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addBaseModel(BaseModel<?>, ServiceContext) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
addBaseModelWithWorkflow(BaseModel<?>, ServiceContext) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
addBaseModelWithWorkflow(ServiceContext) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
addDraftBaseModel(BaseModel<?>, ServiceContext) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
addDraftBaseModelWithWorkflow(BaseModel<?>, ServiceContext) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.test.util.WhenHasDraftStatus
addTrashEntry(long, long, String, long, String, String, int, List<ObjectValuePair<Long, Integer>>, UnicodeProperties) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
Moves an entry to trash.
addTrashEntry(TrashEntry) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
Adds the trash entry to the database.
addTrashEntry(long, long, String, long, String, String, int, List<ObjectValuePair<Long, Integer>>, UnicodeProperties) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
Moves an entry to trash.
addTrashEntry(TrashEntry) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
Adds the trash entry to the database.
addTrashEntry(long, long, String, long, String, String, int, List<ObjectValuePair<Long, Integer>>, UnicodeProperties) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
Moves an entry to trash.
addTrashEntry(TrashEntry) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
Adds the trash entry to the database.
addTrashVersion(long, String, long, int, UnicodeProperties) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
addTrashVersion(TrashVersion) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
Adds the trash version to the database.
addTrashVersion(long, String, long, int, UnicodeProperties) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
addTrashVersion(TrashVersion) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
Adds the trash version to the database.
addTrashVersion(long, String, long, int, UnicodeProperties) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
addTrashVersion(TrashVersion) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
Adds the trash version to the database.


baseModel - Variable in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
BaseTrashHandlerTestCase - Class in com.liferay.trash.test.util
BaseTrashHandlerTestCase() - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase


cacheResult(TrashEntry) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Caches the trash entry in the entity cache if it is enabled.
cacheResult(List<TrashEntry>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Caches the trash entries in the entity cache if it is enabled.
cacheResult(TrashEntry) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Caches the trash entry in the entity cache if it is enabled.
cacheResult(List<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Caches the trash entries in the entity cache if it is enabled.
cacheResult(TrashVersion) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Caches the trash version in the entity cache if it is enabled.
cacheResult(List<TrashVersion>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Caches the trash versions in the entity cache if it is enabled.
cacheResult(TrashVersion) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Caches the trash version in the entity cache if it is enabled.
cacheResult(List<TrashVersion>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Caches the trash versions in the entity cache if it is enabled.
checkEntries() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
checkEntries() - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
checkEntries() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
classNameId - Variable in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryTable
classNameId - Variable in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionTable
classPK - Variable in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryTable
classPK - Variable in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionTable
cleanUp() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.EmptyTag
cleanUp() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.UndoTag
clearCache() - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
clearCache(TrashEntry) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
clearCache() - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
clearCache(TrashVersion) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
com.liferay.trash - package com.liferay.trash
com.liferay.trash.constants - package com.liferay.trash.constants
com.liferay.trash.exception - package com.liferay.trash.exception
com.liferay.trash.model - package com.liferay.trash.model
com.liferay.trash.service - package com.liferay.trash.service
com.liferay.trash.service.persistence - package com.liferay.trash.service.persistence
com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib - package com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib
com.liferay.trash.test.util - package com.liferay.trash.test.util
com.liferay.trash.util - package com.liferay.trash.util
com.liferay.trash.util.comparator - package com.liferay.trash.util.comparator
companyId - Variable in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryTable
companyId - Variable in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionTable
compare(TrashEntry, TrashEntry) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.util.comparator.EntryCreateDateComparator
compare(TrashEntry, TrashEntry) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.util.comparator.EntryTypeComparator
compare(TrashEntry, TrashEntry) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.util.comparator.EntryUserNameComparator
countAll() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the number of trash entries.
countAll() - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the number of trash entries.
countAll() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns the number of trash versions.
countAll() - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns the number of trash versions.
countByC_C(long, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the number of trash entries where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
countByC_C(long, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the number of trash entries where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
countByC_C(long, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns the number of trash versions where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
countByC_C(long, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns the number of trash versions where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
countByCompanyId(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the number of trash entries where companyId = ?.
countByCompanyId(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the number of trash entries where companyId = ?.
countByE_C(long, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns the number of trash versions where entryId = ? and classNameId = ?.
countByE_C(long, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns the number of trash versions where entryId = ? and classNameId = ?.
countByEntryId(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns the number of trash versions where entryId = ?.
countByEntryId(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns the number of trash versions where entryId = ?.
countByG_C(long, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the number of trash entries where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
countByG_C(long, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the number of trash entries where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
countByG_LtCD(long, Date) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the number of trash entries where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
countByG_LtCD(long, Date) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the number of trash entries where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
countByGroupId(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the number of trash entries where groupId = ?.
countByGroupId(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the number of trash entries where groupId = ?.
countWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
countWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
create(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Creates a new trash entry with the primary key.
create(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Creates a new trash entry with the primary key.
create(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Creates a new trash version with the primary key.
create(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Creates a new trash version with the primary key.
createDate - Variable in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryTable
createPersistedModel(Serializable) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
createPersistedModel(Serializable) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
createPersistedModel(Serializable) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
createPersistedModel(Serializable) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
createPersistedModel(Serializable) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
createPersistedModel(Serializable) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
createTrashEntry(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
Creates a new trash entry with the primary key.
createTrashEntry(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
Creates a new trash entry with the primary key.
createTrashEntry(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
Creates a new trash entry with the primary key.
createTrashVersion(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
Creates a new trash version with the primary key.
createTrashVersion(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
Creates a new trash version with the primary key.
createTrashVersion(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
Creates a new trash version with the primary key.
ctCollectionId - Variable in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryTable
ctCollectionId - Variable in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionTable


