1669        _ajaxable = ajaxable;
1670    }
1672    /**
1673     * Gets a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's header
1674     * relative to the portal's context path.
1675     *
1676     * @return      a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's
1677     *              header relative to the portal's context path
1678     */
1679    public List<String> getHeaderPortalCss() {
1680        return _headerPortalCss;
1681    }
1683    /**
1684     * Sets a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's header
1685     * relative to the portal's context path.
1686     *
1687     * @param       headerPortalCss a list of CSS files that will be referenced
1688     *              from the page's header relative to the portal's context path
1689     */
1690    public void setHeaderPortalCss(List<String> headerPortalCss) {
1691        _headerPortalCss = headerPortalCss;
1692    }
1694    /**
1695     * Gets a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's header
1696     * relative to the portlet's context path.
1697     *
1698     * @return      a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's
1699     *              header relative to the portlet's context path
1700     */
1701    public List<String> getHeaderPortletCss() {
1702        return _headerPortletCss;
1703    }
1705    /**
1706     * Sets a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's header
1707     * relative to the portlet's context path.
1708     *
1709     * @param       headerPortletCss a list of CSS files that will be referenced
1710     *              from the page's header relative to the portlet's context
1711     *              path
1712     */
1713    public void setHeaderPortletCss(List<String> headerPortletCss) {
1714        _headerPortletCss = headerPortletCss;
1715    }
1717    /**
1718     * Gets a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's
1719     * header relative to the portal's context path.
1720     *
1721     * @return      a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the
1722     *              page's header relative to the portal's context path
1723     */
1724    public List<String> getHeaderPortalJavaScript() {
1725        return _headerPortalJavaScript;
1726    }
1728    /**
1729     * Sets a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's
1730     * header relative to the portal's context path.
1731     *
1732     * @param       headerPortalJavaScript a list of JavaScript files that will
1733     *              be referenced from the page's header relative to the
1734     *              portal's context path
1735     */
1736    public void setHeaderPortalJavaScript(List<String> headerPortalJavaScript) {
1737        _headerPortalJavaScript = headerPortalJavaScript;
1738    }
1740    /**
1741     * Gets a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's
1742     * header relative to the portlet's context path.
1743     *
1744     * @return      a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the
1745     *              page's header relative to the portlet's context path
1746     */
1747    public List<String> getHeaderPortletJavaScript() {
1748        return _headerPortletJavaScript;
1749    }
1751    /**
1752     * Sets a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's
1753     * header relative to the portlet's context path.
1754     *
1755     * @param       headerPortletJavaScript a list of JavaScript files that will
1756     *              be referenced from the page's header relative to the
1757     *              portlet's context path
1758     */
1759    public void setHeaderPortletJavaScript(
1760        List<String> headerPortletJavaScript) {
1762        _headerPortletJavaScript = headerPortletJavaScript;
1763    }
1765    /**
1766     * Gets a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's footer
1767     * relative to the portal's context path.
1768     *
1769     * @return      a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's
1770     *              footer relative to the portal's context path
1771     */
1772    public List<String> getFooterPortalCss() {
1773        return _footerPortalCss;
1774    }
1776    /**
1777     * Sets a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's footer
1778     * relative to the portal's context path.
1779     *
1780     * @param       footerPortalCss a list of CSS files that will be referenced
1781     *              from the page's footer relative to the portal's context path
1782     */
1783    public void setFooterPortalCss(List<String> footerPortalCss) {
1784        _footerPortalCss = footerPortalCss;
1785    }
1787    /**
1788     * Gets a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's footer
1789     * relative to the portlet's context path.
1790     *
1791     * @return      a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's
1792     *              footer relative to the portlet's context path
1793     */
1794    public List<String> getFooterPortletCss() {
1795        return _footerPortletCss;
1796    }
1798    /**
1799     * Sets a list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's footer
1800     * relative to the portlet's context path.
1801     *
1802     * @param       footerPortletCss a list of CSS files that will be referenced
1803     *              from the page's footer relative to the portlet's context
1804     *              path
1805     */
1806    public void setFooterPortletCss(List<String> footerPortletCss) {
1807        _footerPortletCss = footerPortletCss;
1808    }
1810    /**
1811     * Gets a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's
1812     * footer relative to the portal's context path.
1813     *
1814     * @return      a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the
1815     *              page's footer relative to the portal's context path
1816     */
1817    public List<String> getFooterPortalJavaScript() {
1818        return _footerPortalJavaScript;
1819    }
1821    /**
1822     * Sets a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's
1823     * footer relative to the portal's context path.
1824     *
1825     * @param       footerPortalJavaScript a list of JavaScript files that will
1826     *              be referenced from the page's footer relative to the
1827     *              portal's context path
1828     */
1829    public void setFooterPortalJavaScript(List<String> footerPortalJavaScript) {
1830        _footerPortalJavaScript = footerPortalJavaScript;
1831    }
1833    /**
1834     * Gets a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's
1835     * footer relative to the portlet's context path.
1836     *
1837     * @return      a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the
1838     *              page's footer relative to the portlet's context path
1839     */
1840    public List<String> getFooterPortletJavaScript() {
1841        return _footerPortletJavaScript;
1842    }
1844    /**
1845     * Sets a list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's
1846     * footer relative to the portlet's context path.
1847     *
1848     * @param       footerPortletJavaScript a list of JavaScript files that will
1849     *              be referenced from the page's footer relative to the
1850     *              portlet's context path
1851     */
1852    public void setFooterPortletJavaScript(
1853        List<String> footerPortletJavaScript) {
1855        _footerPortletJavaScript = footerPortletJavaScript;
1856    }
1858    /**
1859     * Gets the name of the CSS class that will be injected in the DIV that
1860     * wraps this portlet.
1861     *
1862     * @return      the name of the CSS class that will be injected in the DIV
1863     *              that wraps this portlet
1864     */
1865    public String getCssClassWrapper() {
1866        return _cssClassWrapper;
1867    }
1869    /**
1870     * Sets the name of the CSS class that will be injected in the DIV that
1871     * wraps this portlet.
