@ProviderType public class BlogsEntryServiceUtil extends Object
and is the
primary access point for service operations in application layer code running
on a remote server. Methods of this service are expected to have security
checks based on the propagated JAAS credentials because this service can be
accessed remotely.BlogsEntryService
Constructor and Description |
BlogsEntryServiceUtil() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static BlogsEntry |
addEntry(String title,
String description,
String content,
int displayDateMonth,
int displayDateDay,
int displayDateYear,
int displayDateHour,
int displayDateMinute,
boolean allowPingbacks,
boolean allowTrackbacks,
String[] trackbacks,
boolean smallImage,
String smallImageURL,
String smallImageFileName,
InputStream smallImageInputStream,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
static BlogsEntry |
addEntry(String title,
String subtitle,
String description,
String content,
int displayDateMonth,
int displayDateDay,
int displayDateYear,
int displayDateHour,
int displayDateMinute,
boolean allowPingbacks,
boolean allowTrackbacks,
String[] trackbacks,
String coverImageCaption,
ImageSelector coverImageImageSelector,
ImageSelector smallImageImageSelector,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static void |
deleteEntry(long entryId) |
static List<BlogsEntry> |
getCompanyEntries(long companyId,
Date displayDate,
int status,
int max) |
static String |
getCompanyEntriesRSS(long companyId,
Date displayDate,
int status,
int max,
String type,
double version,
String displayStyle,
String feedURL,
String entryURL,
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) |
static BlogsEntry |
getEntry(long entryId) |
static BlogsEntry |
getEntry(long groupId,
String urlTitle) |
static List<BlogsEntry> |
getGroupEntries(long groupId,
Date displayDate,
int status,
int max) |
static List<BlogsEntry> |
getGroupEntries(long groupId,
Date displayDate,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
static List<BlogsEntry> |
getGroupEntries(long groupId,
int status,
int max) |
static List<BlogsEntry> |
getGroupEntries(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
static List<BlogsEntry> |
getGroupEntries(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<BlogsEntry> obc) |
static int |
getGroupEntriesCount(long groupId,
Date displayDate,
int status) |
static int |
getGroupEntriesCount(long groupId,
int status) |
static String |
getGroupEntriesRSS(long groupId,
Date displayDate,
int status,
int max,
String type,
double version,
String displayStyle,
String feedURL,
String entryURL,
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) |
static List<BlogsEntry> |
getGroupsEntries(long companyId,
long groupId,
Date displayDate,
int status,
int max) |
static List<BlogsEntry> |
getGroupUserEntries(long groupId,
long userId,
int[] statuses,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<BlogsEntry> obc) |
static List<BlogsEntry> |
getGroupUserEntries(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<BlogsEntry> obc) |
static int |
getGroupUserEntriesCount(long groupId,
long userId,
int status) |
static int |
getGroupUserEntriesCount(long groupId,
long userId,
int[] statuses) |
static List<BlogsEntry> |
getOrganizationEntries(long organizationId,
Date displayDate,
int status,
int max) |
static String |
getOrganizationEntriesRSS(long organizationId,
Date displayDate,
int status,
int max,
String type,
double version,
String displayStyle,
String feedURL,
String entryURL,
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) |
static String |
Returns the OSGi service identifier.
