Interface InitCookieInfo

All Known Subinterfaces:
GroupSessionMgr, UserSessionMgr
All Known Implementing Classes:
GenericGroupSessionImpl, GenericUserSessionImpl, InitCookieInfoImpl

public interface InitCookieInfo

The init cookie information provides a mean to store information if a InitCookie call is required before performing any other wsrp call. Since a call of init cookie may be required only once for a group or a user per producer, this interface also offers method to check this call has been done already or not. As an initCookie call in WSRP can be required on a per group or per user basis an object implementing this interface can typically be hold in a user or group session. Implementations of this interface hold a MarkupPortType stub to handle cookies correctly

Stephan Laertz, Peter Fischer

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getMarkupInterfaceURL()
          Get the markup interface URL
 WSRP_v1_Markup_PortType getWSRPBaseService()
          Get the markup interface portType
 boolean isInitCookieDone()
          Check wether a initCookie call has been done already or not.
 boolean isInitCookieRequired()
          Check if an initCookie call is generally required.
 void setInitCookieDone(boolean initCookieDone)
          Set if an initCookie call has been done already or not.
 void setInitCookieRequired(boolean initCookieRequired)
          Set a boolean value to indicate if an initCookie call needs to be done.
 void setWSRPBaseService(WSRP_v1_Markup_PortType markupPortType)
          set the markup interface portType

Method Detail


public boolean isInitCookieRequired()
Check if an initCookie call is generally required. This does not necessarily say anything if the required initCookie call has been done already. Use isInitCookieDone for this purpose.

True if a call of init cookie is generally required.


public void setInitCookieRequired(boolean initCookieRequired)
Set a boolean value to indicate if an initCookie call needs to be done.

initCookieRequired - True if an initCookie call is generally required


public boolean isInitCookieDone()
Check wether a initCookie call has been done already or not.

True if an initCookie has been done already


public void setInitCookieDone(boolean initCookieDone)
Set if an initCookie call has been done already or not.

initCookieDone - Set to true if the call has been done; false otherwise


public java.lang.String getMarkupInterfaceURL()
Get the markup interface URL

the markup interface URL


public WSRP_v1_Markup_PortType getWSRPBaseService()
Get the markup interface portType

the markup interface portType


public void setWSRPBaseService(WSRP_v1_Markup_PortType markupPortType)
set the markup interface portType

markupPortType - the markup interface portType