Package | Description |
com.liferay.announcements.kernel.service | |
com.liferay.asset.kernel.service |
This package defines the asset portlet service local and remote interfaces, utilities, and wrappers.
com.liferay.blogs.kernel.service | |
com.liferay.counter.kernel.service |
This package defines the portal counter service local interfaces, utilities, and wrappers.
com.liferay.document.library.kernel.service |
This package defines the document library portlet service local and remote interfaces, utilities, and wrappers.
com.liferay.expando.kernel.service | |
com.liferay.exportimport.kernel.service | |
com.liferay.message.boards.kernel.service | |
com.liferay.portal.kernel.service |
This package defines the portal service interfaces and classes.
com.liferay.ratings.kernel.service | | |
This package defines the social related portlet service local and remote interfaces, utilities, and wrappers.
com.liferay.trash.kernel.service |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AnnouncementsDelivery |
AnnouncementsDeliveryLocalService.addAnnouncementsDelivery(AnnouncementsDelivery announcementsDelivery)
Adds the announcements delivery to the database.
AnnouncementsEntry |
AnnouncementsEntryLocalService.addAnnouncementsEntry(AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry)
Adds the announcements entry to the database.
AnnouncementsFlag |
AnnouncementsFlagLocalService.addAnnouncementsFlag(AnnouncementsFlag announcementsFlag)
Adds the announcements flag to the database.
AnnouncementsDelivery |
AnnouncementsDeliveryLocalService.deleteAnnouncementsDelivery(AnnouncementsDelivery announcementsDelivery)
Deletes the announcements delivery from the database.
AnnouncementsDelivery |
AnnouncementsDeliveryLocalService.deleteAnnouncementsDelivery(long deliveryId)
Deletes the announcements delivery with the primary key from the database.
AnnouncementsEntry |
AnnouncementsEntryLocalService.deleteAnnouncementsEntry(AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry)
Deletes the announcements entry from the database.
AnnouncementsEntry |
AnnouncementsEntryLocalService.deleteAnnouncementsEntry(long entryId)
Deletes the announcements entry with the primary key from the database.
AnnouncementsFlag |
AnnouncementsFlagLocalService.deleteAnnouncementsFlag(AnnouncementsFlag announcementsFlag)
Deletes the announcements flag from the database.
AnnouncementsFlag |
AnnouncementsFlagLocalService.deleteAnnouncementsFlag(long flagId)
Deletes the announcements flag with the primary key from the database.
AnnouncementsDelivery |
AnnouncementsDeliveryLocalService.updateAnnouncementsDelivery(AnnouncementsDelivery announcementsDelivery)
Updates the announcements delivery in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
AnnouncementsEntry |
AnnouncementsEntryLocalService.updateAnnouncementsEntry(AnnouncementsEntry announcementsEntry)
Updates the announcements entry in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
AnnouncementsFlag |
AnnouncementsFlagLocalService.updateAnnouncementsFlag(AnnouncementsFlag announcementsFlag)
Updates the announcements flag in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AssetCategory |
AssetCategoryLocalService.addAssetCategory(AssetCategory assetCategory)
Adds the asset category to the database.
AssetCategoryProperty |
AssetCategoryPropertyLocalService.addAssetCategoryProperty(AssetCategoryProperty assetCategoryProperty)
Adds the asset category property to the database.
AssetEntry |
AssetEntryLocalService.addAssetEntry(AssetEntry assetEntry)
Adds the asset entry to the database.
AssetLink |
AssetLinkLocalService.addAssetLink(AssetLink assetLink)
Adds the asset link to the database.
AssetTag |
AssetTagLocalService.addAssetTag(AssetTag assetTag)
Adds the asset tag to the database.
AssetTagStats |
AssetTagStatsLocalService.addAssetTagStats(AssetTagStats assetTagStats)
Adds the asset tag stats to the database.
AssetVocabulary |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.addAssetVocabulary(AssetVocabulary assetVocabulary)
Adds the asset vocabulary to the database.
AssetCategory |
AssetCategoryLocalService.addCategory(long userId,
long groupId,
long parentCategoryId,
Map<Locale,String> titleMap,
Map<Locale,String> descriptionMap,
long vocabularyId,
String[] categoryProperties,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
AssetVocabulary |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.addVocabulary(long userId,
long groupId,
String title,
Map<Locale,String> titleMap,
Map<Locale,String> descriptionMap,
String settings,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
AssetCategory |
AssetCategoryLocalService.deleteAssetCategory(AssetCategory assetCategory)
Deletes the asset category from the database.
AssetCategory |
AssetCategoryLocalService.deleteAssetCategory(long categoryId)
Deletes the asset category with the primary key from the database.
AssetCategoryProperty |
AssetCategoryPropertyLocalService.deleteAssetCategoryProperty(AssetCategoryProperty assetCategoryProperty)
Deletes the asset category property from the database.
AssetCategoryProperty |
AssetCategoryPropertyLocalService.deleteAssetCategoryProperty(long categoryPropertyId)
Deletes the asset category property with the primary key from the database.
AssetEntry |
AssetEntryLocalService.deleteAssetEntry(AssetEntry assetEntry)
Deletes the asset entry from the database.
AssetEntry |
AssetEntryLocalService.deleteAssetEntry(long entryId)
Deletes the asset entry with the primary key from the database.
AssetLink |
AssetLinkLocalService.deleteAssetLink(AssetLink assetLink)
Deletes the asset link from the database.
AssetLink |
AssetLinkLocalService.deleteAssetLink(long linkId)
Deletes the asset link with the primary key from the database.
AssetTag |
AssetTagLocalService.deleteAssetTag(AssetTag assetTag)
Deletes the asset tag from the database.
AssetTag |
AssetTagLocalService.deleteAssetTag(long tagId)
Deletes the asset tag with the primary key from the database.
AssetTagStats |
AssetTagStatsLocalService.deleteAssetTagStats(AssetTagStats assetTagStats)
Deletes the asset tag stats from the database.
AssetTagStats |
AssetTagStatsLocalService.deleteAssetTagStats(long tagStatsId)
Deletes the asset tag stats with the primary key from the database.
AssetVocabulary |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.deleteAssetVocabulary(AssetVocabulary assetVocabulary)
Deletes the asset vocabulary from the database.
AssetVocabulary |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.deleteAssetVocabulary(long vocabularyId)
Deletes the asset vocabulary with the primary key from the database.
AssetCategory |
AssetCategoryLocalService.deleteCategory(AssetCategory category,
boolean skipRebuildTree) |
AssetVocabulary |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.deleteVocabulary(AssetVocabulary vocabulary) |
AssetCategory |
AssetCategoryLocalService.mergeCategories(long fromCategoryId,
long toCategoryId) |
AssetCategory |
AssetCategoryLocalService.moveCategory(long categoryId,
long parentCategoryId,
long vocabularyId,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
AssetCategory |
AssetCategoryLocalService.updateAssetCategory(AssetCategory assetCategory)
Updates the asset category in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
AssetCategoryProperty |
AssetCategoryPropertyLocalService.updateAssetCategoryProperty(AssetCategoryProperty assetCategoryProperty)
Updates the asset category property in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
AssetEntry |
AssetEntryLocalService.updateAssetEntry(AssetEntry assetEntry)
Updates the asset entry in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
AssetLink |
AssetLinkLocalService.updateAssetLink(AssetLink assetLink)
Updates the asset link in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
AssetTag |
AssetTagLocalService.updateAssetTag(AssetTag assetTag)
Updates the asset tag in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
AssetTagStats |
AssetTagStatsLocalService.updateAssetTagStats(AssetTagStats assetTagStats)
Updates the asset tag stats in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
AssetVocabulary |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.updateAssetVocabulary(AssetVocabulary assetVocabulary)
Updates the asset vocabulary in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
AssetCategory |
AssetCategoryLocalService.updateCategory(long userId,
long categoryId,
long parentCategoryId,
Map<Locale,String> titleMap,
Map<Locale,String> descriptionMap,
long vocabularyId,
String[] categoryProperties,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
AssetVocabulary |
AssetVocabularyLocalService.updateVocabulary(long vocabularyId,
String title,
Map<Locale,String> titleMap,
Map<Locale,String> descriptionMap,
String settings,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BlogsEntry |
BlogsEntryLocalService.addBlogsEntry(BlogsEntry blogsEntry)
Adds the blogs entry to the database.
BlogsStatsUser |
BlogsStatsUserLocalService.addBlogsStatsUser(BlogsStatsUser blogsStatsUser)
Adds the blogs stats user to the database.
