Liferay 6.0.5

Uses of Class

Packages that use AutoEscape

Uses of AutoEscape in com.liferay.counter.model

Methods in com.liferay.counter.model with annotations of type AutoEscape
 String CounterModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this counter.

Uses of AutoEscape in com.liferay.portal.model

Methods in com.liferay.portal.model with annotations of type AutoEscape
 String CountryModel.getA2()
          Gets the a2 of this country.
 String CountryModel.getA3()
          Gets the a3 of this country.
 String ResourceActionModel.getActionId()
          Gets the action id of this resource action.
 String PermissionModel.getActionId()
          Gets the action id of this permission.
 String EmailAddressModel.getAddress()
          Gets the address of this email address.
 String ContactModel.getAimSn()
          Gets the aim sn of this contact.
 String ServiceComponentModel.getBuildNamespace()
          Gets the build namespace of this service component.
 String AddressModel.getCity()
          Gets the city of this address.
 String LockModel.getClassName()
          Gets the class name of this lock.
 String ClusterGroupModel.getClusterNodeIds()
          Gets the cluster node ids of this cluster group.
 String LayoutSetModel.getColorSchemeId()
          Gets the color scheme id of this layout set.
 String LayoutModel.getColorSchemeId()
          Gets the color scheme id of this layout.
 String UserModel.getComments()
          Gets the comments of this user.
 String OrganizationModel.getComments()
          Gets the comments of this organization.
 String MembershipRequestModel.getComments()
          Gets the comments of this membership request.
 String LayoutSetModel.getCss()
          Gets the css of this layout set.
 String LayoutModel.getCss()
          Gets the css of this layout.
 String ServiceComponentModel.getData()
          Gets the data of this service component.
 String UserIdMapperModel.getDescription()
          Gets the description of this user id mapper.
 String UserGroupModel.getDescription()
          Gets the description of this user group.
 String TeamModel.getDescription()
          Gets the description of this team.
 String RoleModel.getDescription()
          Gets the description of this role.
 String PasswordPolicyModel.getDescription()
          Gets the description of this password policy.
 String LayoutSetPrototypeModel.getDescription()
          Gets the description of this layout set prototype.
 String LayoutPrototypeModel.getDescription()
          Gets the description of this layout prototype.
 String LayoutModel.getDescription()
          Gets the description of this layout.
 String GroupModel.getDescription()
          Gets the description of this group.
 String UserModel.getDigest()
          Gets the digest of this user.
 String UserModel.getEmailAddress()
          Gets the email address of this user.
 String ContactModel.getEmployeeNumber()
          Gets the employee number of this contact.
 String ContactModel.getEmployeeStatusId()
          Gets the employee status id of this contact.
 String PhoneModel.getExtension()
          Gets the extension of this phone.
 String UserIdMapperModel.getExternalUserId()
          Gets the external user id of this user id mapper.
 String ContactModel.getFacebookSn()
          Gets the facebook sn of this contact.
 String UserModel.getFirstName()
          Gets the first name of this user.
 String ContactModel.getFirstName()
          Gets the first name of this contact.
 String SubscriptionModel.getFrequency()
          Gets the frequency of this subscription.
 String LayoutModel.getFriendlyURL()
          Gets the friendly u r l of this layout.
 String GroupModel.getFriendlyURL()
          Gets the friendly u r l of this group.
 String UserModel.getGreeting()
          Gets the greeting of this user.
 String CompanyModel.getHomeURL()
          Gets the home u r l of this company.
 String ContactModel.getHoursOfOperation()
          Gets the hours of operation of this contact.
 String ContactModel.getIcqSn()
          Gets the icq sn of this contact.
 String CountryModel.getIdd()
          Gets the idd of this country.
 String AccountModel.getIndustry()
          Gets the industry of this account.
 String ContactModel.getJabberSn()
          Gets the jabber sn of this contact.
 String ContactModel.getJobClass()
          Gets the job class of this contact.
 String UserModel.getJobTitle()
          Gets the job title of this user.
 String ContactModel.getJobTitle()
          Gets the job title of this contact.
 String TicketModel.getKey()
          Gets the key of this ticket.
 String LockModel.getKey()
          Gets the key of this lock.
 String CompanyModel.getKey()
          Gets the key of this company.
