Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<String,List<MBMessage>> |
As of 7.0.0, with no direct replacement
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PortletDataContext.addComments(String className,
long classPK,
List<MBMessage> messages)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
StagedModel) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This class is a wrapper for
MBMessage . |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static Accessor<MBMessage,Long> |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MBMessage |
MBMessageDisplay.getMessage() |
MBMessage |
MBMessageDisplay.getParentMessage() |
MBMessage |
MBTreeWalker.getRoot() |
MBMessage |
MBMessageWrapper.getWrappedModel() |
MBMessage |
MBMessageModel.toEscapedModel() |
MBMessage |
MBMessageWrapper.toEscapedModel() |
MBMessage |
MBMessageModel.toUnescapedModel() |
MBMessage |
MBMessageWrapper.toUnescapedModel() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<MBMessage> |
MBTreeWalker.getChildren(MBMessage message) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBTreeWalker.getMessages() |
CacheModel<MBMessage> |
MBMessageModel.toCacheModel() |
CacheModel<MBMessage> |
MBMessageWrapper.toCacheModel() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
MBMessageModel.compareTo(MBMessage mbMessage) |
int |
MBMessageWrapper.compareTo(MBMessage mbMessage) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBTreeWalker.getChildren(MBMessage message) |
int[] |
MBTreeWalker.getChildrenRange(MBMessage message) |
boolean |
MBTreeWalker.isLeaf(MBMessage message) |
static MBMessageSoap |
MBMessageSoap.toSoapModel(MBMessage model) |
static MBMessageSoap[] |
MBMessageSoap.toSoapModels(MBMessage[] models) |
static MBMessageSoap[][] |
MBMessageSoap.toSoapModels(MBMessage[][] models) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static MBMessageSoap[] |
MBMessageSoap.toSoapModels(List<MBMessage> models) |
Constructor and Description |
MBMessageWrapper(MBMessage mbMessage) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MBMessage |
MBMessageService.addDiscussionMessage(long groupId,
String className,
long classPK,
long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
String subject,
String body,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageServiceWrapper.addDiscussionMessage(long groupId,
String className,
long classPK,
long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
String subject,
String body,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageServiceUtil.addDiscussionMessage(long groupId,
String className,
long classPK,
long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
String subject,
String body,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.addDiscussionMessage(long userId,
String userName,
long groupId,
String className,
long classPK,
int workflowAction) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.addDiscussionMessage(long userId,
String userName,
long groupId,
String className,
long classPK,
int workflowAction) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.addDiscussionMessage(long userId,
String userName,
long groupId,
String className,
long classPK,
int workflowAction) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.addDiscussionMessage(long userId,
String userName,
long groupId,
String className,
long classPK,
long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
String subject,
String body,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.addDiscussionMessage(long userId,
String userName,
long groupId,
String className,
long classPK,
long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
String subject,
String body,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.addDiscussionMessage(long userId,
String userName,
long groupId,
String className,
long classPK,
long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
String subject,
String body,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.addMBMessage(MBMessage mbMessage)
Adds the message-boards message to the database.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.addMBMessage(MBMessage mbMessage)
Adds the message-boards message to the database.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.addMBMessage(MBMessage mbMessage)
Adds the message-boards message to the database.
MBMessage |
MBMessageService.addMessage(long groupId,
long categoryId,
String subject,
String body,
String format,
List<ObjectValuePair<String,InputStream>> inputStreamOVPs,
boolean anonymous,
double priority,
boolean allowPingbacks,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageServiceWrapper.addMessage(long groupId,
long categoryId,
String subject,
String body,
String format,
List<ObjectValuePair<String,InputStream>> inputStreamOVPs,
boolean anonymous,
double priority,
boolean allowPingbacks,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageServiceUtil.addMessage(long groupId,
long categoryId,
String subject,
String body,
String format,
List<ObjectValuePair<String,InputStream>> inputStreamOVPs,
boolean anonymous,
double priority,
boolean allowPingbacks,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageService.addMessage(long groupId,
long categoryId,
String subject,
String body,
String format,
String fileName,
File file,
boolean anonymous,
double priority,
boolean allowPingbacks,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageServiceWrapper.addMessage(long groupId,
long categoryId,
String subject,
String body,
String format,
String fileName,
File file,
boolean anonymous,
double priority,
boolean allowPingbacks,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageServiceUtil.addMessage(long groupId,
long categoryId,
String subject,
String body,
String format,
String fileName,
File file,
boolean anonymous,
double priority,
boolean allowPingbacks,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.addMessage(long userId,
String userName,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
String subject,
String body,
String format,
List<ObjectValuePair<String,InputStream>> inputStreamOVPs,
boolean anonymous,
double priority,
boolean allowPingbacks,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.addMessage(long userId,
String userName,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
String subject,
String body,
String format,
List<ObjectValuePair<String,InputStream>> inputStreamOVPs,
boolean anonymous,
double priority,
boolean allowPingbacks,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.addMessage(long userId,
String userName,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
String subject,
String body,
String format,
List<ObjectValuePair<String,InputStream>> inputStreamOVPs,
boolean anonymous,
double priority,
boolean allowPingbacks,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.addMessage(long userId,
String userName,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
String subject,
String body,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.addMessage(long userId,
String userName,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
String subject,
String body,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.addMessage(long userId,
String userName,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
String subject,
String body,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.addMessage(long userId,
String userName,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
String subject,
String body,
String format,
List<ObjectValuePair<String,InputStream>> inputStreamOVPs,
boolean anonymous,
double priority,
boolean allowPingbacks,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.addMessage(long userId,
String userName,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
String subject,
String body,
String format,
List<ObjectValuePair<String,InputStream>> inputStreamOVPs,
boolean anonymous,
double priority,
boolean allowPingbacks,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.addMessage(long userId,
String userName,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
String subject,
String body,
String format,
List<ObjectValuePair<String,InputStream>> inputStreamOVPs,
boolean anonymous,
double priority,
boolean allowPingbacks,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.addMessage(long userId,
String userName,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
String subject,
String body,
String format,
String fileName,
File file,
boolean anonymous,
double priority,
boolean allowPingbacks,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.addMessage(long userId,
String userName,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
String subject,
String body,
String format,
String fileName,
File file,
boolean anonymous,
double priority,
boolean allowPingbacks,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.addMessage(long userId,
String userName,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
String subject,
String body,
String format,
String fileName,
File file,
boolean anonymous,
double priority,
boolean allowPingbacks,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.addMessage(long userId,
String userName,
long categoryId,
String subject,
String body,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.addMessage(long, String,
long, long, String, String, ServiceContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.addMessage(long userId,
String userName,
long categoryId,
String subject,
String body,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.addMessage(long, String,
long, long, String, String, ServiceContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.addMessage(long userId,
String userName,
long categoryId,
String subject,
String body,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
MBMessageLocalService.addMessage(long, String,
long, long, String, String, ServiceContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageService.addMessage(long categoryId,
String subject,
String body,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageServiceWrapper.addMessage(long categoryId,
String subject,
String body,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageServiceUtil.addMessage(long categoryId,
String subject,
String body,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageService.addMessage(long parentMessageId,
String subject,
String body,
String format,
List<ObjectValuePair<String,InputStream>> inputStreamOVPs,
boolean anonymous,
double priority,
boolean allowPingbacks,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageServiceWrapper.addMessage(long parentMessageId,
String subject,
String body,
String format,
List<ObjectValuePair<String,InputStream>> inputStreamOVPs,
boolean anonymous,
double priority,
boolean allowPingbacks,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageServiceUtil.addMessage(long parentMessageId,
String subject,
String body,
String format,
List<ObjectValuePair<String,InputStream>> inputStreamOVPs,
boolean anonymous,
double priority,
boolean allowPingbacks,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.createMBMessage(long messageId)
Creates a new message-boards message with the primary key.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.createMBMessage(long messageId)
Creates a new message-boards message with the primary key.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.createMBMessage(long messageId)
Creates a new message-boards message with the primary key.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.deleteDiscussionMessage(long messageId) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.deleteDiscussionMessage(long messageId) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.deleteDiscussionMessage(long messageId) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.deleteMBMessage(long messageId)
Deletes the message-boards message with the primary key from the database.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.deleteMBMessage(long messageId)
Deletes the message-boards message with the primary key from the database.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.deleteMBMessage(long messageId)
