Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5

Class ResourceLocalServiceImpl

  extended by com.liferay.portal.service.BaseLocalServiceImpl
      extended by com.liferay.portal.service.base.ResourceLocalServiceBaseImpl
          extended by com.liferay.portal.service.impl.ResourceLocalServiceImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
IdentifiableBean, BaseLocalService, ResourceLocalService

public class ResourceLocalServiceImpl
extends ResourceLocalServiceBaseImpl

Provides the local service for accessing, adding, and updating resources.

Permissions in Liferay are defined for resource/action pairs. Some resources, known as portlet resources, define actions that the end-user can perform with respect to a portlet window. Other resources, known as model resources, define actions that the end-user can perform with respect to the service/persistence layer.

On creating an entity instance, you should create resources for it. The following example demonstrates adding resources for an instance of a model entity named SomeWidget. The IDs of the actions permitted for the group and guests are passed in from the service context.

                SomeWidget.getCompanyId(), SomeWidget.getGroupId(), userId,
                SomeWidget.class.getName(), SomeWidget.getPrimaryKey(),
                serviceContext.getGroupPermissions, serviceContext.getGuestPermissions);

Just prior to deleting an entity instance, you should delete its resource at the individual scope. The following example demonstrates deleting a resource associated with the SomeWidget model entity at the scope individual scope.

                SomeWidget.getCompanyId(), SomeWidget.class.getName(),
                ResourceConstants.SCOPE_INDIVIDUAL, SomeWidget.getPrimaryKey());

