@AccessControlled @JSONWebService @ProviderType @Transactional(isolation=PORTAL, rollbackFor={PortalException.class,SystemException.class}) public interface UserService extends BaseService
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
addGroupUsers(long groupId,
long[] userIds,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Adds the users to the group.
void |
addOrganizationUsers(long organizationId,
long[] userIds)
Adds the users to the organization.
void |
addPasswordPolicyUsers(long passwordPolicyId,
long[] userIds)
Assigns the password policy to the users, removing any other currently
assigned password policies.
void |
addRoleUsers(long roleId,
long[] userIds)
Adds the users to the role.
void |
addTeamUsers(long teamId,
long[] userIds)
Adds the users to the team.
User |
addUser(long companyId,
boolean autoPassword,
String password1,
String password2,
boolean autoScreenName,
String screenName,
String emailAddress,
long facebookId,
String openId,
Locale locale,
String firstName,
String middleName,
String lastName,
long prefixId,
long suffixId,
boolean male,
int birthdayMonth,
int birthdayDay,
int birthdayYear,
String jobTitle,
long[] groupIds,
long[] organizationIds,
long[] roleIds,
long[] userGroupIds,
boolean sendEmail,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Adds a user.
User |
addUser(long companyId,
boolean autoPassword,
String password1,
String password2,
boolean autoScreenName,
String screenName,
String emailAddress,
long facebookId,
String openId,
Locale locale,
String firstName,
String middleName,
String lastName,
long prefixId,
long suffixId,
boolean male,
int birthdayMonth,
int birthdayDay,
int birthdayYear,
String jobTitle,
long[] groupIds,
long[] organizationIds,
long[] roleIds,
long[] userGroupIds,
List<Address> addresses,
List<EmailAddress> emailAddresses,
List<Phone> phones,
List<Website> websites,
List<AnnouncementsDelivery> announcementsDelivers,
boolean sendEmail,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Adds a user with additional parameters.
void |
addUserGroupUsers(long userGroupId,
long[] userIds)
Adds the users to the user group.
User |
addUserWithWorkflow(long companyId,
boolean autoPassword,
String password1,
String password2,
boolean autoScreenName,
String screenName,
String emailAddress,
long facebookId,
String openId,
Locale locale,
String firstName,
String middleName,
String lastName,
long prefixId,
long suffixId,
boolean male,
int birthdayMonth,
int birthdayDay,
int birthdayYear,
String jobTitle,
long[] groupIds,
long[] organizationIds,
long[] roleIds,
long[] userGroupIds,
boolean sendEmail,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Adds a user with workflow.
User |
addUserWithWorkflow(long companyId,
boolean autoPassword,
String password1,
String password2,
boolean autoScreenName,
String screenName,
String emailAddress,
long facebookId,
String openId,
Locale locale,
String firstName,
String middleName,
String lastName,
long prefixId,
long suffixId,
boolean male,
int birthdayMonth,
int birthdayDay,
int birthdayYear,
String jobTitle,
long[] groupIds,
long[] organizationIds,
long[] roleIds,
long[] userGroupIds,
List<Address> addresses,
List<EmailAddress> emailAddresses,
List<Phone> phones,
List<Website> websites,
List<AnnouncementsDelivery> announcementsDelivers,
boolean sendEmail,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Adds a user with workflow and additional parameters.
void |
deletePortrait(long userId)
Deletes the user's portrait image.
void |
deleteRoleUser(long roleId,
long userId)
Removes the user from the role.
void |
deleteUser(long userId)
Deletes the user.
List<User> |
getCompanyUsers(long companyId,
int start,
int end) |
int |
getCompanyUsersCount(long companyId) |
User |
getCurrentUser() |
long[] |
getGroupUserIds(long groupId)
Returns the primary keys of all the users belonging to the group.
List<User> |
getGroupUsers(long groupId)
Returns all the users belonging to the group.
long[] |
getOrganizationUserIds(long organizationId)
Returns the primary keys of all the users belonging to the organization.
List<User> |
getOrganizationUsers(long organizationId)
Returns all the users belonging to the organization.
String |
Returns the OSGi service identifier.
long[] |
getRoleUserIds(long roleId)
Returns the primary keys of all the users belonging to the role.
User |
getUserByEmailAddress(long companyId,
String emailAddress)
Returns the user with the email address.
User |
getUserById(long userId)
Returns the user with the primary key.
User |
getUserByScreenName(long companyId,
String screenName)
Returns the user with the screen name.