Deletes the message-boards message with the primary key from the database.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.deleteMBMessage(MBMessage mbMessage)
Deletes the message-boards message from the database.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.deleteMBMessage(MBMessage mbMessage)
Deletes the message-boards message from the database.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.deleteMBMessage(MBMessage mbMessage)
Deletes the message-boards message from the database.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.deleteMessage(long messageId) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.deleteMessage(long messageId) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.deleteMessage(long messageId) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.deleteMessage(MBMessage message) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.deleteMessage(MBMessage message) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.deleteMessage(MBMessage message) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.fetchMBMessage(long messageId) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.fetchMBMessage(long messageId) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.fetchMBMessage(long messageId) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.fetchMBMessageByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the message-boards message matching the UUID and group.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.fetchMBMessageByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the message-boards message matching the UUID and group.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.fetchMBMessageByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the message-boards message matching the UUID and group.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getMBMessage(long messageId)
Returns the message-boards message with the primary key.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getMBMessage(long messageId)
Returns the message-boards message with the primary key.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.getMBMessage(long messageId)
Returns the message-boards message with the primary key.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getMBMessageByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the message-boards message matching the UUID and group.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getMBMessageByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the message-boards message matching the UUID and group.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.getMBMessageByUuidAndGroupId(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the message-boards message matching the UUID and group.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getMessage(long messageId) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getMessage(long messageId) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageService.getMessage(long messageId) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageServiceWrapper.getMessage(long messageId) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageServiceUtil.getMessage(long messageId) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.getMessage(long messageId) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.updateDiscussionMessage(long userId,
long messageId,
String className,
long classPK,
String subject,
String body,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.updateDiscussionMessage(long userId,
long messageId,
String className,
long classPK,
String subject,
String body,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.updateDiscussionMessage(long userId,
long messageId,
String className,
long classPK,
String subject,
String body,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageService.updateDiscussionMessage(String className,
long classPK,
long messageId,
String subject,
String body,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageServiceWrapper.updateDiscussionMessage(String className,
long classPK,
long messageId,
String subject,
String body,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageServiceUtil.updateDiscussionMessage(String className,
long classPK,
long messageId,
String subject,
String body,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.updateMBMessage(MBMessage mbMessage)
Updates the message-boards message in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.updateMBMessage(MBMessage mbMessage)
Updates the message-boards message in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.updateMBMessage(MBMessage mbMessage)
Updates the message-boards message in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.updateMessage(long userId,
long messageId,
String body,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.updateMessage(long userId,
long messageId,
String body,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.updateMessage(long userId,
long messageId,
String body,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.updateMessage(long userId,
long messageId,
String subject,
String body,
List<ObjectValuePair<String,InputStream>> inputStreamOVPs,
List<String> existingFiles,
double priority,
boolean allowPingbacks,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.updateMessage(long userId,
long messageId,
String subject,
String body,
List<ObjectValuePair<String,InputStream>> inputStreamOVPs,
List<String> existingFiles,
double priority,
boolean allowPingbacks,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.updateMessage(long userId,
long messageId,
String subject,
String body,
List<ObjectValuePair<String,InputStream>> inputStreamOVPs,
List<String> existingFiles,
double priority,
boolean allowPingbacks,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.updateMessage(long messageId,
String body)
As of 7.0.0, with no direct replacement
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.updateMessage(long messageId,
String body)
As of 7.0.0, with no direct replacement
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.updateMessage(long messageId,
String body)
As of 7.0.0, with no direct replacement
MBMessage |
MBMessageService.updateMessage(long messageId,
String subject,
String body,
List<ObjectValuePair<String,InputStream>> inputStreamOVPs,
List<String> existingFiles,
double priority,
boolean allowPingbacks,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageServiceWrapper.updateMessage(long messageId,
String subject,
String body,
List<ObjectValuePair<String,InputStream>> inputStreamOVPs,
List<String> existingFiles,
double priority,
boolean allowPingbacks,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageServiceUtil.updateMessage(long messageId,
String subject,
String body,
List<ObjectValuePair<String,InputStream>> inputStreamOVPs,
List<String> existingFiles,
double priority,
boolean allowPingbacks,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.updateStatus(long userId,
long messageId,
int status,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.updateStatus(long, long,
int, ServiceContext, Map) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.updateStatus(long userId,
long messageId,
int status,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.updateStatus(long, long,
int, ServiceContext, Map) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.updateStatus(long userId,
long messageId,
int status,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
MBMessageLocalService.updateStatus(long, long,
int, ServiceContext, Map) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.updateStatus(long userId,
long messageId,
int status,
ServiceContext serviceContext,
Map<String,Serializable> workflowContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.updateStatus(long userId,
long messageId,
int status,
ServiceContext serviceContext,
Map<String,Serializable> workflowContext) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.updateStatus(long userId,
long messageId,
int status,
ServiceContext serviceContext,
Map<String,Serializable> workflowContext) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getCategoryMessages(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getCategoryMessages(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageService.getCategoryMessages(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageServiceWrapper.getCategoryMessages(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageServiceUtil.getCategoryMessages(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getCategoryMessages(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getCategoryMessages(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getCategoryMessages(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getCategoryMessages(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getCompanyMessages(long companyId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getCompanyMessages(long companyId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getCompanyMessages(long companyId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getCompanyMessages(long companyId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getCompanyMessages(long companyId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getCompanyMessages(long companyId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getGroupMessages(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getGroupMessages(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getGroupMessages(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getGroupMessages(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getGroupMessages(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getGroupMessages(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getGroupMessages(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getGroupMessages(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getGroupMessages(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getGroupMessages(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getGroupMessages(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getGroupMessages(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getMBMessages(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getMBMessages(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getMBMessages(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getMBMessagesByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns all the message-boards messages matching the UUID and company.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getMBMessagesByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns all the message-boards messages matching the UUID and company.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getMBMessagesByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns all the message-boards messages matching the UUID and company.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getMBMessagesByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns a range of message-boards messages matching the UUID and company.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getMBMessagesByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns a range of message-boards messages matching the UUID and company.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getMBMessagesByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns a range of message-boards messages matching the UUID and company.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getMessages(String className,
long classPK,
int status) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getMessages(String className,
long classPK,
int status) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getMessages(String className,
long classPK,
int status) |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getNoAssetMessages() |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getNoAssetMessages() |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getNoAssetMessages() |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getThreadMessages(long threadId,
int status) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getThreadMessages(long threadId,