1872     *
1873     * @param       cssClassWrapper the name of the CSS class that will be
1874     *              injected in the DIV that wraps this portlet
1875     */
1876    public void setCssClassWrapper(String cssClassWrapper) {
1877        _cssClassWrapper = cssClassWrapper;
1878    }
1880    /**
1881     * Gets the Facebook integration method of the portlet.
1882     *
1883     * @return      the Facebook integration method of the portlet
1884     */
1885    public String getFacebookIntegration() {
1886        return _facebookIntegration;
1887    }
1889    /**
1890     * Sets the Facebook integration method of the portlet.
1891     *
1892     * @param       facebookIntegration the Facebook integration method of the
1893     *              portlet
1894     */
1895    public void setFacebookIntegration(String facebookIntegration) {
1896        if (Validator.isNotNull(facebookIntegration)) {
1897            _facebookIntegration = facebookIntegration;
1898        }
1899    }
1901    /**
1902     * Returns true if default resources for the portlet are added to a page.
1903     *
1904     * @return      true if default resources for the portlet are added to a
1905     *              page
1906     */
1907    public boolean getAddDefaultResource() {
1908        return _addDefaultResource;
1909    }
1911    /**
1912     * Returns true if default resources for the portlet are added to a page.
1913     *
1914     * @return      true if default resources for the portlet are added to a
1915     *              page
1916     */
1917    public boolean isAddDefaultResource() {
1918        return _addDefaultResource;
1919    }
1921    /**
1922     * Set to true if default resources for the portlet are added to a page.
1923     *
1924     * @param       addDefaultResource boolean value for whether or not default
1925     *              resources for the portlet are added to a page
1926     */
1927    public void setAddDefaultResource(boolean addDefaultResource) {
1928        _addDefaultResource = addDefaultResource;
1929    }
1931    /**
1932     * Sets a string of ordered comma delimited portlet ids.
1933     *
1934     * @param       roles a string of ordered comma delimited portlet ids
1935     */
1936    public void setRoles(String roles) {
1937        _rolesArray = StringUtil.split(roles);
1939        super.setRoles(roles);
1940    }
1942    /**
1943     * Gets an array of required roles of the portlet.
1944     *
1945     * @return      an array of required roles of the portlet
1946     */
1947    public String[] getRolesArray() {
1948        return _rolesArray;
1949    }
1951    /**
1952     * Sets an array of required roles of the portlet.
1953     *
1954     * @param       rolesArray an array of required roles of the portlet
1955     */
1956    public void setRolesArray(String[] rolesArray) {
1957        _rolesArray = rolesArray;
1959        super.setRoles(StringUtil.merge(rolesArray));
1960    }
1962    /**
1963     * Gets the unlinked roles of the portlet.
1964     *
1965     * @return      unlinked roles of the portlet
1966     */
1967    public Set<String> getUnlinkedRoles() {
1968        return _unlinkedRoles;
1969    }
1971    /**
1972     * Sets the unlinked roles of the portlet.
1973     *
1974     * @param       unlinkedRoles the unlinked roles of the portlet
1975     */
1976    public void setUnlinkedRoles(Set<String> unlinkedRoles) {
1977        _unlinkedRoles = unlinkedRoles;
1978    }
1980    /**
1981     * Gets the role mappers of the portlet.
1982     *
1983     * @return      role mappers of the portlet
1984     */
1985    public Map<String, String> getRoleMappers() {
1986        return _roleMappers;
1987    }
1989    /**
1990     * Sets the role mappers of the portlet.
1991     *
1992     * @param       roleMappers the role mappers of the portlet
1993     */
1994    public void setRoleMappers(Map<String, String> roleMappers) {
1995        _roleMappers = roleMappers;
1996    }
1998    /**
1999     * Link the role names set in portlet.xml with the Liferay roles set in
2000     * liferay-portlet.xml.
2001     */
2002    public void linkRoles() {
2003        List<String> linkedRoles = new ArrayList<String>();
2005        Iterator<String> itr = _unlinkedRoles.iterator();
2007        while (itr.hasNext()) {
2008            String unlinkedRole = itr.next();
2010            String roleLink = _roleMappers.get(unlinkedRole);
2012            if (Validator.isNotNull(roleLink)) {
2013                if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) {
2014                    _log.debug(
2015                        "Linking role for portlet [" + getPortletId() +
2016                            "] with role-name [" + unlinkedRole +
2017                                "] to role-link [" + roleLink + "]");
2018                }
2020                linkedRoles.add(roleLink);
2021            }
2022            else {
2023                _log.error(
2024                    "Unable to link role for portlet [" + getPortletId() +
2025                        "] with role-name [" + unlinkedRole +
2026                            "] because role-link is null");
2027            }
2028        }
2030        String[] array = linkedRoles.toArray(new String[linkedRoles.size()]);
2032        Arrays.sort(array);
2034        setRolesArray(array);
2035    }
2037    /**
2038     * Returns true if the portlet has a role with the specified name.
2039     *
2040     * @return      true if the portlet has a role with the specified name
2041     */
2042    public boolean hasRoleWithName(String roleName) {
2043        if ((_rolesArray == null) || (_rolesArray.length == 0)) {
2044            return false;
2045        }
2047        for (int i = 0; i < _rolesArray.length; i++) {
2048            if (_rolesArray[i].equalsIgnoreCase(roleName)) {
2049                return true;
2050            }
2051        }
2053        return false;
2054    }
2056    /**
2057     * Returns true if the user has the permission to add the portlet to a
2058     * layout.