 String UserModel.getLanguageId()
          Gets the language id of this user.
 String UserModel.getLastLoginIP()
          Gets the last login i p of this user.
 String UserModel.getLastName()
          Gets the last name of this user.
 String ContactModel.getLastName()
          Gets the last name of this contact.
 String AccountModel.getLegalId()
          Gets the legal id of this account.
 String AccountModel.getLegalName()
          Gets the legal name of this account.
 String AccountModel.getLegalType()
          Gets the legal type of this account.
 String UserModel.getLoginIP()
          Gets the login i p of this user.
 String UserModel.getMiddleName()
          Gets the middle name of this user.
 String ContactModel.getMiddleName()
          Gets the middle name of this contact.
 String ContactModel.getMsnSn()
          Gets the msn sn of this contact.
 String CompanyModel.getMx()
          Gets the mx of this company.
 String ContactModel.getMySpaceSn()
          Gets the my space sn of this contact.
 String UserGroupModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this user group.
 String TeamModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this team.
 String ShardModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this shard.
 String RoleModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this role.
 String ResourcePermissionModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this resource permission.
 String ResourceCodeModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this resource code.
 String ResourceActionModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this resource action.
 String RegionModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this region.
 String PortletItemModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this portlet item.
 String PasswordPolicyModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this password policy.
 String OrganizationModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this organization.
 String ListTypeModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this list type.
 String LayoutModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this layout.
 String GroupModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this group.
 String CountryModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this country.
 String ClusterGroupModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this cluster group.
 String AccountModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this account.
 String PhoneModel.getNumber()
          Gets the number of this phone.
 String CountryModel.getNumber()
          Gets the number of this country.
 String UserModel.getOpenId()
          Gets the open id of this user.
 String LockModel.getOwner()
          Gets the owner of this lock.
 String UserModel.getPassword()
          Gets the password of this user.
 String PasswordTrackerModel.getPassword()
          Gets the password of this password tracker.
 String UserTrackerPathModel.getPath()
          Gets the path of this user tracker path.
 String PluginSettingModel.getPluginId()
          Gets the plugin id of this plugin setting.
 String PluginSettingModel.getPluginType()
          Gets the plugin type of this plugin setting.
 String PortletPreferencesModel.getPortletId()
          Gets the portlet id of this portlet preferences.
 String PortletModel.getPortletId()
          Gets the portlet id of this portlet.
 String PortletItemModel.getPortletId()
          Gets the portlet id of this portlet item.
 String PortletPreferencesModel.getPreferences()
          Gets the preferences of this portlet preferences.
 String ResourcePermissionModel.getPrimKey()
          Gets the prim key of this resource permission.
 String ResourceModel.getPrimKey()
          Gets the prim key of this resource.
 String WebDAVPropsModel.getProps()
          Gets the props of this web d a v props.
 String RegionModel.getRegionCode()
          Gets the region code of this region.
 String UserModel.getReminderQueryAnswer()
          Gets the reminder query answer of this user.
 String UserModel.getReminderQueryQuestion()
          Gets the reminder query question of this user.
 String UserTrackerModel.getRemoteAddr()
          Gets the remote addr of this user tracker.
 String UserTrackerModel.getRemoteHost()
          Gets the remote host of this user tracker.
 String MembershipRequestModel.getReplyComments()
          Gets the reply comments of this membership request.
 String PortletModel.getRoles()
          Gets the roles of this portlet.
 String PluginSettingModel.getRoles()
          Gets the roles of this plugin setting.
 String UserModel.getScreenName()
          Gets the screen name of this user.
 String ReleaseModel.getServletContextName()