int status) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getThreadMessages(long threadId,
int status) |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getThreadMessages(long threadId,
int status,
Comparator<MBMessage> comparator) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getThreadMessages(long threadId,
int status,
Comparator<MBMessage> comparator) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getThreadMessages(long threadId,
int status,
Comparator<MBMessage> comparator) |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getThreadMessages(long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getThreadMessages(long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getThreadMessages(long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageService.getThreadMessages(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageServiceWrapper.getThreadMessages(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageServiceUtil.getThreadMessages(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getThreadRepliesMessages(long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getThreadRepliesMessages(long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getThreadRepliesMessages(long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end) |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getUserDiscussionMessages(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getUserDiscussionMessages(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getUserDiscussionMessages(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getUserDiscussionMessages(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getUserDiscussionMessages(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getUserDiscussionMessages(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getUserDiscussionMessages(long userId,
String className,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getUserDiscussionMessages(long userId,
String className,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getUserDiscussionMessages(long userId,
String className,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.addMBMessage(MBMessage mbMessage)
Adds the message-boards message to the database.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.addMBMessage(MBMessage mbMessage)
Adds the message-boards message to the database.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.addMBMessage(MBMessage mbMessage)
Adds the message-boards message to the database.
static void |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.addMessageResources(MBMessage message,
boolean addGroupPermissions,
boolean addGuestPermissions) |
void |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.addMessageResources(MBMessage message,
boolean addGroupPermissions,
boolean addGuestPermissions) |
void |
MBMessageLocalService.addMessageResources(MBMessage message,
boolean addGroupPermissions,
boolean addGuestPermissions) |
static void |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.addMessageResources(MBMessage message,
ModelPermissions modelPermissions) |
void |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.addMessageResources(MBMessage message,
ModelPermissions modelPermissions) |
void |
MBMessageLocalService.addMessageResources(MBMessage message,
ModelPermissions modelPermissions) |
MBThread |
MBThreadLocalServiceWrapper.addThread(long categoryId,
MBMessage message,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static MBThread |
MBThreadLocalServiceUtil.addThread(long categoryId,
MBMessage message,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
MBThread |
MBThreadLocalService.addThread(long categoryId,
MBMessage message,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.deleteMBMessage(MBMessage mbMessage)
Deletes the message-boards message from the database.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.deleteMBMessage(MBMessage mbMessage)
Deletes the message-boards message from the database.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.deleteMBMessage(MBMessage mbMessage)
Deletes the message-boards message from the database.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.deleteMessage(MBMessage message) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.deleteMessage(MBMessage message) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.deleteMessage(MBMessage message) |
static MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getMessageDisplay(long userId,
MBMessage message,
int status) |
MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getMessageDisplay(long userId,
MBMessage message,
int status) |
MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalService.getMessageDisplay(long userId,
MBMessage message,
int status) |
static MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getMessageDisplay(long userId,
MBMessage message,
int status,
Comparator<MBMessage> comparator) |
MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getMessageDisplay(long userId,
MBMessage message,
int status,
Comparator<MBMessage> comparator) |
MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalService.getMessageDisplay(long userId,
MBMessage message,
int status,
Comparator<MBMessage> comparator) |
static MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getMessageDisplay(long userId,
MBMessage message,
int status,
String threadView,
boolean includePrevAndNext)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
MBMessage, int) |
MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getMessageDisplay(long userId,
MBMessage message,
int status,
String threadView,
boolean includePrevAndNext)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
MBMessage, int) |
MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalService.getMessageDisplay(long userId,
MBMessage message,
int status,
String threadView,
boolean includePrevAndNext)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
MBMessage, int) |
static MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getMessageDisplay(long userId,
MBMessage message,
int status,
String threadView,
boolean includePrevAndNext,
Comparator<MBMessage> comparator)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
MBMessage, int, Comparator) ( |
MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getMessageDisplay(long userId,
MBMessage message,
int status,
String threadView,
boolean includePrevAndNext,
Comparator<MBMessage> comparator)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
MBMessage, int, Comparator) ( |
MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalService.getMessageDisplay(long userId,
MBMessage message,
int status,
String threadView,
boolean includePrevAndNext,
Comparator<MBMessage> comparator)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
MBMessage, int, Comparator) ( |
static void |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.updateAnswer(MBMessage message,
boolean answer,
boolean cascade) |
void |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.updateAnswer(MBMessage message,
boolean answer,
boolean cascade) |
void |
MBMessageLocalService.updateAnswer(MBMessage message,
boolean answer,
boolean cascade) |
static void |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.updateAsset(long userId,
MBMessage message,
long[] assetCategoryIds,
String[] assetTagNames,
long[] assetLinkEntryIds) |
void |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.updateAsset(long userId,
MBMessage message,
long[] assetCategoryIds,
String[] assetTagNames,
long[] assetLinkEntryIds) |
void |
MBMessageLocalService.updateAsset(long userId,
MBMessage message,
long[] assetCategoryIds,
String[] assetTagNames,
long[] assetLinkEntryIds) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.updateMBMessage(MBMessage mbMessage)
Updates the message-boards message in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.updateMBMessage(MBMessage mbMessage)
Updates the message-boards message in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.updateMBMessage(MBMessage mbMessage)
Updates the message-boards message in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getCategoryMessages(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getCategoryMessages(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getCategoryMessages(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getCompanyMessages(long companyId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getCompanyMessages(long companyId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getCompanyMessages(long companyId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
static MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getDiscussionMessageDisplay(long userId,
long groupId,
String className,
long classPK,
int status,
Comparator<MBMessage> comparator) |
MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getDiscussionMessageDisplay(long userId,
long groupId,
String className,
long classPK,
int status,
Comparator<MBMessage> comparator) |
MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalService.getDiscussionMessageDisplay(long userId,
long groupId,
String className,
long classPK,
int status,
Comparator<MBMessage> comparator) |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getGroupMessages(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getGroupMessages(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getGroupMessages(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getGroupMessages(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getGroupMessages(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getGroupMessages(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getMBMessagesByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns a range of message-boards messages matching the UUID and company.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getMBMessagesByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns a range of message-boards messages matching the UUID and company.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getMBMessagesByUuidAndCompanyId(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns a range of message-boards messages matching the UUID and company.
static MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getMessageDisplay(long userId,
MBMessage message,
int status,
Comparator<MBMessage> comparator) |
MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getMessageDisplay(long userId,
MBMessage message,
int status,
Comparator<MBMessage> comparator) |
MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalService.getMessageDisplay(long userId,
MBMessage message,
int status,
Comparator<MBMessage> comparator) |
static MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getMessageDisplay(long userId,
MBMessage message,
int status,
String threadView,
boolean includePrevAndNext,
Comparator<MBMessage> comparator)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
MBMessage, int, Comparator) ( |
MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getMessageDisplay(long userId,
MBMessage message,
int status,
String threadView,
boolean includePrevAndNext,
Comparator<MBMessage> comparator)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
MBMessage, int, Comparator) ( |
MBMessageDisplay |
MBMessageLocalService.getMessageDisplay(long userId,
MBMessage message,
int status,
String threadView,
boolean includePrevAndNext,
Comparator<MBMessage> comparator)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
MBMessage, int, Comparator) ( |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getThreadMessages(long threadId,
int status,
Comparator<MBMessage> comparator) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getThreadMessages(long threadId,
int status,
Comparator<MBMessage> comparator) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getThreadMessages(long threadId,
int status,
Comparator<MBMessage> comparator) |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getUserDiscussionMessages(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getUserDiscussionMessages(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getUserDiscussionMessages(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getUserDiscussionMessages(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getUserDiscussionMessages(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getUserDiscussionMessages(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getUserDiscussionMessages(long userId,