List<User> |
getUserGroupUsers(long userGroupId) |
long |
getUserIdByEmailAddress(long companyId,
String emailAddress)
Returns the primary key of the user with the email address.
long |
getUserIdByScreenName(long companyId,
String screenName)
Returns the primary key of the user with the screen name.
boolean |
hasGroupUser(long groupId,
long userId)
true if the user is a member of the group. |
boolean |
hasRoleUser(long roleId,
long userId)
true if the user is a member of the role. |
boolean |
hasRoleUser(long companyId,
String name,
long userId,
boolean inherited)
true if the user has the role with the name,
optionally through inheritance. |
boolean |
sendPasswordByEmailAddress(long companyId,
String emailAddress)
Sends a password notification email to the user matching the email
boolean |
sendPasswordByScreenName(long companyId,
String screenName)
Sends a password notification email to the user matching the screen name.
boolean |
sendPasswordByUserId(long userId)
Sends a password notification email to the user matching the ID.
void |
setRoleUsers(long roleId,
long[] userIds)
Sets the users in the role, removing and adding users to the role as
void |
setUserGroupUsers(long userGroupId,
long[] userIds)
Sets the users in the user group, removing and adding users to the user
group as necessary.
void |
unsetGroupTeamsUsers(long groupId,
long[] userIds)
Removes the users from the teams of a group.
void |
unsetGroupUsers(long groupId,
long[] userIds,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Removes the users from the group.
void |
unsetOrganizationUsers(long organizationId,
long[] userIds)
Removes the users from the organization.
void |
unsetPasswordPolicyUsers(long passwordPolicyId,
long[] userIds)
Removes the users from the password policy.
void |
unsetRoleUsers(long roleId,
long[] userIds)
Removes the users from the role.
void |
unsetTeamUsers(long teamId,
long[] userIds)
Removes the users from the team.
void |
unsetUserGroupUsers(long userGroupId,
long[] userIds)
Removes the users from the user group.
User |
updateAgreedToTermsOfUse(long userId,
boolean agreedToTermsOfUse)
Updates the user's response to the terms of use agreement.
User |
updateEmailAddress(long userId,
String password,
String emailAddress1,
String emailAddress2,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Updates the user's email address.
User |
updateIncompleteUser(long companyId,
boolean autoPassword,
String password1,
String password2,
boolean autoScreenName,
String screenName,
String emailAddress,
long facebookId,
String openId,
Locale locale,
String firstName,
String middleName,
String lastName,
long prefixId,
long suffixId,
boolean male,
int birthdayMonth,
int birthdayDay,
int birthdayYear,
String jobTitle,
boolean updateUserInformation,
boolean sendEmail,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Updates a user account that was automatically created when a guest user
participated in an action (e.g. posting a comment) and only provided his
name and email address.
User |
updateLockoutById(long userId,
boolean lockout)
Updates whether the user is locked out from logging in.
User |
updateOpenId(long userId,
String openId)
Updates the user's OpenID.
void |
updateOrganizations(long userId,
long[] organizationIds,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Sets the organizations that the user is in, removing and adding
organizations as necessary.
User |
updatePassword(long userId,
String password1,
String password2,
boolean passwordReset)
Updates the user's password without tracking or validation of the change.
User |
updatePortrait(long userId,
byte[] bytes)
Updates the user's portrait image.
User |
updateReminderQuery(long userId,
String question,
String answer)
Updates the user's password reset question and answer.
User |
updateScreenName(long userId,
String screenName)
Updates the user's screen name.
User |
updateStatus(long userId,
int status)
As of 7.0.0, replaced by
updateStatus(long, int,
ServiceContext) |
User |
updateStatus(long userId,
int status,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Updates the user's workflow status.
User |
updateUser(long userId,
String oldPassword,
String newPassword1,
String newPassword2,
boolean passwordReset,
String reminderQueryQuestion,
String reminderQueryAnswer,
String screenName,
String emailAddress,
long facebookId,
String openId,
boolean portrait,
byte[] portraitBytes,
String languageId,
String timeZoneId,
String greeting,
String comments,
String firstName,
String middleName,
String lastName,
long prefixId,
long suffixId,
boolean male,
int birthdayMonth,
int birthdayDay,
int birthdayYear,
String smsSn,
String facebookSn,
String jabberSn,
String skypeSn,
String twitterSn,
String jobTitle,
long[] groupIds,
long[] organizationIds,
long[] roleIds,
List<UserGroupRole> userGroupRoles,
long[] userGroupIds,
List<Address> addresses,
List<EmailAddress> emailAddresses,
List<Phone> phones,
List<Website> websites,
List<AnnouncementsDelivery> announcementsDelivers,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Updates the user with additional parameters.