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.liferay.portal.service.base.ResourceLocalServiceBaseImpl
accountLocalService, accountPersistence, accountService, addressLocalService, addressPersistence, addressService, backgroundTaskLocalService, backgroundTaskPersistence, backgroundTaskService, browserTrackerLocalService, browserTrackerPersistence, classNameLocalService, classNamePersistence, classNameService, clusterGroupLocalService, clusterGroupPersistence, cmisRepositoryLocalService, companyLocalService, companyPersistence, companyService, contactLocalService, contactPersistence, contactService, counterLocalService, countryPersistence, countryService, emailAddressLocalService, emailAddressPersistence, emailAddressService, groupFinder, groupLocalService, groupPersistence, groupService, imageLocalService, imagePersistence, imageService, layoutBranchLocalService, layoutBranchPersistence, layoutBranchService, layoutFinder, layoutFriendlyURLLocalService, layoutFriendlyURLPersistence, layoutLocalService, layoutPersistence, layoutPrototypeLocalService, layoutPrototypePersistence, layoutPrototypeService, layoutRevisionLocalService, layoutRevisionPersistence, layoutRevisionService, layoutService, layoutSetBranchLocalService, layoutSetBranchPersistence, layoutSetBranchService, layoutSetLocalService, layoutSetPersistence, layoutSetPrototypeLocalService, layoutSetPrototypePersistence, layoutSetPrototypeService, layoutSetService, layoutTemplateLocalService, listTypePersistence, listTypeService, lockFinder, lockLocalService, lockPersistence, membershipRequestLocalService, membershipRequestPersistence, membershipRequestService, organizationFinder, organizationLocalService, organizationPersistence, organizationService, orgGroupRolePersistence, orgLaborLocalService, orgLaborPersistence, orgLaborService, passwordPolicyFinder, passwordPolicyLocalService, passwordPolicyPersistence, passwordPolicyRelLocalService, passwordPolicyRelPersistence, passwordPolicyService, passwordTrackerLocalService, passwordTrackerPersistence, permissionService, phoneLocalService, phonePersistence, phoneService, pluginSettingLocalService, pluginSettingPersistence, pluginSettingService, portalLocalService, portalPreferencesLocalService, portalPreferencesPersistence, portalService, portletItemLocalService, portletItemPersistence, portletLocalService, portletPersistence, portletPreferencesFinder, portletPreferencesLocalService, portletPreferencesPersistence, portletPreferencesService, portletService, quartzLocalService, regionPersistence, regionService, releaseLocalService, releasePersistence, repositoryEntryLocalService, repositoryEntryPersistence, repositoryLocalService, repositoryPersistence, repositoryService, resourceActionLocalService, resourceActionPersistence, resourceBlockFinder, resourceBlockLocalService, resourceBlockPermissionLocalService, resourceBlockPermissionPersistence, resourceBlockPersistence, resourceBlockService, resourceLocalService, resourcePermissionFinder, resourcePermissionLocalService, resourcePermissionPersistence, resourcePermissionService, resourceTypePermissionFinder, resourceTypePermissionLocalService, resourceTypePermissionPersistence, roleFinder, roleLocalService, rolePersistence, roleService, serviceComponentLocalService, serviceComponentPersistence, shardLocalService, shardPersistence, stagingLocalService, stagingService, subscriptionLocalService, subscriptionPersistence, systemEventLocalService, systemEventPersistence, teamFinder, teamLocalService, teamPersistence, teamService, themeLocalService, themeService, ticketLocalService, ticketPersistence, userFinder, userGroupFinder, userGroupGroupRoleLocalService, userGroupGroupRolePersistence, userGroupGroupRoleService, userGroupLocalService, userGroupPersistence, userGroupRoleFinder, userGroupRoleLocalService, userGroupRolePersistence, userGroupRoleService, userGroupService, userIdMapperLocalService, userIdMapperPersistence, userLocalService, userNotificationDeliveryLocalService, userNotificationDeliveryPersistence, userNotificationEventLocalService, userNotificationEventPersistence, userPersistence, userService, userTrackerLocalService, userTrackerPathLocalService, userTrackerPathPersistence, userTrackerPersistence, virtualHostLocalService, virtualHostPersistence, webDAVPropsLocalService, webDAVPropsPersistence, websiteLocalService, websitePersistence, websiteService, workflowDefinitionLinkLocalService, workflowDefinitionLinkPersistence, workflowInstanceLinkLocalService, workflowInstanceLinkPersistence
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void addGroupPermissions(long companyId, long groupId, long userId, String name, Resource resource, boolean portletActions, PermissionedModel permissionedModel)
protected  void addGroupPermissions(long groupId, Resource resource, String[] actionIds)
protected  void addGroupPermissionsBlocks(long groupId, Resource resource, List<String> actionIds, PermissionedModel permissionedModel)
protected  void addGuestPermissions(long companyId, long groupId, long userId, String name, Resource resource, boolean portletActions, PermissionedModel permissionedModel)
protected  void addGuestPermissions(long companyId, Resource resource, String[] actionIds)
protected  void addGuestPermissionsBlocks(long companyId, long groupId, Resource resource, List<String> actionIds, PermissionedModel permissionedModel)
 void addModelResources(AuditedModel auditedModel, ServiceContext serviceContext)
          Adds resources for the model, always creating a resource at the individual scope and only creating resources at the group, group template, and company scope if such resources don't already exist.
protected  void addModelResources(long companyId, long groupId, long userId, Resource resource, String[] groupPermissions, String[] guestPermissions, PermissionedModel permissionedModel)
 void addModelResources(long companyId, long groupId, long userId, String name, long primKey, String[] groupPermissions, String[] guestPermissions)
          Adds resources for the model with the name and primary key, always creating a resource at the individual scope and only creating resources at the group, group template, and company scope if such resources don't already exist.
 void addModelResources(long companyId, long groupId, long userId, String name, String primKey, String[] groupPermissions, String[] guestPermissions)
          Adds resources for the model with the name and primary key string, always creating a resource at the individual scope and only creating resources at the group, group template, and company scope if such resources don't already exist.
protected  void addModelResources(long companyId, long groupId, long userId, String name, String primKey, String[] groupPermissions, String[] guestPermissions, PermissionedModel permissionedModel)
protected  void addResources(long companyId, long groupId, long userId, Resource resource, boolean portletActions, PermissionedModel permissionedModel)
 void addResources(long companyId, long groupId, long userId, String name, long primKey, boolean portletActions, boolean addGroupPermissions, boolean addGuestPermissions)
