Liferay 7.0-ga1 portal-impl

Class AnnouncementsEntryPersistenceImpl

  extended by com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.persistence.impl.BasePersistenceImpl<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry>
      extended by com.liferay.portlet.announcements.service.persistence.impl.AnnouncementsEntryPersistenceImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence, com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.SessionFactory, com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.persistence.BasePersistence<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry>

public class AnnouncementsEntryPersistenceImpl
extends com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.persistence.impl.BasePersistenceImpl<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry>
implements com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence

The persistence implementation for the announcements entry service.

Caching information and settings can be found in

See Also:
AnnouncementsEntryPersistence, AnnouncementsEntryUtil

Field Summary
protected  com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.persistence.CompanyProvider companyProvider
protected  com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.EntityCache entityCache
static com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_COUNT_ALL
static com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_C_C
static com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_C_C_A
static com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_USERID
static com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_UUID
static com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_UUID_C
static com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_WITH_PAGINATION_FIND_ALL
static com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_WITH_PAGINATION_FIND_BY_C_C
static com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_WITH_PAGINATION_FIND_BY_C_C_A
static com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_WITH_PAGINATION_FIND_BY_USERID
static com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_WITH_PAGINATION_FIND_BY_UUID
static com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_WITH_PAGINATION_FIND_BY_UUID_C
static com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_WITHOUT_PAGINATION_FIND_ALL
static com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_WITHOUT_PAGINATION_FIND_BY_C_C
static com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_WITHOUT_PAGINATION_FIND_BY_C_C_A
static com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_WITHOUT_PAGINATION_FIND_BY_USERID
static com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_WITHOUT_PAGINATION_FIND_BY_UUID
static com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_WITHOUT_PAGINATION_FIND_BY_UUID_C
protected  com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderCache finderCache
Fields inherited from class com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.persistence.impl.BasePersistenceImpl
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void afterPropertiesSet()
          Initializes the announcements entry persistence.
 void cacheResult(com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry)
          Caches the announcements entry in the entity cache if it is enabled.
 void cacheResult(List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> announcementsEntries)
          Caches the announcements entries in the entity cache if it is enabled.
 void clearCache()
          Clears the cache for all announcements entries.
 void clearCache(com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry)
          Clears the cache for the announcements entry.
 void clearCache(List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> announcementsEntries)
 int countAll()
          Returns the number of announcements entries.
 int countByC_C_A(long classNameId, long classPK, boolean alert)
          Returns the number of announcements entries where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.
 int countByC_C(long classNameId, long classPK)
          Returns the number of announcements entries where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
 int countByUserId(long userId)
          Returns the number of announcements entries where userId = ?.
 int countByUuid_C(String uuid, long companyId)
          Returns the number of announcements entries where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
 int countByUuid(String uuid)
          Returns the number of announcements entries where uuid = ?.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry create(long entryId)
          Creates a new announcements entry with the primary key.
 void destroy()
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry fetchByC_C_A_First(long classNameId, long classPK, boolean alert, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the first announcements entry in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry fetchByC_C_A_Last(long classNameId, long classPK, boolean alert, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the last announcements entry in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry fetchByC_C_First(long classNameId, long classPK, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the first announcements entry in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry fetchByC_C_Last(long classNameId, long classPK, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the last announcements entry in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry fetchByPrimaryKey(long entryId)
          Returns the announcements entry with the primary key or returns null if it could not be found.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry fetchByPrimaryKey(Serializable primaryKey)
          Returns the announcements entry with the primary key or returns null if it could not be found.
 Map<Serializable,com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> fetchByPrimaryKeys(Set<Serializable> primaryKeys)
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry fetchByUserId_First(long userId, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the first announcements entry in the ordered set where userId = ?.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry fetchByUserId_Last(long userId, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the last announcements entry in the ordered set where userId = ?.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry fetchByUuid_C_First(String uuid, long companyId, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the first announcements entry in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry fetchByUuid_C_Last(String uuid, long companyId, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the last announcements entry in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry fetchByUuid_First(String uuid, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the first announcements entry in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry fetchByUuid_Last(String uuid, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the last announcements entry in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
 int filterCountByC_C_A(long classNameId, long classPK, boolean alert)
          Returns the number of announcements entries that the user has permission to view where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.
 int filterCountByC_C(long classNameId, long classPK)
          Returns the number of announcements entries that the user has permission to view where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
 int filterCountByUserId(long userId)
          Returns the number of announcements entries that the user has permission to view where userId = ?.
 int filterCountByUuid_C(String uuid, long companyId)
          Returns the number of announcements entries that the user has permission to view where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
 int filterCountByUuid(String uuid)
          Returns the number of announcements entries that the user has permission to view where uuid = ?.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry[] filterFindByC_C_A_PrevAndNext(long entryId, long classNameId, long classPK, boolean alert, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the announcements entries before and after the current announcements entry in the ordered set of announcements entries that the user has permission to view where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByC_C_A(long classNameId, long classPK, boolean alert)
          Returns all the announcements entries that the user has permission to view where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByC_C_A(long classNameId, long classPK, boolean alert, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the announcements entries that the user has permission to view where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByC_C_A(long classNameId, long classPK, boolean alert, int start, int end, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries that the user has permissions to view where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry[] filterFindByC_C_PrevAndNext(long entryId, long classNameId, long classPK, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the announcements entries before and after the current announcements entry in the ordered set of announcements entries that the user has permission to view where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByC_C(long classNameId, long classPK)
          Returns all the announcements entries that the user has permission to view where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByC_C(long classNameId, long classPK, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the announcements entries that the user has permission to view where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByC_C(long classNameId, long classPK, int start, int end, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries that the user has permissions to view where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry[] filterFindByUserId_PrevAndNext(long entryId, long userId, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the announcements entries before and after the current announcements entry in the ordered set of announcements entries that the user has permission to view where userId = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByUserId(long userId)
          Returns all the announcements entries that the user has permission to view where userId = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByUserId(long userId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the announcements entries that the user has permission to view where userId = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByUserId(long userId, int start, int end, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries that the user has permissions to view where userId = ?.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry[] filterFindByUuid_C_PrevAndNext(long entryId, String uuid, long companyId, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the announcements entries before and after the current announcements entry in the ordered set of announcements entries that the user has permission to view where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByUuid_C(String uuid, long companyId)
          Returns all the announcements entries that the user has permission to view where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByUuid_C(String uuid, long companyId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the announcements entries that the user has permission to view where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByUuid_C(String uuid, long companyId, int start, int end, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries that the user has permissions to view where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry[] filterFindByUuid_PrevAndNext(long entryId, String uuid, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the announcements entries before and after the current announcements entry in the ordered set of announcements entries that the user has permission to view where uuid = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByUuid(String uuid)