          Gets the servlet context name of this release.
 String UserTrackerModel.getSessionId()
          Gets the session id of this user tracker.
 String LayoutSetPrototypeModel.getSettings()
          Gets the settings of this layout set prototype.
 String LayoutSetModel.getSettings()
          Gets the settings of this layout set.
 String LayoutPrototypeModel.getSettings()
          Gets the settings of this layout prototype.
 String AccountModel.getSicCode()
          Gets the sic code of this account.
 String AccountModel.getSize()
          Gets the size of this account.
 String ContactModel.getSkypeSn()
          Gets the skype sn of this contact.
 String ContactModel.getSmsSn()
          Gets the sms sn of this contact.
 String AddressModel.getStreet1()
          Gets the street1 of this address.
 String AddressModel.getStreet2()
          Gets the street2 of this address.
 String AddressModel.getStreet3()
          Gets the street3 of this address.
 String RoleModel.getSubtype()
          Gets the subtype of this role.
 String ReleaseModel.getTestString()
          Gets the test string of this release.
 String ImageModel.getText()
          Gets the text of this image.
 String LayoutSetModel.getThemeId()
          Gets the theme id of this layout set.
 String LayoutModel.getThemeId()
          Gets the theme id of this layout.
 String AccountModel.getTickerSymbol()
          Gets the ticker symbol of this account.
 String UserModel.getTimeZoneId()
          Gets the time zone id of this user.
 String LayoutModel.getTitle()
          Gets the title of this layout.
 String ContactModel.getTwitterSn()
          Gets the twitter sn of this contact.
 String UserIdMapperModel.getType()
          Gets the type of this user id mapper.
 String ListTypeModel.getType()
          Gets the type of this list type.
 String LayoutModel.getType()
          Gets the type of this layout.
 String ImageModel.getType()
          Gets the type of this image.
 String AccountModel.getType()
          Gets the type of this account.
 String LayoutModel.getTypeSettings()
          Gets the type settings of this layout.
 String GroupModel.getTypeSettings()
          Gets the type settings of this group.
 String WebsiteModel.getUrl()
          Gets the url of this website.
 String UserTrackerModel.getUserAgent()
          Gets the user agent of this user tracker.
 String WorkflowInstanceLinkModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this workflow instance link.
 String WorkflowDefinitionLinkModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this workflow definition link.
 String WebsiteModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this website.
 String TeamModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this team.
 String SubscriptionModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this subscription.
 String PortletItemModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this portlet item.
 String PhoneModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this phone.
 String PasswordPolicyModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this password policy.
 String LockModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this lock.
 String EmailAddressModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this email address.
 String ContactModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this contact.
 String AddressModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this address.
 String AccountModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this account.
 String UserModel.getUuid()
          Gets the uuid of this user.
 String LockModel.getUuid()
          Gets the uuid of this lock.
 String LayoutModel.getUuid()
          Gets the uuid of this layout.
 String ClassNameModel.getValue()
          Gets the value of this class name.
 String LayoutSetModel.getVirtualHost()
          Gets the virtual host of this layout set.
 String CompanyModel.getVirtualHost()
          Gets the virtual host of this company.
 String LayoutSetModel.getWapColorSchemeId()
          Gets the wap color scheme id of this layout set.
 String LayoutModel.getWapColorSchemeId()
          Gets the wap color scheme id of this layout.
 String LayoutSetModel.getWapThemeId()
          Gets the wap theme id of this layout set.
 String LayoutModel.getWapThemeId()
          Gets the wap theme id of this layout.
 String CompanyModel.getWebId()
          Gets the web id of this company.
 String WorkflowDefinitionLinkModel.getWorkflowDefinitionName()
          Gets the workflow definition name of this workflow definition link.
 String ContactModel.getYmSn()
          Gets the ym sn of this contact.
 String AddressModel.getZip()
          Gets the zip of this address.