String className,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalServiceWrapper.getUserDiscussionMessages(long userId,
String className,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageLocalService.getUserDiscussionMessages(long userId,
String className,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> obc) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.create(long messageId)
Creates a new message-boards message with the primary key.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.create(long messageId)
Creates a new message-boards message with the primary key.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByC_C_First(long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByC_C_First(long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByC_C_Last(long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByC_C_Last(long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByC_C_S_First(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByC_C_S_First(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByC_C_S_Last(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByC_C_S_Last(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByC_S_First(long companyId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByC_S_First(long companyId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByC_S_Last(long companyId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByC_S_Last(long companyId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByCompanyId_First(long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByCompanyId_First(long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByCompanyId_Last(long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByCompanyId_Last(long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_C_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_C_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_C_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_C_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_C_S_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_C_S_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_C_S_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_C_S_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_C_T_A_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_C_T_A_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_C_T_A_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_C_T_A_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_C_T_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_C_T_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_C_T_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_C_T_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_C_T_S_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_C_T_S_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_C_T_S_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_C_T_S_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_S_First(long groupId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_S_First(long groupId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_S_Last(long groupId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_S_Last(long groupId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_U_First(long groupId,
long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_U_First(long groupId,
long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_U_Last(long groupId,
long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_U_Last(long groupId,
long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_U_S_First(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_U_S_First(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_U_S_Last(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_U_S_Last(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByGroupId_First(long groupId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByGroupId_First(long groupId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByGroupId_Last(long groupId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByGroupId_Last(long groupId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByPrimaryKey(long messageId)
Returns the message-boards message with the primary key or returns
null if it could not be found. |
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByPrimaryKey(long messageId)
Returns the message-boards message with the primary key or returns
null if it could not be found. |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByT_A_First(long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByT_A_First(long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByT_A_Last(long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByT_A_Last(long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByT_P_First(long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByT_P_First(long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByT_P_Last(long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByT_P_Last(long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByT_S_First(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByT_S_First(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByT_S_Last(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByT_S_Last(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByThreadId_First(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByThreadId_First(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByThreadId_Last(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByThreadId_Last(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByThreadReplies_First(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByThreadReplies_First(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByThreadReplies_Last(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByThreadReplies_Last(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByTR_S_First(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByTR_S_First(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByTR_S_Last(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByTR_S_Last(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByU_C_C_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByU_C_C_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByU_C_C_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByU_C_C_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByU_C_C_S_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByU_C_C_S_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByU_C_C_S_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByU_C_C_S_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByU_C_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByU_C_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByU_C_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByU_C_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByU_C_S_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByU_C_S_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByU_C_S_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByU_C_S_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByUserId_First(long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByUserId_First(long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByUserId_Last(long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByUserId_Last(long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByUuid_C_First(String uuid,
long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByUuid_C_First(String uuid,
long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByUuid_C_Last(String uuid,
long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByUuid_C_Last(String uuid,
long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByUuid_First(String uuid,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByUuid_First(String uuid,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByUUID_G(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the message-boards message where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or returns
null if it could not be found. |
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByUUID_G(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the message-boards message where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or returns
null if it could not be found. |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByUUID_G(String uuid,
long groupId,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns the message-boards message where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or returns
null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache. |
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByUUID_G(String uuid,
long groupId,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns the message-boards message where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or returns
null if it could not be found, optionally using the finder cache. |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByUuid_Last(String uuid,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByUuid_Last(String uuid,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C_T_A_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C_T_A_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C_T_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C_T_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C_T_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C_T_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_U_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_U_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_U_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_U_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByGroupId_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByGroupId_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_C_First(long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_C_First(long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_C_Last(long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_C_Last(long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_C_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_C_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_C_S_First(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_C_S_First(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_C_S_Last(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_C_S_Last(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_C_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_C_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_S_First(long companyId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_S_First(long companyId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_S_Last(long companyId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_S_Last(long companyId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long companyId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long companyId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByCompanyId_First(long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByCompanyId_First(long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByCompanyId_Last(long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByCompanyId_Last(long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByCompanyId_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByCompanyId_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_S_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_S_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_S_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_S_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_A_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_A_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_A_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_A_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_A_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_A_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_S_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_S_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_S_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_S_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_S_First(long groupId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_S_First(long groupId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_S_Last(long groupId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_S_Last(long groupId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_U_First(long groupId,