2059     *
2060     * @return      true if the user has the permission to add the portlet to a
2061     *              layout
2062     */
2063    public boolean hasAddPortletPermission(long userId) {
2064        try {
2065            if ((_rolesArray == null) || (_rolesArray.length == 0)) {
2066                return true;
2067            }
2068            else if (RoleLocalServiceUtil.hasUserRoles(
2069                        userId, getCompanyId(), _rolesArray, true)) {
2071                return true;
2072            }
2073            else if (RoleLocalServiceUtil.hasUserRole(
2074                        userId, getCompanyId(), RoleConstants.ADMINISTRATOR,
2075                        true)) {
2077                return true;
2078            }
2079            else {
2080                User user = UserLocalServiceUtil.getUserById(userId);
2082                if (user.isDefaultUser() &&
2083                    hasRoleWithName(RoleConstants.GUEST)) {
2085                    return true;
2086                }
2087            }
2088        }
2089        catch (Exception e) {
2090            _log.error(e);
2091        }
2093        return false;
2094    }
2096    /**
2097     * Returns true if the portlet is a system portlet that a user cannot
2098     * manually add to their page.
2099     *
2100     * @return      true if the portlet is a system portlet that a user cannot
2101     *              manually add to their page
2102     */
2103    public boolean getSystem() {
2104        return _system;
2105    }
2107    /**
2108     * Returns true if the portlet is a system portlet that a user cannot
2109     * manually add to their page.
2110     *
2111     * @return      true if the portlet is a system portlet that a user cannot
2112     *              manually add to their page
2113     */
2114    public boolean isSystem() {
2115        return _system;
2116    }
2118    /**
2119     * Set to true if the portlet is a system portlet that a user cannot
2120     * manually add to their page.
2121     *
2122     * @param       system boolean value for whether the portlet is a system
2123     *              portlet that a user cannot manually add to their page
2124     */
2125    public void setSystem(boolean system) {
2126        _system = system;
2127    }
2129    /**
2130     * Returns true to include the portlet and make it available to be made
2131     * active.
2132     *
2133     * @return      true to include the portlet and make it available to be made
2134     *              active
2135     */
2136    public boolean getInclude() {
2137        return _include;
2138    }
2140    /**
2141     * Returns true to include the portlet and make it available to be made
2142     * active.
2143     *
2144     * @return      true to include the portlet and make it available to be made
2145     *              active
2146     */
2147    public boolean isInclude() {
2148        return _include;
2149    }
2151    /**
2152     * Set to true to include the portlet and make it available to be made
2153     * active.
2154     *
2155     * @param       include boolean value for whether to include the portlet and
2156     *              make it available to be made active
2157     */
2158    public void setInclude(boolean include) {
2159        _include = include;
2160    }
2162    /**
2163     * Gets the init parameters of the portlet.
2164     *
2165     * @return      init parameters of the portlet
2166     */
2167    public Map<String, String> getInitParams() {
2168        return _initParams;
2169    }
2171    /**
2172     * Sets the init parameters of the portlet.
2173     *
2174     * @param       initParams the init parameters of the portlet
2175     */
2176    public void setInitParams(Map<String, String> initParams) {
2177        _initParams = initParams;
2178    }
2180    /**
2181     * Gets expiration cache of the portlet.
2182     *
2183     * @return      expiration cache of the portlet
2184     */
2185    public Integer getExpCache() {
2186        return _expCache;
2187    }
2189    /**
2190     * Sets expiration cache of the portlet.
2191     *
2192     * @param       expCache expiration cache of the portlet
2193     */
2194    public void setExpCache(Integer expCache) {
2195        _expCache = expCache;
2196    }
2198    /**
2199     * Gets the portlet modes of the portlet.
2200     *
2201     * @return      portlet modes of the portlet
2202     */
2203    public Map<String, Set<String>> getPortletModes() {
2204        return _portletModes;
2205    }
2207    /**
2208     * Sets the portlet modes of the portlet.
2209     *
2210     * @param       portletModes the portlet modes of the portlet
2211     */
2212    public void setPortletModes(Map<String, Set<String>> portletModes) {
2213        _portletModes = portletModes;
2214    }
2216    /**
2217     * Returns true if the portlet supports the specified mime type and
2218     * portlet mode.
2219     *
2220     * @return      true if the portlet supports the specified mime type and
2221     *              portlet mode
2222     */
2223    public boolean hasPortletMode(String mimeType, PortletMode portletMode) {
2224        if (mimeType == null) {
2225            mimeType = ContentTypes.TEXT_HTML;
2226        }
2228        Set<String> mimeTypeModes = _portletModes.get(mimeType);
2230        if (mimeTypeModes == null) {
2231            return false;
2232        }
2234        if (mimeTypeModes.contains(portletMode.toString())) {
2235            return true;
2236        }
2237        else {
2238            return false;
2239        }
2240    }
2242    /**
2243     * Gets a list of all portlet modes supported by the portlet.
2244     *
2245     * @return      a list of all portlet modes supported by the portlet
2246     */
2247    public Set<String> getAllPortletModes() {
2248        Set<String> allPortletModes = new TreeSet<String>();
2250        Iterator<Map.Entry <String, Set<String>>> itr1 =
2251            _portletModes.entrySet().iterator();
2253        while (itr1.hasNext()) {
2254            Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> entry = itr1.next();
2256            Set<String> mimeTypeModes = entry.getValue();
2258            Iterator<String> itr2 = mimeTypeModes.iterator();
2260            while (itr2.hasNext()) {
2261                String portletMode = itr2.next();
2263                allPortletModes.add(portletMode);
2264            }
2265        }
2267        return allPortletModes;
2268    }
2270    /**
2271     * Returns true if the portlet supports more than one mime type.
2272     *
2273     * @return      true if the portlet supports more than one mime type
2274     */
2275    public boolean hasMultipleMimeTypes() {
2276        if (_portletModes.size() > 1) {
2277            return true;
2278        }
2279        else {
2280            return false;
2281        }
2282    }
2284    /**
2285     * Gets the supported locales of the portlet.