Uses of AutoEscape in com.liferay.portlet.announcements.model

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.announcements.model with annotations of type AutoEscape
 String AnnouncementsEntryModel.getContent()
          Gets the content of this announcements entry.
 String AnnouncementsEntryModel.getTitle()
          Gets the title of this announcements entry.
 String AnnouncementsEntryModel.getType()
          Gets the type of this announcements entry.
 String AnnouncementsDeliveryModel.getType()
          Gets the type of this announcements delivery.
 String AnnouncementsEntryModel.getUrl()
          Gets the url of this announcements entry.
 String AnnouncementsEntryModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this announcements entry.
 String AnnouncementsEntryModel.getUuid()
          Gets the uuid of this announcements entry.

Uses of AutoEscape in com.liferay.portlet.asset.model

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.asset.model with annotations of type AutoEscape
 String AssetEntryModel.getClassUuid()
          Gets the class uuid of this asset entry.
 String AssetEntryModel.getDescription()
          Gets the description of this asset entry.
 String AssetTagPropertyModel.getKey()
          Gets the key of this asset tag property.
 String AssetCategoryPropertyModel.getKey()
          Gets the key of this asset category property.
 String AssetEntryModel.getMimeType()
          Gets the mime type of this asset entry.
 String AssetVocabularyModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this asset vocabulary.
 String AssetTagModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this asset tag.
 String AssetCategoryModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this asset category.
 String AssetVocabularyModel.getSettings()
          Gets the settings of this asset vocabulary.
 String AssetEntryModel.getSummary()
          Gets the summary of this asset entry.
 String AssetEntryModel.getTitle()
          Gets the title of this asset entry.
 String AssetEntryModel.getUrl()
          Gets the url of this asset entry.
 String AssetVocabularyModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this asset vocabulary.
 String AssetTagPropertyModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this asset tag property.
 String AssetTagModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this asset tag.
 String AssetLinkModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this asset link.
 String AssetEntryModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this asset entry.
 String AssetCategoryPropertyModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this asset category property.
 String AssetCategoryModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this asset category.
 String AssetVocabularyModel.getUuid()
          Gets the uuid of this asset vocabulary.
 String AssetCategoryModel.getUuid()
          Gets the uuid of this asset category.
 String AssetTagPropertyModel.getValue()
          Gets the value of this asset tag property.
 String AssetCategoryPropertyModel.getValue()
          Gets the value of this asset category property.

Uses of AutoEscape in com.liferay.portlet.blogs.model

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.blogs.model with annotations of type AutoEscape
 String BlogsEntryModel.getContent()
          Gets the content of this blogs entry.
 String BlogsEntryModel.getStatusByUserName()
          Gets the status by user name of this blogs entry.
 String BlogsEntryModel.getTitle()
          Gets the title of this blogs entry.
 String BlogsEntryModel.getTrackbacks()
          Gets the trackbacks of this blogs entry.
 String BlogsEntryModel.getUrlTitle()
          Gets the url title of this blogs entry.
 String BlogsEntryModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this blogs entry.
 String BlogsEntryModel.getUuid()
          Gets the uuid of this blogs entry.

Uses of AutoEscape in com.liferay.portlet.bookmarks.model

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.bookmarks.model with annotations of type AutoEscape
 String BookmarksEntryModel.getComments()
          Gets the comments of this bookmarks entry.
 String BookmarksFolderModel.getDescription()
          Gets the description of this bookmarks folder.
 String BookmarksFolderModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this bookmarks folder.
 String BookmarksEntryModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this bookmarks entry.
 String BookmarksEntryModel.getUrl()
          Gets the url of this bookmarks entry.
 String BookmarksFolderModel.getUuid()
          Gets the uuid of this bookmarks folder.
 String BookmarksEntryModel.getUuid()
          Gets the uuid of this bookmarks entry.

Uses of AutoEscape in com.liferay.portlet.calendar.model

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.calendar.model with annotations of type AutoEscape
 String CalEventModel.getDescription()
          Gets the description of this cal event.
 String CalEventModel.getTitle()
          Gets the title of this cal event.
 String CalEventModel.getType()
          Gets the type of this cal event.
 String CalEventModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this cal event.
 String CalEventModel.getUuid()
          Gets the uuid of this cal event.

