Liferay 6.0.5

Uses of Class

Packages that use BaseModelImpl

Uses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.counter.model.impl

Subclasses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.counter.model.impl
 class CounterImpl
 class CounterModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the Counter service.

Uses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portal.model.impl

Subclasses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portal.model.impl
 class AccountImpl
 class AccountModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the Account service.
 class AddressImpl
 class AddressModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the Address service.
 class BrowserTrackerImpl
 class BrowserTrackerModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the BrowserTracker service.
 class ClassNameImpl
 class ClassNameModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the ClassName service.
 class ClusterGroupImpl
 class ClusterGroupModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the ClusterGroup service.
 class CompanyImpl
 class CompanyModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the Company service.
 class ContactImpl
 class ContactModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the Contact service.
 class CountryImpl
 class CountryModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the Country service.
 class DummyImpl
 class EmailAddressImpl
 class EmailAddressModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the EmailAddress service.
 class GroupImpl
 class GroupModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the Group service.
 class ImageImpl
 class ImageModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the Image service.
 class LayoutImpl
 class LayoutModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the Layout service.
 class LayoutPrototypeImpl
 class LayoutPrototypeModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the LayoutPrototype service.
 class LayoutSetImpl
 class LayoutSetModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the LayoutSet service.
 class LayoutSetPrototypeImpl
 class LayoutSetPrototypeModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the LayoutSetPrototype service.
 class ListTypeImpl
 class ListTypeModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the ListType service.
 class LockImpl
 class LockModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the Lock service.
 class MembershipRequestImpl
 class MembershipRequestModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the MembershipRequest service.
 class OrganizationImpl
 class OrganizationModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the Organization service.
 class OrgGroupPermissionImpl
 class OrgGroupPermissionModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the OrgGroupPermission service.
 class OrgGroupRoleImpl
 class OrgGroupRoleModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the OrgGroupRole service.
 class OrgLaborImpl
 class OrgLaborModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the OrgLabor service.
 class PasswordPolicyImpl
 class PasswordPolicyModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the PasswordPolicy service.
 class PasswordPolicyRelImpl
 class PasswordPolicyRelModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the PasswordPolicyRel service.
 class PasswordTrackerImpl
 class PasswordTrackerModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the PasswordTracker service.
 class PermissionImpl
 class PermissionModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the Permission service.
 class PhoneImpl
 class PhoneModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the Phone service.
 class PluginSettingImpl
 class PluginSettingModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the PluginSetting service.
 class PortletImpl
 class PortletItemImpl
 class PortletItemModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the PortletItem service.
 class PortletModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the Portlet service.
 class PortletPreferencesImpl
 class PortletPreferencesModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the PortletPreferences service.
 class RegionImpl
 class RegionModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the Region service.
 class ReleaseImpl
 class ReleaseModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the Release service.
 class ResourceActionImpl
 class ResourceActionModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the ResourceAction service.
 class ResourceCodeImpl
 class ResourceCodeModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the ResourceCode service.
 class ResourceImpl
 class ResourceModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the Resource service.
 class ResourcePermissionImpl
 class ResourcePermissionModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the ResourcePermission service.
 class RoleImpl
 class RoleModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the Role service.
 class ServiceComponentImpl
 class ServiceComponentModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the ServiceComponent service.
 class ShardImpl
 class ShardModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the Shard service.
 class SubscriptionImpl
 class SubscriptionModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the Subscription service.
 class TeamImpl
 class TeamModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the Team service.
 class TicketImpl
 class TicketModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the Ticket service.
 class UserGroupGroupRoleImpl
 class UserGroupGroupRoleModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the UserGroupGroupRole service.
 class UserGroupImpl
 class UserGroupModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the UserGroup service.
 class UserGroupRoleImpl
 class UserGroupRoleModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the UserGroupRole service.
 class UserIdMapperImpl
 class UserIdMapperModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the UserIdMapper service.
 class UserImpl
 class UserModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the User service.
 class UserTrackerImpl
 class UserTrackerModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the UserTracker service.
 class UserTrackerPathImpl
 class UserTrackerPathModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the UserTrackerPath service.
 class WebDAVPropsImpl
 class WebDAVPropsModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the WebDAVProps service.
 class WebsiteImpl
 class WebsiteModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the Website service.
 class WorkflowDefinitionLinkImpl
 class WorkflowDefinitionLinkModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the WorkflowDefinitionLink service.
 class WorkflowInstanceLinkImpl
 class WorkflowInstanceLinkModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the WorkflowInstanceLink service.

