Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5

Uses of Class

Packages that use SocialActivitySoap   

Uses of SocialActivitySoap in

Methods in that return SocialActivitySoap
static SocialActivitySoap SocialActivitySoap.toSoapModel(SocialActivity model)
static SocialActivitySoap[] SocialActivitySoap.toSoapModels(List<SocialActivity> models)
static SocialActivitySoap[] SocialActivitySoap.toSoapModels(SocialActivity[] models)
static SocialActivitySoap[][] SocialActivitySoap.toSoapModels(SocialActivity[][] models)

Uses of SocialActivitySoap in

Methods in with parameters of type SocialActivitySoap
static SocialActivity SocialActivityModelImpl.toModel(SocialActivitySoap soapModel)
          Converts the soap model instance into a normal model instance.
static List<SocialActivity> SocialActivityModelImpl.toModels(SocialActivitySoap[] soapModels)
          Converts the soap model instances into normal model instances.

Uses of SocialActivitySoap in

Methods in that return SocialActivitySoap
static SocialActivitySoap[] SocialActivityServiceSoap.getActivities(long classNameId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the activities done on assets identified by the class name ID.
static SocialActivitySoap[] SocialActivityServiceSoap.getActivities(long mirrorActivityId, long classNameId, long classPK, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the activities done on the asset identified by the class name ID and class primary key that are mirrors of the activity identified by the mirror activity ID.
static SocialActivitySoap[] SocialActivityServiceSoap.getActivities(long mirrorActivityId, String className, long classPK, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the activities done on the asset identified by the class name and the class primary key that are mirrors of the activity identified by the mirror activity ID.
static SocialActivitySoap[] SocialActivityServiceSoap.getActivities(String className, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the activities done on assets identified by the class name.
static SocialActivitySoap SocialActivityServiceSoap.getActivity(long activityId)
          Returns the activity identified by its primary key.
static SocialActivitySoap[] SocialActivityServiceSoap.getActivitySetActivities(long activitySetId, int start, int end)
static SocialActivitySoap[] SocialActivityServiceSoap.getGroupActivities(long groupId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the activities done in the group.
static SocialActivitySoap[] SocialActivityServiceSoap.getGroupUsersActivities(long groupId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of activities done by users that are members of the group.
static SocialActivitySoap SocialActivityServiceSoap.getMirrorActivity(long mirrorActivityId)
          Returns the activity that has the mirror activity.
static SocialActivitySoap[] SocialActivityServiceSoap.getOrganizationActivities(long organizationId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the activities done in the organization.
static SocialActivitySoap[] SocialActivityServiceSoap.getOrganizationUsersActivities(long organizationId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the activities done by users of the organization.
static SocialActivitySoap[] SocialActivityServiceSoap.getRelationActivities(long userId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the activities done by users in a relationship with the user identified by the user ID.
static SocialActivitySoap[] SocialActivityServiceSoap.getRelationActivities(long userId, int type, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the activities done by users in a relationship of type type with the user identified by userId.
static SocialActivitySoap[] SocialActivityServiceSoap.getUserActivities(long userId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the activities done by the user.
static SocialActivitySoap[] SocialActivityServiceSoap.getUserGroupsActivities(long userId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the activities done in the user's groups.
static SocialActivitySoap[] SocialActivityServiceSoap.getUserGroupsAndOrganizationsActivities(long userId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the activities done in the user's groups and organizations.
static SocialActivitySoap[] SocialActivityServiceSoap.getUserOrganizationsActivities(long userId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all activities done in the user's organizations.

Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5