Uses of AutoEscape in com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.model

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.model with annotations of type AutoEscape
 String DLFileVersionModel.getChangeLog()
          Gets the change log of this d l file version.
 String DLFolderModel.getDescription()
          Gets the description of this d l folder.
 String DLFileVersionModel.getDescription()
          Gets the description of this d l file version.
 String DLFileEntryModel.getDescription()
          Gets the description of this d l file entry.
 String DLFileVersionModel.getExtension()
          Gets the extension of this d l file version.
 String DLFileEntryModel.getExtension()
          Gets the extension of this d l file entry.
 String DLFileVersionModel.getExtraSettings()
          Gets the extra settings of this d l file version.
 String DLFileEntryModel.getExtraSettings()
          Gets the extra settings of this d l file entry.
 String DLFolderModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this d l folder.
 String DLFileVersionModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this d l file version.
 String DLFileRankModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this d l file rank.
 String DLFileEntryModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this d l file entry.
 String DLFileVersionModel.getStatusByUserName()
          Gets the status by user name of this d l file version.
 String DLFileShortcutModel.getStatusByUserName()
          Gets the status by user name of this d l file shortcut.
 String DLFileVersionModel.getTitle()
          Gets the title of this d l file version.
 String DLFileEntryModel.getTitle()
          Gets the title of this d l file entry.
 String DLFileShortcutModel.getToName()
          Gets the to name of this d l file shortcut.
 String DLFolderModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this d l folder.
 String DLFileVersionModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this d l file version.
 String DLFileShortcutModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this d l file shortcut.
 String DLFileEntryModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this d l file entry.
 String DLFolderModel.getUuid()
          Gets the uuid of this d l folder.
 String DLFileShortcutModel.getUuid()
          Gets the uuid of this d l file shortcut.
 String DLFileEntryModel.getUuid()
          Gets the uuid of this d l file entry.
 String DLFileVersionModel.getVersion()
          Gets the version of this d l file version.
 String DLFileEntryModel.getVersion()
          Gets the version of this d l file entry.
 String DLFileEntryModel.getVersionUserName()
          Gets the version user name of this d l file entry.

Uses of AutoEscape in com.liferay.portlet.expando.model

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.expando.model with annotations of type AutoEscape
 String ExpandoValueModel.getData()
          Gets the data of this expando value.
 String ExpandoColumnModel.getDefaultData()
          Gets the default data of this expando column.
 String ExpandoTableModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this expando table.
 String ExpandoColumnModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this expando column.
 String ExpandoColumnModel.getTypeSettings()
          Gets the type settings of this expando column.

Uses of AutoEscape in com.liferay.portlet.imagegallery.model

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.imagegallery.model with annotations of type AutoEscape
 String IGImageModel.getDescription()
          Gets the description of this i g image.
 String IGFolderModel.getDescription()
          Gets the description of this i g folder.
 String IGImageModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this i g image.
 String IGFolderModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this i g folder.
 String IGImageModel.getUuid()
          Gets the uuid of this i g image.
 String IGFolderModel.getUuid()
          Gets the uuid of this i g folder.

