Attributes |
Name | Required | Request-time | Type | Description |
backLabel | false | true | java.lang.String | A label for the back URL. |
backURL | false | true | java.lang.String | A URL for navigating back to. |
cssClass | false | true | java.lang.String | A CSS class for styling the component. |
formName | false | true | java.lang.String | A name for the tab's form. |
names | true | true | java.lang.String | The names of the tabs. Each name must be separated by a comma with no spaces. |
onClick | false | true | java.lang.String | A function to be called on a user clicking any of the tabs. |
param | false | true | java.lang.String | A variable for the component. |
portletURL | false | true | java.lang.String | A URL to refer to the portlet that contains the component. |
refresh | false | true | boolean | Whether the page refreshes when a tab is clicked. |
tabsValues | false | true | java.lang.String | Tab values that must follow the same order as the names attribute. Each value must be separated by a comma with no spaces. |
type | false | true | java.lang.String | A design type for the tabs. Possible values are tabs , underline , stacked , justified , dropdown and pills . |
url | false | true | java.lang.String | A URL to which all the tabs are linked when clicked. You can also set each tab's URL individually using url[number] attribute. |
urls | false | true | java.lang.String | No Description |
value | false | true | java.lang.String | An active tab from the value given in the attribute tabsValues . No matter which tab a user selects, the tab given for this value always remains active. |