Interface PortletServices

public interface PortletServices

WSRP portlet services are all wsrp service interfaces which are session dependent. With the implemented version 0.91 of the WSRP specification the markup interface and the portlet management interface depend on using the same session cookie in an clustered environment. This interface provides a vehicle to store and retrieve the portTypes of these interfaces.

Stephan Laertz

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getPortletServicesURL()
          Get the URL of the producers markup and portlet management service interface.
 WSRP_v1_Markup_PortType getWSRPBaseService()
          Get a port type object describing the operations of a produces markup service endpoint.
 WSRP_v1_PortletManagement_PortType getWSRPPortletManagementService()
          Get a port type object describing the operations of a produces portlet management service endpoint.
 void setWSRPBaseService(WSRP_v1_Markup_PortType markupPortType)
          Set the portType object of the markup service.
 void setWSRPPortletManagementService(WSRP_v1_PortletManagement_PortType portletManagementPortType)
          Set the portType object of the portlet management service.

Method Detail


public void setWSRPPortletManagementService(WSRP_v1_PortletManagement_PortType portletManagementPortType)
Set the portType object of the portlet management service.

portletManagementPortType - Port type object which describes the operations of the producers portlet mamagement service endpoint


public WSRP_v1_PortletManagement_PortType getWSRPPortletManagementService()
Get a port type object describing the operations of a produces portlet management service endpoint.

Portlet management port type object


public void setWSRPBaseService(WSRP_v1_Markup_PortType markupPortType)
Set the portType object of the markup service.

markupPortType - Port type object which describes the operations of the producers markup service endpoint


public WSRP_v1_Markup_PortType getWSRPBaseService()
Get a port type object describing the operations of a produces markup service endpoint.

Markup port type object


public java.lang.String getPortletServicesURL()
Get the URL of the producers markup and portlet management service interface. Since both services can depend on a producer session they need to have the same accessPoint.

The URL of the producers markup and portlet management service interface.