Uses of AutoEscape in com.liferay.portlet.journal.model

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.journal.model with annotations of type AutoEscape
 String JournalContentSearchModel.getArticleId()
          Gets the article id of this journal content search.
 String JournalArticleResourceModel.getArticleId()
          Gets the article id of this journal article resource.
 String JournalArticleImageModel.getArticleId()
          Gets the article id of this journal article image.
 String JournalArticleModel.getContent()
          Gets the content of this journal article.
 String JournalFeedModel.getContentField()
          Gets the content field of this journal feed.
 String JournalTemplateModel.getDescription()
          Gets the description of this journal template.
 String JournalStructureModel.getDescription()
          Gets the description of this journal structure.
 String JournalFeedModel.getDescription()
          Gets the description of this journal feed.
 String JournalArticleModel.getDescription()
          Gets the description of this journal article.
 String JournalArticleImageModel.getElInstanceId()
          Gets the el instance id of this journal article image.
 String JournalArticleImageModel.getElName()
          Gets the el name of this journal article image.
 String JournalFeedModel.getFeedType()
          Gets the feed type of this journal feed.
 String JournalTemplateModel.getLangType()
          Gets the lang type of this journal template.
 String JournalArticleImageModel.getLanguageId()
          Gets the language id of this journal article image.
 String JournalTemplateModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this journal template.
 String JournalStructureModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this journal structure.
 String JournalFeedModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this journal feed.
 String JournalFeedModel.getOrderByCol()
          Gets the order by col of this journal feed.
 String JournalFeedModel.getOrderByType()
          Gets the order by type of this journal feed.
 String JournalStructureModel.getParentStructureId()
          Gets the parent structure id of this journal structure.
 String JournalContentSearchModel.getPortletId()
          Gets the portlet id of this journal content search.
 String JournalFeedModel.getRendererTemplateId()
          Gets the renderer template id of this journal feed.
 String JournalTemplateModel.getSmallImageURL()
          Gets the small image u r l of this journal template.
 String JournalArticleModel.getSmallImageURL()
          Gets the small image u r l of this journal article.
 String JournalArticleModel.getStatusByUserName()
          Gets the status by user name of this journal article.
 String JournalFeedModel.getTargetLayoutFriendlyUrl()
          Gets the target layout friendly url of this journal feed.
 String JournalFeedModel.getTargetPortletId()
          Gets the target portlet id of this journal feed.
 String JournalArticleModel.getTitle()
          Gets the title of this journal article.
 String JournalFeedModel.getType()
          Gets the type of this journal feed.
 String JournalArticleModel.getType()
          Gets the type of this journal article.
 String JournalArticleModel.getUrlTitle()
          Gets the url title of this journal article.
 String JournalTemplateModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this journal template.
 String JournalStructureModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this journal structure.
 String JournalFeedModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this journal feed.
 String JournalArticleModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this journal article.
 String JournalTemplateModel.getUuid()
          Gets the uuid of this journal template.
 String JournalStructureModel.getUuid()
          Gets the uuid of this journal structure.
 String JournalFeedModel.getUuid()
          Gets the uuid of this journal feed.
 String JournalArticleModel.getUuid()
          Gets the uuid of this journal article.
 String JournalStructureModel.getXsd()
          Gets the xsd of this journal structure.
 String JournalTemplateModel.getXsl()
          Gets the xsl of this journal template.

Uses of AutoEscape in com.liferay.portlet.messageboards.model

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.messageboards.model with annotations of type AutoEscape
 String MBMessageModel.getBody()
          Gets the body of this message-boards message.
 String MBCategoryModel.getDescription()
          Gets the description of this message boards category.
 String MBMailingListModel.getEmailAddress()
          Gets the email address of this message boards mailing list.
 String MBMailingListModel.getInPassword()
          Gets the in password of this message boards mailing list.
 String MBMailingListModel.getInProtocol()
          Gets the in protocol of this message boards mailing list.
 String MBMailingListModel.getInServerName()
          Gets the in server name of this message boards mailing list.
 String MBMailingListModel.getInUserName()
          Gets the in user name of this message boards mailing list.
 String MBCategoryModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this message boards category.
 String MBMailingListModel.getOutEmailAddress()
          Gets the out email address of this message boards mailing list.
 String MBMailingListModel.getOutPassword()
          Gets the out password of this message boards mailing list.
 String MBMailingListModel.getOutServerName()
          Gets the out server name of this message boards mailing list.
 String MBMailingListModel.getOutUserName()
          Gets the out user name of this message boards mailing list.
 String MBThreadModel.getStatusByUserName()
          Gets the status by user name of this message boards thread.
 String MBMessageModel.getStatusByUserName()
          Gets the status by user name of this message-boards message.
 String MBMessageModel.getSubject()
          Gets the subject of this message-boards message.
 String MBMessageModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this message-boards message.
 String MBMailingListModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this message boards mailing list.
 String MBCategoryModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this message boards category.
 String MBBanModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this message boards ban.
 String MBMessageModel.getUuid()
          Gets the uuid of this message-boards message.
 String MBMailingListModel.getUuid()
          Gets the uuid of this message boards mailing list.
 String MBCategoryModel.getUuid()
          Gets the uuid of this message boards category.

Uses of AutoEscape in com.liferay.portlet.polls.model

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.polls.model with annotations of type AutoEscape
 String PollsChoiceModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this polls choice.
 String PollsQuestionModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this polls question.
 String PollsQuestionModel.getUuid()
          Gets the uuid of this polls question.
 String PollsChoiceModel.getUuid()
          Gets the uuid of this polls choice.

Uses of AutoEscape in com.liferay.portlet.ratings.model

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.ratings.model with annotations of type AutoEscape
 String RatingsEntryModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this ratings entry.