long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_U_First(long groupId,
long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_U_Last(long groupId,
long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_U_Last(long groupId,
long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_U_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_U_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_U_S_First(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_U_S_First(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_U_S_Last(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_U_S_Last(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_U_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_U_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByGroupId_First(long groupId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByGroupId_First(long groupId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByGroupId_Last(long groupId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByGroupId_Last(long groupId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByGroupId_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByGroupId_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByPrimaryKey(long messageId)
Returns the message-boards message with the primary key or throws a
NoSuchMessageException if it could not be found. |
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByPrimaryKey(long messageId)
Returns the message-boards message with the primary key or throws a
NoSuchMessageException if it could not be found. |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_A_First(long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_A_First(long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_A_Last(long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_A_Last(long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_A_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_A_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_P_First(long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_P_First(long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_P_Last(long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_P_Last(long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_P_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_P_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_S_First(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_S_First(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_S_Last(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_S_Last(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByThreadId_First(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByThreadId_First(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByThreadId_Last(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByThreadId_Last(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByThreadId_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByThreadId_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByThreadReplies_First(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByThreadReplies_First(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByThreadReplies_Last(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByThreadReplies_Last(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByThreadReplies_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByThreadReplies_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByTR_S_First(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByTR_S_First(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByTR_S_Last(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByTR_S_Last(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByTR_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByTR_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_C_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_C_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_C_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_C_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_C_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_C_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_C_S_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_C_S_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_C_S_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_C_S_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_C_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_C_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long userId,
long classNameId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long userId,
long classNameId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_S_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_S_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_S_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_S_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByUserId_First(long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUserId_First(long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByUserId_Last(long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUserId_Last(long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByUserId_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUserId_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByUuid_C_First(String uuid,
long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUuid_C_First(String uuid,
long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByUuid_C_Last(String uuid,
long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUuid_C_Last(String uuid,
long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByUuid_C_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
String uuid,
long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUuid_C_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
String uuid,
long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByUuid_First(String uuid,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUuid_First(String uuid,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByUUID_G(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the message-boards message where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or throws a
NoSuchMessageException if it could not be found. |
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUUID_G(String uuid,
long groupId)
Returns the message-boards message where uuid = ? and groupId = ? or throws a
NoSuchMessageException if it could not be found. |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByUuid_Last(String uuid,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUuid_Last(String uuid,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByUuid_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
String uuid,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUuid_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
String uuid,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.remove(long messageId)
Removes the message-boards message with the primary key from the database.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.remove(long messageId)
Removes the message-boards message with the primary key from the database.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.removeByUUID_G(String uuid,
long groupId)
Removes the message-boards message where uuid = ? and groupId = ? from the database.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.removeByUUID_G(String uuid,
long groupId)
Removes the message-boards message where uuid = ? and groupId = ? from the database.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.update(MBMessage mbMessage) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.update(MBMessage mbMessage,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.updateImpl(MBMessage mbMessage) |
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.updateImpl(MBMessage mbMessage) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Map<Serializable,MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByPrimaryKeys(Set<Serializable> primaryKeys) |
Map<Serializable,MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByPrimaryKeys(Set<Serializable> primaryKeys) |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C_T_A(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer)
Returns all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C_T_A(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer)
Returns all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C_T_A(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C_T_A(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C_T_A(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C_T_A(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C_T_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C_T_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C_T_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C_T_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C_T_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C_T_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C_T(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId)
Returns all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C_T(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId)
Returns all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C_T(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C_T(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C_T(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C_T(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C(long groupId,
long categoryId)
Returns all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C(long groupId,
long categoryId)
Returns all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_S(long groupId,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_S(long groupId,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_S(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_S(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_S(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_S(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_U_S(long groupId,
long userId,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_U_S(long groupId,
long userId,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_U_S(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_U_S(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_U_S(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_U_S(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_U(long groupId,
long userId)
Returns all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_U(long groupId,
long userId)
Returns all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_U(long groupId,
long userId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_U(long groupId,
long userId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_U(long groupId,
long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_U(long groupId,
long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByGroupId(long groupId)
Returns all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByGroupId(long groupId)
Returns all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByGroupId(long groupId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByGroupId(long groupId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByGroupId(long groupId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByGroupId(long groupId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
Returns all the message-boards messages.