BlogsEntry |
BlogsEntryLocalService.addEntry(long userId,
String title,
String subtitle,
String description,
String content,
Date displayDate,
boolean allowPingbacks,
boolean allowTrackbacks,
String[] trackbacks,
String coverImageCaption,
ImageSelector coverImageImageSelector,
ImageSelector smallImageImageSelector,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
BlogsEntry |
BlogsEntryLocalService.deleteBlogsEntry(BlogsEntry blogsEntry)
Deletes the blogs entry from the database.
BlogsEntry |
BlogsEntryLocalService.deleteBlogsEntry(long entryId)
Deletes the blogs entry with the primary key from the database.
BlogsStatsUser |
BlogsStatsUserLocalService.deleteBlogsStatsUser(BlogsStatsUser blogsStatsUser)
Deletes the blogs stats user from the database.
BlogsStatsUser |
BlogsStatsUserLocalService.deleteBlogsStatsUser(long statsUserId)
Deletes the blogs stats user with the primary key from the database.
BlogsEntry |
BlogsEntryLocalService.deleteEntry(BlogsEntry entry) |
BlogsEntry |
BlogsEntryLocalService.moveEntryToTrash(long userId,
BlogsEntry entry)
Moves the blogs entry to the recycle bin.
BlogsEntry |
BlogsEntryLocalService.restoreEntryFromTrash(long userId,
long entryId)
Restores the blogs entry with the ID from the recycle bin.
BlogsEntry |
BlogsEntryLocalService.updateBlogsEntry(BlogsEntry blogsEntry)
Updates the blogs entry in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
BlogsStatsUser |
BlogsStatsUserLocalService.updateBlogsStatsUser(BlogsStatsUser blogsStatsUser)
Updates the blogs stats user in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
BlogsEntry |
BlogsEntryLocalService.updateEntry(long userId,
long entryId,
String title,
String subtitle,
String description,
String content,
Date displayDate,
boolean allowPingbacks,
boolean allowTrackbacks,
String[] trackbacks,
String coverImageCaption,
ImageSelector coverImageImageSelector,
ImageSelector smallImageImageSelector,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
BlogsEntry |
BlogsEntryLocalService.updateStatus(long userId,
long entryId,
int status,
ServiceContext serviceContext,
Map<String,Serializable> workflowContext) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Counter |
CounterLocalService.addCounter(Counter counter)
Adds the counter to the database.
Counter |
CounterLocalService.deleteCounter(Counter counter)
Deletes the counter from the database.
Counter |
CounterLocalService.deleteCounter(String name)
Deletes the counter with the primary key from the database.
Counter |
CounterLocalService.updateCounter(Counter counter)
Updates the counter in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
DLContent |
DLContentLocalService.addDLContent(DLContent dlContent)
Adds the document library content to the database.
DLFileEntry |
DLFileEntryLocalService.addDLFileEntry(DLFileEntry dlFileEntry)
Adds the document library file entry to the database.
DLFileEntryMetadata |
DLFileEntryMetadataLocalService.addDLFileEntryMetadata(DLFileEntryMetadata dlFileEntryMetadata)
Adds the document library file entry metadata to the database.
DLFileEntryType |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.addDLFileEntryType(DLFileEntryType dlFileEntryType)
Adds the document library file entry type to the database.
DLFileRank |
DLFileRankLocalService.addDLFileRank(DLFileRank dlFileRank)
Adds the document library file rank to the database.
DLFileShortcut |
DLFileShortcutLocalService.addDLFileShortcut(DLFileShortcut dlFileShortcut)
Adds the document library file shortcut to the database.
DLFileVersion |
DLFileVersionLocalService.addDLFileVersion(DLFileVersion dlFileVersion)
Adds the document library file version to the database.
DLFolder |
DLFolderLocalService.addDLFolder(DLFolder dlFolder)
Adds the document library folder to the database.
DLSyncEvent |
DLSyncEventLocalService.addDLSyncEvent(DLSyncEvent dlSyncEvent)
Adds the d l sync event to the database.
DLContent |
DLContentLocalService.deleteDLContent(DLContent dlContent)
Deletes the document library content from the database.
DLContent |
DLContentLocalService.deleteDLContent(long contentId)
Deletes the document library content with the primary key from the database.
DLFileEntry |
DLFileEntryLocalService.deleteDLFileEntry(DLFileEntry dlFileEntry)
Deletes the document library file entry from the database.
DLFileEntry |
DLFileEntryLocalService.deleteDLFileEntry(long fileEntryId)
Deletes the document library file entry with the primary key from the database.
DLFileEntryMetadata |
DLFileEntryMetadataLocalService.deleteDLFileEntryMetadata(DLFileEntryMetadata dlFileEntryMetadata)
Deletes the document library file entry metadata from the database.
DLFileEntryMetadata |
DLFileEntryMetadataLocalService.deleteDLFileEntryMetadata(long fileEntryMetadataId)
Deletes the document library file entry metadata with the primary key from the database.
DLFileEntryType |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.deleteDLFileEntryType(DLFileEntryType dlFileEntryType)
Deletes the document library file entry type from the database.
DLFileEntryType |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.deleteDLFileEntryType(long fileEntryTypeId)
Deletes the document library file entry type with the primary key from the database.
DLFileRank |
DLFileRankLocalService.deleteDLFileRank(DLFileRank dlFileRank)
Deletes the document library file rank from the database.
DLFileRank |
DLFileRankLocalService.deleteDLFileRank(long fileRankId)
Deletes the document library file rank with the primary key from the database.
DLFileShortcut |
DLFileShortcutLocalService.deleteDLFileShortcut(DLFileShortcut dlFileShortcut)
Deletes the document library file shortcut from the database.
DLFileShortcut |
DLFileShortcutLocalService.deleteDLFileShortcut(long fileShortcutId)
Deletes the document library file shortcut with the primary key from the database.
DLFileVersion |
DLFileVersionLocalService.deleteDLFileVersion(DLFileVersion dlFileVersion)
Deletes the document library file version from the database.
DLFileVersion |
DLFileVersionLocalService.deleteDLFileVersion(long fileVersionId)
Deletes the document library file version with the primary key from the database.
DLFolder |
DLFolderLocalService.deleteDLFolder(DLFolder dlFolder)
Deletes the document library folder from the database.
DLFolder |
DLFolderLocalService.deleteDLFolder(long folderId)
Deletes the document library folder with the primary key from the database.
DLSyncEvent |
DLSyncEventLocalService.deleteDLSyncEvent(DLSyncEvent dlSyncEvent)
Deletes the d l sync event from the database.
DLSyncEvent |
DLSyncEventLocalService.deleteDLSyncEvent(long syncEventId)
Deletes the d l sync event with the primary key from the database.
DLFileEntry |
DLFileEntryLocalService.deleteFileEntry(DLFileEntry dlFileEntry) |
DLFileEntry |
DLFileEntryLocalService.deleteFileEntry(long fileEntryId) |
DLFileEntry |
DLFileEntryLocalService.deleteFileEntry(long userId,
long fileEntryId) |
DLFileEntry |
DLFileEntryLocalService.deleteFileVersion(long userId,
long fileEntryId,
String version) |
DLFolder |
DLFolderLocalService.deleteFolder(DLFolder dlFolder) |
DLFolder |
DLFolderLocalService.deleteFolder(DLFolder dlFolder,
boolean includeTrashedEntries) |
DLFolder |
DLFolderLocalService.deleteFolder(long folderId) |
DLFolder |
DLFolderLocalService.deleteFolder(long folderId,
boolean includeTrashedEntries) |
DLFolder |
DLFolderLocalService.deleteFolder(long userId,
long folderId,
boolean includeTrashedEntries) |
DLFileEntry |
DLFileEntryLocalService.moveFileEntry(long userId,
long fileEntryId,
long newFolderId,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
DLFolder |
DLFolderLocalService.moveFolder(long userId,
long folderId,
long parentFolderId,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
DLContent |
DLContentLocalService.updateDLContent(DLContent dlContent)
Updates the document library content in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
DLFileEntry |
DLFileEntryLocalService.updateDLFileEntry(DLFileEntry dlFileEntry)
Updates the document library file entry in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
DLFileEntryMetadata |
DLFileEntryMetadataLocalService.updateDLFileEntryMetadata(DLFileEntryMetadata dlFileEntryMetadata)
Updates the document library file entry metadata in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
DLFileEntryType |
DLFileEntryTypeLocalService.updateDLFileEntryType(DLFileEntryType dlFileEntryType)
Updates the document library file entry type in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
DLFileRank |
DLFileRankLocalService.updateDLFileRank(DLFileRank dlFileRank)
Updates the document library file rank in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
DLFileShortcut |
DLFileShortcutLocalService.updateDLFileShortcut(DLFileShortcut dlFileShortcut)
Updates the document library file shortcut in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
DLFileVersion |
DLFileVersionLocalService.updateDLFileVersion(DLFileVersion dlFileVersion)
Updates the document library file version in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
DLFolder |
DLFolderLocalService.updateDLFolder(DLFolder dlFolder)
Updates the document library folder in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
DLSyncEvent |
DLSyncEventLocalService.updateDLSyncEvent(DLSyncEvent dlSyncEvent)
Updates the d l sync event in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
DLFolder |
DLFolderLocalService.updateFolder(long folderId,
long parentFolderId,
String name,
String description,
long defaultFileEntryTypeId,
List<Long> fileEntryTypeIds,
int restrictionType,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
DLFolder |
DLFolderLocalService.updateFolder(long folderId,
String name,
String description,
long defaultFileEntryTypeId,
List<Long> fileEntryTypeIds,
int restrictionType,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ExpandoColumn |
ExpandoColumnLocalService.addExpandoColumn(ExpandoColumn expandoColumn)
Adds the expando column to the database.