          Adds resources for the entity with the name and primary key, always creating a resource at the individual scope and only creating resources at the group, group template, and company scope if such resources don't already exist.
 void addResources(long companyId, long groupId, long userId, String name, String primKey, boolean portletActions, boolean addGroupPermissions, boolean addGuestPermissions)
          Adds resources for the entity with the name and primary key string, always creating a resource at the individual scope and only creating resources at the group, group template, and company scope if such resources don't already exist.
protected  void addResources(long companyId, long groupId, long userId, String name, String primKey, boolean portletActions, boolean addGroupPermissions, boolean addGuestPermissions, PermissionedModel permissionedModel)
 void addResources(long companyId, long groupId, String name, boolean portletActions)
          Adds resources for the entity with the name.
 void deleteResource(AuditedModel auditedModel, int scope)
          Deletes the resource associated with the model at the scope.
 void deleteResource(long companyId, String name, int scope, long primKey)
          Deletes the resource matching the primary key at the scope.
 void deleteResource(long companyId, String name, int scope, String primKey)
          Deletes the resource matching the primary key at the scope.
protected  void deleteResource(long companyId, String name, int scope, String primKey, PermissionedModel permissionedModel)
protected  void filterOwnerActions(String name, List<String> actionIds)
protected  long getGroupId(AuditedModel auditedModel)
protected  PermissionedModel getPermissionedModel(AuditedModel auditedModel)
 Resource getResource(long companyId, String name, int scope, String primKey)
          Returns a new resource with the name and primary key at the scope.
 boolean hasUserPermissions(long userId, long resourceId, List<Resource> resources, String actionId, long[] roleIds)
          Returns true if the roles have permission to perform the action on the resources.
protected  void logHasUserPermissions(long userId, long resourceId, String actionId, org.apache.commons.lang.time.StopWatch stopWatch, int block)
 void updateModelResources(AuditedModel auditedModel, ServiceContext serviceContext)
          Updates the resources for the model, replacing their group and guest permissions with new ones from the service context.
protected  void updateResourceBlocks(long companyId, long groupId, Resource resource, String[] groupPermissions, String[] guestPermissions, PermissionedModel permissionedModel)
protected  void updateResourcePermissions(long companyId, long groupId, Resource resource, String[] groupPermissions, String[] guestPermissions)
protected  void updateResourcePermissions(long companyId, String name, int scope, String primKey, String newPrimKey)
 void updateResources(long companyId, long groupId, String name, long primKey, String[] groupPermissions, String[] guestPermissions)
          Updates resources matching the group, name, and primary key at the individual scope, setting new group and guest permissions.
 void updateResources(long companyId, long groupId, String name, String primKey, String[] groupPermissions, String[] guestPermissions)
          Updates resources matching the group, name, and primary key string at the individual scope, setting new group and guest permissions.
protected  void updateResources(long companyId, long groupId, String name, String primKey, String[] groupPermissions, String[] guestPermissions, PermissionedModel permissionedModel)
 void updateResources(long companyId, String name, int scope, String primKey, String newPrimKey)
          Updates resources matching the name, primary key string and scope, replacing the primary key of their resource permissions with the new primary key.
protected  void validate(String name, boolean portletActions)
Methods inherited from class com.liferay.portal.service.base.ResourceLocalServiceBaseImpl
afterPropertiesSet, destroy, getAccountLocalService, getAccountPersistence, getAccountService, getAddressLocalService, getAddressPersistence, getAddressService, getBackgroundTaskLocalService, getBackgroundTaskPersistence, getBackgroundTaskService, getBeanIdentifier, getBrowserTrackerLocalService, getBrowserTrackerPersistence, getClassNameLocalService, getClassNamePersistence, getClassNameService, getClusterGroupLocalService, getClusterGroupPersistence, getCMISRepositoryLocalService, getCompanyLocalService, getCompanyPersistence, getCompanyService, getContactLocalService, getContactPersistence, getContactService, getCounterLocalService, getCountryPersistence, getCountryService, getEmailAddressLocalService, getEmailAddressPersistence, getEmailAddressService, getGroupFinder, getGroupLocalService, getGroupPersistence, getGroupService, getImageLocalService, getImagePersistence, getImageService, getLayoutBranchLocalService, getLayoutBranchPersistence, getLayoutBranchService, getLayoutFinder, getLayoutFriendlyURLLocalService, getLayoutFriendlyURLPersistence, getLayoutLocalService, getLayoutPersistence, getLayoutPrototypeLocalService, getLayoutPrototypePersistence, getLayoutPrototypeService, getLayoutRevisionLocalService, getLayoutRevisionPersistence, getLayoutRevisionService, getLayoutService, getLayoutSetBranchLocalService, getLayoutSetBranchPersistence, getLayoutSetBranchService, getLayoutSetLocalService, getLayoutSetPersistence, getLayoutSetPrototypeLocalService, getLayoutSetPrototypePersistence, getLayoutSetPrototypeService, getLayoutSetService, getLayoutTemplateLocalService, getListTypePersistence, getListTypeService, getLockFinder, getLockLocalService, getLockPersistence, getMembershipRequestLocalService, getMembershipRequestPersistence, getMembershipRequestService, getOrganizationFinder, getOrganizationLocalService, getOrganizationPersistence, getOrganizationService, getOrgGroupRolePersistence, getOrgLaborLocalService, getOrgLaborPersistence, getOrgLaborService, getPasswordPolicyFinder, getPasswordPolicyLocalService, getPasswordPolicyPersistence, getPasswordPolicyRelLocalService, getPasswordPolicyRelPersistence, getPasswordPolicyService, getPasswordTrackerLocalService, getPasswordTrackerPersistence, getPermissionService, getPhoneLocalService, getPhonePersistence, getPhoneService, getPluginSettingLocalService, getPluginSettingPersistence, getPluginSettingService, getPortalLocalService, getPortalPreferencesLocalService, getPortalPreferencesPersistence, getPortalService, getPortletItemLocalService, getPortletItemPersistence, getPortletLocalService, getPortletPersistence, getPortletPreferencesFinder, getPortletPreferencesLocalService, getPortletPreferencesPersistence, getPortletPreferencesService, getPortletService, getQuartzLocalService, getRegionPersistence, getRegionService, getReleaseLocalService, getReleasePersistence, getRepositoryEntryLocalService, getRepositoryEntryPersistence, getRepositoryLocalService, getRepositoryPersistence, getRepositoryService, getResourceActionLocalService, getResourceActionPersistence, getResourceBlockFinder, getResourceBlockLocalService, getResourceBlockPermissionLocalService, getResourceBlockPermissionPersistence, getResourceBlockPersistence, getResourceBlockService, getResourceLocalService, getResourcePermissionFinder, getResourcePermissionLocalService, getResourcePermissionPersistence, getResourcePermissionService, getResourceTypePermissionFinder, getResourceTypePermissionLocalService, getResourceTypePermissionPersistence, getRoleFinder, getRoleLocalService, getRolePersistence, getRoleService, getServiceComponentLocalService, getServiceComponentPersistence, getShardLocalService, getShardPersistence, getStagingLocalService, getStagingService, getSubscriptionLocalService, getSubscriptionPersistence, getSystemEventLocalService, getSystemEventPersistence, getTeamFinder, getTeamLocalService, getTeamPersistence, getTeamService, getThemeLocalService, getThemeService, getTicketLocalService, getTicketPersistence, getUserFinder, getUserGroupFinder, getUserGroupGroupRoleLocalService, getUserGroupGroupRolePersistence, getUserGroupGroupRoleService, getUserGroupLocalService, getUserGroupPersistence, getUserGroupRoleFinder, getUserGroupRoleLocalService, getUserGroupRolePersistence, getUserGroupRoleService, getUserGroupService, getUserIdMapperLocalService, getUserIdMapperPersistence, getUserLocalService, getUserNotificationDeliveryLocalService, getUserNotificationDeliveryPersistence, getUserNotificationEventLocalService, getUserNotificationEventPersistence, getUserPersistence, getUserService, getUserTrackerLocalService, getUserTrackerPathLocalService, getUserTrackerPathPersistence, getUserTrackerPersistence, getVirtualHostLocalService, getVirtualHostPersistence, getWebDAVPropsLocalService, getWebDAVPropsPersistence, getWebsiteLocalService, getWebsitePersistence, getWebsiteService, getWorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService, getWorkflowDefinitionLinkPersistence, getWorkflowInstanceLinkLocalService, getWorkflowInstanceLinkPersistence, runSQL, setAccountLocalService, setAccountPersistence, setAccountService, setAddressLocalService, setAddressPersistence, setAddressService, setBackgroundTaskLocalService, setBackgroundTaskPersistence, setBackgroundTaskService, setBeanIdentifier, setBrowserTrackerLocalService, setBrowserTrackerPersistence, setClassNameLocalService, setClassNamePersistence, setClassNameService, setClusterGroupLocalService, setClusterGroupPersistence, setCMISRepositoryLocalService, setCompanyLocalService, setCompanyPersistence, setCompanyService, setContactLocalService, setContactPersistence, setContactService, setCounterLocalService, setCountryPersistence, setCountryService, setEmailAddressLocalService, setEmailAddressPersistence, setEmailAddressService, setGroupFinder, setGroupLocalService, setGroupPersistence, setGroupService, setImageLocalService, setImagePersistence, setImageService, setLayoutBranchLocalService, setLayoutBranchPersistence, setLayoutBranchService, setLayoutFinder, setLayoutFriendlyURLLocalService, setLayoutFriendlyURLPersistence, setLayoutLocalService, setLayoutPersistence, setLayoutPrototypeLocalService, setLayoutPrototypePersistence, setLayoutPrototypeService, setLayoutRevisionLocalService, setLayoutRevisionPersistence, setLayoutRevisionService, setLayoutService, setLayoutSetBranchLocalService, setLayoutSetBranchPersistence, setLayoutSetBranchService, setLayoutSetLocalService, setLayoutSetPersistence, setLayoutSetPrototypeLocalService, setLayoutSetPrototypePersistence, setLayoutSetPrototypeService, setLayoutSetService, setLayoutTemplateLocalService, setListTypePersistence, setListTypeService, setLockFinder, setLockLocalService, setLockPersistence, setMembershipRequestLocalService, setMembershipRequestPersistence, setMembershipRequestService, setOrganizationFinder, setOrganizationLocalService, setOrganizationPersistence, setOrganizationService, setOrgGroupRolePersistence, setOrgLaborLocalService, setOrgLaborPersistence, setOrgLaborService, setPasswordPolicyFinder, setPasswordPolicyLocalService, setPasswordPolicyPersistence, setPasswordPolicyRelLocalService, setPasswordPolicyRelPersistence, setPasswordPolicyService, setPasswordTrackerLocalService, setPasswordTrackerPersistence, setPermissionService, setPhoneLocalService, setPhonePersistence, setPhoneService, setPluginSettingLocalService, setPluginSettingPersistence, setPluginSettingService, setPortalLocalService, setPortalPreferencesLocalService, setPortalPreferencesPersistence, setPortalService, setPortletItemLocalService, setPortletItemPersistence, setPortletLocalService, setPortletPersistence, setPortletPreferencesFinder, setPortletPreferencesLocalService, setPortletPreferencesPersistence, setPortletPreferencesService, setPortletService, setQuartzLocalService, setRegionPersistence, setRegionService, setReleaseLocalService, setReleasePersistence, setRepositoryEntryLocalService, setRepositoryEntryPersistence, setRepositoryLocalService, setRepositoryPersistence, setRepositoryService, setResourceActionLocalService, setResourceActionPersistence, setResourceBlockFinder, setResourceBlockLocalService, setResourceBlockPermissionLocalService, setResourceBlockPermissionPersistence, setResourceBlockPersistence, setResourceBlockService, setResourceLocalService, setResourcePermissionFinder, setResourcePermissionLocalService, setResourcePermissionPersistence, setResourcePermissionService, setResourceTypePermissionFinder, setResourceTypePermissionLocalService, setResourceTypePermissionPersistence, setRoleFinder, setRoleLocalService, setRolePersistence, setRoleService, setServiceComponentLocalService, setServiceComponentPersistence, setShardLocalService, setShardPersistence, setStagingLocalService, setStagingService, setSubscriptionLocalService, setSubscriptionPersistence, setSystemEventLocalService, setSystemEventPersistence, setTeamFinder, setTeamLocalService, setTeamPersistence, setTeamService, setThemeLocalService, setThemeService, setTicketLocalService, setTicketPersistence, setUserFinder, setUserGroupFinder, setUserGroupGroupRoleLocalService, setUserGroupGroupRolePersistence, setUserGroupGroupRoleService, setUserGroupLocalService, setUserGroupPersistence, setUserGroupRoleFinder, setUserGroupRoleLocalService, setUserGroupRolePersistence, setUserGroupRoleService, setUserGroupService, setUserIdMapperLocalService, setUserIdMapperPersistence, setUserLocalService, setUserNotificationDeliveryLocalService, setUserNotificationDeliveryPersistence, setUserNotificationEventLocalService, setUserNotificationEventPersistence, setUserPersistence, setUserService, setUserTrackerLocalService, setUserTrackerPathLocalService, setUserTrackerPathPersistence, setUserTrackerPersistence, setVirtualHostLocalService, setVirtualHostPersistence, setWebDAVPropsLocalService, setWebDAVPropsPersistence, setWebsiteLocalService, setWebsitePersistence, setWebsiteService, setWorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService, setWorkflowDefinitionLinkPersistence, setWorkflowInstanceLinkLocalService, setWorkflowInstanceLinkPersistence
Methods inherited from class com.liferay.portal.service.BaseLocalServiceImpl
getClassLoader, getLayoutURL, getLayoutURL
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ResourceLocalServiceImpl()
Method Detail


