Class | Description |
MBBanBaseImpl |
The extended model base implementation for the MBBan service.
MBBanCacheModel |
The cache model class for representing MBBan in entity cache.
MBBanImpl | |
MBBanModelImpl |
The base model implementation for the MBBan service.
MBCategoryBaseImpl |
The extended model base implementation for the MBCategory service.
MBCategoryCacheModel |
The cache model class for representing MBCategory in entity cache.
MBCategoryDisplayImpl | |
MBCategoryImpl | |
MBCategoryModelImpl |
The base model implementation for the MBCategory service.
MBDiscussionBaseImpl |
The extended model base implementation for the MBDiscussion service.
MBDiscussionCacheModel |
The cache model class for representing MBDiscussion in entity cache.
MBDiscussionImpl | |
MBDiscussionModelImpl |
The base model implementation for the MBDiscussion service.
MBMailingListBaseImpl |
The extended model base implementation for the MBMailingList service.
MBMailingListCacheModel |
The cache model class for representing MBMailingList in entity cache.
MBMailingListImpl | |
MBMailingListModelImpl |
The base model implementation for the MBMailingList service.
MBMessageBaseImpl |
The extended model base implementation for the MBMessage service.
MBMessageCacheModel |
The cache model class for representing MBMessage in entity cache.
MBMessageDisplayImpl | |
MBMessageImpl | |
MBMessageIteratorImpl | |
MBMessageModelImpl |
The base model implementation for the MBMessage service.
MBStatsUserBaseImpl |
The extended model base implementation for the MBStatsUser service.
MBStatsUserCacheModel |
The cache model class for representing MBStatsUser in entity cache.
MBStatsUserImpl | |
MBStatsUserModelImpl |
The base model implementation for the MBStatsUser service.
MBThreadBaseImpl |
The extended model base implementation for the MBThread service.
MBThreadCacheModel |
The cache model class for representing MBThread in entity cache.
MBThreadFlagBaseImpl |
The extended model base implementation for the MBThreadFlag service.
MBThreadFlagCacheModel |
The cache model class for representing MBThreadFlag in entity cache.
MBThreadFlagImpl | |
MBThreadFlagModelImpl |
The base model implementation for the MBThreadFlag service.
MBThreadImpl | |
MBThreadModelImpl |
The base model implementation for the MBThread service.
MBTreeWalkerImpl |