ExpandoRow |
ExpandoRowLocalService.addExpandoRow(ExpandoRow expandoRow)
Adds the expando row to the database.
ExpandoTable |
ExpandoTableLocalService.addExpandoTable(ExpandoTable expandoTable)
Adds the expando table to the database.
ExpandoValue |
ExpandoValueLocalService.addExpandoValue(ExpandoValue expandoValue)
Adds the expando value to the database.
ExpandoColumn |
ExpandoColumnLocalService.deleteExpandoColumn(ExpandoColumn expandoColumn)
Deletes the expando column from the database.
ExpandoColumn |
ExpandoColumnLocalService.deleteExpandoColumn(long columnId)
Deletes the expando column with the primary key from the database.
ExpandoRow |
ExpandoRowLocalService.deleteExpandoRow(ExpandoRow expandoRow)
Deletes the expando row from the database.
ExpandoRow |
ExpandoRowLocalService.deleteExpandoRow(long rowId)
Deletes the expando row with the primary key from the database.
ExpandoTable |
ExpandoTableLocalService.deleteExpandoTable(ExpandoTable expandoTable)
Deletes the expando table from the database.
ExpandoTable |
ExpandoTableLocalService.deleteExpandoTable(long tableId)
Deletes the expando table with the primary key from the database.
ExpandoValue |
ExpandoValueLocalService.deleteExpandoValue(ExpandoValue expandoValue)
Deletes the expando value from the database.
ExpandoValue |
ExpandoValueLocalService.deleteExpandoValue(long valueId)
Deletes the expando value with the primary key from the database.
ExpandoColumn |
ExpandoColumnLocalService.updateExpandoColumn(ExpandoColumn expandoColumn)
Updates the expando column in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
ExpandoRow |
ExpandoRowLocalService.updateExpandoRow(ExpandoRow expandoRow)
Updates the expando row in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
ExpandoTable |
ExpandoTableLocalService.updateExpandoTable(ExpandoTable expandoTable)
Updates the expando table in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
ExpandoValue |
ExpandoValueLocalService.updateExpandoValue(ExpandoValue expandoValue)
Updates the expando value in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ExportImportConfiguration |
ExportImportConfigurationLocalService.addExportImportConfiguration(ExportImportConfiguration exportImportConfiguration)
Adds the export import configuration to the database.
ExportImportConfiguration |
ExportImportConfigurationLocalService.addExportImportConfiguration(long userId,
long groupId,
String name,
String description,
int type,
Map<String,Serializable> settingsMap,
int status,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
ExportImportConfiguration |
ExportImportConfigurationLocalService.deleteExportImportConfiguration(ExportImportConfiguration exportImportConfiguration)
Deletes the export import configuration from the database.
ExportImportConfiguration |
ExportImportConfigurationLocalService.deleteExportImportConfiguration(long exportImportConfigurationId)
Deletes the export import configuration with the primary key from the database.
ExportImportConfiguration |
ExportImportConfigurationLocalService.moveExportImportConfigurationToTrash(long userId,
long exportImportConfigurationId) |
ExportImportConfiguration |
ExportImportConfigurationLocalService.restoreExportImportConfigurationFromTrash(long userId,
long exportImportConfigurationId) |
ExportImportConfiguration |
ExportImportConfigurationLocalService.updateExportImportConfiguration(ExportImportConfiguration exportImportConfiguration)
Updates the export import configuration in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
ExportImportConfiguration |
ExportImportConfigurationLocalService.updateExportImportConfiguration(long userId,
long exportImportConfigurationId,
String name,
String description,
Map<String,Serializable> settingsMap,
ServiceContext serviceContext) |
ExportImportConfiguration |
ExportImportConfigurationLocalService.updateStatus(long userId,
long exportImportConfigurationId,
int status) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MBBan |
MBBanLocalService.addMBBan(MBBan mbBan)
Adds the message boards ban to the database.
MBCategory |
MBCategoryLocalService.addMBCategory(MBCategory mbCategory)
Adds the message boards category to the database.
MBDiscussion |
MBDiscussionLocalService.addMBDiscussion(MBDiscussion mbDiscussion)
Adds the message boards discussion to the database.
MBMailingList |
MBMailingListLocalService.addMBMailingList(MBMailingList mbMailingList)
Adds the message boards mailing list to the database.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.addMBMessage(MBMessage mbMessage)
Adds the message-boards message to the database.
MBStatsUser |
MBStatsUserLocalService.addMBStatsUser(MBStatsUser mbStatsUser)
Adds the message boards stats user to the database.
MBThread |
MBThreadLocalService.addMBThread(MBThread mbThread)
Adds the message boards thread to the database.
MBThreadFlag |
MBThreadFlagLocalService.addMBThreadFlag(MBThreadFlag mbThreadFlag)
Adds the message boards thread flag to the database.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.deleteDiscussionMessage(long messageId) |
MBBan |
MBBanLocalService.deleteMBBan(long banId)
Deletes the message boards ban with the primary key from the database.
MBBan |
MBBanLocalService.deleteMBBan(MBBan mbBan)
Deletes the message boards ban from the database.
MBCategory |
MBCategoryLocalService.deleteMBCategory(long categoryId)
Deletes the message boards category with the primary key from the database.
MBCategory |
MBCategoryLocalService.deleteMBCategory(MBCategory mbCategory)
Deletes the message boards category from the database.
MBDiscussion |
MBDiscussionLocalService.deleteMBDiscussion(long discussionId)
Deletes the message boards discussion with the primary key from the database.
MBDiscussion |
MBDiscussionLocalService.deleteMBDiscussion(MBDiscussion mbDiscussion)
Deletes the message boards discussion from the database.
MBMailingList |
MBMailingListLocalService.deleteMBMailingList(long mailingListId)
Deletes the message boards mailing list with the primary key from the database.
MBMailingList |
MBMailingListLocalService.deleteMBMailingList(MBMailingList mbMailingList)
Deletes the message boards mailing list from the database.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.deleteMBMessage(long messageId)
Deletes the message-boards message with the primary key from the database.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.deleteMBMessage(MBMessage mbMessage)
Deletes the message-boards message from the database.
MBStatsUser |
MBStatsUserLocalService.deleteMBStatsUser(long statsUserId)
Deletes the message boards stats user with the primary key from the database.
MBStatsUser |
MBStatsUserLocalService.deleteMBStatsUser(MBStatsUser mbStatsUser)
Deletes the message boards stats user from the database.
MBThread |
MBThreadLocalService.deleteMBThread(long threadId)
Deletes the message boards thread with the primary key from the database.
MBThread |
MBThreadLocalService.deleteMBThread(MBThread mbThread)
Deletes the message boards thread from the database.
MBThreadFlag |
MBThreadFlagLocalService.deleteMBThreadFlag(long threadFlagId)
Deletes the message boards thread flag with the primary key from the database.
