Interface URLTemplateComposer

public interface URLTemplateComposer

This interface provides methods to generate URL templates.

The generated templates will be transmitted to Producers (or respectively portlets) that are willing to properly write URLs for a Consumer. (With templates the Consumer indicates how it needs URLs formatted in order to process them properly.)

Stefan Behl

Method Summary
 java.lang.String createBlockingActionTemplate(boolean includePortletHandle, boolean includeUserContextKey, boolean includePortletInstanceKey, boolean includeSessionID)
          Creates a blocking action template.
 java.lang.String createDefaultTemplate(boolean includePortletHandle, boolean includeUserContextKey, boolean includePortletInstanceKey, boolean includeSessionID)
          Creates a default template.
 java.lang.String createRenderTemplate(boolean includePortletHandle, boolean includeUserContextKey, boolean includePortletInstanceKey, boolean includeSessionID)
          Creates a render template.
 java.lang.String createResourceTemplate(boolean includePortletHandle, boolean includeUserContextKey, boolean includePortletInstanceKey, boolean includeSessionID)
          Creates a resource template.
 java.lang.String createSecureBlockingActionTemplate(boolean includePortletHandle, boolean includeUserContextKey, boolean includePortletInstanceKey, boolean includeSessionID)
          Creates a secure blocking action template.
 java.lang.String createSecureDefaultTemplate(boolean includePortletHandle, boolean includeUserContextKey, boolean includePortletInstanceKey, boolean includeSessionID)
          Creates a secure default template.
 java.lang.String createSecureRenderTemplate(boolean includePortletHandle, boolean includeUserContextKey, boolean includePortletInstanceKey, boolean includeSessionID)
          Creates a secure render template.
 java.lang.String createSecureResourceTemplate(boolean includePortletHandle, boolean includeUserContextKey, boolean includePortletInstanceKey, boolean includeSessionID)
          Creates a secure resource template.
 java.lang.String getNamespacePrefix()
          Get the consumers namespace prefix which is used by the portlet to namespace tokens which need to be unique on a aggregated page.
 void setURLGenerator(URLGenerator urlGenerator)
          Sets the URLGenerator to be used.

Method Detail


public void setURLGenerator(URLGenerator urlGenerator)
Sets the URLGenerator to be used.


public java.lang.String createBlockingActionTemplate(boolean includePortletHandle,
                                                     boolean includeUserContextKey,
                                                     boolean includePortletInstanceKey,
                                                     boolean includeSessionID)
Creates a blocking action template. Includes tokens for url-type, portletMode, navigationalState, interactionState and windowState to be replaced by the producer.

String representing the entire template.


public java.lang.String createSecureBlockingActionTemplate(boolean includePortletHandle,
                                                           boolean includeUserContextKey,
                                                           boolean includePortletInstanceKey,
                                                           boolean includeSessionID)
Creates a secure blocking action template. Includes tokens for url-type, portletMode, navigationalState, interactionState, windowState and secureURL to be replaced by the producer.

String representing the entire template.


public java.lang.String createRenderTemplate(boolean includePortletHandle,
                                             boolean includeUserContextKey,
                                             boolean includePortletInstanceKey,
                                             boolean includeSessionID)
Creates a render template. Includes tokens for url-type, portletMode, navigationalState, interactionState and windowState to be replaced by the producer.

String representing the entire template.


public java.lang.String createSecureRenderTemplate(boolean includePortletHandle,
                                                   boolean includeUserContextKey,
                                                   boolean includePortletInstanceKey,
                                                   boolean includeSessionID)
Creates a secure render template. Includes tokens for url-type, portletMode, navigationalState, interactionState, windowState and secureURL to be replaced by the producer.

String representing the entire template.


public java.lang.String createResourceTemplate(boolean includePortletHandle,
                                               boolean includeUserContextKey,
                                               boolean includePortletInstanceKey,
                                               boolean includeSessionID)
Creates a resource template. Includes tokens for url-type, rewriteResource and url to be replaced by the producer.

String representing the entire template.


public java.lang.String createSecureResourceTemplate(boolean includePortletHandle,
                                                     boolean includeUserContextKey,
                                                     boolean includePortletInstanceKey,
                                                     boolean includeSessionID)
Creates a secure resource template. Includes tokens for url-type, url, rewriteResource, and secureURL to be replaced by the producer.

String representing the entire template.


public java.lang.String createDefaultTemplate(boolean includePortletHandle,
                                              boolean includeUserContextKey,
                                              boolean includePortletInstanceKey,
                                              boolean includeSessionID)
Creates a default template. Includes tokens for url-type, portletMode, navigationalState, interactionState, windowState, url, rewriteResource and secureURL to be replaced by the producer.

String representing the entire template.


public java.lang.String createSecureDefaultTemplate(boolean includePortletHandle,
                                                    boolean includeUserContextKey,
                                                    boolean includePortletInstanceKey,
                                                    boolean includeSessionID)
Creates a secure default template. Includes tokens for url-type, portletMode, navigationalState, interactionState, windowState, url, rewriteResource and secureURL to be replaced by the producer.

String representing the entire template.


public java.lang.String getNamespacePrefix()
Get the consumers namespace prefix which is used by the portlet to namespace tokens which need to be unique on a aggregated page.

The namespace prefix of the consumer.