User |
updateUser(long userId,
String oldPassword,
String newPassword1,
String newPassword2,
boolean passwordReset,
String reminderQueryQuestion,
String reminderQueryAnswer,
String screenName,
String emailAddress,
long facebookId,
String openId,
String languageId,
String timeZoneId,
String greeting,
String comments,
String firstName,
String middleName,
String lastName,
long prefixId,
long suffixId,
boolean male,
int birthdayMonth,
int birthdayDay,
int birthdayYear,
String smsSn,
String facebookSn,
String jabberSn,
String skypeSn,
String twitterSn,
String jobTitle,
long[] groupIds,
long[] organizationIds,
long[] roleIds,
List<UserGroupRole> userGroupRoles,
long[] userGroupIds,
List<Address> addresses,
List<EmailAddress> emailAddresses,
List<Phone> phones,
List<Website> websites,
List<AnnouncementsDelivery> announcementsDelivers,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
User |
updateUser(long userId,
String oldPassword,
String newPassword1,
String newPassword2,
boolean passwordReset,
String reminderQueryQuestion,
String reminderQueryAnswer,
String screenName,
String emailAddress,
long facebookId,
String openId,
String languageId,
String timeZoneId,
String greeting,
String comments,
String firstName,
String middleName,
String lastName,
long prefixId,
long suffixId,
boolean male,
int birthdayMonth,
int birthdayDay,
int birthdayYear,
String smsSn,
String facebookSn,
String jabberSn,
String skypeSn,
String twitterSn,
String jobTitle,
long[] groupIds,
long[] organizationIds,
long[] roleIds,
List<UserGroupRole> userGroupRoles,
long[] userGroupIds,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Updates the user.
@Transactional(propagation=SUPPORTS, readOnly=true) boolean hasGroupUser(long groupId, long userId) throws PortalException
if the user is a member of the group.groupId
- the primary key of the groupuserId
- the primary key of the usertrue
if the user is a member of the group;
@Transactional(propagation=SUPPORTS, readOnly=true) boolean hasRoleUser(long companyId, String name, long userId, boolean inherited) throws PortalException
if the user has the role with the name,
optionally through inheritance.companyId
- the primary key of the role's companyname
- the name of the role (must be a regular role, not an
organization, site or provider role)userId
- the primary key of the userinherited
- whether to include roles inherited from organizations,
sites, etc.true
if the user has the role; false
@Transactional(propagation=SUPPORTS, readOnly=true) boolean hasRoleUser(long roleId, long userId) throws PortalException
if the user is a member of the role.roleId
- the primary key of the roleuserId
- the primary key of the usertrue
if the user is a member of the role;
boolean sendPasswordByEmailAddress(long companyId, String emailAddress) throws PortalException
The content of the notification email is specified with the
portal property keys. They can be
overridden via a portal-ext.properties
file or modified
through the Portal Settings UI.
- the primary key of the user's companyemailAddress
- the user's email addresstrue
if the notification email includes a new
password; false
if the notification email only
contains a reset linkPortalException
boolean sendPasswordByScreenName(long companyId, String screenName) throws PortalException
The content of the notification email is specified with the
portal property keys. They can be
overridden via a portal-ext.properties
file or modified
through the Portal Settings UI.
- the primary key of the user's companyscreenName
- the user's screen nametrue
if the notification email includes a new
password; false
if the notification email only
contains a reset linkPortalException
boolean sendPasswordByUserId(long userId) throws PortalException
The content of the notification email is specified with the
portal property keys. They can be
overridden via a portal-ext.properties
file or modified
through the Portal Settings UI.
- the user's primary keytrue
if the notification email includes a new
password; false
if the notification email only
contains a reset linkPortalException
User addUser(long companyId, boolean autoPassword, String password1, String password2, boolean autoScreenName, String screenName, String emailAddress, long facebookId, String openId, Locale locale, String firstName, String middleName, String lastName, long prefixId, long suffixId, boolean male, int birthdayMonth, int birthdayDay, int birthdayYear, String jobTitle, long[] groupIds, long[] organizationIds, long[] roleIds, long[] userGroupIds, boolean sendEmail, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException
This method handles the creation and bookkeeping of the user including its resources, metadata, and internal data structures. It is not necessary to make subsequent calls to any methods to setup default groups, resources, etc.