Uses of AutoEscape in

Methods in with annotations of type AutoEscape
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getAltShipping()
          Gets the alt shipping of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getBillingCity()
          Gets the billing city of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getBillingCompany()
          Gets the billing company of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getBillingCountry()
          Gets the billing country of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getBillingEmailAddress()
          Gets the billing email address of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getBillingFirstName()
          Gets the billing first name of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getBillingLastName()
          Gets the billing last name of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getBillingPhone()
          Gets the billing phone of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getBillingState()
          Gets the billing state of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getBillingStreet()
          Gets the billing street of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getBillingZip()
          Gets the billing zip of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getCcName()
          Gets the cc name of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getCcNumber()
          Gets the cc number of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getCcType()
          Gets the cc type of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getCcVerNumber()
          Gets the cc ver number of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingCouponModel.getCode()
          Gets the code of this shopping coupon.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getComments()
          Gets the comments of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getCouponCodes()
          Gets the coupon codes of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingCartModel.getCouponCodes()
          Gets the coupon codes of this shopping cart.
 String ShoppingOrderItemModel.getDescription()
          Gets the description of this shopping order item.
 String ShoppingItemModel.getDescription()
          Gets the description of this shopping item.
 String ShoppingItemFieldModel.getDescription()
          Gets the description of this shopping item field.
 String ShoppingCouponModel.getDescription()
          Gets the description of this shopping coupon.
 String ShoppingCategoryModel.getDescription()
          Gets the description of this shopping category.
 String ShoppingCouponModel.getDiscountType()
          Gets the discount type of this shopping coupon.
 String ShoppingItemModel.getFieldsQuantities()
          Gets the fields quantities of this shopping item.
 String ShoppingOrderItemModel.getItemId()
          Gets the item id of this shopping order item.
 String ShoppingCartModel.getItemIds()
          Gets the item ids of this shopping cart.
 String ShoppingItemModel.getLargeImageURL()
          Gets the large image u r l of this shopping item.
 String ShoppingCouponModel.getLimitCategories()
          Gets the limit categories of this shopping coupon.
 String ShoppingCouponModel.getLimitSkus()
          Gets the limit skus of this shopping coupon.
 String ShoppingItemModel.getMediumImageURL()
          Gets the medium image u r l of this shopping item.
 String ShoppingOrderItemModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this shopping order item.
 String ShoppingItemModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this shopping item.
 String ShoppingItemFieldModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this shopping item field.
 String ShoppingCouponModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this shopping coupon.
 String ShoppingCategoryModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this shopping category.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getNumber()
          Gets the number of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getPpPayerEmail()
          Gets the pp payer email of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getPpPaymentStatus()
          Gets the pp payment status of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getPpReceiverEmail()
          Gets the pp receiver email of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getPpTxnId()
          Gets the pp txn id of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderItemModel.getProperties()
          Gets the properties of this shopping order item.
 String ShoppingItemModel.getProperties()
          Gets the properties of this shopping item.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getShippingCity()
          Gets the shipping city of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getShippingCompany()
          Gets the shipping company of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getShippingCountry()
          Gets the shipping country of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getShippingEmailAddress()
          Gets the shipping email address of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getShippingFirstName()
          Gets the shipping first name of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getShippingLastName()
          Gets the shipping last name of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getShippingPhone()
          Gets the shipping phone of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getShippingState()
          Gets the shipping state of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getShippingStreet()
          Gets the shipping street of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getShippingZip()
          Gets the shipping zip of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingOrderItemModel.getSku()
          Gets the sku of this shopping order item.
 String ShoppingItemModel.getSku()
          Gets the sku of this shopping item.
 String ShoppingItemModel.getSmallImageURL()
          Gets the small image u r l of this shopping item.
 String ShoppingOrderModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this shopping order.
 String ShoppingItemModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this shopping item.
 String ShoppingCouponModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this shopping coupon.
 String ShoppingCategoryModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this shopping category.
 String ShoppingCartModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this shopping cart.
 String ShoppingItemFieldModel.getValues()
          Gets the values of this shopping item field.

