Class | Description |
Atom |
Atoms are self-contained data units in that contain information about an MP4
movie file.
AudioProcessorImpl | |
DLAppUtil | |
DLFileEntryIndexer | |
DLFileEntryLockListener | |
DLFileEntryMetadataIndexer | |
DLFileVersionPolicyImpl | |
DLFolderIndexer | |
DLImpl | |
DLOpenSearchImpl | |
DLProcessorRegistryImpl | Deprecated
As of Judson (7.1.x), replaced by {@link
DLSearcher | |
DLValidatorImpl | Deprecated
As of Judson (7.1.x), replaced by
com.liferay.document.library.internal.util.DLValidatorImpl |
DocumentConversionUtil | |
ImageProcessorImpl | |
JQTFastStart |
This class updates an MP4 to be a "fast start" movie.
LiferayAudioConverter | |
LiferayConverter | |
LiferayPDFBoxConverter | |
LiferayVideoConverter | |
LiferayVideoThumbnailConverter | |
PDFProcessorImpl | |
RawMetadataProcessorImpl | |
RepositoryModelUtil | |
VideoProcessorImpl | |
XugglerAutoInstallHelper | |
XugglerAutoInstallHelper.IsNativeLibraryInstalledCallable |