- the primary key of the user's companyautoPassword
- whether a password should be automatically generated
for the userpassword1
- the user's passwordpassword2
- the user's password confirmationautoScreenName
- whether a screen name should be automatically
generated for the userscreenName
- the user's screen nameemailAddress
- the user's email addressfacebookId
- the user's facebook IDopenId
- the user's OpenIDlocale
- the user's localefirstName
- the user's first namemiddleName
- the user's middle namelastName
- the user's last nameprefixId
- the user's name prefix IDsuffixId
- the user's name suffix IDmale
- whether the user is malebirthdayMonth
- the user's birthday month (0-based, meaning 0 for
- the user's birthday daybirthdayYear
- the user's birthday yearjobTitle
- the user's job titlegroupIds
- the primary keys of the user's groupsorganizationIds
- the primary keys of the user's organizationsroleIds
- the primary keys of the roles this user possessesuserGroupIds
- the primary keys of the user's user groupssendEmail
- whether to send the user an email notification about
their new accountserviceContext
- the service context to be applied (optionally
). Can set the UUID (with the uuid
attribute), asset category IDs, asset tag names, and expando
bridge attributes for the user.PortalException
User addUser(long companyId, boolean autoPassword, String password1, String password2, boolean autoScreenName, String screenName, String emailAddress, long facebookId, String openId, Locale locale, String firstName, String middleName, String lastName, long prefixId, long suffixId, boolean male, int birthdayMonth, int birthdayDay, int birthdayYear, String jobTitle, long[] groupIds, long[] organizationIds, long[] roleIds, long[] userGroupIds, List<Address> addresses, List<EmailAddress> emailAddresses, List<Phone> phones, List<Website> websites, List<AnnouncementsDelivery> announcementsDelivers, boolean sendEmail, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException
This method handles the creation and bookkeeping of the user including its resources, metadata, and internal data structures. It is not necessary to make subsequent calls to any methods to setup default groups, resources, etc.
- the primary key of the user's companyautoPassword
- whether a password should be automatically generated
for the userpassword1
- the user's passwordpassword2
- the user's password confirmationautoScreenName
- whether a screen name should be automatically
generated for the userscreenName
- the user's screen nameemailAddress
- the user's email addressfacebookId
- the user's facebook IDopenId
- the user's OpenIDlocale
- the user's localefirstName
- the user's first namemiddleName
- the user's middle namelastName
- the user's last nameprefixId
- the user's name prefix IDsuffixId
- the user's name suffix IDmale
- whether the user is malebirthdayMonth
- the user's birthday month (0-based, meaning 0 for
- the user's birthday daybirthdayYear
- the user's birthday yearjobTitle
- the user's job titlegroupIds
- the primary keys of the user's groupsorganizationIds
- the primary keys of the user's organizationsroleIds
- the primary keys of the roles this user possessesuserGroupIds
- the primary keys of the user's user groupsaddresses
- the user's addressesemailAddresses
- the user's email addressesphones
- the user's phone numberswebsites
- the user's websitesannouncementsDelivers
- the announcements deliveriessendEmail
- whether to send the user an email notification about
their new accountserviceContext
- the service context to be applied (optionally
). Can set the UUID (with the uuid
attribute), asset category IDs, asset tag names, and expando
bridge attributes for the user.PortalException
User addUserWithWorkflow(long companyId, boolean autoPassword, String password1, String password2, boolean autoScreenName, String screenName, String emailAddress, long facebookId, String openId, Locale locale, String firstName, String middleName, String lastName, long prefixId, long suffixId, boolean male, int birthdayMonth, int birthdayDay, int birthdayYear, String jobTitle, long[] groupIds, long[] organizationIds, long[] roleIds, long[] userGroupIds, boolean sendEmail, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException
This method handles the creation and bookkeeping of the user including its resources, metadata, and internal data structures. It is not necessary to make subsequent calls to any methods to setup default groups, resources, etc.
