Attributes |
Name | Required | Request-time | Type | Description |
autoComplete | false | true | java.lang.String | No Description |
autoFocus | false | true | boolean | Whether the date field gets focus by default. The default value is false . |
cssClass | false | true | java.lang.String | A CSS class for styling the component. |
dateTogglerCheckboxLabel | false | true | java.lang.String | A label for the checkbox that enables and disables the date input. The default value is Disable . |
dayParam | false | true | java.lang.String | A variable name to refer to the day of the component. |
dayValue | false | true | int | A day value to display in the input field. |
disabled | false | true | boolean | Whether to disable the input field. The default value is false . |
disableNamespace | false | true | boolean | Whether to disable the namespace for the component. The default value is false . |
firstDayOfWeek | false | true | int | A day to set as the first day of the week. The default value is Calendar.SUNDAY - 2 . |
firstEnabledDate | false | true | java.lang.String | A date to set as the first selectable date in the datepicker. |
formName | false | true | java.lang.String | A name for the date input's form. |
lastEnabledDate | false | true | java.lang.String | A date to set as the latest selectable date in the datepicker. |
monthAndYearParam | false | true | java.lang.String | A variable name to refer to the combined month and year of the component. |
monthParam | false | true | java.lang.String | A variable name to refer to the month of the component. |
monthValue | false | true | int | The numerical value for a month to display in the input field. Integer values for the month start with 0 . |
name | false | true | java.lang.String | A name for the date input. |
nullable | false | true | java.lang.String | Whether the component's values can be set to null. |
required | false | true | boolean | Whether to mark the date input as required. |
showDisableCheckbox | false | true | java.lang.String | Whether to display the checkbox that disables the input field. |
yearParam | false | true | java.lang.String | A variable name to refer to the year of the component. |
yearValue | false | true | int | A year value to display in the input field. |