Uses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portlet.announcements.model.impl

Subclasses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portlet.announcements.model.impl
 class AnnouncementsDeliveryImpl
 class AnnouncementsDeliveryModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the AnnouncementsDelivery service.
 class AnnouncementsEntryImpl
 class AnnouncementsEntryModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the AnnouncementsEntry service.
 class AnnouncementsFlagImpl
 class AnnouncementsFlagModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the AnnouncementsFlag service.

Uses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portlet.asset.model.impl

Subclasses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portlet.asset.model.impl
 class AssetCategoryImpl
 class AssetCategoryModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the AssetCategory service.
 class AssetCategoryPropertyImpl
 class AssetCategoryPropertyModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the AssetCategoryProperty service.
 class AssetEntryImpl
 class AssetEntryModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the AssetEntry service.
 class AssetLinkImpl
 class AssetLinkModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the AssetLink service.
 class AssetTagImpl
 class AssetTagModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the AssetTag service.
 class AssetTagPropertyImpl
 class AssetTagPropertyModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the AssetTagProperty service.
 class AssetTagStatsImpl
 class AssetTagStatsModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the AssetTagStats service.
 class AssetVocabularyImpl
 class AssetVocabularyModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the AssetVocabulary service.

Uses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portlet.blogs.model.impl

Subclasses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portlet.blogs.model.impl
 class BlogsEntryImpl
 class BlogsEntryModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the BlogsEntry service.
 class BlogsStatsUserImpl
 class BlogsStatsUserModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the BlogsStatsUser service.

Uses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portlet.bookmarks.model.impl

Subclasses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portlet.bookmarks.model.impl
 class BookmarksEntryImpl
 class BookmarksEntryModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the BookmarksEntry service.
 class BookmarksFolderImpl
 class BookmarksFolderModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the BookmarksFolder service.

Uses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portlet.calendar.model.impl

Subclasses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portlet.calendar.model.impl
 class CalEventImpl
 class CalEventModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the CalEvent service.

Uses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.model.impl

Subclasses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.model.impl
 class DLFileEntryImpl
 class DLFileEntryModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the DLFileEntry service.
 class DLFileRankImpl
 class DLFileRankModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the DLFileRank service.
 class DLFileShortcutImpl
 class DLFileShortcutModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the DLFileShortcut service.
 class DLFileVersionImpl
 class DLFileVersionModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the DLFileVersion service.
 class DLFolderImpl
 class DLFolderModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the DLFolder service.

Uses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portlet.expando.model.impl

Subclasses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portlet.expando.model.impl
 class ExpandoColumnImpl
 class ExpandoColumnModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the ExpandoColumn service.
 class ExpandoRowImpl
 class ExpandoRowModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the ExpandoRow service.
 class ExpandoTableImpl
 class ExpandoTableModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the ExpandoTable service.
 class ExpandoValueImpl
 class ExpandoValueModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the ExpandoValue service.

Uses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portlet.imagegallery.model.impl

Subclasses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portlet.imagegallery.model.impl
 class IGFolderImpl
 class IGFolderModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the IGFolder service.
 class IGImageImpl
 class IGImageModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the IGImage service.

Uses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portlet.journal.model.impl

Subclasses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portlet.journal.model.impl
 class JournalArticleImageImpl
 class JournalArticleImageModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the JournalArticleImage service.
 class JournalArticleImpl
 class JournalArticleModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the JournalArticle service.
 class JournalArticleResourceImpl
 class JournalArticleResourceModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the JournalArticleResource service.
 class JournalContentSearchImpl
 class JournalContentSearchModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the JournalContentSearch service.
 class JournalFeedImpl
 class JournalFeedModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the JournalFeed service.
 class JournalStructureImpl
 class JournalStructureModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the JournalStructure service.
 class JournalTemplateImpl
 class JournalTemplateModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the JournalTemplate service.