List<MBMessage> |
Returns all the message-boards messages.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findAll(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findAll(int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findAll(int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findAll(int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findAll(int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findAll(int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_C_S(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_C_S(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_C_S(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_C_S(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_C_S(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_C_S(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_C_S(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_C_S(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_C(long classNameId,
long classPK)
Returns all the message-boards messages where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_C(long classNameId,
long classPK)
Returns all the message-boards messages where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_C(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_C(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_C(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_C(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_C(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_C(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_S(long companyId,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages where companyId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_S(long companyId,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages where companyId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_S(long companyId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where companyId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_S(long companyId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where companyId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_S(long companyId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where companyId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_S(long companyId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where companyId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_S(long companyId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where companyId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_S(long companyId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where companyId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByCompanyId(long companyId)
Returns all the message-boards messages where companyId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByCompanyId(long companyId)
Returns all the message-boards messages where companyId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByCompanyId(long companyId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where companyId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByCompanyId(long companyId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where companyId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByCompanyId(long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where companyId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByCompanyId(long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where companyId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByCompanyId(long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where companyId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByCompanyId(long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where companyId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_A(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer)
Returns all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_A(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer)
Returns all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_A(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_A(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_A(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_A(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_A(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_A(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId)
Returns all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId)
Returns all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C(long groupId,
long categoryId)
Returns all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C(long groupId,
long categoryId)
Returns all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_S(long groupId,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_S(long groupId,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_S(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_S(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_S(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_S(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_S(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_S(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_U_S(long groupId,
long userId,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_U_S(long groupId,
long userId,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_U_S(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_U_S(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_U_S(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_U_S(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_U_S(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_U_S(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_U(long groupId,
long userId)
Returns all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_U(long groupId,
long userId)
Returns all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_U(long groupId,
long userId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_U(long groupId,
long userId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_U(long groupId,
long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_U(long groupId,
long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_U(long groupId,
long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_U(long groupId,
long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByGroupId(long groupId)
Returns all the message-boards messages where groupId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByGroupId(long groupId)
Returns all the message-boards messages where groupId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByGroupId(long groupId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByGroupId(long groupId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByGroupId(long groupId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByGroupId(long groupId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByGroupId(long groupId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByGroupId(long groupId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageFinderUtil.findByNoAssets() |
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageFinder.findByNoAssets() |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_A(long threadId,
boolean answer)
Returns all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_A(long threadId,
boolean answer)
Returns all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_A(long threadId,
boolean answer,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_A(long threadId,
boolean answer,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_A(long threadId,
boolean answer,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_A(long threadId,
boolean answer,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_A(long threadId,
boolean answer,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_A(long threadId,
boolean answer,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_P(long threadId,
long parentMessageId)
Returns all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_P(long threadId,
long parentMessageId)
Returns all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_P(long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_P(long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_P(long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_P(long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_P(long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_P(long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_S(long threadId,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_S(long threadId,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_S(long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_S(long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_S(long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_S(long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_S(long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_S(long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByThreadId(long threadId)
Returns all the message-boards messages where threadId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByThreadId(long threadId)
Returns all the message-boards messages where threadId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByThreadId(long threadId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByThreadId(long threadId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByThreadId(long threadId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByThreadId(long threadId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByThreadId(long threadId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByThreadId(long threadId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByThreadReplies(long threadId)
Returns all the message-boards messages where threadId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByThreadReplies(long threadId)
Returns all the message-boards messages where threadId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByThreadReplies(long threadId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByThreadReplies(long threadId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByThreadReplies(long threadId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByThreadReplies(long threadId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByThreadReplies(long threadId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByThreadReplies(long threadId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByTR_S(long threadId,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByTR_S(long threadId,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByTR_S(long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByTR_S(long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByTR_S(long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByTR_S(long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByTR_S(long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByTR_S(long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_C_S(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_C_S(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_C_S(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_C_S(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_C_S(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_C_S(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_C_S(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_C_S(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_C(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK)
Returns all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_C(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK)
Returns all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_C(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_C(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_C(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_C(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_C(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_C(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_S(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = any ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_S(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = any ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_S(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = any ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_S(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = any ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_S(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = any ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_S(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = any ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_S(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?, optionally using the finder cache.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_S(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?, optionally using the finder cache.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_S(long userId,
long classNameId,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_S(long userId,
long classNameId,
int status)
Returns all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_S(long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_S(long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_S(long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_S(long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_S(long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_S(long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C(long userId,
long classNameId)
Returns all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C(long userId,
long classNameId)
Returns all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C(long userId,
long[] classNameIds)
Returns all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = any ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C(long userId,
long[] classNameIds)
Returns all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = any ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = any ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = any ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = any ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = any ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ?, optionally using the finder cache.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ?, optionally using the finder cache.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C(long userId,
long classNameId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C(long userId,
long classNameId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C(long userId,
long classNameId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C(long userId,
long classNameId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C(long userId,
long classNameId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C(long userId,
long classNameId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByUserId(long userId)
Returns all the message-boards messages where userId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUserId(long userId)
Returns all the message-boards messages where userId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByUserId(long userId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUserId(long userId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByUserId(long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUserId(long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByUserId(long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUserId(long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByUuid_C(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns all the message-boards messages where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUuid_C(String uuid,
long companyId)
Returns all the message-boards messages where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByUuid_C(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUuid_C(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByUuid_C(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUuid_C(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByUuid_C(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUuid_C(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByUuid(String uuid)
Returns all the message-boards messages where uuid = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUuid(String uuid)
Returns all the message-boards messages where uuid = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByUuid(String uuid,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where uuid = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUuid(String uuid,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the message-boards messages where uuid = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByUuid(String uuid,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where uuid = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUuid(String uuid,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where uuid = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByUuid(String uuid,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where uuid = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUuid(String uuid,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where uuid = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery) |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery,
int start,
int end) |
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
MBMessageUtil.cacheResult(MBMessage mbMessage)
Caches the message-boards message in the entity cache if it is enabled.