DEFAULT_CONTAINER_ID - Static variable in class com.liferay.trash.constants.TrashEntryConstants
DEFAULT_CONTAINER_ID - Static variable in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryConstants
DefaultWhenIsAssetable - Class in com.liferay.trash.test.util
DefaultWhenIsAssetable() - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.test.util.DefaultWhenIsAssetable
DefaultWhenIsIndexableBaseModel - Class in com.liferay.trash.test.util
DefaultWhenIsIndexableBaseModel() - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.test.util.DefaultWhenIsIndexableBaseModel
DefineObjectsTag - Class in com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib
DefineObjectsTag() - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.DefineObjectsTag
DefineObjectsTei - Class in com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib
DefineObjectsTei() - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.DefineObjectsTei
deleteEntries(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
deleteEntries(long, boolean) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
deleteEntries(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
deleteEntries(long, boolean) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
deleteEntries(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
deleteEntries(long, boolean) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
deleteEntries(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryService
Deletes the trash entries with the matching group ID considering permissions.
deleteEntries(long[]) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryService
Deletes the trash entries with the primary keys.
deleteEntries(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceUtil
Deletes the trash entries with the matching group ID considering permissions.
deleteEntries(long[]) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceUtil
Deletes the trash entries with the primary keys.
deleteEntries(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceWrapper
Deletes the trash entries with the matching group ID considering permissions.
deleteEntries(long[]) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceWrapper
Deletes the trash entries with the primary keys.
deleteEntry(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
Deletes the trash entry with the primary key.
deleteEntry(String, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
Deletes the trash entry with the entity class name and primary key.
deleteEntry(TrashEntry) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
deleteEntry(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
Deletes the trash entry with the primary key.
deleteEntry(String, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
Deletes the trash entry with the entity class name and primary key.
deleteEntry(TrashEntry) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
deleteEntry(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
Deletes the trash entry with the primary key.
deleteEntry(String, long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
Deletes the trash entry with the entity class name and primary key.
deleteEntry(TrashEntry) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
deleteEntry(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryService
Deletes the trash entry with the primary key.
deleteEntry(String, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryService
Deletes the trash entry with the entity class name and class primary key.
deleteEntry(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceUtil
Deletes the trash entry with the primary key.
deleteEntry(String, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceUtil
Deletes the trash entry with the entity class name and class primary key.
deleteEntry(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceWrapper
Deletes the trash entry with the primary key.
deleteEntry(String, long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceWrapper
Deletes the trash entry with the entity class name and class primary key.
deleteParentBaseModel(BaseModel<?>, boolean) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
deletePersistedModel(PersistedModel) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
deletePersistedModel(PersistedModel) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
deletePersistedModel(PersistedModel) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
deletePersistedModel(PersistedModel) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
deletePersistedModel(PersistedModel) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
deletePersistedModel(PersistedModel) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
deleteTrashEntry(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
Deletes the trash entry with the primary key from the database.
deleteTrashEntry(TrashEntry) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
Deletes the trash entry from the database.
deleteTrashEntry(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
Deletes the trash entry with the primary key from the database.
deleteTrashEntry(TrashEntry) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
Deletes the trash entry from the database.
deleteTrashEntry(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
Deletes the trash entry with the primary key from the database.
deleteTrashEntry(TrashEntry) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
Deletes the trash entry from the database.
deleteTrashVersion(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
Deletes the trash version with the primary key from the database.
deleteTrashVersion(String, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
deleteTrashVersion(TrashVersion) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
Deletes the trash version from the database.
deleteTrashVersion(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
Deletes the trash version with the primary key from the database.
deleteTrashVersion(String, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
deleteTrashVersion(TrashVersion) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
Deletes the trash version from the database.
deleteTrashVersion(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
Deletes the trash version with the primary key from the database.
deleteTrashVersion(String, long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
deleteTrashVersion(TrashVersion) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
Deletes the trash version from the database.
disableTrash(Group) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.TrashTestUtil
doStartTag() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.DefineObjectsTag
doStartTag() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.EmptyTag
doStartTag() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.UndoTag
dslQuery(DSLQuery) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
dslQuery(DSLQuery) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
dslQuery(DSLQuery) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
dslQuery(DSLQuery) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
dslQuery(DSLQuery) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
dslQuery(DSLQuery) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
dslQueryCount(DSLQuery) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
dslQueryCount(DSLQuery) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
dslQueryCount(DSLQuery) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
dslQueryCount(DSLQuery) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
dslQueryCount(DSLQuery) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
dslQueryCount(DSLQuery) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
DUPLICATE - Static variable in exception com.liferay.trash.exception.RestoreEntryException
dynamicQuery() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns the matching rows.
dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery, int, int) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns a range of the matching rows.
dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery, int, int, OrderByComparator<T>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns an ordered range of the matching rows.
dynamicQuery() - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns the matching rows.
dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery, int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns a range of the matching rows.
dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery, int, int, OrderByComparator<T>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns an ordered range of the matching rows.
dynamicQuery() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns the matching rows.
dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery, int, int) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns a range of the matching rows.
dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery, int, int, OrderByComparator<T>) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns an ordered range of the matching rows.
dynamicQuery() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns the matching rows.
dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery, int, int) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns a range of the matching rows.
dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery, int, int, OrderByComparator<T>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns an ordered range of the matching rows.
dynamicQuery() - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns the matching rows.
dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery, int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns a range of the matching rows.
dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery, int, int, OrderByComparator<T>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns an ordered range of the matching rows.
dynamicQuery() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns the matching rows.
dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery, int, int) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns a range of the matching rows.
dynamicQuery(DynamicQuery, int, int, OrderByComparator<T>) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
Performs a dynamic query on the database and returns an ordered range of the matching rows.
dynamicQueryCount(DynamicQuery) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
Returns the number of rows matching the dynamic query.
dynamicQueryCount(DynamicQuery, Projection) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
Returns the number of rows matching the dynamic query.
dynamicQueryCount(DynamicQuery) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
Returns the number of rows matching the dynamic query.
dynamicQueryCount(DynamicQuery, Projection) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
Returns the number of rows matching the dynamic query.
dynamicQueryCount(DynamicQuery) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
Returns the number of rows matching the dynamic query.
dynamicQueryCount(DynamicQuery, Projection) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
Returns the number of rows matching the dynamic query.
dynamicQueryCount(DynamicQuery) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
Returns the number of rows matching the dynamic query.
dynamicQueryCount(DynamicQuery, Projection) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
Returns the number of rows matching the dynamic query.
dynamicQueryCount(DynamicQuery) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
Returns the number of rows matching the dynamic query.
dynamicQueryCount(DynamicQuery, Projection) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
Returns the number of rows matching the dynamic query.
dynamicQueryCount(DynamicQuery) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
Returns the number of rows matching the dynamic query.
dynamicQueryCount(DynamicQuery, Projection) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
Returns the number of rows matching the dynamic query.


EmptyTag - Class in com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib
Creates a component for users to permanently delete items (articles, images, etc.) from the Recycle Bin.
EmptyTag() - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.EmptyTag
ENTRY_ID_ACCESSOR - Static variable in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntry
EntryCreateDateComparator - Class in com.liferay.trash.util.comparator
EntryCreateDateComparator() - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.util.comparator.EntryCreateDateComparator
EntryCreateDateComparator(boolean) - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.util.comparator.EntryCreateDateComparator
entryId - Variable in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryTable
entryId - Variable in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionTable
EntryTypeComparator - Class in com.liferay.trash.util.comparator
EntryTypeComparator() - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.util.comparator.EntryTypeComparator
EntryTypeComparator(boolean) - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.util.comparator.EntryTypeComparator
EntryUserNameComparator - Class in com.liferay.trash.util.comparator
EntryUserNameComparator() - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.util.comparator.EntryUserNameComparator
EntryUserNameComparator(boolean) - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.util.comparator.EntryUserNameComparator
expireBaseModel(BaseModel<?>, ServiceContext) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.test.util.WhenIsVersionableBaseModel