          Returns all the announcements entries that the user has permission to view where uuid = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByUuid(String uuid, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the announcements entries that the user has permission to view where uuid = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByUuid(String uuid, int start, int end, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries that the user has permissions to view where uuid = ?.
protected  com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry filterGetByC_C_A_PrevAndNext(com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Session session, com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry, long classNameId, long classPK, boolean alert, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry filterGetByC_C_PrevAndNext(com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Session session, com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry, long classNameId, long classPK, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry filterGetByUserId_PrevAndNext(com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Session session, com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry, long userId, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry filterGetByUuid_C_PrevAndNext(com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Session session, com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry, String uuid, long companyId, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry filterGetByUuid_PrevAndNext(com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Session session, com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry, String uuid, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator, boolean previous)
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findAll()
          Returns all the announcements entries.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findAll(int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the announcements entries.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findAll(int start, int end, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findAll(int start, int end, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry findByC_C_A_First(long classNameId, long classPK, boolean alert, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the first announcements entry in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry findByC_C_A_Last(long classNameId, long classPK, boolean alert, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the last announcements entry in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry[] findByC_C_A_PrevAndNext(long entryId, long classNameId, long classPK, boolean alert, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the announcements entries before and after the current announcements entry in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByC_C_A(long classNameId, long classPK, boolean alert)
          Returns all the announcements entries where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByC_C_A(long classNameId, long classPK, boolean alert, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the announcements entries where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByC_C_A(long classNameId, long classPK, boolean alert, int start, int end, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByC_C_A(long classNameId, long classPK, boolean alert, int start, int end, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry findByC_C_First(long classNameId, long classPK, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the first announcements entry in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry findByC_C_Last(long classNameId, long classPK, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the last announcements entry in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry[] findByC_C_PrevAndNext(long entryId, long classNameId, long classPK, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the announcements entries before and after the current announcements entry in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByC_C(long classNameId, long classPK)
          Returns all the announcements entries where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByC_C(long classNameId, long classPK, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the announcements entries where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByC_C(long classNameId, long classPK, int start, int end, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByC_C(long classNameId, long classPK, int start, int end, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry findByPrimaryKey(long entryId)
          Returns the announcements entry with the primary key or throws a NoSuchEntryException if it could not be found.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry findByPrimaryKey(Serializable primaryKey)
          Returns the announcements entry with the primary key or throws a NoSuchModelException if it could not be found.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry findByUserId_First(long userId, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the first announcements entry in the ordered set where userId = ?.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry findByUserId_Last(long userId, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the last announcements entry in the ordered set where userId = ?.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry[] findByUserId_PrevAndNext(long entryId, long userId, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the announcements entries before and after the current announcements entry in the ordered set where userId = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByUserId(long userId)
          Returns all the announcements entries where userId = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByUserId(long userId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the announcements entries where userId = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByUserId(long userId, int start, int end, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries where userId = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByUserId(long userId, int start, int end, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries where userId = ?.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry findByUuid_C_First(String uuid, long companyId, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the first announcements entry in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry findByUuid_C_Last(String uuid, long companyId, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the last announcements entry in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry[] findByUuid_C_PrevAndNext(long entryId, String uuid, long companyId, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the announcements entries before and after the current announcements entry in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByUuid_C(String uuid, long companyId)
          Returns all the announcements entries where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByUuid_C(String uuid, long companyId, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the announcements entries where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByUuid_C(String uuid, long companyId, int start, int end, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByUuid_C(String uuid, long companyId, int start, int end, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry findByUuid_First(String uuid, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the first announcements entry in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry findByUuid_Last(String uuid, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the last announcements entry in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry[] findByUuid_PrevAndNext(long entryId, String uuid, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns the announcements entries before and after the current announcements entry in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByUuid(String uuid)
          Returns all the announcements entries where uuid = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByUuid(String uuid, int start, int end)
          Returns a range of all the announcements entries where uuid = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByUuid(String uuid, int start, int end, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
          Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries where uuid = ?.
 List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByUuid(String uuid, int start, int end, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator, boolean retrieveFromCache)
          Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries where uuid = ?.
 Set<String> getBadColumnNames()
protected  com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry getByC_C_A_PrevAndNext(com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Session session, com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry, long classNameId, long classPK, boolean alert, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry getByC_C_PrevAndNext(com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Session session, com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry, long classNameId, long classPK, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry getByUserId_PrevAndNext(com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Session session, com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry, long userId, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry getByUuid_C_PrevAndNext(com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Session session, com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry, String uuid, long companyId, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry getByUuid_PrevAndNext(com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Session session, com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry, String uuid, com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator, boolean previous)
protected  Map<String,Integer> getTableColumnsMap()
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry remove(long entryId)
          Removes the announcements entry with the primary key from the database.
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry remove(Serializable primaryKey)
          Removes the announcements entry with the primary key from the database.
 void removeAll()
          Removes all the announcements entries from the database.
 void removeByC_C_A(long classNameId, long classPK, boolean alert)
          Removes all the announcements entries where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ? from the database.
 void removeByC_C(long classNameId, long classPK)
          Removes all the announcements entries where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? from the database.
 void removeByUserId(long userId)
          Removes all the announcements entries where userId = ? from the database.
 void removeByUuid_C(String uuid, long companyId)
          Removes all the announcements entries where uuid = ? and companyId = ? from the database.
 void removeByUuid(String uuid)
          Removes all the announcements entries where uuid = ? from the database.
protected  com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry removeImpl(com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry)
protected  com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry toUnwrappedModel(com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry)
 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry updateImpl(com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry)
Methods inherited from class com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.persistence.impl.BasePersistenceImpl
appendOrderByComparator, appendOrderByComparator, closeSession, countWithDynamicQuery, countWithDynamicQuery, findWithDynamicQuery, findWithDynamicQuery, findWithDynamicQuery, flush, getClassLoader, getColumnName, getCurrentSession, getDataSource, getDB, getDialect, getListeners, getModelClass, openNewSession, openSession, processException, registerListener, remove, removeConjunction, setDataSource, setModelClass, setSessionFactory, unregisterListener, update, update
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.persistence.BasePersistence
closeSession, countWithDynamicQuery, countWithDynamicQuery, findWithDynamicQuery, findWithDynamicQuery, findWithDynamicQuery, flush, getCurrentSession, getDataSource, getListeners, getModelClass, openSession, processException, registerListener, remove, setDataSource, unregisterListener, update, update