public void addModelResources(AuditedModel auditedModel,
                              ServiceContext serviceContext)
                       throws PortalException,
Adds resources for the model, always creating a resource at the individual scope and only creating resources at the group, group template, and company scope if such resources don't already exist.
  1. If the service context specifies that default group or default guest permissions are to be added, then only default permissions are added. See ServiceContext.setAddGroupPermissions( boolean) and ServiceContext.setAddGuestPermissions( boolean).
  2. Else ...
    1. If the service context specifies to derive default permissions, then default group and guest permissions are derived from the model and added. See ServiceContext.setDeriveDefaultPermissions( boolean).
    2. Lastly group and guest permissions from the service context are applied. See ServiceContext.setGroupPermissions(String[]) and ServiceContext.setGuestPermissions(String[]).

auditedModel - the model to associate with the resources
serviceContext - the service context to apply. Can set whether to add the model's default group and guest permissions, set whether to derive default group and guest permissions from the model, set group permissions to apply, and set guest permissions to apply.
PortalException - if no portal actions could be found associated with the model or if a portal exception occurred
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public void addModelResources(long companyId,
                              long groupId,
                              long userId,
                              String name,
                              long primKey,
                              String[] groupPermissions,
                              String[] guestPermissions)
                       throws PortalException,
Adds resources for the model with the name and primary key, always creating a resource at the individual scope and only creating resources at the group, group template, and company scope if such resources don't already exist.