static BlogsEntryService |
getService() |
static BlogsEntry |
moveEntryToTrash(long entryId) |
static void |
restoreEntryFromTrash(long entryId) |
static void |
subscribe(long groupId) |
static void |
unsubscribe(long groupId) |
static BlogsEntry |
updateEntry(long entryId,
String title,
String description,
String content,
int displayDateMonth,
int displayDateDay,
int displayDateYear,
int displayDateHour,
int displayDateMinute,
boolean allowPingbacks,
boolean allowTrackbacks,
String[] trackbacks,
boolean smallImage,
String smallImageURL,
String smallImageFileName,
InputStream smallImageInputStream,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
static BlogsEntry |
updateEntry(long entryId,
String title,
String subtitle,
String description,
String content,
int displayDateMonth,
int displayDateDay,
int displayDateYear,
int displayDateHour,
int displayDateMinute,
boolean allowPingbacks,
boolean allowTrackbacks,
String[] trackbacks,
String coverImageCaption,
ImageSelector coverImageImageSelector,
ImageSelector smallImageImageSelector,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
@Deprecated public static BlogsEntry addEntry(String title, String description, String content, int displayDateMonth, int displayDateDay, int displayDateYear, int displayDateHour, int displayDateMinute, boolean allowPingbacks, boolean allowTrackbacks, String[] trackbacks, boolean smallImage, String smallImageURL, String smallImageFileName, InputStream smallImageInputStream, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException
addEntry(String, String,
String, String, int, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean,
String[], String, ImageSelector, ImageSelector,
public static BlogsEntry addEntry(String title, String subtitle, String description, String content, int displayDateMonth, int displayDateDay, int displayDateYear, int displayDateHour, int displayDateMinute, boolean allowPingbacks, boolean allowTrackbacks, String[] trackbacks, String coverImageCaption, ImageSelector coverImageImageSelector, ImageSelector smallImageImageSelector, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException
public static BlogsEntry getEntry(long entryId) throws PortalException
public static BlogsEntry getEntry(long groupId, String urlTitle) throws PortalException
public static BlogsEntry moveEntryToTrash(long entryId) throws PortalException
@Deprecated public static BlogsEntry updateEntry(long entryId, String title, String description, String content, int displayDateMonth, int displayDateDay, int displayDateYear, int displayDateHour, int displayDateMinute, boolean allowPingbacks, boolean allowTrackbacks, String[] trackbacks, boolean smallImage, String smallImageURL, String smallImageFileName, InputStream smallImageInputStream, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException
updateEntry(long, String,
String, String, String, int, int, int, int, int, boolean,
boolean, String[], String, ImageSelector, ImageSelector,
public static BlogsEntry updateEntry(long entryId, String title, String subtitle, String description, String content, int displayDateMonth, int displayDateDay, int displayDateYear, int displayDateHour, int displayDateMinute, boolean allowPingbacks, boolean allowTrackbacks, String[] trackbacks, String coverImageCaption, ImageSelector coverImageImageSelector, ImageSelector smallImageImageSelector, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException
public static int getGroupEntriesCount(long groupId, int status)
public static int getGroupEntriesCount(long groupId, Date displayDate, int status)
public static int getGroupUserEntriesCount(long groupId, long userId, int status)
public static int getGroupUserEntriesCount(long groupId, long userId, int[] statuses)
public static String getCompanyEntriesRSS(long companyId, Date displayDate, int status, int max, String type, double version, String displayStyle, String feedURL, String entryURL, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) throws PortalException
public static String getGroupEntriesRSS(long groupId, Date displayDate, int status, int max, String type, double version, String displayStyle, String feedURL, String entryURL, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) throws PortalException
public static String getOSGiServiceIdentifier()
public static String getOrganizationEntriesRSS(long organizationId, Date displayDate, int status, int max, String type, double version, String displayStyle, String feedURL, String entryURL, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) throws PortalException
public static List<BlogsEntry> getCompanyEntries(long companyId, Date displayDate, int status, int max) throws PortalException
public static List<BlogsEntry> getGroupEntries(long groupId, int status, int max)
public static List<BlogsEntry> getGroupEntries(long groupId, int status, int start, int end)
public static List<BlogsEntry> getGroupEntries(long groupId, int status, int start, int end, OrderByComparator<BlogsEntry> obc)
public static List<BlogsEntry> getGroupEntries(long groupId, Date displayDate, int status, int max)
public static List<BlogsEntry> getGroupEntries(long groupId, Date displayDate, int status, int start, int end)
public static List<BlogsEntry> getGroupUserEntries(long groupId, long userId, int status, int start, int end, OrderByComparator<BlogsEntry> obc)
public static List<BlogsEntry> getGroupUserEntries(long groupId, long userId, int[] statuses, int start, int end, OrderByComparator<BlogsEntry> obc)
public static List<BlogsEntry> getGroupsEntries(long companyId, long groupId, Date displayDate, int status, int max) throws PortalException
public static List<BlogsEntry> getOrganizationEntries(long organizationId, Date displayDate, int status, int max) throws PortalException
public static void deleteEntry(long entryId) throws PortalException
public static void restoreEntryFromTrash(long entryId) throws PortalException
public static void subscribe(long groupId) throws PortalException
public static void unsubscribe(long groupId) throws PortalException
public static BlogsEntryService getService()