Field Detail


public static final String FINDER_CLASS_NAME_ENTITY






public static final com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_WITH_PAGINATION_FIND_ALL


public static final com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_WITHOUT_PAGINATION_FIND_ALL


public static final com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_COUNT_ALL


public static final com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_WITH_PAGINATION_FIND_BY_UUID


public static final com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_WITHOUT_PAGINATION_FIND_BY_UUID


public static final com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_UUID


public static final com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_WITH_PAGINATION_FIND_BY_UUID_C


public static final com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_WITHOUT_PAGINATION_FIND_BY_UUID_C


public static final com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_UUID_C


public static final com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_WITH_PAGINATION_FIND_BY_USERID


public static final com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_WITHOUT_PAGINATION_FIND_BY_USERID


public static final com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_USERID


public static final com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_WITH_PAGINATION_FIND_BY_C_C


public static final com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_WITHOUT_PAGINATION_FIND_BY_C_C


public static final com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_C_C


public static final com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_WITH_PAGINATION_FIND_BY_C_C_A


public static final com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_WITHOUT_PAGINATION_FIND_BY_C_C_A


public static final com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderPath FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_C_C_A


protected com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.persistence.CompanyProvider companyProvider


protected com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.EntityCache entityCache


protected com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.FinderCache finderCache
Constructor Detail


public AnnouncementsEntryPersistenceImpl()
Method Detail


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByUuid(String uuid)
Returns all the announcements entries where uuid = ?.

Specified by:
findByUuid in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
uuid - the uuid
the matching announcements entries


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByUuid(String uuid,
                                                                                  int start,
                                                                                  int end)
Returns a range of all the announcements entries where uuid = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from AnnouncementsEntryModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

Specified by:
findByUuid in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
uuid - the uuid
start - the lower bound of the range of announcements entries
end - the upper bound of the range of announcements entries (not inclusive)
the range of matching announcements entries


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByUuid(String uuid,
                                                                                  int start,
                                                                                  int end,
                                                                                  com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries where uuid = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from AnnouncementsEntryModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

Specified by:
findByUuid in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
uuid - the uuid
start - the lower bound of the range of announcements entries
end - the upper bound of the range of announcements entries (not inclusive)
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the results by (optionally null)
the ordered range of matching announcements entries


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByUuid(String uuid,
                                                                                  int start,
                                                                                  int end,
                                                                                  com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator,
                                                                                  boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries where uuid = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from AnnouncementsEntryModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

Specified by:
findByUuid in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
uuid - the uuid
start - the lower bound of the range of announcements entries
end - the upper bound of the range of announcements entries (not inclusive)
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the results by (optionally null)
retrieveFromCache - whether to retrieve from the finder cache
the ordered range of matching announcements entries


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry findByUuid_First(String uuid,
                                                                                  com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
                                                                           throws com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException
Returns the first announcements entry in the ordered set where uuid = ?.

Specified by:
findByUuid_First in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
uuid - the uuid
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the first matching announcements entry
com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException - if a matching announcements entry could not be found


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry fetchByUuid_First(String uuid,
                                                                                   com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
Returns the first announcements entry in the ordered set where uuid = ?.

Specified by:
fetchByUuid_First in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
uuid - the uuid
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the first matching announcements entry, or null if a matching announcements entry could not be found


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry findByUuid_Last(String uuid,
                                                                                 com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
                                                                          throws com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException
Returns the last announcements entry in the ordered set where uuid = ?.

Specified by:
findByUuid_Last in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
uuid - the uuid
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the last matching announcements entry
com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException - if a matching announcements entry could not be found


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry fetchByUuid_Last(String uuid,
                                                                                  com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
Returns the last announcements entry in the ordered set where uuid = ?.

Specified by:
fetchByUuid_Last in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
uuid - the uuid
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the last matching announcements entry, or null if a matching announcements entry could not be found


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry[] findByUuid_PrevAndNext(long entryId,
                                                                                          String uuid,
                                                                                          com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
                                                                                   throws com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException
Returns the announcements entries before and after the current announcements entry in the ordered set where uuid = ?.

Specified by:
findByUuid_PrevAndNext in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
entryId - the primary key of the current announcements entry
uuid - the uuid
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the previous, current, and next announcements entry
com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException - if a announcements entry with the primary key could not be found


protected com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry getByUuid_PrevAndNext(com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Session session,
                                                                                          com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry,
                                                                                          String uuid,
                                                                                          com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator,
                                                                                          boolean previous)


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByUuid(String uuid)
Returns all the announcements entries that the user has permission to view where uuid = ?.

Specified by:
filterFindByUuid in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
uuid - the uuid
the matching announcements entries that the user has permission to view


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByUuid(String uuid,
                                                                                        int start,
                                                                                        int end)
Returns a range of all the announcements entries that the user has permission to view where uuid = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from AnnouncementsEntryModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

Specified by:
filterFindByUuid in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
uuid - the uuid
start - the lower bound of the range of announcements entries
end - the upper bound of the range of announcements entries (not inclusive)
the range of matching announcements entries that the user has permission to view


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByUuid(String uuid,
                                                                                        int start,
                                                                                        int end,
                                                                                        com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries that the user has permissions to view where uuid = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from AnnouncementsEntryModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

Specified by:
filterFindByUuid in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
uuid - the uuid
start - the lower bound of the range of announcements entries
end - the upper bound of the range of announcements entries (not inclusive)
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the results by (optionally null)
the ordered range of matching announcements entries that the user has permission to view


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry[] filterFindByUuid_PrevAndNext(long entryId,
                                                                                                String uuid,
                                                                                                com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
                                                                                         throws com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException
Returns the announcements entries before and after the current announcements entry in the ordered set of announcements entries that the user has permission to view where uuid = ?.

Specified by:
filterFindByUuid_PrevAndNext in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
entryId - the primary key of the current announcements entry
uuid - the uuid
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the previous, current, and next announcements entry
com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException - if a announcements entry with the primary key could not be found


protected com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry filterGetByUuid_PrevAndNext(com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Session session,
                                                                                                com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry,
                                                                                                String uuid,
                                                                                                com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator,
                                                                                                boolean previous)


public void removeByUuid(String uuid)
Removes all the announcements entries where uuid = ? from the database.

Specified by:
removeByUuid in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
uuid - the uuid


public int countByUuid(String uuid)
Returns the number of announcements entries where uuid = ?.

Specified by:
countByUuid in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
uuid - the uuid
the number of matching announcements entries


public int filterCountByUuid(String uuid)
Returns the number of announcements entries that the user has permission to view where uuid = ?.

Specified by:
filterCountByUuid in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
uuid - the uuid
the number of matching announcements entries that the user has permission to view


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByUuid_C(String uuid,
                                                                                    long companyId)
Returns all the announcements entries where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.

Specified by:
findByUuid_C in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
uuid - the uuid
companyId - the company ID
the matching announcements entries


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByUuid_C(String uuid,
                                                                                    long companyId,
                                                                                    int start,
                                                                                    int end)
Returns a range of all the announcements entries where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from AnnouncementsEntryModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

Specified by:
findByUuid_C in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
uuid - the uuid
companyId - the company ID
start - the lower bound of the range of announcements entries
end - the upper bound of the range of announcements entries (not inclusive)
the range of matching announcements entries


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByUuid_C(String uuid,
                                                                                    long companyId,
                                                                                    int start,
                                                                                    int end,
                                                                                    com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from AnnouncementsEntryModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

Specified by:
findByUuid_C in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
uuid - the uuid
companyId - the company ID
start - the lower bound of the range of announcements entries
end - the upper bound of the range of announcements entries (not inclusive)
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the results by (optionally null)
the ordered range of matching announcements entries


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByUuid_C(String uuid,
                                                                                    long companyId,
                                                                                    int start,
                                                                                    int end,
                                                                                    com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator,
                                                                                    boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from AnnouncementsEntryModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

Specified by:
findByUuid_C in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
uuid - the uuid
companyId - the company ID
start - the lower bound of the range of announcements entries
end - the upper bound of the range of announcements entries (not inclusive)
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the results by (optionally null)
retrieveFromCache - whether to retrieve from the finder cache
the ordered range of matching announcements entries


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry findByUuid_C_First(String uuid,
                                                                                    long companyId,
                                                                                    com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
                                                                             throws com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException
Returns the first announcements entry in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.

Specified by:
findByUuid_C_First in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
uuid - the uuid
companyId - the company ID
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the first matching announcements entry
com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException - if a matching announcements entry could not be found


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry fetchByUuid_C_First(String uuid,
                                                                                     long companyId,
                                                                                     com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
Returns the first announcements entry in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.

Specified by:
fetchByUuid_C_First in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
uuid - the uuid
companyId - the company ID
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the first matching announcements entry, or null if a matching announcements entry could not be found


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry findByUuid_C_Last(String uuid,
                                                                                   long companyId,
                                                                                   com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
                                                                            throws com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException
Returns the last announcements entry in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.

Specified by:
findByUuid_C_Last in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
uuid - the uuid
companyId - the company ID
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the last matching announcements entry
com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException - if a matching announcements entry could not be found


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry fetchByUuid_C_Last(String uuid,
                                                                                    long companyId,
                                                                                    com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
Returns the last announcements entry in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.

Specified by:
fetchByUuid_C_Last in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
uuid - the uuid
companyId - the company ID
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the last matching announcements entry, or null if a matching announcements entry could not be found


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry[] findByUuid_C_PrevAndNext(long entryId,
                                                                                            String uuid,
                                                                                            long companyId,
                                                                                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
                                                                                     throws com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException
Returns the announcements entries before and after the current announcements entry in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.

Specified by:
findByUuid_C_PrevAndNext in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
entryId - the primary key of the current announcements entry
uuid - the uuid
companyId - the company ID
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the previous, current, and next announcements entry
com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException - if a announcements entry with the primary key could not be found


protected com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry getByUuid_C_PrevAndNext(com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Session session,
                                                                                            com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry,
                                                                                            String uuid,
                                                                                            long companyId,
                                                                                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator,
                                                                                            boolean previous)


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByUuid_C(String uuid,
                                                                                          long companyId)
Returns all the announcements entries that the user has permission to view where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.

Specified by:
filterFindByUuid_C in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
uuid - the uuid
companyId - the company ID
the matching announcements entries that the user has permission to view


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByUuid_C(String uuid,
                                                                                          long companyId,
                                                                                          int start,
                                                                                          int end)
Returns a range of all the announcements entries that the user has permission to view where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from AnnouncementsEntryModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

Specified by:
filterFindByUuid_C in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
uuid - the uuid
companyId - the company ID
start - the lower bound of the range of announcements entries
end - the upper bound of the range of announcements entries (not inclusive)
the range of matching announcements entries that the user has permission to view


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByUuid_C(String uuid,
                                                                                          long companyId,
                                                                                          int start,
                                                                                          int end,
                                                                                          com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries that the user has permissions to view where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from AnnouncementsEntryModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

Specified by:
filterFindByUuid_C in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
uuid - the uuid
companyId - the company ID
start - the lower bound of the range of announcements entries
end - the upper bound of the range of announcements entries (not inclusive)
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the results by (optionally null)
the ordered range of matching announcements entries that the user has permission to view


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry[] filterFindByUuid_C_PrevAndNext(long entryId,
                                                                                                  String uuid,
                                                                                                  long companyId,
                                                                                                  com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
                                                                                           throws com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException
Returns the announcements entries before and after the current announcements entry in the ordered set of announcements entries that the user has permission to view where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.