MBThreadFlag |
MBThreadFlagLocalService.deleteMBThreadFlag(MBThreadFlag mbThreadFlag)
Deletes the message boards thread flag from the database.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.deleteMessage(long messageId) |
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.deleteMessage(MBMessage message) |
MBBan |
MBBanLocalService.updateMBBan(MBBan mbBan)
Updates the message boards ban in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
MBCategory |
MBCategoryLocalService.updateMBCategory(MBCategory mbCategory)
Updates the message boards category in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
MBDiscussion |
MBDiscussionLocalService.updateMBDiscussion(MBDiscussion mbDiscussion)
Updates the message boards discussion in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
MBMailingList |
MBMailingListLocalService.updateMBMailingList(MBMailingList mbMailingList)
Updates the message boards mailing list in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
MBMessage |
MBMessageLocalService.updateMBMessage(MBMessage mbMessage)
Updates the message-boards message in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
MBStatsUser |
MBStatsUserLocalService.updateMBStatsUser(MBStatsUser mbStatsUser)
Updates the message boards stats user in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
MBThread |
MBThreadLocalService.updateMBThread(MBThread mbThread)
Updates the message boards thread in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
MBThreadFlag |
MBThreadFlagLocalService.updateMBThreadFlag(MBThreadFlag mbThreadFlag)
Updates the message boards thread flag in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Account |
AccountLocalService.addAccount(Account account)
Adds the account to the database.
Address |
AddressLocalService.addAddress(Address address)
Adds the address to the database.
BrowserTracker |
BrowserTrackerLocalService.addBrowserTracker(BrowserTracker browserTracker)
Adds the browser tracker to the database.
ClassName |
ClassNameLocalService.addClassName(ClassName className)
Adds the class name to the database.
ClusterGroup |
ClusterGroupLocalService.addClusterGroup(ClusterGroup clusterGroup)
Adds the cluster group to the database.
Company |
CompanyLocalService.addCompany(Company company)
Adds the company to the database.
Contact |
ContactLocalService.addContact(Contact contact)
Adds the contact to the database.
Contact |
ContactLocalService.addContact(long userId,
String className,
long classPK,
String emailAddress,
String firstName,
String middleName,
String lastName,
long prefixId,
long suffixId,
boolean male,
int birthdayMonth,
int birthdayDay,
int birthdayYear,
String smsSn,
String facebookSn,
String jabberSn,
String skypeSn,
String twitterSn,
String jobTitle) |
EmailAddress |
EmailAddressLocalService.addEmailAddress(EmailAddress emailAddress)
Adds the email address to the database.
Group |
GroupLocalService.addGroup(Group group)
Adds the group to the database.
Image |
ImageLocalService.addImage(Image image)
Adds the image to the database.
Layout |
LayoutLocalService.addLayout(Layout layout)
Adds the layout to the database.
LayoutBranch |
LayoutBranchLocalService.addLayoutBranch(LayoutBranch layoutBranch)
Adds the layout branch to the database.
LayoutFriendlyURL |
LayoutFriendlyURLLocalService.addLayoutFriendlyURL(LayoutFriendlyURL layoutFriendlyURL)
Adds the layout friendly u r l to the database.
LayoutPrototype |
LayoutPrototypeLocalService.addLayoutPrototype(LayoutPrototype layoutPrototype)
Adds the layout prototype to the database.
LayoutRevision |
LayoutRevisionLocalService.addLayoutRevision(LayoutRevision layoutRevision)
Adds the layout revision to the database.
LayoutSet |
LayoutSetLocalService.addLayoutSet(LayoutSet layoutSet)
Adds the layout set to the database.
LayoutSetBranch |
LayoutSetBranchLocalService.addLayoutSetBranch(LayoutSetBranch layoutSetBranch)
Adds the layout set branch to the database.
LayoutSetPrototype |
LayoutSetPrototypeLocalService.addLayoutSetPrototype(LayoutSetPrototype layoutSetPrototype)
Adds the layout set prototype to the database.
ListType |
ListTypeLocalService.addListType(ListType listType)
Adds the list type to the database.
MembershipRequest |
MembershipRequestLocalService.addMembershipRequest(MembershipRequest membershipRequest)
Adds the membership request to the database.
Organization |
OrganizationLocalService.addOrganization(Organization organization)
Adds the organization to the database.
OrgLabor |
OrgLaborLocalService.addOrgLabor(OrgLabor orgLabor)
Adds the org labor to the database.
PasswordPolicy |
PasswordPolicyLocalService.addPasswordPolicy(PasswordPolicy passwordPolicy)
Adds the password policy to the database.
PasswordPolicyRel |
PasswordPolicyRelLocalService.addPasswordPolicyRel(PasswordPolicyRel passwordPolicyRel)
Adds the password policy rel to the database.
PasswordTracker |
PasswordTrackerLocalService.addPasswordTracker(PasswordTracker passwordTracker)
Adds the password tracker to the database.
Phone |
PhoneLocalService.addPhone(Phone phone)
Adds the phone to the database.
PluginSetting |
PluginSettingLocalService.addPluginSetting(PluginSetting pluginSetting)
Adds the plugin setting to the database.
PortalPreferences |
PortalPreferencesLocalService.addPortalPreferences(PortalPreferences portalPreferences)
Adds the portal preferences to the database.
Portlet |
PortletLocalService.addPortlet(Portlet portlet)
Adds the portlet to the database.
PortletItem |
PortletItemLocalService.addPortletItem(PortletItem portletItem)
Adds the portlet item to the database.
PortletPreferences |
PortletPreferencesLocalService.addPortletPreferences(PortletPreferences portletPreferences)
Adds the portlet preferences to the database.
RecentLayoutBranch |
RecentLayoutBranchLocalService.addRecentLayoutBranch(RecentLayoutBranch recentLayoutBranch)
Adds the recent layout branch to the database.
RecentLayoutRevision |
RecentLayoutRevisionLocalService.addRecentLayoutRevision(RecentLayoutRevision recentLayoutRevision)
Adds the recent layout revision to the database.
RecentLayoutSetBranch |
RecentLayoutSetBranchLocalService.addRecentLayoutSetBranch(RecentLayoutSetBranch recentLayoutSetBranch)
Adds the recent layout set branch to the database.
Release |
ReleaseLocalService.addRelease(Release release)
Adds the release to the database.
Repository |
RepositoryLocalService.addRepository(Repository repository)
Adds the repository to the database.
RepositoryEntry |
RepositoryEntryLocalService.addRepositoryEntry(RepositoryEntry repositoryEntry)
Adds the repository entry to the database.
ResourceAction |
ResourceActionLocalService.addResourceAction(ResourceAction resourceAction)
Adds the resource action to the database.
ResourceBlock |
ResourceBlockLocalService.addResourceBlock(ResourceBlock resourceBlock)
Adds the resource block to the database.
ResourceBlockPermission |
ResourceBlockPermissionLocalService.addResourceBlockPermission(ResourceBlockPermission resourceBlockPermission)
Adds the resource block permission to the database.
ResourcePermission |
ResourcePermissionLocalService.addResourcePermission(ResourcePermission resourcePermission)
Adds the resource permission to the database.
ResourceTypePermission |
ResourceTypePermissionLocalService.addResourceTypePermission(ResourceTypePermission resourceTypePermission)
Adds the resource type permission to the database.
Role |
RoleLocalService.addRole(Role role)
Adds the role to the database.
ServiceComponent |
ServiceComponentLocalService.addServiceComponent(ServiceComponent serviceComponent)
Adds the service component to the database.
Subscription |
SubscriptionLocalService.addSubscription(Subscription subscription)
Adds the subscription to the database.
SystemEvent |
SystemEventLocalService.addSystemEvent(SystemEvent systemEvent)
Adds the system event to the database.
Team |
TeamLocalService.addTeam(Team team)
Adds the team to the database.
Ticket |
TicketLocalService.addTicket(Ticket ticket)
Adds the ticket to the database.
User |
UserLocalService.addUser(User user)
Adds the user to the database.
UserGroup |
UserGroupLocalService.addUserGroup(UserGroup userGroup)
Adds the user group to the database.
UserGroupGroupRole |
UserGroupGroupRoleLocalService.addUserGroupGroupRole(UserGroupGroupRole userGroupGroupRole)
Adds the user group group role to the database.
UserGroupRole |
UserGroupRoleLocalService.addUserGroupRole(UserGroupRole userGroupRole)
Adds the user group role to the database.
UserIdMapper |
UserIdMapperLocalService.addUserIdMapper(UserIdMapper userIdMapper)
Adds the user ID mapper to the database.
UserNotificationDelivery |
UserNotificationDeliveryLocalService.addUserNotificationDelivery(UserNotificationDelivery userNotificationDelivery)
Adds the user notification delivery to the database.
UserNotificationEvent |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.addUserNotificationEvent(UserNotificationEvent userNotificationEvent)
Adds the user notification event to the database.
UserTracker |
UserTrackerLocalService.addUserTracker(UserTracker userTracker)
Adds the user tracker to the database.