Uses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portlet.messageboards.model.impl

Subclasses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portlet.messageboards.model.impl
 class MBBanImpl
 class MBBanModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the MBBan service.
 class MBCategoryImpl
 class MBCategoryModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the MBCategory service.
 class MBDiscussionImpl
 class MBDiscussionModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the MBDiscussion service.
 class MBMailingListImpl
 class MBMailingListModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the MBMailingList service.
 class MBMessageFlagImpl
 class MBMessageFlagModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the MBMessageFlag service.
 class MBMessageImpl
 class MBMessageModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the MBMessage service.
 class MBStatsUserImpl
 class MBStatsUserModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the MBStatsUser service.
 class MBThreadImpl
 class MBThreadModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the MBThread service.

Uses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portlet.polls.model.impl

Subclasses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portlet.polls.model.impl
 class PollsChoiceImpl
 class PollsChoiceModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the PollsChoice service.
 class PollsQuestionImpl
 class PollsQuestionModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the PollsQuestion service.
 class PollsVoteImpl
 class PollsVoteModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the PollsVote service.

Uses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portlet.ratings.model.impl

Subclasses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portlet.ratings.model.impl
 class RatingsEntryImpl
 class RatingsEntryModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the RatingsEntry service.
 class RatingsStatsImpl
 class RatingsStatsModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the RatingsStats service.

Uses of BaseModelImpl in

Subclasses of BaseModelImpl in
 class ShoppingCartImpl
 class ShoppingCartModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the ShoppingCart service.
 class ShoppingCategoryImpl
 class ShoppingCategoryModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the ShoppingCategory service.
 class ShoppingCouponImpl
 class ShoppingCouponModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the ShoppingCoupon service.
 class ShoppingItemFieldImpl
 class ShoppingItemFieldModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the ShoppingItemField service.
 class ShoppingItemImpl
 class ShoppingItemModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the ShoppingItem service.
 class ShoppingItemPriceImpl
 class ShoppingItemPriceModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the ShoppingItemPrice service.
 class ShoppingOrderImpl
 class ShoppingOrderItemImpl
 class ShoppingOrderItemModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the ShoppingOrderItem service.
 class ShoppingOrderModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the ShoppingOrder service.

Uses of BaseModelImpl in

Subclasses of BaseModelImpl in
 class SocialActivityImpl
 class SocialActivityModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the SocialActivity service.
 class SocialEquityAssetEntryImpl
 class SocialEquityAssetEntryModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the SocialEquityAssetEntry service.
 class SocialEquityHistoryImpl
 class SocialEquityHistoryModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the SocialEquityHistory service.
 class SocialEquityLogImpl
 class SocialEquityLogModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the SocialEquityLog service.
 class SocialEquitySettingImpl
 class SocialEquitySettingModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the SocialEquitySetting service.
 class SocialEquityUserImpl
 class SocialEquityUserModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the SocialEquityUser service.
 class SocialRelationImpl
 class SocialRelationModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the SocialRelation service.
 class SocialRequestImpl
 class SocialRequestModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the SocialRequest service.

Uses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portlet.softwarecatalog.model.impl

Subclasses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portlet.softwarecatalog.model.impl
 class SCFrameworkVersionImpl
 class SCFrameworkVersionModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the SCFrameworkVersion service.
 class SCLicenseImpl
 class SCLicenseModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the SCLicense service.
 class SCProductEntryImpl
 class SCProductEntryModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the SCProductEntry service.
 class SCProductScreenshotImpl
 class SCProductScreenshotModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the SCProductScreenshot service.
 class SCProductVersionImpl
 class SCProductVersionModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the SCProductVersion service.

Uses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portlet.tasks.model.impl

Subclasses of BaseModelImpl in com.liferay.portlet.tasks.model.impl
 class TasksProposalImpl
 class TasksProposalModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the TasksProposal service.
 class TasksReviewImpl
 class TasksReviewModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the TasksReview service.

Uses of BaseModelImpl in

Subclasses of BaseModelImpl in
 class WikiNodeImpl
 class WikiNodeModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the WikiNode service.
 class WikiPageImpl
 class WikiPageModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the WikiPage service.
 class WikiPageResourceImpl
 class WikiPageResourceModelImpl
          The base model implementation for the WikiPageResource service.

Liferay 6.0.5