Specified by:
filterFindByUuid_C_PrevAndNext in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
entryId - the primary key of the current announcements entry
uuid - the uuid
companyId - the company ID
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the previous, current, and next announcements entry
com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException - if a announcements entry with the primary key could not be found


protected com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry filterGetByUuid_C_PrevAndNext(com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Session session,
                                                                                                  com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry,
                                                                                                  String uuid,
                                                                                                  long companyId,
                                                                                                  com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator,
                                                                                                  boolean previous)


public void removeByUuid_C(String uuid,
                           long companyId)
Removes all the announcements entries where uuid = ? and companyId = ? from the database.

Specified by:
removeByUuid_C in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
uuid - the uuid
companyId - the company ID


public int countByUuid_C(String uuid,
                         long companyId)
Returns the number of announcements entries where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.

Specified by:
countByUuid_C in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
uuid - the uuid
companyId - the company ID
the number of matching announcements entries


public int filterCountByUuid_C(String uuid,
                               long companyId)
Returns the number of announcements entries that the user has permission to view where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.

Specified by:
filterCountByUuid_C in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
uuid - the uuid
companyId - the company ID
the number of matching announcements entries that the user has permission to view


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByUserId(long userId)
Returns all the announcements entries where userId = ?.

Specified by:
findByUserId in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
userId - the user ID
the matching announcements entries


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByUserId(long userId,
                                                                                    int start,
                                                                                    int end)
Returns a range of all the announcements entries where userId = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from AnnouncementsEntryModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

Specified by:
findByUserId in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
userId - the user ID
start - the lower bound of the range of announcements entries
end - the upper bound of the range of announcements entries (not inclusive)
the range of matching announcements entries


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByUserId(long userId,
                                                                                    int start,
                                                                                    int end,
                                                                                    com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries where userId = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from AnnouncementsEntryModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

Specified by:
findByUserId in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
userId - the user ID
start - the lower bound of the range of announcements entries
end - the upper bound of the range of announcements entries (not inclusive)
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the results by (optionally null)
the ordered range of matching announcements entries


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByUserId(long userId,
                                                                                    int start,
                                                                                    int end,
                                                                                    com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator,
                                                                                    boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries where userId = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from AnnouncementsEntryModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

Specified by:
findByUserId in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
userId - the user ID
start - the lower bound of the range of announcements entries
end - the upper bound of the range of announcements entries (not inclusive)
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the results by (optionally null)
retrieveFromCache - whether to retrieve from the finder cache
the ordered range of matching announcements entries


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry findByUserId_First(long userId,
                                                                                    com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
                                                                             throws com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException
Returns the first announcements entry in the ordered set where userId = ?.

Specified by:
findByUserId_First in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
userId - the user ID
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the first matching announcements entry
com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException - if a matching announcements entry could not be found


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry fetchByUserId_First(long userId,
                                                                                     com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
Returns the first announcements entry in the ordered set where userId = ?.

Specified by:
fetchByUserId_First in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
userId - the user ID
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the first matching announcements entry, or null if a matching announcements entry could not be found


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry findByUserId_Last(long userId,
                                                                                   com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
                                                                            throws com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException
Returns the last announcements entry in the ordered set where userId = ?.

Specified by:
findByUserId_Last in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
userId - the user ID
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the last matching announcements entry
com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException - if a matching announcements entry could not be found


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry fetchByUserId_Last(long userId,
                                                                                    com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
Returns the last announcements entry in the ordered set where userId = ?.

Specified by:
fetchByUserId_Last in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
userId - the user ID
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the last matching announcements entry, or null if a matching announcements entry could not be found


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry[] findByUserId_PrevAndNext(long entryId,
                                                                                            long userId,
                                                                                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
                                                                                     throws com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException
Returns the announcements entries before and after the current announcements entry in the ordered set where userId = ?.

Specified by:
findByUserId_PrevAndNext in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
entryId - the primary key of the current announcements entry
userId - the user ID
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the previous, current, and next announcements entry
com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException - if a announcements entry with the primary key could not be found


protected com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry getByUserId_PrevAndNext(com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Session session,
                                                                                            com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry,
                                                                                            long userId,
                                                                                            com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator,
                                                                                            boolean previous)


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByUserId(long userId)
Returns all the announcements entries that the user has permission to view where userId = ?.

Specified by:
filterFindByUserId in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
userId - the user ID
the matching announcements entries that the user has permission to view


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByUserId(long userId,
                                                                                          int start,
                                                                                          int end)
Returns a range of all the announcements entries that the user has permission to view where userId = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from AnnouncementsEntryModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

Specified by:
filterFindByUserId in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
userId - the user ID
start - the lower bound of the range of announcements entries
end - the upper bound of the range of announcements entries (not inclusive)
the range of matching announcements entries that the user has permission to view


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByUserId(long userId,
                                                                                          int start,
                                                                                          int end,
                                                                                          com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries that the user has permissions to view where userId = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from AnnouncementsEntryModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

Specified by:
filterFindByUserId in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
userId - the user ID
start - the lower bound of the range of announcements entries
end - the upper bound of the range of announcements entries (not inclusive)
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the results by (optionally null)
the ordered range of matching announcements entries that the user has permission to view


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry[] filterFindByUserId_PrevAndNext(long entryId,
                                                                                                  long userId,
                                                                                                  com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
                                                                                           throws com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException
Returns the announcements entries before and after the current announcements entry in the ordered set of announcements entries that the user has permission to view where userId = ?.

Specified by:
filterFindByUserId_PrevAndNext in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
entryId - the primary key of the current announcements entry
userId - the user ID
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the previous, current, and next announcements entry
com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException - if a announcements entry with the primary key could not be found


protected com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry filterGetByUserId_PrevAndNext(com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Session session,
                                                                                                  com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry,
                                                                                                  long userId,
                                                                                                  com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator,
                                                                                                  boolean previous)


public void removeByUserId(long userId)
Removes all the announcements entries where userId = ? from the database.