UserTrackerPath |
UserTrackerPathLocalService.addUserTrackerPath(UserTrackerPath userTrackerPath)
Adds the user tracker path to the database.
VirtualHost |
VirtualHostLocalService.addVirtualHost(VirtualHost virtualHost)
Adds the virtual host to the database.
WebDAVProps |
WebDAVPropsLocalService.addWebDAVProps(WebDAVProps webDAVProps)
Adds the web d a v props to the database.
Website |
WebsiteLocalService.addWebsite(Website website)
Adds the website to the database.
WorkflowDefinitionLink |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService.addWorkflowDefinitionLink(WorkflowDefinitionLink workflowDefinitionLink)
Adds the workflow definition link to the database.
WorkflowInstanceLink |
WorkflowInstanceLinkLocalService.addWorkflowInstanceLink(WorkflowInstanceLink workflowInstanceLink)
Adds the workflow instance link to the database.
Account |
AccountLocalService.deleteAccount(Account account)
Deletes the account from the database.
Account |
AccountLocalService.deleteAccount(long accountId)
Deletes the account with the primary key from the database.
Address |
AddressLocalService.deleteAddress(Address address)
Deletes the address from the database.
Address |
AddressLocalService.deleteAddress(long addressId)
Deletes the address with the primary key from the database.
BrowserTracker |
BrowserTrackerLocalService.deleteBrowserTracker(BrowserTracker browserTracker)
Deletes the browser tracker from the database.
BrowserTracker |
BrowserTrackerLocalService.deleteBrowserTracker(long browserTrackerId)
Deletes the browser tracker with the primary key from the database.
ClassName |
ClassNameLocalService.deleteClassName(ClassName className)
Deletes the class name from the database.
ClassName |
ClassNameLocalService.deleteClassName(long classNameId)
Deletes the class name with the primary key from the database.
ClusterGroup |
ClusterGroupLocalService.deleteClusterGroup(ClusterGroup clusterGroup)
Deletes the cluster group from the database.
ClusterGroup |
ClusterGroupLocalService.deleteClusterGroup(long clusterGroupId)
Deletes the cluster group with the primary key from the database.
Company |
CompanyLocalService.deleteCompany(Company company)
Deletes the company from the database.
Company |
CompanyLocalService.deleteCompany(long companyId)
Deletes the company with the primary key from the database.
Contact |
ContactLocalService.deleteContact(Contact contact)
Deletes the contact from the database.
Contact |
ContactLocalService.deleteContact(long contactId)
Deletes the contact with the primary key from the database.
EmailAddress |
EmailAddressLocalService.deleteEmailAddress(EmailAddress emailAddress)
Deletes the email address from the database.
EmailAddress |
EmailAddressLocalService.deleteEmailAddress(long emailAddressId)
Deletes the email address with the primary key from the database.
Group |
GroupLocalService.deleteGroup(Group group)
Deletes the group from the database.
Group |
GroupLocalService.deleteGroup(long groupId)
Deletes the group with the primary key from the database.
Image |
ImageLocalService.deleteImage(Image image)
Deletes the image from the database.
Image |
ImageLocalService.deleteImage(long imageId)
Deletes the image with the primary key from the database.
Layout |
LayoutLocalService.deleteLayout(Layout layout)
Deletes the layout from the database.
Layout |
LayoutLocalService.deleteLayout(long plid)
Deletes the layout with the primary key from the database.
LayoutBranch |
LayoutBranchLocalService.deleteLayoutBranch(LayoutBranch layoutBranch)
Deletes the layout branch from the database.
LayoutBranch |
LayoutBranchLocalService.deleteLayoutBranch(long layoutBranchId)
Deletes the layout branch with the primary key from the database.
LayoutFriendlyURL |
LayoutFriendlyURLLocalService.deleteLayoutFriendlyURL(LayoutFriendlyURL layoutFriendlyURL)
Deletes the layout friendly u r l from the database.
LayoutFriendlyURL |
LayoutFriendlyURLLocalService.deleteLayoutFriendlyURL(long layoutFriendlyURLId)
Deletes the layout friendly u r l with the primary key from the database.
LayoutPrototype |
LayoutPrototypeLocalService.deleteLayoutPrototype(LayoutPrototype layoutPrototype)
Deletes the layout prototype from the database.
LayoutPrototype |
LayoutPrototypeLocalService.deleteLayoutPrototype(long layoutPrototypeId)
Deletes the layout prototype with the primary key from the database.
LayoutRevision |
LayoutRevisionLocalService.deleteLayoutRevision(LayoutRevision layoutRevision)
Deletes the layout revision from the database.
LayoutRevision |
LayoutRevisionLocalService.deleteLayoutRevision(long layoutRevisionId)
Deletes the layout revision with the primary key from the database.
LayoutSet |
LayoutSetLocalService.deleteLayoutSet(LayoutSet layoutSet)
Deletes the layout set from the database.
LayoutSet |
LayoutSetLocalService.deleteLayoutSet(long layoutSetId)
Deletes the layout set with the primary key from the database.
LayoutSetBranch |
LayoutSetBranchLocalService.deleteLayoutSetBranch(LayoutSetBranch layoutSetBranch)
Deletes the layout set branch from the database.
LayoutSetBranch |
LayoutSetBranchLocalService.deleteLayoutSetBranch(long layoutSetBranchId)
Deletes the layout set branch with the primary key from the database.
LayoutSetPrototype |
LayoutSetPrototypeLocalService.deleteLayoutSetPrototype(LayoutSetPrototype layoutSetPrototype)
Deletes the layout set prototype from the database.
LayoutSetPrototype |
LayoutSetPrototypeLocalService.deleteLayoutSetPrototype(long layoutSetPrototypeId)
Deletes the layout set prototype with the primary key from the database.
ListType |
ListTypeLocalService.deleteListType(ListType listType)
Deletes the list type from the database.
ListType |
ListTypeLocalService.deleteListType(long listTypeId)
Deletes the list type with the primary key from the database.
MembershipRequest |
MembershipRequestLocalService.deleteMembershipRequest(long membershipRequestId)
Deletes the membership request with the primary key from the database.
MembershipRequest |
MembershipRequestLocalService.deleteMembershipRequest(MembershipRequest membershipRequest)
Deletes the membership request from the database.
Organization |
OrganizationLocalService.deleteOrganization(long organizationId)
Deletes the organization with the primary key from the database.
Organization |
OrganizationLocalService.deleteOrganization(Organization organization)
Deletes the organization from the database.
OrgLabor |
OrgLaborLocalService.deleteOrgLabor(long orgLaborId)
Deletes the org labor with the primary key from the database.
OrgLabor |
OrgLaborLocalService.deleteOrgLabor(OrgLabor orgLabor)
Deletes the org labor from the database.
PasswordPolicy |
PasswordPolicyLocalService.deletePasswordPolicy(long passwordPolicyId)
Deletes the password policy with the primary key from the database.
PasswordPolicy |
PasswordPolicyLocalService.deletePasswordPolicy(PasswordPolicy passwordPolicy)
Deletes the password policy from the database.
PasswordPolicyRel |
PasswordPolicyRelLocalService.deletePasswordPolicyRel(long passwordPolicyRelId)
Deletes the password policy rel with the primary key from the database.
PasswordPolicyRel |
PasswordPolicyRelLocalService.deletePasswordPolicyRel(PasswordPolicyRel passwordPolicyRel)
Deletes the password policy rel from the database.
PasswordTracker |
PasswordTrackerLocalService.deletePasswordTracker(long passwordTrackerId)
Deletes the password tracker with the primary key from the database.
PasswordTracker |
PasswordTrackerLocalService.deletePasswordTracker(PasswordTracker passwordTracker)
Deletes the password tracker from the database.
Phone |
PhoneLocalService.deletePhone(long phoneId)
Deletes the phone with the primary key from the database.
Phone |
PhoneLocalService.deletePhone(Phone phone)
Deletes the phone from the database.
PluginSetting |
PluginSettingLocalService.deletePluginSetting(long pluginSettingId)
Deletes the plugin setting with the primary key from the database.
PluginSetting |
PluginSettingLocalService.deletePluginSetting(PluginSetting pluginSetting)
Deletes the plugin setting from the database.
PortalPreferences |
PortalPreferencesLocalService.deletePortalPreferences(long portalPreferencesId)
Deletes the portal preferences with the primary key from the database.
PortalPreferences |
PortalPreferencesLocalService.deletePortalPreferences(PortalPreferences portalPreferences)
Deletes the portal preferences from the database.