2286     *
2287     * @return      supported locales of the portlet
2288     */
2289    public Set<String> getSupportedLocales() {
2290        return _supportedLocales;
2291    }
2293    /**
2294     * Sets the supported locales of the portlet.
2295     *
2296     * @param       supportedLocales the supported locales of the portlet
2297     */
2298    public void setSupportedLocales(Set<String> supportedLocales) {
2299        _supportedLocales = supportedLocales;
2300    }
2302    /**
2303     * Gets the resource bundle of the portlet.
2304     *
2305     * @return      resource bundle of the portlet
2306     */
2307    public String getResourceBundle() {
2308        return _resourceBundle;
2309    }
2311    /**
2312     * Sets the resource bundle of the portlet.
2313     *
2314     * @param       resourceBundle the resource bundle of the portlet
2315     */
2316    public void setResourceBundle(String resourceBundle) {
2317        _resourceBundle = resourceBundle;
2318    }
2320    /**
2321     * Gets the portlet info of the portlet.
2322     *
2323     * @return      portlet info of the portlet
2324     */
2325    public PortletInfo getPortletInfo() {
2326        return _portletInfo;
2327    }
2329    /**
2330     * Sets the portlet info of the portlet.
2331     *
2332     * @param       portletInfo the portlet info of the portlet
2333     */
2334    public void setPortletInfo(PortletInfo portletInfo) {
2335        _portletInfo = portletInfo;
2336    }
2338    /**
2339     * Gets the filters of the portlet.
2340     *
2341     * @return      filters of the portlet
2342     */
2343    public Map<String, PortletFilter> getPortletFilters() {
2344        return _portletFilters;
2345    }
2347    /**
2348     * Sets the filters of the portlet.
2349     *
2350     * @param       portletFilters the filters of the portlet
2351     */
2352    public void setPortletFilters(Map<String, PortletFilter> portletFilters) {
2353        _portletFilters = portletFilters;
2354    }
2356    /**
2357     * Adds a supported processing event.
2358     *
2359     * @param       publicRenderParameter a supported processing event
2360     */
2361    public void addProcessingEvent(QName processingEvent) {
2362        _processingEvents.add(processingEvent);
2363        _processingEventsByQName.put(
2364            PortletQNameUtil.getKey(processingEvent), processingEvent);
2365    }
2367    /**
2368     * Gets the supported processing event from a namespace URI and a local
2369     * part.
2370     *
2371     * @return      the supported processing event from a namespace URI and a
2372     *              local part
2373     */
2374    public QName getProcessingEvent(String uri, String localPart) {
2375        return _processingEventsByQName.get(
2376            PortletQNameUtil.getKey(uri, localPart));
2377    }
2379    /**
2380     * Gets the supported processing events of the portlet.
2381     *
2382     * @return      supported processing events of the portlet
2383     */
2384    public Set<QName> getProcessingEvents() {
2385        return _processingEvents;
2386    }
2388    /**
2389     * Sets the supported processing events of the portlet.
2390     *
2391     * @param       processingEvents the supported processing events of the
2392     *              portlet
2393     */
2394    public void setProcessingEvents(Set<QName> processingEvents) {
2395        for (QName processingEvent : processingEvents) {
2396            addProcessingEvent(processingEvent);
2397        }
2398    }
2400    /**
2401     * Adds a supported publishing event.
2402     *
2403     * @param       publicRenderParameter a supported publishing event
2404     */
2405    public void addPublishingEvent(QName publishingEvent) {
2406        _publishingEvents.add(publishingEvent);
2407    }
2409    /**
2410     * Gets the supported publishing events of the portlet.
2411     *
2412     * @return      supported publishing events of the portlet
2413     */
2414    public Set<QName> getPublishingEvents() {
2415        return _publishingEvents;
2416    }
2418    /**
2419     * Sets the supported publishing events of the portlet.
2420     *
2421     * @param       publishingEvents the supported publishing events of the
2422     *              portlet
2423     */
2424    public void setPublishingEvents(Set<QName> publishingEvents) {
2425        for (QName publishingEvent : publishingEvents) {
2426            addPublishingEvent(publishingEvent);
2427        }
2428    }
2430    /**
2431     * Adds a supported public render parameter.
2432     *
2433     * @param       publicRenderParameter a supported public render parameter
2434     */
2435    public void addPublicRenderParameter(
2436        PublicRenderParameter publicRenderParameter) {
2438        _publicRenderParameters.add(publicRenderParameter);
2439        _publicRenderParametersByIdentifier.put(
2440            publicRenderParameter.getIdentifier(), publicRenderParameter);
2441        _publicRenderParametersByQName.put(
2442            PortletQNameUtil.getKey(publicRenderParameter.getQName()),
2443            publicRenderParameter);
2444    }
2446    /**
2447     * Gets the supported public render parameter from an identifier.
2448     *
2449     * @return      the supported public render parameter from an identifier
2450     */
2451    public PublicRenderParameter getPublicRenderParameter(String identifier) {
2452        return _publicRenderParametersByIdentifier.get(identifier);
2453    }
2455    /**
2456     * Gets the supported public render parameter from a namespace URI and a
2457     * local part.
2458     *
2459     * @return      the supported public render parameter from a namespace URI
2460     *              and a local part
2461     */
2462    public PublicRenderParameter getPublicRenderParameter(
2463        String uri, String localPart) {
2465        return _publicRenderParametersByQName.get(
2466            PortletQNameUtil.getKey(uri, localPart));
2467    }
2469    /**
2470     * Gets the supported public render parameters of the portlet.
2471     *
2472     * @return      the supported public render parameters of the portlet
2473     */
2474    public Set<PublicRenderParameter> getPublicRenderParameters() {
2475        return _publicRenderParameters;
2476    }
2478    /**
2479     * Sets the supported public render parameters of the portlet.
