public class DDMStructureServiceUtil
extends java.lang.Object
and is an
access point for service operations in application layer code running on a
remote server. Methods of this service are expected to have security checks
based on the propagated JAAS credentials because this service can be
accessed remotely.DDMStructureService
Constructor and Description |
DDMStructureServiceUtil() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static DDMStructure |
addStructure(long groupId,
long parentStructureId,
long classNameId,
java.lang.String structureKey,
java.util.Map<java.util.Locale,java.lang.String> nameMap,
java.util.Map<java.util.Locale,java.lang.String> descriptionMap,
DDMForm ddmForm,
DDMFormLayout ddmFormLayout,
java.lang.String storageType,
int type,
com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static DDMStructure |
addStructure(long groupId,
long classNameId,
java.util.Map<java.util.Locale,java.lang.String> nameMap,
java.util.Map<java.util.Locale,java.lang.String> descriptionMap,
DDMForm ddmForm,
DDMFormLayout ddmFormLayout,
java.lang.String storageType,
com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static DDMStructure |
addStructure(long groupId,
java.lang.String parentStructureKey,
long classNameId,
java.lang.String structureKey,
java.util.Map<java.util.Locale,java.lang.String> nameMap,
java.util.Map<java.util.Locale,java.lang.String> descriptionMap,
DDMForm ddmForm,
DDMFormLayout ddmFormLayout,
java.lang.String storageType,
int type,
com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static DDMStructure |
copyStructure(long structureId,
java.util.Map<java.util.Locale,java.lang.String> nameMap,
java.util.Map<java.util.Locale,java.lang.String> descriptionMap,
com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ServiceContext serviceContext)
Copies a structure, creating a new structure with all the values
extracted from the original one.
static DDMStructure |
copyStructure(long structureId,
com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static void |
deleteStructure(long structureId)
Deletes the structure and its resources.
static DDMStructure |
fetchStructure(long groupId,
long classNameId,
java.lang.String structureKey)
Returns the structure matching the class name ID, structure key, and
static DDMStructure |
fetchStructure(long groupId,
long classNameId,
java.lang.String structureKey,
boolean includeAncestorStructures) |
static java.lang.String |
Returns the OSGi service identifier.
static DDMStructureService |
getService() |
static DDMStructure |
getStructure(long structureId)
Returns the structure with the ID.
static DDMStructure |
getStructure(long groupId,
long classNameId,
java.lang.String structureKey)
Returns the structure matching the class name ID, structure key, and
static DDMStructure |
getStructure(long groupId,
long classNameId,
java.lang.String structureKey,
boolean includeAncestorStructures)
Returns the structure matching the class name ID, structure key, and
group, optionally searching ancestor sites (that have sharing enabled)
and global scoped sites.
static java.util.List<DDMStructure> |
getStructures(long companyId,
long[] groupIds,
long classNameId,
int status) |
static java.util.List<DDMStructure> |
getStructures(long companyId,
long[] groupIds,
long classNameId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<DDMStructure> orderByComparator) |
static java.util.List<DDMStructure> |
getStructures(long companyId,
long[] groupIds,
long classNameId,
int start,
int end,
com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<DDMStructure> orderByComparator) |
static java.util.List<DDMStructure> |
getStructures(long companyId,
long[] groupIds,
long classNameId,
java.lang.String keywords,
int status,
int start,
int end,
com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<DDMStructure> orderByComparator) |
static int |
getStructuresCount(long companyId,
long[] groupIds,
long classNameId) |
static int |
getStructuresCount(long companyId,
long[] groupIds,
long classNameId,
java.lang.String keywords,
int status) |
static void |
revertStructure(long structureId,
java.lang.String version,
com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static java.util.List<DDMStructure> |
search(long companyId,
long[] groupIds,
long classNameId,
java.lang.String keywords,
int type,
int status,
int start,
int end,
com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<DDMStructure> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the structures matching the groups and
class name IDs, and matching the keywords in the structure names and
static java.util.List<DDMStructure> |
search(long companyId,
long[] groupIds,
long classNameId,
java.lang.String keywords,
int status,
int start,
int end,
com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<DDMStructure> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the structures matching the groups and
class name IDs, and matching the keywords in the structure names and
static java.util.List<DDMStructure> |
search(long companyId,
long[] groupIds,
long classNameId,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String description,
java.lang.String storageType,
int type,
int status,
boolean andOperator,
int start,
int end,
com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<DDMStructure> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the structures matching the groups, class
name IDs, name keyword, description keyword, storage type, and type.
static int |
searchCount(long companyId,
long[] groupIds,
long classNameId,
java.lang.String keywords,
int status)
Returns the number of structures matching the groups and class name IDs,
and matching the keywords in the structure names and descriptions.
