Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5


Class Summary
ShoppingCategoryServiceHttp Provides the HTTP utility for the ShoppingCategoryServiceUtil service utility.
ShoppingCategoryServiceSoap Provides the SOAP utility for the ShoppingCategoryServiceUtil service utility.
ShoppingCouponServiceHttp Provides the HTTP utility for the ShoppingCouponServiceUtil service utility.
ShoppingCouponServiceSoap Provides the SOAP utility for the ShoppingCouponServiceUtil service utility.
ShoppingItemServiceHttp Provides the HTTP utility for the ShoppingItemServiceUtil service utility.
ShoppingItemServiceSoap Provides the SOAP utility for the ShoppingItemServiceUtil service utility.
ShoppingOrderServiceHttp Provides the HTTP utility for the ShoppingOrderServiceUtil service utility.
ShoppingOrderServiceSoap Provides the SOAP utility for the ShoppingOrderServiceUtil service utility.

Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5