Specified by:
removeByUserId in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
userId - the user ID


public int countByUserId(long userId)
Returns the number of announcements entries where userId = ?.

Specified by:
countByUserId in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
userId - the user ID
the number of matching announcements entries


public int filterCountByUserId(long userId)
Returns the number of announcements entries that the user has permission to view where userId = ?.

Specified by:
filterCountByUserId in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
userId - the user ID
the number of matching announcements entries that the user has permission to view


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByC_C(long classNameId,
                                                                                 long classPK)
Returns all the announcements entries where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.

Specified by:
findByC_C in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
the matching announcements entries


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByC_C(long classNameId,
                                                                                 long classPK,
                                                                                 int start,
                                                                                 int end)
Returns a range of all the announcements entries where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from AnnouncementsEntryModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

Specified by:
findByC_C in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
start - the lower bound of the range of announcements entries
end - the upper bound of the range of announcements entries (not inclusive)
the range of matching announcements entries


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByC_C(long classNameId,
                                                                                 long classPK,
                                                                                 int start,
                                                                                 int end,
                                                                                 com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from AnnouncementsEntryModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

Specified by:
findByC_C in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
start - the lower bound of the range of announcements entries
end - the upper bound of the range of announcements entries (not inclusive)
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the results by (optionally null)
the ordered range of matching announcements entries


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByC_C(long classNameId,
                                                                                 long classPK,
                                                                                 int start,
                                                                                 int end,
                                                                                 com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator,
                                                                                 boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from AnnouncementsEntryModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

Specified by:
findByC_C in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
start - the lower bound of the range of announcements entries
end - the upper bound of the range of announcements entries (not inclusive)
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the results by (optionally null)
retrieveFromCache - whether to retrieve from the finder cache
the ordered range of matching announcements entries


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry findByC_C_First(long classNameId,
                                                                                 long classPK,
                                                                                 com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
                                                                          throws com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException
Returns the first announcements entry in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.

Specified by:
findByC_C_First in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the first matching announcements entry
com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException - if a matching announcements entry could not be found


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry fetchByC_C_First(long classNameId,
                                                                                  long classPK,
                                                                                  com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
Returns the first announcements entry in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.

Specified by:
fetchByC_C_First in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the first matching announcements entry, or null if a matching announcements entry could not be found


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry findByC_C_Last(long classNameId,
                                                                                long classPK,
                                                                                com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
                                                                         throws com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException
Returns the last announcements entry in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.

Specified by:
findByC_C_Last in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the last matching announcements entry
com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException - if a matching announcements entry could not be found


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry fetchByC_C_Last(long classNameId,
                                                                                 long classPK,
                                                                                 com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
Returns the last announcements entry in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.

Specified by:
fetchByC_C_Last in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the last matching announcements entry, or null if a matching announcements entry could not be found


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry[] findByC_C_PrevAndNext(long entryId,
                                                                                         long classNameId,
                                                                                         long classPK,
                                                                                         com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
                                                                                  throws com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException
Returns the announcements entries before and after the current announcements entry in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.

Specified by:
findByC_C_PrevAndNext in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
entryId - the primary key of the current announcements entry
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the previous, current, and next announcements entry
com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException - if a announcements entry with the primary key could not be found


protected com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry getByC_C_PrevAndNext(com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Session session,
                                                                                         com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry,
                                                                                         long classNameId,
                                                                                         long classPK,
                                                                                         com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator,
                                                                                         boolean previous)


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByC_C(long classNameId,
                                                                                       long classPK)
Returns all the announcements entries that the user has permission to view where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.

Specified by:
filterFindByC_C in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
the matching announcements entries that the user has permission to view


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByC_C(long classNameId,
                                                                                       long classPK,
                                                                                       int start,
                                                                                       int end)
Returns a range of all the announcements entries that the user has permission to view where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from AnnouncementsEntryModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

Specified by:
filterFindByC_C in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
start - the lower bound of the range of announcements entries
end - the upper bound of the range of announcements entries (not inclusive)
the range of matching announcements entries that the user has permission to view


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByC_C(long classNameId,
                                                                                       long classPK,
                                                                                       int start,
                                                                                       int end,
                                                                                       com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries that the user has permissions to view where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from AnnouncementsEntryModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

Specified by:
filterFindByC_C in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
start - the lower bound of the range of announcements entries
end - the upper bound of the range of announcements entries (not inclusive)
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the results by (optionally null)
the ordered range of matching announcements entries that the user has permission to view


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry[] filterFindByC_C_PrevAndNext(long entryId,
                                                                                               long classNameId,
                                                                                               long classPK,
                                                                                               com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
                                                                                        throws com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException
Returns the announcements entries before and after the current announcements entry in the ordered set of announcements entries that the user has permission to view where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.

Specified by:
filterFindByC_C_PrevAndNext in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
entryId - the primary key of the current announcements entry
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the previous, current, and next announcements entry
com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException - if a announcements entry with the primary key could not be found


protected com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry filterGetByC_C_PrevAndNext(com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Session session,
                                                                                               com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry,
                                                                                               long classNameId,
                                                                                               long classPK,
                                                                                               com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator,
                                                                                               boolean previous)


public void removeByC_C(long classNameId,
                        long classPK)
Removes all the announcements entries where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? from the database.

Specified by:
removeByC_C in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k


public int countByC_C(long classNameId,
                      long classPK)
Returns the number of announcements entries where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.

Specified by:
countByC_C in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
the number of matching announcements entries


public int filterCountByC_C(long classNameId,
                            long classPK)
Returns the number of announcements entries that the user has permission to view where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.

Specified by:
filterCountByC_C in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
the number of matching announcements entries that the user has permission to view


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByC_C_A(long classNameId,
                                                                                   long classPK,
                                                                                   boolean alert)
Returns all the announcements entries where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.

