@ProviderType public class DLFolderServiceUtil extends Object
and is the
primary access point for service operations in application layer code running
on a remote server. Methods of this service are expected to have security
checks based on the propagated JAAS credentials because this service can be
accessed remotely.DLFolderService
Constructor and Description |
DLFolderServiceUtil() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static DLFolder |
addFolder(long groupId,
long repositoryId,
boolean mountPoint,
long parentFolderId,
String name,
String description,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static void |
deleteFolder(long folderId) |
static void |
deleteFolder(long folderId,
boolean includeTrashedEntries) |
static void |
deleteFolder(long groupId,
long parentFolderId,
String name) |
static List<Object> |
getFileEntriesAndFileShortcuts(long groupId,
long folderId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
static int |
getFileEntriesAndFileShortcutsCount(long groupId,
long folderId,
int status) |
static int |
getFileEntriesAndFileShortcutsCount(long groupId,
long folderId,
int status,
String[] mimeTypes) |
static DLFolder |
getFolder(long folderId) |
static DLFolder |
getFolder(long groupId,
long parentFolderId,
String name) |
static List<Long> |
getFolderIds(long groupId,
long folderId) |
static List<DLFolder> |
getFolders(long groupId,
long parentFolderId,
int status,
boolean includeMountfolders,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFolder> obc) |
static List<DLFolder> |
getFolders(long groupId,
long parentFolderId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFolder> obc) |
static List<Object> |
getFoldersAndFileEntriesAndFileShortcuts(long groupId,
long folderId,
int status,
boolean includeMountFolders,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<?> obc) |
static List<Object> |
getFoldersAndFileEntriesAndFileShortcuts(long groupId,
long folderId,
int status,
String[] mimeTypes,
boolean includeMountFolders,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<?> obc) |
static List<Object> |
getFoldersAndFileEntriesAndFileShortcuts(long groupId,
long folderId,
String[] mimeTypes,
boolean includeMountFolders,
QueryDefinition<?> queryDefinition) |
static int |
getFoldersAndFileEntriesAndFileShortcutsCount(long groupId,
long folderId,
int status,
boolean includeMountFolders) |
static int |
getFoldersAndFileEntriesAndFileShortcutsCount(long groupId,
long folderId,
int status,
String[] mimeTypes,
boolean includeMountFolders) |
static int |
getFoldersAndFileEntriesAndFileShortcutsCount(long groupId,
long folderId,
String[] mimeTypes,
boolean includeMountFolders,
QueryDefinition<?> queryDefinition) |
static int |
getFoldersCount(long groupId,
long parentFolderId) |
static int |
getFoldersCount(long groupId,
long parentFolderId,
int status,
boolean includeMountfolders) |
static List<DLFolder> |
getMountFolders(long groupId,
long parentFolderId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<DLFolder> obc) |
static int |
getMountFoldersCount(long groupId,
long parentFolderId) |
static String |
Returns the OSGi service identifier.
static DLFolderService |
getService() |
static void |
getSubfolderIds(List<Long> folderIds,
long groupId,
long folderId)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
getSubfolderIds(List, long,
long, boolean) |
static void |
getSubfolderIds(List<Long> folderIds,
long groupId,
long folderId,
boolean recurse) |
static List<Long> |
getSubfolderIds(long groupId,
long folderId,
boolean recurse) |
static boolean |
hasFolderLock(long folderId) |
static boolean |
hasInheritableLock(long folderId) |
static boolean |
isFolderLocked(long folderId) |
static Lock |
lockFolder(long folderId) |
static Lock |
lockFolder(long folderId,
String owner,
boolean inheritable,
long expirationTime) |
static DLFolder |
moveFolder(long folderId,
long parentFolderId,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static Lock |
refreshFolderLock(String lockUuid,
long companyId,
long expirationTime) |
static void |
unlockFolder(long groupId,
long parentFolderId,
String name,
String lockUuid) |
static void |
unlockFolder(long folderId,
String lockUuid) |
static DLFolder |
updateFolder(long folderId,
long parentFolderId,
String name,
String description,
long defaultFileEntryTypeId,
List<Long> fileEntryTypeIds,
int restrictionType,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static DLFolder |
updateFolder(long folderId,
String name,
String description,
long defaultFileEntryTypeId,
List<Long> fileEntryTypeIds,
boolean overrideFileEntryTypes,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by more general
updateFolder(long, String, String, long, List, int,
ServiceContext) |
static DLFolder |
updateFolder(long folderId,
String name,
String description,
long defaultFileEntryTypeId,
List<Long> fileEntryTypeIds,
int restrictionType,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static boolean |
verifyInheritableLock(long folderId,
String lockUuid) |
public static boolean hasFolderLock(long folderId) throws PortalException
public static boolean hasInheritableLock(long folderId) throws PortalException
