Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5

Uses of Interface

Packages that use StagedAuditedModel
com.liferay.portal.model This package defines the portal model interfaces, classes, utilities, wrappers, and annotated types. 

Uses of StagedAuditedModel in com.liferay.portal.model

Subinterfaces of StagedAuditedModel in com.liferay.portal.model
 interface Address
          The extended model interface for the Address service.
 interface AddressModel
          The base model interface for the Address service.
 interface EmailAddress
          The extended model interface for the EmailAddress service.
 interface EmailAddressModel
          The base model interface for the EmailAddress service.
 interface LayoutPrototype
          The extended model interface for the LayoutPrototype service.
 interface LayoutPrototypeModel
          The base model interface for the LayoutPrototype service.
 interface LayoutSetPrototype
          The extended model interface for the LayoutSetPrototype service.
 interface LayoutSetPrototypeModel
          The base model interface for the LayoutSetPrototype service.
 interface Organization
          The extended model interface for the Organization service.
 interface OrganizationModel
          The base model interface for the Organization service.
 interface PasswordPolicy
          The extended model interface for the PasswordPolicy service.
 interface PasswordPolicyModel
          The base model interface for the PasswordPolicy service.
 interface Phone
          The extended model interface for the Phone service.
 interface PhoneModel
          The base model interface for the Phone service.
 interface Role
          The extended model interface for the Role service.
 interface RoleModel
          The base model interface for the Role service.
 interface UserGroup
          The extended model interface for the UserGroup service.
 interface UserGroupModel
          The base model interface for the UserGroup service.
 interface Website
          The extended model interface for the Website service.
 interface WebsiteModel
          The base model interface for the Website service.

Classes in com.liferay.portal.model that implement StagedAuditedModel
 class AddressWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Address.
 class EmailAddressWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for EmailAddress.
 class LayoutPrototypeWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for LayoutPrototype.
 class LayoutSetPrototypeWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for LayoutSetPrototype.
 class OrganizationWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Organization.
 class PasswordPolicyWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for PasswordPolicy.
 class PhoneWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Phone.
 class RoleWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Role.
 class UserGroupWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for UserGroup.
 class WebsiteWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for Website.

Uses of StagedAuditedModel in com.liferay.portlet.announcements.model

Subinterfaces of StagedAuditedModel in com.liferay.portlet.announcements.model
 interface AnnouncementsEntry
          The extended model interface for the AnnouncementsEntry service.
 interface AnnouncementsEntryModel
          The base model interface for the AnnouncementsEntry service.

Classes in com.liferay.portlet.announcements.model that implement StagedAuditedModel
 class AnnouncementsEntryWrapper
           This class is a wrapper for AnnouncementsEntry.

Liferay 6.2-ce-ga5