companyId - the primary key of the portal instance
groupId - the primary key of the group
userId - the primary key of the user adding the resources
name - a name for the resource, typically the model's class name
primKey - the primary key of the model instance, optionally 0 if no instance exists
groupPermissions - the group permissions to be applied
guestPermissions - the guest permissions to be applied
PortalException - if no portal actions could be found associated with the model or if a portal exception occurred
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public void addModelResources(long companyId,
                              long groupId,
                              long userId,
                              String name,
                              String primKey,
                              String[] groupPermissions,
                              String[] guestPermissions)
                       throws PortalException,
Adds resources for the model with the name and primary key string, always creating a resource at the individual scope and only creating resources at the group, group template, and company scope if such resources don't already exist.

companyId - the primary key of the portal instance
groupId - the primary key of the group
userId - the primary key of the user adding the resources
name - a name for the resource, typically the model's class name
primKey - the primary key string of the model instance, optionally an empty string if no instance exists
groupPermissions - the group permissions to be applied
guestPermissions - the guest permissions to be applied
PortalException - if no portal actions could be found associated with the model or if a portal exception occurred
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public void addResources(long companyId,
                         long groupId,
                         long userId,
                         String name,
                         long primKey,
                         boolean portletActions,
                         boolean addGroupPermissions,
                         boolean addGuestPermissions)
                  throws PortalException,
Adds resources for the entity with the name and primary key, always creating a resource at the individual scope and only creating resources at the group, group template, and company scope if such resources don't already exist.

companyId - the primary key of the portal instance
groupId - the primary key of the group
userId - the primary key of the user adding the resources
name - a name for the resource, which should be a portlet ID if the resource is a portlet or the resource's class name otherwise
primKey - the primary key of the resource instance, optionally 0 if no instance exists
portletActions - whether to associate portlet actions with the resource
addGroupPermissions - whether to add group permissions
addGuestPermissions - whether to add guest permissions
PortalException - if no portal actions could be found associated with the resource or if a portal exception occurred
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public void addResources(long companyId,
                         long groupId,
                         long userId,
                         String name,
                         String primKey,
                         boolean portletActions,
                         boolean addGroupPermissions,
                         boolean addGuestPermissions)
                  throws PortalException,
Adds resources for the entity with the name and primary key string, always creating a resource at the individual scope and only creating resources at the group, group template, and company scope if such resources don't already exist.