Portlet |
PortletLocalService.deletePortlet(long id)
Deletes the portlet with the primary key from the database.
Portlet |
PortletLocalService.deletePortlet(Portlet portlet)
Deletes the portlet from the database.
PortletItem |
PortletItemLocalService.deletePortletItem(long portletItemId)
Deletes the portlet item with the primary key from the database.
PortletItem |
PortletItemLocalService.deletePortletItem(PortletItem portletItem)
Deletes the portlet item from the database.
PortletPreferences |
PortletPreferencesLocalService.deletePortletPreferences(long portletPreferencesId)
Deletes the portlet preferences with the primary key from the database.
PortletPreferences |
PortletPreferencesLocalService.deletePortletPreferences(PortletPreferences portletPreferences)
Deletes the portlet preferences from the database.
RecentLayoutBranch |
RecentLayoutBranchLocalService.deleteRecentLayoutBranch(long recentLayoutBranchId)
Deletes the recent layout branch with the primary key from the database.
RecentLayoutBranch |
RecentLayoutBranchLocalService.deleteRecentLayoutBranch(RecentLayoutBranch recentLayoutBranch)
Deletes the recent layout branch from the database.
RecentLayoutRevision |
RecentLayoutRevisionLocalService.deleteRecentLayoutRevision(long recentLayoutRevisionId)
Deletes the recent layout revision with the primary key from the database.
RecentLayoutRevision |
RecentLayoutRevisionLocalService.deleteRecentLayoutRevision(RecentLayoutRevision recentLayoutRevision)
Deletes the recent layout revision from the database.
RecentLayoutSetBranch |
RecentLayoutSetBranchLocalService.deleteRecentLayoutSetBranch(long recentLayoutSetBranchId)
Deletes the recent layout set branch with the primary key from the database.
RecentLayoutSetBranch |
RecentLayoutSetBranchLocalService.deleteRecentLayoutSetBranch(RecentLayoutSetBranch recentLayoutSetBranch)
Deletes the recent layout set branch from the database.
Release |
ReleaseLocalService.deleteRelease(long releaseId)
Deletes the release with the primary key from the database.
Release |
ReleaseLocalService.deleteRelease(Release release)
Deletes the release from the database.
Repository |
RepositoryLocalService.deleteRepository(long repositoryId)
Deletes the repository with the primary key from the database.
Repository |
RepositoryLocalService.deleteRepository(Repository repository)
Deletes the repository from the database.
RepositoryEntry |
RepositoryEntryLocalService.deleteRepositoryEntry(long repositoryEntryId)
Deletes the repository entry with the primary key from the database.
RepositoryEntry |
RepositoryEntryLocalService.deleteRepositoryEntry(RepositoryEntry repositoryEntry)
Deletes the repository entry from the database.
ResourceAction |
ResourceActionLocalService.deleteResourceAction(long resourceActionId)
Deletes the resource action with the primary key from the database.
ResourceAction |
ResourceActionLocalService.deleteResourceAction(ResourceAction resourceAction)
Deletes the resource action from the database.
ResourceBlock |
ResourceBlockLocalService.deleteResourceBlock(long resourceBlockId)
Deletes the resource block with the primary key from the database.
ResourceBlock |
ResourceBlockLocalService.deleteResourceBlock(ResourceBlock resourceBlock)
Deletes the resource block from the database.
ResourceBlockPermission |
ResourceBlockPermissionLocalService.deleteResourceBlockPermission(long resourceBlockPermissionId)
Deletes the resource block permission with the primary key from the database.
ResourceBlockPermission |
ResourceBlockPermissionLocalService.deleteResourceBlockPermission(ResourceBlockPermission resourceBlockPermission)
Deletes the resource block permission from the database.
ResourcePermission |
ResourcePermissionLocalService.deleteResourcePermission(long resourcePermissionId)
Deletes the resource permission with the primary key from the database.
ResourcePermission |
ResourcePermissionLocalService.deleteResourcePermission(ResourcePermission resourcePermission)
Deletes the resource permission from the database.
ResourceTypePermission |
ResourceTypePermissionLocalService.deleteResourceTypePermission(long resourceTypePermissionId)
Deletes the resource type permission with the primary key from the database.
ResourceTypePermission |
ResourceTypePermissionLocalService.deleteResourceTypePermission(ResourceTypePermission resourceTypePermission)
Deletes the resource type permission from the database.
Role |
RoleLocalService.deleteRole(long roleId)
Deletes the role with the primary key from the database.
Role |
RoleLocalService.deleteRole(Role role)
Deletes the role from the database.
ServiceComponent |
ServiceComponentLocalService.deleteServiceComponent(long serviceComponentId)
Deletes the service component with the primary key from the database.
ServiceComponent |
ServiceComponentLocalService.deleteServiceComponent(ServiceComponent serviceComponent)
Deletes the service component from the database.
Subscription |
SubscriptionLocalService.deleteSubscription(long subscriptionId)
Deletes the subscription with the primary key from the database.
Subscription |
SubscriptionLocalService.deleteSubscription(Subscription subscription)
Deletes the subscription from the database.
SystemEvent |
SystemEventLocalService.deleteSystemEvent(long systemEventId)
Deletes the system event with the primary key from the database.
SystemEvent |
SystemEventLocalService.deleteSystemEvent(SystemEvent systemEvent)
Deletes the system event from the database.
Team |
TeamLocalService.deleteTeam(long teamId)
Deletes the team with the primary key from the database.
Team |
TeamLocalService.deleteTeam(Team team)
Deletes the team from the database.
Ticket |
TicketLocalService.deleteTicket(long ticketId)
Deletes the ticket with the primary key from the database.
Ticket |
TicketLocalService.deleteTicket(Ticket ticket)
Deletes the ticket from the database.
User |
UserLocalService.deleteUser(long userId)
Deletes the user with the primary key from the database.
User |
UserLocalService.deleteUser(User user)
Deletes the user from the database.
UserGroup |
UserGroupLocalService.deleteUserGroup(long userGroupId)
Deletes the user group with the primary key from the database.
UserGroup |
UserGroupLocalService.deleteUserGroup(UserGroup userGroup)
Deletes the user group from the database.
UserGroupGroupRole |
UserGroupGroupRoleLocalService.deleteUserGroupGroupRole(UserGroupGroupRole userGroupGroupRole)
Deletes the user group group role from the database.
UserGroupGroupRole |
UserGroupGroupRoleLocalService.deleteUserGroupGroupRole(UserGroupGroupRolePK userGroupGroupRolePK)
Deletes the user group group role with the primary key from the database.
UserGroupRole |
UserGroupRoleLocalService.deleteUserGroupRole(UserGroupRole userGroupRole)
Deletes the user group role from the database.
UserGroupRole |
UserGroupRoleLocalService.deleteUserGroupRole(UserGroupRolePK userGroupRolePK)
Deletes the user group role with the primary key from the database.
UserIdMapper |
UserIdMapperLocalService.deleteUserIdMapper(long userIdMapperId)
Deletes the user ID mapper with the primary key from the database.
UserIdMapper |
UserIdMapperLocalService.deleteUserIdMapper(UserIdMapper userIdMapper)
Deletes the user ID mapper from the database.
UserNotificationDelivery |
UserNotificationDeliveryLocalService.deleteUserNotificationDelivery(long userNotificationDeliveryId)
Deletes the user notification delivery with the primary key from the database.
UserNotificationDelivery |
UserNotificationDeliveryLocalService.deleteUserNotificationDelivery(UserNotificationDelivery userNotificationDelivery)
Deletes the user notification delivery from the database.
UserNotificationEvent |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.deleteUserNotificationEvent(long userNotificationEventId)
Deletes the user notification event with the primary key from the database.
UserNotificationEvent |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.deleteUserNotificationEvent(UserNotificationEvent userNotificationEvent)
Deletes the user notification event from the database.
UserTracker |
UserTrackerLocalService.deleteUserTracker(long userTrackerId)
Deletes the user tracker with the primary key from the database.
UserTracker |
UserTrackerLocalService.deleteUserTracker(UserTracker userTracker)
Deletes the user tracker from the database.
UserTrackerPath |
UserTrackerPathLocalService.deleteUserTrackerPath(long userTrackerPathId)
Deletes the user tracker path with the primary key from the database.
UserTrackerPath |
UserTrackerPathLocalService.deleteUserTrackerPath(UserTrackerPath userTrackerPath)
Deletes the user tracker path from the database.
VirtualHost |
VirtualHostLocalService.deleteVirtualHost(long virtualHostId)
Deletes the virtual host with the primary key from the database.