void |
MBMessagePersistence.cacheResult(MBMessage mbMessage)
Caches the message-boards message in the entity cache if it is enabled.
static void |
MBMessageUtil.clearCache(MBMessage mbMessage) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.update(MBMessage mbMessage) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.update(MBMessage mbMessage,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.updateImpl(MBMessage mbMessage) |
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.updateImpl(MBMessage mbMessage) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
MBMessageUtil.cacheResult(List<MBMessage> mbMessages)
Caches the message-boards messages in the entity cache if it is enabled.
void |
MBMessagePersistence.cacheResult(List<MBMessage> mbMessages)
Caches the message-boards messages in the entity cache if it is enabled.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByC_C_First(long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByC_C_First(long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByC_C_Last(long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByC_C_Last(long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByC_C_S_First(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByC_C_S_First(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByC_C_S_Last(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByC_C_S_Last(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByC_S_First(long companyId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByC_S_First(long companyId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByC_S_Last(long companyId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByC_S_Last(long companyId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByCompanyId_First(long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByCompanyId_First(long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByCompanyId_Last(long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByCompanyId_Last(long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_C_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_C_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_C_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_C_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_C_S_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_C_S_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_C_S_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_C_S_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_C_T_A_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_C_T_A_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_C_T_A_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_C_T_A_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_C_T_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_C_T_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_C_T_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_C_T_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_C_T_S_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_C_T_S_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_C_T_S_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_C_T_S_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_S_First(long groupId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_S_First(long groupId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_S_Last(long groupId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_S_Last(long groupId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_U_First(long groupId,
long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_U_First(long groupId,
long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_U_Last(long groupId,
long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_U_Last(long groupId,
long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_U_S_First(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_U_S_First(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByG_U_S_Last(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByG_U_S_Last(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByGroupId_First(long groupId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByGroupId_First(long groupId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByGroupId_Last(long groupId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByGroupId_Last(long groupId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByT_A_First(long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByT_A_First(long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByT_A_Last(long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByT_A_Last(long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByT_P_First(long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByT_P_First(long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByT_P_Last(long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByT_P_Last(long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByT_S_First(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByT_S_First(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByT_S_Last(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByT_S_Last(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByThreadId_First(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByThreadId_First(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByThreadId_Last(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByThreadId_Last(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByThreadReplies_First(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByThreadReplies_First(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByThreadReplies_Last(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByThreadReplies_Last(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByTR_S_First(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByTR_S_First(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByTR_S_Last(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByTR_S_Last(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByU_C_C_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByU_C_C_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByU_C_C_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByU_C_C_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByU_C_C_S_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByU_C_C_S_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByU_C_C_S_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByU_C_C_S_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByU_C_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByU_C_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByU_C_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByU_C_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByU_C_S_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByU_C_S_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByU_C_S_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByU_C_S_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByUserId_First(long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByUserId_First(long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByUserId_Last(long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByUserId_Last(long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByUuid_C_First(String uuid,
long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByUuid_C_First(String uuid,
long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByUuid_C_Last(String uuid,
long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByUuid_C_Last(String uuid,
long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByUuid_First(String uuid,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByUuid_First(String uuid,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.fetchByUuid_Last(String uuid,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.fetchByUuid_Last(String uuid,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C_T_A_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C_T_A_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C_T_A(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C_T_A(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C_T_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C_T_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C_T_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C_T_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C_T_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C_T_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C_T(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C_T(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_C(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_C(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_S(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_S(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_U_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_U_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_U_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_U_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_U_S(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_U_S(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByG_U(long groupId,
long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByG_U(long groupId,
long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByGroupId_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByGroupId_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set of message-boards messages that the user has permission to view where groupId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.filterFindByGroupId(long groupId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.filterFindByGroupId(long groupId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages that the user has permissions to view where groupId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findAll(int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findAll(int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findAll(int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findAll(int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_C_First(long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_C_First(long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_C_Last(long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_C_Last(long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_C_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_C_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_C_S_First(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_C_S_First(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_C_S_Last(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_C_S_Last(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_C_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_C_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_C_S(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_C_S(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_C_S(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_C_S(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_C(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_C(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_C(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_C(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_S_First(long companyId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_S_First(long companyId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_S_Last(long companyId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_S_Last(long companyId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long companyId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long companyId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_S(long companyId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where companyId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_S(long companyId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where companyId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByC_S(long companyId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where companyId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByC_S(long companyId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where companyId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByCompanyId_First(long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByCompanyId_First(long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByCompanyId_Last(long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByCompanyId_Last(long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByCompanyId_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByCompanyId_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where companyId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByCompanyId(long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where companyId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByCompanyId(long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where companyId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByCompanyId(long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where companyId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByCompanyId(long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where companyId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_S_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_S_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_S_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_S_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_A_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_A_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_A_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_A_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_A_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_A_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_A(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_A(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_A(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_A(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_S_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_S_First(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_S_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_S_Last(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T_S(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C_T(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C_T(long groupId,
long categoryId,
long threadId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ? and threadId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_C(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_C(long groupId,
