Class GenericPortletWindowSessionImpl

  extended byorg.apache.wsrp4j.consumer.driver.GenericPortletWindowSessionImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class GenericPortletWindowSessionImpl
extends java.lang.Object
implements PortletWindowSession

Constructor Summary
GenericPortletWindowSessionImpl(java.lang.String windowID, PortletSession pSession)
Method Summary
 MarkupContext getCachedMarkup()
          Get the markup context which has been cached.
 PortletSession getPortletSession()
          Get the portlet session this window session belongs to.
 java.lang.String getWindowID()
          Get the ID of the portlets window this session belongs to.
 void setWindowID(java.lang.String windowID)
          Set the ID of the portlets window this sessions belongs to.
 void updateMarkupCache(MarkupContext markupContext)
          Update the cache which holds the markup context.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public GenericPortletWindowSessionImpl(java.lang.String windowID,
                                       PortletSession pSession)
Method Detail


public PortletSession getPortletSession()
Description copied from interface: PortletWindowSession
Get the portlet session this window session belongs to.

Specified by:
getPortletSession in interface PortletWindowSession
The PortletSession this window session belongs to.


public java.lang.String getWindowID()
Description copied from interface: PortletWindowSession
Get the ID of the portlets window this session belongs to.

Specified by:
getWindowID in interface PortletWindowSession
The ID of the portlet window.


public void setWindowID(java.lang.String windowID)
Description copied from interface: PortletWindowSession
Set the ID of the portlets window this sessions belongs to.

Specified by:
setWindowID in interface PortletWindowSession
windowID - The ID of the portlet window.


public MarkupContext getCachedMarkup()
Description copied from interface: PortletWindowSession
Get the markup context which has been cached. This might be useful to retrieve the markup which was returned performBlockingInteraction calls in order to save an additional getMarkup call.

Specified by:
getCachedMarkup in interface PortletWindowSession
The cached markup context or null in case the cache is empty.


public void updateMarkupCache(MarkupContext markupContext)
Description copied from interface: PortletWindowSession
Update the cache which holds the markup context. This might be useful to store the markup which was returned by performBlockingInteraction calls in order to save an additional getMarkup call. Updateing the cache with a null value clears the markup cache.

Specified by:
updateMarkupCache in interface PortletWindowSession
markupContext - The markup context or null in case the cache should be cleared.