companyId - the primary key of the portal instance
groupId - the primary key of the group
userId - the primary key of the user adding the resources
name - a name for the resource, which should be a portlet ID if the resource is a portlet or the resource's class name otherwise
primKey - the primary key string of the resource instance, optionally an empty string if no instance exists
portletActions - whether to associate portlet actions with the resource
addGroupPermissions - whether to add group permissions
addGuestPermissions - whether to add guest permissions
PortalException - if no portal actions could be found associated with the resource or if a portal exception occurred
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public void addResources(long companyId,
                         long groupId,
                         String name,
                         boolean portletActions)
                  throws PortalException,
Adds resources for the entity with the name. Use this method if the user is unknown or irrelevant and there is no current entity instance.

companyId - the primary key of the portal instance
groupId - the primary key of the group
name - a name for the resource, which should be a portlet ID if the resource is a portlet or the resource's class name otherwise
portletActions - whether to associate portlet actions with the resource
PortalException - if no portal actions could be found associated with the resource or if a portal exception occurred
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public void deleteResource(AuditedModel auditedModel,
                           int scope)
                    throws PortalException,
Deletes the resource associated with the model at the scope.

auditedModel - the model associated with the resource
scope - the scope of the resource. For more information see ResourceConstants.
PortalException - if a portal exception occurred
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public void deleteResource(long companyId,
                           String name,
                           int scope,
                           long primKey)
                    throws PortalException,
Deletes the resource matching the primary key at the scope.

companyId - the primary key of the portal instance
name - the resource's name, which should be a portlet ID if the resource is a portlet or the resource's class name otherwise
scope - the scope of the resource. For more information see ResourceConstants.
primKey - the primary key of the resource instance
PortalException - if a portal exception occurred
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public void deleteResource(long companyId,
                           String name,
                           int scope,
                           String primKey)
                    throws PortalException,
Deletes the resource matching the primary key at the scope.

companyId - the primary key of the portal instance
name - the resource's name, which should be a portlet ID if the resource is a portlet or the resource's class name otherwise
scope - the scope of the resource. For more information see ResourceConstants.
primKey - the primary key string of the resource instance
PortalException - if a portal exception occurred
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public Resource getResource(long companyId,
                            String name,
                            int scope,
                            String primKey)
Returns a new resource with the name and primary key at the scope.

companyId - the primary key of the portal instance
name - a name for the resource, which should be a portlet ID if the resource is a portlet or the resource's class name otherwise
scope - the scope of the resource. For more information see ResourceConstants.
primKey - the primary key string of the resource
the new resource


public boolean hasUserPermissions(long userId,
                                  long resourceId,
                                  List<Resource> resources,
                                  String actionId,
                                  long[] roleIds)
                           throws PortalException,
Returns true if the roles have permission to perform the action on the resources.

userId - the primary key of the user performing the permission check
resourceId - the primary key of the resource, typically the scope group ID representing the scope in which the permission check is being performed
resources - the resources for which permissions are to be checked
actionId - the primary key of the action to be performed on the resources
roleIds - the primary keys of the roles
true if the roles have permission to perform the action on the resources;false otherwise
PortalException - if any one of the roles with the primary keys could not be found or if a resource action with the action ID could not be found
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public void updateModelResources(AuditedModel auditedModel,
                                 ServiceContext serviceContext)
                          throws PortalException,
Updates the resources for the model, replacing their group and guest permissions with new ones from the service context.

auditedModel - the model associated with the resources
serviceContext - the service context to be applied. Can set group and guest permissions.
PortalException - if a portal exception occurred
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public void updateResources(long companyId,
                            long groupId,
                            String name,
                            long primKey,
                            String[] groupPermissions,
                            String[] guestPermissions)
                     throws PortalException,
Updates resources matching the group, name, and primary key at the individual scope, setting new group and guest permissions.

companyId - the primary key of the portal instance
groupId - the primary key of the group
name - the resource's name, which should be a portlet ID if the resource is a portlet or the resource's class name otherwise
primKey - the primary key of the resource instance
groupPermissions - the group permissions to be applied
guestPermissions - the guest permissions to be applied
PortalException - if a portal exception occurred
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public void updateResources(long companyId,
                            long groupId,
                            String name,
                            String primKey,
                            String[] groupPermissions,
                            String[] guestPermissions)
                     throws PortalException,
Updates resources matching the group, name, and primary key string at the individual scope, setting new group and guest permissions.