- the primary key of the user's companyautoPassword
- whether a password should be automatically generated
for the userpassword1
- the user's passwordpassword2
- the user's password confirmationautoScreenName
- whether a screen name should be automatically
generated for the userscreenName
- the user's screen nameemailAddress
- the user's email addressfacebookId
- the user's facebook IDopenId
- the user's OpenIDlocale
- the user's localefirstName
- the user's first namemiddleName
- the user's middle namelastName
- the user's last nameprefixId
- the user's name prefix IDsuffixId
- the user's name suffix IDmale
- whether the user is malebirthdayMonth
- the user's birthday month (0-based, meaning 0 for
- the user's birthday daybirthdayYear
- the user's birthday yearjobTitle
- the user's job titlegroupIds
- the primary keys of the user's groupsorganizationIds
- the primary keys of the user's organizationsroleIds
- the primary keys of the roles this user possessesuserGroupIds
- the primary keys of the user's user groupssendEmail
- whether to send the user an email notification about
their new accountserviceContext
- the service context to be applied (optionally
). Can set the UUID (with the uuid
attribute), asset category IDs, asset tag names, and expando
bridge attributes for the user.PortalException
User addUserWithWorkflow(long companyId, boolean autoPassword, String password1, String password2, boolean autoScreenName, String screenName, String emailAddress, long facebookId, String openId, Locale locale, String firstName, String middleName, String lastName, long prefixId, long suffixId, boolean male, int birthdayMonth, int birthdayDay, int birthdayYear, String jobTitle, long[] groupIds, long[] organizationIds, long[] roleIds, long[] userGroupIds, List<Address> addresses, List<EmailAddress> emailAddresses, List<Phone> phones, List<Website> websites, List<AnnouncementsDelivery> announcementsDelivers, boolean sendEmail, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException
This method handles the creation and bookkeeping of the user including its resources, metadata, and internal data structures. It is not necessary to make subsequent calls to any methods to setup default groups, resources, etc.
- the primary key of the user's companyautoPassword
- whether a password should be automatically generated
for the userpassword1
- the user's passwordpassword2
- the user's password confirmationautoScreenName
- whether a screen name should be automatically
generated for the userscreenName
- the user's screen nameemailAddress
- the user's email addressfacebookId
- the user's facebook IDopenId
- the user's OpenIDlocale
- the user's localefirstName
- the user's first namemiddleName
- the user's middle namelastName
- the user's last nameprefixId
- the user's name prefix IDsuffixId
- the user's name suffix IDmale
- whether the user is malebirthdayMonth
- the user's birthday month (0-based, meaning 0 for
- the user's birthday daybirthdayYear
- the user's birthday yearjobTitle
- the user's job titlegroupIds
- the primary keys of the user's groupsorganizationIds
- the primary keys of the user's organizationsroleIds
- the primary keys of the roles this user possessesuserGroupIds
- the primary keys of the user's user groupsaddresses
- the user's addressesemailAddresses
- the user's email addressesphones
- the user's phone numberswebsites
- the user's websitesannouncementsDelivers
- the announcements deliveriessendEmail
- whether to send the user an email notification about
their new accountserviceContext
- the service context to be applied (optionally
). Can set the UUID (with the uuid
attribute), asset category IDs, asset tag names, and expando
bridge attributes for the user.PortalException
@Transactional(propagation=SUPPORTS, readOnly=true) User getCurrentUser() throws PortalException
@Transactional(propagation=SUPPORTS, readOnly=true) User getUserByEmailAddress(long companyId, String emailAddress) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the user's companyemailAddress
- the user's email addressPortalException
@Transactional(propagation=SUPPORTS, readOnly=true) User getUserById(long userId) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the userPortalException
@Transactional(propagation=SUPPORTS, readOnly=true) User getUserByScreenName(long companyId, String screenName) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the user's companyscreenName
- the user's screen namePortalException
User updateAgreedToTermsOfUse(long userId, boolean agreedToTermsOfUse) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the useragreedToTermsOfUse
- whether the user has agree to the terms of usePortalException
User updateEmailAddress(long userId, String password, String emailAddress1, String emailAddress2, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the userpassword
- the user's passwordemailAddress1
- the user's new email addressemailAddress2
- the user's new email address confirmationserviceContext
- the service context to be applied. Must set the
portal URL, main path, primary key of the layout, remote address,
remote host, and agent for the user.PortalException
User updateIncompleteUser(long companyId, boolean autoPassword, String password1, String password2, boolean autoScreenName, String screenName, String emailAddress, long facebookId, String openId, Locale locale, String firstName, String middleName, String lastName, long prefixId, long suffixId, boolean male, int birthdayMonth, int birthdayDay, int birthdayYear, String jobTitle, boolean updateUserInformation, boolean sendEmail, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the user's companyautoPassword