2480     *
2481     * @param       publicRenderParameters the supported public render
2482     *              parameters of the portlet
2483     */
2484    public void setPublicRenderParameters(
2485        Set<PublicRenderParameter> publicRenderParameters) {
2487        for (PublicRenderParameter publicRenderParameter :
2488                publicRenderParameters) {
2490            addPublicRenderParameter(publicRenderParameter);
2491        }
2492    }
2494    /**
2495     * Returns true if the portlet is a remote portlet.
2496     *
2497     * @return      true if the portlet is a remote portlet
2498     */
2499    public boolean isRemote() {
2500        return _remote;
2501    }
2503    /**
2504     * Set to true if the portlet is a remote portlet.
2505     *
2506     * @param       remote boolean value for the portlet is a remote portlet
2507     */
2508    public void setRemote(boolean remote) {
2509        _remote = remote;
2510    }
2512    /**
2513     * Gets the remote consumer id of the portlet.
2514     *
2515     * @return      the remote consumer id of the portlet
2516     */
2517    public String getRemoteConsumerId() {
2518        return _remoteConsumerId;
2519    }
2521    /**
2522     * Sets the remote consumer id of the portlet.
2523     *
2524     * @param       remoteConsumerId the remote consumer id of the portlet
2525     */
2526    public void setRemoteConsumerId(String remoteConsumerId) {
2527        _remoteConsumerId = remoteConsumerId;
2528    }
2530    /**
2531     * Gets the remote producer entity id of the portlet.
2532     *
2533     * @return      the remote producer entity id of the portlet
2534     */
2535    public String getRemoteProducerEntityId() {
2536        return _remoteProducerEntityId;
2537    }
2539    /**
2540     * Sets the remote producer entity id of the portlet.
2541     *
2542     * @param       remoteProducerEntityId the remote producer entity id of the
2543     *              portlet
2544     */
2545    public void setRemoteProducerEntityId(String remoteProducerEntityId) {
2546        _remoteProducerEntityId = remoteProducerEntityId;
2547    }
2549    /**
2550     * Gets the remote portlet handle of the portlet.
2551     *
2552     * @return      the remote portlet handle of the portlet
2553     */
2554    public String getRemotePortletHandle() {
2555        return _remotePortletHandle;
2556    }
2558    /**
2559     * Sets the remote portlet handle of the portlet.
2560     *
2561     * @param       remotePortletHandle the remote portlet handle of the portlet
2562     */
2563    public void setRemotePortletHandle(String remotePortletHandle) {
2564        _remotePortletHandle = remotePortletHandle;
2565    }
2567    /**
2568     * Gets the remote portlet id of the portlet.
2569     *
2570     * @return      the remote portlet id of the portlet
2571     */
2572    public String getRemotePortletId() {
2573        return _remotePortletId;
2574    }
2576    /**
2577     * Sets the remote portlet id of the portlet.
2578     *
2579     * @param       remotePortletId the remote portlet id of the portlet
2580     */
2581    public void setRemotePortletId(String remotePortletId) {
2582        _remotePortletId = remotePortletId;
2583    }
2585    /**
2586     * Gets the servlet context path of the portlet.
2587     *
2588     * @return      the servlet context path of the portlet
2589     */
2590    public String getContextPath() {
2591        String virtualPath = getVirtualPath();
2593        if (Validator.isNotNull(virtualPath)) {
2594            return virtualPath;
2595        }
2597        if (_portletApp.isWARFile()) {
2598            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
2600            sb.append(StringPool.SLASH);
2601            sb.append(_portletApp.getServletContextName());
2603            return sb.toString();
2604        }
2605        else {
2606            return PortalUtil.getPathContext();
2607        }
2608    }
2610    /**
2611     * Get the application this portlet belongs to.
2612     *
2613     * @return      the application this portlet belongs to
2614     */
2615    public PortletApp getPortletApp() {
2616        return _portletApp;
2617    }
2619    /**
2620     * Sets the application this portlet belongs to.
2621     *
2622     * @param       portletApp the application this portlet belongs to
2623     */
2624    public void setPortletApp(PortletApp portletApp) {
2625        _portletApp = portletApp;
2626    }
2628    /**
2629     * Returns true if the portlet is found in a WAR file.
2630     *
2631     * @param       portletId the cloned instance portlet id
2632     * @return      a cloned instance of the portlet
2633     */
2634    public Portlet getClonedInstance(String portletId) {
2635        if (_clonedInstances == null) {
2637            // LEP-528
2639            return null;
2640        }
2642        Portlet clonedInstance = _clonedInstances.get(portletId);
2644        if (clonedInstance == null) {
2645            clonedInstance = (Portlet)clone();
2647            clonedInstance.setPortletId(portletId);
2649            // Disable caching of cloned instances until we can figure out how
2650            // to elegantly refresh the cache when the portlet is dynamically
2651            // updated by the user. For example, the user might change the
2652            // portlet from one column to the next. Cloned instances that are
2653            // cached would not see the new change. We can then also cache
2654            // static portlet instances.
2656            //_clonedInstances.put(portletId, clonedInstance);
2657        }
2659        return clonedInstance;
2660    }
2662    /**
2663     * Returns true if the portlet is a static portlet that is cannot be moved.
2664     *
2665     * @return      true if the portlet is a static portlet that is cannot be
2666     *              moved
2667     */
2668    public boolean getStatic() {
2669        return _staticPortlet;
2670    }
2672    /**
2673     * Returns true if the portlet is a static portlet that is cannot be moved.
2674     *
2675     * @return      true if the portlet is a static portlet that is cannot be
2676     *              moved
2677     */
2678    public boolean isStatic() {
2679        return _staticPortlet;
2680    }
2682    /**
2683     * Set to true if the portlet is a static portlet that is cannot be moved.
2684     *
2685     * @param       staticPortlet boolean value for whether the portlet is a
2686     *              static portlet that cannot be moved
2687     */
2688    public void setStatic(boolean staticPortlet) {
2689        _staticPortlet = staticPortlet;
2690    }
2692    /**
2693     * Returns true if the portlet is a static portlet at the start of a list of
2694     * portlets.