companyId - the primary key of the portal instance
groupId - the primary key of the group
name - the resource's name, which should be a portlet ID if the resource is a portlet or the resource's class name otherwise
primKey - the primary key string of the resource instance
groupPermissions - the group permissions to be applied
guestPermissions - the guest permissions to be applied
PortalException - if a portal exception occurred
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


public void updateResources(long companyId,
                            String name,
                            int scope,
                            String primKey,
                            String newPrimKey)
                     throws SystemException
Updates resources matching the name, primary key string and scope, replacing the primary key of their resource permissions with the new primary key.

companyId - the primary key of the portal instance
name - the resource's name, which should be a portlet ID if the resource is a portlet or the resource's class name otherwise
scope - the scope of the resource. For more information see ResourceConstants.
primKey - the primary key string of the resource instance
newPrimKey - the new primary key string of the resource
SystemException - if a system exception occurred


protected void addGroupPermissions(long companyId,
                                   long groupId,
                                   long userId,
                                   String name,
                                   Resource resource,
                                   boolean portletActions,
                                   PermissionedModel permissionedModel)
                            throws PortalException,


protected void addGroupPermissions(long groupId,
                                   Resource resource,
                                   String[] actionIds)
                            throws PortalException,


protected void addGroupPermissionsBlocks(long groupId,
                                         Resource resource,
                                         List<String> actionIds,
                                         PermissionedModel permissionedModel)
                                  throws PortalException,


protected void addGuestPermissions(long companyId,
                                   long groupId,
                                   long userId,
                                   String name,
                                   Resource resource,
                                   boolean portletActions,
                                   PermissionedModel permissionedModel)
                            throws PortalException,


protected void addGuestPermissions(long companyId,
                                   Resource resource,
                                   String[] actionIds)
                            throws PortalException,


protected void addGuestPermissionsBlocks(long companyId,
                                         long groupId,
                                         Resource resource,
                                         List<String> actionIds,
                                         PermissionedModel permissionedModel)
                                  throws PortalException,


protected void addModelResources(long companyId,
                                 long groupId,
                                 long userId,
                                 Resource resource,
                                 String[] groupPermissions,
                                 String[] guestPermissions,
                                 PermissionedModel permissionedModel)
                          throws PortalException,


protected void addModelResources(long companyId,
                                 long groupId,
                                 long userId,
                                 String name,
                                 String primKey,
                                 String[] groupPermissions,
                                 String[] guestPermissions,
                                 PermissionedModel permissionedModel)
                          throws PortalException,


protected void addResources(long companyId,
                            long groupId,
                            long userId,
                            Resource resource,
                            boolean portletActions,
                            PermissionedModel permissionedModel)
                     throws PortalException,


protected void addResources(long companyId,
                            long groupId,
                            long userId,
                            String name,
                            String primKey,
                            boolean portletActions,
                            boolean addGroupPermissions,
                            boolean addGuestPermissions,
                            PermissionedModel permissionedModel)
                     throws PortalException,


protected void deleteResource(long companyId,
                              String name,
                              int scope,
                              String primKey,
                              PermissionedModel permissionedModel)
                       throws PortalException,


protected void filterOwnerActions(String name,
                                  List<String> actionIds)


protected long getGroupId(AuditedModel auditedModel)


protected PermissionedModel getPermissionedModel(AuditedModel auditedModel)


protected void logHasUserPermissions(long userId,
                                     long resourceId,
                                     String actionId,
                                     org.apache.commons.lang.time.StopWatch stopWatch,
                                     int block)


protected void updateResourceBlocks(long companyId,
                                    long groupId,
                                    Resource resource,
                                    String[] groupPermissions,
                                    String[] guestPermissions,
                                    PermissionedModel permissionedModel)
                             throws PortalException,


protected void updateResourcePermissions(long companyId,
                                         long groupId,
                                         Resource resource,
                                         String[] groupPermissions,
                                         String[] guestPermissions)
                                  throws PortalException,


protected void updateResourcePermissions(long companyId,
                                         String name,
                                         int scope,
                                         String primKey,
                                         String newPrimKey)
                                  throws SystemException


protected void updateResources(long companyId,
                               long groupId,
                               String name,
                               String primKey,
                               String[] groupPermissions,
                               String[] guestPermissions,
                               PermissionedModel permissionedModel)
                        throws PortalException,


protected void validate(String name,
                        boolean portletActions)
                 throws PortalException

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