- whether a password should be automatically generated
for the userpassword1
- the user's passwordpassword2
- the user's password confirmationautoScreenName
- whether a screen name should be automatically
generated for the userscreenName
- the user's screen nameemailAddress
- the user's email addressfacebookId
- the user's facebook IDopenId
- the user's OpenIDlocale
- the user's localefirstName
- the user's first namemiddleName
- the user's middle namelastName
- the user's last nameprefixId
- the user's name prefix IDsuffixId
- the user's name suffix IDmale
- whether the user is malebirthdayMonth
- the user's birthday month (0-based, meaning 0 for
- the user's birthday daybirthdayYear
- the user's birthday yearjobTitle
- the user's job titleupdateUserInformation
- whether to update the user's informationsendEmail
- whether to send the user an email notification about
their new accountserviceContext
- the service context to be applied (optionally
). Can set the expando bridge attributes for the
User updateLockoutById(long userId, boolean lockout) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the userlockout
- whether the user is locked outPortalException
User updateOpenId(long userId, String openId) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the useropenId
- the new OpenIDPortalException
User updatePassword(long userId, String password1, String password2, boolean passwordReset) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the userpassword1
- the user's new passwordpassword2
- the user's new password confirmationpasswordReset
- whether the user should be asked to reset their
password the next time they log inPortalException
User updatePortrait(long userId, byte[] bytes) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the userbytes
- the new portrait image dataPortalException
User updateReminderQuery(long userId, String question, String answer) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the userquestion
- the user's new password reset questionanswer
- the user's new password reset answerPortalException
User updateScreenName(long userId, String screenName) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the userscreenName
- the user's new screen namePortalException
@Deprecated User updateStatus(long userId, int status) throws PortalException
updateStatus(long, int,
- the primary key of the userstatus
- the user's new workflow statusPortalException
User updateStatus(long userId, int status, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the userstatus
- the user's new workflow statusserviceContext
- the service context to be applied. You can specify
an unencrypted custom password (used by an LDAP listener) for the
user via attribute passwordUnencrypted
User updateUser(long userId, String oldPassword, String newPassword1, String newPassword2, boolean passwordReset, String reminderQueryQuestion, String reminderQueryAnswer, String screenName, String emailAddress, long facebookId, String openId, boolean portrait, byte[] portraitBytes, String languageId, String timeZoneId, String greeting, String comments, String firstName, String middleName, String lastName, long prefixId, long suffixId, boolean male, int birthdayMonth, int birthdayDay, int birthdayYear, String smsSn, String facebookSn, String jabberSn, String skypeSn, String twitterSn, String jobTitle, long[] groupIds, long[] organizationIds, long[] roleIds, List<UserGroupRole> userGroupRoles, long[] userGroupIds, List<Address> addresses, List<EmailAddress> emailAddresses, List<Phone> phones, List<Website> websites, List<AnnouncementsDelivery> announcementsDelivers, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the useroldPassword
- the user's old passwordnewPassword1
- the user's new password (optionally
- the user's new password confirmation (optionally
- whether the user should be asked to reset their
password the next time they loginreminderQueryQuestion
- the user's new password reset questionreminderQueryAnswer
- the user's new password reset answerscreenName
- the user's new screen nameemailAddress
- the user's new email addressfacebookId
- the user's new Facebook IDopenId
- the user's new OpenIDportrait
- whether to update the user's portrait imageportraitBytes
- the new portrait image datalanguageId
- the user's new language IDtimeZoneId
- the user's new time zone IDgreeting
- the user's new greetingcomments
- the user's new commentsfirstName
- the user's new first namemiddleName
- the user's new middle namelastName
- the user's new last nameprefixId
- the user's new name prefix IDsuffixId
- the user's new name suffix IDmale
- whether user is malebirthdayMonth
- the user's new birthday month (0-based, meaning 0
for January)birthdayDay
- the user's new birthday daybirthdayYear
- the user's birthday yearsmsSn
- the user's new SMS screen namefacebookSn
- the user's new Facebook screen namejabberSn
- the user's new Jabber screen nameskypeSn
- the user's new Skype screen nametwitterSn
- the user's new Twitter screen namejobTitle
- the user's new job titlegroupIds
- the primary keys of the user's groupsorganizationIds
- the primary keys of the user's organizationsroleIds
- the primary keys of the user's rolesuserGroupRoles