Specified by:
findByC_C_A in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
alert - the alert
the matching announcements entries


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByC_C_A(long classNameId,
                                                                                   long classPK,
                                                                                   boolean alert,
                                                                                   int start,
                                                                                   int end)
Returns a range of all the announcements entries where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from AnnouncementsEntryModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

Specified by:
findByC_C_A in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
alert - the alert
start - the lower bound of the range of announcements entries
end - the upper bound of the range of announcements entries (not inclusive)
the range of matching announcements entries


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByC_C_A(long classNameId,
                                                                                   long classPK,
                                                                                   boolean alert,
                                                                                   int start,
                                                                                   int end,
                                                                                   com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from AnnouncementsEntryModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

Specified by:
findByC_C_A in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
alert - the alert
start - the lower bound of the range of announcements entries
end - the upper bound of the range of announcements entries (not inclusive)
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the results by (optionally null)
the ordered range of matching announcements entries


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findByC_C_A(long classNameId,
                                                                                   long classPK,
                                                                                   boolean alert,
                                                                                   int start,
                                                                                   int end,
                                                                                   com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator,
                                                                                   boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from AnnouncementsEntryModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

Specified by:
findByC_C_A in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
alert - the alert
start - the lower bound of the range of announcements entries
end - the upper bound of the range of announcements entries (not inclusive)
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the results by (optionally null)
retrieveFromCache - whether to retrieve from the finder cache
the ordered range of matching announcements entries


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry findByC_C_A_First(long classNameId,
                                                                                   long classPK,
                                                                                   boolean alert,
                                                                                   com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
                                                                            throws com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException
Returns the first announcements entry in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.

Specified by:
findByC_C_A_First in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
alert - the alert
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the first matching announcements entry
com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException - if a matching announcements entry could not be found


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry fetchByC_C_A_First(long classNameId,
                                                                                    long classPK,
                                                                                    boolean alert,
                                                                                    com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
Returns the first announcements entry in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.

Specified by:
fetchByC_C_A_First in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
alert - the alert
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the first matching announcements entry, or null if a matching announcements entry could not be found


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry findByC_C_A_Last(long classNameId,
                                                                                  long classPK,
                                                                                  boolean alert,
                                                                                  com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
                                                                           throws com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException
Returns the last announcements entry in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.

Specified by:
findByC_C_A_Last in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
alert - the alert
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the last matching announcements entry
com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException - if a matching announcements entry could not be found


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry fetchByC_C_A_Last(long classNameId,
                                                                                   long classPK,
                                                                                   boolean alert,
                                                                                   com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
Returns the last announcements entry in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.

Specified by:
fetchByC_C_A_Last in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
alert - the alert
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the last matching announcements entry, or null if a matching announcements entry could not be found


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry[] findByC_C_A_PrevAndNext(long entryId,
                                                                                           long classNameId,
                                                                                           long classPK,
                                                                                           boolean alert,
                                                                                           com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
                                                                                    throws com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException
Returns the announcements entries before and after the current announcements entry in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.

Specified by:
findByC_C_A_PrevAndNext in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
entryId - the primary key of the current announcements entry
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
alert - the alert
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the previous, current, and next announcements entry
com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException - if a announcements entry with the primary key could not be found


protected com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry getByC_C_A_PrevAndNext(com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Session session,
                                                                                           com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry,
                                                                                           long classNameId,
                                                                                           long classPK,
                                                                                           boolean alert,
                                                                                           com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator,
                                                                                           boolean previous)


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByC_C_A(long classNameId,
                                                                                         long classPK,
                                                                                         boolean alert)
Returns all the announcements entries that the user has permission to view where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.

Specified by:
filterFindByC_C_A in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
alert - the alert
the matching announcements entries that the user has permission to view


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByC_C_A(long classNameId,
                                                                                         long classPK,
                                                                                         boolean alert,
                                                                                         int start,
                                                                                         int end)
Returns a range of all the announcements entries that the user has permission to view where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from AnnouncementsEntryModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

Specified by:
filterFindByC_C_A in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
alert - the alert
start - the lower bound of the range of announcements entries
end - the upper bound of the range of announcements entries (not inclusive)
the range of matching announcements entries that the user has permission to view


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> filterFindByC_C_A(long classNameId,
                                                                                         long classPK,
                                                                                         boolean alert,
                                                                                         int start,
                                                                                         int end,
                                                                                         com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries that the user has permissions to view where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from AnnouncementsEntryModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

Specified by:
filterFindByC_C_A in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
alert - the alert
start - the lower bound of the range of announcements entries
end - the upper bound of the range of announcements entries (not inclusive)
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the results by (optionally null)
the ordered range of matching announcements entries that the user has permission to view


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry[] filterFindByC_C_A_PrevAndNext(long entryId,
                                                                                                 long classNameId,
                                                                                                 long classPK,
                                                                                                 boolean alert,
                                                                                                 com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
                                                                                          throws com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException
Returns the announcements entries before and after the current announcements entry in the ordered set of announcements entries that the user has permission to view where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.

Specified by:
filterFindByC_C_A_PrevAndNext in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
entryId - the primary key of the current announcements entry
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
alert - the alert
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the set by (optionally null)
the previous, current, and next announcements entry
com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException - if a announcements entry with the primary key could not be found


protected com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry filterGetByC_C_A_PrevAndNext(com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Session session,
                                                                                                 com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry,
                                                                                                 long classNameId,
                                                                                                 long classPK,
                                                                                                 boolean alert,
                                                                                                 com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator,
                                                                                                 boolean previous)


public void removeByC_C_A(long classNameId,
                          long classPK,
                          boolean alert)
Removes all the announcements entries where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ? from the database.

Specified by:
removeByC_C_A in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
alert - the alert


public int countByC_C_A(long classNameId,
                        long classPK,
                        boolean alert)
Returns the number of announcements entries where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.

Specified by:
countByC_C_A in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
alert - the alert
the number of matching announcements entries


public int filterCountByC_C_A(long classNameId,
                              long classPK,
                              boolean alert)
Returns the number of announcements entries that the user has permission to view where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and alert = ?.

Specified by:
filterCountByC_C_A in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
classNameId - the class name ID
classPK - the class p k
alert - the alert
the number of matching announcements entries that the user has permission to view


public void cacheResult(com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry)
Caches the announcements entry in the entity cache if it is enabled.

Specified by:
cacheResult in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
announcementsEntry - the announcements entry


public void cacheResult(List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> announcementsEntries)
Caches the announcements entries in the entity cache if it is enabled.

Specified by:
cacheResult in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
announcementsEntries - the announcements entries


public void clearCache()
Clears the cache for all announcements entries.

