Liferay 6.0.5

Package com.liferay.portlet.softwarecatalog.service

Interface Summary
SCFrameworkVersionLocalService The interface for the s c framework version local service.
SCFrameworkVersionService The interface for the s c framework version remote service.
SCLicenseLocalService The interface for the s c license local service.
SCLicenseService The interface for the s c license remote service.
SCProductEntryLocalService The interface for the s c product entry local service.
SCProductEntryService The interface for the s c product entry remote service.
SCProductScreenshotLocalService The interface for the s c product screenshot local service.
SCProductVersionLocalService The interface for the s c product version local service.
SCProductVersionService The interface for the s c product version remote service.

Class Summary
SCFrameworkVersionLocalServiceUtil The utility for the s c framework version local service.
SCFrameworkVersionLocalServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for SCFrameworkVersionLocalService.
SCFrameworkVersionServiceUtil The utility for the s c framework version remote service.
SCFrameworkVersionServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for SCFrameworkVersionService.
SCLicenseLocalServiceUtil The utility for the s c license local service.
SCLicenseLocalServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for SCLicenseLocalService.
SCLicenseServiceUtil The utility for the s c license remote service.
SCLicenseServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for SCLicenseService.
SCProductEntryLocalServiceUtil The utility for the s c product entry local service.
SCProductEntryLocalServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for SCProductEntryLocalService.
SCProductEntryServiceUtil The utility for the s c product entry remote service.
SCProductEntryServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for SCProductEntryService.
SCProductScreenshotLocalServiceUtil The utility for the s c product screenshot local service.
SCProductScreenshotLocalServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for SCProductScreenshotLocalService.
SCProductVersionLocalServiceUtil The utility for the s c product version local service.
SCProductVersionLocalServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for SCProductVersionLocalService.
SCProductVersionServiceUtil The utility for the s c product version remote service.
SCProductVersionServiceWrapper This class is a wrapper for SCProductVersionService.

Liferay 6.0.5