Class WSRPPortletImpl

  extended byorg.apache.wsrp4j.util.StateChangedServiceImpl
      extended byorg.apache.wsrp4j.consumer.driver.WSRPPortletImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
StateChangedService, WSRPPortlet

public class WSRPPortletImpl
extends StateChangedServiceImpl
implements WSRPPortlet

Implements the portlet interface

Constructor Summary
WSRPPortletImpl(PortletKey portletKey)
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getParent()
          Get the portlet handle of the parent portlet.
 PortletContext getPortletContext()
          Get the portlet context object which contains information about the portlet state.
 PortletKey getPortletKey()
          Get the portlet key of the portlet.
 boolean isConsumerConfigured()
          Checks if a portlet is consumer configured portlet.
 void setParent(java.lang.String portletHandle)
          Set the portlet handle of the parent portlet.
 void setPortletContext(PortletContext portletContext)
          Set the portlet context of the portlet.
 void setPortletKey(PortletKey portletKey)
          Set the portlet key of the portlet.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.wsrp4j.util.StateChangedServiceImpl
addListener, stateChanged
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public WSRPPortletImpl()


public WSRPPortletImpl(PortletKey portletKey)
Method Detail


public PortletKey getPortletKey()
Description copied from interface: WSRPPortlet
Get the portlet key of the portlet. The key can be used to reference to the portlet.

Specified by:
getPortletKey in interface WSRPPortlet
a portlet key object


public void setPortletKey(PortletKey portletKey)
Description copied from interface: WSRPPortlet
Set the portlet key of the portlet.

Specified by:
setPortletKey in interface WSRPPortlet
portletKey - The portlet key of the portlet


public void setPortletContext(PortletContext portletContext)
Description copied from interface: WSRPPortlet
Set the portlet context of the portlet.

Specified by:
setPortletContext in interface WSRPPortlet
portletContext - The portlet context of the portlet


public PortletContext getPortletContext()
Description copied from interface: WSRPPortlet
Get the portlet context object which contains information about the portlet state.

Specified by:
getPortletContext in interface WSRPPortlet
the portlet context object of the portlet.


public java.lang.String getParent()
Description copied from interface: WSRPPortlet
Get the portlet handle of the parent portlet. If the portlet is not a consumer configured portlet the handle returned by this method should be the same as the handle in the portlet key returned by getPortletKey.

Specified by:
getParent in interface WSRPPortlet
the portlet handle of the parent portlet.


public void setParent(java.lang.String portletHandle)
Description copied from interface: WSRPPortlet
Set the portlet handle of the parent portlet. If the supplied handle is not equal to the handle in the portlet key returned by getPortletKey this method makes the portlet a consumer configured portlet.

Specified by:
setParent in interface WSRPPortlet
portletHandle - the portlet handle of the parent portlet


public boolean isConsumerConfigured()
Description copied from interface: WSRPPortlet
Checks if a portlet is consumer configured portlet.

Specified by:
isConsumerConfigured in interface WSRPPortlet
True if the result getParent() is not equal to the portlet handle of the portlet key.