public static boolean isFolderLocked(long folderId)
public static boolean verifyInheritableLock(long folderId, String lockUuid) throws PortalException
public static DLFolder addFolder(long groupId, long repositoryId, boolean mountPoint, long parentFolderId, String name, String description, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException
public static DLFolder getFolder(long folderId) throws PortalException
public static DLFolder getFolder(long groupId, long parentFolderId, String name) throws PortalException
public static DLFolder moveFolder(long folderId, long parentFolderId, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException
@Deprecated public static DLFolder updateFolder(long folderId, String name, String description, long defaultFileEntryTypeId, List<Long> fileEntryTypeIds, boolean overrideFileEntryTypes, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException
updateFolder(long, String, String, long, List, int,
public static DLFolder updateFolder(long folderId, String name, String description, long defaultFileEntryTypeId, List<Long> fileEntryTypeIds, int restrictionType, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException
public static DLFolder updateFolder(long folderId, long parentFolderId, String name, String description, long defaultFileEntryTypeId, List<Long> fileEntryTypeIds, int restrictionType, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException
public static Lock lockFolder(long folderId) throws PortalException
public static Lock lockFolder(long folderId, String owner, boolean inheritable, long expirationTime) throws PortalException
public static Lock refreshFolderLock(String lockUuid, long companyId, long expirationTime) throws PortalException
public static int getFileEntriesAndFileShortcutsCount(long groupId, long folderId, int status) throws PortalException
public static int getFileEntriesAndFileShortcutsCount(long groupId, long folderId, int status, String[] mimeTypes) throws PortalException
public static int getFoldersAndFileEntriesAndFileShortcutsCount(long groupId, long folderId, int status, boolean includeMountFolders) throws PortalException
public static int getFoldersAndFileEntriesAndFileShortcutsCount(long groupId, long folderId, int status, String[] mimeTypes, boolean includeMountFolders) throws PortalException
public static int getFoldersAndFileEntriesAndFileShortcutsCount(long groupId, long folderId, String[] mimeTypes, boolean includeMountFolders, QueryDefinition<?> queryDefinition) throws PortalException
public static int getFoldersCount(long groupId, long parentFolderId) throws PortalException
public static int getFoldersCount(long groupId, long parentFolderId, int status, boolean includeMountfolders) throws PortalException
public static int getMountFoldersCount(long groupId, long parentFolderId) throws PortalException
public static String getOSGiServiceIdentifier()
public static List<Object> getFileEntriesAndFileShortcuts(long groupId, long folderId, int status, int start, int end) throws PortalException
public static List<Long> getFolderIds(long groupId, long folderId) throws PortalException
public static List<DLFolder> getFolders(long groupId, long parentFolderId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator<DLFolder> obc) throws PortalException
public static List<DLFolder> getFolders(long groupId, long parentFolderId, int status, boolean includeMountfolders, int start, int end, OrderByComparator<DLFolder> obc) throws PortalException
public static List<Object> getFoldersAndFileEntriesAndFileShortcuts(long groupId, long folderId, int status, boolean includeMountFolders, int start, int end, OrderByComparator<?> obc) throws PortalException
public static List<Object> getFoldersAndFileEntriesAndFileShortcuts(long groupId, long folderId, int status, String[] mimeTypes, boolean includeMountFolders, int start, int end, OrderByComparator<?> obc) throws PortalException
public static List<Object> getFoldersAndFileEntriesAndFileShortcuts(long groupId, long folderId, String[] mimeTypes, boolean includeMountFolders, QueryDefinition<?> queryDefinition) throws PortalException
public static List<DLFolder> getMountFolders(long groupId, long parentFolderId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator<DLFolder> obc) throws PortalException
public static List<Long> getSubfolderIds(long groupId, long folderId, boolean recurse) throws PortalException
public static void deleteFolder(long folderId) throws PortalException
public static void deleteFolder(long folderId, boolean includeTrashedEntries) throws PortalException
public static void deleteFolder(long groupId, long parentFolderId, String name) throws PortalException
@Deprecated public static void getSubfolderIds(List<Long> folderIds, long groupId, long folderId) throws PortalException
getSubfolderIds(List, long,
long, boolean)
public static void getSubfolderIds(List<Long> folderIds, long groupId, long folderId, boolean recurse) throws PortalException
public static void unlockFolder(long folderId, String lockUuid) throws PortalException
public static void unlockFolder(long groupId, long parentFolderId, String name, String lockUuid) throws PortalException
public static DLFolderService getService()