Liferay 6.0.5

Uses of Class

Packages that use PhoneSoap

Uses of PhoneSoap in com.liferay.portal.model

Methods in com.liferay.portal.model that return PhoneSoap
static PhoneSoap PhoneSoap.toSoapModel(Phone model)
static PhoneSoap[] PhoneSoap.toSoapModels(List<Phone> models)
static PhoneSoap[] PhoneSoap.toSoapModels(Phone[] models)
static PhoneSoap[][] PhoneSoap.toSoapModels(Phone[][] models)

Uses of PhoneSoap in com.liferay.portal.model.impl

Methods in com.liferay.portal.model.impl with parameters of type PhoneSoap
static Phone PhoneModelImpl.toModel(PhoneSoap soapModel)
          Converts the soap model instance into a normal model instance.
static List<Phone> PhoneModelImpl.toModels(PhoneSoap[] soapModels)
          Converts the soap model instances into normal model instances.

Uses of PhoneSoap in com.liferay.portal.service.http

Methods in com.liferay.portal.service.http that return PhoneSoap
static PhoneSoap PhoneServiceSoap.addPhone(String className, long classPK, String number, String extension, int typeId, boolean primary)
static PhoneSoap PhoneServiceSoap.getPhone(long phoneId)
static PhoneSoap[] PhoneServiceSoap.getPhones(String className, long classPK)
static PhoneSoap PhoneServiceSoap.updatePhone(long phoneId, String number, String extension, int typeId, boolean primary)

Methods in com.liferay.portal.service.http with parameters of type PhoneSoap
static OrganizationSoap OrganizationServiceSoap.addOrganization(long parentOrganizationId, String name, String type, boolean recursable, long regionId, long countryId, int statusId, String comments, AddressSoap[] addresses, EmailAddressSoap[] emailAddresses, OrgLaborSoap[] orgLabors, PhoneSoap[] phones, WebsiteSoap[] websites, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static UserSoap UserServiceSoap.addUser(long companyId, boolean autoPassword, String password1, String password2, boolean autoScreenName, String screenName, String emailAddress, long facebookId, String openId, String locale, String firstName, String middleName, String lastName, int prefixId, int suffixId, boolean male, int birthdayMonth, int birthdayDay, int birthdayYear, String jobTitle, long[] groupIds, long[] organizationIds, long[] roleIds, long[] userGroupIds, boolean sendEmail, AddressSoap[] addresses, EmailAddressSoap[] emailAddresses, PhoneSoap[] phones, WebsiteSoap[] websites, AnnouncementsDeliverySoap[] announcementsDelivers, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static OrganizationSoap OrganizationServiceSoap.updateOrganization(long organizationId, long parentOrganizationId, String name, String type, boolean recursable, long regionId, long countryId, int statusId, String comments, AddressSoap[] addresses, EmailAddressSoap[] emailAddresses, OrgLaborSoap[] orgLabors, PhoneSoap[] phones, WebsiteSoap[] websites, ServiceContext serviceContext)
static UserSoap UserServiceSoap.updateUser(long userId, String oldPassword, String newPassword1, String newPassword2, boolean passwordReset, String reminderQueryQuestion, String reminderQueryAnswer, String screenName, String emailAddress, long facebookId, String openId, String languageId, String timeZoneId, String greeting, String comments, String firstName, String middleName, String lastName, int prefixId, int suffixId, boolean male, int birthdayMonth, int birthdayDay, int birthdayYear, String smsSn, String aimSn, String facebookSn, String icqSn, String jabberSn, String msnSn, String mySpaceSn, String skypeSn, String twitterSn, String ymSn, String jobTitle, long[] groupIds, long[] organizationIds, long[] roleIds, UserGroupRoleSoap[] userGroupRoles, long[] userGroupIds, AddressSoap[] addresses, EmailAddressSoap[] emailAddresses, PhoneSoap[] phones, WebsiteSoap[] websites, AnnouncementsDeliverySoap[] announcementsDelivers, ServiceContext serviceContext)

Liferay 6.0.5