2695     *
2696     * @return      true if the portlet is a static portlet at the start of a
2697     *              list of portlets
2698     */
2699    public boolean getStaticStart() {
2700        return _staticPortletStart;
2701    }
2703    /**
2704     * Returns true if the portlet is a static portlet at the start of a list of
2705     * portlets.
2706     *
2707     * @return      true if the portlet is a static portlet at the start of a
2708     *              list of portlets
2709     */
2710    public boolean isStaticStart() {
2711        return _staticPortletStart;
2712    }
2714    /**
2715     * Set to true if the portlet is a static portlet at the start of a list of
2716     * portlets.
2717     *
2718     * @param       staticPortletStart boolean value for whether the portlet is
2719     *              a static portlet at the start of a list of portlets
2720     */
2721    public void setStaticStart(boolean staticPortletStart) {
2722        _staticPortletStart = staticPortletStart;
2723    }
2725    /**
2726     * Returns true if the portlet is a static portlet at the end of a list of
2727     * portlets.
2728     *
2729     * @return      true if the portlet is a static portlet at the end of a
2730     *              list of portlets
2731     */
2732    public boolean getStaticEnd() {
2733        return !_staticPortletStart;
2734    }
2736    /**
2737     * Returns true if the portlet is a static portlet at the end of a list of
2738     * portlets.
2739     *
2740     * @return      true if the portlet is a static portlet at the end of a
2741     *              list of portlets
2742     */
2743    public boolean isStaticEnd() {
2744        return !_staticPortletStart;
2745    }
2747    /**
2748     * Returns true if the portlet is an undeployed portlet.
2749     *
2750     * @return      true if the portlet is a placeholder of an undeployed
2751     *              portlet
2752     */
2753    public boolean getUndeployedPortlet() {
2754        return _undeployedPortlet;
2755    }
2757    /**
2758     * Returns true if the portlet is an undeployed portlet.
2759     *
2760     * @return      true if the portlet is a placeholder of an undeployed
2761     *              portlet
2762     */
2763    public boolean isUndeployedPortlet() {
2764        return _undeployedPortlet;
2765    }
2767    /**
2768     * Set to true if the portlet is an undeployed portlet.
2769     *
2770     * @param       undeployedPortlet boolean value for whether the portlet is
2771     *              an undeployed portlet
2772     */
2773    public void setUndeployedPortlet(boolean undeployedPortlet) {
2774        _undeployedPortlet = undeployedPortlet;
2775    }
2777    /**
2778     * Creates and returns a copy of this object.
2779     *
2780     * @return      a copy of this object
2781     */
2782    public Object clone() {
2783        return new PortletImpl(
2784            getPortletId(), getPluginPackage(), getDefaultPluginSetting(),
2785            getCompanyId(), getTimestamp(), getIcon(), getVirtualPath(),
2786            getStrutsPath(), getPortletName(), getDisplayName(),
2787            getPortletClass(), getConfigurationActionClass(), getIndexerClass(),
2788            getOpenSearchClass(), getSchedulerClass(), getPortletURLClass(),
2789            getFriendlyURLMapperClass(), getURLEncoderClass(),
2790            getPortletDataHandlerClass(), getPortletLayoutListenerClass(),
2791            getPopMessageListenerClass(), getSocialActivityInterpreterClass(),
2792            getSocialRequestInterpreterClass(), getWebDAVStorageToken(),
2793            getWebDAVStorageClass(), getControlPanelEntryCategory(),
2794            getControlPanelEntryWeight(), getControlPanelEntryClass(),
2795            getDefaultPreferences(), getPreferencesValidator(),
2796            isPreferencesCompanyWide(), isPreferencesUniquePerLayout(),
2797            isPreferencesOwnedByGroup(), isUseDefaultTemplate(),
2798            isShowPortletAccessDenied(), isShowPortletInactive(),
2799            isActionURLRedirect(), isRestoreCurrentView(), isMaximizeEdit(),
2800            isMaximizeHelp(), isPopUpPrint(), isLayoutCacheable(),
2801            isInstanceable(), isScopeable(), getUserPrincipalStrategy(),
2802            isPrivateRequestAttributes(), isPrivateSessionAttributes(),
2803            getRenderWeight(), isAjaxable(), getHeaderPortalCss(),
2804            getHeaderPortletCss(), getHeaderPortalJavaScript(),
2805            getHeaderPortletJavaScript(), getFooterPortalCss(),
2806            getFooterPortletCss(), getFooterPortalJavaScript(),
2807            getFooterPortletJavaScript(), getCssClassWrapper(),
2808            getFacebookIntegration(), isAddDefaultResource(), getRoles(),
2809            getUnlinkedRoles(), getRoleMappers(), isSystem(), isActive(),
2810            isInclude(), getInitParams(), getExpCache(), getPortletModes(),
2811            getSupportedLocales(), getResourceBundle(), getPortletInfo(),
2812            getPortletFilters(), getProcessingEvents(), getPublishingEvents(),
2813            getPublicRenderParameters(), isRemote(), getRemoteConsumerId(),
2814            getRemoteProducerEntityId(), getRemotePortletHandle(),
2815            getRemotePortletId(), getPortletApp());
2816    }
2818    /**
2819     * Compares this portlet to the specified object.
2820     *
2821     * @param       obj the object to compare this portlet against
2822     * @return      the value 0 if the argument portlet is equal to this
2823     *              portlet; a value less than -1 if this portlet is less than
2824     *              the portlet argument; and 1 if this portlet is greater than
2825     *              the portlet argument
2826     */
2827    public int compareTo(Object obj) {
2828        Portlet portlet = (Portlet)obj;
2830        return getPortletId().compareTo(portlet.getPortletId());
2831    }
2833    /**
2834     * Checks whether this portlet is equal to the specified object.