VirtualHost |
VirtualHostLocalService.deleteVirtualHost(VirtualHost virtualHost)
Deletes the virtual host from the database.
WebDAVProps |
WebDAVPropsLocalService.deleteWebDAVProps(long webDavPropsId)
Deletes the web d a v props with the primary key from the database.
WebDAVProps |
WebDAVPropsLocalService.deleteWebDAVProps(WebDAVProps webDAVProps)
Deletes the web d a v props from the database.
Website |
WebsiteLocalService.deleteWebsite(long websiteId)
Deletes the website with the primary key from the database.
Website |
WebsiteLocalService.deleteWebsite(Website website)
Deletes the website from the database.
WorkflowDefinitionLink |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService.deleteWorkflowDefinitionLink(long workflowDefinitionLinkId)
Deletes the workflow definition link with the primary key from the database.
WorkflowDefinitionLink |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService.deleteWorkflowDefinitionLink(WorkflowDefinitionLink workflowDefinitionLink)
Deletes the workflow definition link from the database.
WorkflowInstanceLink |
WorkflowInstanceLinkLocalService.deleteWorkflowInstanceLink(long workflowInstanceLinkId)
Deletes the workflow instance link with the primary key from the database.
WorkflowInstanceLink |
WorkflowInstanceLinkLocalService.deleteWorkflowInstanceLink(WorkflowInstanceLink workflowInstanceLink)
Deletes the workflow instance link from the database.
Account |
AccountLocalService.updateAccount(Account account)
Updates the account in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
Address |
AddressLocalService.updateAddress(Address address)
Updates the address in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
BrowserTracker |
BrowserTrackerLocalService.updateBrowserTracker(BrowserTracker browserTracker)
Updates the browser tracker in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
ClassName |
ClassNameLocalService.updateClassName(ClassName className)
Updates the class name in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
ClusterGroup |
ClusterGroupLocalService.updateClusterGroup(ClusterGroup clusterGroup)
Updates the cluster group in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
Company |
CompanyLocalService.updateCompany(Company company)
Updates the company in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
Contact |
ContactLocalService.updateContact(Contact contact)
Updates the contact in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
Contact |
ContactLocalService.updateContact(long contactId,
String emailAddress,
String firstName,
String middleName,
String lastName,
long prefixId,
long suffixId,
boolean male,
int birthdayMonth,
int birthdayDay,
int birthdayYear,
String smsSn,
String facebookSn,
String jabberSn,
String skypeSn,
String twitterSn,
String jobTitle) |
EmailAddress |
EmailAddressLocalService.updateEmailAddress(EmailAddress emailAddress)
Updates the email address in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
Group |
GroupLocalService.updateGroup(Group group)
Updates the group in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
Image |
ImageLocalService.updateImage(Image image)
Updates the image in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
Layout |
LayoutLocalService.updateLayout(Layout layout)
Updates the layout in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
LayoutBranch |
LayoutBranchLocalService.updateLayoutBranch(LayoutBranch layoutBranch)
Updates the layout branch in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
LayoutFriendlyURL |
LayoutFriendlyURLLocalService.updateLayoutFriendlyURL(LayoutFriendlyURL layoutFriendlyURL)
Updates the layout friendly u r l in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
LayoutPrototype |
LayoutPrototypeLocalService.updateLayoutPrototype(LayoutPrototype layoutPrototype)
Updates the layout prototype in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
LayoutRevision |
LayoutRevisionLocalService.updateLayoutRevision(LayoutRevision layoutRevision)
Updates the layout revision in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
LayoutSet |
LayoutSetLocalService.updateLayoutSet(LayoutSet layoutSet)
Updates the layout set in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
LayoutSetBranch |
LayoutSetBranchLocalService.updateLayoutSetBranch(LayoutSetBranch layoutSetBranch)
Updates the layout set branch in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
LayoutSetPrototype |
LayoutSetPrototypeLocalService.updateLayoutSetPrototype(LayoutSetPrototype layoutSetPrototype)
Updates the layout set prototype in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
ListType |
ListTypeLocalService.updateListType(ListType listType)
Updates the list type in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
MembershipRequest |
MembershipRequestLocalService.updateMembershipRequest(MembershipRequest membershipRequest)
Updates the membership request in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
Organization |
OrganizationLocalService.updateOrganization(Organization organization)
Updates the organization in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
OrgLabor |
OrgLaborLocalService.updateOrgLabor(OrgLabor orgLabor)
Updates the org labor in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
PasswordPolicy |
PasswordPolicyLocalService.updatePasswordPolicy(PasswordPolicy passwordPolicy)
Updates the password policy in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
PasswordPolicyRel |
PasswordPolicyRelLocalService.updatePasswordPolicyRel(PasswordPolicyRel passwordPolicyRel)
Updates the password policy rel in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
PasswordTracker |
PasswordTrackerLocalService.updatePasswordTracker(PasswordTracker passwordTracker)
Updates the password tracker in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
Phone |
PhoneLocalService.updatePhone(Phone phone)
Updates the phone in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
PluginSetting |
PluginSettingLocalService.updatePluginSetting(PluginSetting pluginSetting)
Updates the plugin setting in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
PortalPreferences |
PortalPreferencesLocalService.updatePortalPreferences(PortalPreferences portalPreferences)
Updates the portal preferences in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
Portlet |
PortletLocalService.updatePortlet(Portlet portlet)
Updates the portlet in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
PortletItem |
PortletItemLocalService.updatePortletItem(PortletItem portletItem)
Updates the portlet item in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
PortletPreferences |
PortletPreferencesLocalService.updatePortletPreferences(PortletPreferences portletPreferences)
Updates the portlet preferences in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
RecentLayoutBranch |
RecentLayoutBranchLocalService.updateRecentLayoutBranch(RecentLayoutBranch recentLayoutBranch)
Updates the recent layout branch in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
RecentLayoutRevision |
RecentLayoutRevisionLocalService.updateRecentLayoutRevision(RecentLayoutRevision recentLayoutRevision)
Updates the recent layout revision in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
RecentLayoutSetBranch |
RecentLayoutSetBranchLocalService.updateRecentLayoutSetBranch(RecentLayoutSetBranch recentLayoutSetBranch)
Updates the recent layout set branch in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
Release |
ReleaseLocalService.updateRelease(Release release)
Updates the release in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
Repository |
RepositoryLocalService.updateRepository(Repository repository)
Updates the repository in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
RepositoryEntry |
RepositoryEntryLocalService.updateRepositoryEntry(RepositoryEntry repositoryEntry)
Updates the repository entry in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
ResourceAction |
ResourceActionLocalService.updateResourceAction(ResourceAction resourceAction)
Updates the resource action in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
ResourceBlock |
ResourceBlockLocalService.updateResourceBlock(ResourceBlock resourceBlock)
Updates the resource block in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
ResourceBlockPermission |
ResourceBlockPermissionLocalService.updateResourceBlockPermission(ResourceBlockPermission resourceBlockPermission)
Updates the resource block permission in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
ResourcePermission |
ResourcePermissionLocalService.updateResourcePermission(ResourcePermission resourcePermission)
Updates the resource permission in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
ResourceTypePermission |
ResourceTypePermissionLocalService.updateResourceTypePermission(ResourceTypePermission resourceTypePermission)
Updates the resource type permission in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
Role |
RoleLocalService.updateRole(Role role)
Updates the role in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
ServiceComponent |
ServiceComponentLocalService.updateServiceComponent(ServiceComponent serviceComponent)
Updates the service component in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
Subscription |
SubscriptionLocalService.updateSubscription(Subscription subscription)
Updates the subscription in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
SystemEvent |
SystemEventLocalService.updateSystemEvent(SystemEvent systemEvent)
Updates the system event in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
Team |
TeamLocalService.updateTeam(Team team)
Updates the team in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
Ticket |
TicketLocalService.updateTicket(Ticket ticket)
Updates the ticket in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
User |
UserLocalService.updateUser(User user)
Updates the user in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
UserGroup |
UserGroupLocalService.updateUserGroup(UserGroup userGroup)
Updates the user group in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
UserGroupGroupRole |
UserGroupGroupRoleLocalService.updateUserGroupGroupRole(UserGroupGroupRole userGroupGroupRole)
Updates the user group group role in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
UserGroupRole |
UserGroupRoleLocalService.updateUserGroupRole(UserGroupRole userGroupRole)
Updates the user group role in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
UserIdMapper |
UserIdMapperLocalService.updateUserIdMapper(UserIdMapper userIdMapper)
Updates the user ID mapper in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
UserNotificationDelivery |
UserNotificationDeliveryLocalService.updateUserNotificationDelivery(UserNotificationDelivery userNotificationDelivery)
Updates the user notification delivery in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
UserNotificationEvent |
UserNotificationEventLocalService.updateUserNotificationEvent(UserNotificationEvent userNotificationEvent)
Updates the user notification event in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
UserTracker |
UserTrackerLocalService.updateUserTracker(UserTracker userTracker)
Updates the user tracker in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
UserTrackerPath |
UserTrackerPathLocalService.updateUserTrackerPath(UserTrackerPath userTrackerPath)
Updates the user tracker path in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
VirtualHost |
VirtualHostLocalService.updateVirtualHost(VirtualHost virtualHost)
Updates the virtual host in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
WebDAVProps |
WebDAVPropsLocalService.updateWebDAVProps(WebDAVProps webDAVProps)
Updates the web d a v props in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
Website |
WebsiteLocalService.updateWebsite(Website website)
Updates the website in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
WorkflowDefinitionLink |
WorkflowDefinitionLinkLocalService.updateWorkflowDefinitionLink(WorkflowDefinitionLink workflowDefinitionLink)
Updates the workflow definition link in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
WorkflowInstanceLink |
WorkflowInstanceLinkLocalService.updateWorkflowInstanceLink(WorkflowInstanceLink workflowInstanceLink)
Updates the workflow instance link in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RatingsEntry |
RatingsEntryLocalService.addRatingsEntry(RatingsEntry ratingsEntry)
Adds the ratings entry to the database.