- the user user's group rolesuserGroupIds
- the primary keys of the user's user groupsaddresses
- the user's addressesemailAddresses
- the user's email addressesphones
- the user's phone numberswebsites
- the user's websitesannouncementsDelivers
- the announcements deliveriesserviceContext
- the service context to be applied (optionally
). Can set the UUID (with the uuid
attribute), asset category IDs, asset tag names, and expando
bridge attributes for the user.PortalException
User updateUser(long userId, String oldPassword, String newPassword1, String newPassword2, boolean passwordReset, String reminderQueryQuestion, String reminderQueryAnswer, String screenName, String emailAddress, long facebookId, String openId, String languageId, String timeZoneId, String greeting, String comments, String firstName, String middleName, String lastName, long prefixId, long suffixId, boolean male, int birthdayMonth, int birthdayDay, int birthdayYear, String smsSn, String facebookSn, String jabberSn, String skypeSn, String twitterSn, String jobTitle, long[] groupIds, long[] organizationIds, long[] roleIds, List<UserGroupRole> userGroupRoles, long[] userGroupIds, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the useroldPassword
- the user's old passwordnewPassword1
- the user's new password (optionally
- the user's new password confirmation (optionally
- whether the user should be asked to reset their
password the next time they loginreminderQueryQuestion
- the user's new password reset questionreminderQueryAnswer
- the user's new password reset answerscreenName
- the user's new screen nameemailAddress
- the user's new email addressfacebookId
- the user's new Facebook IDopenId
- the user's new OpenIDlanguageId
- the user's new language IDtimeZoneId
- the user's new time zone IDgreeting
- the user's new greetingcomments
- the user's new commentsfirstName
- the user's new first namemiddleName
- the user's new middle namelastName
- the user's new last nameprefixId
- the user's new name prefix IDsuffixId
- the user's new name suffix IDmale
- whether user is malebirthdayMonth
- the user's new birthday month (0-based, meaning 0
for January)birthdayDay
- the user's new birthday daybirthdayYear
- the user's birthday yearsmsSn
- the user's new SMS screen namefacebookSn
- the user's new Facebook screen namejabberSn
- the user's new Jabber screen nameskypeSn
- the user's new Skype screen nametwitterSn
- the user's new Twitter screen namejobTitle
- the user's new job titlegroupIds
- the primary keys of the user's groupsorganizationIds
- the primary keys of the user's organizationsroleIds
- the primary keys of the user's rolesuserGroupRoles
- the user user's group rolesuserGroupIds
- the primary keys of the user's user groupsserviceContext
- the service context to be applied (optionally
). Can set the UUID (with the uuid
attribute), asset category IDs, asset tag names, and expando
bridge attributes for the user.PortalException
@Deprecated User updateUser(long userId, String oldPassword, String newPassword1, String newPassword2, boolean passwordReset, String reminderQueryQuestion, String reminderQueryAnswer, String screenName, String emailAddress, long facebookId, String openId, String languageId, String timeZoneId, String greeting, String comments, String firstName, String middleName, String lastName, long prefixId, long suffixId, boolean male, int birthdayMonth, int birthdayDay, int birthdayYear, String smsSn, String facebookSn, String jabberSn, String skypeSn, String twitterSn, String jobTitle, long[] groupIds, long[] organizationIds, long[] roleIds, List<UserGroupRole> userGroupRoles, long[] userGroupIds, List<Address> addresses, List<EmailAddress> emailAddresses, List<Phone> phones, List<Website> websites, List<AnnouncementsDelivery> announcementsDelivers, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the useroldPassword
- the user's old passwordnewPassword1
- the user's new password (optionally
- the user's new password confirmation (optionally
- whether the user should be asked to reset their
password the next time they loginreminderQueryQuestion
- the user's new password reset questionreminderQueryAnswer
- the user's new password reset answerscreenName
- the user's new screen nameemailAddress
- the user's new email addressfacebookId
- the user's new Facebook IDopenId
- the user's new OpenIDlanguageId
- the user's new language IDtimeZoneId
- the user's new time zone IDgreeting
- the user's new greetingcomments
- the user's new commentsfirstName
- the user's new first namemiddleName
- the user's new middle namelastName
- the user's new last nameprefixId
- the user's new name prefix IDsuffixId
- the user's new name suffix IDmale
- whether user is malebirthdayMonth
- the user's new birthday month (0-based, meaning
0 for January)birthdayDay
- the user's new birthday daybirthdayYear
- the user's birthday yearsmsSn
- the user's new SMS screen namefacebookSn
- the user's new Facebook screen namejabberSn
- the user's new Jabber screen nameskypeSn
- the user's new Skype screen nametwitterSn
- the user's new Twitter screen namejobTitle
- the user's new job titlegroupIds
- the primary keys of the user's groupsorganizationIds
- the primary keys of the user's organizationsroleIds
- the primary keys of the user's rolesuserGroupRoles
- the user user's group rolesuserGroupIds
- the primary keys of the user's user groupsaddresses
- the user's addressesemailAddresses
- the user's email addressesphones