2835     *
2836     * @param       obj the object to compare this portlet against
2837     * @return      true if the portlet is equal to the specified object
2838     */
2839    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
2840        Portlet portlet = (Portlet)obj;
2842        return getPortletId().equals(portlet.getPortletId());
2843    }
2845    /**
2846     * Log instance for this class.
2847     */
2848    private static Log _log = LogFactoryUtil.getLog(PortletImpl.class);
2850    /**
2851     * Package this plugin belongs to.
2852     */
2853    private PluginPackage _pluginPackage;
2855    /**
2856     * Plugin settings associated with the portlet.
2857     */
2858    private PluginSetting _defaultPluginSetting;
2860    /**
2861     * The timestamp of the portlet.
2862     */
2863    private long _timestamp;
2865    /**
2866     * The icon of the portlet.
2867     */
2868    private String _icon;
2870    /**
2871     * The virtual path of the portlet.
2872     */
2873    private String _virtualPath;
2875    /**
2876     * The struts path of the portlet.
2877     */
2878    private String _strutsPath;
2880    /**
2881     * The name of the portlet.
2882     */
2883    private String _portletName;
2885    /**
2886     * The display name of the portlet.
2887     */
2888    private String _displayName;
2890    /**
2891     * The name of the portlet class of the portlet.
2892     */
2893    private String _portletClass;
2895    /**
2896     * The configuration action class of the portlet.
2897     */
2898    private String _configurationActionClass;
2900    /**
2901     * The name of the indexer class of the portlet.
2902     */
2903    private String _indexerClass;
2905    /**
2906     * The name of the open search class of the portlet.
2907     */
2908    private String _openSearchClass;
2910    /**
2911     * The name of the scheduler class of the portlet.
2912     */
2913    private String _schedulerClass;
2915    /**
2916     * The name of the portlet URL class of the portlet.
2917     */
2918    private String _portletURLClass;
2920    /**
2921     * The name of the friendly URL mapper class of the portlet.
2922     */
2923    private String _friendlyURLMapperClass;
2925    /**
2926     * The name of the URL encoder class of the portlet.
2927     */
2928    private String _urlEncoderClass;
2930    /**
2931     * The name of the portlet data handler class of the portlet.
2932     */
2933    private String _portletDataHandlerClass;
2935    /**
2936     * The name of the portlet data layout listener class of the portlet.
2937     */
2938    private String _portletLayoutListenerClass;
2940    /**
2941     * The name of the POP message listener class of the portlet.
2942     */
2943    private String _popMessageListenerClass;
2945    /**
2946     * The name of the social activity interpreter class of the portlet.
2947     */
2948    private String _socialActivityInterpreterClass;
2950    /**
2951     * The name of the social request interpreter class of the portlet.
2952     */
2953    private String _socialRequestInterpreterClass;
2955    /**
2956     * The name of the WebDAV storage token of the portlet.
2957     */
2958    private String _webDAVStorageToken;
2960    /**
2961     * The name of the WebDAV storage class of the portlet.
2962     */
2963    private String _webDAVStorageClass;
2965    /**
2966     * The default preferences of the portlet.
2967     */
2968    private String _defaultPreferences;
2970    /**
2971     * The name of the preferences validator class of the portlet.
2972     */
2973    private String _preferencesValidator;
2975    /**
2976     * True if preferences are shared across the entire company.
2977     */
2978    private boolean _preferencesCompanyWide;
2980    /**
2981     * True if preferences are unique per layout.
2982     */
2983    private boolean _preferencesUniquePerLayout = true;
2985    /**
2986     * True if preferences are owned by the group when the portlet is shown in a
2987     * group layout. False if preferences are owned by the user at all times.
2988     */
2989    private boolean _preferencesOwnedByGroup = true;
2991    /**
2992     * The name of the category of the Control Panel where this portlet will be
2993     * shown
2994     */
2995    private String _controlPanelEntryCategory;
2997    /**
2998     * The relative weight of this portlet with respect to the other portlets
2999     * in the same category of the Control Panel
3000     */
3001    private double _controlPanelEntryWeight = 100;
3003    /**
3004     * The name of the class that will control when this portlet will be shown
3005     * in the Control Panel
3006     */
3007    private String _controlPanelEntryClass;
3009    /**
3010     * True if the portlet uses the default template.
3011     */
3012    private boolean _useDefaultTemplate = true;
3014    /**
3015     * True if users are shown that they do not have access to the portlet.
3016     */
3017    private boolean _showPortletAccessDenied =
3020    /**
3021     * True if users are shown that the portlet is inactive.
3022     */
3023    private boolean _showPortletInactive =
3026    /**
3027     * True if an action URL for this portlet should cause an auto redirect.
3028     */
3029    private boolean _actionURLRedirect;
3031    /**
3032     * True if the portlet restores to the current view from the maximized
3033     * state.
3034     */
3035    private boolean _restoreCurrentView = true;
3037    /**
3038     * True if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the user goes into
3039     * the edit mode.
3040     */
3041    private boolean _maximizeEdit;
3043    /**
3044     * True if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the user goes into
3045     * the help mode.
3046     */
3047    private boolean _maximizeHelp;
3049    /**
3050     * True if the portlet goes into the pop up state when the user goes into
3051     * the print mode.
3052     */
3053    private boolean _popUpPrint = true;
3055    /**
3056     * True if the portlet can be cached within the layout.
3057     */
3058    private boolean _layoutCacheable;
3060    /**
3061     * True if the portlet can be added multiple times to a layout.
3062     */
3063    private boolean _instanceable;
3065    /**
3066     * True if the portlet supports scoping of data.
3067     */
3068    private boolean _scopeable;
3070    /**
3071     * The user principal strategy of the portlet.
3072     */
3073    private String _userPrincipalStrategy =
3074        PortletConstants.USER_PRINCIPAL_STRATEGY_USER_ID;
3076    /**
3077     * True if the portlet does not share request attributes with the portal or
3078     * portlets from another WAR.