fetchAssetEntry(ClassedModel) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.DefaultWhenIsAssetable
fetchAssetEntry(ClassedModel) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.test.util.WhenIsAssetable
fetchByC_C(long, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the trash entry where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
fetchByC_C(long, long, boolean) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the trash entry where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
fetchByC_C(long, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the trash entry where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
fetchByC_C(long, long, boolean) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the trash entry where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
fetchByC_C(long, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns the trash version where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
fetchByC_C(long, long, boolean) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns the trash version where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
fetchByC_C(long, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns the trash version where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? or returns null if it could not be found.
fetchByC_C(long, long, boolean) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns the trash version where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? or returns null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache.
fetchByCompanyId_First(long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
fetchByCompanyId_First(long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
fetchByCompanyId_Last(long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
fetchByCompanyId_Last(long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
fetchByE_C_First(long, long, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns the first trash version in the ordered set where entryId = ? and classNameId = ?.
fetchByE_C_First(long, long, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns the first trash version in the ordered set where entryId = ? and classNameId = ?.
fetchByE_C_Last(long, long, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns the last trash version in the ordered set where entryId = ? and classNameId = ?.
fetchByE_C_Last(long, long, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns the last trash version in the ordered set where entryId = ? and classNameId = ?.
fetchByEntryId_First(long, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns the first trash version in the ordered set where entryId = ?.
fetchByEntryId_First(long, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns the first trash version in the ordered set where entryId = ?.
fetchByEntryId_Last(long, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns the last trash version in the ordered set where entryId = ?.
fetchByEntryId_Last(long, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns the last trash version in the ordered set where entryId = ?.
fetchByG_C_First(long, long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
fetchByG_C_First(long, long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
fetchByG_C_Last(long, long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
fetchByG_C_Last(long, long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
fetchByG_LtCD_First(long, Date, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
fetchByG_LtCD_First(long, Date, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
fetchByG_LtCD_Last(long, Date, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
fetchByG_LtCD_Last(long, Date, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
fetchByGroupId_First(long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
fetchByGroupId_First(long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
fetchByGroupId_Last(long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
fetchByGroupId_Last(long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
fetchByPrimaryKey(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the trash entry with the primary key or returns null if it could not be found.
fetchByPrimaryKey(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the trash entry with the primary key or returns null if it could not be found.
fetchByPrimaryKey(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns the trash version with the primary key or returns null if it could not be found.
fetchByPrimaryKey(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns the trash version with the primary key or returns null if it could not be found.
fetchByPrimaryKeys(Set<Serializable>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
fetchByPrimaryKeys(Set<Serializable>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
fetchEntry(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
Returns the trash entry with the primary key.
fetchEntry(String, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
Returns the trash entry with the entity class name and primary key.
fetchEntry(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
Returns the trash entry with the primary key.
fetchEntry(String, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
Returns the trash entry with the entity class name and primary key.
fetchEntry(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
Returns the trash entry with the primary key.
fetchEntry(String, long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
Returns the trash entry with the entity class name and primary key.
fetchTrashEntry(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
fetchTrashEntry(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
fetchTrashEntry(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
fetchTrashVersion(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
fetchTrashVersion(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
fetchTrashVersion(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
fetchVersion(String, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
fetchVersion(String, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
fetchVersion(String, long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
findAll() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns all the trash entries.
findAll(int, int) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns a range of all the trash entries.
findAll(int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries.
findAll(int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>, boolean) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries.
findAll() - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns all the trash entries.
findAll(int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns a range of all the trash entries.
findAll(int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries.
findAll(int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>, boolean) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries.
findAll() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns all the trash versions.
findAll(int, int) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns a range of all the trash versions.
findAll(int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the trash versions.
findAll(int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>, boolean) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the trash versions.
findAll() - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns all the trash versions.
findAll(int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns a range of all the trash versions.
findAll(int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the trash versions.
findAll(int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>, boolean) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the trash versions.
findByC_C(long, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the trash entry where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? or throws a NoSuchEntryException if it could not be found.
findByC_C(long, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the trash entry where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? or throws a NoSuchEntryException if it could not be found.
findByC_C(long, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns the trash version where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? or throws a NoSuchVersionException if it could not be found.
findByC_C(long, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns the trash version where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? or throws a NoSuchVersionException if it could not be found.
findByCompanyId(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns all the trash entries where companyId = ?.
findByCompanyId(long, int, int) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns a range of all the trash entries where companyId = ?.
findByCompanyId(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries where companyId = ?.
findByCompanyId(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>, boolean) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries where companyId = ?.
findByCompanyId(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns all the trash entries where companyId = ?.
findByCompanyId(long, int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns a range of all the trash entries where companyId = ?.
findByCompanyId(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries where companyId = ?.
findByCompanyId(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>, boolean) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries where companyId = ?.
findByCompanyId_First(long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
findByCompanyId_First(long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
findByCompanyId_Last(long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
findByCompanyId_Last(long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
findByCompanyId_PrevAndNext(long, long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the trash entries before and after the current trash entry in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
findByCompanyId_PrevAndNext(long, long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the trash entries before and after the current trash entry in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
findByE_C(long, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns all the trash versions where entryId = ? and classNameId = ?.
findByE_C(long, long, int, int) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns a range of all the trash versions where entryId = ? and classNameId = ?.
findByE_C(long, long, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the trash versions where entryId = ? and classNameId = ?.
findByE_C(long, long, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>, boolean) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the trash versions where entryId = ? and classNameId = ?.
findByE_C(long, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns all the trash versions where entryId = ? and classNameId = ?.
findByE_C(long, long, int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns a range of all the trash versions where entryId = ? and classNameId = ?.
findByE_C(long, long, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the trash versions where entryId = ? and classNameId = ?.
findByE_C(long, long, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>, boolean) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the trash versions where entryId = ? and classNameId = ?.
findByE_C_First(long, long, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns the first trash version in the ordered set where entryId = ? and classNameId = ?.
findByE_C_First(long, long, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns the first trash version in the ordered set where entryId = ? and classNameId = ?.
findByE_C_Last(long, long, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns the last trash version in the ordered set where entryId = ? and classNameId = ?.
findByE_C_Last(long, long, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns the last trash version in the ordered set where entryId = ? and classNameId = ?.
findByE_C_PrevAndNext(long, long, long, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns the trash versions before and after the current trash version in the ordered set where entryId = ? and classNameId = ?.
findByE_C_PrevAndNext(long, long, long, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns the trash versions before and after the current trash version in the ordered set where entryId = ? and classNameId = ?.
findByEntryId(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns all the trash versions where entryId = ?.
findByEntryId(long, int, int) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns a range of all the trash versions where entryId = ?.
findByEntryId(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the trash versions where entryId = ?.
findByEntryId(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>, boolean) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the trash versions where entryId = ?.
findByEntryId(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns all the trash versions where entryId = ?.
findByEntryId(long, int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns a range of all the trash versions where entryId = ?.
findByEntryId(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the trash versions where entryId = ?.
findByEntryId(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>, boolean) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the trash versions where entryId = ?.
findByEntryId_First(long, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns the first trash version in the ordered set where entryId = ?.
findByEntryId_First(long, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns the first trash version in the ordered set where entryId = ?.
findByEntryId_Last(long, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns the last trash version in the ordered set where entryId = ?.
findByEntryId_Last(long, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns the last trash version in the ordered set where entryId = ?.
findByEntryId_PrevAndNext(long, long, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns the trash versions before and after the current trash version in the ordered set where entryId = ?.
findByEntryId_PrevAndNext(long, long, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns the trash versions before and after the current trash version in the ordered set where entryId = ?.
findByG_C(long, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns all the trash entries where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
findByG_C(long, long, int, int) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns a range of all the trash entries where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
findByG_C(long, long, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
findByG_C(long, long, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>, boolean) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
findByG_C(long, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns all the trash entries where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
findByG_C(long, long, int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns a range of all the trash entries where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
findByG_C(long, long, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
findByG_C(long, long, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>, boolean) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
findByG_C_First(long, long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
findByG_C_First(long, long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
findByG_C_Last(long, long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
findByG_C_Last(long, long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
findByG_C_PrevAndNext(long, long, long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the trash entries before and after the current trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
findByG_C_PrevAndNext(long, long, long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the trash entries before and after the current trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and classNameId = ?.
findByG_LtCD(long, Date) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns all the trash entries where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
findByG_LtCD(long, Date, int, int) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns a range of all the trash entries where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
findByG_LtCD(long, Date, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
findByG_LtCD(long, Date, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>, boolean) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
findByG_LtCD(long, Date) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns all the trash entries where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
findByG_LtCD(long, Date, int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns a range of all the trash entries where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
findByG_LtCD(long, Date, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
findByG_LtCD(long, Date, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>, boolean) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
findByG_LtCD_First(long, Date, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
findByG_LtCD_First(long, Date, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
findByG_LtCD_Last(long, Date, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
findByG_LtCD_Last(long, Date, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
findByG_LtCD_PrevAndNext(long, long, Date, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the trash entries before and after the current trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
findByG_LtCD_PrevAndNext(long, long, Date, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the trash entries before and after the current trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ? and createDate < ?.
findByGroupId(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns all the trash entries where groupId = ?.
findByGroupId(long, int, int) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns a range of all the trash entries where groupId = ?.
findByGroupId(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries where groupId = ?.
findByGroupId(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>, boolean) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries where groupId = ?.
findByGroupId(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns all the trash entries where groupId = ?.
findByGroupId(long, int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns a range of all the trash entries where groupId = ?.
findByGroupId(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries where groupId = ?.
findByGroupId(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>, boolean) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns an ordered range of all the trash entries where groupId = ?.
findByGroupId_First(long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
findByGroupId_First(long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the first trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
findByGroupId_Last(long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
findByGroupId_Last(long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the last trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
findByGroupId_PrevAndNext(long, long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the trash entries before and after the current trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
findByGroupId_PrevAndNext(long, long, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the trash entries before and after the current trash entry in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
findByPrimaryKey(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Returns the trash entry with the primary key or throws a NoSuchEntryException if it could not be found.
findByPrimaryKey(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Returns the trash entry with the primary key or throws a NoSuchEntryException if it could not be found.
findByPrimaryKey(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Returns the trash version with the primary key or throws a NoSuchVersionException if it could not be found.
findByPrimaryKey(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Returns the trash version with the primary key or throws a NoSuchVersionException if it could not be found.
findWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
findWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery, int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
findWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
findWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
findWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery, int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
findWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashVersion>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil


getActionableDynamicQuery() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
getActionableDynamicQuery() - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
getActionableDynamicQuery() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
getActionableDynamicQuery() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
getActionableDynamicQuery() - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
getActionableDynamicQuery() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
getArray() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryList
getAssetClassPK(ClassedModel) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
getAttributeGetterFunctions() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
getAttributeGetterFunctions() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
getAttributeSetterBiConsumers() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
getAttributeSetterBiConsumers() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
getBaseModel(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
getBaseModelClass() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
getBaseModelClassName() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
getBaseModelName(ClassedModel) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.test.util.WhenCanBeDuplicatedInTrash
getChildrenWorkflowedModels(BaseModel<?>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.test.util.WhenIsRestorableParentBaseModelFromTrash
getClassName() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Returns the fully qualified class name of this trash entry.
getClassName() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Returns the fully qualified class name of this trash entry.
getClassName() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionModel
Returns the fully qualified class name of this trash version.
getClassName() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
Returns the fully qualified class name of this trash version.
getClassNameId() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Returns the class name ID of this trash entry.
getClassNameId() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
getClassNameId() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Returns the class name ID of this trash entry.
getClassNameId() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionModel
Returns the class name ID of this trash version.
getClassNameId() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionSoap
getClassNameId() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
Returns the class name ID of this trash version.
getClassPK() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Returns the class pk of this trash entry.
getClassPK() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
getClassPK() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Returns the class pk of this trash entry.
getClassPK() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionModel
Returns the class pk of this trash version.
getClassPK() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionSoap
getClassPK() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
Returns the class pk of this trash version.
getCompanyId() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Returns the company ID of this trash entry.
getCompanyId() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
getCompanyId() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Returns the company ID of this trash entry.
getCompanyId() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionModel
Returns the company ID of this trash version.
getCompanyId() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionSoap
getCompanyId() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
Returns the company ID of this trash version.
getConfirmMessage() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.EmptyTag
getCount() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryList
getCreateDate() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Returns the create date of this trash entry.
getCreateDate() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
getCreateDate() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Returns the create date of this trash entry.
getCtCollectionId() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Returns the ct collection ID of this trash entry.
getCtCollectionId() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
getCtCollectionId() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Returns the ct collection ID of this trash entry.
getCtCollectionId() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionModel
Returns the ct collection ID of this trash version.
getCtCollectionId() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionSoap
getCtCollectionId() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
Returns the ct collection ID of this trash version.
getCTPersistence() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
getCTPersistence() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
getCTPersistence() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
getCTPersistence() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
getDeletionSystemEventCount(TrashHandler, long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
getDuplicateEntryId() - Method in exception com.liferay.trash.exception.RestoreEntryException
getEmptyMessage() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.EmptyTag
getEntries(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
Returns the trash entries with the matching group ID.
getEntries(long, int, int) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
Returns a range of all the trash entries matching the group ID.
getEntries(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
Returns a range of all the trash entries matching the group ID.
getEntries(long, String) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
getEntries(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
Returns the trash entries with the matching group ID.
getEntries(long, int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
Returns a range of all the trash entries matching the group ID.
getEntries(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
Returns a range of all the trash entries matching the group ID.
getEntries(long, String) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
getEntries(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
Returns the trash entries with the matching group ID.
getEntries(long, int, int) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
Returns a range of all the trash entries matching the group ID.
getEntries(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
Returns a range of all the trash entries matching the group ID.
getEntries(long, String) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
getEntries(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryService
Returns the trash entries with the matching group ID.
getEntries(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryService
Returns a range of all the trash entries matching the group ID.
getEntries(long, String) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryService
getEntries(long, String, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryService
Returns a range of all the trash entries matching the group ID.
getEntries(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceUtil
Returns the trash entries with the matching group ID.
getEntries(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceUtil
Returns a range of all the trash entries matching the group ID.
getEntries(long, String) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceUtil
getEntries(long, String, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceUtil
Returns a range of all the trash entries matching the group ID.
getEntries(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceWrapper
Returns the trash entries with the matching group ID.
getEntries(long, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceWrapper
Returns a range of all the trash entries matching the group ID.
getEntries(long, String) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceWrapper
getEntries(long, String, int, int, OrderByComparator<TrashEntry>) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceWrapper
Returns a range of all the trash entries matching the group ID.
getEntriesCount(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
Returns the number of trash entries with the group ID.
getEntriesCount(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
Returns the number of trash entries with the group ID.
getEntriesCount(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
Returns the number of trash entries with the group ID.
getEntry(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
Returns the trash entry with the primary key.
getEntry(String, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
Returns the entry with the entity class name and primary key.
getEntry(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
Returns the trash entry with the primary key.
getEntry(String, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
Returns the entry with the entity class name and primary key.
getEntry(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
Returns the trash entry with the primary key.
getEntry(String, long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
Returns the entry with the entity class name and primary key.
getEntryId() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Returns the entry ID of this trash entry.
getEntryId() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
getEntryId() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Returns the entry ID of this trash entry.
getEntryId() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionModel
Returns the entry ID of this trash version.
getEntryId() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionSoap
getEntryId() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
Returns the entry ID of this trash version.
getErrorMessage() - Method in exception com.liferay.trash.exception.RestoreEntryException
getGroupId() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Returns the group ID of this trash entry.
getGroupId() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
getGroupId() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Returns the group ID of this trash entry.
getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
getIndexableActionableDynamicQuery() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
getInfoMessage() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.EmptyTag
getMaxAge(Group) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.TrashHelper
getMineBaseModelsCount(long, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.test.util.WhenHasMyBaseModel
getModelAttributes() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
getModelAttributes() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
getModelClass() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
getModelClass() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
getModelClass() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
getModelClass() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
getMvccVersion() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Returns the mvcc version of this trash entry.
getMvccVersion() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
getMvccVersion() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Returns the mvcc version of this trash entry.
getMvccVersion() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionModel
Returns the mvcc version of this trash version.
getMvccVersion() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionSoap
getMvccVersion() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
Returns the mvcc version of this trash version.
getNewName(ThemeDisplay, String, long, String) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.TrashHelper
getNotInTrashBaseModelsCount(BaseModel<?>) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
getOldName() - Method in exception com.liferay.trash.exception.RestoreEntryException
getOrderBy() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.util.comparator.EntryCreateDateComparator
getOrderBy() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.util.comparator.EntryTypeComparator
getOrderBy() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.util.comparator.EntryUserNameComparator
getOrderByFields() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.util.comparator.EntryCreateDateComparator
getOrderByFields() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.util.comparator.EntryTypeComparator
getOrderByFields() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.util.comparator.EntryUserNameComparator
getOriginalTitle(String) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.TrashHelper
getOriginalTrashEntries() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryList
getOSGiServiceIdentifier() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
Returns the OSGi service identifier.
getOSGiServiceIdentifier() - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
Returns the OSGi service identifier.
getOSGiServiceIdentifier() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
Returns the OSGi service identifier.
getOSGiServiceIdentifier() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryService
Returns the OSGi service identifier.
getOSGiServiceIdentifier() - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceUtil
Returns the OSGi service identifier.
getOSGiServiceIdentifier() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceWrapper
Returns the OSGi service identifier.
getOSGiServiceIdentifier() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
Returns the OSGi service identifier.
getOSGiServiceIdentifier() - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
Returns the OSGi service identifier.
getOSGiServiceIdentifier() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
Returns the OSGi service identifier.
getPage() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.EmptyTag
getPage() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.UndoTag
getParentBaseModel(Group, long, ServiceContext) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
getParentBaseModel(Group, ServiceContext) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
getParentBaseModelClassName() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.test.util.WhenHasParent
getPersistedModel(Serializable) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
getPersistedModel(Serializable) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
getPersistedModel(Serializable) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
getPersistedModel(Serializable) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
getPersistedModel(Serializable) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
getPersistedModel(Serializable) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
getPersistence() - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
getPersistence() - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
getPortletURL() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.EmptyTag
getPortletURL() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.UndoTag
getPrimaryKey() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Returns the primary key of this trash entry.
getPrimaryKey() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
getPrimaryKey() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Returns the primary key of this trash entry.
getPrimaryKey() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionModel
Returns the primary key of this trash version.
getPrimaryKey() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionSoap
getPrimaryKey() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
Returns the primary key of this trash version.
getRecentBaseModelsCount(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.test.util.WhenHasRecentBaseModelCount
getRedirect() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.UndoTag
getRootEntry() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntry
getRootEntry() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
getSearchKeywords() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.DefaultWhenIsIndexableBaseModel
getSearchKeywords() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.test.util.WhenIsIndexableBaseModel
getService() - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
getService() - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceUtil
getService() - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
getStatus() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Returns the status of this trash entry.
getStatus() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
getStatus() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Returns the status of this trash entry.
getStatus() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionModel
Returns the status of this trash version.
getStatus() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionSoap
getStatus() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
Returns the status of this trash version.
getSystemEventSetKey() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Returns the system event set key of this trash entry.
getSystemEventSetKey() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
getSystemEventSetKey() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Returns the system event set key of this trash entry.
getTotalEntries() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.EmptyTag
getTrashEntries(int, int) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
Returns a range of all the trash entries.
getTrashEntries(int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
Returns a range of all the trash entries.
getTrashEntries(int, int) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
Returns a range of all the trash entries.
getTrashEntriesCount() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
Returns the number of trash entries.
getTrashEntriesCount() - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
Returns the number of trash entries.
getTrashEntriesCount() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
Returns the number of trash entries.
getTrashEntriesCount(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
getTrashEntry(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
Returns the trash entry with the primary key.
getTrashEntry(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
Returns the trash entry with the primary key.
getTrashEntry(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
Returns the trash entry with the primary key.
getTrashEntryClassPK(ClassedModel) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
getTrashEntryId() - Method in exception com.liferay.trash.exception.RestoreEntryException
getTrashHandler(String) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
getTrashTitle(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.TrashHelper
getTrashVersion(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
Returns the trash version with the primary key.
getTrashVersion(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
Returns the trash version with the primary key.
getTrashVersion(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
Returns the trash version with the primary key.
getTrashVersions(int, int) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
Returns a range of all the trash versions.
getTrashVersions(int, int) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
Returns a range of all the trash versions.
getTrashVersions(int, int) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
Returns a range of all the trash versions.
getTrashVersionsCount() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
Returns the number of trash versions.
getTrashVersionsCount() - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
Returns the number of trash versions.
getTrashVersionsCount() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
Returns the number of trash versions.
getType() - Method in exception com.liferay.trash.exception.RestoreEntryException
getTypeSettings() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Returns the type settings of this trash entry.
getTypeSettings() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
getTypeSettings() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Returns the type settings of this trash entry.
getTypeSettings() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionModel
Returns the type settings of this trash version.
getTypeSettings() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionSoap
getTypeSettings() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
Returns the type settings of this trash version.
getTypeSettingsProperties() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntry
getTypeSettingsProperties() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
getTypeSettingsProperties() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersion
getTypeSettingsProperties() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
getTypeSettingsProperty(String) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntry
getTypeSettingsProperty(String, String) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntry
getTypeSettingsProperty(String) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
getTypeSettingsProperty(String, String) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
getTypeSettingsProperty(String) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersion
getTypeSettingsProperty(String, String) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersion
getTypeSettingsProperty(String) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
getTypeSettingsProperty(String, String) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
getUniqueTitle(BaseModel<?>) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
getUserId() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Returns the user ID of this trash entry.
getUserId() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
getUserId() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Returns the user ID of this trash entry.
getUserName() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Returns the user name of this trash entry.
getUserName() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
getUserName() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Returns the user name of this trash entry.
getUserUuid() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Returns the user uuid of this trash entry.
getUserUuid() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Returns the user uuid of this trash entry.
getVariableInfo(TagData) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.DefineObjectsTei
getVersionId() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionModel
Returns the version ID of this trash version.
getVersionId() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionSoap
getVersionId() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
Returns the version ID of this trash version.
getVersions(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
getVersions(long, String) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
getVersions(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
getVersions(long, String) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
getVersions(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
getVersions(long, String) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
getViewContentURL(HttpServletRequest, String, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.TrashHelper
getWorkflowedModel(ClassedModel) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
getWrappedService() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
getWrappedService() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceWrapper
getWrappedService() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
group - Variable in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
groupId - Variable in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryTable


INSTANCE - Static variable in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryTable
INSTANCE - Static variable in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionTable
INVALID_CONTAINER - Static variable in exception com.liferay.trash.exception.RestoreEntryException
INVALID_NAME - Static variable in exception com.liferay.trash.exception.RestoreEntryException
INVALID_STATUS - Static variable in exception com.liferay.trash.exception.RestoreEntryException
isApproximate() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryList
isAscending() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.util.comparator.EntryCreateDateComparator
isAscending() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.util.comparator.EntryTypeComparator
isAscending() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.util.comparator.EntryUserNameComparator
isAssetEntryVisible(ClassedModel, long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.DefaultWhenIsAssetable
isAssetEntryVisible(ClassedModel, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.test.util.WhenIsAssetable
isBaseModelContainerModel() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
isCleanUpSetAttributes() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.EmptyTag
isCleanUpSetAttributes() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.UndoTag
isInTrashContainer(ClassedModel) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
isOverridable() - Method in exception com.liferay.trash.exception.RestoreEntryException
isTrashEnabled(Group) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.TrashHelper
isTrashEnabled(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.TrashHelper
isTrashEntry(Class<?>, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntry
isTrashEntry(String, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntry
isTrashEntry(Class<?>, long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
isTrashEntry(String, long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
isValidTrashTitle(String) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase


MOVE - Static variable in class com.liferay.trash.constants.TrashActionKeys
moveBaseModelFromTrash(ClassedModel, Group, ServiceContext) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.test.util.WhenIsMoveableFromTrashBaseModel
moveBaseModelToTrash(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
moveEntry(String, long, long, ServiceContext) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryService
Moves the trash entry with the entity class name and primary key, restoring it to a new location identified by the destination container model ID.
moveEntry(String, long, long, ServiceContext) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceUtil
Moves the trash entry with the entity class name and primary key, restoring it to a new location identified by the destination container model ID.
moveEntry(String, long, long, ServiceContext) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceWrapper
Moves the trash entry with the entity class name and primary key, restoring it to a new location identified by the destination container model ID.
moveParentBaseModelToTrash(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.test.util.WhenHasParent
mvccVersion - Variable in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryTable
mvccVersion - Variable in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionTable


NoSuchEntryException - Exception in com.liferay.trash.exception
NoSuchEntryException() - Constructor for exception com.liferay.trash.exception.NoSuchEntryException
NoSuchEntryException(String) - Constructor for exception com.liferay.trash.exception.NoSuchEntryException
NoSuchEntryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.liferay.trash.exception.NoSuchEntryException
NoSuchEntryException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.liferay.trash.exception.NoSuchEntryException
NoSuchVersionException - Exception in com.liferay.trash.exception
NoSuchVersionException() - Constructor for exception com.liferay.trash.exception.NoSuchVersionException
NoSuchVersionException(String) - Constructor for exception com.liferay.trash.exception.NoSuchVersionException
NoSuchVersionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.liferay.trash.exception.NoSuchVersionException
NoSuchVersionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.liferay.trash.exception.NoSuchVersionException
NOT_RESTORABLE - Static variable in exception com.liferay.trash.exception.RestoreEntryException