RatingsStats |
RatingsStatsLocalService.addRatingsStats(RatingsStats ratingsStats)
Adds the ratings stats to the database.
RatingsEntry |
RatingsEntryLocalService.deleteRatingsEntry(long entryId)
Deletes the ratings entry with the primary key from the database.
RatingsEntry |
RatingsEntryLocalService.deleteRatingsEntry(RatingsEntry ratingsEntry)
Deletes the ratings entry from the database.
RatingsStats |
RatingsStatsLocalService.deleteRatingsStats(long statsId)
Deletes the ratings stats with the primary key from the database.
RatingsStats |
RatingsStatsLocalService.deleteRatingsStats(RatingsStats ratingsStats)
Deletes the ratings stats from the database.
RatingsEntry |
RatingsEntryLocalService.updateRatingsEntry(RatingsEntry ratingsEntry)
Updates the ratings entry in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
RatingsStats |
RatingsStatsLocalService.updateRatingsStats(RatingsStats ratingsStats)
Updates the ratings stats in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SocialActivity |
SocialActivityLocalService.addSocialActivity(SocialActivity socialActivity)
Adds the social activity to the database.
SocialActivityAchievement |
SocialActivityAchievementLocalService.addSocialActivityAchievement(SocialActivityAchievement socialActivityAchievement)
Adds the social activity achievement to the database.
SocialActivityCounter |
SocialActivityCounterLocalService.addSocialActivityCounter(SocialActivityCounter socialActivityCounter)
Adds the social activity counter to the database.
SocialActivityLimit |
SocialActivityLimitLocalService.addSocialActivityLimit(SocialActivityLimit socialActivityLimit)
Adds the social activity limit to the database.
SocialActivitySet |
SocialActivitySetLocalService.addSocialActivitySet(SocialActivitySet socialActivitySet)
Adds the social activity set to the database.
SocialActivitySetting |
SocialActivitySettingLocalService.addSocialActivitySetting(SocialActivitySetting socialActivitySetting)
Adds the social activity setting to the database.
SocialRelation |
SocialRelationLocalService.addSocialRelation(SocialRelation socialRelation)
Adds the social relation to the database.
SocialRequest |
SocialRequestLocalService.addSocialRequest(SocialRequest socialRequest)
Adds the social request to the database.
SocialActivity |
SocialActivityLocalService.deleteSocialActivity(long activityId)
Deletes the social activity with the primary key from the database.
SocialActivity |
SocialActivityLocalService.deleteSocialActivity(SocialActivity socialActivity)
Deletes the social activity from the database.
SocialActivityAchievement |
SocialActivityAchievementLocalService.deleteSocialActivityAchievement(long activityAchievementId)
Deletes the social activity achievement with the primary key from the database.
SocialActivityAchievement |
SocialActivityAchievementLocalService.deleteSocialActivityAchievement(SocialActivityAchievement socialActivityAchievement)
Deletes the social activity achievement from the database.
SocialActivityCounter |
SocialActivityCounterLocalService.deleteSocialActivityCounter(long activityCounterId)
Deletes the social activity counter with the primary key from the database.
SocialActivityCounter |
SocialActivityCounterLocalService.deleteSocialActivityCounter(SocialActivityCounter socialActivityCounter)
Deletes the social activity counter from the database.
SocialActivityLimit |
SocialActivityLimitLocalService.deleteSocialActivityLimit(long activityLimitId)
Deletes the social activity limit with the primary key from the database.
SocialActivityLimit |
SocialActivityLimitLocalService.deleteSocialActivityLimit(SocialActivityLimit socialActivityLimit)
Deletes the social activity limit from the database.
SocialActivitySet |
SocialActivitySetLocalService.deleteSocialActivitySet(long activitySetId)
Deletes the social activity set with the primary key from the database.
SocialActivitySet |
SocialActivitySetLocalService.deleteSocialActivitySet(SocialActivitySet socialActivitySet)
Deletes the social activity set from the database.
SocialActivitySetting |
SocialActivitySettingLocalService.deleteSocialActivitySetting(long activitySettingId)
Deletes the social activity setting with the primary key from the database.
SocialActivitySetting |
SocialActivitySettingLocalService.deleteSocialActivitySetting(SocialActivitySetting socialActivitySetting)
Deletes the social activity setting from the database.
SocialRelation |
SocialRelationLocalService.deleteSocialRelation(long relationId)
Deletes the social relation with the primary key from the database.
SocialRelation |
SocialRelationLocalService.deleteSocialRelation(SocialRelation socialRelation)
Deletes the social relation from the database.
SocialRequest |
SocialRequestLocalService.deleteSocialRequest(long requestId)
Deletes the social request with the primary key from the database.
SocialRequest |
SocialRequestLocalService.deleteSocialRequest(SocialRequest socialRequest)
Deletes the social request from the database.
SocialActivity |
SocialActivityLocalService.updateSocialActivity(SocialActivity socialActivity)
Updates the social activity in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
SocialActivityAchievement |
SocialActivityAchievementLocalService.updateSocialActivityAchievement(SocialActivityAchievement socialActivityAchievement)
Updates the social activity achievement in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
SocialActivityCounter |
SocialActivityCounterLocalService.updateSocialActivityCounter(SocialActivityCounter socialActivityCounter)
Updates the social activity counter in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
SocialActivityLimit |
SocialActivityLimitLocalService.updateSocialActivityLimit(SocialActivityLimit socialActivityLimit)
Updates the social activity limit in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
SocialActivitySet |
SocialActivitySetLocalService.updateSocialActivitySet(SocialActivitySet socialActivitySet)
Updates the social activity set in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
SocialActivitySetting |
SocialActivitySettingLocalService.updateSocialActivitySetting(SocialActivitySetting socialActivitySetting)
Updates the social activity setting in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
SocialRelation |
SocialRelationLocalService.updateSocialRelation(SocialRelation socialRelation)
Updates the social relation in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
SocialRequest |
SocialRequestLocalService.updateSocialRequest(SocialRequest socialRequest)
Updates the social request in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TrashEntry |
TrashEntryLocalService.addTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
Adds the trash entry to the database.
TrashVersion |
TrashVersionLocalService.addTrashVersion(TrashVersion trashVersion)
Adds the trash version to the database.
TrashEntry |
TrashEntryLocalService.deleteEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry) |
TrashEntry |
TrashEntryLocalService.deleteTrashEntry(long entryId)
Deletes the trash entry with the primary key from the database.
TrashEntry |
TrashEntryLocalService.deleteTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
Deletes the trash entry from the database.
TrashVersion |
TrashVersionLocalService.deleteTrashVersion(long versionId)
Deletes the trash version with the primary key from the database.
TrashVersion |
TrashVersionLocalService.deleteTrashVersion(TrashVersion trashVersion)
Deletes the trash version from the database.
TrashEntry |
TrashEntryLocalService.updateTrashEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry)
Updates the trash entry in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.
TrashVersion |
TrashVersionLocalService.updateTrashVersion(TrashVersion trashVersion)
Updates the trash version in the database or adds it if it does not yet exist.