3079     */
3080    private boolean _privateRequestAttributes = true;
3082    /**
3083     * True if the portlet does not share session attributes with the portal.
3084     */
3085    private boolean _privateSessionAttributes = true;
3087    /**
3088     * Render weight of the portlet.
3089     */
3090    private int _renderWeight = 1;
3092    /**
3093     * True if the portlet can be displayed via Ajax.
3094     */
3095    private boolean _ajaxable = true;
3097    /**
3098     * A list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's header
3099     * relative to the portal's context path.
3100     */
3101    private List<String> _headerPortalCss;
3103    /**
3104     * A list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's header
3105     * relative to the portlet's context path.
3106     */
3107    private List<String> _headerPortletCss;
3109    /**
3110     * A list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's header
3111     * relative to the portal's context path.
3112     */
3113    private List<String> _headerPortalJavaScript;
3115    /**
3116     * A list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's header
3117     * relative to the portlet's context path.
3118     */
3119    private List<String> _headerPortletJavaScript;
3121    /**
3122     * A list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's footer
3123     * relative to the portal's context path.
3124     */
3125    private List<String> _footerPortalCss;
3127    /**
3128     * A list of CSS files that will be referenced from the page's footer
3129     * relative to the portlet's context path.
3130     */
3131    private List<String> _footerPortletCss;
3133    /**
3134     * A list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's footer
3135     * relative to the portal's context path.
3136     */
3137    private List<String> _footerPortalJavaScript;
3139    /**
3140     * A list of JavaScript files that will be referenced from the page's footer
3141     * relative to the portlet's context path.
3142     */
3143    private List<String> _footerPortletJavaScript;
3145    /**
3146     * The name of the CSS class that will be injected in the DIV that wraps
3147     * this portlet.
3148     */
3149    private String _cssClassWrapper = StringPool.BLANK;
3151    /**
3152     * The Facebook integration method of the portlet.
3153     */
3154    private String _facebookIntegration =
3155        PortletConstants.FACEBOOK_INTEGRATION_IFRAME;
3157    /**
3158     * True if default resources for the portlet are added to a page.
3159     */
3160    private boolean _addDefaultResource;
3162    /**
3163     * An array of required roles of the portlet.
3164     */
3165    private String[] _rolesArray;
3167    /**
3168     * The unlinked roles of the portlet.
3169     */
3170    private Set<String> _unlinkedRoles;
3172    /**
3173     * The role mappers of the portlet.
3174     */
3175    private Map<String, String> _roleMappers;
3177    /**
3178     * True if the portlet is a system portlet that a user cannot manually add
3179     * to their page.
3180     */
3181    private boolean _system;
3183    /**
3184     * True to include the portlet and make it available to be made active.
3185     */
3186    private boolean _include = true;
3188    /**
3189     * The init parameters of the portlet.
3190     */
3191    private Map<String, String> _initParams;
3193    /**
3194     * The expiration cache of the portlet.
3195     */
3196    private Integer _expCache;
3198    /**
3199     * The portlet modes of the portlet.
3200     */
3201    private Map<String, Set<String>> _portletModes;
3203    /**
3204     * The supported locales of the portlet.
3205     */
3206    private Set<String> _supportedLocales;
3208    /**
3209     * The resource bundle of the portlet.
3210     */
3211    private String _resourceBundle;
3213    /**
3214     * The portlet info of the portlet.
3215     */
3216    private PortletInfo _portletInfo;
3218    /**
3219     * The filters of the portlet.
3220     */
3221    private Map<String, PortletFilter> _portletFilters;
3223    /**
3224     * The supported processing events of the portlet.
3225     */
3226    private Set<QName> _processingEvents = new HashSet<QName>();
3228    /**
3229     * Map of the supported processing events of the portlet keyed by the QName.
3230     */
3231    private Map<String, QName> _processingEventsByQName =
3232        new HashMap<String, QName>();
3234    /**
3235     * The supported publishing events of the portlet.
3236     */
3237    private Set<QName> _publishingEvents = new HashSet<QName>();
3239    /**
3240     * The supported public render parameters of the portlet.
3241     */
3242    private Set<PublicRenderParameter> _publicRenderParameters =
3243        new HashSet<PublicRenderParameter>();
3245    /**
3246     * Map of the supported public render parameters of the portlet keyed by the
3247     * identifier.
3248     */
3249    private Map<String, PublicRenderParameter>
3250        _publicRenderParametersByIdentifier =
3251            new HashMap<String, PublicRenderParameter>();
3253    /**
3254     * Map of the supported public render parameters of the portlet keyed by the
3255     * QName.
3256     */
3257    private Map<String, PublicRenderParameter>
3258        _publicRenderParametersByQName =
3259            new HashMap<String, PublicRenderParameter>();
3261    /**
3262     * True if the portlet is a remote portlet.
3263     */
3264    private boolean _remote = false;
3266    /**
3267     * The remote consumer id of the portlet.
3268     */
3269    private String _remoteConsumerId;
3271    /**
3272     * The remote producer entity id of the portlet.
3273     */
3274    private String _remoteProducerEntityId;
3276    /**
3277     * The remote portlet handle of the portlet.
3278     */
3279    private String _remotePortletHandle;
3281    /**
3282     * The remote portlet id of the portlet.
3283     */
3284    private String _remotePortletId;
3286    /**
3287     * The application this portlet belongs to.
3288     */
3289    private PortletApp _portletApp;
3291    /**
3292     * The cloned instances of the portlet.
3293     */
3294    private Map<String, Portlet> _clonedInstances;
3296    /**
3297     * True if the portlet is a static portlet that is cannot be moved.
3298     */
3299    private boolean _staticPortlet;
3301    /**
3302     * True if the portlet is a static portlet at the start of a list of
3303     * portlets.
3304     */
3305    private boolean _staticPortletStart;
3307    /**
3308     * True if the portlet is an undeployed portlet.
3309     */
3310    private boolean _undeployedPortlet = false;