long categoryId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and categoryId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_S_First(long groupId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_S_First(long groupId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_S_Last(long groupId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_S_Last(long groupId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_S(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_S(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_S(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_S(long groupId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_U_First(long groupId,
long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_U_First(long groupId,
long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_U_Last(long groupId,
long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_U_Last(long groupId,
long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_U_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_U_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_U_S_First(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_U_S_First(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_U_S_Last(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_U_S_Last(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_U_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_U_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_U_S(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_U_S(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_U_S(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_U_S(long groupId,
long userId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and userId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_U(long groupId,
long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_U(long groupId,
long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByG_U(long groupId,
long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByG_U(long groupId,
long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ? and userId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByGroupId_First(long groupId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByGroupId_First(long groupId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByGroupId_Last(long groupId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByGroupId_Last(long groupId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByGroupId_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByGroupId_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long groupId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where groupId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByGroupId(long groupId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByGroupId(long groupId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByGroupId(long groupId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByGroupId(long groupId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where groupId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_A_First(long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_A_First(long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_A_Last(long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_A_Last(long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_A_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_A_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long threadId,
boolean answer,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_A(long threadId,
boolean answer,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_A(long threadId,
boolean answer,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_A(long threadId,
boolean answer,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_A(long threadId,
boolean answer,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and answer = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_P_First(long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_P_First(long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_P_Last(long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_P_Last(long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_P_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_P_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_P(long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_P(long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_P(long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_P(long threadId,
long parentMessageId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and parentMessageId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_S_First(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_S_First(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_S_Last(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_S_Last(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_S(long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_S(long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByT_S(long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByT_S(long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByThreadId_First(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByThreadId_First(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByThreadId_Last(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByThreadId_Last(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByThreadId_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByThreadId_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByThreadId(long threadId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByThreadId(long threadId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByThreadId(long threadId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByThreadId(long threadId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByThreadReplies_First(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByThreadReplies_First(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByThreadReplies_Last(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByThreadReplies_Last(long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByThreadReplies_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByThreadReplies_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long threadId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByThreadReplies(long threadId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByThreadReplies(long threadId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByThreadReplies(long threadId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByThreadReplies(long threadId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByTR_S_First(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByTR_S_First(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByTR_S_Last(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByTR_S_Last(long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByTR_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByTR_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long threadId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByTR_S(long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByTR_S(long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByTR_S(long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByTR_S(long threadId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where threadId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_C_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_C_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_C_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_C_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_C_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_C_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_C_S_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_C_S_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_C_S_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_C_S_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_C_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_C_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_C_S(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_C_S(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_C_S(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_C_S(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_C(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_C(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_C(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_C(long userId,
long classNameId,
long classPK,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and classPK = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long userId,
long classNameId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long userId,
long classNameId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_S_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_S_First(long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_S_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_S_Last(long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_S_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_S(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = any ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_S(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = any ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_S(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?, optionally using the finder cache.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_S(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?, optionally using the finder cache.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_S(long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_S(long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C_S(long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C_S(long userId,
long classNameId,
int status,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ? and status = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = any ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = any ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ?, optionally using the finder cache.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C(long userId,
long[] classNameIds,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ?, optionally using the finder cache.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C(long userId,
long classNameId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C(long userId,
long classNameId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByU_C(long userId,
long classNameId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByU_C(long userId,
long classNameId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ? and classNameId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByUserId_First(long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUserId_First(long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByUserId_Last(long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUserId_Last(long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByUserId_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUserId_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
long userId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where userId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByUserId(long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUserId(long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByUserId(long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUserId(long userId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where userId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByUuid_C_First(String uuid,
long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUuid_C_First(String uuid,
long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByUuid_C_Last(String uuid,
long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUuid_C_Last(String uuid,
long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByUuid_C_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
String uuid,
long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUuid_C_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
String uuid,
long companyId,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByUuid_C(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUuid_C(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByUuid_C(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUuid_C(String uuid,
long companyId,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where uuid = ? and companyId = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByUuid_First(String uuid,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUuid_First(String uuid,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the first message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
static MBMessage |
MBMessageUtil.findByUuid_Last(String uuid,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
MBMessage |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUuid_Last(String uuid,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the last message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
static MBMessage[] |
MBMessageUtil.findByUuid_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
String uuid,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
MBMessage[] |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUuid_PrevAndNext(long messageId,
String uuid,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns the message-boards messages before and after the current message-boards message in the ordered set where uuid = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByUuid(String uuid,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where uuid = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUuid(String uuid,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where uuid = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findByUuid(String uuid,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where uuid = ?.
List<MBMessage> |
MBMessagePersistence.findByUuid(String uuid,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator,
boolean retrieveFromCache)
Returns an ordered range of all the message-boards messages where uuid = ?.
static List<MBMessage> |
MBMessageUtil.findWithDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery dynamicQuery,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<MBMessage> orderByComparator) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int | msg1,
MBMessage msg2) |
int | message1,
MBMessage message2) |