Uses of AutoEscape in

Methods in with annotations of type AutoEscape
 String SocialEquitySettingModel.getActionId()
          Gets the action id of this social equity setting.
 String SocialEquityLogModel.getActionId()
          Gets the action id of this social equity log.
 String SocialRequestModel.getExtraData()
          Gets the extra data of this social request.
 String SocialActivityModel.getExtraData()
          Gets the extra data of this social activity.
 String SocialRequestModel.getUuid()
          Gets the uuid of this social request.
 String SocialRelationModel.getUuid()
          Gets the uuid of this social relation.

Uses of AutoEscape in com.liferay.portlet.softwarecatalog.model

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.softwarecatalog.model with annotations of type AutoEscape
 String SCProductEntryModel.getAuthor()
          Gets the author of this s c product entry.
 String SCProductVersionModel.getChangeLog()
          Gets the change log of this s c product version.
 String SCProductVersionModel.getDirectDownloadURL()
          Gets the direct download u r l of this s c product version.
 String SCProductVersionModel.getDownloadPageURL()
          Gets the download page u r l of this s c product version.
 String SCProductEntryModel.getLongDescription()
          Gets the long description of this s c product entry.
 String SCProductEntryModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this s c product entry.
 String SCLicenseModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this s c license.
 String SCFrameworkVersionModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this s c framework version.
 String SCProductEntryModel.getPageURL()
          Gets the page u r l of this s c product entry.
 String SCProductEntryModel.getRepoArtifactId()
          Gets the repo artifact id of this s c product entry.
 String SCProductEntryModel.getRepoGroupId()
          Gets the repo group id of this s c product entry.
 String SCProductEntryModel.getShortDescription()
          Gets the short description of this s c product entry.
 String SCProductEntryModel.getTags()
          Gets the tags of this s c product entry.
 String SCProductEntryModel.getType()
          Gets the type of this s c product entry.
 String SCLicenseModel.getUrl()
          Gets the url of this s c license.
 String SCFrameworkVersionModel.getUrl()
          Gets the url of this s c framework version.
 String SCProductVersionModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this s c product version.
 String SCProductEntryModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this s c product entry.
 String SCFrameworkVersionModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this s c framework version.
 String SCProductVersionModel.getVersion()
          Gets the version of this s c product version.

Uses of AutoEscape in com.liferay.portlet.tasks.model

Methods in com.liferay.portlet.tasks.model with annotations of type AutoEscape
 String TasksReviewModel.getAssignedByUserName()
          Gets the assigned by user name of this tasks review.
 String TasksProposalModel.getClassPK()
          Gets the class p k of this tasks proposal.
 String TasksProposalModel.getDescription()
          Gets the description of this tasks proposal.
 String TasksProposalModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this tasks proposal.
 String TasksReviewModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this tasks review.
 String TasksProposalModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this tasks proposal.

Uses of AutoEscape in

Methods in with annotations of type AutoEscape
 String WikiPageModel.getContent()
          Gets the content of this wiki page.
 String WikiNodeModel.getDescription()
          Gets the description of this wiki node.
 String WikiPageModel.getFormat()
          Gets the format of this wiki page.
 String WikiNodeModel.getName()
          Gets the name of this wiki node.
 String WikiPageModel.getParentTitle()
          Gets the parent title of this wiki page.
 String WikiPageModel.getRedirectTitle()
          Gets the redirect title of this wiki page.
 String WikiPageModel.getStatusByUserName()
          Gets the status by user name of this wiki page.
 String WikiPageModel.getSummary()
          Gets the summary of this wiki page.
 String WikiPageResourceModel.getTitle()
          Gets the title of this wiki page resource.
 String WikiPageModel.getTitle()
          Gets the title of this wiki page.
 String WikiPageModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this wiki page.
 String WikiNodeModel.getUserName()
          Gets the user name of this wiki node.
 String WikiPageResourceModel.getUuid()
          Gets the uuid of this wiki page resource.
 String WikiPageModel.getUuid()
          Gets the uuid of this wiki page.
 String WikiNodeModel.getUuid()
          Gets the uuid of this wiki node.

Liferay 6.0.5