The EntityCache and FinderCache are both cleared by this method.

Specified by:
clearCache in interface com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.persistence.BasePersistence<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry>
clearCache in class com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.persistence.impl.BasePersistenceImpl<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry>


public void clearCache(com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry)
Clears the cache for the announcements entry.

The EntityCache and FinderCache are both cleared by this method.

Specified by:
clearCache in interface com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.persistence.BasePersistence<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry>
clearCache in class com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.persistence.impl.BasePersistenceImpl<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry>


public void clearCache(List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> announcementsEntries)
Specified by:
clearCache in interface com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.persistence.BasePersistence<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry>
clearCache in class com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.persistence.impl.BasePersistenceImpl<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry>


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry create(long entryId)
Creates a new announcements entry with the primary key. Does not add the announcements entry to the database.

Specified by:
create in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
entryId - the primary key for the new announcements entry
the new announcements entry


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry remove(long entryId)
                                                                 throws com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException
Removes the announcements entry with the primary key from the database. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners.

Specified by:
remove in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
entryId - the primary key of the announcements entry
the announcements entry that was removed
com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException - if a announcements entry with the primary key could not be found


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry remove(Serializable primaryKey)
                                                                 throws com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException
Removes the announcements entry with the primary key from the database. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners.

Specified by:
remove in interface com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.persistence.BasePersistence<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry>
remove in class com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.persistence.impl.BasePersistenceImpl<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry>
primaryKey - the primary key of the announcements entry
the announcements entry that was removed
com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException - if a announcements entry with the primary key could not be found


protected com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry removeImpl(com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry)
removeImpl in class com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.persistence.impl.BasePersistenceImpl<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry>


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry updateImpl(com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry)
Specified by:
updateImpl in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
updateImpl in class com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.persistence.impl.BasePersistenceImpl<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry>


protected com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry toUnwrappedModel(com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry)


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry findByPrimaryKey(Serializable primaryKey)
                                                                           throws com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException
Returns the announcements entry with the primary key or throws a NoSuchModelException if it could not be found.

Specified by:
findByPrimaryKey in interface com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.persistence.BasePersistence<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry>
findByPrimaryKey in class com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.persistence.impl.BasePersistenceImpl<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry>
primaryKey - the primary key of the announcements entry
the announcements entry
com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException - if a announcements entry with the primary key could not be found


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry findByPrimaryKey(long entryId)
                                                                           throws com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException
Returns the announcements entry with the primary key or throws a NoSuchEntryException if it could not be found.

Specified by:
findByPrimaryKey in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
entryId - the primary key of the announcements entry
the announcements entry
com.liferay.announcements.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException - if a announcements entry with the primary key could not be found


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry fetchByPrimaryKey(Serializable primaryKey)
Returns the announcements entry with the primary key or returns null if it could not be found.

Specified by:
fetchByPrimaryKey in interface com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.persistence.BasePersistence<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry>
fetchByPrimaryKey in class com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.persistence.impl.BasePersistenceImpl<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry>
primaryKey - the primary key of the announcements entry
the announcements entry, or null if a announcements entry with the primary key could not be found


public com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry fetchByPrimaryKey(long entryId)
Returns the announcements entry with the primary key or returns null if it could not be found.

Specified by:
fetchByPrimaryKey in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
entryId - the primary key of the announcements entry
the announcements entry, or null if a announcements entry with the primary key could not be found


public Map<Serializable,com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> fetchByPrimaryKeys(Set<Serializable> primaryKeys)
Specified by:
fetchByPrimaryKeys in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
Specified by:
fetchByPrimaryKeys in interface com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.persistence.BasePersistence<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry>
fetchByPrimaryKeys in class com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.persistence.impl.BasePersistenceImpl<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry>


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findAll()
Returns all the announcements entries.

Specified by:
findAll in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
the announcements entries


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findAll(int start,
                                                                               int end)
Returns a range of all the announcements entries.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from AnnouncementsEntryModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

Specified by:
findAll in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
start - the lower bound of the range of announcements entries
end - the upper bound of the range of announcements entries (not inclusive)
the range of announcements entries


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findAll(int start,
                                                                               int end,
                                                                               com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from AnnouncementsEntryModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

Specified by:
findAll in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
start - the lower bound of the range of announcements entries
end - the upper bound of the range of announcements entries (not inclusive)
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the results by (optionally null)
the ordered range of announcements entries


public List<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> findAll(int start,
                                                                               int end,
                                                                               com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry> orderByComparator,
                                                                               boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the announcements entries.

Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end - start instances. start and end are not primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0 refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start and end to QueryUtil.ALL_POS will return the full result set. If orderByComparator is specified, then the query will include the given ORDER BY logic. If orderByComparator is absent and pagination is required (start and end are not QueryUtil.ALL_POS), then the query will include the default ORDER BY logic from AnnouncementsEntryModelImpl. If both orderByComparator and pagination are absent, for performance reasons, the query will not have an ORDER BY clause and the returned result set will be sorted on by the primary key in an ascending order.

Specified by:
findAll in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
start - the lower bound of the range of announcements entries
end - the upper bound of the range of announcements entries (not inclusive)
orderByComparator - the comparator to order the results by (optionally null)
retrieveFromCache - whether to retrieve from the finder cache
the ordered range of announcements entries


public void removeAll()
Removes all the announcements entries from the database.

Specified by:
removeAll in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence


public int countAll()
Returns the number of announcements entries.

Specified by:
countAll in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
the number of announcements entries


public Set<String> getBadColumnNames()
Specified by:
getBadColumnNames in interface com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service.persistence.AnnouncementsEntryPersistence
Specified by:
getBadColumnNames in interface com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.persistence.BasePersistence<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry>
getBadColumnNames in class com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.persistence.impl.BasePersistenceImpl<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry>


protected Map<String,Integer> getTableColumnsMap()
getTableColumnsMap in class com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.persistence.impl.BasePersistenceImpl<com.liferay.announcements.kernel.model.AnnouncementsEntry>


public void afterPropertiesSet()
Initializes the announcements entry persistence.


public void destroy()

Liferay 7.0-ga1 portal-impl