static int |
searchCount(long companyId,
long[] groupIds,
long classNameId,
java.lang.String keywords,
int type,
int status)
Returns the number of structures matching the groups and class name IDs,
and matching the keywords in the structure names and descriptions.
static int |
searchCount(long companyId,
long[] groupIds,
long classNameId,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String description,
java.lang.String storageType,
int type,
int status,
boolean andOperator)
Returns the number of structures matching the groups, class name IDs,
name keyword, description keyword, storage type, and type
static DDMStructure |
updateStructure(long groupId,
long parentStructureId,
long classNameId,
java.lang.String structureKey,
java.util.Map<java.util.Locale,java.lang.String> nameMap,
java.util.Map<java.util.Locale,java.lang.String> descriptionMap,
DDMForm ddmForm,
DDMFormLayout ddmFormLayout,
com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static DDMStructure |
updateStructure(long structureId,
long parentStructureId,
java.util.Map<java.util.Locale,java.lang.String> nameMap,
java.util.Map<java.util.Locale,java.lang.String> descriptionMap,
DDMForm ddmForm,
DDMFormLayout ddmFormLayout,
com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ServiceContext serviceContext) |
public static DDMStructure addStructure(long groupId, long parentStructureId, long classNameId, java.lang.String structureKey, java.util.Map<java.util.Locale,java.lang.String> nameMap, java.util.Map<java.util.Locale,java.lang.String> descriptionMap, DDMForm ddmForm, DDMFormLayout ddmFormLayout, java.lang.String storageType, int type, com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ServiceContext serviceContext) throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException
public static DDMStructure addStructure(long groupId, long classNameId, java.util.Map<java.util.Locale,java.lang.String> nameMap, java.util.Map<java.util.Locale,java.lang.String> descriptionMap, DDMForm ddmForm, DDMFormLayout ddmFormLayout, java.lang.String storageType, com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ServiceContext serviceContext) throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException
public static DDMStructure addStructure(long groupId, java.lang.String parentStructureKey, long classNameId, java.lang.String structureKey, java.util.Map<java.util.Locale,java.lang.String> nameMap, java.util.Map<java.util.Locale,java.lang.String> descriptionMap, DDMForm ddmForm, DDMFormLayout ddmFormLayout, java.lang.String storageType, int type, com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ServiceContext serviceContext) throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException
public static DDMStructure copyStructure(long structureId, java.util.Map<java.util.Locale,java.lang.String> nameMap, java.util.Map<java.util.Locale,java.lang.String> descriptionMap, com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ServiceContext serviceContext) throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException
- the primary key of the structure to be copiednameMap
- the new structure's locales and localized namesdescriptionMap
- the new structure's locales and localized
- the service context to be applied. Can set the
UUID, creation date, modification date, guest permissions, and
group permissions for the
public static DDMStructure copyStructure(long structureId, com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ServiceContext serviceContext) throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException
public static void deleteStructure(long structureId) throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException
Before deleting the structure, the system verifies whether the structure is required by another entity. If it is needed, an exception is thrown.
- the primary key of the structure to be deletedcom.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException
public static DDMStructure fetchStructure(long groupId, long classNameId, java.lang.String structureKey) throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException
- the primary key of the groupclassNameId
- the primary key of the class name for the structure's
related modelstructureKey
- the unique string identifying the structurenull
if a matching
structure could not be foundcom.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException
public static DDMStructure fetchStructure(long groupId, long classNameId, java.lang.String structureKey, boolean includeAncestorStructures) throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException
public static java.lang.String getOSGiServiceIdentifier()
public static DDMStructure getStructure(long structureId) throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException
- the primary key of the structurecom.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException
public static DDMStructure getStructure(long groupId, long classNameId, java.lang.String structureKey) throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException
- the primary key of the structure's groupclassNameId
- the primary key of the class name for the structure's
related modelstructureKey
- the unique string identifying the structurecom.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException
public static DDMStructure getStructure(long groupId, long classNameId, java.lang.String structureKey, boolean includeAncestorStructures) throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException
This method first searches in the group. If the structure is still not
found and includeAncestorStructures
is set to
, this method searches the group's ancestor sites (that
have sharing enabled) and lastly searches global scoped sites.