- the user's phone numberswebsites
- the user's websitesannouncementsDelivers
- the announcements deliveriesserviceContext
- the service context to be applied (optionally
). Can set the UUID (with the
attribute), asset category IDs, asset tag
names, and expando bridge attributes for the user.PortalException
@Transactional(propagation=SUPPORTS, readOnly=true) int getCompanyUsersCount(long companyId) throws PortalException
String getOSGiServiceIdentifier()
@Transactional(propagation=SUPPORTS, readOnly=true) List<User> getCompanyUsers(long companyId, int start, int end) throws PortalException
@Transactional(propagation=SUPPORTS, readOnly=true) List<User> getGroupUsers(long groupId) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the groupPortalException
@Transactional(propagation=SUPPORTS, readOnly=true) List<User> getOrganizationUsers(long organizationId) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the organizationPortalException
@Transactional(propagation=SUPPORTS, readOnly=true) List<User> getUserGroupUsers(long userGroupId) throws PortalException
@Transactional(propagation=SUPPORTS, readOnly=true) long getUserIdByEmailAddress(long companyId, String emailAddress) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the user's companyemailAddress
- the user's email addressPortalException
@Transactional(propagation=SUPPORTS, readOnly=true) long getUserIdByScreenName(long companyId, String screenName) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the user's companyscreenName
- the user's screen namePortalException
@Transactional(propagation=SUPPORTS, readOnly=true) long[] getGroupUserIds(long groupId) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the groupPortalException
@Transactional(propagation=SUPPORTS, readOnly=true) long[] getOrganizationUserIds(long organizationId) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the organizationPortalException
@Transactional(propagation=SUPPORTS, readOnly=true) long[] getRoleUserIds(long roleId) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the rolePortalException
void addGroupUsers(long groupId, long[] userIds, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the groupuserIds
- the primary keys of the usersserviceContext
- the service context to be applied (optionally
void addOrganizationUsers(long organizationId, long[] userIds) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the organizationuserIds
- the primary keys of the usersPortalException
void addPasswordPolicyUsers(long passwordPolicyId, long[] userIds) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the password policyuserIds
- the primary keys of the usersPortalException
void addRoleUsers(long roleId, long[] userIds) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the roleuserIds
- the primary keys of the usersPortalException
void addTeamUsers(long teamId, long[] userIds) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the teamuserIds
- the primary keys of the usersPortalException
void addUserGroupUsers(long userGroupId, long[] userIds) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the user groupuserIds
- the primary keys of the usersPortalException
void deletePortrait(long userId) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the userPortalException
void deleteRoleUser(long roleId, long userId) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the roleuserId
- the primary key of the userPortalException
void deleteUser(long userId) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the userPortalException
void setRoleUsers(long roleId, long[] userIds) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the roleuserIds
- the primary keys of the usersPortalException
void setUserGroupUsers(long userGroupId, long[] userIds) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the user groupuserIds
- the primary keys of the usersPortalException
void unsetGroupTeamsUsers(long groupId, long[] userIds) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the groupuserIds
- the primary keys of the usersPortalException
void unsetGroupUsers(long groupId, long[] userIds, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the groupuserIds
- the primary keys of the usersserviceContext
- the service context to be applied (optionally
void unsetOrganizationUsers(long organizationId, long[] userIds) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the organizationuserIds
- the primary keys of the usersPortalException
void unsetPasswordPolicyUsers(long passwordPolicyId, long[] userIds) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the password policyuserIds
- the primary keys of the usersPortalException
void unsetRoleUsers(long roleId, long[] userIds) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the roleuserIds
- the primary keys of the usersPortalException
void unsetTeamUsers(long teamId, long[] userIds) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the teamuserIds
- the primary keys of the usersPortalException
void unsetUserGroupUsers(long userGroupId, long[] userIds) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the user groupuserIds
- the primary keys of the usersPortalException
void updateOrganizations(long userId, long[] organizationIds, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the userorganizationIds
- the primary keys of the organizationsserviceContext
- the service context to be applied. Must set whether
user indexing is enabled.PortalException