Attributes |
Name | Required | Request-time | Type | Description |
actionJsp | false | true | java.lang.String | The path to an action JSP. It is generally the JSP for the card dropdown menu. |
actionJspServletContext | false | true | java.lang.String | The service context of the action JSP. |
checkboxChecked | false | true | java.lang.String | Whether to select the card checkbox. The default value is false . |
checkboxCSSClass | false | true | java.lang.String | A CSS class for styling the checkbox input. |
checkboxData | false | true | java.lang.String | Data attributes to add to the checkbox input. This data is to stored via a map. |
checkboxDisabled | false | true | java.lang.String | Whether to disable the checkbox input. The default value is false . |
checkboxId | false | true | java.lang.String | An ID for the checkbox input. |
checkboxName | false | true | java.lang.String | A name for the checkbox input. |
checkboxValue | false | true | java.lang.String | A value for the checkbox input. |
cssClass | false | true | java.lang.String | A CSS class for styling the card's main container. |
data | false | true | java.lang.String | Miscellaneous data to be stored via a map. This data is not shared with the browser. The map holds key value pairs of type <String, Object> . |
linkData | false | true | java.lang.String | No Description |
resultRow | false | true | java.lang.String | If you pass in a row checker value, a result row is mandatory. A result row is of type . |
rowChecker | false | true | java.lang.String | You can optionally pass in a row checker object to manage all the options related to the checkbox. All other checkbox options overwrite the row checker options. A row checker is of type . |
showCheckbox | false | true | java.lang.String | Whether the entry is selectable. The default value is false . |
text | false | true | java.lang.String | No Description |
url | false | true | java.lang.String | A URL to view the full content. |