- the primary key of the structure's groupclassNameId
- the primary key of the class name for the structure's
related modelstructureKey
- the unique string identifying the structureincludeAncestorStructures
- whether to include ancestor sites (that
have sharing enabled) and include global scoped sites in the
public static java.util.List<DDMStructure> getStructures(long companyId, long[] groupIds, long classNameId, int status)
public static java.util.List<DDMStructure> getStructures(long companyId, long[] groupIds, long classNameId, int status, int start, int end, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<DDMStructure> orderByComparator)
public static java.util.List<DDMStructure> getStructures(long companyId, long[] groupIds, long classNameId, int start, int end, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<DDMStructure> orderByComparator)
public static java.util.List<DDMStructure> getStructures(long companyId, long[] groupIds, long classNameId, java.lang.String keywords, int status, int start, int end, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<DDMStructure> orderByComparator)
public static int getStructuresCount(long companyId, long[] groupIds, long classNameId)
public static int getStructuresCount(long companyId, long[] groupIds, long classNameId, java.lang.String keywords, int status)
public static void revertStructure(long structureId, java.lang.String version, com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ServiceContext serviceContext) throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException
public static java.util.List<DDMStructure> search(long companyId, long[] groupIds, long classNameId, java.lang.String keywords, int type, int status, int start, int end, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<DDMStructure> orderByComparator)
Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end -
instances. start
and end
are not
primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0
refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start
and end
to QueryUtil#ALL_POS
will return the full
result set.
- the primary key of the structure's companygroupIds
- the primary keys of the groupsclassNameId
- the primary key of the class name of the model the
structure is related tokeywords
- the keywords (space separated), which may occur in the
structure's name or description (optionally null
- the structure's type. For more information, see DDMStructureConstants
- the workflow's status.start
- the lower bound of the range of structures to returnend
- the upper bound of the range of structures to return (not
- the comparator to order the structures
(optionally null
)public static java.util.List<DDMStructure> search(long companyId, long[] groupIds, long classNameId, java.lang.String keywords, int status, int start, int end, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<DDMStructure> orderByComparator)
Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end -
instances. start
and end
are not
primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0
refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start
and end
to QueryUtil#ALL_POS
will return the full
result set.
- the primary key of the structure's companygroupIds
- the primary keys of the groupsclassNameId
- the primary key of the class name of the model the
structure is related tokeywords
- the keywords (space separated), which may occur in the
structure's name or description (optionally null
- the workflow's status.start
- the lower bound of the range of structures to returnend
- the upper bound of the range of structures to return (not
- the comparator to order the structures
(optionally null
)public static java.util.List<DDMStructure> search(long companyId, long[] groupIds, long classNameId, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description, java.lang.String storageType, int type, int status, boolean andOperator, int start, int end, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<DDMStructure> orderByComparator)
Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end -
instances. start
and end
are not
primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0
refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start
and end
to QueryUtil#ALL_POS
will return the full
result set.
- the primary key of the structure's companygroupIds
- the primary keys of the groupsclassNameId
- the primary key of the class name of the model the
structure is related toname
- the name keywordsdescription
- the description keywordsstorageType
- the structure's storage type. It can be "xml" or
"expando". For more information, see StorageType
- the structure's type. For more information, see DDMStructureConstants
- the workflow's status.andOperator
- whether every field must match its keywords, or just
one fieldstart
- the lower bound of the range of structures to returnend
- the upper bound of the range of structures to return (not
- the comparator to order the structures
(optionally null
)public static int searchCount(long companyId, long[] groupIds, long classNameId, java.lang.String keywords, int status)
- the primary key of the structure's companygroupIds
- the primary keys of the groupsclassNameId
- the primary key of the class name of the model the
structure is related tokeywords
- the keywords (space separated), which may occur in the
structure's name or description (optionally null
- the workflow's status.public static int searchCount(long companyId, long[] groupIds, long classNameId, java.lang.String keywords, int type, int status)
- the primary key of the structure's companygroupIds
- the primary keys of the groupsclassNameId
- the primary key of the class name of the model the
structure is related tokeywords
- the keywords (space separated), which may occur in the
structure's name or description (optionally null
- the structure's type. For more information, see DDMStructureConstants
- the workflow's status.public static int searchCount(long companyId, long[] groupIds, long classNameId, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description, java.lang.String storageType, int type, int status, boolean andOperator)
- the primary key of the structure's companygroupIds
- the primary keys of the groupsclassNameId
- the primary key of the class name of the model the
structure is related toname
- the name keywordsdescription
- the description keywordsstorageType
- the structure's storage type. It can be "xml" or
"expando". For more information, see StorageType
- the structure's type. For more information, see DDMStructureConstants
- whether every field must match its keywords, or just
one fieldpublic static DDMStructure updateStructure(long groupId, long parentStructureId, long classNameId, java.lang.String structureKey, java.util.Map<java.util.Locale,java.lang.String> nameMap, java.util.Map<java.util.Locale,java.lang.String> descriptionMap, DDMForm ddmForm, DDMFormLayout ddmFormLayout, com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ServiceContext serviceContext) throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException
public static DDMStructure updateStructure(long structureId, long parentStructureId, java.util.Map<java.util.Locale,java.lang.String> nameMap, java.util.Map<java.util.Locale,java.lang.String> descriptionMap, DDMForm ddmForm, DDMFormLayout ddmFormLayout, com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ServiceContext serviceContext) throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException
public static DDMStructureService getService()