ORDER_BY_ASC - Static variable in class com.liferay.trash.util.comparator.EntryCreateDateComparator
ORDER_BY_ASC - Static variable in class com.liferay.trash.util.comparator.EntryTypeComparator
ORDER_BY_ASC - Static variable in class com.liferay.trash.util.comparator.EntryUserNameComparator
ORDER_BY_DESC - Static variable in class com.liferay.trash.util.comparator.EntryCreateDateComparator
ORDER_BY_DESC - Static variable in class com.liferay.trash.util.comparator.EntryTypeComparator
ORDER_BY_DESC - Static variable in class com.liferay.trash.util.comparator.EntryUserNameComparator
ORDER_BY_FIELDS - Static variable in class com.liferay.trash.util.comparator.EntryCreateDateComparator
ORDER_BY_FIELDS - Static variable in class com.liferay.trash.util.comparator.EntryTypeComparator
ORDER_BY_FIELDS - Static variable in class com.liferay.trash.util.comparator.EntryUserNameComparator
OVERWRITE - Static variable in class com.liferay.trash.constants.TrashActionKeys


persist() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
persist() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper


reindex(ClassedModel) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
remove(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Removes the trash entry with the primary key from the database.
remove(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Removes the trash entry with the primary key from the database.
remove(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Removes the trash version with the primary key from the database.
remove(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Removes the trash version with the primary key from the database.
removeAll() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Removes all the trash entries from the database.
removeAll() - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Removes all the trash entries from the database.
removeAll() - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Removes all the trash versions from the database.
removeAll() - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Removes all the trash versions from the database.
removeByC_C(long, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Removes the trash entry where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? from the database.
removeByC_C(long, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Removes the trash entry where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? from the database.
removeByC_C(long, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Removes the trash version where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? from the database.
removeByC_C(long, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Removes the trash version where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? from the database.
removeByCompanyId(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Removes all the trash entries where companyId = ? from the database.
removeByCompanyId(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Removes all the trash entries where companyId = ? from the database.
removeByE_C(long, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Removes all the trash versions where entryId = ? and classNameId = ? from the database.
removeByE_C(long, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Removes all the trash versions where entryId = ? and classNameId = ? from the database.
removeByEntryId(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
Removes all the trash versions where entryId = ? from the database.
removeByEntryId(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
Removes all the trash versions where entryId = ? from the database.
removeByG_C(long, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Removes all the trash entries where groupId = ? and classNameId = ? from the database.
removeByG_C(long, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Removes all the trash entries where groupId = ? and classNameId = ? from the database.
removeByG_LtCD(long, Date) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Removes all the trash entries where groupId = ? and createDate < ? from the database.
removeByG_LtCD(long, Date) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Removes all the trash entries where groupId = ? and createDate < ? from the database.
removeByGroupId(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
Removes all the trash entries where groupId = ? from the database.
removeByGroupId(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
Removes all the trash entries where groupId = ? from the database.
RENAME - Static variable in class com.liferay.trash.constants.TrashActionKeys
RESTORE - Static variable in class com.liferay.trash.constants.TrashActionKeys
restoreEntry(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryService
restoreEntry(long, long, String) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryService
Restores the trash entry to its original location.
restoreEntry(String, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryService
restoreEntry(String, long, long, String) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryService
restoreEntry(long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceUtil
restoreEntry(long, long, String) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceUtil
Restores the trash entry to its original location.
restoreEntry(String, long) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceUtil
restoreEntry(String, long, long, String) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceUtil
restoreEntry(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceWrapper
restoreEntry(long, long, String) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceWrapper
Restores the trash entry to its original location.
restoreEntry(String, long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceWrapper
restoreEntry(String, long, long, String) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceWrapper
RestoreEntryException - Exception in com.liferay.trash.exception
RestoreEntryException() - Constructor for exception com.liferay.trash.exception.RestoreEntryException
RestoreEntryException(int) - Constructor for exception com.liferay.trash.exception.RestoreEntryException
RestoreEntryException(int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.liferay.trash.exception.RestoreEntryException
RestoreEntryException(String) - Constructor for exception com.liferay.trash.exception.RestoreEntryException
RestoreEntryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.liferay.trash.exception.RestoreEntryException
RestoreEntryException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.liferay.trash.exception.RestoreEntryException
restoreParentBaseModelFromTrash(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.test.util.WhenIsRestorableParentBaseModelFromTrash


search(long, long, long, String, int, int, Sort) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
search(long, long, long, String, int, int, Sort) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
search(long, long, long, String, int, int, Sort) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
searchBaseModelsCount(Class<?>, long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.DefaultWhenIsIndexableBaseModel
searchBaseModelsCount(Class<?>, long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.test.util.WhenIsIndexableBaseModel
searchTestRule - Variable in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
searchTrashEntries(long, long, long, String, int, int, Sort) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
searchTrashEntries(long, long, long, String, int, int, Sort) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
searchTrashEntries(long, long, long, String, int, int, Sort) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
searchTrashEntriesCount(String, ServiceContext) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.DefaultWhenIsIndexableBaseModel
searchTrashEntriesCount(String, ServiceContext) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.test.util.WhenIsIndexableBaseModel
setApproximate(boolean) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryList
setArray(TrashEntrySoap[]) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryList
setAttributes(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.EmptyTag
setAttributes(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.UndoTag
setClassName(String) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
setClassName(String) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
setClassName(String) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionModel
setClassName(String) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
setClassNameId(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Sets the class name ID of this trash entry.
setClassNameId(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
setClassNameId(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Sets the class name ID of this trash entry.
setClassNameId(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionModel
Sets the class name ID of this trash version.
setClassNameId(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionSoap
setClassNameId(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
Sets the class name ID of this trash version.
setClassPK(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Sets the class pk of this trash entry.
setClassPK(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
setClassPK(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Sets the class pk of this trash entry.
setClassPK(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionModel
Sets the class pk of this trash version.
setClassPK(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionSoap
setClassPK(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
Sets the class pk of this trash version.
setCompanyId(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Sets the company ID of this trash entry.
setCompanyId(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
setCompanyId(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Sets the company ID of this trash entry.
setCompanyId(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionModel
Sets the company ID of this trash version.
setCompanyId(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionSoap
setCompanyId(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
Sets the company ID of this trash version.
setConfirmMessage(String) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.EmptyTag
setCount(int) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryList
setCreateDate(Date) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Sets the create date of this trash entry.
setCreateDate(Date) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
setCreateDate(Date) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Sets the create date of this trash entry.
setCtCollectionId(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Sets the ct collection ID of this trash entry.
setCtCollectionId(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
setCtCollectionId(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Sets the ct collection ID of this trash entry.
setCtCollectionId(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionModel
Sets the ct collection ID of this trash version.
setCtCollectionId(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionSoap
setCtCollectionId(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
Sets the ct collection ID of this trash version.
setDuplicateEntryId(long) - Method in exception com.liferay.trash.exception.RestoreEntryException
setEmptyMessage(String) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.EmptyTag
setEntryId(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Sets the entry ID of this trash entry.
setEntryId(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
setEntryId(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Sets the entry ID of this trash entry.
setEntryId(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionModel
Sets the entry ID of this trash version.
setEntryId(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionSoap
setEntryId(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
Sets the entry ID of this trash version.
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in exception com.liferay.trash.exception.RestoreEntryException
setGroupId(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Sets the group ID of this trash entry.
setGroupId(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
setGroupId(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Sets the group ID of this trash entry.
setInfoMessage(String) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.EmptyTag
setModelAttributes(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
setModelAttributes(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
setMvccVersion(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Sets the mvcc version of this trash entry.
setMvccVersion(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
setMvccVersion(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Sets the mvcc version of this trash entry.
setMvccVersion(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionModel
Sets the mvcc version of this trash version.
setMvccVersion(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionSoap
setMvccVersion(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
Sets the mvcc version of this trash version.
setOldName(String) - Method in exception com.liferay.trash.exception.RestoreEntryException
setOriginalTrashEntries(List<TrashEntry>) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryList
setOverridable(boolean) - Method in exception com.liferay.trash.exception.RestoreEntryException
setPageContext(PageContext) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.EmptyTag
setPageContext(PageContext) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.UndoTag
setPortletURL(PortletURL) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.EmptyTag
setPortletURL(String) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.EmptyTag
setPortletURL(PortletURL) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.UndoTag
setPortletURL(String) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.UndoTag
setPrimaryKey(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Sets the primary key of this trash entry.
setPrimaryKey(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
setPrimaryKey(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Sets the primary key of this trash entry.
setPrimaryKey(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionModel
Sets the primary key of this trash version.
setPrimaryKey(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionSoap
setPrimaryKey(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
Sets the primary key of this trash version.
setRedirect(String) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.UndoTag
setRootEntry(TrashEntry) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntry
setRootEntry(TrashEntry) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
setStatus(int) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Sets the status of this trash entry.
setStatus(int) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
setStatus(int) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Sets the status of this trash entry.
setStatus(int) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionModel
Sets the status of this trash version.
setStatus(int) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionSoap
setStatus(int) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
Sets the status of this trash version.
setSystemEventSetKey(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Sets the system event set key of this trash entry.
setSystemEventSetKey(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
setSystemEventSetKey(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Sets the system event set key of this trash entry.
setTotalEntries(int) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.EmptyTag
setTrashEntryId(long) - Method in exception com.liferay.trash.exception.RestoreEntryException
setType(int) - Method in exception com.liferay.trash.exception.RestoreEntryException
setTypeSettings(String) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Sets the type settings of this trash entry.
setTypeSettings(String) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
setTypeSettings(String) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Sets the type settings of this trash entry.
setTypeSettings(String) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionModel
Sets the type settings of this trash version.
setTypeSettings(String) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionSoap
setTypeSettings(String) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
Sets the type settings of this trash version.
setTypeSettingsProperties(UnicodeProperties) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntry
setTypeSettingsProperties(UnicodeProperties) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
setTypeSettingsProperties(UnicodeProperties) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersion
setTypeSettingsProperties(UnicodeProperties) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
setUp() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
setUserId(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Sets the user ID of this trash entry.
setUserId(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
setUserId(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Sets the user ID of this trash entry.
setUserName(String) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Sets the user name of this trash entry.
setUserName(String) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
setUserName(String) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Sets the user name of this trash entry.
setUserUuid(String) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryModel
Sets the user uuid of this trash entry.
setUserUuid(String) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
Sets the user uuid of this trash entry.
setVersionId(long) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionModel
Sets the version ID of this trash version.
setVersionId(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionSoap
setVersionId(long) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
Sets the version ID of this trash version.
setWrappedService(TrashEntryLocalService) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
setWrappedService(TrashEntryService) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceWrapper
setWrappedService(TrashVersionLocalService) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
status - Variable in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryTable
status - Variable in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionTable
systemEventSetKey - Variable in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryTable


testDeleteTrashVersions() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testMoveBaseModelToTrash() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testMoveBaseModelToTrashIndexable() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testMoveBaseModelToTrashIndexableAndReindex() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testMoveBaseModelToTrashIndexableWithEqualsParentAndBaseModelClass() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testMoveBaseModelToTrashIndexableWithEqualsParentAndBaseModelClassAndReindex() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testMoveBaseModelToTrashIsNotVisible() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testMoveBaseModelToTrashStatusIsInTrash() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testMoveBaseModelToTrashUniqueTitleNotChange() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashAndDeleteWithApprovedStatus() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashAndDeleteWithApprovedStatusIndexable() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashAndDeleteWithApprovedStatusIndexableAndEqualsParentAndBaseModelClass() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashAndDeleteWithApprovedStatusIsNotFound() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashAndDeleteWithDraftStatus() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashAndDeleteWithDraftStatusIndexable() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashAndDeleteWithDraftStatusIsNotFound() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashAndRestoreWithApprovedStatus() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashAndRestoreWithApprovedStatusIndexable() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashAndRestoreWithApprovedStatusIndexableAndEqualsParentAndBaseModelClass() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashAndRestoreWithApprovedStatusIsVisible() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashAndRestoreWithApprovedStatusRestoreStatus() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashAndRestoreWithApprovedStatusRestoreUniqueTitle() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashAndRestoreWithDraftStatus() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashAndRestoreWithDraftStatusIndexable() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashAndRestoreWithDraftStatusIsNotVisible() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashAndRestoreWithDraftStatusRestoreStatus() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashAndRestoreWithDraftStatusRestoreUniqueTitle() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashBaseModelAndDeleteWithParentIsNotRestorable() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashBaseModelAndParentAndDeleteGroupTrashEntries() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashBaseModelAndParentAndDeleteParent() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashBaseModelAndParentAndDeleteParentNoMoveableFromTrash() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashBaseModelAndParentAndRestore() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashBaseModelAndParentAndRestoreModel() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashBaseModelAndParentAndRestoreModelIsVisible() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashBaseModelAndParentIsInContainerBaseModel() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashBaseModelAndParentIsNotVisible() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashBaseModelAndTrashParentAndDeleteParentIsNotRestorable() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashBaseModelAndTrashParentIsNotRestorable() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashBaseModelIsInTrashContainer() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashBaseModelWithParentIsRestorable() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashDuplicate() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashGrandparentBaseModel() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashGrandparentBaseModelAndRestoreParentModel() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashGrandparentBaseModelAndRestoreParentModelIsNotInTrashContainer() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashGrandparentBaseModelAndRestoreParentModelIsVisible() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashGrandparentBaseModelAndRestoreParentModelIsVisibleParent() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashGrandparentBaseModelIsNotVisible() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashGrandparentBaseModelIsNotVisibleParent() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashIsRestorableBaseModel() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashMyBaseModel() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashParent() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashParentAndBaseModel() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashParentAndDeleteGroupTrashEntries() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashParentAndDeleteParent() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashParentAndRestoreBaseModelIsVisible() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashParentAndRestoreIndexable() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashParentAndRestoreParentAndBaseModel() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashParentIndexable() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashParentIndexableAndReindex() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashParentIsNotVisible() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashParentWithBaseModelIsInTrashContainer() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashParentWithBaseModelIsIsNotVisible() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashRecentBaseModel() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashVersionBaseModel() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashVersionBaseModelAndDelete() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashVersionBaseModelAndDeleteIndexable() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashVersionBaseModelAndDeleteIndexableWithEqualsParentAndBaseModelClass() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashVersionBaseModelAndDeleteIsNotFound() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashVersionBaseModelAndRestore() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashVersionBaseModelAndRestoreIndexable() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashVersionBaseModelAndRestoreIndexableWithEqualsParentAndBaseModelClass() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashVersionBaseModelAndRestoreIsVisible() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashVersionBaseModelIndexable() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashVersionBaseModelIndexableAndReindex() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashVersionBaseModelIndexableWithEqualsParentAndBaseModelClass() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashVersionBaseModelIndexableWithEqualsParentAndBaseModelClassAndReindex() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashVersionBaseModelIsNotVisible() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashVersionParentBaseModel() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashVersionParentBaseModelAndCustomRestore() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashVersionParentBaseModelAndRestore() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashVersionParentBaseModelAndRestoreIsNotInTrashContainer() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashVersionParentBaseModelAndRestoreIsVisible() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashVersionParentBaseModelIndexable() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
testTrashVersionParentBaseModelIsNotVisible() - Method in class com.liferay.trash.test.util.BaseTrashHandlerTestCase
toSoapModel(TrashEntry) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
toSoapModel(TrashVersion) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionSoap
toSoapModels(TrashEntry[]) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
toSoapModels(TrashEntry[][]) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
toSoapModels(List<TrashEntry>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
toSoapModels(TrashVersion[]) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionSoap
toSoapModels(TrashVersion[][]) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionSoap
toSoapModels(List<TrashVersion>) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionSoap
TRASH - Static variable in class com.liferay.trash.constants.TrashPortletKeys
TRASH_HELPER - Static variable in class com.liferay.trash.util.TrashWebKeys
TrashActionKeys - Class in com.liferay.trash.constants
Contains constant versions of action IDs related to trash.
TrashActionKeys() - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.constants.TrashActionKeys
TrashEntry - Interface in com.liferay.trash.model
The extended model interface for the TrashEntry service.
TrashEntryConstants - Class in com.liferay.trash.constants
TrashEntryConstants() - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.constants.TrashEntryConstants
TrashEntryConstants - Class in com.liferay.trash.model
As of Athanasius (7.3.x), replaced by TrashEntryConstants
TrashEntryConstants() - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryConstants
TrashEntryException - Exception in com.liferay.trash.exception
TrashEntryException() - Constructor for exception com.liferay.trash.exception.TrashEntryException
TrashEntryException(String) - Constructor for exception com.liferay.trash.exception.TrashEntryException
TrashEntryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.liferay.trash.exception.TrashEntryException
TrashEntryException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.liferay.trash.exception.TrashEntryException
TrashEntryList - Class in com.liferay.trash.model
TrashEntryList() - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryList
TrashEntryLocalService - Interface in com.liferay.trash.service
Provides the local service interface for TrashEntry.
TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil - Class in com.liferay.trash.service
Provides the local service utility for TrashEntry.
TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil() - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper - Class in com.liferay.trash.service
Provides a wrapper for TrashEntryLocalService.
TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper(TrashEntryLocalService) - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
TrashEntryModel - Interface in com.liferay.trash.model
The base model interface for the TrashEntry service.
TrashEntryPersistence - Interface in com.liferay.trash.service.persistence
The persistence interface for the trash entry service.
TrashEntryService - Interface in com.liferay.trash.service
Provides the remote service interface for TrashEntry.
TrashEntryServiceUtil - Class in com.liferay.trash.service
Provides the remote service utility for TrashEntry.
TrashEntryServiceUtil() - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceUtil
TrashEntryServiceWrapper - Class in com.liferay.trash.service
Provides a wrapper for TrashEntryService.
TrashEntryServiceWrapper(TrashEntryService) - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryServiceWrapper
TrashEntrySoap - Class in com.liferay.trash.model
As of Athanasius (7.3.x), with no direct replacement
TrashEntrySoap() - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntrySoap
TrashEntryTable - Class in com.liferay.trash.model
The table class for the "TrashEntry" database table.
TrashEntryUtil - Class in com.liferay.trash.service.persistence
The persistence utility for the trash entry service.
TrashEntryUtil() - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
TrashEntryWrapper - Class in com.liferay.trash.model
This class is a wrapper for TrashEntry.
TrashEntryWrapper(TrashEntry) - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
TrashHelper - Interface in com.liferay.trash
TrashPortletKeys - Class in com.liferay.trash.constants
Provides the portlet ID for the implementation of the com.liferay.trash.web.internal.portlet.TrashPortlet.
TrashPortletKeys() - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.constants.TrashPortletKeys
TrashTestUtil - Class in com.liferay.trash.test.util
TrashTestUtil() - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.test.util.TrashTestUtil
TrashVersion - Interface in com.liferay.trash.model
The extended model interface for the TrashVersion service.
TrashVersionLocalService - Interface in com.liferay.trash.service
Provides the local service interface for TrashVersion.
TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil - Class in com.liferay.trash.service
Provides the local service utility for TrashVersion.
TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil() - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper - Class in com.liferay.trash.service
Provides a wrapper for TrashVersionLocalService.
TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper(TrashVersionLocalService) - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
TrashVersionModel - Interface in com.liferay.trash.model
The base model interface for the TrashVersion service.
TrashVersionPersistence - Interface in com.liferay.trash.service.persistence
The persistence interface for the trash version service.
TrashVersionSoap - Class in com.liferay.trash.model
As of Athanasius (7.3.x), with no direct replacement
TrashVersionSoap() - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionSoap
TrashVersionTable - Class in com.liferay.trash.model
The table class for the "TrashVersion" database table.
TrashVersionUtil - Class in com.liferay.trash.service.persistence
The persistence utility for the trash version service.
TrashVersionUtil() - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
TrashVersionWrapper - Class in com.liferay.trash.model
This class is a wrapper for TrashVersion.
TrashVersionWrapper(TrashVersion) - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
TrashWebKeys - Class in com.liferay.trash.util
TrashWebKeys() - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.util.TrashWebKeys
typeSettings - Variable in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryTable
typeSettings - Variable in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionTable


UndoTag - Class in com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib
Creates a message confirming items were moved to the Recycle Bin, and presents an option to restore them.
UndoTag() - Constructor for class com.liferay.trash.taglib.servlet.taglib.UndoTag
update(TrashEntry) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
update(TrashEntry, ServiceContext) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
update(TrashVersion) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
update(TrashVersion, ServiceContext) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
updateBaseModel(long, ServiceContext) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.test.util.WhenIsUpdatableBaseModel
updateImpl(TrashEntry) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryPersistence
updateImpl(TrashEntry) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashEntryUtil
updateImpl(TrashVersion) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionPersistence
updateImpl(TrashVersion) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.persistence.TrashVersionUtil
updateTrashEntry(TrashEntry) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
Updates the trash entry in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
updateTrashEntry(TrashEntry) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil
Updates the trash entry in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
updateTrashEntry(TrashEntry) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
Updates the trash entry in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
updateTrashVersion(TrashVersion) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
Updates the trash version in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
updateTrashVersion(TrashVersion) - Static method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceUtil
Updates the trash version in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
updateTrashVersion(TrashVersion) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
Updates the trash version in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
updateWithUnsafeFunction(UnsafeFunction<CTPersistence<TrashEntry>, R, E>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalService
updateWithUnsafeFunction(UnsafeFunction<CTPersistence<TrashEntry>, R, E>) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashEntryLocalServiceWrapper
updateWithUnsafeFunction(UnsafeFunction<CTPersistence<TrashVersion>, R, E>) - Method in interface com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalService
updateWithUnsafeFunction(UnsafeFunction<CTPersistence<TrashVersion>, R, E>) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.service.TrashVersionLocalServiceWrapper
userId - Variable in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryTable
userName - Variable in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryTable


VERSION_ID_ACCESSOR - Static variable in interface com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersion
versionId - Variable in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionTable


WhenCanBeDuplicatedInTrash - Interface in com.liferay.trash.test.util
WhenHasDraftStatus - Interface in com.liferay.trash.test.util
WhenHasGrandParent - Interface in com.liferay.trash.test.util
WhenHasMyBaseModel - Interface in com.liferay.trash.test.util
WhenHasParent - Interface in com.liferay.trash.test.util
WhenHasRecentBaseModelCount - Interface in com.liferay.trash.test.util
WhenIsAssetable - Interface in com.liferay.trash.test.util
WhenIsAssetableBaseModel - Interface in com.liferay.trash.test.util
WhenIsAssetableParentModel - Interface in com.liferay.trash.test.util
WhenIsIndexableBaseModel - Interface in com.liferay.trash.test.util
WhenIsMoveableFromTrashBaseModel - Interface in com.liferay.trash.test.util
WhenIsRestorableBaseModel - Interface in com.liferay.trash.test.util
WhenIsRestorableParentBaseModelFromTrash - Interface in com.liferay.trash.test.util
WhenIsUpdatableBaseModel - Interface in com.liferay.trash.test.util
WhenIsVersionableBaseModel - Interface in com.liferay.trash.test.util
WhenParentModelIsSameType - Interface in com.liferay.trash.test.util
wrap(TrashEntry) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashEntryWrapper
wrap(TrashVersion) - Method in class com.liferay.trash.model.TrashVersionWrapper
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